Brockmire (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 8 - Episode #3.8 - full transcript

Things are getting worse in
America, friends.

Even in my old home of baseball,

the infidels are invading
the holy land, y'all.

Jim Brockmire, paid by George Soros

in the deep-state
conspiracy to frame me,

he's out there calling games.

And who is he doing it with?

I'll tell you.

A black homosexual woman

who's never even played real baseball.

Meanwhile, my statue in Atlanta

gets taken down in the
middle of the night.

It's enough to make you want
to despair for the future.

But, all right, it's opening day,

the time where hope springs eternal.

I get it.

But if y'all are as unhappy as I am,

then I urge you to
show up to games today

and let the powers that be
know we won't back down.

We will keep baseball pure.

And after that, America.
By any means necessary.

- Friends.
- Come on.


Your need for attention
is not my problem, Randy.

Okay? Let's go.

You're not supposed

- to honk your horn, Mom.
- I'm not allowing

- You've been warned.
- my day to get hijacked,

and this is my only form of protest.

- Can we move it along?

[SIGHS] What are you watching?

- Art Newlie.
- What?

He's taking down the hypocrisy

of the mainstream media.

Define hypocrisy.

- Exactly.
- What?

I don't want you watching...

Kyle, what's on your face?

Are you eating my donuts?


Those were for A.A., Kyle!

Damn. Okay.

Listen to Mommy.

Mommy gets them addicted
to sugar and caffeine

instead of drugs and alcohol.

Right? That's how I help them.

So I need the donuts,
otherwise they don't come.

And if they don't come,

then they wrap their cars
around telephone poles.

You understand what I mean?

You see... Shit. Shit, shit!

Get a bag, baby.
Get a bag. Baby, get a...

- No!


All right, yep.

Mommy's purse is a bag.

Very good listening, honey.

I'm real proud of you.

- Move your ass!

Oh, my god.

My afternoon's free

if you want to try for round three.

I think you mean round two, don't you?

You don't remember that time
in the middle of the night?

- No... oh, no. I'm a sleep fucker.

No, I do some of my best dick work

in a dream state.

- Huh.

I just thought you
were doing very specific

tugboat role play.

No, that'd be weird.

Yeah. I'll see you after the game.

Good luck in Tampa.

You guys are going to kill it.

Bye, Gabs!

Bye, Sauce Bitch!

Well, I have not
felt this good since...


I'm finally in a healthy
adult relationship.

It's opening day.

God it's my favorite day of the year.

And my nightmare about
ramming a tugboat

into the Panama Canal

finally makes a whole lot more sense.

I mean, everything is coming
up Brockmire over here.

- Oh, hold that thought.

Maggie probably forgot something.



You come back... you
came back to forgive me?

My goodness,
and on my first day back in the bigs.

And I thought this day
couldn't get any better!

Yeah, well, it's about to
get a hell of a lot worse.

I haven't forgiven you.

And I couldn't give a
shit about your comeback.

Gabby reached out and
asked me to come down.

Tomorrow I asked you to come,

because I said today was
a very big day for both of us.

Yeah, but tomorrow's not good for me.

It's grad night at Disney World,

and I would rather not be surrounded

by a bunch of teenagers
fingering each other

on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

Bad news is, I have to go by myself.

Sam couldn't get the time off work,

and Norm won't go back

because he was traumatized
at the Haunted Mansion

on account of his sensitivity
to the paranormal.

What the hell are you talking about?

- What is going on?
- All right.

I guess we're doing this now.

Uh, Jim,

there's something
that you need to hear.

And I thought having Jean
here would soften the blow.

Did Mom die?

Oh, no, are you dying?

Oh, shit. I'm dying.

No, dumbass.

Jules is engaged.

- What?
- Yeah, she, uh,

made it Instagram official yesterday.

Oh, my god.

How did you see this?

I follow her.

At first I was just curious

'cause you were always
going on about her,

but now I really like what she does.

