Breaking Bad (2008–2013): Season 2, Episode 6 - Peekaboo - full transcript
After Skinny Pete gets ripped off, Walt makes Jesse go get the money. Meanwhile, Walt's cover story on how Elliott and Gretchen are paying for his medical treatment is on the verge of collapsing.
What up?
Damn, bitch.
You got something for me?
-Yeah. Yeah, I found them.
Is this a five or an S?
-Five, yo.
No, wait. S.
No, no. Yeah, five.
Jesus, how the hell do you spell
"street" wrong? S-T-R-E-A-T?
Hey, man.
I'm slinging mad volume
and fat stacking Benjies.
I can't be all about,
like, spelling and shit.
So they got names?
Hers is, like, I don't know.
She's just his woman is all.
Him, they call Spooge.
Not Mad Dog, not Diesel?
Let me get this straight.
You got jacked... a guy named Spooge?
Yo, what's his name matter?
All's I saw was that knife
he stuck in my face, like that big.
If you're looking for a reason
not to go do this thing...
Did I say that?
-Because I'll go do it myself.
It's just I'm on probation and all.
So you gonna do it?
Good. Right on.
Because these two,
they need to get got.
Where's my money, bitch?
Where's my money?
Where's my-?
Where's my money, bitch?
Huh, bitch?
Where's my money, bitch?
Oh, that's good.
Where's my money?
Where's my money, bitch?
Bitch, where's my money?
Come on.
I will mess you up.
That how you wanna play this?
Your call.
Your funeral, jack.
Hey, do not mess with me.
I will bury you because I'm crazy, yo.
Yeah, mucho loco.
Do not test me.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
Honey, you blocking the mailbox.
Yeah, sorry. Sorry.
Looks like it's gonna be
a nice day, huh?
Yeah. Yeah. High 70s.
You have a great day.
-Right on. You too.
God. Shit.
Yo, anybody home?
Tonight, you will receive
the ultimate mixture of cutlery...
...tonight in the steel knock out.
Every phone line jammed.
Eighty-nine dollars on flex pay.
That's 15 easy instalments.
And, folks, the knock out is only-
Hey, yo, is anybody else home?
Now, Terry put this one together-
Where's your folks? They here?
-and I'm here to tell you-
Yeah, guys,
you might wanna put up like a...
Already done it.
Tonight, folks...
Do you realise how long it's been...
...since we've offered this sword
in this set?
Much less the watashi and tanto
as a bonus in the deal.
It's no wonder-
It is no wonder so many of you
are on the line right now-
What's your name?
I'm gonna count this as one.
Even though there are three, I'm-
My name's Diesel.
-eleven, 12, 13-
-sixteen, 17, 18, 19...
Yo, don't you wanna watch
something other than this?
Like, I don't know, Mister Rogers'?
Imagine this plan,
this set in your own home.
Folks, custom pieces-
Well, needless to say,
I've made a pretty good mess...
...but there's a reason for that.
Just because these are under $10,
don't let anybody kid you.
These knives possess edges like...
So when are your folks
coming home?
Your dad, Mr. Spooge?
When is he getting back?
I'm hungry.
Hey there, you three.
Just wanted to wish Walt
a good first day back.
We'll be thinking about you
teaching valences and covalences...
Okay, that's all I officially
remembered. Good luck.
Skyler, give me a call
when you get a chance.
Hi, Walt and Skyler.
This is Gretchen Schwartz...
...calling to say hello.
I'm down from Santa Fe today
and I was thinking about you both...
...hoping everything's well.
I tried Walt's cell, and it said
the number had been disconnected... I'm just hoping
that everything's okay.
Call me if you can,
whenever's convenient.
-Oh, hi, Gretchen.
This is Skyler White.
Am I catching you at a bad time?
No. No, not at all.
It's so good to hear from you.
How is everybody?
We're very well, thank you.
Walt is actually at work today.
It's his first day back at work...
...and he lost his cell phone
quite a while back.
And I really hope
we didn't worry you.
No, no. I'm just so glad to hear
that everybody's fine.
That's wonderful.
Gretchen, I'm so very,
very long overdue in telling you this...
...and I have to take Walt at his word
that he's been passing it along for me.
I mean, he's been so adamant...
...about wanting to handle this
whole thing by himself, and...
But I have picked up the phone
about a hundred times. I just-
-What? What is it?
-I can't...
...begin to thank you and Elliott
for what you've done.
The money for Walt's treatment,
it's just...
It saved us.
I don't know if I...
Walt keeps saying,
"Don't bother them. It's no big deal."
But it is a big deal. Yeah.
To me. And to all of us.
So I just...
...finally wanted to say thank you.
End of speech.
So I do-
I hope we get to see you soon.
Truly, anytime you're in town,
anytime at all, is good for us.
-How about this afternoon?
-Yeah, okay.
Monoalkenes, diolefins...
