Blood Ties (2007): Season 2, Episode 7 - Wrapped - full transcript

Henry is having nightmares when it should be impossible since Vampires are for all intents and purposes 'dead' during the day while sleeping. Could Mike's new case regarding a theft of Ancient Incan Art and a mummy-bundle hold the key?

Come on. Let's get going.

That was awesome.

Went like clockwork, man.

You say that after we got our hands on the gold.

Maybe we should've brought the guard with us.

He wasn't in much shape to travel.

We're in.

Look at that.

All the goodies.

[non-english speech] I think that's Mexican.

You know, I always thought mummies came from Egypt.

I mean, who knew they had mummies in Mexico?

It's not Mexican, dumb ass.

Its Incan.

Where's Inca?

That's what they used to call Mexico,

before the Mexicans invaded.

Come on.

What the hell's this?

Where's all the gold?

Brochures said the Incans hid the goodies inside the bundle.

[fabric ripping]

What did I tell you?


We're just getting started.

Get these other boxes open.



This is just--

just all a mistake, man.

We just opened up the wrong box.

Wendell, I need you.

Serve me and you will live.


TAMARA RHODES: (SINGING) I can't explain these things of late.

And it burns in the night, in the place

where I keep my peace.


And I can't explain these strange things of late.

And when the darkness falls, I hear you call.

It goes on and on and on, and I say,

"Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

Who wants to live forever?

It's you, it's me, it's in our blood.

Who will be my fantasy?

Who will be my ecstasy?

Who wants to live forever?

It's you, it's me, it's in our blood.


You made a mistake entering my home.

Who are you?




That's not a bad dream.

That's a full-on nightmare.

You know, I used to have a recurring nightmare

when I was in the Academy.

I used to dream that my bedroom was full of snakes.


One word about Freud and I'm going

to put a stake in your heart.

Vicky, what I'm trying to tell you is it's

not the specifics of the dream that are disturbing.

It's the fact that I dreamed at all.

From sunrise to sunset, for all intents and purposes, I'm dead.

Well something has to be different.

Could it have been someone you ate?

I'm afraid it might be something

much more serious than that.

Because a vampire's life isn't natural, neither is our death.

Because we live so long, we can sense when we're going to die.

What are you saying?

You know when it's your time?

Assuming nobody puts a stake through our hearts,

we decide when to go.

Like the Inuit elders, they would leave their families

and walk out onto an ice floe.

Yeah, but Henry, you don't have a death wish.


I keep working with you.

I'm pretty sure there's another explanation.

All right?

I'm going to find out what it is and we'll stop this.

I'll kick you the file when you're done.

Hold up squad's thrilled to see us.

Yeah, seems we stepped on some toes.

They think the guys that did this are

good for a string of jackings.

Yeah, well, when the bad guys graduate to murder,

it's our job.

No wonder Egyptian mummies get all the press.

No diamond-covered sarcophagus, no gold jewelry.

Nothing they left, anyway.

I'm going to see if they were able to lift

any prints off the truck.


Can I get forensics over here?

What have you got?

I want the coroner to take a look at this.

I think it's been a couple thousand years

since it's been on our watch.

Make sure we get a workup of the neck area here, OK, guys?

And get a tissue sample-- hey!


"To see the sun in the dream symbolizes

peace of mind, enlightenment, tranquility,

fortune, goodwill, and insight.

It is a good omen to have the sun shining in your dream."

I'm the vampire.


Bad omen.

Maybe it's about you missing the sun?

Which still wouldn't explain why I'm

dreaming in the first place.

You know what?

I don't think we're going to find

the answer in a dream book.

Well, I've got some stuff on sundials.

Yeah, but what if it's not about the sun.

You know, you said you saw a guy in the dream.

What did he look like?

He was big.

He wore vestments of some kind, like this.

And he had a headband that looked like that.

Some pretty good details for somebody

who didn't see anything.

Maybe it's Mayan or Aztec.

No, it's too primitive.

I think it's Incan.

Who knew Professor McAllister's Meso-American History

would be good for something other than picking up boys?

