Boss (2011–2012): Season 2, Episode 9 - Clinch - full transcript

Chicago is bankrupt and a team of receivers pour in to take control of the city. But losing his mayoral power isn't the biggest danger to Kane as various enemies including Sentinel editor, Sam Miller, threaten to expose his illness and corruption. Does Kane have a plan in his back pocket or will he go down with his city?

I've been concerned any improvement

is likely a placebo effect.

Was Tom Kane admitted to your clinic?
I need to know.

We treated him.

That bag you dropped was
light at least five grand.

- Mayor Rutledge is in the hospital.
- How can I help?

Emma is upset.
I want you to take her home.

You're stronger than this.

Had you previously been unfaithful?

I'm not going to answer that question.

Don't you think we deserve to know

who our elected officials are?

I made a fucking mistake.

When I become the next governor,

you and I will seldom coincide
legislatively or otherwise.

We are fast approaching the annual
vote to cover the city's expenditures.

There can be
no push-back.

It pains me to be the bearer of bad news.

Is this really the legacy
you want to leave behind, Mac?

Allowing the state's
largest city to go under?

This bond acquisition vote
provides you an opportunity

to stimulate a wind of change.

Sacrifice the castle
to take down the king.

Castles can be rebuilt.
Men cannot.

Voting will now begin.
Alderman Ross?

I vote nay.

Out of the way!
Out of the way!

With a tally of 41 nays,

this measure is denied.

McGantry, everything you need you have.

I fully expect you to lock him up

before I hand this slam-fucking-dunk
case over to the Feds.

Original Air Date on October 12, 2012

♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪

♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪

♪ I heard the voice of Jesus Christ ♪

♪ Satan, your kingdom
must come down. ♪

Time. I want it.

Don't have it to give, Tom.

While I appreciate you
coming to Springfield

in your off-hours to ask,
there's nothing I can do.

Financial chicanery could
have lasted only so long.

And it's to your credit
that for over a decade it did.

But without the state bonds, without
your own council's support,

the city is about to
default on some hefty loans.

Who do you think you are?

I've called for an emergency manager.

The advance team will be there...

Who the fuck do you think you are?

The governor of the goddamn
state, that's who.

have no idea.

How is he?

I'm not sure you have the right to know.

Excuse me?

I spoke to his nurse.
Nadeem, I believe.

He suggested you could have
had something to do with it.

That, for whatever reason,

you may have withheld your grandfather's
medication, causing him to fall.

Is that what you call it?

The doctors can't say

if he'll ever come out of the coma.

Hard enough seeing him
live through a stroke.

You mean the one that you caused?


His stupor.
It didn't just happen.

It was induced.
And you kept him that way

with all the bulbocapnine
you keep giving him.

- I don't understand what you're suggesting.
- Why did you do it?

For his money?
For his power?

For your husband?

Borden. B-O-R-D-E-N?
Great. Thanks.

Credit reports,
disciplinary actions if any,

who his family members are...
that's what I need.

- A real background check.
- Got it.

Sussing out a source or a date?

This detective I met with called,
said he had information for me.

Might be moot.
Cullen's named an emergency manager.

The city's days from defaulting
on its financial obligations.

When it does, Elizabeth Borden takes over.

The attorney who whipped
Detroit into shape?

Ran it for over a year.

Mayor's cutting after-school
programs to bridge the budget gap.

Nice. How's he gonna pay
for the other five billion?

Exactly. If Kane
can't stop the bleeding,

Borden's gonna take him
down before you do.

They're here.

Hard up in a clinch

and no knife to cut the seizing.

How many?


- When can we expect you in?
- Soon.

Kill all residential streetlights.

Let this message be heard.

Corruption, political or financial,

will not be tolerated by my office.

Take a couple questions.

- Morning.
- Morning.

...was taken into custody
outside his Gold Coast penthouse.

He was a necessary evil,

but known and without association.

I'll make the call.