...trienes, polyenes.
I mean, the nomenclature alone
is enough to make your head spin.
But when you start
to feel overwhelmed...
...and you will...
...just keep in mind
that one element...
Carbon is at the centre of it all.
There is no life without carbon.
Nowhere that we know of
in the universe.
Everything that lives, lived,
will live, carbon.
Carmen is carbon.
Sorry. Assistant Principal Carmen.
Did you...?
No. Okay.
I like to think of it...
I like to think that the diamond...
...and the woman
who wears it on her finger...
...are both formed
from the same stuff.
Or, say, the diamond
and the man who invented it.
That got your attention, right?
The man who invented the diamond.
All right.
H. Tracy Hall.
Write this name down.
Dr. Hall invented
the first reproducible process...
..for making synthetic diamonds.
I mean, this is way back in the '50s.
Now, today, synthetic diamonds
are used in oil drilling...
multi-billion-dollar industries.
At the time, Dr. Hall
worked for General Electric.
And he made them a fortune.
I mean, incalculable.
You wanna know
how GE rewarded Dr. Hall?
A $10 U.S. Savings Bond.
A savings bond
printed on carbon-based paper...
...paid to a carbon-based man...
...for something
he made out of carbon.
It's so nice to have you back with us.
You're looking great, by the way.
A little skinnier,
which is definitely no tragedy.
And then there's the hair thing.
-I actually like that.
That's a great look for you.
But you're feeling good?
-Oh, absolutely. Hundred percent.
I'm glad to be back at work.
I'm glad to... You know,
I'm happy to be here. Really.
We're happy too.
And I just...
Yeah. It's good. It's great.
Is everything okay?
Just please feel comfortable
coming to me...
...with any problems, any issues.
Anything at all.
You know, completely confidential.
See you tomorrow, Flynn.
-See you, Jeffrey.
Oh, man.
Let me see it.
Dad, let me see it.
-Don't worry about it.
Hey, let's go.
Forty-eight dollars,
that's the original price...
Oh, man.
Oh, my hand is cramping up!
Oh, my God. Here, here, here.
Now, I don't know.
If you want your hand to stop aching...
...I gave you advice,
take it or leave it.
Okay, you stay right here, all right?
Okay? I mean it.
Shut up!
-You shut up.
You shut up, you-
-You shut up!
You're the one who dropped it.
-I didn't drop it.
I didn't drop-
Shit! You dropped it.
-Shut the hell up about it.
You shut up!
-You shut up.
Get up.
Shut up. Shut up! Both of you.
You know who might have done it?
-I have an idea.
Well, here's what I think.
You ID them, and then together,
you and I put a bag over their heads...
...we tie them up, drive them way out
into the desert, strip them naked...
...then bury them up to their necks
in a huge mound of fire ants.
Saw it in an old Western.
You with me?
Scorpions are good.
Damn, Dad. Check it out.
Who is this?
So this is Walter Jr., or Flynn.
He likes to go by Flynn these days.
-What? I'm just offering the choice.
This is Mrs. Schwartz,
whom you've heard so much about.
Very nice to meet you, Flynn.
-Nice to meet you too.
Oh, Walt.
Look who's here.
Always nice to see you.
What a nice surprise.
Look at you. You're looking good.
Though a bald head
is a bit of a shocker.
I know it was for me.
Oh, you have a good-shaped head.
May I?
-Oh, sure.
For good luck, right?
-Exactly. Here's hoping.
We could use some of that.
Mrs. Schwartz, thank you so much
for what you've done for my dad.
It was a really good thing.
-You're very welcome.
We're gonna find a way to repay you.
-No, no, no.
We don't wanna ever hear that.
You know, I hate to say it...
...but I really need to get going.
Oh, that's too bad.
You can't stay for dinner?
-I wish I could...
...but unfortunately,
I have to try to beat the traffic.
Okay. Okay.
Well, I hope we get a chance
to catch up real soon.
Yeah, hopefully.
Gretchen, your purse.
Well, good to see you.
And you and Elliott
are welcome anytime. Really.
And I, for one, am gonna be
much better about keeping in touch.
It's so good to see you.
-And you.
Nice meeting you.
Okay. Bye, now.
-Drive safely.
You know, what am I thinking?
I should walk her to her car. Really.
I'll be right back.
-Hey yourself.
What did you...?
We need to talk.
Can you not do or say
anything to anyone until then?
Please. Please.
Where's my money, bitch?
I ain't gonna keep asking nice!
Yo, all right? I want my money
and my dope. Come on!
I just wanna say, man-
-What? What do you wanna say?
I just wanna go on record, man.
You hit me really, really hard, man.
I think I'm seeing double.
Maybe I need to go see a hospital.
-Shut up!
Serious, I might have a concussion.
-Don't fall asleep, baby.
Subdural hematoma.
-Don't fall asleep.