Maybe he's trying to warn you.

No, he's a threat.

Vicki, I think he might be real.

I don't think this is something you can help me with.

Henry, I am not going to let you die over

something you saw in a dream.


Each one gives me more life, more awareness.

You can't keep doing this.

I mean, people are going to notice.

I need more!

Like the mummy in the movie?

To regain what I had, I need a special kind of soul.

I sense one in this place.

Oh, yeah?

Who is it?

An undying one, like myself.

Another mummy?


Once I get its ajaya, no power on Earth will stop me.

Oh, good.

The amulet, where is it?

The what?

The amulet that imprisoned me.

I want it.

Oh, uh, [inaudible] wants it, though, it's his.

You know, he might-- he must have stashed it before you,

you know, did the thing, so I wouldn't know--

Give it to me!


All right, all right.

I just.

You know what?

Screw you, all right?

I'm walking.

No, you try to stop me or get in my way, I'm going to use this.

How do you intend to do that, Wendell?

What you feel is five years being taken from you.

Do you want to try for 10?

I forgive you, Wendell, because you're

going to make it all better.

[wendell groaning]

It's finished.

Nothing can stop me now.

This dwelling of yours, it's not suitable for my return.

I need something a little more elegant.

Something with internet.

I've got a problem.

Yeah, well, if you keep picking it,

it's never gonna heal.

No, this is your kind of problem,

and it's going to hit 11 on the freak dial,

even by your standards.


Because, you see, the last 10 hours of my life

have been all about my vampire partner having nightmares

of burning alive in the sun.

OK, you're still up there.

But listen to this--

I found a dead guy who looks to be around 1,000 years old.

Thing is, he's got a tattoo that he probably got in the last 10.

Last time I checked, there wasn't much business

in doing ink on dead folks.

It's a spider web design, same kind that the Regent Park

Titans wear.

He's one of the guys that hijacked that mummy on its way

to the museum.

Problem is I didn't find a mummy.

And you think the mummy has something to do with it?

What else am I going to think these days?

Was the mummy Incan?

How the hell did you know that?

The guy in Henry's nightmares is Incan.

OK, look, it's not bad enough that half

of the unsolved crimes in this city

happen to have some kind of supernatural element to them,

but you two have to be personally

connected to all of them.

I know.

Would you mind talking to someone

about this, because it's getting a little old for me?

So why does an Incan mummy go AWOL?

I'm already on it.

The way I see it, it's a classic.

It has to be a curse, like in the movies.

Somebody took the wrong thing from the wrong tomb,

or it's looking for its lost love, and all of a sudden,

it's mummy's gone wild.

OK, before I go about sending a city wide alert for some guy

lurching around, covered in bandages,

I'd really like to assess our other options first,

if you don't mind.

Yeah. OK.

Why don't you give me a list of any of the Titan members

that fit the general description and I'll run them down for you.

Way ahead of you.

Thank you for doing this.

If this thing has come back, what the hell does it want?

That's a Henry question.


[music playing]


Where are we at?

The show's on loan from a museum in Peru.

I got the catalog.

What is it with museums and urns?

Who gets a kick out of looking at urns?

Don't ask me.

I always went straight to the dinosaurs.

So what are we checking?

I've been through the manifest five times.

There are two crates full of gold

and silver masks, coins, pearls, statues, and nothing

is missing.

Except for the mummy that forensics vaporized.

These guys make a clean getaway

and then abandon the swing in a rented garage?


From the way that the wrappings were pulled

apart on the mummy bundle, what they were looking for

was inside.

Well, the paperwork says it's relatively new find.

According to the museum, the only things

that might have been valuable were a ring and a necklace,

but I don't see how they could be precious enough

to give up on everything else.

Well, maybe the thieves got an eyeful of the guy inside,

and they panicked and took off.


Maybe there was something in that crate

that wasn't on the books.

It was from Peru. - No, no.

I already checked that out.

Drug squad came up with nothing.

Did you find out anything on the guy who rented the garage?

The owner was paid cash.

His description was illuminating--

some guy with dark hair.


