Burn Notice (2007–2013): Season 3, Episode 4 - Fearless Leader - full transcript

Michael, Fi and Sam pose as an underboss' crew to bring down a criminal and hopefully get Detective Paxson off Michael's case. Meanwhile, Sam is audited by a humorless, no-nonsense IRS agent.

My name is Michael Westen.

I used to be a spy until-

- We got a burn notice
on you. You're blacklisted.

When you're burned, you've got nothing-

no cash, no credit, nojob history.

- You're stuck in whatever city
they decide to dump you in.
- Where am I?


You do whatever work comes your way.

You rely on anyone who's still talking to you-

- a trigger-happy ex-girlfriend-
- Should we shoot them?

An old friend who used to
inform on you to the F.B.I. -

You know spies.
Bunch of bitchy little girls.

- Family too-
- Hey, is that your mom again?

- if you're desperate.
- Someone needs your help, Michael.

Bottom line: As long as you're burned,
you're not going anywhere.

In any operation, whether it's
sneaking into an embassy...

or collecting debts for a bookie...

it's important to lay out a plan
before you go into action.

If you're going to disagree,
it's best to get it out of the way...

before any shots are fired.

I'm gonna ask this guy one more time, politely...

for my client's money back.

- If he doesn't pay-
- We shove him into a trunk at gunpoint.

Do you have a better way
to make five grand?

The guy is a charmless sleazebag.

No one's getting hurt. Perfect job.

"The perfect job," Fi- Seriously.

We can use the cash, Michael.

We're setting up a nice little business here.
We ought to do it right.

Got my eye on a new ankle holster.

God knows the Charger
could use some air conditioning.

Actually, I was hoping to use my share...

to get in touch with
some old intelligence contacts.

Oh- Bribing people
to get your oldjob back.

Honestly, Michael,
I'd rather you spend it on drugs.

Why don't we compromise?

I'll buy you dinner tonight.
Someplace nice.

Fine. It's a date.

Give me exactly three minutes.

If I'm not out,
you come on in with the shotgun.

There's a breaching round for the door,
and rock salt for the sleazebag and his friends.

Wish me luck.

For many operations, two-man teams are ideal-

Simple chain of command,
easy to delegate responsibility...

- and little room for confusion.
- Does Randall know you're coming?

Oh, I want it to be a surprise.

Of course, with a
two-man team there's not a lot of margin for error.

All it takes is a cop
showing up at the wrong moment...

and the team ceases to exist.

Detective Paxson. Good to see you.

Mr. Westen. You're a tough one to track down.

You have a moment?

- Another time would be better.
- What the hell are you doin' here?

I'm asking politely one last time...

for my client's 20 grand.

Told you, I ain't got it,
and I'm not paying.

Tell Scotty ifhe wants it,
he can come here and get it himself.

- You look preoccupied.
- I'm just picking up a friend from a poker game.

She consumed an alcoholic beverage.
I volunteered to be her designated driver.

You know, I should give her a call.

Oh, don't- Don't rush on my account.

I'm not going back
to my client empty-handed.

If I can't deliver the money,
then I'll deliver you.

You will, huh? You gonna
carry me out yourself?

No, I'll have a little help.

Were you expecting someone?

Come on. What's going on?

- Hey!
- What are you doing?

- She may have consumed
two alcoholic beverages.

- Everything okay here?
- Absolutely. Why?

Great party! I'll see you later.

I'm sure you can explain all this, but, frankly,
I've had enough of your explanations.

So that's why I brought you
some babysitters.

Apolice tail. Lucky us.

We can make your extracurricular activities...

a lot more dangerous for you-
and for your friends.

So I answer your questions,
or you get us killed. Is that the idea?

No. You answer my questions
before you get yourselves killed.

Looks like we have a chaperone
on our date tonight.

I distinctly recall
you saying someplace nice.

We're at the Carlito.
We eat half our meals here.

Have you forgotten what a date is?

I said that when I thought
we were gonna be five grand richer.

- Would you like anything else?
- Yes.

Your most expensive dessert, please.

So Randall's off to party in Cancun
with my client's money.

Look at the bright side, Fi.
You weren't killed.

Oh, please. If a loser like Randall
can kill me, then I deserve it.

Well, you two look as good as I feel.

You invited him?

I need an invite to Carlito's now?

