Blochin: Die Lebenden und die Toten (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - 4. Kapitel - full transcript

The Living and the Dead

Part 4

- Yes?
- David's dead.

The bastards killed him.

I was onto Nogly but you
didn't believe me, asshole.

- Where are you?
- I'll get him.

Blochin, stay out of it.
You hear me?

Excuse me.

How's Katrin?

Stötzner, Dominik Stötzner.

I'm a policeman.
Your wife and I work together.

She's good under the circumstances.
She was lucky.

She might be home by tomorrow.

That's good.

That's good...

Yorik? It's me. Wake up.
I need you.

Nogly, open up!
Open up!

- Bad timing.
- What?

Get off him!

- So it's you.
- What?

Help me.


Stötzner, Homicide.
We're looking for our colleague.


- Do you have the redhead?
- He vanished.

And Nogly?

On a business trip.
But he's coming back to talk to me.

His wife and daughter
wouldn't give anything away.

I'll do it.

You're not doing anything.
Go home and rest.

You forced your way into a top lawyer's house
without a search warrant.

One more mistake
and he'll wipe the floor with you.

Go home.

Leave this to me.

Smells good, huh?

- May I go back to school tomorrow?
- Sure.

What do you mean by that?
You can go every day.

Except today.
You couldn't be bothered to take me.

Yes, but come on, it was an exception.
Since when are you so into school?

Blochin? What happened?

Police are still on TV, everywhere.

I'm at home.

What's wrong?

You sound bad.

Blochin ?

Should I come to your place?


Dr. Nogly.

I'm happy to be here.

I have to tell you
that I've been blackmailed recently.

- Blackmailed? By whom?
- David Simon.

He threatened to harm my daughter
if I didn't get him a passport

and deposit 200,000 euros
in a Swiss account.

He also forced me to make phone contact
with his friend Blochin.

Now that Mr. Simon is dead,
I hope the Berlin police will succeed

in clearing up the causes
of this stressful time for me and my family.

That's all well and good, but...

I'd be more interested in knowing
where the redhead man is,

the one who tried to drown my colleague
in your pool this morning.

I don't know anything about that.
A redhead man in my house?

How'd he get in there?

Poor guy.

- Yeah?
- This is Arian Jahani.

I need to speak to you.

Some Afghan friends and I got David,
the soldiers and Kirill the opium they wanted

to smuggle to Germany.

- Who's Kirill?
- Kirill Koroliov.

He was the regional manager
of a security firm in Kabul.

- Turobin?
- Yes, Turobin.

It was going really well
until David got arrested in Germany.

Now Kirill wants to waste the witnesses.
First David, then the bombing.

So Kirill's responsible
for the bombing?

Three Afghans from the drug deal
were at the explosion. They're all dead.

I saw him.

- Who?
- Kirill. Just before the bomb exploded.

He was the redhead in the crowd.

I wasn't sure, but then
he turned around and smiled.

I jumped up to go and warn somebody.
That's the only reason I'm alive.

I'll see him pay.

We came to Germany in the hope
that there was at least one place

where justice exists.

I'm scared.

Kirill won't stop until I'm dead.


Maybe the kids' room.
The bed's small, but if it's not for long...

- It's not, Doreen. I promise.
- OK.

How old is your child?

Just turned three. He doesn't live here yet.
I'll grab a bigger blanket.


- Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
- Like what?

He's not doing so well.
He lost his wife and child in the attack.

The Chief of Police
wants all units on standby.

- All vacations are canceled.
- Terrorist attacks don't concern us.

- The Senator of the Interior died.
- Are we sure it was the Taliban?

You can speculate in your own time.

- Where's Blochin?
- I gave him the rest of the week off.

Did you get anything
from questioning Dr. Nogly Mogly?

No, but we're searching for the redhead.
Nanette, a coffee, please.

- You mean the guy only Blochin saw?
- Thanks.

Apart from Blochin,
Nogly's wife and daughter, yes.

Nogly's wife and daughter

left indefinitely to visit relatives
in the Ukraine today.

I don't know if anyone's interested,
but I'd be happy

if we get somewhere
with the Garbo case before winter.

Thanks for the coffee.

OK, over to Garbo...

We have news
on that strange farmer.

The final salvaged VHS tape
from Doreen's apartment is here now, too.

- What about the farmer?
- Years ago, he was on a talk show.

He went on about
these special Stasi units

that executed "enemies of Socialism"
before the fall of the Wall.

In West Germany.