Shut up.
All right. Empty your pockets.
Turn them out,
everything on the table.
Do it!
All right, turn around.
Turn around.
Turn out your back pockets.
Come on.
All right. Shoes. Give them here.
I told you, Diesel,
we ain't holding any-
We shot it all.
Shot an ounce in a day and a half?
All right, tell you what.
Both of you
pull it out of your butts right now...
...or I grab a flashlight and
some pliers and go exploring.
What's it gonna be, yo? Come on.
There you go.
All right, come on.
On the table.
All right, so, what, you hold the
crystal and she holds the H, huh?
Division of labour.
All right,
there's maybe an 8 ball here.
Where's the rest of my meth?
Yo, for real? She up and lost it, yo.
You shut up.
-You shut up, skank.
Shut up! Shut up! Stop it!
This really isn't getting any better,
man. It's turning cranial.
Oh, yeah? You see this gun?
It's got five bullets.
One for each kneecap,
plus an extra round for your cranial...
...for being such a pussy.
Hey. Hey, baby.
Come here, baby.
Come here, baby.
All right.
You two are never
getting high again.
I will make it my life's mission.
Not another needle,
not another ball...
...not one toke,
not till I get what's mine.
Yeah, we got you covered,
man, sure.
It just so happens we got
your money, man, plus interest.
You're damn right, plus interest.
-Back yard.
Yo, right hand to the man, dog.
Back yard. Go check it out.
Hurting. Painful.
-Hey, hey, hey.
Me and your old man,
we're just playing a game, all right?
Hey, don't move.
Come on.
Me and the slit just boosted it, yo.
She's like a ant, man.
She can lift a hundred times
her own weight. For real.
What am I supposed to do with this?
Help me break it open.
Take out the money, get paid.
Get high.
Yo, that's my bank.
So? It's FIDC insured, yo.
It's a victimless crime.
Where did you get this?
Bodega. Way across town.
In, out, like, bam.
Went smooth as silk, yo.
What, nobody saw you?
What about witnesses, dumbass?
We roll like the breeze, for real.
All we did,
we just walked in all smooth-like.
-Nobody even noticed.
-Nobody noticed?
-For real?
-I'm telling you, victimless crime.
Oh, my God.
Jesus. Come on already.
It's about to give, man. I'm sensing it.
-You don't know what you're doing.
I thought you told me
you boosted, like, six of these.
Yeah. Boosted.
It's not like he ever got one open.
At least I got persistence.
The law of averages,
lucky number seven.
Don't listen to that skank.
-Stop calling me that.
I ain't no skank!
Skank, skank, skank-
-Hey, hey, hey.
Sit, sit.
All right, I swear to God
I will shoot you both in the face.
Now, chill.
You, get that thing open.
You sit the hell down,
and no throwing things.
Where's the kid?
The kid. The little kid!
What are you asking me for?
I got you now, bitch. I got you now.
Didn't see that coming, huh?
What kind of mother are you?
How about you feed the kid a decent
meal every now and then, huh?
Give him a bath.
Put some baby powder on him.
Get him some decent TV to watch.
I mean, what is this shit?
Are you serious?
You give me one hit, and I'll be
any kind of mother that you want.
Oh, my God.
-Yeah, Diesel...
...this thing would go easier
if we all had a little taste, man.
Get out of the way.
Get out of the way!
So you didn't tell anyone.
You didn't tell Elliott.
-Not yet.
Well, what does that mean?
-That means exactly what it means.
That's a determination
I have yet to make.
All right, fair enough.
I can appreciate that.
All right.
First let me say, I very much
regret involving you in this.
This was...
This entire thing was unfortunate.
And I apologise deeply.
Thank you.
Now please tell me why you did it.
That's not really at issue here.
Well, you told me your insurance
was covering it. Was that a lie?
If you won't take our money,
and your insurance isn't covering it... are you paying for it?
This is not an issue
that concerns you, Gretchen, okay?
Excuse me, Walt. It does concern me.
It concerns me greatly.
You tell your wife and son...
...that I am paying
for your cancer treatment.
Why are you doing this?
I will clear this up with them.
The look on Skyler's face,
she's sitting there, tears in her eyes...
...thanking me for saving your life.
Why would you do that to her?
-As I said, I will clear this up.
Just please allow me to do this
in my own way, in my own time.
All right?
I will explain
the whole thing to them.
And while you're at it,
explain it to me.
I don't owe you an explanation.
I owe you an apology,
and I have apologised.
I am very sorry, Gretchen.
There. I've apologised twice now.
I'm humbly sorry.
Three times.
Let me just get this straight.
Elliott and I offer
to pay for your treatment... strings attached.
An offer which still stands,
by the way.
And you turn us down out of pride,
...and then you tell your wife that in
fact we are paying for your treatment.
Without our knowledge,
against our will... involve us in your lie.