I'm being audited.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Fun, fun, fun.

Is that courtesy of Detective Paxson?

Nah, it's been building up for a while.

Something about deducting mojitos.

Hey, speaking of Paxson-

- Is this gonna be like a 24-hour-a-day type deal?
- For now.

And with our lifestyle, one of Paxson's
surprise visits could get someone killed.

Yeah. I know. I've been trying
to come up with something on her.

Problem is, she's a good cop.
She's too clean to blackmail.

We gotta come up with a whole new angle.

- Okay, wait a second. Is- Is this a date?
- Yes.

- No. This is officially not a date.
- All righty.

Can you bring us another spoon?

You're not gonna eat that cherry, are you?

Oh, ho, ho.

When you're being followed by the police...

it's important to remember
that having cops around...

is a problem for criminals,
but it's an even bigger problem...

for a detective trying
to remain inconspicuous on a stakeout.

- Waiting for a friend?
- I'm on police business.

- You need to get out of here now.
- I'm police business, aren't I?

Apparently I'm important enough
to have a 24-hour tail.

- This is a bad time.
- Are you on a stakeout?

Are you waiting for someone to come home?

Do you need help with your cover I. D?

I could be a fellow
coffee lover, a boyfriend-

- Anything you need.
- I'm working another case here-

a case I've spent eight months
trying to crack.

People are dying, Mr. Westen.

- I don't have time for these games.
- Neither do I, Detective.

I'm telling you, we're on the same side.

I'll determine what side you're on.

You say we're on the same side?
Prove it to me.

You know, maybe you do need some proof.

You're right. We should talk later.

Sam, I think I found a new angle.

I need you to find out a little more
about another case Paxson's working on.


After your birthday cake,
I decided I'd take up cooking.

- It's supposed to be relaxing.
So far I'm not convinced.
- Uh, let me know how that goes.

Hey, Mom, if the cops out front ask,
tell 'em I've run to the store.

You know, Michael, I'd appreciate it...

if, when you stopped by,
it wasn't only to lose your police tail.

Mom, please. I'm supposed to meet Sam.

Fine. Pick me up some eggs.

And some cigarettes!

- Hey, Mikey. What's up with the new car?
- Three hundred bucks.

Statistically, it's
the second-most-popular car in Miami.

Should make tailing me
a little more challenging.

So it turns out there was a harassment
complaint filed against Paxson a month ago.

So you're not the only guy
she's pursuing night and day.

- And I thought I was special.
- Guy's name is Matheson.

He's got a habit
of ripping off drug dealers.

Left a trail of bodies across Miami.

Oh. The guy they're puttin'
in the ground right there-

He was a neighbor at one of the heists.

Caught in the cross fire.

- Does she have a case against Matheson?
- No.

He covers his tracks like a pro. See, Paxson
took a bunch of swings at him and missed...

so he filed the harassment suit.

D.A. Made her back off,
so he doesn't even have to hide anymore.

- Do we know where he's not hiding?
- We do.

I think it's time
Paxson got a little help with her case.

We take Matheson down the right way,
she'll have no choice but to get off my back.

- I don't think she wants our help.
- Well, she's getting it.

He deserves somejail time,
and she deserves a break.

Right. Well, you enjoy your new wheels.
I gotta get to my audit.

- You gonna be all right?
- Oh, yeah, I think so.

The I.R.S. Agent's name is Stacey Conolly.

Time to deploy the Sam Axe arsenal.

In any sort of operation...

In any sort of operation...

flirtation is always a tactical option.

Romance is a powerful force...

and under the right circumstances,
it can achieve your objective.

Of course, not every circumstance
is the right one.

Good afternoon, Mr. Axe.

- Hi, uh-
- Stacey Conolly. I.R.S.

Now, this is a rather
unfortunate place for an audit meeting.

We have a lot of work to get through,
Mr. Axe, and the calypso music...

- is a distraction we do not need.
- Two Cosmos.

- I assume the, uh, pink beverages
are an attempt to get me drunk.

Well, it's not gonna work,
because I do not drink, Mr. Axe.

I audit.

Right. Uh, no, actually.
These are, uh-These are for me.

I see. Well, you'll need them.

I, uh, pulled your file.
It's not pretty. It's not pretty at all.

Now, this is to inform you
that your pension checks are being held.

They'll be released
once we reconcile every penny...

you've spent over the last three years.

