Burn Notice (2007–2013): Season 5, Episode 5 - Square One - full transcript

Ethan, a young soldier back from Afghanistan, needs Michael's help finding the dangerous con man who put his sister in the hospital. In order to take him down, Michael has to teach Ethan some tricks of the spy trade and as they work together, Michael begins to see a younger version of himself in Ethan. Michael has problems of his own, however, trying to find the person who killed Max and framed him for it. Michael is introduced to AGENT PEARCE (Lauren Stamile), who's been sent by the CIA to investigate Max's murder and serve as Michael's new agency contact. Michael must do what he can to aid the CIA's investigation while keeping the evidence from leading to his own doorstep.

My name is Michael Westen.

I used to be a spy until--

- [ Man ] We got a burn notice
on you. You're blacklisted.
- [ Whistles ]

[ Michael Narrating ]
When you're burned,
you've got nothing--

no cash, no credit,
no job history.

You're stuck in whatever city
they decide to dump you in.

- Where am I?
- Miami.

You do whatever work
comes your way.

- You rely on anyone
who's still talking to you--
- [ Laughs ]

- a trigger-happy
- Should we shoot them?

an old friend
who used to inform on you
to the F.B.I.--

You know spies.
Bunch of bitchy little girls.

- Family too--
- Hey, is that your mom again?

- if you're desperate.
- Someone needs
your help, Michael.

Bottom line:
As long as you're burned,
you're not going anywhere.

[ Fiona ]
Mysterious trips around
the world with Max.

He's, what, your keeper
or whatever?

He's my Agency contact.

You've been putting up some
W's lately. The right people
are starting to take notice.

Michael Westen,
soon-to-be-reinstated agent
of the C.I.A.

How does that sound?
Sounds great.
Max, thanks for everything.


[ Groans ]

You stay with me.
Stay with me, Max.


[ Gunshots ]

Fi, someone shot Max,

the police are on the way,
and I think I'm holding
the murder weapon.

I covered my tracks,

so I covered the tracks
of the killer.

Michael, we have to
do something about that gun.

We need to get an alibi for you,
like right now.

Let's go to work.

[ Michael Narrating ]
As a spy, you're in
the information business--

stealing it, protecting it,

and, if you have to,
destroying it.

Some secrets are so dangerous
that you can't allow them
to continue to exist.

A murder weapon
that implicates you in a crime
you didn't commit, for example,

is a secret best kept
with 4,000 degrees
of burning thermite.

- Hey. Got here
as soon as I could.
- How'd it go?

Okay. Put together
some credit card receipts...

putting everyone in Key West
yesterday on a little vacation.

Key West?

You want an alibi
on such short notice,
you don't get to be picky.

You guys are
melting down a gun.
I don't have much choice.

Whoever did this knew
exactly what they were doing.

They managed to put a murder
weapon in Michael's hands
and get away clean.

I just want
to put this out there.
If we go to the cops now--

No. It's not gonna fly.
I talked to the cops.

The C.I.A. has taken over
the scene. They got
a case officer down here now.

And she wants me in
for a chat.

Oh, great. Perfect.

You have no idea
who killed Max?

None. Could be an enemy of Max's
who wants a burned spy
for a fall guy,

an enemy of mine looking
to keep me out of the game.

What about the people
who burned you?

You said you had doubts
about that investigation.
Anything's possible,

but I'm not gonna be able
to find out if I'm in jail
for first-degree murder.

- We have to get rid of the gun.
- Are you sure about this?

Once you start a cover-up,
there's no going back.
It's already started.

I trashed the key logs
at the murder scene
and wiped the place down.

The only thing
that's gonna save me
is finding the real killer.

This train's rolling, brother.
The only question is
whether you get on board.

Hell, yeah.
I'm on board. Yeah.

[ Shutter Clicks ]

You must be Michael Westen.

I'm Agent Pearce.
Thanks for coming.

No place I'd rather be.

Max was--

A friend? I know.

I'd, uh,
offer my condolences,

but I'm much better
at catching bad guys
than shedding tears.

We'll find
whoever did this.

What can I do?
Let me walk you
through the scene.

You be the killer.

We found two bullets
out in the hallway,

so if you're the killer,
you fire on Max out there,

miss, then chase him in here.

Blood spatter
says Max was where
I'm standing.

You bust in,
put two shots in his back.
He bleeds out here.

Now Max is dead.
What do you do?
Run to the exit.

I think you head
for the key log.

So you rip the hard drive
out of the wall.

Now there's no record
of your entry.

But how do you
get out clean?


No trace. Try again.

I hope you're not
asking me to jump.

Oh, you're the killer...
in this little exercise.

Is that how you escaped?

Not unless I could fly.
[ Chuckles ]

We found rope fibers,
and I got friction marks
right here.

