Bonanza (1959–1973): Season 13, Episode 26 - One Ace Too Many - full transcript

In his second attempt to cash in on Ben's good name, crooked lookalike Bradley Meredith learns that the Cartwrights are in Carson City and, posing as Ben, pretends that he is seriously ill and begins to liquidate the Ponderosa's a...

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I trust these are
deluxe accommodations.

Well, if you're looking
for something fancy,

you'd better try Nob Hill.

Otherwise, it's gonna cost you
15 cents,

that is
if you've got the change.

Uh, well...

My dear chap, I find myself in
a rather unusual position...

Oh. It goes on every night.

They don't enjoy it unless
they kill each other.

- Hey!
- Get off of me!

Come on.
Come on, come on.

Will you break... Come on now!

I'm gonna teach this kid
a lesson.

Oh, gentlemen, gentlemen.

Violence is no way
to settle anything.

I just rolled over in my sleep
and he got touchy, that's all.


There's no cause
for any further worry.

You, sir, why don't you sleep
in the bunk

and you here,
and I shall sleep in the middle.

Now, shall we get
a good night's rest?

And thank you, my good man,
for settling everything.

Hey, you owe me
15 cents for the night.

Oh, in the confusion you must
have forgotten I paid you.

You paid me?
I don't recall.

Here, that's my dime
and my nickel.

That's your dime
and your nickel.

All right.

All right, now y'all keep it
down in here.

And don't you try anything

Your distrust of your fellow man

will lead you to great

Um, may I borrow this newspaper?

I find that reading helps me
doze off.

Well, it's not mine.
It was here when I got here.

- Thank you, sir.
- You just be careful.

Hey, mister.

Hey, mister, you are an artist.

I mean, the way you conned that
clerk out of 15 cents.

I thought
he was gonna hand you change.

The poor soul had merely
forgotten that I'd paid him.

Oh, come on, look,
you don't have to kid me.

I'm in the same line of work,
only I'm not that good.

Hey, the name's Jordan,
Gil Jordan.

How do you do?

My name's Bradley Meredith.

Hey, how come you're stuck
in a rat hole like this?

Let us say
it's merely a way-stop

on the road to better things.

The law is becoming
a frightful nuisance.

But one must get used to it.

Is that your twin brother?

Oh, no, no, no.
No relation at all.

Must be a very rich man.

It says he's the largest rancher
in the state.

Oh, I'd say a millionaire,
once or twice over.

I had the pleasure
of meeting Mr. Cartwright.

And thanks to our inordinate
resemblance, we, uh...

He almost became
a most generous benefactor.



my accomplices were both
stupid and greedy.

You should have had me along.

One can't look back to yesterday.


Mr. Cartwright's sabbatical

might provide an excellent
opportunity for another visit.

Of course...

One would need
the necessary financing.

He's got some money in
his back pocket.

I almost had it,
but there's no chance now.

My friend, one lives by one's wits,
not by chance.

- I warned the both of you...
- Now, now, now.

No need to become alarmed.

Your snoring is keeping us
from getting any sleep.


It's lying on your back
that does it.

If you would just
turn over on your side.

It's the third time
I put this coat on.

Mr. Cartwright,
you remember what Hop Sing say.

No eat too much
of that fancy food.

- I'll be careful.
- What you forget?

I didn't forget a thing,
Hop Sing, nothing.

You know, the way he acts,

you'd think that whole
celebration was just for him.

Well, I wish it were.

Oh, Pa, it's a great honor.

Oh, I know it is.

It's just that, well,

a man should know
what he's accomplished in life

without somebody having
to give a speech

and present a scroll to him.

I got everything, Hop Sing.

Shirts, underwear,

- Where is soap?
- Soap? Uh...

Hop Sing, who cares about soap?

We're staying at the nicest hotel
in Carson City.

If he wants soap,
he asks for soap.

Jamie not ask for soap
in Ponderosa.

Jamie not ask
for soap in Carson City.

You wait.

Why don't we do ourselves
a favor

and sneak out of here
before Hop Sing gets back

or we'll never make it
to Carson City.

Not unless you want to do
the cooking when we get back.

Hop Sing, hurry up
with the soap, please.

You wash every day
behind the ear.

Yeah, right.

You know where to find us if
you need us, Hop Sing, right?

Don't worry.

Hop Sing in charge of Ponderosa.
Nothing go wrong.

All right, let's go,
everybody, come on.