And you sit here and tell me
that that is none of my business?
That's pretty much the size of it.
What happened to you?
Really, Walt.
What happened?
Because this isn't you.
What would you know about me,
What would your presumption
about me be, exactly?
That I should go begging
for your charity?
And you waving
your chequebook around... some magic wand
is gonna make me forget... you and Elliott-
How you and Elliott cut me out?
What? That can't be how you see it.
It was my hard work, my research,
and you and Elliott make millions off it.
That cannot be how you see it.
Good. That's beautifully done.
-You left-
You are always
the picture of innocence.
You left me.
-The picture of innocence.
Just sweetness and light.
-You left me.
Newport, 4th of July weekend.
You and my father and my brothers
and I go up to our room...
...and you're packing your bags,
barely talking.
What? Did I dream all of that?
That's your excuse... build your little empire
on my work?
How can you say that to me?
You walked away.
You abandoned us, me, Elliott.
Little rich girl
just adding to your millions.
I don't even know what to say to you.
I don't even know where to begin.
I feel so sorry for you, Walt.
Fuck you.
Hey, little man, you hungry?
Man. No, no, what are you doing?
No, what are you doing?
Spooge, I got him, I got him.
Baby, get up and help me.
Call me a bad mother.
I'll show you a bad mother, bitch.
Get up, damn it! Get our dope!
Here we go. Oh, yeah.
Who's the big tough guy now, huh?
Is that you?
Is that you? You're the big man?
Try and hit me now, bitch.
Try and hit me now!
Try and hit me now, bitch.
Oh, hey.
Should I ask where you've been?
Never mind.
We're long past that, I suppose.
Gretchen called about an hour ago.
We need to talk.
Just say it.
They're cutting off the money.
What did she say, exactly?
Not much. It was abrupt.
She said something like:
"I'm sorry to have to do this...
...but Elliott and I can no longer
continue to pay for Walt's treatment.
I wish you the very best."
And that was it.
I mean, she sounded apologetic.
I guess.
It was quick.
She got right off the phone.
I was so stunned, but...
I called her back
and she didn't pick up.
So, what do you know about this?
I mean, she and I had a perfectly nice
visit this afternoon...
...and then you come home
and she's in a big hurry to leave...
...and then the two of you
are talking in the driveway.
What do you know that I don't?
Where were you tonight?
I drove up to Santa Fe.
I was with Gretchen.
Well, Gretchen and Elliott.
She just couldn't bring
herself to tell you today.
I mean, she couldn't tell me,
either, really.
I mean, there was
a lot of hemming and hawing...
...and beating around the bush-
Okay, what-? Tell us what?
There was a lot of... phraseology
being tossed around.
You know, things like "cash-poor"
and "leveraged"...
..."quarterly decline,"
yadda, yadda, yadda.
But what they were truly saying,
in my opinion...
They're broke.
You are kidding me.
I mean, the economy's in the toilet.
We all know that.
And all these big banks
and Fannie Mae and...
Well, apparently, Gray Matter... no more immune
than anyone else.
That is-
Jesus, that's...
You know, she could have
just told me herself.
Well, they're prideful people.
Not to sound selfish...
...but as far as we go...
...we'll get through this, okay?
I mean, they've already paid
for most of my treatment, right?
We're gonna make it. All right?
I promise.
And yet...
...she still drives a Bentley.
Keeping up appearances.
Who knows?
Baby, that don't make any sense.
Of course it makes sense.
Every safe's got its weak spot, right?
You're designing a safe, where
you gonna put your weak spot?
I'd make it, like, strong.
Jesus. On the bottom, that's where.
You put your weak spot
on the bottom.
Oh, baby,
that H is bringing me down.
Yeah, you took too much. I told you.
I need to... I need to even out.
Let me get a hit of that crystal.
-Hell, no. You lost your share.
Come on, baby.
It's all I need, just a little hit.
Shut the hell up, you dumb skank.
I'm trying to concentrate.
I ain't no skank.
I would appreciate an apology.
I am trying to take
the high road here.
Are you gonna do right?
Listen to me, stupid.
I am in the middle
of some very important work.
I am on the verge here, all right?
So shut your skank ass pie hole...
...and assist me and shut up.
I ain't no skank.
Skank, skank, skank ass skank.
Skank ass skank. Skank ass skank.
You listening to me, skank?
You hear me, skank?
You are a skank ass skank. Skank.
Skank, skank, skank. Skank.
I ain't no skank.
No, no, no. Don't. No.
I ain't no skank.
Hey, hey.
Hey, you remember peekaboo?
Can you go peekaboo like this?
Can you keep your eyes closed?
You keep them closed. That's good.
That's good. That's good.
All right.
You keep them closed just like that.
It's a little game
we're gonna play, okay?
Here you go.
Hey. Hey, look at me.
You wait right here. Okay?
It's just part of the game.