Killer rappelled down.

Probably had help.

How are your climbing skills?
Not bad.

Why? Am I a suspect?

To be honest,
when I heard a burned spy
was mixed up with Max,

my first instinct
was to fit you for a head bag.

I appreciate your restraint.
Well, you did show up today.

And as your new Agency contact,

a head bag
wouldn't have started us off
on the right foot.

You're Max's replacement?
We worked on
some operations together.

I have some
investigations experience.

I asked for this assignment.

Max was one
of the good guys.

I want to find out
who did this
just as much as you do.

I'd love to have you
on the team.

You should know this
about me, though--

I've got a pit bull at home,
and I learned how to run
an investigation from her.

She sinks her teeth in,
she doesn't let go--

[ Laughing ]

She sounds
like a nice dog.
She can be.

But she is a very,
very determined bitch
when she wants something.

I need to know
I can count on you.

I'm your man.

I was hoping you'd say that.

[ Chattering ]

I don't get it. You're joining
the C.I.A. manhunt?

Did you forget
that search could end up
at your doorstep, Michael?

If I'm one of the hunters,
maybe I can avoid that.

Plus, looking over
Pearce's shoulder...

gives me a bird's-eye view
of the entire investigation.

We should be working
our own angle to find out
who killed Max.

Pearce is already
checking cell phone activity
from the day of Max's murder.

Why can't I just
cheat off her notes?

You think
the killer made a call?

I've never seen the police
respond that fast.

At least I can make sure
that they don't track
the phone call I made to you.

[ Sighs ]
So... check the phone records.

But if Pearce
starts poking around,

don't forget there are no
conjugal visits in C.I.A. jail.

Is that who you're
supposed to be meeting here?

Bad time for a client.
Who is he?

He was with the Special Forces
in Afghanistan.

My C.O. tracked me down,
asked for a favor.

And you're--

Not telling the captain
who pulled me out
of a burning jeep...

that I don't really have
the time
right now.

Michael? Lieutenant
Ethan Reed.

Ms. Westen.

Why don't you grab a seat,

So what can I do
for you?

Captain Novak
didn't tell me, really,

what this was about,
other than we have
a lot in common.

The C.I.A. recruiters on base
were hounding me pretty bad...

until I made it clear
I wasn't interested.

Or maybe it's that I beat
your sharpshooting record
at Camp Rhino--

94% from 600 meters.


So you here
to pick up the trophy?

No, no. I, uh--

Is there somewhere we can talk
that's more private?

Let's take a walk.

I got back from my tour
in Afghanistan
a couple of months ago,

and I found out that my sister
was dating this guy-- Brandon.

And I knew he was a scumbag,
but he seemed harmless.

What happened?

He, uh-- He nearly
beat her to death.

He put her
in intensive care.
I'm sorry, Ethan.

Have the cops
done anything?

They'd arrest him
if he fell in their lap,

but they're not looking
for him very hard.

I thought you could help me
track him down, using
some of your resources.

Right up my alley.

You end up finding Brandon.
What next?

After what he did to Heather--

I think Ethan's
already picked flowers
for Brandon's funeral.

You're not
thinking this through.
She's your sister.

It won't take long
for the cops to figure out
you're the number-one suspect.

So that's it? You're saying
you're not gonna help?

No. If you want my help,
Brandon goes to jail,
not to the morgue.

Fine. But I'm coming along
every step of the way.

When we catch him,
I want to be there.

At the very least,
I owe this guy a broken nose.

I can live with that.
Go to your meeting.

I'll call Sam, see if
we can lure Brandon
out of hiding.

Mrs. DePaolo?

We don't mean to bother you,
but is your son Brandon here?

He moved out years ago.

Oh, uh, could you tell us
where to find him?

Because Brandon's
got himself a brand-new laptop.

Hell, maybe even an iPad,
if this check ever finds him.

I don't know
where he is.

- And why is he getting a check?
- It's a legal matter.

Your son had some auto-body work
done at a shop in Brickell
a couple years back.

The owner of the shop just lost
a class-action lawsuit.

He was overcharging
his customers.

Brandon was a customer,
so Brandon gets a check.

I mean, two G's
may not seem like much, but--

Two thousand dollars?

I know it's an inconvenience,
but maybe you could
take the check...

and hand it off to Brandon
next time you see him?

I-- I could do that.

Great. Thank you very much.

So she took the check.
Now what?

Now Cathy
takes the money to Brandon,
or he shows up here.

Almost always works,
but it's not fast.

Why don't you go home?
We'll take the first shift.

No. No, I'm on every shift.

Lucky us.

[ Michael Narrating ]
Whether you're operating
out of a war room in Langley...

or commandeering a hotel
in South Beach,

all C.I.A. investigations
work the same.
[ Chattering ]

Because analysts are tied
directly into federal
and local databases,

they have information
at their fingertips.