Now, I assume you brought your records.

Um, no. I just thought
we would get acquainted.

This is not a good start.

This is not a good start at all.

My office will contact you
with a new appointment.

Remember, Mr. Axe-

The I.R.S. Can't be charmed with
a fancy shirt, smooth talk and pink drinks.

The I.R.S. Demands the truth, okay?

Good day.

Michael, this Matheson creep
rips off drug dealers for a living.

You sure this is the easiest way
to get Paxson off your back?

The easiest way to get her off my back
is to answer her questions.

This way doesn't involve me going to jail.

Finding a way into a criminal organization...

is about observing social dynamics.

- She says-
- You start with a target.

I'm, like, "Good luck. "

Hey, what are you doing?
I'm in the middle of a story here.

- Sorry.
- Just leave my drink alone
until I'm done talkin', okay?

- Seems lovely.
- Watch your step, kid.

You're looking
forjust the right person to approach.

People in the inner circle
are usually too tough to go after.

Anyone with real power is bound to be cautious.

Drivers and bodyguards are easier...

but they usually don't have real access.

You want someone with enough juice
to be hungry for more...

someone desperate to make a move.

In short, you're looking
for a frustrated middle manager.

What did I say, Tommy?

How many times I gotta tell you?

No business talk here.

None. See, that's your problem, Tommy.

You don't think.

Now get out.

- I think I found our guy.
- Good, 'cause we need to leave.

Hear those sirens? Those are for us.

Sam called. Detective Paxson
found my car on Sixth.

She's gonna start searching the area.
If Mr. Personality here sees you with Paxson-

It'll be almost as bad
as Paxson seeing us with him. Let's go.

Hey, Detective. Always a pleasure.

I see you left your police escort
back at your mother's house.

- Oh, I knew I forgot something.
- Let me be clear, Mr. Westen.

Every time you ditch your escort,
you dig yourself a deeper hole.

I'm taking you down.
Just a matter of time.

Hold still, Mike.

To the educated eye, a prison tat tells a story-

Where you did time, why you did time...

and who you did it with.

It's a little like
a job résumé for criminals.

Mmm. I leave you two alone for a minute-

I'm just giving Mike his prison ink, Fi.

I think I might have a second career here.

Sam checked out that guy Tommy-
The one Matheson was smacking around.

Yeah. Tommy D'Antonio.
He's pretty small-time.

Some counterfeit concert tickets.
Some B and E.

Did two years in Allendale
for armed robbery.

Now he's pretty much a fixture at the dog track
when he's not hanging around with Matheson.

You think this guy's gonna
get us onto Matheson's crew?

- He's the best we got.
- Okay. There you go-

That'll do it. I should charge you
for those bricks. That's art, man.

Beautiful, Sam.

I gotta take the "over the roof
and down the rain gutter'"exit.

- Mind keepin' 'em busy for me?
- Sure thing, Mikey.

Every kid who ever went to a new school...

knows the secret to fitting in-
Copy everyone else.

Spies do the same thing-

Tailor their wardrobe,
their movement and their behavior...

to imitate their targets.

All the little things that say,
"I'm your kind of guy. '"

Freakin' dogs.

Looks like you got my kind of luck.

I should just throw my money
on the ground. Save myself some time.

Eh, I got some good picks comin' up.

- You got some picks?
- Yeah.

Yeah. I need 'em.

You're, uh-You're Tommy D'Antonio, right?

- Who's askin'?
- Hey. Name's Milo. I got some friends-

They told me if I ever come down
to Miami, you're the guy to talk to.

- I heard you like the dogs.
- Uh-huh. These friends of yours-

- They, uh, from Allendale?
- Yeah, bingo.

I did a nickel for grand theft.
Got out last year.

Oh, yeah? I got out
right before you went in.

So, uh, those guys up there-
They talk about me a lot?

Are you kiddin' me?
Yeah. They all got mad respect for you.

So I thought,
"When I come down to Miami...

if I could just meet Tommy D'Antonio,
maybe I could learn a few things," you know?

- What are you doin' in Miami?
- Hey, I'm tryin' to earn, that's what I'm doin'.

I brought my girl down.
Soon as I get in Miami, soon as she's here...

I can't keep a buck in my pocket.

- You know women?
- Yeah, I know women.