You wait right here, and...
Look, just...
Just don't go back inside. All right?
You stay right here. Okay?
You have a good
rest of your life, kid.
What up?
Damn, bitch.
You got something for me?
-Yeah. Yeah, I found them.
Is this a five or an S?
-Five, yo.
No, wait. S.
No, no. Yeah, five.
Jesus, how the hell do you spell
"street" wrong? S-T-R-E-A-T?
Hey, man.
I'm slinging mad volume
and fat stacking Benjies.
I can't be all about,
like, spelling and shit.
So they got names?
Hers is, like, I don't know.
She's just his woman is all.
Him, they call Spooge.
Not Mad Dog, not Diesel?
Let me get this straight.
You got jacked... a guy named Spooge?
Yo, what's his name matter?
All's I saw was that knife
he stuck in my face, like that big.
If you're looking for a reason
not to go do this thing...
Did I say that?
-Because I'll go do it myself.
It's just I'm on probation and all.
So you gonna do it?
Good. Right on.
Because these two,
they need to get got.
Where's my money, bitch?
Where's my money?
Where's my-?
Where's my money, bitch?
Huh, bitch?
Where's my money, bitch?
Oh, that's good.
Where's my money?
Where's my money, bitch?
Bitch, where's my money?
Come on.
I will mess you up.
That how you wanna play this?
Your call.
Your funeral, jack.
Hey, do not mess with me.
I will bury you because I'm crazy, yo.
Yeah, mucho loco.
Do not test me.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
Honey, you blocking the mailbox.
Yeah, sorry. Sorry.
Looks like it's gonna be
a nice day, huh?
Yeah. Yeah. High 70s.
You have a great day.
-Right on. You too.
God. Shit.
Yo, anybody home?
Tonight, you will receive
the ultimate mixture of cutlery...
...tonight in the steel knock out.
Every phone line jammed.
Eighty-nine dollars on flex pay.
That's 15 easy instalments.
And, folks, the knock out is only-
Hey, yo, is anybody else home?
Now, Terry put this one together-
Where's your folks? They here?
-and I'm here to tell you-
Yeah, guys,
you might wanna put up like a...
Already done it.
Tonight, folks...
Do you realise how long it's been...
...since we've offered this sword
in this set?
Much less the watashi and tanto
as a bonus in the deal.
It's no wonder-
It is no wonder so many of you
are on the line right now-
What's your name?
I'm gonna count this as one.
Even though there are three, I'm-
My name's Diesel.
-eleven, 12, 13-
-sixteen, 17, 18, 19...
Yo, don't you wanna watch
something other than this?
Like, I don't know, Mister Rogers'?
Imagine this plan,
this set in your own home.
Folks, custom pieces-
Well, needless to say,
I've made a pretty good mess...
...but there's a reason for that.
Just because these are under $10,
don't let anybody kid you.
These knives possess edges like...
So when are your folks
coming home?
Your dad, Mr. Spooge?
When is he getting back?
I'm hungry.
Hey there, you three.
Just wanted to wish Walt
a good first day back.
We'll be thinking about you
teaching valences and covalences...
Okay, that's all I officially
remembered. Good luck.
Skyler, give me a call
when you get a chance.
Hi, Walt and Skyler.
This is Gretchen Schwartz...
...calling to say hello.
I'm down from Santa Fe today
and I was thinking about you both...
...hoping everything's well.
I tried Walt's cell, and it said
the number had been disconnected... I'm just hoping
that everything's okay.
Call me if you can,
whenever's convenient.
-Oh, hi, Gretchen.
This is Skyler White.
Am I catching you at a bad time?
No. No, not at all.
It's so good to hear from you.
How is everybody?
We're very well, thank you.
Walt is actually at work today.
It's his first day back at work...
...and he lost his cell phone
quite a while back.
And I really hope
we didn't worry you.
No, no. I'm just so glad to hear
that everybody's fine.
That's wonderful.
Gretchen, I'm so very,
very long overdue in telling you this...
...and I have to take Walt at his word
that he's been passing it along for me.
I mean, he's been so adamant...
...about wanting to handle this
whole thing by himself, and...
But I have picked up the phone
about a hundred times. I just-
-What? What is it?
-I can't...
...begin to thank you and Elliott
for what you've done.
The money for Walt's treatment,
it's just...
It saved us.
I don't know if I...
Walt keeps saying,
"Don't bother them. It's no big deal."
But it is a big deal. Yeah.
To me. And to all of us.
So I just...
...finally wanted to say thank you.
End of speech.
So I do-
I hope we get to see you soon.
Truly, anytime you're in town,
anytime at all, is good for us.
-How about this afternoon?
-Yeah, okay.
Monoalkenes, diolefins...
...trienes, polyenes.
I mean, the nomenclature alone
is enough to make your head spin.
But when you start
to feel overwhelmed...