Bye, Hop Sing.

Well, I knew Mr. Cartwright
would be punctual.

We won't have to rush
on the preparations now.

- He's a dead ringer for you.
- Yes, isn't he.

Of course, he looks a bit older.

Ranching's a very hard life.

My boy, I have a feeling
this will be much easier

and much more profitable than
my first visit.

Come on.

Yes. Splendid, splendid.

Hey, do you think
it's safe in here?

Of course.
We won't be disturbed here.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Where'd you get those?

I acquired these on my last
visit to the Ponderosa.

the San Francisco pawn broker

hadn't disposed of them.

Very good.

Now, yes.
Let's get this coat now.

Sure hope it fits.

If you break into a store at night,
there are no alterations.

Oh, perfect, perfect.
Absolutely perfect.

My dear chap,
you look very distinguished.

Uh, no, not the pince-nez, no.

Um, not for someone of your youth.

Um, I would use them
in more tragic moments,

um, by tapping the palm
of your hand.

Oh, like this?

A bit more slowly,
as if in deep thought.


You're the most intelligent
pupil I've ever had.

All right, now we have
the tools of your trade, Doctor.

Let's run over
your professional background.

All right,
I'm Doctor Gilbert Jordan,

graduate of
the Columbia School...

Isn't there some other way
of doing this?

My friend,
there's no need to be nervous.

We will work with
the full blessings of the law.

Hey, I...
I don't trust those blessings.

Trust them.

Have I been wrong yet?

Oh, that's too bad.

Ben, are you all right?


Just fine.

What's the matter with him,

He has a disturbance
of the vascular system

which could cause coagulation
in the capillaries.


Where's Hoss and Joe?

Mr. Cartwright told them to
stay in Carson City.

He didn't want
to spoil the celebration.

At a time like this?


I'm in the hands of
a brilliant young doctor.

Thank heavens
he was in Carson City when I...

When I was stricken.

Well, it seems to me
if he's any kind of a doctor at all,

he'd have you in bed,
not sitting in a rig like this.

Sheriff, Mr. Cartwright
insisted on stopping to see you.

Roy, I must make certain

that my affairs are in order.

Would you be...
Would you be good enough

to get my lawyer out to
the Ponderosa

as quickly as possible?

Oh, what do you want
with a lawyer?

You're gonna be all right.

Of course, my dear friend.

But we mustn't take anything
for granted.

I'll have George Osgood
out to the Ponderosa

even if I have
to pull him out of bed.

Now get him out to the ranch.

Eat Hop Sing's soup.

You feel better.

I warn you, you get bellyache,
you eat wrong kind of foods.

Hop Sing, Hop Sing.
Come here.

I only wish it were
Mr. Cartwright's stomach.

But it's much more serious
than that.

Now he must have absolute quiet,

if there's to be
any chance of recovery.

Hop Sing no make no sound.

Is he be gonna be underfoot
all the time?

Is he?

Oh, Hop Sing is invaluable.

Very trusting.

I found that out last time
I was here.

do you think that's smart?

You're gonna smell up
the whole room.

Well, we can always open up
the windows, get some fresh air.

I need some relaxation.
This dying is so strenuous.


Sheriff Coffee.

- Relax, relax.
- Just one moment.

Uh, don't be too assured now.

A doctor's eminence is based on
his ability to be vague.

Stethoscope, stethoscope!

Sheriff, Mr. Cartwright asked
only to see his lawyer.

Now too many visitors would not
be wise at a time like this.

Now Josh Martin
is not a visitor.

He's Ben's own doctor,

and I thought
he ought to have a look.

I don't understand it.

He was in my office
only a week ago

and he couldn't have been
in better shape.

Doctor, I assure you
I'm completely qualified.

I'm a graduate of
the Columbia Medical School...

Young man, I don't care
where you were graduated from.

I was Ben's doctor
before you were born.

Doctor, Mr. Cartwright
is my patient.

You're being highly unethical.

It's perfectly all right.

I'm warning you, Doctor.

His condition is
very, very precarious.

You're right, Doctor.
There's almost no pulse.

His fever is dangerously high.

His breathing,
I've never heard anything like it.

I'll get a nurse
over here immediately.

I don't need some old crone
hovering over me.

And you don't have to whisper.

I am not afraid.

Roy, didn't you bring my lawyer?

George Osgood
is right here, Ben.

Dear George.

I feel much safer
with my legal right arm.