What they don't have
is a magic button
that tells them...

what is a real lead
and what is a dead end.

That takes boots on the ground,
eyeballs on the screens...

and lots and lots of coffee.

What, the C.I.A.
can't afford filing cabinets?

Oh. I don't think
I'll be getting much sleep
until we find Max's killer.

So where are we?
What are we doing?

We'd like to revisit your
final operation with Max.
I read the file.

Some sort
of corporate espionage
the French were involved with?

Dead end. Got out clean.
The operation
before that then.

I'm telling you,
that's not where
you want to look.

We were doing
small-scale field operations,

nothing that would
get anyone killed.

If you are trashing
my leads,

you better have something
to suggest.

How about cell phone activity
around Max's office?

The F.B.I.'s
gonna run them down.

That's three weeks of red tape.

Are you sure that's a good idea?
These investigations take time,
Michael. You know that.

Someone who's not official
could work a lot faster
than the F.B.I.

If that were the case,
I wouldn't want
to know details,

because if that person
got caught digging--

They'd be on their own.

It was nice
not seeing you today.

[ Sighs ]
What's with the Yellow Pages?

Just a little
pleasure reading.

This is taking forever.
Brandon's not gonna show.

[ Michael ]
He'll show.
Just be patient.

In Afghanistan,
things were a lot simpler,
you know?

You get your orders,
you get your bullets,
take your shot.

Who do you think
gets the intel...

to tell you where
to point your rifle
and take that shot?

A spy sitting
in a car all day.

At least we got yogurt.

Hold on.
We have a guest.

[ Ethan ]
Yep, that's Brandon, all right.
Son of a bitch.

Hold on. Hold on.
We talked about this.
We'll grab him on the way out.

[ Michael Narrating ] Whether
you're kidnapping a ruthless
dictator in a foreign country...

or snatching
an abusive boyfriend
off the street,

it's best
not to leave a mess behind.

Using your target's own car
as a getaway vehicle...

keeps neighbors from asking
about the missing owner.

Plus, you don't
have to pay for gas.

- We're not gonna hurt you.
Just gonna ask some questions.
- [ Choking ]

Did you think you could
beat on my sister
and get away with it?

I didn't-- I d--

He didn't give a beating.
He took one.

- What does that mean?
- It means there's more
to this than what we know.

Look at his face.
Stand down.

Stand down.

You're all right.
It's all right.

We're just gonna go
for a little ride.

Gonna sort this out.

** [ Radio: Heavy Metal ]


I didn't touch your sister, man.
I would never hurt Heather.

Then tell us who did.
It's my boss, Brad Ramsey.

He runs a medical insurance scam
in Homestead.

He'd give me money
to pay off medical clerks.

I wanted to do something nice
for Heather,

so I skimmed some of the cash
to take her away for the week.

And Ramsey found out.
Heather fought back.

I tried to help, but--
You left her bleeding...

in the driveway of a hospital
like a stray dog.

What was I supposed to do?
You were supposed
to protect her!

And what about you, big bro?
Heather tried
calling you for help,

but you were too busy
playing Captain America
in Afghanistan.

Hey. Interrogation 101--

You lose your head,
they stop talking.
You can skip the spy school.

This bastard is the reason
Heather's breathing
through a tube right now.

Breaking his jaw
is not gonna get him to talk.

Go on. Cool off.
Go outside.

Okay. Upsy-daisy.

Stop crying.
You're all right.
[ Door Opens ]

[ Door Closes ]
Now, if you don't cooperate,

I'm gonna let Ethan
come back in here
and talk to you-- alone.

Do you understand?

All right.
Tell me everything you know
about Brad Ramsey.

[ Michael Narrating ]
People tend to think spies are
motivated by love of the game,

desire for adventure
or patriotic fervor.

The truth, though,
is that you don't choose a life
as a covert operative...

unless something deeper
is going on beneath the surface,

something more personal,
something harder to explain...

and something
a lot more painful.

[ Ethan ]
I should have been there.
Wasn't your fault.

[ Ethan ]
She was, uh--
She was so beautiful.

Now look at her.

If you want to get the guy
who put her in here,

I know how to do it.

So that's the guy
who beat my sister?

That's him.

Ramsey runs the scam
Brandon was wrapped up with.

[ Sam ]
The other chucklehead
is Joel Davenport.

He steals Medicare numbers
so Ramsey can use them
to bilk the insurance companies.

These guys are ruining
a lot of lives.

The clinic
used to help people,

but now it's basically
just a private A.T.M.
for these scumbags.

So the guy's
even more of a bastard
than we thought?

Same plan as before,

Dragging Ramsey to the police
isn't an option now.