- Sounds like he's not all there.
- I think it sounds interesting.

- I think so too.
- Let's pay him another visit.

Fine by me. Good luck.

You've reached Wolfgang Willaschek.
Leave a message after the tone.

Hello, Willi. Call me.

Burying your head in the sand
isn't a solution.

It's not the first time
we've been in the shit, right?

We'll get out of this, but...


- You're supposed to be sick.
- I need to talk to your Undersecretary.

- Why?
- I know the redhead's name,

the one who tried to kill me.
Kirill Koroliov. He works for Turobin.

Turobin, right.

I'll puke up my breakfast
if I hear that name one more time.

Listen, Blochin...
We have other problems to deal with.

Yorik and Magda
are on their way to see Schatta.

Who knows? Maybe he'll keep quiet,
maybe we've intimidated him enough.

Or maybe not!

We need a perp, Blochin.

If it wasn't us,
it must've been someone else.

- Dominik, I don't care about that.
- You don't care?

I knew the Garbo thing
would blow up in our faces.

I was told yesterday
that justice exists in Germany.

You believe that?

If it does, then I want the people
who killed David to know it.

David overdosed.

I need to talk
to your Undersecretary.

- Yes?
- It's me, Blochin.

/ need to speak to you.
It's about Turobin.

And the people who killed David.
The bombing was probably them too.

What? Have you completely lost it?

- Is Dominik there?
- Yes, he's right here.

Both of you come.

I want to see him.

- Is that him?
- Yes.

- What's it like having a child?
- Really good.

- Why, are you pregnant?
- No. But... in love.

Then do it differently
than I did.

Leave as much time as possible
between being in love and having a child.

Bad water?

It's filthy from your alternative,
organic city lifestyles.

- What do you want?
- Geier, Iwinska, Homicide.

You told my colleagues
you saw nothing...

Which colleagues?
I didn't speak to anyone.

Stötzner and Blochin.
They were here, right?

Mr. Schatta, it's not a good idea
to threaten a policeman with a gun.

- You know that, right?
- I said I saw no one.

- Who did you say that to?
- Our colleagues, who he didn't speak to.

- No, no! Stay there.
- What?

- No! I'll shoot.
- What's wrong?

What do you want?

- To kill some more enemies of socialism?
- Socialism? How do you know?

- We know your past.
- No one knows my past.

We know parts of your past.

They're not pretty, Mr. Schatta.

But you don't have to
fuck up your future too.


- Right?
- Yorik...

We're not the enemy, Mr. Schatta.

We're just two people trying to find out
who shot someone dead in cold blood.

That's all.

Call me.

If you like.

Or else we'll be back.

Look among your own ranks.

And you believe Jahani?
A Turobin employee was behind the attack?

Kirill wiped out three witnesses.

Turobin makes a ton with military supplies.
They wouldn't risk that for a bit of opium.

You said a Ministry of Defense guy
brought Turobin to your attention?


And that same guy offered
to make me Undersecretary there.


A Federal Ministry.
Just what you always wanted.

- Within spitting distance of the Chancellor.
- They want me to let it go.

They don't want me asking
about David Simon's death.

They don't want me showing an interest
in their part in the Afghanistan drug deal.

Then do it.

Take the job and let it go.

They play by rules
not even they know.

You can't win.
You can only get burned.

If that was my view,
I'd have chosen a different career.

It's Dankwart.



What? Yes, wait.

Why did you want me to come here?

I wanted you to see it here.

How good I have it.

When I woke up in the hospital,
I really yearned for everything here.

Your husband too?


- Better?
- Yes, I can hear you now.

- I'd like to talk to you about something.
- Go for it.

Not on the phone.
Can we meet somewhere?

Sure. I don't have time right now, but...

I'll call you when I do.

No problem.

Sorry, give me a call
when you need me.

- I'll be in touch.
- Bye.

I'll wait outside.

I can't just give up and take
the Ministry of Defense job.

I want to expose them
as much as you do.

That's why you'll take it.
It's not giving up.

It's knowing what's going on.
We need you there.

And it hurts today to come together
at this grave for a final farewell,

to mourn the loss of a person's life
whose fate took him down a difficult path,

showing him the horrors of this world.

I have to go to the child welfare office
the day after tomorrow.

They want me to plead my case.
Will you join me?

Please. I want at least one person there
who's on my side.

How's your guest?

He spends most of the time lying in bed,
staring at the ceiling.

Yesterday we had pizza.
But he left his half.

Thanks for coming with me.