Oh, it's a shame the illness

had to spoil
your celebration, Ben.

Oh, it doesn't matter.

What matters is
the people of this great state

who so...
honored me.

I want to repay them.

You've been more than generous
in your will.

Oh, not nearly enough.

I want the people of
Virginia City to have schools

equal to any in the country.

I want the fire department
to have the finest equipment.

I want a hospital...

I want to make these bequests

before it's too late, George,

so I can see the beginnings.

Ben, you're a rich man,

but you don't have that kind
of ready cash.

You'd have to sell off...

Possessions are mere
transitory things.

What does it matter

if I sell off all my cattle,

my horses, my land.

Roy, you'll help him find buyers

before it's too late.

Ben, I'll have every qualified
buyer in town

out here tomorrow morning
with cash in his pockets.

Bless you, Roy.

Gentlemen, please, please.

Come along, come along here.

You're taxing
the patient's strength.


Was I convincing?

Did you feel
that last extremity?

You scared the daylights
out of me.

When that doctor
started to take your pulse,

I thought I was gonna run
out of here.

Oh, a simple trick.

I learned it during the war.

A tourniquet.
Here, help me take it off.

Ah, the Army doesn't want
any recruits without a pulse.

Oh, and the...

This hot iron...
Here, set that down, will you?

A little uncomfortable,
but it was excellent for the fever.

And... I must say,

I just felt terrible
for that poor old doctor.

My breathing must have
sounded horrible

through the stethoscope.

Little sandpaper does the trick.

Bradley, I've never met
anyone like you.

You're incredible.

Well, just, uh, careful planning.

I knew the sheriff would check,
you know, in his deep concern.

And the Cartwrights won't be
back for another three days.

We can sell off
practically everything.

We will stay exactly 24 hours.

And then you will announce
to the world

that I've passed on
to the Great Rancher in the Sky.


I shall create a precedent.

I will take it with me.


I... I... I think it's perfect.

Oh, I think it's a bit
too perfect.

It's the signature of
a hale and hearty Ben Cartwright.

I think I know
the price of everything now.

Cattle, land, horses,
even Hop Sing's wages.

I've got most of it right here.


I wouldn't want to think
we are being swindled.

How about that?

I think that's perfect.

Bradley, is there something
you can't do, is there?

Well, if it's dishonest, no.

Just a minute, please.

Didn't you tell the sheriff
I'd be down

just as soon as
I could muster my strength?

I gave orders.

I told him exactly that.

Down, down.

All right, all right.

Yes? Oh. Oh, Dr. Martin.

How is he?

Well, the slender thread
is holding.

Dr. Jordan, you've been
absolutely selfless,

but you cannot go
without sleep 24 hours a day.

I brought my nurse.

I don't need any ancient crone

hovering over me.

My regular nurse,
Miss Prendergast,

is visiting her family,

but Ellen's been very helpful
on several cases.

Ben, you remember Ellen,
Lucy Clark's granddaughter.

Little Ellen.

Come over here, my dear.


My, my, my.

You've matured beautifully,

Why, Mr. Cartwright,
you saw me only last week.

Oh, it's just this illness...

My... My head is...

You poor dear, Mr. Cartwright.


Lovely cool fingers, my dear.

Ben, I'm glad you decided
to listen to reason.

I was sure he would.

Dr. Martin...

I think
he's a little better today.

I'll keep you informed if he
takes any turn for the worse...

Do that, Doctor.

- I'll let you know, all right.
- Yup.

My dear,
I feel my strength waning.

Perhaps an alcohol rub.

- Oh, I'm very good at that.
- Oh?

Uh, Mr. Cartwright,

I'm afraid we'll have
to postpone the alcohol rub.

There are businessmen
waiting downstairs to see you.

Yes, of course.

You never looked better, Ben.

In the pink.


- Doctor?
- Yes?

Would you please
prop up these pillows

so I can see my friends?

Yes, there you go.

Your friends are here,
the Fowler brothers,

Dan and Mack,
the cattle dealers.

How... How nice.

And Mayor Harlow's here
with Sheriff Coffee

and Mr. Osgood.


Now you know that the cattle market
has been very bad lately.

But since it's you, Ben...

Our old good friend...

We're willing to pay $6 a head
for 2,000 head.

$6 a head?

Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.

You're upsetting the patient.

Dan, how can you
drive a hard bargain

at a time like this?