The cops were your idea,

Well, your sister
basically helped rip off
a scam artist.

I'm just saying,
the cops are not gonna
make it a priority.

We grab him now,
Ramsey spends a few hours
behind bars.

He'll be out in time
for happy hour.

On the other hand, if we can
get him to show us the details
of his little business,

he'll rot in jail
until you're old and gray.

We're just gonna
politely ask him
if we can see his scam?

- You think that'll work?
- No, I'll have
to approach Ramsey...

as the kind of guy
he'd want to talk to.

No. I'm approaching Ramsey.

Was I unclear
when I said I'm coming along
every step of the way?

Ethan, you're not
trained for this.
Then train me.

When this is over,
I want him to know it was me.

I owe that to Heather.

All right, kid.

You're gonna need
a suit.

** [ Techno ]

[ Man ]
* Kiss me *

- * Kiss me *
- [ Chattering, Laughing ]

* Oh, yeah, kiss me *

* Kiss me *

* Kiss me *

* Come over here and kiss me **

Excuse me.
We're looking
for Brad Ramsey.

Well, you found him.
[ Ethan ] We don't mean
to spoil the party,

but we'd like
a few minutes of your time,
talk a little business.

Yeah? Well, I'm pretty sure
that you guys aren't
on the guest list.

Just give us two minutes
of your time--

no interruptions,
no intrusions--

and I promise you,
next year at this time,

your vacation home in Rio
will make this place look
like a dollhouse.

Let's talk over here.

What kind of business
you guys in?
Same as you,

only on
a much bigger scale.

We can't go into
much detail right now,

but our network
is pulling in
some serious cash.

We'd like to
bring you in.

I only work
for one man-- me.

I'm doing just fine
on my own.

That's why we want you.

But why settle
for just fine when
you could be doing great?

You got to think bigger.

I mean, sure,
your kiddy pool
with a "view" is fine,

But the pool at our place
on Star Island--
now, that's great.

[ Ethan ]
Come to our party.
Check it out.

Who knows?
Maybe you'll like
what we have to offer.

No offense--
I mean, I'm sure you
guys are doing great,

but, uh, I got things
under control.

We're talking big time here.
You want to be bush-league

Who are you calling bush-league?

You'll have
to forgive my young,
enthusiastic friend.

When we found him,

he was scraping by
on six grand a week
in a time-share scam,

so we had to drag him out
of the gutter.

Sometimes his passion
gets ahead of his manners.

Here's our info--

in case you change your
mind about...

moving up in the world.

I have to get back to my guests.

Feel free to stick around.
Have a beer.

And then get the hell
off my property.

I just blew it.
You did fine.

Did you clock his face
when I said six grand a week?

We'll be seeing him

Hey, man.


What-- I'm sorry.

Am I in the wrong--

This is Michael Westen's
place, right?

Look, I knew Fi was gonna shake
things up a little bit in here,
but come on now, man.

You got a breadbasket.
Are you cool with all this?

Yeah, you know,
it's a...


You got an update
on those phone records?

But before I do,
I just want to point out,

even if you can dodge
this frame-up thing,

you and I could get into
a lot of trouble for this.
I owe you, Jesse.

No, I mean, like,
this is in violation
of an executive order...

and a pretty big
Constitutional amendment.

I really owe you?
Yeah. You do.

Okay. All these red dots...

represent cell-phone calls
made around Max's building.

Now, if we eliminate
all the calls...

made a half hour
before or after Max's death--

anything with, uh, family plans,
anything easily traceable--

we are left with one call.

Made from a burner cell
to a pay phone. Boom.

The killer was
probably signaling
that the job was done.

It's a dead end.
Oh, no.

No, you will not rain
on my cell-phone magic parade,

because I tracked the burner
to the bodega that sold it.

I'm gonna go
grab the security tapes
and find out who bought it.

[ Phone Ringing ]
I really,
really owe you, Jesse.

Yes, you do.
Sam, what's going on?

Ramsey just called.
Said he can't wait
to go to our party.

You would've been proud,

Watching Ethan work a cover
was like seeing a baby
take his first steps,

only, you know,
less adorable.

- Did your new lady friend
get us a car?
- You call it a car.

I call it a work of art.
What about the house?

Are we ready to introduce Ramsey
to a new life?

Yeah, yeah.
We're all set.
But listen, Mike.

Just so we're clear,
nothing happens
to Big Mama's wheels...

or the mansion.

'Cause once
you've laid your head
on 2,000-thread-count sheets,

you never want to go
back to the couch.

Oh, yeah.

[ Beeps ]
Is that potpourri
that I'm smelling?

You're killing me, man.

[ Chattering, Laughing ]

[ Michael Narrating ]
Jealousy is a delicate emotion.