Sorry I didn't pick up my phone before.

You know...

You mean when I nearly drowned?

It's OK.

Come on, there's somewhere else
I want to take you.

Strange that it's been left empty.

Unresolved ownership issues...
the former East.

David and I were the bosses here, sort of.


Crazy times.

And now?

You were a little drunk,
but here's where we first fucked.

You mean "made love".

But it wasn't here.

Where was it?

In the Tausendschön cloakroom.

That wasn't me.

That really wasn't me.


I think it was.

- What?
- Conchita's waiting. She has to go to work.

- Is that him?
- Yes, according to my mom.

But I can barely believe it.

He seems OK.

For a... politician.

He's good at giving speeches.


Sex with one of the murder cops.

Are you "one of them"?

- I want to know if you're one of them.
- I'm not one of anything.

No, you're not one of them.

Are you one of them?

- Are you one of them?
- No.

Shit, I have to get out of here.

I have to go.
You can see in here from anywhere.

- It's not a coincidence...
- What's wrong?

What's wrong?
Too many fucking cops in my life.

You already know, right?

- What?
- That it was one of your guys.


- The guy.
- Who?

The guy who shot Garbo.

It was one of you.

Ms. Schormann?


Now tell me why you want
Tommy to live with you.

I... want to be there for Tommy.
And care for him.

Mainly so he can grow up in a nice home.
I want to offer him a good future.

Most important
is that someone loves him.

That's right.

Tommy was at his father's
the last three years, and not with you.

Why was that?

I couldn't even love myself back then.
I didn't believe I could love a child.

You asked Tommy's father to care for him
because you couldn't do it yourself?

Tell her.


After the child was born,
I asked Toto to drown him in a lake.

I told him to kill my child
because I didn't want it.

That's why Tommy
couldn't grow up with me.

I wanted to get rid of him.

I'm inhuman.

You're a good person who couldn't cope.
People make mistakes.

There are reasons for every act,
but we have to understand them.

I have to go to the bathroom.

You think they have a chance?

I think that was good for Doreen.


Emilia quietly tiptoed
back into her bedroom,

her heart racing.

And there it was...
The disgusting, fat, slimy monster

was hidden beneath her duvet.

Emilia reached for her magic sword,

- pulled it out...
- Dominik?

Not that monster story again, please.


Want one?

- How's your girlfriend?
- She was never my girlfriend.

She was more of a...
I have no idea what she was.

When I was 15,
you fell for my boyfriend's sister.

Bullshit, I did not.

- She also played hard to get, but then...
- Katrin isn't playing hard to get.

She's chosen her family,
and that's just fine.

Arian Jahani has disappeared
since the bombing.

Police now believe
he could have been an accomplice...

We're all happy that Horst has made
the leap into a ministerial chair...

That leaves a post here
for Katrin Steinbrenner,

whose work at the Berlin Senate
we have followed with great interest.

We're delighted you accepted our offer.

I'm sure she'll be welcomed
with the cordiality this house is famous for.

Thank you, Dr. Klingner.

What can I say?
I'm delighted to be here.

I'm proud and grateful and...
I'll give it my all.

Excellent. Let's begin the meeting.

Dr. Günter, what news do you have...

You'll be fine!
It's not as bad as it looks!

It wasn't easy
to find anything on this Shukshin.

Until the Wall fell, he was stationed
near Berlin in the 90th Armored Division.

Dad's Russian,
mom's from a village in eastern Poland...


Come take a look.

It's very interesting.

His name always comes up
in connection with

the Russian troop withdrawal in '94,
which was a disaster.

300,000 Russian soldiers
were hounded out without a goodbye.

Despite the German government providing
15 billion marks for their relocation.

- Did he go back to Russia or stay here?
- No idea.

The next mention of his name
is in a Federal Police investigation

into Russian oligarchs
and their activities in Germany.

The guy's connected
to so many companies and holdings,

banks, media, energy, aviation...

I hope you're not doing
anything I wouldn't do.

- Work the fucking Garbo case, damn it.
- Did you read my report on Schatta?

Yes, so? Think more is coming?

He's scared.

His questionable past is haunting him
and he doesn't trust anyone.

We shouldn't force him.
He'll know when he's ready to talk.


Then we'll wait
until the sensitive soul is ready.




Angels of the night!

That which is spawned
as your sanity sleeps!

Tonight, at nightfall,

Nosferatu will,
for your free viewing pleasure,

have his wicked way
with you by the lake!