Even my father had to

ask for this type of help
from time to time.

How is he, by the way, the old man?


Emma, however, is becoming
increasingly unstable.

And made accusations last night

about the stroke.

She got physical.

Tom, I want her out of this house.

Will it be enough to keep
the city from going under?

If not, the public
wants to know what's next.

I would ask that you
endure for a few more days.

How long...

before they try and wrest it from you?

Sir, we're ready in your office.

What the fuck are you looking at?

Our phone lines are flooded with
complaints about the closures.

Parents, teachers, conservancy
groups, park and rec workers.

Temporary inconveniences
which must be abided.

Sacrifices must be made,
particularly in those wards

which don't provide enough tax revenue.

Nonexistent in the 21st.

Then shutter its day care facilities,

shelters, and community centers.

Sir, I understand your hostility
towards Alderman Ross,

but his ward's already stretched

in terms of public services.

And he no longer has to provide them
to residents of Lennox Gardens,

because there are none.

At the moment.

I'll notify DFSS about shuttering
those agencies right away.

Smaller measures like these can help,

but, with all due respect, they're a drop
in the bucket given the city's deficit.

What we really need is a federal bailout.

Which is why I want you in DC.

I need you to push for TARP funds.

Get the Treasury to buy our debt.

That's just what I was about to suggest.

Take the next plane out.

I'll make some calls, get you
in front of the right people.

Yes, sir.

Ian, it was a bit chilly

when last I visited the conference room.

Make our guests more comfortable.

It was sound advice and I took it.

To great success, as it turns out.

Congratulations on that
McGantry arrest, by the way.

Timing could have been better.

We barely made it one news cycle

before the budget crisis
became a bigger headline.

True, but it's all of one piece...

fall of the status quo,
ascendency of new leadership.

What can I do
for you, Mr. Zajac?

Double down.

Help me further separate
myself from Tom Kane

by providing your full power
of your field operations.

Got to love a man with confidence.

If he gets wind of this...

In a few days, he's a nonissue.

City goes broke, it'll be up for grabs.

Pretty big takedown.

His biggest PAC contributor for years.

He must have done something huge
to piss Kane off this much.

Like contribute to my campaign.

Might not have been Kane's play.

God knows the State's Attorney will
do anything to get into the papers.

No, I'm pretty sure Doyle got this
handed to him on a silver platter.

Kitty, you give your old boss
way too much credit.

And anyway, McGantry is yesterday's news.

Today is all about the fact that Chicago's
been run into the ground by the bad guys.

We're ready.

In here.

And you work for the good guys now.

Have a driver meet me at the gate.

I've got my RFP responses here, but
I need my PowerPoint overnighted.

I'll call you from the cab.

Good a time as any to leave town.

I'm flying to DC,

trying to mitigate some of
the damage you've done.

It's not my fault the city can't meet
its obligations on loan interests.

Kane's been working
this Ponzi scheme for years.

By the time the receiver gets it straight,

his term's over, and you're out of a job.

Should have stuck
with Mr. Ross here.

FYI, if Borden takes over,
your boss loses, too.

Unlike our mayor, I can rise again.

Seems like your name may not
be worth so much after all.

No. No. No.

No! No!

You can't fucking do this!
Fuck you!

Fucking bitch!
Let me out!

Sweat it out, bastards.

The city has a pension payment tomorrow
of over half a million dollars.

We could save that by shutting
down select transit lines

between 7:00 P.M.
And 5:00 a.m.

It'll buy us some time, anyway.

Do it, but don't spare rush hour.

Not a cut the public will respond well to.

Perhaps you should make a statement.

Last thing I want to do
is become the official face

of this crisis when it is the
council that is wholly to blame.

I just wish some informed insider

would say the same to the press.


You heard me.

After all these years,

I can't believe I've never seen your home.

We don't entertain here often.

Well, this is a special occasion, then.

John, my husband's trust
isn't easily earned.