We can go $8 a head,
even if we lose money.

That's still $4 less
than the market price.

Eh, gentlemen...

Let us not argue.

If they wish to take advantage
of my condition, I...

If they do, Ben,
it's the last time

they'll pull any of their shady deals
on anybody.

The mayor and I'll see to that.

Mack, you're not fooling anybody

with that
good-brother-bad brother act.

All right, we'll go $12 a head,

but only out of
the kindness of my heart.

Do you have a bill of sale?

Right here.

Now, Ben, you know how bad
the horse market is today.

But I'm gonna give you

just out of sentiment,
and for old time's sake... Uh...

$40 a head for that 300 horses

you got up there
in the north pasture

and the same price
for those you got in the corral,

including the brood mares.

$50 a head.

Oh, you didn't hear me, Ben.
I said $40 a head.

Mr. Henderson,
this is no time for haggling.

Something wrong?

He didn't understand the price.

Everything seems so...
far away...

So distant.

Did he say $50 or $60?

Well, I...
I... I... I didn't say either.

Mr. Henderson,
this is not an auction block.

If you have
any shred of human decency...

You're right, I...
said $50 a head will be fine.

Ben, if this deal includes
the mineral rights,

I'd advise against it.

We can wait.

We can?

Now there might be something
on that land

and there might not be.

Look, after all, I'm the one
taking the chances.

All right,
I'll give you $20 an acre

and you can take it or leave it.

Gentlemen, please, please.

Mr. Cartwright can't take
much more.

Marv, you shall have
your pound of flesh.

Give me the bill of sale.
I'll sign it.

I don't want any bill of sale.

I want it entered on the deed,
with mineral rights.

But the deed's still at
the county recorder's office.

All right, you let me know
when you get it.

Oh, Marv...

George, dear George,

I'm sure we'll be
able to get it for you.

Ben, the county recorder's office
is closed.


They made it a legal holiday
honoring you.

We'll just have to wait
until Monday.

Mr. Cartwright,
don't you remember?

The county recorder's office
sent you the deed back.

- I said that?
- Yes.

Gentlemen, if you'll
just give me a little time.

With Mr. Cartwright's help,
in his more lucid moments,

I'm sure we can find the deed.

We'll have it for you
by tomorrow morning.

Will he last until morning?

Well, I think
I can pull him through.


Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you very much.

You've been invaluable.
Thank you.

Good afternoon.

- Hop Sing, would you mind?
- Hmm? Mm-hmm.

All right.

How do we go about
getting that deed?

Well, tonight I thought
we might pay a little visit

to the county recorder's office.

I mean, a man with your talents,

a small-town safe
shouldn't present any problem.

Jordan, there's $49,000
in that drawer.

It's ample reward
for one day's work.

Let's just settle for that.

What's the matter, Bradley.
Are you getting nervous?

No, I'm not getting nervous.

I'm just experiencing
a new sensation, conscience.

We've exploited the grief
for a good man long enough.

You think we're doing
the right thing, huh?

Oh, absolutely.

My boys would
never be so callous.

See how this strikes you.

"To Hoss and Joe in Carson,

"How can you remain in
Carson City at a time like this?

"Suggest you get back

"Signed Roy Coffee."

I only wish
you could make it stronger.

Well, if I'd have wrote down here
what I was thinking,

this paper would be
burning up right now.

I'll drop it off
at the telegraph office.

Thank you.

How you coming along?
You got everything?

Well, if I forget anything,
Jamie can bring it later.

Don't you think you ought to tell Pa
about what you're doing?

I don't want to
bother him with it now.

Not the way he's feeling.

You can explain it to him
when he wakes up.

Explain what?

Oh, Pa, how's your stomach?

Oh, I don't know
what they put in the food

in the governor's banquet last night.

It feels like ground glass.

It didn't bother me none.

Nothing bothers you.

Where you going?

Well, we didn't want to
bother you with this,

but I guess you'd better
take a look at it.

It's a telegram
we got from Roy Coffee.

"Suggest you get back

I wonder what's that all about.

Why would he send it to you,
not to me?

He probably figures
you're tied up with the festivities.

Hoss and I'll go back
to the ranch.

We'll check it out.
If it's really serious,

we'll send you a wire
at the barbecue.

Oh, no, no.

I'm not gonna be able to
make it to the barbecue.

The mere mention of the word
sets my stomach to churning.

Pa, they're all gonna be
expecting you.