There's gotta be something more to it

that we're just not seeing, something outside the box.

Yeah, something like that.

[music playing]


Hey, Mike, it's me.

Yeah, I was running down that list of gang members

you gave me, and I've got a.

Hit I think I found your mummy thief.

You have a fine home.

I'll be happy here.

Nice trees, double garage.

An ancient gold amulet and no one reports it missing?

Curator didn't want to say anything until he called Peru.

Said if it got in the papers, it'd be a thing.

And now?

It's a thing.

Well, at least we got the name of the guy you dusted.

It's Ron Newbury.

He rented the garage.

Here's your receipt.

I found it in the trash.

Do we know who he's working with?

No, there was nothing in the trailer.

Unless that corpse you found had a daytimer on it,

we're out of luck.

You'll have to pull his phone records,

see who he's talking to.

Did you used to be a cop, or is that just my imagination?


I'm telling you, sometimes, not being one

is very liberating.

You know how long it would've taken

me to get a warrant for that?


This is worse than we thought.

The guy who used to resign in that mummy bundle,

he used to be a priest who wanted to take

over the throne of Cusco.

See what happens when you mix religion and politics?

He ran the Temple of Wiracocha, the Incan creator.

Now he names himself Pachacamac, another name

for the creator or the sun god.

No self-esteem issues there.

We're just getting started, because then Pachacamac decides

he wants more power, so he switches teams to worship

Supay, the god of death.


You know, from once, why can't we just have a god of,

oh, I don't know, let's say fluffy bunnies

and long walks holding hands?

Apparently the guy is super charismatic.

Suddenly we have this whole cult following Supay,

raping and killing as worship.

That's when he decides to take over the kingdom.

Supay promises to help Pachacamac

by turning day into night so that he and his followers

can invade.

So, day turns tonight, Pachacamac makes his move.

And becomes king?

Not quite.

The blackout, it turns out to just be an eclipse.

So as soon as the lights come back up,

Pachacamac and his cult are captured,

his followers tossed off the side of a mountain,

sacrificed to Wiracocha.

So, why didn't they just toss him over as well?

They did, but he went all Rasputin.

Everything they did, nothing would kill him.


When you're friends with the god of death,

you've gotta get out of hell free card.

OK, wait a second.

If he didn't die, then who's wrapped up

in that mummy bundle.

I said he didn't die.

I didn't say they didn't bury him.

They buried him alive?

And they kept his ajaya bound in a mystic talisman.

Which is what this thing is.


When your thieves took it off of him, they woke Pachacamac up.

If this is true, and there is a mummy

walking around out there, again, what the hell does it want?

Well, I'm thinking death and power

are at the top of its list.

My question is how do we stop him?

I can dig up what I can on the amulet.

What, like somebody left instructions for you?

Well, if Henry's dreaming about him,

they have some kind of connection,

so I think Henry's our best source

to lead us to Pachacamac.

You think you can find him through his dreams?

According to Henry, Pachacamac wants to find him.

[music playing]

(SINGING) I was a self-made man trying

for one special assignments.

So much power to kill, so many offered up.

(SINGING) Was the ship that died a shame?

Was the ship that died a shame?

I would gladly see it sail again.

This is good.

I understand why Supay has awakened me.

The world is ready.


So, I guess you don't need me anymore.

Can I go now?


I need you Wendell.

I need many more.

They will come.

Their death will be glorious.

[heavy breathing]



[bone breaking]

What are you?

I need you!

Are you just a dream?

No, not a dream.


Henry Fitzroy.

I will find him, and my life will be forever.


Did we have a date?

In your dreams.

It happened again, didn't it?

I saw him.

The Incan guy, in your apartment.

Whatever is happening to me, it's building.

Henry, I don't think this is a dream,

and I don't think it's some kind of vampire death wish.

I think this person is real.

An Incan mummy went missing, and I think it's revived itself.

He wants my memories.

He wants my power.

He wants my soul.


That's not the first word that came to my mind.


If there's some kind of connection between the two

of you, then that is how we'll flush him out.

Well, that's not a problem.

He wants me.