Hey, Mr. D'Antonio, do you think-

Hey, call me Tommy.

- Really?
- Yeah.

We-All right. I just-

I'm just lookin' to be pointed
in the right direction. You know?

- I mean, I got my crew. You know?
- Yeah? You got a crew?

- Yeah. It's a small crew.
- Him too.

It's just me, my buddy and my girl.
Uh, it's not big-time like you.

It's, uh-We don't-
We don't make a lot. Thanks.

You know, we, uh-A grand here,
two grand there, but it adds up.

Yeah, sure.

So why don't you, uh,
bring 'em around tonight?

Maybe we could have a little dinner.

- I show you and your crew the ropes a little.
- Mr. D'Antonio, that would-

That would be incredible. Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure. You like seafood?

That's another $383 in deductions...

for business drinks.

- Can I ask what business you were doing?
- I told you. It's classified.

The I.R.S. Does not allow
classified deductions, Mr. Axe.

I'm disallowing this
until the operation is made public.

And then there's... this.

Well, you wanted documentation
of my trip to the Middle East. That's it.

That's all I got. Got it off this guy who
was in this group we were targeting.

- Oh. So you stole it.
- No, I didn't steal it.

The guy, um- He was done with it.

- So it was a gift.
- It's not a gift.

There was this thing, and then...

the gun didn't have an owner anymore.

I'm just gonna mark that down
as, uh, windfall income.

Okay, with those disallowed deductions...

you have a tax deficiency of 17%.

Over 25%, the statute of limitations
on your audit is extended another three years.

So we could be spending
a lot of time in your friend's sunroom.

Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies?

No, I'm allergic to chocolate
and to wheat flour and to eggs.

I'll take one, Maddy. Thanks.

Okay, so for tomorrow, I'm gonna
need you to estimate the value...

of meals, rent and transportation...

provided to you
by your, uh, lady friends...

as you call them,
over the last three years.

By financial quarter, please.

I'll let myself out.

Take care.

I have a headache in my eye.

- You want another cookie?
- I'm good.

For a spy, knowing how to follow...

is at least as important as knowing how to lead.

Sensitive operations often depend...

on knowing how hard to laugh
at the boss's jokes.

I got four more where those came from.

See? What'd I tell you?
What'd I tell you about this guy, huh?

- He could hook us up, right? Look at this.
- Yeah.

Milo here couldn't get a table
this good at Burger King.

- Huh?
- Hey, you just gotta know how it works.

Uh, we should order, right? Okay?

It's on me, so, uh, whatever you like-
Except the lobster.

Ugh! Lobster?
They look like bugs, huh?

Come on, Brianna. Show some respect.

Don't talk about bugs and stuff here.

Milo, just some people
are not too comfortable in nice places.

- Order what you like, sweetheart.
- So Milo says you're the guy...

to talk to in Miami
about looking for work.

It could be, if you, uh,
know how to use your head.

We hit a few car dealers
up north. You know?

I'd act like I was taking
a car for a test drive. I'd grab the keys.

Brianna would strut her stuff.
You know, keep 'em busy.

Big Chuck here-
He'd step in if things got rough.

Then the dealerships-
They got wise, so it was too hot.

Now we're dyin' down here.

See, that's your problem.
You don't think big.

Last month I hit
a check-cashing place in Boca.

Walked away with three grand. Bam!

Three thousand bucks?
Man, that's a hell of a score, huh?

Then the one that got me pinched
was a credit union.

Basically a bank.
Nearly walked away with 40 large.

Now, that's the big leagues.

I don't mean to be out of line,
but I was thinking that maybe...

we could come on to one
of those jobs, you know?

- Make some real money.
- See what happens tonight.

We're gonna do a littlejob.
See how you do.

I just smoke one a day
since I got outta the joint.

It's called willpower. You want one?

- Uh-uh.
- No. No, thanks. Where we headed?

Dry cleaners up there. We're hittin' it.

I got the whole score
worked out like clockwork.

Register's got everything
from the weekend in it.

Only one guy working the counter.

Big Chuck over here throws a few rocks
at the place. Gets the guy to come out.

- Oh, you mean like a- Like a distraction?
- Exactly. Right.

Then the little lady runs over...

spray-paints the security camera by the door.

- Uh, red is my favorite color, Tommy.
- Good. That's good.

Then me and Milo run in,
grab the cash and run out the back.