You're the guest of honor.

I know, I know.

You boys will just have to
do the honors for me

and make apologies.

Jamie, you and I will ride back
to the Ponderosa,

that is if you...

If you don't mind
leaving the festivities.

No, no, I don't mind.


Yeah, it's me, open up.

I got everything we need
right here.


These are for amateurs.
Where's your stethoscope?

That's all I'll need.

You can use these
on some job of your own.

What's the matter, you getting
touchy or something, or what?

Well, since you insist
on this caper,

I reserve the right
to choose my partner

for the next engagement.

Oh, yeah, well, after this
you can do anything you want.

Come on.


Is something wrong, Doctor?

No, no, no, I'm, uh...

I'm just going into town
for some additional medication.

Mr. Cartwright hasn't had
a relapse?

Oh, no, no, I'm happy to report

that he's having
his first comfortable night.

- But he must not be disturbed.
- Oh.

- Rest is the absolute key.
- I won't make a sound.

I knew I could count on you.


Can I tell you something?

I wasn't sure I wanted
to become a nurse,

but working with you,

I realize what
a noble profession it is.

I'm going to make it
my life's work.


Ellen, you're much too pretty

to waste your life
in a drab uniform.

When I'm being so honored,
it seems rather indecent...

The legal holiday is honoring
Ben Cartwright, not you.



What's that?


You call yourself
a professional?

I'll need a small rock.

We'll need that.

Keep it low.


You'd better ride into town

and ask Roy Coffee
to come out to the Ponderosa.

And get those pills
from Dr. Martin, huh?

- Right away, Pa.
- Hyah, hyah.


Mr. Cartwright, what are you
doing outside dressed?

Well, I'm usually dressed
when I'm outside.

Oh. Now you see what happens?

How could you dare leave your bed
for one moment?

Well, Ellen, wait a minute.
What are you doing here?

Oh, poor Mr. Cartwright.

You'll remember just as soon as
the fever goes.

Fever? Wait a minute.

- It's just a stomachache.
- Now, please, Mr. Cartwright.

If anything happens,
I'll hold myself responsible.

Ellen, but I'm...
I'm not sick.

Please, Mr. Cartwright.
Don't argue.

It's only a miracle
that you're still here.

Now you do want to get better,
don't you,

so you can see
all the wonderful things

you're doing for Virginia City?

The wonderful things I'm doing?

Giving all that money
for a schoolhouse

and fire equipment.

And a brand-new hospital.

Oh, you must be very proud.

Well, proud isn't the word.

You put this nightshirt on
and climb right back into bed.

Or do you want me
to do it for you?

Oh, no, no.
I... I... I can do it.

I'll be back in two minutes
just to make sure.

"Vascular Diseases"?


Now, that's better.
That's my good patient.

Ellen, Ellen?

Uh, I know this illness
has made me a bit vague,

but does Dr. Martin
think it's serious?

Oh, yes.
And so does Dr. Jordan.

Dr. Jordan?

You were very lucky
he was in Carson City.

If he hadn't brought you back
last night,

there's no telling
what might have happened.

That's a remarkable achievement.

I'm glad you appreciate him.

Now remember, I'll be in my room
right across the hall.

I don't want to see
anyone wandering around again.

You'd better keep the deed.

You'll have to sign it.

Keep it.

Well, it's nice to know
I'm needed.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Get back into bed.

My dear chap,
I can't exist on a patient's diet.

I'll get you some food. What?

We didn't put away the horses.

- We didn't?
- No.

I'll do it.
I'll do it.

Hop Sing?

Who there?

It's me.
Ben Cartwright.

Open up.

Mr. Cartwright,
Hop Sing not allowed to talk to you.

You very sick man.
You not to be bothered.

Hop Sing, open this door!

Mr. Cartwright, please no die,
you go back to bed.

Go back to bed!


Mr. Cartwright, I don't know
what I'm gonna do with you.

There. That's better.

Now, Ellen,
suppose I were to tell you

that are two Ben Cartwrights.

Of course.
And maybe three or four.

But tomorrow
when you feel better,

they'll all go away.

Now you try to get some rest.

For your own sake.


Hop Sing?

Hop Sing!

Can you hear me?

That fella's back.

The fella that looks like me
that was here a while ago,

that Meredith fella, he's back.

He's back, Hop Sing.

Mr. Cartwright, you're just
throwing your life away!

What happened?

Where am I?

