Breaking Bad (2008–2013): Season 5, Episode 2 - Madrigal - full transcript
Walt and Jesse seek out an unlikely partner for a new business venture. The DEA follows up new leads in its investigation.
Honey mustard.
Honest to God,
it's starting to drive me crazy.
- Don't.
- It keeps me awake.
I lay there thinking, "Where is it?
Where did it go?"
- And I just-- I can't even-- I have no idea.
- Jesse, look.
Doesn't it make sense
that it wound up in the lab?
I thought about that a lot.
But I just don't see how.
Well, look. You had the pack in
your pocket of your jacket, right?
- Yeah.
- And your jacket was in your locker.
So maybe the cigarette
fell out of the pocket...
and wound up in the locker,
and now it's all burned up.
- It's gone.
- Yeah.
But I don't know that, you know?
I can't ever know for sure.
Well, look, did you
check your house?
Did you--? Maybe it's
somewhere in your house.
No, man.
I've looked everywhere, okay?
- Your car? Did you check your car?
- No.
- Thoroughly?
- Yes, of course. It's not in my house.
It's not in my car.
The more I think about it...
...there's no way it
fell out in my locker.
Somebody's gonna find it
on the street.
- You don't know that.
- Somewhere where I dropped it.
Some innocent person,
some kid maybe, even.
They're gonna pick it up,
and it's gonna--
- You're working yourself all up.
- Oh, my God!
You've gotta get a hold
of yourself, here.
All right? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna come over there.
And together, we 're gonna look
for this thing. All right?
What the hell is that?
My Roomba.
I already checked it.
Like a week ago.
Oh, God.
Oh, Jesus.
Okay. Easy, easy. Take it--
Careful. Let me see.
Is it still intact?
Yeah. Good.
Good. No worries.
Let me get rid of this.
What luck.
Well, I don't know about you...
...but I, for one, could use a beer.
You have any?
I almost shot you.
Hey, hey, now...
I almost killed you all because...
It was just a misunderstanding,
that's all.
No. No, no, no, no.
I don't know what's wrong
with me, Mr. White. I--
- I don't know how I could be so stupid.
- Stop that now. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Listen to me.
What happened, happened for
the best, you hear me?
And I wouldn't change a thing.
You and I working together...
...having each other's back.
It's what saved our lives.
I want you to think about that
as we go forward.
Go forward where?
Stillwell, steady as you go.
Willie, note the time.
Captain, I'm sorry,
but you're a sick man.
I'm relieving you as captain
of the ship under article 184.
- Oh, God.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Helmsman, left 180.
Mr. Keith, what do I do?
You're the officer on the deck.
I told you to come left.
Now come left, and fast.
I'm sorry, sir, but you're not issuing
orders on this bridge anymore.
I've relieved you.
I take full responsibil--
Thanks for seeing us.
We're here to talk partnership.
Yes. Equal. Three ways.
You, Jesse and me.
Partnership in what?
Well, we figure we're gonna start
cooking again.
You know, we figure, why not?
There's no denying the popularity
of our product.
There's a market to be filled...
...and currently no one to fill it.
A lot of money to be made.
And obviously, Jesse and I
have manufacture covered.
But there's still distribution..., logistics,
that sort of thing.
For instance, we'll need a
steady supply of precursor.
With your experience
and connections... would be a great help.
Granted, there's a
lot of work ahead.
There's a lot of rebuilding.
And, no doubt,
our profits will be smaller.
At least at first. But each of us
will receive a larger cut.
Owners, not employees.
Thanks, but no, thanks.
Mike, I know you don't care for me.
We've had our issues, you and I.
But I would suggest...
...that you leave emotion
out of this decision.
I am.
...are trouble.
I'm sorry the kid here doesn't
see it, but I sure as hell do.
You are a time bomb...
...tick, tick, ticking...
...and I have no intention
of being around for the boom.
Well, sleep on it.
Maybe you'll reconsider.
In the meantime, we're pressing on.
Hey, why aren't you upstairs?
- I came to see if you needed any help.
- Yeah, well, I don't.
Well, I can see that, man.
It's outstanding.
Yeah. I'm working on it, here.
Not exactly running marathons,
you know.
Yeah, well, when did your couch-shaped
ass ever run any marathons?
- I'm proud of you, brother.
- Yeah.
So how many Krauts we got?
Enough to invade Poland.
Came in their own G5,
just like Oprah has.
G5, yeah?
Is that one where the wings
go up like that?
- I think they all do that.
- They all have that?
Anyway, we got two U.S. Attorneys
in the house.
Big doings.
Your name keeps coming up.
Yeah? Hey, give me a hand here,
would you?
Just a little bit there. Thanks.