- Like clockwork.
- Wait. Just so I can be sure about this.

She kills the camera with the spray paint?

Or did you want her
to cut the cable on the roof?

You see?

He's learnin'.

- She should cut the cable on the roof.
- You're the boss, Tommy.

- That's right. I am the boss.
- Whoa, whoa. Is-

- Is that-You gonna shoot somebody?
- No, no. That's not loaded.

It's just to scare the guy
in case-You know.

You just point it at him like that.
That's how they do it now.

No, not that way.
Like that. There you go.

That's good. You ready?

- Yeah.
- Show me what you got.

Hey! Hey, who's there?

Get out of my store!

Come on, hey? I'm callin' the cops.

Aah, stuck!

I'm callin' the cops!
Get outta there! Come on!

The lock on a cash register drawer...

is designed to keep it from pulling open.

Whack it hard enough
the other way, and it breaks.

- Tommy?
- Yeah?

- Aren't we supposed to go out the back?
- Yeah, right.

Christ. They're padlockin' the back door.

We're gonna get pinched over here.
We're gonna get pinched.

You're sayin' unless
we break the lock, right?

Yeah. We gotta break the lock.

When a padlock's held on to a door frame...

by three-inch wood screws,
it's no match...

for a dry-cleaning rack
that can move 30,000 pounds of clothes.

Not bad, kid.

- I boosted a new ride. You got the cash?
- Clockwork, like Tommy said.

You did good. Let's go.

- Detective Paxson.
- Mr. Westen.

- How's the investigation going?
- Pretty well, actually.

It's amazing what a crime lab
can do these days.

They can trace wire, solder, duct tape...

and link it to various devices
found at crime scenes.

Oh, so this is a "I'm onto you" visit.

- Great.
- There's more.

There was an incident
last night at 17th Avenue.

A dry cleaner was robbed,
an Impala was stolen...

and the lead thief managed
to keep his face hidden the entire time.

- I thought of you.
- Well, I am so glad that I am on your mind.

But can we cut to the chase?

- Are you arresting me?
- Not yet.

I'm just giving you a chance to explain
yourself before the lab work gets done.

- Pass. But thanks.
- Well, if you change your mind...

you'll always have a couple officers
in a car behind you.

See you soon, Mr. Westen.

She's shotgunning it. Trying to tie me
to anything on her database.

Yeah, and I'll bet she's asking for an electronic
surveillance warrant for this place ASAP.

She's good. You gotta give her that.

Fi, did you ditch the Impala
from last night?

Yeah, it's in a boathouse on the river.
Cops won't find it for months.

So after giving the dry cleaner
back all his money...

last night's heist cost us a grand.

Hey, that's the least of our worries.

Mike, once that stuff comes back
from the crime lab, you are on the run.

We need to wrap this up.
We need to get to Matheson.

Time for Tommy's crew to run
into some cash flow problems.

Lookin' good.

Race number eight coming up in 12 minutes.

The sight of
a fresh injury has a primal effect on people.

If you really need to make a point...

sometimes there's no substitute
for a good shiner.

It's never fun, but if that's...

what sells your story,
it's worth a little pain.

All right, good luck, buddy.

Hey, Milo, what happened?

Hey, I'm all right. I'm all right.
Sorry, but, uh, I gotta leave town.

- What are you talkin' about?
- There's these guys up north.

Uh, I owe 'em some money,
and they, uh- they found me, and uh-

Anyway, the point is, I gotta earn.

And listen, you been great, but rippin' off
dry cleaners is just not gonna do it for us.

Listen to me.
I know we're just getting started...

and you were a little nervous last night,
but you did real good, man.

Hey, comin' from you
that means so much to me...

but, uh, I need a real score,
and I need it real soon, so-

M- Milo. Milo. Listen to me.

You know the worst odds
I ever saw on a dog?

Two hundred to one.

He was so excited.
Rarin' to go. I put a C-note down.

Figure if he wins, I got a new car.

- You win?
- Busted his leg outta the chute.

They were gonna
put him down, so I took him.

A perfectly good dog.
Got a gimpy leg-

It's not a new car.

But the point is, you gotta wait
for the door to open before you could run.

Workin' with you has been
like a dream come true...

but unless I make some real money...

they're gonna break my leg
like that dog in your story.

I'm sorry.

Wait, Milo. I might got something for you.

