Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1996–2003): Season 3, Episode 15 - Consequences - full transcript

Buffy tries to convince Faith to face up to the consequences of her actions, but Faith thinks that being a Slayer puts her above the law. Buffy confides in Giles about the accidental murder and he decides not to involve the new Watcher, Wesley, knowing that Faith is extremely unstable. Angel tries to get through to Faith, but when Wesley discovers the truth and comes after her, Faith's trust in Buffy and the gang is destroyed.

Previously on
Buffy the vampire slayer...

I've recommended to the
council, and they've agreed,

that you be relieved of your
duties as watcher immediately.

You're fired.


New watcher.
New watcher?

Wesley wyndam-pryce.

Hey, slaying's
what we were built for.

If you're not enjoying it,
you're doing something wrong.


Take. Have.

I'm gettin' it.



Faith, no!

I didn't...
I... i didn't know.

I didn't know.

They're gonna
find a body.

There is no body.

I took it, weighted it,
and dumped it.

you don't get it.

You killed a man.

No. You don't get it.

I don't care.

Fishermen discovered
the body today,

the victim of
a brutal stabbing.

Authorities and citizens
alike were shocked

when the slain man was identified
as deputy mayor Allan Finch.

Still reeling
from the news,

mayor Wilkins
had this to say.

Mayor: Mr. Finch was not only
my longtime aide and associate,

he was a close
personal friend.

I promise you
I will not rest

until whoever did this is
found and brought to justice.

Thank you very much.

Oh, honey, you're up.

Oh, it's just terrible,
isn't it?

I want you
to look into this.

Find out everything you can about
the murder of the deputy mayor.

But that's...

I mean, that's... that's not
really our jurisdiction,

is it?

It's no big, b.

We'll get into it
if he wants.

No, Buffy's right.

The deputy mayor's murder was
the result of human malice.

Nothing supernatural
about it.

We don't know that
for certain.

I say it merits

Which I'm sure
the police are doing.

Meantime, if you ask me, there are
better uses for the slayers' time.

Ah. But I don't
believe I did...

Ask you.

Considering the success
of your previous adventure...

Don't let me interrupt.

Wait. Let me interrupt.
I'm in a hurry.

What did you need?

Uh, psych class. Freud and Jung.
Book me.


Check out Giles,
the next generation.

What's your deal?

Uh, I, uh...


I'm a...

New watcher.


Does everybody
know about you?

She's a friend.

not exaggerate.


the new watcher.

Wesley wyndam-pryce.

I like a man
with 2 last names.

I'm Cordelia.

And you teach psychology.

I take psychology.

She's a student.

Oh, well. I... yes.

In fact, I am...

Here to watch...


Uh... uh, Buffy and faith,
to be specific.

Well, it's about time we got
some fresh blood around here.

Ha ha.




Here we go.


So, welcome
to sunnydale.


She's... Cheeky,
isn't she?

Uh, first word "jail,"
second word "bait.

Well, uh...

Where were we?


I mean,
we were done, right?

Uh, yup.

Off to patrol.
So we'll see ya.

One moment, girls.

I'm your commander

and on the matter of this
murder, I am resolved.

Natural or super,

I want to know.

Fine by me.

Always ready to kick
a little bad guy butt.

So, you gonna rat me out?
Is that it?

Faith, we have to tell.

I can't pretend
to investigate this.

I can't pretend
that I don't know.

Oh, I see. But you can pretend
that angel's still dead

when you need
to protect him.

I am trying
to protect you.

Look, if we don't do
the right thing,

it's only gonna
make things worse for you.

Worse than jail for the
rest of my young life?

No way.

Faith, what we did was...

Yeah. We.

You were right there
beside me

when this whole thing
went down.

Anything I have to
answer for, you do, too.

You're a part of
this, b. All the way.



Where's faith?

I saw her around.

Figured you two
we're gonna go kill

some more nasty stuff.

Not right now.

I... i, um,
I think she bailed.

That's why...
Actually, i...

Um... You go ahead.

I'm late.

I-I'm meeting Michael.

The warlock guy?

We're still trying
to de-rat Amy.


So see ya.

See ya.

So, uh...

You heard the man scream
about what time last night?

Oh, I'm not sure.

7:00, maybe 8:00.

Could you be more specific,
say between 7:30 and 8:00?

Your hand.

Oh. It's OK.

It's not working.

It's supposed to do
something besides shred?

It's supposed
to cheer me up.

Usually using the
shredder gives me a lift.

It's fun.

And today you're not
getting the ya-yas.