I hired Peter Schuler in 1992.
Almost single-handedly, he grew
our little restaurant division...
...into an industry leader...
...and a source
of great personal pride.
I am shocked and saddened
by his death...
...and outraged by the damage...
...his actions have wrought
upon my grandfather's company.
Alleged actions.
An innocent man does
not kill himself.
My people and I are here to help.
To your investigation, I pledge Madrigal's
full cooperation and transparency.
I confess I have my selfish reasons.
I believe Peter Schuler
was a lone anomaly.
But if that is not the case,
I want to know it...
...just as you do.
So when you gonna announce it?
I don't know.
As I'm walking out the door
with my big cardboard box.
Can't do that. You know damn well
we're gonna throw you a big party.
Damn straight.
We're talking a blowout.
Outstanding police work, Hank.
If only I'd listened.
But I guess the damage was done.
It's not right,
them putting this on you.
Somebody's gotta go under the bus.
Ramey's a good man.
He'll do right by you.
Besides, this office
practically runs itself.
Bullshit, it does.
What's with that A.P.D. thing?
The electromagnets?
They're thinking
it's about Fring's laptop.
A couple of days before it happened,
desk sergeant gets a call...
...from a "postal inspector"
quote, unquote...
...wanting to know
where they keep the thing.
And he told them? Jesus.
Anything left of the laptop?
Do we look that lucky?
I sneaked a peek before A.P.D.
took it out of Fring's office.
The whole thing was encrypted. They
wouldn't have got anything anyway, but...
So Hector Salamanca killed Fring.
But who gave Salamanca
the bomb?
Whole lot of questions
and not much in the way of answers.
The A.P.D. did find
some of Fring's financials.
That just might lead to something.
I had him out to my house.
Fourth of July.
We cooked out in the backyard.
My son shucked the corn.
My daughter cut up potatoes.
Fring brought sea bass.
Every time I grill it now, I make a little
foil pouch, just like he showed me.
That whole night,
we were laughing...
...telling stories, drinking wine.
And he's somebody else completely.
Right in front of me.
Right under my nose.
Hi. What can I get you?
- Just tea. Chamomile.
- Oh, sorry. We don't have chamomile tea.
Then some sort of bergamot,
not Earl Grey.
I like soy milk instead of dairy.
We don't have soy milk
or any sort of bergamot.
You're really running me
through my paces here.
Well, English breakfast, I guess.
We have Lipton's.
That's pretty much all we have.
I would like a cup of hot water, filtered,
if possible, and a slice of lemon.
I'm assuming
you don't have stevia?
Never mind. I brought my own.
You coming to me,
or am I coming to you?
Face forward. We'll talk like this.
I guess I'm coming to you.
Take a breath, will you?
This place is safe.
No one's gonna see you here.
My God. Duane,
this is so-- Thank you.
How did I not see you sitting
back there? So weird.
You want anything else, Mike?
No. I'm good, Fran. Thanks.
Now... about
we lose the sunglasses?
I feel like I'm talking
to Jackie Onassis here.
There you go.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Drink your whatever.
Who killed Gus?
Haven't I told you
not to worry about that?
Now, what do you want from me,
and why is it so important?
What's this?
A list of 11 names.
You know them all.
I do.
Those 11 men--
And I think you know this, Mike.
Those 11 could sink us,
you and me both.
- Where are we going with this?
- No specific... I'm just pointing out facts.
These men--
Your men, yours and Gus'...
...they were on the payroll,
very publicly.
They trace back to Pollos,
the laundry, to Madrigal.
They're gonna get picked up
by the police. When they do...
...and threatened,
and there's only one way out--
And I'm not saying
all of them, okay?
All it's gonna take is two or three,
or even one.
But there's always a weak link.
But they're gonna talk.
At least one's gonna talk about you,
me, and that's all it's gonna take.
These are the 11 I know of,
but I'd love your input.
I never met your
chemist, for instance.
I'd love your input.
You want me to kill
every man on that list?
That's a leap, what you just...
No, I didn't say that.
But if you think that'd be wise...
You're scared, aren't you?
You're very upset, which I'm gonna
factor into my response here.
These are my guys,
and they are solid.
- Understand?
- What about Chow at the warehouse?
Didn't you have to shoot him
through the hand?
- Think that didn't stick in his memory?
- What about Dennis at the laundry?
- They're sure to pick him up.
- They already have.
They picked him up last night.
My guys are solid.
I vetted them with great care...
...and Fring made sure
they were well compensated... the event of a situation such as this.
They're paid to stand up to the heat...
...keep their mouths shut,
no matter what.
And they will.
I don't know what movies
you've been watching...
...but in the real world,
we don't kill 11 people... some kind of
prophylactic measure.