Right? She's like the
Busy Phillips of baseball.

Jules and George Brett
are getting married.

My goodness.


Jean, I know you don't forgive me, but

flying all the way here
to help break this news...

that, uh, that means a lot.

I'm still mad at you,

but your sobriety is important to me.

Every time your shit hits the fan,

you get on a mic,

fling it back out at the rest of us,

and go on a bender.

I don't want that to happen.

So please, don't do anything crazy.

Well, would you looky here?

It's the weird spot
where we first kissed;

where it all began for both of us.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing?

Get your hand out of your pocket.

Put your hands where I can see 'em!

Maggie, I realize it's not fair

to ask you to move to Oakland

without some kind of a commitment.

Move to Oakland?


You literally know nothing about me

except for what my vagina tastes like.

Well, at this point in your cycle

with the Moon waning like it is,

- it tastes...
- No, no, no, no, no.

I don't actually want to know.

No, that would make me self-conscious.

Well, it shouldn't,

because I want to taste it
for the rest of my life.

Jeez Louise!

That is much bigger than I expected.

Yeah, it turns out not
having a cocaine problem

is just a great way to save money.

Maggie, I know I know we haven't

known each other long, but...

I feel that what we
have is just so special.

What's my middle name?

Now, that is a stumper,

considering I don't even
know your last name.

- What is your last name?


- You can get up.
- Oh, really?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I know why you're doing this.

- I follow Jules on Instagram.
- No, no, no, no, no.

At first,
it was just some light stalking

to convince myself that
she was terrible, but...

then it just made me feel
better that I was with someone

who dated someone that cool.

Well, is she... why is she cool?

Because she's engaged
to a baseball legend

and she travels around the country

putting on special events at.

Well, actually,
I can see why this is all

pretty good on Instagram. I can.

I've had a really good
time, but that's all this is.

I don't want anything more.

I'm actually leaving Florida,

- in a little while.
- What?

Yeah, Matt the Bat left me all

of his frequent flyer
miles when he died.

We used to talk about how I
really wanted to go to Japan.

So I'm flying there
in a couple of weeks.

And then from there, who knows?

He left you his miles?

All I got was to hold
his hand when he died

and some expired Dunkaroos.

I'm sorry, it was not my plan to do this

before your first game back.

- Are you going to be okay?
- Yeah. Sure.

Oh, God damn it.


I just realized we have to pedal

all the way back to the rental shop

against the wind, so...

This is about to be
the most awkward 20 minutes

that I've ever sweated my way through.

How about you?

- Yeah, it's up there.
- Yeah, right?


[GRUNTING] Oh, boy.

- That actually hurts.
- So tough.

Hey, beta cuck!

That's alpha cuck to you.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Almost constantly...

- Who are you guys?
- We're the protest.

- What are you protesting?
- Your existence.

CROWD: Everything old is Newlie again!

Everything old is Newlie again!

Everything old is Newlie again!

Everything old is Newlie again!

Well, I was just accosted by

the Hitler Youth
lacrosse team out there.

What is happening?

Art Newlie has declared war on us

and baseball.

- What?
- Where have you been?

Even for Florida that's
a lot of loose sweat.

In a moment of panic,
I proposed to Maggie.

At which point she
promptly broke up with me

and announced that she
was leaving the country.

Other than that, though,
it went real good.

Jesus, Jim,
that is exactly what I was afraid of.

Thank you, Jean. Okay.
how close to the edge are you?

Pretty close. Fairly shaky here.

I'll muddle through. I'll be all right.

I just... I need for everything to just

calm down for a second.

- Bad news.

King Venom Vape Cartridge
has pulled their sponsorship.

- What?
- Turns out that Big Vape

are huge Art Newlie supporters.

The key demographic are
angry young white males.

Look, we don't care what some
shitty vape company thinks,

because the organization has our back.