He knows my name.

All right.

Then the next time you dream, you are going to control this.

You're going to communicate with him.

You are going to find him.

And how am I supposed to do that?

I haven't dreamed in five centuries.

It's happening in your head, isn't it?

You have to find a way to guide it.

When we find him, I get the first crack.

If this Pachacamac is real, he'll find out who's the wolf

and who's the lamb.

Pachacamac's not just a mummy.

He's a friggin' sorcerer.

And you ask why I hate magic?

What if he's coming to you in your dreams

because he can't find you, and he's trying to draw you out?

Then I'll give him his fondest desires,

and I'll tear his throat out for him.

Oh, please.

Do not go all vampire macho on me.

If he can hurt you in your dreams,

imagine what he can do to you in person.

Henry, he serves their god of death.

He'll die just like everybody else.

He doesn't.

That's the point.

He wants your life force, and if you go out there,

you'll be handing it to him on a silver platter.

You'll just be making him stronger.

There's no other way.


What's your suggestion?

I don't know how to stop him yet.

But I want to keep you under wraps during the daytime.

You want to guard me.

I'll catch some shut eye, too.

Nice thing about vampire sleep is you don't snore.

Listen, I'll be back by dawn.

Please do not leave here.

I guess I'll have to order dinner in tonight.

No, no, no.


Yeah, Henry.

Is he in?

Where is he?

I don't know.

He must have an unlisted number or something.

Man, I'm a thief, OK?

I'm not a PI.

You want me to rip off a stereo, I'm the guy.

This-- I mean, I--

An ajaya like his can not be hidden.

There will be signs.

Even if he wishes anonymity, he will be known.

Now run off like a good little thief and find him.

All right, well, thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, I'll talk to her.


So you want to tell me why we're running a Ron Newbury?

Is that my caffeine fix?

Tell me where you got the lead.

Anonymous tip.


Spelled V-I--

I do have other sources, you know.

You used to have other sources,

but then you stopped being a detective

and turned into Vicky's guy on the inside.

Oh, really?

Well, is at the insight that got you bumped up to detective?

It's truly amazing, truly.

You shutting me out.

Vicki knows things about my own cases

that you won't even tell me.

Come on, Kate.

If you don't want to work with me, fine.

But I can't keep covering your back if you don't have mine.

Hey, listen to me.

This tip is good, OK?

You want to help me run this guy or not?

And it leads us where?

Suspected associate on a similar heist,

perennial loser named Wendell Bower.

All right?

You're cranky this morning, aren't you?

Since when do I take double cream?

You want me to shoot you?

I'm just saying.

Guessing it's not an open house.

Wendell Bower?



KATE LAM: Looks like someone left in a hurry.

You think he saw us from the window?

Yeah, could be.

Damn it.

KATE LAM: You found anything?

Uh, no, nothing.



You so owe me.


Is it supposed to be this dull?

Since when are you an art collector?

We found it.

We know this Newbury is a bad guy.

Score one for the Good Guys, huh?

You betcha.

I guess you can thank anonymous for me.


Mike, where've you been?

I've been trying to get a hold you for hours.

We found Bower's place.

There was another body there, a woman.

What about Wendell and the mummy?


Vicki, you're not hearing me.

Another person is dead.

Mike, I hear you, OK?

And Henry's going to be next.

That's why we have to stop him.

All right.

One more thing.

Found the amulet.

But if Pachacamac had it, why would he leave it behind?

You said it was supposed to be made out of gold,

but I think they did something to it.


You still there?


Listen, I'll call you back if I find anything.


Well, got a lead?

You don't suppose the Incans made a backup amulet, do you?

Its toast.

But it was the only thing that kept Pachacamac dead-ish.

No, I don't think so.

The amulet is just an object.

It's magic that's controlling him.

So what we have to do is find that magic.

It's still out there.

We just have to find a way to channel it.

So all we need is someone who is

a powerful magician and a grimoire to work a spell from.

My marks have power, and I know

someone who has a grimoire.

No, it's way too dangerous.

Do you think I want to?