Look at me...
...and say you understand.
I understand.
- I get it.
- So we're off that very silly idea?
Drink your hot water.
I gotta go.
Did you have enough?
Yeah. I'm good.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye, big brother.
Say bye to Mom for me.
I will. Have a good day.
You too.
The car wash opens in 15 minutes.
Mariano can open for me today.
Hey, how about you get up, huh?
Come on.
A shower will feel good.
Hey, Chow.
How you holding up?
You know, they...
They talked to me.
You can't smoke in here, Chow.
Thanks for coming down.
Have a seat, Mr. Ehrmantraut.
Am I saying that right?
Close enough.
Once more, you're waiving your right
to have an attorney present?
Could you state that
to the camera?
I'm waiving my right
to have an attorney present.
Okay, then.
We just have a few questions.
You're currently employed
by the Pollos Hermanos chain.
- Is that correct?
- Yes, I am.
- What do you do there?
- Corporate security.
- Corporate security.
- Yeah.
What's that?
Like guarding the special sauce?
I conduct employee
background checks.
I oversee loss prevention.
At a fast-food restaurant,
that's a full-time job?
We have 14 locations.
So, yes, it's a full-time job.
Yeah, well, if I were you,
I'd start sending out those résumés.
It says here
you're a private investigator?
- Where you licensed?
- New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.
Every state where we operate.
Colorado? You have some
restaurants there, right?
- Colorado doesn't require licensure.
- Licensed to carry a firearm?
- Concealed carry? Yes, I am.
- Which states?
It'd be quicker to mention
the states in which I'm not.
And if we pulled your CCPs,
everything would be in order?
I'm guessing you've already
done that, so you tell me.
You strike me as a former cop.
Am I right?
Where at?
- Philadelphia.
- Philly.
The City of Brotherly Love. Turns
out we know some folks there...
...and they told us that your tenure
as a police officer...
...ended somewhat dramatically?
- You wanna talk about that?
- Not particularly.
Yeah, me neither.
See, I'm more interested in why Gus
Fring decided to put a guy like you... charge of his
corporate security.
I mean, given your history...
...doing background checks
on pimple-faced fry cooks.
Seems like overkill.
What else you do for Fring?
He must've needed help
running that drug empire of his, no?
Drug empire?
First I'm hearing about that.
I don't know anything about that.
We have a guy that could
put you in that underground lab...
...and he'll testify to it. So from
here on out, this can go hard or easy.
So what's it gonna be?
Forget your handcuffs?
I'm confused.
Am I under arrest here, or am I not?
You wanna state that
for the camera?
You are not under arrest, currently.
Agents, do you have
any more questions for me?
Because you've got me very stirred
up with all these false accusations.
If I'm not under arrest,
I'd prefer to leave.
Oh, well...
I suppose we could talk about
the $2 million... your granddaughter's name.
Yeah. It seems Fring had all these
secret offshore accounts...
...that he would deposit money into.
Like, well, an even dozen of them.
And they're all in the names
of certain people on his payroll.
The manager of the laundry...
...a couple guys from
the Pollos distribution centre.
There was the owner of a chemical
warehouse, a bunch of others.
You know, guys that must've been
getting paid off the books.
Anyway, one of the names
was Kaylee Ehrmantraut.
Ten years old
and just cute as a button.
Yeah. Two million and change
we found on deposit for her.
Way more than anybody else.
Now, my partner here,
he took one look at that and said:
"Shit, man. This fifth-grade girl is the
muscle behind Fring's entire operation."
I said, "Whoa, whoa, hey, partner,
slow down there.
Maybe it was actually
her dear old granddaddy."
Impressive, no?
That... level of insight?
He's not impressed, Gomey.
Perhaps he's picturing
all that money going bye-bye.
Yeah, well, I mean, the government's
gonna take every last dollar, unless...
Here's the thing, Mike-- Or Michael?
- Mr. Ehrmantraut.
- Here's the thing, Mike.
Lucky, you didn't touch that money.
I cannot say the same
for the other 11 on the list.
One of your guys is gonna roll...
...and then we'll definitely
remember the handcuffs.
Now, before that day comes,
you can do yourself a solid.
You can tell us what you know... can tell us
who's still out there...
...and if we like your story...
...good things can happen.
Kaylee might be able
to keep some of that money.
So what do you say?
I don't know anything
about any money.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
First order of business is to find a new place to cook.
Before anyone says it...
- more RV's.
- I don't know.
- The crystal ship did pretty good for us.
- The "crystal ship"?
Yeah. That's what I called it.
Well, I'll admit, it held its own
as a starter lab...
...but it was too dark, too small...
...not to mention it could've
broken down at any moment.