Okay, that... that...
that's another thing.

Word has come down from the top that

they don't want Gabby to do
the count for you anymore.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?

Th-they think that it shows
an emasculating behavior

that they want to avoid,
what with all this Newlie heat.

That's what they said?

No; what they said was,

"bitch-ass behavior,"

but I knew what they were talking about

because I put together
the contextual clues.

Do they want me to have an
anxiety attack on the air?

I mean, is that what... Is
that what they're hoping...



- Ooh.
- What, do you gotta puke?

- Okay, what size bucket do you want?

I think all we have are medium.

Oh, please be quiet,

because the sound of
your voice is so bad.

Okay, okay. Um...

Are you there, Baseball God?

It's me. It's Jim Brockmire.

Um, if you exist,
which you probably don't,

could you please,
please grant me a respite

from this tornado of shit

that I find myself in?

God, it's like I can even smell it.

So can I, what... [GASPS]

Oh, Jim, your jacket.

Ah, jeez.
Th-there's poop on your jacket.

Oh, my god!

[SNIFFS] Oh, god!

What is that, an N?

What is that for, neo-goddamn-Nazi?

I think it's for Newlie!

It's for Newlie.

I think it's for Newlie.

Do you believe this? Huh?

I wish I could tell you
this was the first time

somebody threw shit on me.
But the good news is,

I know exactly how to get it out.

The key is to get the shit hard

so you can just scrape it off.

Now, I doubt very highly

you have a blast chiller in here,

so you'll just have to use a
blow dryer set on cool, okay?

Once the shit is hard,

you take a horse bristle brush

and you swipe up, okay?

Firm, swift motions with the grain.

That's really important.
With the grain.

Okay, please be careful
with this thing.

It means the world to me.

My blood, sweat,
and tears are in this jacket.

Also a fair amount of my semen.

Probably clone, like, three dozen mes

with the bodily fluid in that bad boy.

So with the grain, okay?

With the grain!

Hey, hey. Is everything okay?

Yeah, sometimes I just find it

a little bit hard to be around them.

- Yeah, Newlie fans?
- Nope, the people of Tampa.

Just a swarm of red-faced vulgarians

parading around in their flip-flops.

It's just disgusting.

Seeing somebody's foot
should be a consensual act.

Look at all of 'em out there.

I swear to god,
Florida popped a cyst one day

and they called it Tampa. Tampa.

Jim, I think you've
wandered into a dark place.

- Yeah, how so?
- I got good news.

Oakland found a replacement sponsor,

and it's a big one.

- Who is it?
- The Bourbon Group.

- Is that a brand?
- It's all the brands.

Yeah, you know,
they got together as a council, and,

you know, just like the milk people.

Except they're promoting
the concept of bourbon.


"That sweet, delicious friend"

"who's always there for you."

"In light times, in dark times,"

"it's always bourbon time."

Really? "Dark times"?

They're leveraging our

pre-apocalyptic present
to sell bourbon?

what kind of a horrible monster

would suggest that brown liquor

is the answer to life's problems?

Oh my God, look at you.

- You're salivating.
- No, I'm not.

- Shut up. Leave me alone.
- Yes, you are.

You look like a goddamn
cartoon dog imagining a T-bone.

You need to call someone.

Have you tried Jean? Shirley?

Yes. Nobody's getting back to me.

- Whoa.

Oh, thank God. Speak of the devil.

George Brett.

Oh, he wants me to be
an usher at his wedding.

Isn't that delightful?

He marries the love of my life

doesn't have the decency
to ask me to officiate

the goddamn ceremony!

Okay, you need to go
find his jacket ASAP.

I'm on it.


Um, just take some deep
breaths, all right?

You got me through a dark time.

I'm gonna get you through yours.

So just keep breathing.

Okay. Bad news.

They lost your jacket.

Good news is,
they're pretty sure they can find it

in the next three to
five business days.