I've noticed.

My family's made more than one overture.


But at the moment,

Chicago is experiencing
financial difficulties.

And you see an opportunity.

I do.

Does the mayor even know that I'm here?

He does.

But this was your idea?-...


Well, allow me to be the first Vacarro

to contribute to Tom Kane's PAC.


now is not the time to think small.

No more cutbacks!
No more cutbacks!

No more cutbacks!
No more cutbacks!

No more cutbacks!

This is Ian Todd.

Leave a message and I'll call you back.

It's Emma.

You need to come here right away.

They've locked me in.

I have to see you.
I need you.

If you are satisfied with your message...

No more cutbacks!
No more cutbacks!

No more cutbacks!

Mr. Todd!
Mr. Todd!

Any comment on the deficit that
stands to bankrupt the city?


I do, actually.

Having worked with several
council members,

I'm struck by the lack of responsibility

being taken by its leadership
in this crisis.

No less than a month ago, all 50 aldermen

approved pay raises for themselves.

But when the mayor needed help in
balancing the budget, they refused.

Now they're off the radar
while public services are cut,

citizens suffer, and an emergency manager

with a six-figure salary
is appointed.

Where's the democracy in that?

Excuse me.

No more cutbacks!

What qualifies someone,
do you suppose, to run a city?

Mr. Kane, out of respect
for your position,

I came here after hours
so as not to cause any...

Did you study law?

Get elected?

My team is here to ensure a
smooth transition of power.

The fact is, no matter how
much money you move around

or how many light switches you
turn off or jobs you eliminate,

the city will default.

And because that is
the reality of the situation,

I wanted to give you the opportunity
to speak with your unions

before I cut pensions
and cancel contracts.

Do you really think

I'd allow the likes of you
to take this from me?

A bean counter?
A shyster?

Someone who has more regard
for the almighty dollar

than the people of this city.

Short of a miracle,
I'll be back in two days.

I'll see you then.

Hope to be your next governor.

Your campaign's been
on quite a roller coaster.

With the positive press you've gotten
since your mea culpa interview,

think you still have a shot
at winning the office?

Because I still care about Illinois.

Which is why I didn't
approve the mayor's request

for a state-funded bailout.
Thank you.

Mr. Kane's played a big part
in your candidacy.

- Has that changed?
- Well, he knows, as State Treasurer,

I have a fiscal responsibility
to each and every taxpayer.

So in good conscience I can't saddle them

with a debt incurred in a single city.

And how are the people of Chicago
supposed to feel about that?

Well, they should be angry.
And I don't blame them.

They shouldn't have to feel
the pain of mismanagement.

And people can think what
they want about me personally,

but my record will show I have
tremendous fiscal discipline.

Hi, how are you? Thank you so much.
Good to meet you.

Hi, nice to meet you.
Thank you so much.

- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. Good.

- Thank you so much for your support.
- Nice to see you again.

Yes, great to see you.
Thank you for your support.

Thank you so much for your support.

Let's wrap this up, okay?
Thanks, folks.

See you at the polls.

City's closing this line down anyway.

What you're suggesting is unprecedented.

Worked for the auto industry.

That was corporate.

You are talking about using TARP
funds to buy up municipal debt.

The mayor's hoping the
Treasury will be pragmatic.

We go down, it's not just
Chicago that feels the pain.

Not pragmatic to open the door,

allowing every distressed city
to claim our limited funds.

Illinois' 20 electoral votes.

It is unclear that a weakened
Kane can deliver that.

Can we get the mayor on
the phone with the secretary

to discuss our proposal?

Why don't you just
fucking roll over and die?

Sorry, I told him...

Nice to see you, too, William.

You want this city to suffer,

at least have the decency
to spread it around,

not just gut my ward, which as you know,

don't have much to begin with.

- Why?
- Why what?


Don't you care about your constituents?

The people you were elected to serve?

Do you want to see them
at the mercy of an outsider?