Saul, find us someplace safe
from prying eyes.
Security against detection
is paramount.
But I don't wanna drive too far. No more
50-mile treks to some Indian reservation.
In town is trickier. I mean, you got
a lot more of your prying eyes.
If Gus can manage it,
then so can we.
Precursor. Where are we with that?
We're good on everything
except methylamine.
No surprise.
It's dry as hell out there.
What if we switched back
to a pseudo cook?
Absolutely out of the question.
Jesse, there is methylamine out there.
I know it.
Yeah, but what if there's not?
Because there isn't.
I mean, really.
There is.
Have faith.
Can I offer a thought?
Say a guy wins the lottery.
Ten million bucks.
The very next day,
what's the one thing he does not do?
He does not go buy another
lottery ticket, right?
He counts his lucky stars,
and he sails off into the sunset...
...which, seems to me,
and all due respect...
...some advice you two might take.
What lottery did I win, exactly?
Hey, you're alive.
I mean, as far as I'm concerned,
that's the Irish sweepstakes.
I'm alive, and I'm broke.
Counting the money that I owe Jesse,
I'm about 40 grand in the hole.
Does that seem like an acceptable
stopping point to you?
There is gold in the streets...
...just waiting for someone
to come and scoop it up.
But me, I should quit now.
Jesse, too, I suppose, huh?
I got you this time, kid.
Hey, how come you get two,
and I only get one?
Oh, what are you gonna--?
That one's mine!
Green is beating orange.
- No.
- Green is beating orange.
Pink is beating your yellow one.
I give up. bah)'-
You're too good.
It's me. You got a minute?
Yeah. A minute. What's up, Chow?
The DEA,
they call me to come back.
Say they want to talk more.
I'm sure they do.
Did you call your lawyer?
Yeah, but, Mike,
the DEA take all my money.
I need it.
I need my money.
You understand.
What do you want me
to do about it?
I don't know.
I don't know. We gotta talk.
Not on the phone.
Can you come to my house?
All right.
You give me two hours.
I'd like you to drop your gun
where you stand...
...and then turn around very slowly.
Come on over
and sit next to Chow.
How much was she gonna pay you?
Ten thousand a name.
How far did you get down the list?
Just Chow.
I figured I'd start with you.
For you, she was gonna pay 30.
I'm really sorry about this, Mike,
but I needed the money.
Those feds, they took it all, man.
I know.
Are you ready?
Listen, Mike--
Kiira, come and have some cookies.
- It's a cookie!
- It's a cookie, yes!
Let's go.
Let's count.
Well, look at this.
What are you doing?
- Hey, Mommy!
- What are you doing still up?
Hey, yourself. Give me a kiss.
- She said she wanted to wait for you.
- She does, huh?
Well, who's the adult here, Delores?
- Tell me she ate her dinner, at least.
- Oh, yes, she ate everything.
She ate her peas, her carrots.
Do whatever it takes to keep them
out of here, or they die.
- A whole lot.
- Understand?
- Yep.
- That's right, my girl.
Delores, I'm gonna take a bath. Put
Kiira to bed and then go on home.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Really?
- You don't want me to wait for you?
- No, you go home. Thank you.
Si, Miss Lydia.
Mommy, you gonna come
say good night to me?
Yeah, honey.
After Mommy takes a bath.
Love you.
Mommy's very tired,
so let's go to bed.
Don't hurt my daughter.
I won't have to unless you scream.
You know why I'm here?
What are you waiting for?
The nanny to leave.
If you have anything to say to me,
now's the time.
Two good men died because of you.
Don't shoot me in the face.
Please. I don't want my daughter
seeing me like that.
- Your daughter won't see you.
- She will. She'll find me.
- She never once sleeps through the night.
- Nobody's gonna find you.
Wait. What?
No. No. No.
No. She has to find me.
- Lower your voice.
- She has to find me.
She has to find me.
You want your 5-year-old daughter
stumbling across your dead body?
I can't disappear.
She has to know I didn't leave her.
- She has to know that.
- Keep your voice down.
I don't care what you do.
I'll scream, and
I'll keep screaming.
My daughter's not thinking
I abandoned her!
Shut up and calm down.
I don't care. You have to promise.
You have to promise me.
Promise I don't disappear.
Can you still get your hands
on methylamine?
Methylamine, Lydia.
Can you still get it?
- Yes?
- You still plan to move forward?
Yes, we do.
I've reconsidered.
I'm in
Well, you missed a good meal.
The lasagna came out very well,
if I do say so myself.
I wrapped some up for you
if you'd like some later.
You know, it gets easier.
I promise you that it does.
What you're feeling right now...
...about Ted...
It'll pass.