Show someone
what they can't have,
and they'll just resent you.

Give it to them too easy,
and they won't appreciate it.

The key is allowing them
just enough of a taste
so all they want is more.

Ah! Our guest of honor.

Still can't believe
I'm supposed to drink
with the guy.

Just think of it this way--
Every time the bastard
cracks a smile,

he's tightening the noose
around his own neck.

Hey! Look who's here!

It's about time.
Better late than never.

Think our friend here
needs a drink, yeah?

- So I said, "Shoot the dog."
- And so I did.

[ All Laughing ]
Oh, sorry, ladies.

Aw, come on, now.
Don't worry.
We'll get to 'em later.

Somebody I want you to meet.
Fast Eddie, Brad Ramsey.

The infamous Brad Ramsey.
Bring it in here.

Been called worse.

[ Laughing ]
Yeah, I'll bet you have, man.
Hey, sit down, guys.

[ Jesse ]
Please, please.

So Eddie here is the wizard
behind our global network.

He sets up
fake medical facilities
that spit out real money.

It's easy, really.
A lot of places
around the world,

health care
is 10% of the G.D.P.

It's so big, no one
even notices when we take
a little slice for ourselves.

- Isn't that right?
- That's just fancy talk...

for "We have
a very good thing going."

[ Sam ]
Oh, look, I'm a little low.

Why don't you fill him in?
I'll be right back.

Seems like you guys
got it all figured out.
What do you need me for?

Oh. One can never have
too many friends.

South Florida is
a Medicare gold mine.

Okay? Our only problem is,
we're not hooked up down here.

You are,
so we want to see
your whole network.

Then we combine your ideas
with our capital,
everybody gets rich.

What are you, crazy?
Took me seven years
to set up my business.

You think I'm just
gonna hand it over?

No, we're not asking you
to hand over anything, Ramsey.
This is a merger.

We get to see the details
behind your operation,

the mind that created it,
and then you get all this.

[ Car Horn Honks ]
Oh. There's the boss.

He blew off Pebble Beach
to meet you.

- Shall we?
- [ Jesse ]
Come on, man.



You must be Ramsey.
Welcome aboard.

Not so fast.
I ain't signed
any dotted lines just yet.

Did I hop on my G6
for a "maybe"?

What can I say?
The best don't come easy.

I'm sorry.
"I'm sorry"?

"I'm sorry" doesn't get me
back on the links in time
for the back nine, does it?

- What's the hold up?
- It's not his fault.

This seems
too good to be true.

Then your guys
start asking details
about my business.

I mean, how do I know
you're not cops?

- [ Laughing ]
- [ Michael ]
Fair question.

Deserves an honest answer.

Cops write tickets.

Cops eat doughnuts.

They don't do this.

Son of a bitch!
[ Groans ]

I learned jujitsu
on the sands of Okinawa.

Aaah! That's--
That's my car!

No, that's not your car.

That's your car.
I call it "the thinking car."

Take your time.
Have a ball.

[ Engine Starts ]

[ Tires Squeal ]

"Thinking car"?
Felt right at the time.

It felt--
I don't give a damn
how it felt.

I better see my car again,
I know the feeling, buddy.

[ Ethan ]
So when are we finished
with the car-giving phase?

I'd love to get
to the ass-kicking phase.

Seducing Ramsey
with our scam
is a process, Ethan.

He's inches away from
giving us everything
we need to take him down.

Now, the more info
we can ask him for
about the scam,

the more he's got
to talk to his guys.

We drop a bug
in those conversations,

the cops are gonna have
some easy listening.

So I have to hang
with him some more?

As soon as we get everything
we need from the bug,

you can break off
your friendship,
but you have to be--

Patient. I know. I know.
So how do we get the bug on him?

Well, Ramsey
was damn near drooling
over my watch, Mike.

Let's give him another gift.

Mike, what happened
to the bench,
the one with the work toys?

Fiona thought
that she didn't want
to mix work with--

It's in the back now.

[ Michael Narrating ]
When bugging a watch,

it's better to use
a good-looking knockoff
than its authentic counterpart,

and not just because
it's easier on your wallet.

The insides of a fake timepiece
are usually smaller and simpler,

leaving more room
for hiding a listening device.

As long as your target
isn't a watch connoisseur,

zinc alloy and cubic zirconia
are a great way of saying
"Let's be friends."

Ramsey, my man.

Here you go.

Boss was glad
you finally came
to your senses.

I was glad too.

Yeah, I'll be glad
when I start to see
some serious green.

Hey, I like that.
It reminds me of me.

Once you give the boss
the details
on your operation,

we'll bring you
up to speed on our system,

and from there,
smooth sailing.

Hey. Look at this.

I got you
a little welcome gift.

Well, now.

I think that'll look
just great on me.