As opposed to you?

You are not that petty or stupid.

Your time has come.

Our time.

Years of bloody battle between us,

now we both lose to a third party.

You're the one who
pushed it over the edge.

With that.

That, Alderman...

can save us both.

Hey, Roxie.

A little bit of this
for a little bit of that?

It's Meredith Kane.
How are you?

I'm just fine.
Thanks for asking.

Funny you should call.
The wife asked about you just last night.

Give my best to Edie.

Mac, I know you're busy,
but if at all possible,

I'd love to meet you for lunch.

- You here in Springfield?
- No, in Chicago.

But I could have you flown in
on a friend's private jet.

We could chat.

Last time we did

resulted in a steep National Guard bill.

No, this won't cost a thing.

I'll have you back in Springfield
in a couple of hours.

There's someone I'd like you to meet.

Never pass on a free lunch.

Wonderful. I'll see you soon.

You really do smooth out
my rough edges, don't you?


You weren't lying when you
said someplace out of the way.

Well, I can't be too careful
with the goods that I got.

I like the sound of that.

Your suspicions about Ezra
Stone are not unfounded.

Meaning it was an inside job.

Gotta be some terms here
if you want the full story.

You know, last time
I saw you, you were barside

with Kane's pal from the O'Hare ceremony.

Kind of seemed like you guys
were part of the same fan club.

Past tense.

Look, CPD's been doing
Kane's dirty work for years.

Then he turns around and scrapes
Royczyk like shit from his shoe.

Now he's eyeballing our pension funds

to keep the city from going belly up.

You'll go on record?

For 10,000 bucks.

We don't pay for stories.

Well, you don't get 'em this good, either.

What, toxic waste
in Bensenville? Please.

The "Sentinel" is a paper of record,
detective Dinovo, not a tabloid.

Yeah, and I'm a man without retirement pay

who needs to leave town if I go public.

I'd say 10 grand was a bargain.
Take it or leave it.

There's more to tell.

...that's not
what she said to me...

Hey, I don't blame you.

Afternoon, gentlemen.

Mr. Taylor.

Come here, man.
It's good to see you, man.

- It's good to be seen.
- Yeah.

How you doing?

Fine now that charges
against me got dropped.

I'm grateful for everything
you did in that regard.

You kept your head
when you were in custody.

That kind of loyalty is
something I very much value.

Of course it is.

So the Gardens are done for a while,

but I'd imagine you still
need some help in the field.

I understand young brother covered
for me while I was gone, but...

Trey, go down the hall, get us some ice.

I want to fix the ward boss a drink,

catch him up on things.

All right.

How your family, man?
Everybody good?

Everybody's good.

You had sex with Treasurer Zajac?

In his office.

That part was okay with me.

But then he eliminated my
internship, which was way not okay.

And when I saw him on the street,

he pretended he didn't know me.


He's just a hypocrite,

telling people he's only had one affair.

It's a lie.

Patty, I get why you want
to hold him accountable.

I do. It's a completely
healthy reaction.

But if you go public with this,

you will be savaged.

You will be painted as a slut.

He will deny it, say you're delusional,

and everyone will believe him.

Don't throw your future away on this.

He's not worth it.

I really thought you'd be on my side.

I need a breakdown ward by ward.

Get me the southeast first.

I am.
Just sleep on this, okay?

Give it some thought.

Call me tomorrow and we'll talk about it.


So what was that all about?

She used to work for Zajac.

She's looking for a new job,

but we don't have any space for her.

Getting too old for this shit.

Description, location,



I'm meeting with Senator Carter later.

If we can get assurances that
banking won't go after them,

maybe we can get the Fed to help.

Good, keep at it.

How are things going there?

A day from shutting down schools.

I'll keep you posted.

You may be my only hope.

Mac's quite affable, though he and
my husband have had their moments.

Which is why you're here
and not the mayor himself.