Guess it'll take
more than this

to turn my frown
upside down.

I just
don't understand

why Allan would leave such a
paper trail about our dealings.

Do you think he was
going to betray me?

Oh, now, that's
a horrible thought.

And now he's dead, I'll never
have the chance to scold him.

Maybe this
will change your mood.

What is it?


The deputy mayor had wooden
splinters in his wound.

right through the heart

with a sharp,
pointed object.

Now, word is, someone
was fighting vampires

not a block away
from the scene.

Smart money says it was a
slayer who did this job.

Do you think he talked?
To them?

If he did,

I'm thinking he said
the wrong thing.

Well, this is exciting.

A slayer
up for murder one.

That's sunshine and roses to me.
It really is.

I'm telling you, we did
the world a favor.

This guy was as about as
interesting as watching paint dry.


I'm joking.

Jeez, lighten up
a little, b.

He came out of nowhere.

I know.


I'm not lookin' to hug and
cry and learn and grow.

I'm just saying it
happened quick, you know?

You know what?
Let's just blow.

Who cares
what this guy was about?

It's kind of moot now,
don't you think?

I don't think he was
in that alley by chance.

I think he was
looking for us.

I'd like to know why.

So, what, you think
there's some big conspiracy?

You were saying?

So his papers are gone.

That doesn't prove anything.

Except that somebody didn't
want us to prove anything.

Mayor: Get as many men
on it as you can.

Trick: Yeah. We'll be wanting
to turn up the heat.

So the mayor of sunnydale
is a black hat.

It's a shocker, huh?

Actually, yeah.

I didn't get the bad
guy vibe off of him.

When are you
going to learn, b?

It doesn't matter what kind
of vibe you get off a person.

'Cause 9 times
out of 10,

the face they're showing
you is not the real one.

I guess you know
a lot about that.

What is that
supposed to mean?

Just look at you, faith.

Less than 24 hours ago,
you killed a man.

And now it's all
zippity doo-dah.

It's not your real face
and I know it.

I know what you're feeling
because I'm feeling it, too.

Do you? So fill me in
'cause I'd like to hear this.

Dirty. Like something
sick creeped inside you

and you can't
get it out.

And you keep hoping that it
was just some nightmare,

but it wasn't.

And we're going
to have to figure out...

Is there going to be
an intermission in this?

Just let me talk
to Giles, OK? I swear...

No. We're not bringing
anybody else into this.

You got to keep
your head, b.

This is all going
to blow over in a few days.

And if it doesn't?

If it doesn't,
they got a freighter

leaving the docks
at least twice a day.

It ain't fancy,
but it gets you gone.

And that's it?

You just live with it?

You see the dead guy
in your head every day

for the rest
of your life?

Buffy, I'm not going
to see anything.

I missed the mark last night
and I'm sorry about the guy.

I really am,
but it happens.

Anyways, how many people do you think
we've saved by now, thousands?

And didn't you stop
the world from ending?

Because in my book, that puts
you and me in the plus column.

We help people.

It doesn't mean we can
do whatever we want.

Why not? The guy I offed
was no Gandhi.

I mean, we just saw he was
mixed up in dirty dealings.

Maybe, but what if he was
coming to us for help?

What if he was?

You're still not seeing
the big picture, b.

made us different.

We're warriors.
We're built to kill.

To kill demons.

But it does not mean that we
get to pass judgment on people

like we're better
than everybody else.

We are better.

That's right, better.

People need us to survive.

In the balance, nobody's going to
cry over some random bystander

who got caught
in the crossfire.

I am.

Well, that's your loss.


Stein: Tell me again.

You got home at
what time last night?

Late. Um, a little
past 1:00, I guess.

Maybe you can explain to me what a
girl your age is doing out all night.

Just hanging.

Hanging. By yourself?

No. I was
with my friend Buffy.

We were at faith's
watching TV.

What did you watch?

Some old movie.


Hmm, that's funny

'cause I got a couple
of witnesses

who put you
near the alley.


Somebody stabbed this
guy through the heart.

Strange thing is,
the weapon,

it was made out
of wood.

Any of this mean
anything to you?

Yeah. That whoever did it
wasn't hip to the bronze age.

Is that it?
I'm kinda beat.

Yeah, I have enough
for now.

Buffy, if you
know something,

if you're
protecting someone,

I promise you it'll be better for
everyone if you just come clean.

You mean am I
covering for someone?

Hardly. I'm not the "throw
myself on the sword" type.

I wish I could
help you.

Well, call me
if you remember anything.



I need
to talk to you.