When we do...
...what we do for good reasons...
...then we've got
nothing to worry about.
And there's no better reason...
...than family.
Honest to God,
it's starting to drive me crazy.
- Don't.
- It keeps me awake.
I lay there thinking, "Where is it?
Where did it go?"
- And I just-- I can't even-- I have no idea.
- Jesse, look.
Doesn't it make sense
that it wound up in the lab?
I thought about that a lot.
But I just don't see how.
Well, look. You had the pack in
your pocket of your jacket, right?
- Yeah.
- And your jacket was in your locker.
So maybe the cigarette
fell out of the pocket...
and wound up in the locker,
and now it's all burned up.
- It's gone.
- Yeah.
But I don't know that, you know?
I can't ever know for sure.
Well, look, did you
check your house?
Did you--? Maybe it's
somewhere in your house.
No, man.
I've looked everywhere, okay?
- Your car? Did you check your car?
- No.
- Thoroughly?
- Yes, of course. It's not in my house.
It's not in my car.
The more I think about it...
...there's no way it
fell out in my locker.
Somebody's gonna find it
on the street.
- You don't know that.
- Somewhere where I dropped it.
Some innocent person,
some kid maybe, even.
They're gonna pick it up,
and it's gonna--
- You're working yourself all up.
- Oh, my God!
You've gotta get a hold
of yourself, here.
All right? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna come over there.
And together, we 're gonna look
for this thing. All right?
What the hell is that?
My Roomba.
I already checked it.
Like a week ago.
Oh, God.
Oh, Jesus.
Okay. Easy, easy. Take it--
Careful. Let me see.
Is it still intact?
Yeah. Good.
Good. No worries.
Let me get rid of this.
What luck.
Well, I don't know about you...
...but I, for one, could use a beer.
You have any?
I almost shot you.
Hey, hey, now...
I almost killed you all because...
It was just a misunderstanding,
that's all.
No. No, no, no, no.
I don't know what's wrong
with me, Mr. White. I--
- I don't know how I could be so stupid.
- Stop that now. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Listen to me.
What happened, happened for
the best, you hear me?
And I wouldn't change a thing.
You and I working together...
...having each other's back.
It's what saved our lives.
I want you to think about that
as we go forward.
Go forward where?
Stillwell, steady as you go.
Willie, note the time.
Captain, I'm sorry,
but you're a sick man.
I'm relieving you as captain
of the ship under article 184.
- Oh, God.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Helmsman, left 180.
Mr. Keith, what do I do?
You're the officer on the deck.
I told you to come left.
Now come left, and fast.
I'm sorry, sir, but you're not issuing
orders on this bridge anymore.
I've relieved you.
I take full responsibil--
Thanks for seeing us.
We're here to talk partnership.
Yes. Equal. Three ways.
You, Jesse and me.
Partnership in what?
Well, we figure we're gonna start
cooking again.
You know, we figure, why not?
There's no denying the popularity
of our product.
There's a market to be filled...
...and currently no one to fill it.
A lot of money to be made.
And obviously, Jesse and I
have manufacture covered.
But there's still distribution..., logistics,
that sort of thing.
For instance, we'll need a
steady supply of precursor.
With your experience
and connections... would be a great help.
Granted, there's a
lot of work ahead.
There's a lot of rebuilding.
And, no doubt,
our profits will be smaller.
At least at first. But each of us
will receive a larger cut.
Owners, not employees.
Thanks, but no, thanks.
Mike, I know you don't care for me.
We've had our issues, you and I.
But I would suggest...
...that you leave emotion
out of this decision.
I am.
...are trouble.
I'm sorry the kid here doesn't
see it, but I sure as hell do.
You are a time bomb...
...tick, tick, ticking...
...and I have no intention
of being around for the boom.
Well, sleep on it.
Maybe you'll reconsider.
In the meantime, we're pressing on.
Hey, why aren't you upstairs?
- I came to see if you needed any help.
- Yeah, well, I don't.
Well, I can see that, man.
It's outstanding.
Yeah. I'm working on it, here.
Not exactly running marathons,
you know.
Yeah, well, when did your couch-shaped
ass ever run any marathons?
- I'm proud of you, brother.
- Yeah.
So how many Krauts we got?
Enough to invade Poland.
Came in their own G5,
just like Oprah has.
G5, yeah?
Is that one where the wings
go up like that?
- I think they all do that.
- They all have that?
Anyway, we got two U.S. Attorneys
in the house.
Big doings.
Your name keeps coming up.
Yeah? Hey, give me a hand here,
would you?
Just a little bit there. Thanks.
I hired Peter Schuler in 1992.
Almost single-handedly, he grew
our little restaurant division...
...into an industry leader...