I got one just like it.
I call it "the lucky watch."

If I were you,
I'd never take that thing off.

Think I can do that.

All right. Come on. Come on.
The guys are waiting for you.

Thousand bucks,
you hit nothing but water.

We'll see about that.

[ Groans ]
Double or nothing?

[ Ethan ]
Hey. Look who I found.


If you're here,
then you're done thinking.

That car can be
pretty convincing.

Good. Now that
you're coming on board,
let's iron out the details.

We need to get
an understanding of how
you move your money around.

Way ahead of you.
This is the Medicare
fee schedule from my last scam.

You came all the way here
to waste our time?

This could have been written
on a cocktail napkin!

[ Gunshots ]

[ Michael ]
What we're looking for is--

well, everything.

All your doctor names,
all your patient numbers,

every little detail
of your enterprise.

You give us that,
then we can move forward.


[ Sam ]
Triple or nothing?

I'll talk to my guys,
put something together.

You do that.

Just so you know,
I'm keeping the Porsche.

If you tried
to give it back,
I'd worry about you.

Yeah, uh, Mike,
since Jesse's helping you
with your little C.I.A. problem,

you might want
to get his car back for him.

One problem at a time,

[ Bell Dings ]

[ Michael Narrating ]
In certain neighborhoods,

posing as a dirty cop
is a great way
to confiscate information.

It gives you the authority
that comes with a badge...

and invokes the fear that comes
with being a criminal.

Hello there.

I'm Officer Stone.

We have ourselves
a little situation.

Last week, Officer Goodtimes
over there came in here
and bought a jug of vodka...

- with his pay-by-the-hour
- Stressful job, Sharon.

Guy's got to blow off
a little steam
every now and again.

This guy knows
what I'm talking about.

The thoroughly embarrassing

is all over
your surveillance tapes,
and we're gonna need 'em.

Yeah. Those tapes
are pretty expensive.

I suppose I could
part with them for,
oh, 500 bucks?

You know what?
It might be easier to throw
your sorry ass in jail...

for those bootleg DVDs
you got back there.

And selling booze to minors.


Got a real
state-of-the-art operation
going on here, don't you?

It's everything
from last month.

We're gonna need some popcorn.

Got a better idea.
Throw in a carton of smokes.

[ Fiona ]


And I'm watching
all of these why?

A friend of mine,
he was murdered.

The killer might be
on one of these tapes.

Mmm. What am I
looking for exactly?

Whenever you see
someone buy a cell phone,

mark the date and time.

[ Madeline ]
Well, it's your lucky day,

- 'cause I'm boycotting my
favorite soap this week.
- Oh?

Dr. Wesley broke off
his engagement
and he moved to Alaska!

That's too bad.

Yeah. How's it going with--
What's his name?

Ethan? He's holding his own.

[ Ramsey ]
Joel, Joel.

Just give me the paperwork
for the doctors' I.D.'s.

[ Joel ]
How am I supposed
to trust you?

What the hell
are you talking about?
I'm in charge of this.

Your judgment's off

Those guys who
gave you the Porsche--
you don't even know them!

Are you sure
this is gonna work?
We'll make it work.

I talked to the other guys,
and they all agree with me--
you're a liability.

First, you put that girl
in the hospital.

If she recovers--
If that bitch recovers,
I'm gonna finish her off!

No big deal!
What are you doing?
Let go of me.

Joel, I need you
to listen to me very carefully.

He's talking
about killing my sister.
You all right?

I got no problem putting you
or any of the other guys...

in a hospital room
if I have to.
Yeah. I--

I just need
to get some air.

It's my business, not yours.
I make the decisions.

You're not even supposed
to be back here.

We'll talk later.

[ Joel ]
Yeah. yeah. Okay, fine.
[ Engine Starts, Tires Squeal ]

What do you want to bet
he's going after Ramsey
at the clinic?

We better get there first.

[ Tires Screeching ]

Where the hell is he?

Well, Ethan's a sniper.
He's not taking a shot
from here.

He'd try to find a perch.

Right there-- 9:00.

[ Jesse ]
Man, the kid set up fast.

He wouldn't fire on Ramsey
in a crowd, would he?

He's like Michael.

He'll wait
for a clear shot.

All right. Let's go.
I'll talk him down.

[ Fiona ]
It's too late.
We need a distraction.

[ Michael Narrating ]
Protecting a target
from a bullet...

sometimes means taking
a few shots at them yourself.

A near miss puts the target
on their guard...

and keeps the real gunman
at bay.

- Fi. Fi, not my car!
- Relax.

I'll just put one
through the windshield.

[ Michael Narrating ]
But you can never predict
how someone is going to react...

to a bullet
whizzing by their head.

What the hell!