Oh, you have no idea what
you're doing to me,

wandering around every which way.

I'm sorry to have upset you,
my dear.

Well, if you do it again,

I'll just have to tell Dr. Jordan.

Oh, no.
No, don't...

Don't do that.

Now a good-night kiss
and I shall sleep like a babe.

That's more like my Ben Cartwright.

Thank you, my dear.

Hop Sing do exactly
what Mr. Cartwright say.

He forget all about Dr. Jordan.

Good. Oh, one more thing.

Don't say a word
until Sheriff Coffee gets here.

Hop Sing no say nothing.

He used to it.


Welcome back, Mr. Meredith.



Oh, how could you dare come here

after what you've done?

Ellen, I had to say goodbye
before I give myself up.

Well, you might have
saved yourself the trouble.

Ellen, you don't understand.
I'm innocent.

I was fooled by Meredith
like everyone else.

He's clever.

And what about
all that money you took?

Ellen, I don't know anything
about the money.

Mr. Cartwright arrived,
I just panicked and ran.

I saw my whole medical career


Ellen, it doesn't matter
what happens to me.

I could have done so much

to ease the suffering
of other people.

Well, you can explain all this

to the Sheriff and Mr. Cartwright.

No, no, no, no. It's too late.

I'll be tarred by the same brush
as Meredith.

If I hadn't lost my head, I...

I would have been on my way
to California.

A few months of research
and I would have found

what I have been searching for,
for years.


The cure for yellow fever.

Well, the world mustn't suffer
for this one mistake.

I hated to ask you
to come into town.

We've been questioning your friend,
Meredith, all morning long

and just getting nowhere.

My friend, Meredith?

What do you think I can do?

Well, maybe you could get him
to listen to reason.

Coghlan, bring in the prisoner.

- Still no trace of Jordan?
- No.

And no trace
of the $49,000 either.

You have just got to
make this man talk.

I'd be delighted to talk,
Mr. Cartwright.

I just don't have the answers
the Sheriff wants.

Now will you please
take these handcuffs off?

They're not only restricting,
they're humiliating.

You are keeping them on.

Not just for safety,
but just so's I can tell you two apart.

All right, tell me,
where is Jordan hiding out?

I don't know.

He neglected to leave
his forwarding address,

as I told you.

It saved him the trouble
of splitting the money.

Meredith, I got a record on you
that is so long,

it won't even fit
into that desk drawer.

Mr. Cartwright,

would you please tell this...
strong arm of the law

that I would be delighted
to help him find Mr. Jordan.

I don't like being swindled
any more than...

any honest man does.

Roy, I, uh...

I believe he's telling the truth.

I think it must be very difficult

for a man like Meredith to admit

to the fact
that he has been taken.

I'm not buying it, Ben.

Meredith, do you have any idea

the damage
that you've done here?

The Fowler brothers
and Walt Henderson

are screaming
for the return of their $49,000.

- Or they want my scalp.
- Oh.

And they're such decent men, hmm.

And the young Clark girl

is leaving Virginia City for good.

- What?
- That's right.

Doc Martin was just here
and gave me the news.

Ellen is so ashamed
of what happened

that she just can't face anybody.

So, they're leaving town for good.

How very strange.

Coghlan, take him away.

Oh, wait, wait a minute,
Sheriff, wait a minute.

May I... May I sit down?

Excuse me.

I think I might be able
to help you after all.

I kinda thought
it'd come back to him.

No, no, Sheriff. No.

It's something
that I finally figured out.

Well, let's have it.
Where's Jordan?

I shall be very happy
to lead you to him,

on one condition,
that I'm allowed to go with you.

I'm making no deals.

Not with you.

Mr. Cartwright, the Sheriff
is being most impractical.

I'm offering $49,000
for the satisfaction

of seeing a dishonest man
get his just deserts.

Roy. Take the chance.

Ben, how in the world
did you ever

let him talk you
into a thing like this?

I'm not gonna be embarrassed

by asking a sweet old lady
like Mrs. Clark

a lot of fool questions.

I think you'll be
rather surprised

at sweet old Mrs. Clark.

Ben, you can make a fool
of yourself if you want to,

but I'm taking this man
into town.

That will be all...


You're making
a terrible mistake.

He's a fine man.

He's a fine man all right.
He's wanted in six states.

I got to hand it to you,

Where'd he go?


Who let him get away?

He'll be back someday...

I'm afraid.