Breakers (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Monday the 23rd - full transcript

Jack is reliving the same day over and over again so he confides in a therapist who urges Jack to consider the supernatural.

- I can do this.

Do it, do it.

Come on.


- I want you to pretend

that everything I'm
going to say is true.

You're not gonna believe it,
you're gonna think I'm crazy.

But I want you to
pretend it's true.

- Okay?

- I've reliving the same
day over and over again.

- Do you know what
I'm gonna say next?

- It's not like that.

- If you've reliving the
same day over and over again

why don't you know what
I'm gonna say next?

- Because one, it
doesn't work like that.

And two, we've never had
this conversation before.

- How is this a new conversation

if you're reliving the
same day over and--

- I wake up everyday and
everyday it's Monday the 23rd.

But it's never the
same Monday the 23rd.

It's unpredictable.

Some of the things are the same,

the same stuff needs
to be done at work.

Things are placed the same way.

But people don't have
the same conversations,

don't order the same coffee,
or hit the same traffic lights.

The weather can be 83 one day,

but the next day,
which is the same day,

it could be 81, it varies.

But it is always
Monday the 23rd.

And that is why

we're having this conversation
for the first time.

Because this is the
first Monday the 23rd

that I sought out a therapist
and stole an appointment.

- What do you mean you
stole an appointment?

- Are you the eight o'clock?

- Yeah I'm Earl.

- Well Dr. Parker is sick today

and we'll have to reschedule.

- Well how bad is it?

I mean, is it bad?

I mean, what am I supposed
to do in the meantime?

Is she seeing somebody else?

- You know what, she'll
contact you shortly.

- How is she gonna
contact me if she's sick?

- She can use a phone.

- Well how's she gonna
know where to find me?

- The phone will know
where to find you.

- Well, tell her hi.

- You can't do
that to my patient.

- It's okay.

He'll be back tomorrow,

which is, today.

- How do you know you're
reliving the same day?

Maybe you just dreamed it?

- Well what's today?

- The 23rd.

- That's how I know.

- If we were
reliving the same day

over and over, why
don't I know it?

- I don't know.

- You realize my job

is to look for signs of
psychological problems.

- I came to you.

You specifically because
according to your ad

you believe in God and
miracles and stuff.

- I do.

- So for one moment,

can you just pretend that
what I'm saying is true?

- Okay.


How long have you been
reliving the same day?

- I don't know anymore.

At first it was
easy to keep track,

but now they all blur together.

Why is this happening to me?

- What's special about
the day you're reliving?

- Nothing.

- Hey.

Hey, hey, wake up.

Gungnir is missing
again, did you take it?

- this
is my roommate, Max.

- Is this another one
of your jokes again?

Cause I swear-

- I did not take your
stupid controller.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey,
it's not a controller.

- It's a controller.

- It's not a
controller, it's lucky.

And you know Coloseo and
Cloud has a match tonight.

Okay so it was in my bathroom,

my bad.

Is that...

Is that my mandarin
orange salsa water?

- That's good.

- Gimme that.

Buy your own.

Buy your own, we've
been over this.

- Hey man, when are you
gonna clean all of this up?

- Hey.

- We're gonna need
all company receipts

for the past four years.

- Sir, are you listening?

- How would you like
to receive that?

- What do you mean?

- How would you like to
receive the information?

- I work at Interion.

And yes I am aware of the
recent SEC investigation

and no, I'm not supposed
to talk about that

according to the NDA I
signed when they hired me.

Truth is, I don't
know exactly they do.

My job title is
strategy officer, but
really my job is to--

- Would you like that in
digital or hard format?



A few years ago

we were actually able to
do microfiche without help.

They have this paper
in the copy room

smells like fresh bread.

I can have Sherry print some
out for you, if you'd like.

Of course, that would
be thousands and
thousands of pages.

I don't know how they
get to smell like that.

The world we live in now, right?

- Delay,
that's my whole job.

And I'm pretty good at it.

- This is not a joke, sir.

- This is no laughing matter.

- Illegal things
have transpired here,

people are going to go to jail.

Are you one of them?

- I would
take it more seriously

if I were you.

- You're right.

I'm gonna take this
more seriously.

- This boat has
more holes than I have fingers

but, the money is good so--

- How can I help?

- We just told you.

- Receipts, purchase logs

all of it.