In other news,
you are a useless piece of shit!

- Whoa, hey, Jim!
- Jim, Jim, Jim!

For once, this is not Gus's fault.

Okay, and I know it's important to you,

but it is just a jacket.
You don't need it.

I know I don't need it.
I know I don't need it!

It's not Dumbo's feather, is it?

It's my... my voice was
inside me all along.

I'm livid

because no matter how much
hard work I do on myself,

I keep on being tested, Gab.

I keep being punished.

No end in sight to this shit!

I'm going for a walk.

Oh, no! The game is in 40 minutes.

You want me to breathe.

I'm gonna go breathe. I need air!

I'm gonna go for a walk!


Told 'em once!











It's been a day.

Jesus Christ.

Look, I just can't pretend

that this world isn't on fire anymore.

So I might as well enjoy

the one thing in life
that gives me comfort.

You know, Shirley, it's funny.

You're always trying to get me
to find my higher power, right?

I don't think I ever
truly felt its presence

until right now.

Because, no, in this moment,

I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be,

doing exactly what I'm
supposed to be doing.

Okay, and all the bad stuff

that happened to me today
that drove me to this bar

has served its purpose.

Because I was meant to be
here to help you right now.

I mean, come on.

What are the chances
that you end up in a bar

directly across the
street from the stadium

where I'm calling a ball game today?

Well, I'm in Tampa because my son

got arrested for protesting you.

I came here to pick him up and then...

kind of just followed
myself here instead.

Sometimes a coincidence is
just more proof of chaos.

Oh, come on.


My kid's an asshole.

Yeah, and it's all my fault, so...

I didn't get sober till he was seven,

and he's never gonna
forgive me for that.

Shirley, he's 15. Yeah?

- Yeah.
- He's not 50.

Not gonna be like this forever.

Oh, that's true.

He could get worse.

Well, not with you as a
mother, he won't.


Are you kidding me?

I'm a middle-aged telemarketer

whose greatest achievement
in life was sobriety.

I think my point can best be conveyed

through a story about my pet
tortoise, Clemenza.

This living fossil from dinosaur times,

who himself was born before
the combustion engine,

has somehow managed to survive
into the 21st century.

Every single day that
I've lived with Clem,

he tries to get himself
up onto my couch.

"And I always tell him," Clem,

"it's just... it's not
gonna happen for you.

It's impossible."

But all he knows how to do

is just keep on moving forward.

It doesn't matter the obstacle.

One day, I walked in,

and against all logic, there he was.

He was up on the fucking couch.


He just kept going
until he got up there.

- Huh.
- Look.

Here's what I'm trying to tell you.

I understand your hopelessness.

I mean,
right now this country feels like

the lobby of the Overlook Hotel

just moments before the elevator opens

and we're all drowned in blood.

But the only way we make
things better is to try.

- Point is,

there's no such thing
as a pointless struggle.

Because it's what we struggle for

and against that defines us.

Now, come on. Let's go to a ball game.

- No... No.
- This is gonna be fun.

'Cause I'm gonna introduce you
to the Baseball God.

- Okay.
- Come on.

- Here we go.
- All right.


Easy. All right, okay.

Just hang in there.

Oh, my god, Jean. You came!

I was on my favorite ride

strategizing my next fast
pass, when it hit me:

It is a small world after all.

We need to look out for each other.

That's the point of this whole thing.

Boy, I wish you hadn't
had that realization

on a vaguely racist puppet boat tour.

But I'll take what I can get, Jean.

And, boy, I love you.

God damn it. I love you too, Brother.

Um, oh! Uh, this is Shirley.

This is my... this is my sponsor,

It's nice to meet you.

Well, that explains a lot.

You look like you could use
a cup of coffee and a donut.

Oh my god, yes.

Yeah, here. Let's go, baby.

- Oh, god bless you, Jean.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Thank you.
- Here we go.

Hey. You can't leave like that.