Good. 'Cause I've been
letting things fester.

And I don't like it.

I want
to be fester-free.

Yeah, me, too.

I mean,
don't get me wrong.

I... i completely

why you and faith have been
doing the bonding thing.

You guys
work together.

You... you should
get along.

It's more complicated
than that.

But, see, it's
that exact thing

that... that's
just ticking me off.

It's this whole
slayers only attitude.

I mean, since when
wouldn't I understand?

You talk to me
about everything.

It's like all of a sudden
I'm not cool enough for you

because I can't kill
things with my bare hands.

Oh, oh, Buffy,
don't cry.

I'm sorry. I was
too hard on you.

Sometimes I unleash.

I don't know
my own strength.

It's bad. I'm bad.

I'm a bad, bad,
bad person.

Will, I'm in trouble.

And faith acts like
she doesn't even care.

And the way she talks, it's like
she didn't even make a mistake.

Do you think
she's, like, in shock?

I don't know.

And I think that detective
knows more than he's saying.

I think he knew
that I was lying.

You have to go
to Giles, Buffy.

He'll know what to do.



I don't really know
how to say this,

so I'm... I'm just
going to say it.

I know I've kept things
from you before, but...

But, um, but I've been
blowing off my classes.

You know, in... in the sense
of not attending. And, uh...

Faith: It's OK,

I told him.

You told him?

I had to.

He had to know
what you did.

What I did?

Giles, no. That's
just not what happened.

I don't want
to hear it, Buffy.

No, it...

I don't want to hear
any more lies.

You can't be serious.
You're setting me up?

Get in my office now.

Faith, I'll talk to you
in the morning.

Giles, please,
you have to...




Giles, I didn't do this.
I swear.

Look, I know
that I messed up badly,

but the murder...

It was faith. I know.

She may have
many talents, Buffy,

but fortunately,
lying is not one of them.


Oh, god.

I thought...

I'm sorry.

I needed her to think
that I was on her side.

I don't know how far
she'll take this charade.

Try far.

Like all the way.

You should have
come to me right off.

I know.
Well, I wanted to.

But faith
wouldn't hear of it.

It's not
all her fault, Giles.

We both thought
it was a vampire.

I only realized it
a second before.

Buffy, this is not
the first time

something like this
has happened.

It's not?

The slayer is on the front
line of a nightly war.

It's tragic, but
accidents have happened.

What do you do?

Well, the council

um, metes out punishment
if punishment is due.

But i... i have no plan
to involve them.

I mean, it's the last thing
faith needs at the moment.

She's unstable, Buffy.

I mean, she's utterly unable
to accept responsibility.

She's freaking.

So... so then we just have
to help her deal, right?

She's in denial.
There is no help for her

until she admits
what happened.

I could talk to her.


Or maybe I'm too close.

Maybe... maybe
one of the guys could.

We should meet.

It may be that they're seeing
a different side of her.


In the meantime,

no one else is to know.

Buffy: Of course.

Giles: This is
extremely delicate.

If we scare her off now,

we may lose her forever.

Yes, hello. Mr. Travers, please.
Quentin Travers.

Wesley wyndam-pryce

The code word?



Just put him on,
will you?

This is an emergency.

Willow: Well, maybe we should
all talk to faith together.

You mean, like that intervention
thing that you guys did on me?

As I recall, Xander and I
nearly came to blows.

You nearly came
to blows, Buffy.

I nearly came
to loss of limbs.

No, faith is
too defensive

for a confrontation
like that.

She'll respond better to
a one-on-one approach.

I can be the one...
On her one.

Let's rephrase.

I think she might
listen to me.

We kind of have, um,
a connection.

A connection?

Why would you
think that...

I'm just saying it's worth a shot.
That's all.

No, I don't see it, Xander.
I mean, of all of us,

you're the one person

that faith has had
the least contact with.

Yeah, but we hung out
a little...

Recently, and she seemed
to be, um, responsive.

Buffy: When did
you guys hang out?

Oh, she was fighting
one of those, uh,

apocalypse demon things
and I helped her.

Gave her a ride home.

And you guys talked?

Not extensively, no.

Then why would you...



I don't need to say "oh."
I got it before.

They slept together.

Giles: Fine, fine,
let's... let's move on.

All right. Look, I know that you
mean well, Xander, but, um,

I just don't see faith
opening up to you.

She doesn't take the guys that she has
a connection with very seriously.

And they're... they're kind of a
big joke to her. No offense.

Oh, oh, no, I mean, why would
I be offended by that?