- Receipts,
purchase logs,

all of it somewhere
in this building,

being shredded as we speak.

- I'll see what I can do.

- Oh man.

Ah, that does not look good.

- She's an accountant.

or does accounting,
something with numbers

I'm not really sure.

But she's nice.

- I don't think so.

- She looks good and she's
nice and she asked me directly.

- How did she ask you directly?

She doesn't know me.

- She asked me who's the nicest
guy I knew and I said you.

- That's great.

But no.

- Dude I don't see
what the big deal is.

You need this

she needs this,

no one is saying you
have to get married.

Don't even think
about it past tonight.

It's just one date, dinner.

Something you're
already gonna be doing

you just do it with her
seated across from you.

- He was trying
to set me up with this girl,

a full week before the
day had started repeating.

- Kim's talking you
into this isn't she?

- Yeah.



Man I don't know,

I don't even know what my
own thoughts are anymore.

I live in a house
with three women.

Try that see how you do.

- No.



- Why don't you go?

- When's the last time
you heard anything good

come from a blind date?

- My brother-in-law went on
a blind date with my sister

and they have six kids now.

- Mazel tov.

- Why don't you wanna go?

What if you hit it off?

- Because it won't matter.

- Why not?

- Tomorrow would've
never happened.

- Because the day starts over.

- Have you tried just staying
awake, not going to bed?

- Hey, Gungnir's missing.

Do you know where he is?

- Just like that?

- Just like that.

- What is


- A mythical sword I think.

I'm not sure.

I'm afraid to ask.

Last time I brought
up Harry Potter

he didn't stop talking
for twenty minutes.

- Okay.

What happens after work?

- You're supposed to
announce yourself.

- Papaw

A bat?


- You can never be too sure.

- Papaw's convinced

that the government
is listening,

tracking cellphones 24/7 so

he invented,

pot protocol for our safety.

- Did they send
the kale this time?

- I don't know.

- They keep sending romaine.

- Well, you eat too much kale.

- No I don't.

What is this?

- Sweetum O's aren't
gonna kill you, papaw.

- Oh, yes they will.

You eat enough of 'em.

You know that sugar

is 10 times more addictive
than crack cocaine?

- Pretty sure that's not true.

- I researched it.

- You know what the obesity
level was when I was a boy?


Have you been to a
playground lately?

- Why would I be
at a playground?

- Well drive by one.

You'll be horrified.

- For
the longest time

I didn't tell him about this.

I didn't know what I
thought he would say.

- I don't know what to say.

- All
things considered, he
took it pretty well.

- Maybe you should see
somebody, a therapist.

- You think I'm crazy?

- No, not at all.

But when my grandson tells
me something like this,

he's either stoned
or in a predicament.

I mean, are you stoned?

- No.

- If you were it'll be
okay, you can tell me,

I'd still love you.

- I'm not stoned.

- Then you should see somebody.

- Papaw, I've already
talked to a few people.

I went to the university,

I even spoke to a guy

who wrote a book on
time travel theory.

Everyone of them
would certify me.

- A while back I was
driving down the road

and there was a guy over
the side of the road

and he had a flat tire

and his back of his car
down almost to the pavement.

Turns out the guy had
never changed a tire before

didn't have a clue what to do.

So I get the iron out
I get the tire off

and I start changing the tire.

But then I said what the heck
have you got in the trunk

that it causes your
car to be so far down?

So he opens the trunk
and there's rocks.

Turns out he's some kind
of a geologist or something

and he's telling me about
all of his equipment

and how these rocks are the

foundation of the universe

and they're 250 million
years old and...

So this old boy thinks
he's all kinds of special,

he's on his way to teach
some elementary school kids.

I changed the tire
and I get it done

and I popped the jack
and pop, spare pops.

Well he ends up having
to call a wrecker

cost him a 175 bucks.

He never got to the
elementary school,

which is probably
good for the kids.

- Why are you telling me this?

- Well it turns out that the
smartest guy in the universe

is a nincompoop.

He can't change a tire,

he doesn't know that all
of those rocks in his trunk

is breaking his car in half.

Now science at its best,

is limited.

And you need to look
for a bigger picture,

look at the supernatural.

- How did you know
the tow truck was 175?

- Oh I stuck around,

man that was the most
entertaining thing

I've seen in months.

You wanna see one of
his precious rocks?