...and you will...
...just keep in mind
that one element...
Carbon is at the centre of it all.
There is no life without carbon.
Nowhere that we know of
in the universe.
Everything that lives, lived,
will live, carbon.
Carmen is carbon.
Sorry. Assistant Principal Carmen.
Did you...?
No. Okay.
I like to think of it...
I like to think that the diamond...
...and the woman
who wears it on her finger...
...are both formed
from the same stuff.
Or, say, the diamond
and the man who invented it.
That got your attention, right?
The man who invented the diamond.
All right.
H. Tracy Hall.
Write this name down.
Dr. Hall invented
the first reproducible process...
..for making synthetic diamonds.
I mean, this is way back in the '50s.
Now, today, synthetic diamonds
are used in oil drilling...
multi-billion-dollar industries.
At the time, Dr. Hall
worked for General Electric.
And he made them a fortune.
I mean, incalculable.
You wanna know
how GE rewarded Dr. Hall?
A $10 U.S. Savings Bond.
A savings bond
printed on carbon-based paper...
...paid to a carbon-based man...
...for something
he made out of carbon.
It's so nice to have you back with us.
You're looking great, by the way.
A little skinnier,
which is definitely no tragedy.
And then there's the hair thing.
-I actually like that.
That's a great look for you.
But you're feeling good?
-Oh, absolutely. Hundred percent.
I'm glad to be back at work.
I'm glad to... You know,
I'm happy to be here. Really.
We're happy too.
And I just...
Yeah. It's good. It's great.
Is everything okay?
Just please feel comfortable
coming to me...
...with any problems, any issues.
Anything at all.
You know, completely confidential.
See you tomorrow, Flynn.
-See you, Jeffrey.
Oh, man.
Let me see it.
Dad, let me see it.
-Don't worry about it.
Hey, let's go.
Forty-eight dollars,
that's the original price...
Oh, man.
Oh, my hand is cramping up!
Oh, my God. Here, here, here.
Now, I don't know.
If you want your hand to stop aching...
...I gave you advice,
take it or leave it.
Okay, you stay right here, all right?
Okay? I mean it.
Shut up!
-You shut up.
You shut up, you-
-You shut up!
You're the one who dropped it.
-I didn't drop it.
I didn't drop-
Shit! You dropped it.
-Shut the hell up about it.
You shut up!
-You shut up.
Get up.
Shut up. Shut up! Both of you.
You know who might have done it?
-I have an idea.
Well, here's what I think.
You ID them, and then together,
you and I put a bag over their heads...
...we tie them up, drive them way out
into the desert, strip them naked...
...then bury them up to their necks
in a huge mound of fire ants.
Saw it in an old Western.
You with me?
Scorpions are good.
Damn, Dad. Check it out.
Who is this?
So this is Walter Jr., or Flynn.
He likes to go by Flynn these days.
-What? I'm just offering the choice.
This is Mrs. Schwartz,
whom you've heard so much about.
Very nice to meet you, Flynn.
-Nice to meet you too.
Oh, Walt.
Look who's here.
Always nice to see you.
What a nice surprise.
Look at you. You're looking good.
Though a bald head
is a bit of a shocker.
I know it was for me.
Oh, you have a good-shaped head.
May I?
-Oh, sure.
For good luck, right?
-Exactly. Here's hoping.
We could use some of that.
Mrs. Schwartz, thank you so much
for what you've done for my dad.
It was a really good thing.
-You're very welcome.
We're gonna find a way to repay you.
-No, no, no.
We don't wanna ever hear that.
You know, I hate to say it...
...but I really need to get going.
Oh, that's too bad.
You can't stay for dinner?
-I wish I could...
...but unfortunately,
I have to try to beat the traffic.
Okay. Okay.
Well, I hope we get a chance
to catch up real soon.
Yeah, hopefully.
Gretchen, your purse.
Well, good to see you.
And you and Elliott
are welcome anytime. Really.
And I, for one, am gonna be
much better about keeping in touch.
It's so good to see you.
-And you.
Nice meeting you.
Okay. Bye, now.
-Drive safely.
You know, what am I thinking?
I should walk her to her car. Really.
I'll be right back.
-Hey yourself.
What did you...?
We need to talk.
Can you not do or say
anything to anyone until then?
Please. Please.
Where's my money, bitch?
I ain't gonna keep asking nice!
Yo, all right? I want my money
and my dope. Come on!
I just wanna say, man-
-What? What do you wanna say?
I just wanna go on record, man.
You hit me really, really hard, man.
I think I'm seeing double.
Maybe I need to go see a hospital.
-Shut up!
Serious, I might have a concussion.
-Don't fall asleep, baby.
Subdural hematoma.
-Don't fall asleep.
Shut up.
All right. Empty your pockets.
Turn them out,
everything on the table.
Do it!
All right, turn around.
Turn around.