However, if you still
want to be of assistance,

I need some help
with research.

still the business

of the mayor and Mr.
Trick to attend to.

Yeah, they seemed
pretty cozy the other night.

Willow, can you access
the mayor's files?

What? Oh, sure.
I can try.

Good, because clearly we, uh, we
need to take a harder look at him.

He's, um, he's obviously
up to something.

What about faith?

I don't know.

I need time.

She needs help now.

I owe her that.

♪ Disappointment stops by ♪

♪ From time to time ♪

♪ To see how I'm doin' ♪

♪ And he came by
last night ♪

♪ Right after you left ♪

♪ My life in ruin ♪

♪ When I don't get
what I want ♪

♪ The spoiled child inside ♪

♪ Breaks down ♪


I just, uh, came by to see
how you are, actually.

I'm sick of people asking
me that, for one thing.

Can I come in?

Just to talk.
I promise.

Like you could make something
happen if I didn't want it to?

Hey, yeah.
You got me there.

Pretty much not going to try to
take you under any circumstances.

See? Here, feel that.

Probably like a wet
noodle to you, huh?

5 minutes.

That's all I need.

For talking
and conversation.

I'm, um,
quick as a bunny.

Clock is running.

It's just, uh,

I heard
about what happened,

and I thought
you might need a friend.

So then,
go talk to Buffy.

She's the one
who killed a guy.

Yeah. I heard
that version.


Either way, it sounds
like it was an accident,

and that's
the important part.

No, the important part

is that Buffy is
the accidental murderer.

Faith, you may not think so,
but I sort of know you.

And I've seen you

And I know firsthand that
you're, um, like a wild thing.

And half the time, you don't
know what you're doing.

And you're living proof
of that, aren't you?

See, you're
trying to hurt me.

But right now, you need
someone on your side.

What happened
wasn't your fault.

And I'm willing to testify to
that in court if you need me.

You'd dig that,
wouldn't you?

To get up in front
of all your geek pals

and go on record about how I
made you my boy toy for a night.

No, no, no, no,
that's not it.

I know what
this is all about.

You just came by here 'cause
you want another taste,

don't you?

No. I mean, it was nice.

It was great.

It was kind of a blur.

But, OK,

someday, sure, yea,
but not now.

Not like this.

More like how then?

Lights on or off?

Kinks or vanilla?

Faith, come on.

I came here to help you.

I thought
we had a connection.

Ha ha ha.

You want to feel
a connection?

It's just skin.

I see... I want...
I take.

I forget.


Wait. It was
more than that.

I could do anything to you
right now, and you want me to.

I can make you scream.

I could make you die.

Finally decided
to tie me up, huh?

I always knew you weren't
really a one slayer guy.

Sorry about the chains.

It's not that
I don't trust you.

Actually, it is
that I don't trust you.

The thing with Xander, I
know what it looked like,

but we were
just playing.

And he forgot
the safety word.

Is that it?

Safety words
are for wusses.

I bet you're not big on trust
games, now, are you, faith?

You going to shrink me now?
That it?

No, I just want
to talk to you.

That's what
they all say.

And then it's just,
"let me stay the night.

Won't try anything."

You want to go the long way around?
Hey, I can do that.

I'm not getting any older.

How's she doing?

It's like
talking to a wall.

Only you get more
from a wall.

But you'll
keep trying, right?

Sure. We're just
getting started.

So, what do I do?

Look, right now, there's
nothing that you can do.

Well, this could
take awhile, right?

So, I'll just go to faith's
and I'll get some of her stuff.

That way she'll see
that we're on her side.

That's a good idea.

OK, I'll be back.

Look, i...

I don't want you to get
your hopes up, Buffy.

She may not want us
to help her.

She does. She just
doesn't know how to say it.

She killed a man.

That changes
everything for her.

No. Giles said
with counseling,

they might not even
need to lock her up.

That's not what I mean.

She's taken a life.

I know.

She's got a taste
for it now.

Not one slayer, but two.
Right here in the building.

There was supposed
to be a guard.

Shh. Here comes
my favorite part.

Where the slayers see us in the
hall together, thick as thieves.

Oh, wait, we are thieves and worse.
And now they know it.

Well, they're not going to
be much of a threat in jail.

We don't have near enough
evidence to put them away.

No, you're going to have to come
up with a more efficient solution.

And Mr. trick,
you better think of it soon.

I know what's
going on with you.

Join the club. Everybody
seems to have a theory.

But I know what it's like
to take a life.

To feel a future,
a world of possibilities,

snuffed out
by your own hand.