[ Tires Squealing ]

[ Gasps ]

Just the windshield, Fi?

He what?
No, he never
got a shot off.

Fi fired first
and scared Ramsey away.

Not to say
it's a victimless crime
because my car--

What the hell
were you thinking?

You want to know
what I was thinking?
I was thinking...

as long as I corrected
for a slight breeze...

and pulled the trigger
on my exhale,

the guy who put
my sister in the hospital
wasn't going to exist anymore.

We had a deal.
We had a plan.
And your plan wasn't working!

It wasn't working as fast
as you wanted it to.
Big difference.

You got a way to bring
the son of a bitch down
before I retire? I'm all ears.

We needed Ramsey
talking to his crew.

Now he thinks someone's
trying to kill him.

He's not gonna talk
to his crew. He's not
gonna talk to anyone.

Three voice mails
in the last hour.
Ramsey can't stop calling me.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, come on.
That's a little funny.

Dude's reaching out
to the guy that,
um, tried to kill him.

I'm sorry.
[ Clears Throat ]

we can still use this.

Things are already tense
in Ramsey's crew.

You call him.
You tell him--
No, no, no, no, no!

I'm done pretending
to be this bastard's friend!

[ Door Opens ]

All right. So, uh--

Sounds like you want
to turn Ramsey on his own crew,
pin the shooting on them?

But the only person
who can run point
just walked out the door.

He is not an option--

Unless you want
to be in the room standing
between Ethan and Ramsey.

[ Madeline ]
Familiar scene out there.

You remember when you came home
on leave that first time?

You spent hours out there
the day that you found out...

that Patrick Garney
had stolen your girlfriend.

And then you stole
his motorcycle and drove it
into the Miami River.

Mom, I think
this is a little different.

If you say so.

How many years of training
did it take before you learned
to curb your anger, Michael?

The man you are today
is not the boy who left home.

You were a scared kid
when you left.

You were angry at the world.
You were angry at everything.

I've seen
loved ones get hurt.

I've never plotted
to kill anyone
in cold blood.


Your mother raised you
better than that.

Someone has to teach him,

You can save it.

You want Ramsey dead,

and you don't think
I have anything to say
worth listening to.

Well, I understand that feeling.

So, uh, do you want
to compare body counts?

All right, if it's gonna be
that kind of talk.
Actually, it's not.

I'm telling you I know
more about this than you do.

You're not in a war zone
anymore, Ethan.

So you're saying you think
I'll regret killing the guy
'cause this isn't a battlefield?

Listen to me. I won't.

I want to finish this
my way.

You don't get to do
what you want to do.

You lost that right the moment
your sister got beaten.

What's that supposed
to mean?
Your life doesn't belong to you.

Your decisions
affect other people.

You need to start thinking
about Heather.

That is what I'm doing.

You can't help her
from jail.

You know who acts
out of selfish anger?

The Ramseys of this world.

And that's their weakness.

And that's what you use
to destroy them.

What do I do?

You look Ramsey in the eye
one last time.

You go to bat for him.

You convince him
you are his best friend.

And when he's ready
to burn his whole life
to cinders,

you hand him the match.

[ Pounding ]

[ Ethan ]
Ramsey! Ramsey!

- Come on.
- Ramsey,
what the hell's going on?

Come on.

Come on! Come on.

Someone shot at me
coming out of the clinic.

I hope to God
you're kidding.

Someone's shooting at him.
We're through here.
Thanks for playing.

- Next.
- Whoa, hold on. Hold on.

Every problem's got a solution.
Does anyone have a reason
to shoot at you?

Do you have any problems?
Any of your people
know about our deal?

My guys? Oh, they would--
They would never.

[ Exhales ]
Well, wait. There was--

There was one guy
that was pissed
that I was talking to you.

Every time we work
with amateurs,

the minute money's
on the table,
people start shooting.

Okay, but it's his people,
it's not him,
so give the guy a break.

You can take care of this
the way you did for me.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on.
What are you talking about?

He means turn your crew
over to the cops.
Are you slow?

That's how we got rid
of the kid's baggage
when he started working for me.

Turn the cops on my crew?

If they're shooting
at you, they're not
your crew anymore.

If you're working with us,
we got to tie up loose ends.

I can't--

This is the moment,
all right?

If you want to work with us,
this deal could pull in
50 mil a year.

That's 10% for you.
That's your cut.

Five million?
Yeah, but you don't get
any of that...

unless you can take care
of your problems here.

What's it gonna be?

Kid, let's go.
All right, wait. Wait.

All right.

I can do this, okay? Yes.

Change your shirt.
You look like a hick.

Call our guys.
Let's get this done.

This is everything I got.
You sure none of this
is gonna point back at me?

Not that it matters.
You'll be on the beach
in the Caymans.