Turn out your back pockets.
Come on.
All right. Shoes. Give them here.
I told you, Diesel,
we ain't holding any-
We shot it all.
Shot an ounce in a day and a half?
All right, tell you what.
Both of you
pull it out of your butts right now...
...or I grab a flashlight and
some pliers and go exploring.
What's it gonna be, yo? Come on.
There you go.
All right, come on.
On the table.
All right, so, what, you hold the
crystal and she holds the H, huh?
Division of labour.
All right,
there's maybe an 8 ball here.
Where's the rest of my meth?
Yo, for real? She up and lost it, yo.
You shut up.
-You shut up, skank.
Shut up! Shut up! Stop it!
This really isn't getting any better,
man. It's turning cranial.
Oh, yeah? You see this gun?
It's got five bullets.
One for each kneecap,
plus an extra round for your cranial...
...for being such a pussy.
Hey. Hey, baby.
Come here, baby.
Come here, baby.
All right.
You two are never
getting high again.
I will make it my life's mission.
Not another needle,
not another ball...
...not one toke,
not till I get what's mine.
Yeah, we got you covered,
man, sure.
It just so happens we got
your money, man, plus interest.
You're damn right, plus interest.
-Back yard.
Yo, right hand to the man, dog.
Back yard. Go check it out.
Hurting. Painful.
-Hey, hey, hey.
Me and your old man,
we're just playing a game, all right?
Hey, don't move.
Come on.
Me and the slit just boosted it, yo.
She's like a ant, man.
She can lift a hundred times
her own weight. For real.
What am I supposed to do with this?
Help me break it open.
Take out the money, get paid.
Get high.
Yo, that's my bank.
So? It's FIDC insured, yo.
It's a victimless crime.
Where did you get this?
Bodega. Way across town.
In, out, like, bam.
Went smooth as silk, yo.
What, nobody saw you?
What about witnesses, dumbass?
We roll like the breeze, for real.
All we did,
we just walked in all smooth-like.
-Nobody even noticed.
-Nobody noticed?
-For real?
-I'm telling you, victimless crime.
Oh, my God.
Jesus. Come on already.
It's about to give, man. I'm sensing it.
-You don't know what you're doing.
I thought you told me
you boosted, like, six of these.
Yeah. Boosted.
It's not like he ever got one open.
At least I got persistence.
The law of averages,
lucky number seven.
Don't listen to that skank.
-Stop calling me that.
I ain't no skank!
Skank, skank, skank-
-Hey, hey, hey.
Sit, sit.
All right, I swear to God
I will shoot you both in the face.
Now, chill.
You, get that thing open.
You sit the hell down,
and no throwing things.
Where's the kid?
The kid. The little kid!
What are you asking me for?
I got you now, bitch. I got you now.
Didn't see that coming, huh?
What kind of mother are you?
How about you feed the kid a decent
meal every now and then, huh?
Give him a bath.
Put some baby powder on him.
Get him some decent TV to watch.
I mean, what is this shit?
Are you serious?
You give me one hit, and I'll be
any kind of mother that you want.
Oh, my God.
-Yeah, Diesel...
...this thing would go easier
if we all had a little taste, man.
Get out of the way.
Get out of the way!
So you didn't tell anyone.
You didn't tell Elliott.
-Not yet.
Well, what does that mean?
-That means exactly what it means.
That's a determination
I have yet to make.
All right, fair enough.
I can appreciate that.
All right.
First let me say, I very much
regret involving you in this.
This was...
This entire thing was unfortunate.
And I apologise deeply.
Thank you.
Now please tell me why you did it.
That's not really at issue here.
Well, you told me your insurance
was covering it. Was that a lie?
If you won't take our money,
and your insurance isn't covering it... are you paying for it?
This is not an issue
that concerns you, Gretchen, okay?
Excuse me, Walt. It does concern me.
It concerns me greatly.
You tell your wife and son...
...that I am paying
for your cancer treatment.
Why are you doing this?
I will clear this up with them.
The look on Skyler's face,
she's sitting there, tears in her eyes...
...thanking me for saving your life.
Why would you do that to her?
-As I said, I will clear this up.
Just please allow me to do this
in my own way, in my own time.
All right?
I will explain
the whole thing to them.
And while you're at it,
explain it to me.
I don't owe you an explanation.
I owe you an apology,
and I have apologised.
I am very sorry, Gretchen.
There. I've apologised twice now.
I'm humbly sorry.
Three times.
Let me just get this straight.
Elliott and I offer
to pay for your treatment... strings attached.
An offer which still stands,
by the way.
And you turn us down out of pride,
...and then you tell your wife that in
fact we are paying for your treatment.
Without our knowledge,
against our will... involve us in your lie.
And you sit here and tell me
that that is none of my business?
That's pretty much the size of it.
What happened to you?
Really, Walt.
What happened?
Because this isn't you.