I know the power in it.

The exhilaration.

It was like a drug for me.

Yeah? Sounds like you need some help.
A professional, maybe.

A professional
couldn't have helped me.

It stopped when
I got my soul back.

My human heart.

Goody for you.

If we're going to party,
let's get on with it.

Otherwise, could you let
me out of these things?

Faith, you have a choice.

You've tasted something
few ever do.

I mean, to kill without remorse
is to feel like a god.

Right now, all I feel is a cramp
in my wrist, so let me go!

But you're not a god.

You're not much more
than a child.

Going down this path
will ruin you.

You can't imagine the price
for true evil.

Yeah? I hope evil
takes mastercard.

You and me, faith,

we're a lot alike.

Time was, I thought humans
existed just to hurt each other.

But then I came here.

And I found out that there
are other types of people.

People who genuinely
wanted to do right.

And they make mistakes.

And they fall down.

You know,
but they keep caring.

Keep trying.

If you can trust us, faith,
this can all change.

You don't have to disappear
into the darkness.


By the order of the watcher's
council of Britain,

I am exercising
my authority

and removing you
to England,

where you will
accept the judgment

of the disciplinary

I'm sorry for
the extreme measures.

Unfortunately, this is a
rather extreme circumstance.


Please believe nobody
is rushing to judgment.

The first priority of both
myself and the council

is to help you.

Now, none of that.
Tighten her restraints.

Faith, there's no point
in fighting this.


Have to disagree
with you on that one.

Now unlock these or I'll pop
this guy's head like a grape.

Don't even
think about it.

Faith, you can't
keep running.

Wrong again, Wes.

It was the new watcher. He had
a couple of guys helping him.

Then he figured it out?

Which means
that faith will be

soon on her way back to England
to face the watcher's council.

And then what?

Giles: Most likely
they'll lock her away

for a good long while.

So we head them off
at the airport and stop them.

Can i...
I'm just wondering. Why?

I'm not the most
objective, I know.

I kind of have an issue with
faith sharing my people.

But she murdered someone
and accused Buffy.

Then she hurt Xander.

I hate to say it, but maybe
she belongs behind bars.

Buffy: She's
out of control, I know.

But angel was getting somewhere with her.
She was opening up.

If we could
just stop Wesley...

That's no longer
an issue.

You let her get away?

"Let" wouldn't be
the way I'd phrase it,

but, yes, she escaped.

That's good work.
First, you terrorize her,

then you put her
back in the streets.

That was
hardly my plan.

I was trying
to save her.

But you didn't.
You probably destroyed her.

Buffy, that's enough.

I better find her before
she does any more damage.

We're going to need
to split up.

I'll check the docks. That's
probably where she is.

Giles, why don't you go
to her motel?

Xander, Willow,
her haunts and be careful.

I'll try the airport.

What can I do?
I want to help.

You still got your ticket
back to the mother country?

You don't give up, do you?

Not on my friends, no.

Yeah, because you and me
are such solid buds, right?

We could be.
It's not too late.

For me to change and be
more like you, you mean?

Little miss
goody two shoes?

It ain't
gonna happen, b.

Faith, nobody is
asking you to be like me,

but you can't
go on like this.

Scares you, doesn't it?

Yeah, it scares me.

Faith, you're hurting people.
You're hurting yourself.

But that's not it.

That's not what
bothers you so much.

What bugs you is
you know I'm right.

You know in your gut we don't need the law.
We are the law.


You know exactly
what I'm about

'cause you have it
in you, too.

No, faith,
you're sick.

I've seen it, b.
You've got the lust.

And I'm not just talking
about screwing vampires.

Don't you dare
bring him into this.

It was good, wasn't it?
The sex? The danger?

Bet a part of you even dug
him when he went psycho.


See, you need me
to toe the line

because you're afraid you'll
go over it, aren't you, b?

You can't handle watching
me living my own way,

having a blast,
because it tempts you.

You know
it could be you.

There's my girl.

No. I'm not going
to do this.

Why not? It feels good.
Blood rising.


I hear once you've
tasted a slayer,

you never want to go back.

Oh, no.

No, this is
no good at all.

So she saved you.

She could have left me there
to die, Giles, but she didn't.

She opted to come back
to town with you then.

That bodes well.

She still
has a lot to face

before she can
put this behind her.

I'm not going
to give up on her.

Then I think
she stands a chance.

You sent your boy
to kill me.

That's right, I did.

He's dust.

I thought he might be,

what with you
standing here and all.

I guess that means
you have a job opening.

Grr! Arrgh!