Maybe you'd like
a little company.

All right.

Love to stay for the fun part,
but we gotta jet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's this for?
It's for the house.

We're making sure
nothing connects
any of this to you.

You want me to burn
my own house down?
Uh, yeah.

Come on, Ramsey. Be serious.

How many parties
have you had in this place?

Your crew has
fingerprints everywhere--
hair, DNA, all kinds of crap.

Believe me, we're gonna
set you up with a new place
to call home.

[ Michael Narrating ]
For a spy--
[ Gas Hissing ]

revenge is a dish
that is rarely served at all.

The mission objective
always takes priority
over personal satisfaction.

Care to do the honors?

But if conning a scam artist
into burning...

everything he's worked
his whole life to build
serves that mission,

it's hard not to take
a little joy...

in watching it all
go up in flames.

Come on, man.
Don't sweat it.

The boss has got the jet
fueled and ready.

and we'll be in Monaco.

[ Car Doors Close ]

I take it
everything went well.

Like a dream.

I'll tell the pilot
we're ready to take off.

[ Cell Phone Beeping ]
If you have any other
loose ends,

now's the time to speak up.

Nope. No loose ends.

Wait, what was that?
You think of something?

No, man, it's nothing.
It's all good.

If you're holding something back
and the boss finds out
about it later,

he's gonna drop your body
off that jet.

There is something.

It's just this bitch.

Okay? I beat her down.
I put her in the hospital.

- Is there a problem?
- No, we're fine.

We're just working out
one last little... kink.

Some bitch in a hospital bed?

Then you need
to take care of it.

What do you mean,
take care of it?

Little poison in the I.V.,
and she'll sleep forever.
Kill her?

Listen, you can wrap this up
or you can hang here
with your boys,

wait till they rat you out,
and let the cops drag you.

It's your choice.

Clock's ticking.

Okay. I-I'll do it.

I'll put the bitch
out of her misery.

[ Michael Narrating ]
A soldier on the battlefield
would never dream...

of intentionally putting
a dangerous weapon
in the hands of an enemy.

But, as a spy,
sometimes the only way
to solve a problem...

is trusting a bad guy
to do what comes naturally.

And if you help with the plan,
you know exactly how
to make them fail.

Drop it! Put the needle down!
What the hell, man?

Get off of me, man!
Get him out of here!

Get off of me, man!
I was set up, man.
I was set up!

You got him? Great.

I would have felt
so guilty if something bad
would have happened.

No, uh, I'd rather not
give my name.

I don't even know the guy.
I'm just a citizen
doing my duty.

[ Phone Beeps ]

Hey! That's the guy!

That's the guy
that set me up, man!

That's the guy right there.
He's right there!

[ Knocking ]
[ Michael ]
It's open.

I just got back
from the hospital.

It's still touch-and-go
with Heather, but she's
through the worst patch,

so I'll be by her side
every day.

Good. Sam called
with some more good news.

Looks like Ramsey's
enjoying his jail time
with all the guys he ratted out.

Huh! I'm offended
he didn't call me first.
I thought we were friends.

I should tell you,
I did some thinking,

and I'm having lunch
with those C.I.A. recruiters
next week.

What is it?

Well, I was wondering,
does, um--

Does it ever get any easier?

No. It never does.

You know, your pep talks
are getting worse.
[ Chuckles ]

Well, can you at least
tell me this?

If you could do it
all over again, would you?

It's who I am.

I don't know how
to be anybody else.

Not really an answer,
but I guess, uh--
I guess it'll do.

Take care of yourself,

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

What, so that's it
on the forensics then?

I want answers, not excuses.

All right, you know what?
Don't even bother.

I don't want to read
a 20-page field report
on how you found nothing.

[ Sighs ]
Langley's all over my ass,

and my leads are evaporating
left and right.

Max's financial records,
Traffic cams, nothing.

You better have brought me
something to chew on.
Thank you.

Could be something.
Found a burner cell
in the records you gave me.

Phone was purchased
at a bodega on 6th.

They have a security camera?

You already got the footage.

I don't want to know how.
I just want answers.

Already sifting
through the tapes.

I'll have something
to report soon.

You'll have a report
for me tomorrow.

Isn't that what I just said?

Uh, Michael?

I'm counting on you here.
So is Max's family.

Mom? I got your call.

Did you find something
on the tape?

Michael, you need to tell me
what this is all about
right now.

I already told you.
My friend--

You told me this security tape
would lead to the man
who killed your friend.

I know you spared me
some details.

I need them now.

The person
who killed my friend...

went to a lot of trouble
to make it look like I did it.

I'm hoping the real killer
is on that tape.

You need to see this.

He has your posture,
your-your walk.

He's got you down, Michael.

Good luck convincing anybody
else it isn't you.