Pachacamac has already killed two people.

Henry will kill you if he finds out you're doing magic.

And he'll die if I don't.

I'm willing to take the risk.

So Coreen's babysitting me now.

You have a heart murmur.

Since I was a kid.

Nothing to worry about.


Vampire M.D. I can see the prime time possibilities now.

I could smell you, too.

For some reason, nobody ever likes when I say that.

You guys don't have to do this.

I can handle myself.

Yes, a taser is very effective against evil sorcerer types.

And I've got Mike and Vicki on speed dial.

I feel safer already.

Look, Henry, she doesn't have to handle anything.

You just need to stay put with the blinds

drawn and the doors locked.



Do you know where he is?

I have some leads.

What are you going to do when you find him?

Whatever it takes.

I've looked after myself for a long time, Vicki.

I'm not going to run from a bad dream.

When I wake up, I'm going hunting.

I can handle it.

I have to handle it.

And you excuse me of being macho.

It's just that ever since I was marked,

I have been drawing evil to this city,

to the people I care most about.

I'm not going to let this guy take your soul.

I've lived a long time, Vicki.


You don't want to miss your 500th birthday, do you?

I just want to see you blow out the candles.

Don't do anything stupid.



Sweet dreams.

He's got the Necronomicon, and one of the Books of Blood.

Who knew these were real?

Coreen, we only have a few hours, OK?

So I need you to find whatever spell will protect souls.

Well, if it exists, it's going to be in one of these.

All right.

I have to go, but if anyone tries to get in here--

I'll call.

I'll call.

Are you sure you're OK with this?

I have to be.

Oh, and the first rule of babysitting-- no boys.

I found your immortal super guy.


I don't know yet, but I know what he does.

Then you haven't found him.

The dude draws comics.

I mean, I would have thought that a vampire would have

been, like, a prince or something,

but he draws these horror comics.

Good work.

Only one thing.

They're called graphic novels.

You get Crowleyed?

I wish.

No, I destroyed evidence.

What kind of evidence?

Back at Bowers' apartment, a mummified body, that

woman that I called you about.

Kate was going to see it, and I thought, how the hell

am I going to explain this?

So I turned it to dust.

I know it's hard, Mike.

You did the right thing.

No, Vicki, I did what you would do.

I'm a cop.

Cops don't destroy evidence.

Yeah, but this doesn't sound like something that the courts

would find admissible, however.

Yeah, and when exactly did that become my call?

Tell me that.


You know, I never crossed the line before you

got involved with Fitzroy.

And even then, it was only after we caught this boogie man.

This is completely different.

No, it's not.

You couldn't have told anyone about this.

I trashed a body.

No body, no evidence.

No evidence, no DNA.

No way to find out who this poor girl was so that I can tell

her parents that she's gone.

Oh, and just to ice that cake, I lied to my partner.

You didn't have any choice.

You ever lie to me when we were partners?

You were trying to protect her.

You want to get Kate dragged into this, too?

I can't keep playing in your world, Vicki.

Hey, you brought this to me.

This is your world, too.

Can't be.


Because it's getting too hard to deal with

what's actually out there?

No, because it's too easy.

If I can't play by the rules, I can't wear the badge.

This is your nightmare, Vicki.

It's not mine.

The bad guys, they're supposed to carry guns.

They're not supposed to have fangs and claws.

They're not supposed to be able to suck the life force out

of somebody so he looks like beef jerky,

for crying out loud.

I mean, this is insane!

I can't keep doing this I'm a cop.

They really use eye of Newt?

It's a classic.

We don't have time for spells that need ingredients

we'd have to track on eBay.

He got his powers from the god of death.

It's not going to be all abracadabra.

What else have you got?

Human sacrifice might work.

Don't tempt me.

I haven't seen this many "thees" and "thous"

since I studied Hamlet.

Some of it's a little arcane.


I don't think so.

Would this do what I think it does?

In theory.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

I asked you to show me all the options.

How is this an option?

Vicki, it's way too dangerous.

Would you like that I do it myself,

turn myself into a frog?

No, I don't like this.