...and a source
of great personal pride.
I am shocked and saddened
by his death...
...and outraged by the damage...
...his actions have wrought
upon my grandfather's company.
Alleged actions.
An innocent man does
not kill himself.
My people and I are here to help.
To your investigation, I pledge Madrigal's
full cooperation and transparency.
I confess I have my selfish reasons.
I believe Peter Schuler
was a lone anomaly.
But if that is not the case,
I want to know it...
...just as you do.
So when you gonna announce it?
I don't know.
As I'm walking out the door
with my big cardboard box.
Can't do that. You know damn well
we're gonna throw you a big party.
Damn straight.
We're talking a blowout.
Outstanding police work, Hank.
If only I'd listened.
But I guess the damage was done.
It's not right,
them putting this on you.
Somebody's gotta go under the bus.
Ramey's a good man.
He'll do right by you.
Besides, this office
practically runs itself.
Bullshit, it does.
What's with that A.P.D. thing?
The electromagnets?
They're thinking
it's about Fring's laptop.
A couple of days before it happened,
desk sergeant gets a call...
...from a "postal inspector"
quote, unquote...
...wanting to know
where they keep the thing.
And he told them? Jesus.
Anything left of the laptop?
Do we look that lucky?
I sneaked a peek before A.P.D.
took it out of Fring's office.
The whole thing was encrypted. They
wouldn't have got anything anyway, but...
So Hector Salamanca killed Fring.
But who gave Salamanca
the bomb?
Whole lot of questions
and not much in the way of answers.
The A.P.D. did find
some of Fring's financials.
That just might lead to something.
I had him out to my house.
Fourth of July.
We cooked out in the backyard.
My son shucked the corn.
My daughter cut up potatoes.
Fring brought sea bass.
Every time I grill it now, I make a little
foil pouch, just like he showed me.
That whole night,
we were laughing...
...telling stories, drinking wine.
And he's somebody else completely.
Right in front of me.
Right under my nose.
Hi. What can I get you?
- Just tea. Chamomile.
- Oh, sorry. We don't have chamomile tea.
Then some sort of bergamot,
not Earl Grey.
I like soy milk instead of dairy.
We don't have soy milk
or any sort of bergamot.
You're really running me
through my paces here.
Well, English breakfast, I guess.
We have Lipton's.
That's pretty much all we have.
I would like a cup of hot water, filtered,
if possible, and a slice of lemon.
I'm assuming
you don't have stevia?
Never mind. I brought my own.
You coming to me,
or am I coming to you?
Face forward. We'll talk like this.
I guess I'm coming to you.
Take a breath, will you?
This place is safe.
No one's gonna see you here.
My God. Duane,
this is so-- Thank you.
How did I not see you sitting
back there? So weird.
You want anything else, Mike?
No. I'm good, Fran. Thanks.
Now... about
we lose the sunglasses?
I feel like I'm talking
to Jackie Onassis here.
There you go.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Drink your whatever.
Who killed Gus?
Haven't I told you
not to worry about that?
Now, what do you want from me,
and why is it so important?
What's this?
A list of 11 names.
You know them all.
I do.
Those 11 men--
And I think you know this, Mike.
Those 11 could sink us,
you and me both.
- Where are we going with this?
- No specific... I'm just pointing out facts.
These men--
Your men, yours and Gus'...
...they were on the payroll,
very publicly.
They trace back to Pollos,
the laundry, to Madrigal.
They're gonna get picked up
by the police. When they do...
...and threatened,
and there's only one way out--
And I'm not saying
all of them, okay?
All it's gonna take is two or three,
or even one.
But there's always a weak link.
But they're gonna talk.
At least one's gonna talk about you,
me, and that's all it's gonna take.
These are the 11 I know of,
but I'd love your input.
I never met your
chemist, for instance.
I'd love your input.
You want me to kill
every man on that list?
That's a leap, what you just...
No, I didn't say that.
But if you think that'd be wise...
You're scared, aren't you?
You're very upset, which I'm gonna
factor into my response here.
These are my guys,
and they are solid.
- Understand?
- What about Chow at the warehouse?
Didn't you have to shoot him
through the hand?
- Think that didn't stick in his memory?
- What about Dennis at the laundry?
- They're sure to pick him up.
- They already have.
They picked him up last night.
My guys are solid.
I vetted them with great care...
...and Fring made sure
they were well compensated... the event of a situation such as this.
They're paid to stand up to the heat...
...keep their mouths shut,
no matter what.
And they will.
I don't know what movies
you've been watching...
...but in the real world,
we don't kill 11 people... some kind of
prophylactic measure.
Look at me...
...and say you understand.
I understand.
- I get it.