Meet me over atJimmy's
with the guys later.

I wanna introduce you
to a associate of mine- Rick Matheson.

- What, he work for you or something?
- No, we work together.

Uh, on the big jobs, of course.

So you dress nice.

Yeah, I'll be there.

Care to explain why you deducted
a $452 his-and-hers spa weekend?

- I was conducting business.
- "Business," as defined by tax law...

does not involve the application...

of cucumber lotion.


Your tax deficiency
is nearing 25%, Mr. Axe.

Now, one more suspect deduction,
and we're gonna-

We're gonna have to, uh-

Wait a minute. I know you.

Your mom's Josie Conolly.
I dated her back in the day.

We used to play catch.
You were the little boy with the girl name.

Okay, look, there are a lot of men
named Stacey through history.

Stacy Andrews, male offensive tackle
for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Stacy Roest, male hockey player
for the Detroit Redwings.

TV's Stacy Keach was a wonderful male actor.
I think he's best known for-

You know what?
Let's just focus on business now.

Do you remember the one time
I bought you a pack of baseball cards?

I have no idea what
you're referring to, Mr. Axe.

You have to remember. You had a bike.
It was a Schwinn. I got some tape-

Okay, you must be recalling
some other child acquaintance.

No. We took the cards, put 'em
in the spokes and when you rode around-

It sounded like a motorcycle.
You called me Evel Knievel.

You acted like you liked me...

and then one day you disappeared,
and you never came back.

Oh, no, no. It wasn't like that.

I thought you were a good kid.

When your ma broke things off...

I called a couple times, tried to take you
to a game or something...

but she, uh- she didn't
want to have anything to do with me.

You know how it goes.

I think I have everything I need for my audit.

Stacey, wait a second.
Let-Let's grab a beer and catch up.

Or-Or no beer. We-We'll just-

You dated Stacey's mother?

Just for bit.

Looks like it was long enough
to make an impression.

Yeah. I guess so.

It's a challenge to place a bug...

on someone's body without them noticing.

It helps if they always carry
something you can reproduce-

Aphone, a watch or a pack of cigarettes.

Then it's just a matter
of planting it on them...

and hoping they keep ignoring the surgeon
general until you get what you need.

Mike, this is a dicey time
to be doin' this.

You're only wanted for questioning now,
but this is gonna be a full-fledged-

Don't have a choice, Sam.

Gotta hope that Paxson's
still keeping her distance from Matheson.

Nice jacket. Very sharp.
Real professional.

- How good does he look, huh, Chuck?
- Yeah, not bad. Yeah.

Yeah. So, listen-

This, uh- this guy Matheson-
He's gonna size you up for the real jobs.

- Mmm?
- We'll just watch you, Tommy.

- We'll do what you do.
- Good.

Good. You do what I do.
Just don't talk too much, okay?

We ready?

Okay, let's go.

Building up an asset...

- is a little like raising a kid-
- They're good.

You can give him the tools to succeed...

but when the first day of school
rolls around, they're on their own.

Well, well, well. How about that?
Tommy's got a crew now.

How about that, huh? Let me introduce you.

This is Milo, Brianna, Big Chuck.
They're from up north.

I told you Milo did some time
up in Allendale, like me.

- You a tough guy, Milo?
- I'm tough enough.

I been wanting to get
you guys together for a while.

We're gettin' real tight
together, and, uh...

I heard you were, you know,
puttin' a big job together.

I thought maybe we could get in on it.

- You wanna talk louder, Tommy?
- What?

You wanna talk louder, maybe so
a few more people I don't know can hear?

- No, I was-
- You gotta think.

These people could be anybody.
They could be cops, right?

- They're not cops.
- They could be feds.

- They're not cops. They're my crew.
- Shut up. See this one?

This one's got a cop haircut.

- Yeah, you. You wearin' a wire, cop?
- A cop? Yeah, right.

Hey, I thought your guys already searched us.
Or did he just want to get in my pants?

Well, maybe I should frisk this one again.

What do you say, sweetheart?
You need a good frisking?

- Try me.
- They're not cops.

I hit the dry cleaners last night on 17 th.

These guys did it with me.

It was like clockwork.
They're real pros, man.

All right. You know what?

LfTommy says you're pros,
I might have something. Yeah.

- Yeah. Why don't you and me talk. Come on.
- Yeah.