Henry would never agree.

Well, I'm not going to ask him.

All right?

Prep what we need, and I will put these books back

before he wakes up.

Where are you?


Why are you here?

I like your work.

"The Shadow."

I know what you are.

And I know what you are.

I've already taken in pieces of you.

I like you.

I'm not afraid of you.

I can destroy you.

Deep down, you know you can't.

You know it's your time.

You're lying.

You're using what you found in my brain.

He's not lying.

Please, just come to him.

Make it easy on the rest of us.

You won't hurt her.

Wrong again, Henry.

You know what I can do.

Meet me and she lives.



I know where he is.

You saw?

He showed me.

I have to go.

You can't.

I don't have a choice.

Vicki, you've done enough.

I have to do this alone.

Henry, he's a sorcerer!

Who's going to offer up millions of

lives to honor his gods.

I have to stop him.

This house, this address, you can track it, yeah?

I will.

Pachacamac underestimates me.

I can destroy him. Let's go.

- Henry! - Let's go, let's go.

I'm so sorry.

I cannot let him kill you.

Oh, my god!

You killed him!

He'll heal.

You'll heal, right?

Henry, I'm so sorry.

I had no choice. - Oh!

You'll be OK.

You can drink my blood as soon as we're done.

You wouldn't!

This is the only way I could save your life.

Then let me die.

No, you don't mean that.

Please, before it's too late.


We can do this together.

Take this offering that we present

and change it so it may change.

The blood, not brushed by daylight.

The herbs that thrive on dark.

Coreen, no.


The blood, not brushed by daylight.

These herbs that thrive on dark.

Vicki, no!

The one that would take will be taken.

This I command.

Vicki, no.

You're sure this won't turn me into a blood sucker?

What it will do isn't much better.

Vicki, no.

You bastards want a piece of me?

Here it is.

You have no idea what you've done.

You could have knocked.

Knock, knock.


Vicki Nelson.

I met you in his dreams.

Ham and pineapple?


Pizza this late will just give me nightmares.

The trouble with consuming souls,

you pick up their bad habits.

Where's Fitzroy?

Henry couldn't make it.

He hasn't been sleeping well.

So he sent his concubine.

No one sent me.

I want you to take my life instead.

That's why you brought a weapon?

Thought you might need a little convincing.

It's rare to see such nobility in a mere mortal, such strength

in a woman.

You have been dead a long time.

I sense power in you.

Supay will be pleased.

Well, whatever makes Supay happy.

You'll make an excellent meal.

Once I have your memories, your friend will be easy to find.

What have you done?

I poisoned my life force.

You may experience a little indigestion.




You made it.

It worked.

He went to feed.

So he's OK?

I offered him my blood.

He wouldn't even look at me.

Did you tell him?

He didn't want to hear it.


We should go.

He'll call us when he's ready.


So if we've got the amulet, then nothing else is missing, right?

Nothing the museum is going to admit to.

But this Newbury guy's got to be somewhere.

You know something I don't?

I'm just not sold that he's going to show up.

That's all.

An anonymous tip.

Call it a hunch.

Something tells me our guy is long gone.


It's over.

You want to take five?

We've got work to do.


Did you come by to stab me?

Come on.

What's a little sword wound between friends?

You crossed the line.

I know the ritual you performed, and I know the price.

Do you?

Yeah, and it saved your life.

And he's dead.

There was another way.

Do you truly think my hatred for dark magic

is some kind of affectation?

You fouled yourself with my blood, me.

And you brought Coreen into their radar.

What did you want me to do?

Did you want me to let him kill you?

You know what?

Between the spell, the blood, and the marks,

I was pretty sure that if I didn't kill him,

I'd at least give him one hell of a stomachache.

You made a deal with the devil because you were "pretty sure"?

I didn't make a deal with the devil.

Who do you think you called with that ritual?

Who do you think you owe?

I did what I had to do.


You have saved my life a dozen times,

and I told you I would do whatever it took to save yours.

I know.

And I wish I could forgive you.

[music playing]


(SINGING) Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

It's you, it's me, It's in our blood.