We're a team.
I can't do this by myself.

Neither can I. I am so sorry.

I want you to know that in my

darkest, darkest moments just now,

it was your words about a higher power

that came to me when
everything was just blackness.

Well, where did you go?

I went to a bar. Ah!

The only thing I imbibed
was the joy of service.

Now, you ready to call a ball game?

I have been ready all day.

- Well, let's do it.
- Guys, guys, guys.

- Oh, what now, Gus?

Newlie's fans have "swatted"

half the baseball stadiums.

- Swatted?
- Yeah.

All of the West Coast
games have been cancelled.

Major League Baseball wants you
to read a statement about it.

- This is bullshit.
- No, no, no.

- We'll read it.
- What?

- We'll read it.
- Wait, I'm sorry.

What are you...
what are you talking about?

We'll read the weak-tea statement,

and then we'll say
just a little bit more.

Okay, but what about the count?

You know, at this point, I'm just gonna

"keep it Brockmire"
and hope for the best.

- Has that ever worked?
- Well,

there's a first time for
everything, isn't there?

[SIGHS] All right.

118 years of baseball history.

50 seasons personifying the
grit and greatness of Oakland.

One team.

Your 2019.

Oakland baseball season begins now.

Welcome, everybody, to Opening day

here in Tampa...

Florida's most Floridian city...

where Oakland opens up the 2019 season.

I am Jim Brockmire.

I'm joined by my partner, Gabby Taylor,

on this uniquely somber
first day of the season.

As many of you know,
five games were canceled today,

and the MLB has asked us to read

the following statement.





Boy... baseball's really
taking the brave stance

against improper
emergency service calls.

- Aren't they?
- Yeah, it certainly is

a whole lot of words kind of

strung together in a row, Jim.

It certainly is, but...

You know, as the focus of today's

hateful fear-mongering,

Gabby and I would like to
say just a few more words.

- Gabby?
- Thanks, Jim.

You know, I'm about to
bring a child into a world

where men like Art Newlie
seem to have their voice

and power just amplified by the minute.

He and his followers
don't want me in baseball.

Or America.

But... people like me have
always been in this game

and this country.

I'm gonna raise this baby
to be a baseball fan,

because this is my game.

You're goddamn right it is.

You know, folks,
my mama always said that

nothing in this life matters.

And on days like this,

when it seems that
stupidity and ignorance

are the only things being rewarded,

it's easy to feel like
she is exactly right.

But I believe that we create
our own meaning in this world.

And out there, on that diamond,

that is a world that has meaning.

Fairness, patience, community,

the knowledge that
we're a part of a team

even when we're by ourselves.

These are the core tenets of baseball.

They're the ones I fight for

inside and outside of this game.

Folks, baseball endures.

It's a relic of a bygone era that,

well, it wasn't even a
particularly good one.

But its continued existence
is a lesson to us all

that we too can make it out of these...

these dark times.

Well said, Jim.

Stay tuned for the first
pitch when we return.

[VOICE OVER] And we're clear.


I want you to be this kid's godfather.

Are you kidding me?

Gabby, that is all I have wanted.

Well, that means that if you die...

Oh, no. It's not legally binding.

If I die, the baby goes to my mother.

And if she dies,
the baby goes to the state.

Right, but if the state dies

and California becomes this
apocalyptic wasteland...

Oh, yeah, then you need
to take custody of my child

and escort them through
the end of times

like a Cormac McCarthy novel.

That's actually a
lot of responsibility.

'Cause the way things are going,

there's a 15% chance of that
happening in our lifetime.

- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.

Here we go.

Welcome back, folks,
as we turn our attention

to what's actually going on
out there on the ball field.

19-year-old phenom Danny Carney

making his Major League debut

on the mound out there for Tampa

as Lewis settles into
the box for Oakland.

And here comes the opening pitch

of the 2019 season.

It is a fastball high.


1 and 0.