Milo, I'll catch you
at the track, all right?

- You want a drink?
- Yeah.

Let's get some drinks
over here, all right?

- You should have
seen these guys in action.
- Seriously, Michael.

I think Tommy's gonna have a heart attack
before we get any information.

And ba-boom. They just got a-

Relax, Tommy. I'm sold.
I'm takin' you on a job.

- I'm in?
- Yup.

- Movin'up in the world.
- Thank you, Mr. Matheson.

I won't let you down.

I'm gonna hit that meth lab
in Little Dominica tomorrow.

After we bust in, it's gonna take
about a minute for the dealer to show up.

You're gonna drive the van.

Your crew-They're gonna lock down
the front of the place-

- Mm-hmm.
- Handling security.

Yeah. Those dealers-
They have, like, machine guns, right?

- There's gotta be another way.
- Why don't you leave the planning to me, Tommy?

- How long you been on me to take you on a job?
- A while.

- Tryin' to back out?
- I'm-I'm good. I'm in. We're in.

- I gotta take my shot, right?
- Yeah.

I'm movin' up.

Yeah. Movin' up. I need you
to get a van and a four-door.

- Just get your crew, and-
- We're in.

- How'd it go?
- It was good. He, uh-

- He liked you guys. He really liked you guys.
- Oh, that's great, Tommy.

- So what's the job? What's the job?
- Uh, about that. Uh-

- Tommy.
- There's-There's no job.

Not this time. I'm-I'm sorry.

- Okay?
- Wha-What is this?

Huh? You tryin' to cut us out?

- I need this job. You can't do that to us.
- Hey!

You don't wanna tell me what
I can do, all right? You don't understand.

This guy was gonna get you killed
just to make a few bucks.

That ain't gonna happen. You guys are out.

Go back up north or something.
Get the hell outta town.

What are you talkin' about?
We're a tight crew. We can do this.

Work in intelligence long enough...

and you get good
at predicting human behavior...

but sometimes people surprise you.

Listen, Milo, a while back...

I met this Matheson
at the track and he says...

I could do some stuff for him-

Sell hot stereos and stuff like that.

I thought if I got a crew together, maybe
I could, you know, move up the ladder.

But that ain't me. It ain't me.

And when they do, you can surprise yourself.

Tommy, I gotta tell you something.

I wanted in on the heist...

- because I'm trying to take Matheson down.
- Oh, so you lied to me?

- Not quite.
- What, are you a cop or something?

Not quite.
I'm not a cop. I'm a good guy.

- You're a good guy.
- You were gonna show up tomorrow without us.

Matheson would have had you killed.
You know that, right?

- Yeah, I know that.
- Matheson's hurt a lot of people...

and he's gonna keep doing it,
but we're gonna take him down.

We need your help.

Thought we'd just go to the cops.

You don't know Matheson like I do.
He'll kill us all. I'm serious.

So are we. He's outmaneuvered
the cops before.

No, we need to get him
caught red-handed. Fi?

- Fi?
- Uh, Brianna's Fiona. Can you get us that Impala...

- that we stole from the dry cleaners?
- Right where I left it.

We're gonna need to time out
the police response to the meth lab.

There's a substation right near there.
I'm on it, brother.

- Wait a minute. What do I do here?
- You're the key to this, Tommy.

As far as Matheson knows,
we're all doing this job, just as he wants.

You need to find him the van he needs...

and you need to get us the exact location
of the heist so we can do our prep work.

Okay. I can handle that.

It's gonna be fine, Tommy.
Just like clockwork.

Ahh. Nothing like driving a hot car...

with every cop in the city
searching for you.

Hopefully they're not searching too hard.
We can't have Paxson showing up now.

- You think Tommy's gonna hold up?
- We'll know soon enough.

Uh, lab's right around the corner.

Cooker's gonna go out for supplies
in a bit. That's gonna be our window.

Me and my guys-
We go in the front. Take out the alarm.

You three stay outside the door
like Tommy told you, okay?

- Tommy's the boss. Right, Tommy?
- Right.

Yeah. All right.
All you gotta do is hold off...

a couple of meth heads
while we take the stuff out the back.

Tommy's gonna drive around, pick us up...

and we meet later to, uh, split the score.

All right. There he is.

Let's do it. Look sharp, Tommy.