As you can imagine, he's quite busy.

And I do play a role.

It's quite clear how much
political power you have, Meredith.


A fella could get used to this.

Mac, this is John Vacarro.

John, Mac Cullen.

So, what's for lunch?

Let's go.

I'm not much of a gambler myself,

but the track has proven
to be a solid investment.

People seem to enjoy it.
Bought it several years ago.

Put in a global pari-mutuel
betting system.

Been a moneymaker ever since.

Very nice.
As is the box.

Nothing quite like it in Springfield.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Kane.

Meredith, are you all right?

Yeah, I just needed to sit for a second.

Shall we cut to the chase
before the horses do?


McGantry's property
surrounding Lennox Gardens.

- Now owned by the state.
- Go on.

I buy it at market value plus 5%.

Do you? Shouldn't that be phrased
as a question, Mr. Vacarro?

We both know market value these days

is a turd with a price tag.

Three years ago, McGantry
bought that same real estate

for a hell of a lot more than that.

That was then, Mac.

And this is now, I suppose.

We take the guarantee to the banks

as collateral for emergency loans.

You come out looking like
the savior of Chicago.


Someone get me a pair
of tights and a cape.

- Is that my new identity since the riots?
- Why not?

Think I'll get a chance to place
a bet before I have to go?


Hey, hey.

Hard man to find, cuz?

Just been working
in different places, man.

Sound about right.

You wouldn't be thinking of
running off on me now, would you?

I will find you.

I ain't going nowhere, bro.

I'm just building my business back up.

I got a little now if you want it.

The fuck is that?

5K is some serious paper, man.

And I ain't got 10 years to wait on you.

Have all my money today or we got issues.

You know I ain't got that shit, man.

Hey, look, tell me something, man.


That little white girl worth all this?

Man, I'm done with that bitch.

Look at the man.

He done with her...

and yet the debt remains.

So tell me, what we gonna do about that?

What's up with the Zajac volunteer?

She was inexperienced.
We don't need her.

You're lying.

I'm not.

If another one's come out of the woodwork,

why aren't we running with it?

Catherine, it's gilding the lily.

Not when he's trending up.

Proof that it was more than
one affair could finish him.

If you've got something
on Zajac, I want it.

So either he banged the fat chick

or she's mad he didn't bang her.
Which is it?

She's just a kid, okay?
If we go public...

This is my fourth run.

I don't give a shit
about collateral damage.

But the meeting was set.

- He can't see you. I'm sorry.
- Can't or won't?

Carter's been waiting 15 years
to get the gavel on banking.

He's not gonna give it up for this.

He owes his career to Kane.

You think he can get by without
Cook County next primary?

Look, everyone's watching Walsh/Zajac

and thinking maybe Kane's
finally irrelevant.

She wins, his pull evaporates.

People forget a fundamental truth.

Tom Kane always finds a way.

The further you back him into a corner,

the more painful the cuts
when he fights his way out.

I'm sorry.

After all this, I'm getting no?

Welcome to politics.

You might wish you'd stayed out.

Thanks, you two, but I need to get going.

Need to check in with Borden
before it gets too late.

Sorry you couldn't stay longer, Governor.

With only a few months left in office,

I'm sure Mac wants to make
the most of them.

Tell Tom I wish him
the best with this thing.

I really do.

Will do.

Which way to the jet?

Tell me.

He's not on board.

They say a mule will labor 10 years

willingly and patiently

for the privilege
of kicking you just once.

He wants more than that.

Speak later.

Payroll for sanitation won't
be met without more cuts.

At this point,

we're at mandated furloughs
for nonessential city workers.

- Any word from Mona?
- Nothing encouraging.

Sir, is it possible that...

will we lose control of the city?

I want this delivered by hand...

to Governor Cullen.

I believe Governor Cullen is out
of the office until tomorrow.

Then deliver it as soon as possible,

God damn it.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Mayor, just thought
you should know,

the emergency manager is meeting with her
advance team in the conference room.