I kept one.

- Gungnir, now.

Where is he?

- I can have Sherry print some
out for you if you'd like.

- She's an accountant.

- You know where he is?

Anywhere, in here?

- I was driving down the freeway

behind this big moving truck.

And it has this refrigerator
strapped to the back.

And all of a sudden I
heard this voice in my ear

say, "Get over."

And before I could think about

if I'd really heard
the voice or not,

I got over.

The refrigerator broke the belt

smashed down on the
road in front of me,

missed me by this much.

Now I can look at
this in two ways.


After all, there is a
lot of psychiatrists

that believe in a sixth
sense and survival instinct.

- And the other?

- If you wanna know why
this is happening to you,

you have to consider that
your papaw may be right.

It's a supernatural event.

And as far as why this keeps
happening over and over,

I would feel something's
still missing,

I think,

exhaust the possibilities.

- Hey, hey, wake up.

Gungnir's missing,
have you seen him?

- You need to take
this seriously.

- You're right, that's
what I was going to say.

He needs to take this seriously.

- Have you guys heard of PTSD?

- Well she's an accountant,
or in accounting.

It's something with numbers.

- Fine.

I'll go.

- What?

- I'll go.

- Great.


Hey, want a drug?

It's thin mint.

- I'm gonna be honest,

I almost didn't come.

- Really?

- Yeah, you know blind dates
never really turn out well, so.

- I know exactly what you mean,

I didn't wanna come
at first either.

- Oh really?

Why did you come?

- I don't know.

Decided it was something
I needed to do.

- Yeah, yeah, me too.

- You look nice.

- Oh, thank you.

So, what do you like to do?

- Oh, you know

outside of work I just,

don't really have much
of a social life I guess.

- Yeah that
can happen, right.

- Yeah.


What do you like to do?

- Mostly work.

We do have girls night once
a week that I like but I...

More than once a week and I
think I would just lose my mind.

They're so dramatic.

I did a marathon last
month, you've heard of this?

- Yeah.

- Have you done one?

- No.

- No?

I mean they're
actually really fun.

I mean it was way more
fun than the canton one

that was just depressing.

Oh God I'm sorry I shouldn't
have said that, should I?

- No, you're fine.

- Yeah I mean, I just decided

I needed to get out and
do things, you know?

- Yeah. I was so busy with work

that I wasn't really
doing anything else.

I would just go home
and binge watch TV shows

and after a while it starts
feeling like you're living life

without a purpose, right?

- Yeah

for sure.

- I mean it got
so bad for me that

I wasn't taking care of
myself, I wasn't exercising,

and it just got to this point
where I had to do something

or else I was gonna go crazy.

And that's when I
discovered Genepox,

like that's how I
got my energy back.

It completely changed
everything in my life.

I mean really, how often do you
think about your gut health?

- Never.

Absolutely never.

- Really?

You should.

It's actually a
very important thing

that most people
completely overlook

but it makes all the
difference in the world.

I actually have a
card here for you

if you'd like to look at it.

- Oh.



- Yeah we're having a meeting
this Thursday actually

for people interested
in getting healthy now

and living a better life.

I would love it if you'd come.

- I can't.

- No?

- I gotta go to the bathroom.

- Where do you think I can go?

- Come with me.

- Okay how often do you
think about your gut health?

- Not that often.

- Not that...

Oh my god

I mean it's actually
insanely important.

I mean if you take
this you get--

- Are you seriously
standing me up?

- Yes, I am standing you up.

We're over, Molly.

- You have got to be kidding me.


- Hey.

- Wait.

What did you do?

What did you do to her?

- Whoa hey wait I
didn't do anything

- Put your hands up.

- Okay.
- Back Off.

- Listen
- Put your hands up.

- I just found her here okay?

- Listen
- Are you okay?

- I didn't do anything, okay?

This is a big misunderstanding.

- okay we
have 482 coming out there

for the hit and run,
you might wait for him.

- Noted.

- This is 482
- What time is it?

- Yes sir,

we may have a car that's
stopped at Tenfit Granch-

- Wake up, wake up, wake
up, wake up, wake up.

Gungnir's missing.

- I saw my father.

It's the first time
I ever saw him cry.

And he just looks at me,

and he touches my face.

And he says,


- You were right.

There's a woman.

- I'm sorry who are you?