Anything goes wrong, the dealers
will be coming from there and there.

These guys gonna be armed, or what?

Aw, nothin' you can't handle, killer.

Superglue's cheap, quiet and powerful.

Lay it on thick and force-dry it
with canned air...

and you can cut bonding time
to less than a minute.

Mike, I am not in love
with this tactical position-

not even with Fi's prep work.

- My prep work, as you call it,
could hold off an army.
- Hey, I'm just sayin'-

- I love explosives as much as the next guy-
- We just need to keep...

the bad guys from killing each other
until the cops get here.

By standing in between 'em?

Why cook at home when there's takeout?


Yes. Hello, police? I'm at 17 th and Palm
in, uh, Little Dominica.

I just saw some guys with automatic weapons.

Okay, Tommy. Let's go!

The box- Go! Come on!

Tommy, what are you doin'? Move the van.


Troy. Come on!

- Come on. Come on!
- It won't open.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, boss, I'm not sure about the plan.

It's almost like you were trying to
get us killed out here.

Look, open the door.
Tommy screwed up. Something isn't right.

Actually, I think it's you
that screwed up. You screwed up bad.

Oh-There's the cops. Gotta run.

- You're settin' me up?
- Not used to being the guy in the trap, are you?

What made you think you could piss off...

every drug dealer and cop in town
and not get any payback?

Oh, wait. That's your problem.
You don't think.

- You son of a bitch!
- Let's go.

It's your lucky day, bitch.

I should get myself a lottery ticket.

You should get yourself a lawyer.

Detective? Found the other
getaway car in the street.

It's a silver '09 Impala LT.

A silver Impala? Are you sure?

Yeah. And you'll never
believe what we found in the trunk.

Remember my 200-to-one shot?

- It's just him and me now.
- Time to go straight, Tommy.

If I ever see you
in a police computer again-

You don't have to worry about that.
My mom's back in St. Louis.

I was thinkin', uh, I might move there.

Start a kennel or something.

Sounds good.

Hey, thanks. Way you
and your friends had my back-

I think you guys
are gonna be okay without me.

I closed my biggest case today.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks.

Thing is, he was a master criminal...

who managed to get stuck
in a locked meth lab...

with C-4 in a getaway car parked outside.

Wow. Tough break.

Mmm. The funny thing is, is he's never
been tied to any cases with C-4.

And that C-4 that was found in his trunk-

It's the same used
in seven explosions in the Miami area.

- Any thoughts?
- It seems like you can close
the books on those cases.

Or you can keep coming after me...

and have the case
against Matheson unravel.

So I get Matheson and you get a free pass?

If I got a pass-
which I'm not saying that I did-

it was anything but free.

It's like I told you, Detective.
We're on the same side.

Just remember where
the line is, Mr. Westen.

- I will be watching.
- I'd expect nothing less.

Thanks for your call, Sam.

Man. I was so mad at you.

When your name came
across my desk I thought, "This is it. "

This is my chance to get you back.

- I'm glad you found me.
- Yeah.

I am too. So how about another drink?

Comin' right up.

- There you go.
- Okay.

Is there alcohol in this?

- 'Cause it's masked by sort of a,
uh, peachy, citrus flavor.
- It's called a "fuzzy navel. "

It's not really my kind
of thing, but we gotta start you off easy.

Work your way up to the good stuff.

I gotta tell you, Sam. You're like a-
You're like a drinking genius here.

Ha, ha. I've forgotten more
about the subject than you will ever know.

If I'm at a bar, and I can't get
the bartender's attention...

'cause I need some information
about a drink...

would it be okay if I, uh-

Would it be okay if I call you?

Absolutely, Stacey. Any time.

Is this not the best audit ever?

I got rid of the rest of the C-4.
Such a waste.

- Small price to pay for
getting the cops off our back.
- Mmm. I guess.

Now that we're in the clear...

- there's a few gigs I've lined up for us.
- Fi, this isn't a good time.

Paxson's backing off, but we still have
no idea who's coming after me next.

I still need back in.

Michael, priorities change. People change.

Tommy always thought he'd be a criminal.

Maybe you'll find-

- You sure?
- I'm sure.

I'm free of the people who burned me.

I'm clear of the cops.

This is the moment I've been waiting for.

This is the moment
I've been waiting for too.


Let's just enjoy dinner.

English - US - SDH