10% across-the-board
layoffs aren't enough.

We'll need at least 18.

It has not been two days.

You are interlopers here

because of my hospitality.
I want you to leave now.

First off, this advance team
is here by order of the state.

- And in 24 hours...
- Get out!


You're postponing the inevitable.

She's wrong.

- Are you out of your mind?
- I wanted to see you.

Here, in the middle of nowhere,

after not calling me for days?

Yeah, I know I've been out of touch.

No word, no explanation.

Kane has a brain disease.

I was tracking that
before Rosebud came along.

Reason I was over
the border when you called?

That's where he was during the riots...

an experimental treatment
center just outside of Toronto.

My gut says that Stone knew
about the illness as well,

saw that Kane was unfit for office,

so he leaks the Bensenville
story under the name Rosebud.

Kane ultimately finds out
about it and kills him for it.

The burglary gone bad, which every other
paper in town seems so ready to print...

I've got the lead detective
ready to go on record,

say the whole damn thing was a
cover-up as long as I pay for it.

Now I'm not exactly ready
to bite that fucking bullet,

but, goddamn, I mean, we've got him.

- We've got Kane by the balls.
- We?

Yeah, you told me Rosebud was Stone.

I did not. I told you
it may be Stone.

May be. And I told you, Sam.
No one else.

So don't even fucking think
about using my name, okay?

Look, he can't touch you
from a prison cell.

That's exactly where he's going.

You think Kane is blinded by ambition?

You may want to take a look in the mirror.


Fucking me isn't enough?
Now you're gonna analyze me?

Excuse me?


Look, I didn't mean that.

Don't use my name.

I'm gonna use your name anyway.

You'll be subpoenaed.

Do it.
I'll deny everything.

And by the way...
fuck you!

You know, you just...
you can't trust her.

I think we can.

Defending that kid today was a
big move for her as a person.

Since when do you give a damn
about Kitty as a person?

Take it easy.

Good news is, we want another
Zajac scandal, we got it.

Yeah, no thanks to her.

- I need a cigarette.
- No, you don't.

Sit down.
Sit down.

She knows people, so what?

She does.
You know me.

I'll be back in a minute.

Senator Walsh?

Just wanted to say

congratulations on your campaign.

Voted for you every election.

Well, thank you so much.
Let's see if we can make it

to the governor's office this time,

- Yeah.
- Thanks again.

Are you planning on leaving soon?

- No.
- Would you mind if I...

Go home.

Would you like me to
arrange for your car to...

It's a sailor's term

for being overtaken by misfortune.

"Hard up in a clinch and no
knife to cut the seizing."

I'm not going anywhere.

You're dismissed.

Yes, sir.

Where's Trey?

I don't know, man.
But he asked me to talk to you...

To what?
Waste my fucking time?

A few weeks in a suit and
he's a player now? Tell him...

Hold up, nigga.
I'm here to tell you something, man.

- That right?
- He wants you gone, right?

So we got one way you can do it,

or we got another.

Are you serious?

You think you can just get up
in my car and threaten me?

I'm trying to do you a favor here, bro.

And I'm gonna do you one by not
punching you in your goddamn face.

Get the fuck out.

If you don't do this,
he'll kill us both, man.

- I promise you that.
- I ain't scared of that motherfucker.

- And sure as hell ain't scared of you.
- Keep talking.

Give me a goddamn break.

Think I don't know who you are?

Darius, the one who's been
banging Kane's daughter.

- Shut the fuck up!
- What's this, some kind of joke, man?

Trey trying to punk me out with this shit?

Send me some weak-ass,
punk-ass, bitch-made puss...

Okay, we got to get ready.

They're picking us up in 30 minutes.


Come on, lazy girl.

Come on, Tina.

Come on, you...



I need medical help!


Sweetheart. Tina.


Tina. Tina.

Can we say "dead lesbian"?