What would you know about me,
What would your presumption
about me be, exactly?
That I should go begging
for your charity?
And you waving
your chequebook around... some magic wand
is gonna make me forget... you and Elliott-
How you and Elliott cut me out?
What? That can't be how you see it.
It was my hard work, my research,
and you and Elliott make millions off it.
That cannot be how you see it.
Good. That's beautifully done.
-You left-
You are always
the picture of innocence.
You left me.
-The picture of innocence.
Just sweetness and light.
-You left me.
Newport, 4th of July weekend.
You and my father and my brothers
and I go up to our room...
...and you're packing your bags,
barely talking.
What? Did I dream all of that?
That's your excuse... build your little empire
on my work?
How can you say that to me?
You walked away.
You abandoned us, me, Elliott.
Little rich girl
just adding to your millions.
I don't even know what to say to you.
I don't even know where to begin.
I feel so sorry for you, Walt.
Fuck you.
Hey, little man, you hungry?
Man. No, no, what are you doing?
No, what are you doing?
Spooge, I got him, I got him.
Baby, get up and help me.
Call me a bad mother.
I'll show you a bad mother, bitch.
Get up, damn it! Get our dope!
Here we go. Oh, yeah.
Who's the big tough guy now, huh?
Is that you?
Is that you? You're the big man?
Try and hit me now, bitch.
Try and hit me now!
Try and hit me now, bitch.
Oh, hey.
Should I ask where you've been?
Never mind.
We're long past that, I suppose.
Gretchen called about an hour ago.
We need to talk.
Just say it.
They're cutting off the money.
What did she say, exactly?
Not much. It was abrupt.
She said something like:
"I'm sorry to have to do this...
...but Elliott and I can no longer
continue to pay for Walt's treatment.
I wish you the very best."
And that was it.
I mean, she sounded apologetic.
I guess.
It was quick.
She got right off the phone.
I was so stunned, but...
I called her back
and she didn't pick up.
So, what do you know about this?
I mean, she and I had a perfectly nice
visit this afternoon...
...and then you come home
and she's in a big hurry to leave...
...and then the two of you
are talking in the driveway.
What do you know that I don't?
Where were you tonight?
I drove up to Santa Fe.
I was with Gretchen.
Well, Gretchen and Elliott.
She just couldn't bring
herself to tell you today.
I mean, she couldn't tell me,
either, really.
I mean, there was
a lot of hemming and hawing...
...and beating around the bush-
Okay, what-? Tell us what?
There was a lot of... phraseology
being tossed around.
You know, things like "cash-poor"
and "leveraged"...
..."quarterly decline,"
yadda, yadda, yadda.
But what they were truly saying,
in my opinion...
They're broke.
You are kidding me.
I mean, the economy's in the toilet.
We all know that.
And all these big banks
and Fannie Mae and...
Well, apparently, Gray Matter... no more immune
than anyone else.
That is-
Jesus, that's...
You know, she could have
just told me herself.
Well, they're prideful people.
Not to sound selfish...
...but as far as we go...
...we'll get through this, okay?
I mean, they've already paid
for most of my treatment, right?
We're gonna make it. All right?
I promise.
And yet...
...she still drives a Bentley.
Keeping up appearances.
Who knows?
Baby, that don't make any sense.
Of course it makes sense.
Every safe's got its weak spot, right?
You're designing a safe, where
you gonna put your weak spot?
I'd make it, like, strong.
Jesus. On the bottom, that's where.
You put your weak spot
on the bottom.
Oh, baby,
that H is bringing me down.
Yeah, you took too much. I told you.
I need to... I need to even out.
Let me get a hit of that crystal.
-Hell, no. You lost your share.
Come on, baby.
It's all I need, just a little hit.
Shut the hell up, you dumb skank.
I'm trying to concentrate.
I ain't no skank.
I would appreciate an apology.
I am trying to take
the high road here.
Are you gonna do right?
Listen to me, stupid.
I am in the middle
of some very important work.
I am on the verge here, all right?
So shut your skank ass pie hole...
...and assist me and shut up.
I ain't no skank.
Skank, skank, skank ass skank.
Skank ass skank. Skank ass skank.
You listening to me, skank?
You hear me, skank?
You are a skank ass skank. Skank.
Skank, skank, skank. Skank.
I ain't no skank.
No, no, no. Don't. No.
I ain't no skank.
Hey, hey.
Hey, you remember peekaboo?
Can you go peekaboo like this?
Can you keep your eyes closed?
You keep them closed. That's good.
That's good. That's good.
All right.
You keep them closed just like that.
It's a little game
we're gonna play, okay?
Here you go.
Hey. Hey, look at me.
You wait right here. Okay?
It's just part of the game.
You wait right here, and...
Look, just...
Just don't go back inside. All right?
You stay right here. Okay?
You have a good
rest of your life, kid.