- So we're off that very silly idea?
Drink your hot water.
I gotta go.
Did you have enough?
Yeah. I'm good.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye, big brother.
Say bye to Mom for me.
I will. Have a good day.
You too.
The car wash opens in 15 minutes.
Mariano can open for me today.
Hey, how about you get up, huh?
Come on.
A shower will feel good.
Hey, Chow.
How you holding up?
You know, they...
They talked to me.
You can't smoke in here, Chow.
Thanks for coming down.
Have a seat, Mr. Ehrmantraut.
Am I saying that right?
Close enough.
Once more, you're waiving your right
to have an attorney present?
Could you state that
to the camera?
I'm waiving my right
to have an attorney present.
Okay, then.
We just have a few questions.
You're currently employed
by the Pollos Hermanos chain.
- Is that correct?
- Yes, I am.
- What do you do there?
- Corporate security.
- Corporate security.
- Yeah.
What's that?
Like guarding the special sauce?
I conduct employee
background checks.
I oversee loss prevention.
At a fast-food restaurant,
that's a full-time job?
We have 14 locations.
So, yes, it's a full-time job.
Yeah, well, if I were you,
I'd start sending out those résumés.
It says here
you're a private investigator?
- Where you licensed?
- New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.
Every state where we operate.
Colorado? You have some
restaurants there, right?
- Colorado doesn't require licensure.
- Licensed to carry a firearm?
- Concealed carry? Yes, I am.
- Which states?
It'd be quicker to mention
the states in which I'm not.
And if we pulled your CCPs,
everything would be in order?
I'm guessing you've already
done that, so you tell me.
You strike me as a former cop.
Am I right?
Where at?
- Philadelphia.
- Philly.
The City of Brotherly Love. Turns
out we know some folks there...
...and they told us that your tenure
as a police officer...
...ended somewhat dramatically?
- You wanna talk about that?
- Not particularly.
Yeah, me neither.
See, I'm more interested in why Gus
Fring decided to put a guy like you... charge of his
corporate security.
I mean, given your history...
...doing background checks
on pimple-faced fry cooks.
Seems like overkill.
What else you do for Fring?
He must've needed help
running that drug empire of his, no?
Drug empire?
First I'm hearing about that.
I don't know anything about that.
We have a guy that could
put you in that underground lab...
...and he'll testify to it. So from
here on out, this can go hard or easy.
So what's it gonna be?
Forget your handcuffs?
I'm confused.
Am I under arrest here, or am I not?
You wanna state that
for the camera?
You are not under arrest, currently.
Agents, do you have
any more questions for me?
Because you've got me very stirred
up with all these false accusations.
If I'm not under arrest,
I'd prefer to leave.
Oh, well...
I suppose we could talk about
the $2 million... your granddaughter's name.
Yeah. It seems Fring had all these
secret offshore accounts...
...that he would deposit money into.
Like, well, an even dozen of them.
And they're all in the names
of certain people on his payroll.
The manager of the laundry...
...a couple guys from
the Pollos distribution centre.
There was the owner of a chemical
warehouse, a bunch of others.
You know, guys that must've been
getting paid off the books.
Anyway, one of the names
was Kaylee Ehrmantraut.
Ten years old
and just cute as a button.
Yeah. Two million and change
we found on deposit for her.
Way more than anybody else.
Now, my partner here,
he took one look at that and said:
"Shit, man. This fifth-grade girl is the
muscle behind Fring's entire operation."
I said, "Whoa, whoa, hey, partner,
slow down there.
Maybe it was actually
her dear old granddaddy."
Impressive, no?
That... level of insight?
He's not impressed, Gomey.
Perhaps he's picturing
all that money going bye-bye.
Yeah, well, I mean, the government's
gonna take every last dollar, unless...
Here's the thing, Mike-- Or Michael?
- Mr. Ehrmantraut.
- Here's the thing, Mike.
Lucky, you didn't touch that money.
I cannot say the same
for the other 11 on the list.
One of your guys is gonna roll...
...and then we'll definitely
remember the handcuffs.
Now, before that day comes,
you can do yourself a solid.
You can tell us what you know... can tell us
who's still out there...
...and if we like your story...
...good things can happen.
Kaylee might be able
to keep some of that money.
So what do you say?
I don't know anything
about any money.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
First order of business is to find a new place to cook.
Before anyone says it...
- more RV's.
- I don't know.
- The crystal ship did pretty good for us.
- The "crystal ship"?
Yeah. That's what I called it.
Well, I'll admit, it held its own
as a starter lab...
...but it was too dark, too small...
...not to mention it could've
broken down at any moment.
Saul, find us someplace safe
from prying eyes.
Security against detection
is paramount.