EMT hinted it was a drug
overdose, maybe ketamine.

What about Walsh? Anybody know
if she was under the influence?

Or should we just write,
"Woman found naked in her bed"?

Where the hell is Miller?

He's not answering his phone.

Track down that EMT.
You, don't say lesbian.

Or ketamine.

"Dead woman found
in hotel room with Walsh,

possible overdose."

I'm going to the hotel.

Breaking news...

Senator Walsh's top aide was found dead

early this morning
in the senator's hotel room.

We're going now live to the scene.

- Was it an overdose?
- What was your relationship?

Were you doing drugs with her?

Why are you afraid
to come out of the closet?

Is your campaign now over?

- Are you a lesbian?
- How long have you known the deceased?

Senator Walsh... senator
can you tell us,

are you dropping out of the race?

Was she just your lover?
Is it true you were in bed together?

Ma'am, how long have you been lovers?

Senator Walsh, did you love her?

Is your campaign over?

What's the best look
for taking over a city?

Stripes read serious.

I don't know why everyone's so surprised.

Worst-kept secret
in Springfield,

Walsh being a muff diver.

This just came for you
from Mayor Kane's office.

Last pitch for clemency?


What is it?

Get the mayor on the line.

Why didn't you answer?
Why didn't you call?

- This is dangerous, what we're doing.
- They won't know.

This isn't about your parents.
It's about you.

- Are you okay?
- I confronted her about everything.

We have to get you out of here.

What, do you think I want to stay?

Tell me.
Tell me what to do and I'll do it.

Well, what if your father negotiated
a deal with the State's Attorney?

You'd have to plead guilty.
Emma, listen to me.

You'd have to play the part.

I'm not one of their employees.
I don't have to eat their shit.

You're right.
So forget about what you have to do.

What do you want?

I want them to pay for everything.

So put on a dress, paste on a
smile, and take the long...

The long view?
He'll be dead soon.


Lewy Body Dementia.

Maybe that's justice enough.

You... you won't tell anyone?
You can't.

Of course not.

More layoffs are planned

as the city's economic picture worsens.

Governor Cullen is said
to be en route to City Hall

where he's expected
to make an announcement.

Elizabeth Borden, the emergency
manager appointed by the governor,

could not be reached for comment
, but observers expect her

to join the governor for that briefing.

Anything at all?

Sir, I wasn't able to...

I'm sorry.

I'm on my way in from the airport.

Don't bother coming in.

I want to.

Suit yourself.

No, everything's about to change.

In fact, hell's about to freeze over.

I've got to go.

We heard from Kenya?

Hasn't come by, hasn't called.

This motherfucker gonna miss
out on all the fireworks.

What brought you out here today?

They closed the day care.
I work all day.

Where am I supposed to put my children?

The city's on edge as the deadline
approaches for Mayor Kane...

They got here this morning before I did.

What do you think
he's doing about all this?

No idea. All I know is
how he spent the night.

He come out at all?
Make or take any calls?

One from the governor, that's it.


Cullen's on his way up.

We'll need the briefing room.

Please do what you can to make
it look presentable. Thank you.

This is it.

You gonna let him know this is going down?

Get the press room ready.


Excuse me for interrupting.

I wish City Hall was a taller building.

Or closer to the water.

Be nice to see the lake.

The governor's arrived.

Presumably to hand control to Miss Borden.

Some believe you think
more clearly near water.

Have you heard that?

Mr. Mayor, I cannot express
to you strongly enough

the urgency of the situation.

I don't want to see you surrender.

Tell me what to do and I'll do it.

Good man.

Another day.


Emma, please.

I don't feel well.

I know.

Brought you some tea.

I'm sorry.

You were right.
I have been using again.

Made me a little crazy, I guess.

But keeping me in my room

kind of forced me to get sober.

And I'm glad.

And I'm gonna be good now, Mom, I promise.


I heard on the radio there's a
press conference. What's going on?