But I don't wanna drive too far. No more
50-mile treks to some Indian reservation.
In town is trickier. I mean, you got
a lot more of your prying eyes.
If Gus can manage it,
then so can we.
Precursor. Where are we with that?
We're good on everything
except methylamine.
No surprise.
It's dry as hell out there.
What if we switched back
to a pseudo cook?
Absolutely out of the question.
Jesse, there is methylamine out there.
I know it.
Yeah, but what if there's not?
Because there isn't.
I mean, really.
There is.
Have faith.
Can I offer a thought?
Say a guy wins the lottery.
Ten million bucks.
The very next day,
what's the one thing he does not do?
He does not go buy another
lottery ticket, right?
He counts his lucky stars,
and he sails off into the sunset...
...which, seems to me,
and all due respect...
...some advice you two might take.
What lottery did I win, exactly?
Hey, you're alive.
I mean, as far as I'm concerned,
that's the Irish sweepstakes.
I'm alive, and I'm broke.
Counting the money that I owe Jesse,
I'm about 40 grand in the hole.
Does that seem like an acceptable
stopping point to you?
There is gold in the streets...
...just waiting for someone
to come and scoop it up.
But me, I should quit now.
Jesse, too, I suppose, huh?
I got you this time, kid.
Hey, how come you get two,
and I only get one?
Oh, what are you gonna--?
That one's mine!
Green is beating orange.
- No.
- Green is beating orange.
Pink is beating your yellow one.
I give up. bah)'-
You're too good.
It's me. You got a minute?
Yeah. A minute. What's up, Chow?
The DEA,
they call me to come back.
Say they want to talk more.
I'm sure they do.
Did you call your lawyer?
Yeah, but, Mike,
the DEA take all my money.
I need it.
I need my money.
You understand.
What do you want me
to do about it?
I don't know.
I don't know. We gotta talk.
Not on the phone.
Can you come to my house?
All right.
You give me two hours.
I'd like you to drop your gun
where you stand...
...and then turn around very slowly.
Come on over
and sit next to Chow.
How much was she gonna pay you?
Ten thousand a name.
How far did you get down the list?
Just Chow.
I figured I'd start with you.
For you, she was gonna pay 30.
I'm really sorry about this, Mike,
but I needed the money.
Those feds, they took it all, man.
I know.
Are you ready?
Listen, Mike--
Kiira, come and have some cookies.
- It's a cookie!
- It's a cookie, yes!
Let's go.
Let's count.
Well, look at this.
What are you doing?
- Hey, Mommy!
- What are you doing still up?
Hey, yourself. Give me a kiss.
- She said she wanted to wait for you.
- She does, huh?
Well, who's the adult here, Delores?
- Tell me she ate her dinner, at least.
- Oh, yes, she ate everything.
She ate her peas, her carrots.
Do whatever it takes to keep them
out of here, or they die.
- A whole lot.
- Understand?
- Yep.
- That's right, my girl.
Delores, I'm gonna take a bath. Put
Kiira to bed and then go on home.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Really?
- You don't want me to wait for you?
- No, you go home. Thank you.
Si, Miss Lydia.
Mommy, you gonna come
say good night to me?
Yeah, honey.
After Mommy takes a bath.
Love you.
Mommy's very tired,
so let's go to bed.
Don't hurt my daughter.
I won't have to unless you scream.
You know why I'm here?
What are you waiting for?
The nanny to leave.
If you have anything to say to me,
now's the time.
Two good men died because of you.
Don't shoot me in the face.
Please. I don't want my daughter
seeing me like that.
- Your daughter won't see you.
- She will. She'll find me.
- She never once sleeps through the night.
- Nobody's gonna find you.
Wait. What?
No. No. No.
No. She has to find me.
- Lower your voice.
- She has to find me.
She has to find me.
You want your 5-year-old daughter
stumbling across your dead body?
I can't disappear.
She has to know I didn't leave her.
- She has to know that.
- Keep your voice down.
I don't care what you do.
I'll scream, and
I'll keep screaming.
My daughter's not thinking
I abandoned her!
Shut up and calm down.
I don't care. You have to promise.
You have to promise me.
Promise I don't disappear.
Can you still get your hands
on methylamine?
Methylamine, Lydia.
Can you still get it?
- Yes?
- You still plan to move forward?
Yes, we do.
I've reconsidered.
I'm in
Well, you missed a good meal.
The lasagna came out very well,
if I do say so myself.
I wrapped some up for you
if you'd like some later.
You know, it gets easier.
I promise you that it does.
What you're feeling right now...
...about Ted...
It'll pass.
When we do...
...what we do for good reasons...
...then we've got
nothing to worry about.
And there's no better reason...
...than family.