I don't know exactly.
Kane's in with Cullen.

Do you have anything?
Should I stop them?

No, we're radioactive.

Ross is here.
Fucking vulture.

I'm almost there.

Hurry, they're about to start.

- I haven't seen Borden go in yet. You?
- No.

What's he doing here?

We've suffered together.

Tightened our belts.

Made sacrifices.

We can tolerate no more.

And we don't have to.

Along with my colleague in the
council Alderman William Ross

and entrepreneur John Vacarro,

we have put together
a coalition of leaders

from both business and government

to build a dazzling complex on the grounds

formerly known as Lennox Gardens.

A project to revitalize the city

and bring in tremendous revenues,

licensing fees, jobs, and tourism.

I present to you
The Gardens Convention Center

and Casino.

Projected income...
$2.6 billion

in the first five years,
1.1 billion in taxes.

A crucial percentage going
towards schools, libraries,

parks, streets, transportation.

Because of our coalition,
we are in receipt

of this letter of credit
allowing the city to borrow

against the promise of this epic venture.

And who better to oversee
such an undertaking

than outgoing governor Mac Cullen,

who will serve as chairman

for the Chicago Gaming Authority
at the end of his tenure.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we're back in business.

Now there are many, of course,

behind the scenes who helped
bring this project to fruition.

But I would like to thank
one in particular.

One who has been a tireless advocate

and a driving force in the redevelopment

of Lennox Gardens.

Mona Fredricks.

Got a hit on this aged-up
Boetker photo.

This was less than a mile
from the site of the shooting.

Only partial plates.
I assume you're running them now.

So I would ask that you come back to
me with the full story, Detective.

Seems the budget crisis is over.

Public response to the mayor's casino plan

has been largely positive.

With the promise of this
large a cash infusion

over the course of the next several years,

several banks have agreed
to provide low-interest loans

and the emergency manager
has been sent packing.

A goddamn casino.

With everything that implies.

Well, now we know why he wanted
us to prosecute Babe McGantry.

Kane just sold the land we seized.

I took the fucking bait for
this lawyered-up piece of shit.

Fucking fuck!


What is it?

I just...

very well played, sir.

And I can't begin to tell you

what an honor it is to be in your service.

Well, considering the way
things went today,

that could be the case
for a long time to come.

I certainly hope so.

And suddenly he's the messiah.

He's untouchable now, Sam.

You know that, don't you?

You all right?

I don't know what I am any more.

I'm assuming that they weren't into

recreational drugs...
Walsh and...


I heard it was probably ketamine.

Is it possible?

Could he be that evil?
Could he have done this?

Can't imagine it was anyone else.

Catherine wasn't going to work for him.


See, that's what I don't get.

I was still in this race.
I could have won it on my own.

Not what he wanted.

And you weren't gonna win, Ben.

We all but bought Cook County.

What'll she do?

Open a homicide investigation.

Not much else she can do.

You're gonna be the next governor.

He owns you.

There you are.

So, what do you want to do?

You know what I want.

Not this.

What do you want to do now?

Those TARP funds you had me chasing,

we were never gonna get them, were we?

You just wanted me out of the
way so you could do this.

You have a daughter, yes?

Mine's 10.

It always mattered very much to me

that she was
proud... of me.

What I do.

And yet, I'm still here.

So I must be lying to someone.

And what about you?

Who are you lying to?

There was no political upside
to the promises you made.

So either you give a shit
and you pussied out,

or you're a motherfucking lunatic!

Which is it, Tom?

Your naiveté was charming for a time,

Ms. Fredricks.

Even enchanting.

I wondered what it would feel like

to bask in the admiration

of someone so pure of intent.

It was nice.

But now I know.

Don't bother to collect your things.

I'll have someone send them along.

And give my best to Bitsy.

I'm sure she's very proud of you.


- Yes?
- If you wouldn't mind.

What is this about?

Get in!