I sometimes feel like I'm in a French film
from the '70s with all of you.

"Ben's screwing Tilda,
who's actually with Stefan...

"He sometimes does Julia,
even though she's a lesbian."

- I don't get the word "lesbian".
- Why doesn't that surprise me?

And I don't say "screw" either.

- What do you call it then?
- Fucking.

You and my husband
would get along well!

My parents are coming next week.
Can I show them the hotel?

- Sure.
- To see where their money's going.

No problem.


Nice of you to answer.

Yes. Why?

- I've been calling you for days.
- Oh? Cool.

I'm having DNA traces
from the crime scene examined.

We'll know soon if the Feds
had anything to do with Garbo's murder.

Not that I don't believe your horror story,
but there's not much going on...

- Cool.
- Can we see each other?

I'd like to see you.

- Sure. Drop by this evening.
- Tonight? Sure.

- When?
- Whenever you want.


OK, bye.

- What time does your judo start?
- 4:00 pm sharp.

They make a big deal about it.

Hey! Lieutenant...

Buckle up.

This isn't the way to judo.

I know, honey.
I have something to clear up first.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Thanks for taking the time.

Do you dislike all politicians
or just me?

- I have nothing against you.
- Because you need me.

- But you don't think I'm nice.
- Not true.

I just wonder how you'll act
when it goes down in the Ministry.

When you have to decide.

I wonder the same thing.
Let's wait and see.


I have to ask you a favor.
Can you put me in touch with Shukshin?

- Why?
- He was involved in my past.

I need to look him in the eyes.

I'll try.

I need a favor too.
I want to speak with Arian Jahani.

Regardless of my progress in the Ministry,
he has to testify against Turobin.

Inka, yes?


I'm coming.

I have to go,
my daughter had an accident.

- Grille. How are you?
- The airbag smashed me in the face.

Be careful, Grille!
The neck brace isn't there for fun.

- Whiplash?
- Yes.

Thankfully the airbag did its job.

Why'd Dominik run a red light?


It was a car chase,
but I don't know who we were chasing.

- Want a drink, honey?
- Coke.

- Ice cream with nuts?
- Yes!

Don't bring up the accident around Grille.
She needs to recover.

What's the doctor say?

Nothing broken, no internal damage.
She just needs a few days resting at home.

Come to my place then.

We're going to Dominik's.

He almost killed Grille
playing cops and robbers.

- I'm not deciding in favor of Dominik.
- But you're deciding against me?

Know what?

That's it.
I'm done playing by your rules.

I have to go again, sweetheart.

Take care. See you soon.

I love you.

Bye, Dad.

- Blochin...
- Fuck off, asshole!

In or out, but close the fucking door!

Hi, Daddy!

Bread rolls!


Can we come in?

Mom got chocolate spread!

Hi, Inka.
Good morning.

Hi, princesa.


I had a crazy night last night.

I had a fight with my lover
and he threw me out.

On the street.
From my apartment.

- Can you believe that?
- No, not really.


- What happened?
- Accident.

I thought I crossed
the line last night, but...

maybe I didn't.

Grille, come on.

- But...
- Please come now.



Federal Government vs
Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors

Clap when one of us gets the ball
or you'll be in trouble.

You look better anyway.
Not so pale.

I have to admit, it isn't easy
finding your feet here.

I know what you mean.

Every four years, we hope for a fresh start
but we just get a new minister.

That's it.
Fantastic, guys!

Great, keep it up!

Do I have to organize anything
for the German-Russian reception?

No. I have it under control.

Will Grigori Shukshin be there?
He seems so elusive and mysterious.


He is.
He often visits the Ministry.

Those relations go way back,

back to the Russian
troop withdrawal in 1994.

That process might not have
run so smoothly without Shukshin.

It wasn't all that smooth, was it?

Ultimately, the Russians were gone.
That was the main thing.

What do you want?

I have to see Dankwart,
to do police work.

Blochin, the reason I had the accident
and ran the red light was Schatta.

He threatened Grille
with a laser pointer.

We have to act now.
The man threatened your daughter.

No more of this fatalistic
"I don't care" crap.

You do care about Inka and Grille!

You can screw that Conchita
all you want.

Inka told me everything,
you stupid asshole.

But now...

Now we have to solve
this Schatta problem.

Do what you always do.

And what's that?

Whatever's necessary.

What's up, sweetie?

This was a mistake.

It won't happen again.

Sorry I'm late.

Want a coffee?

Did Nanette tell you
we want to open a hotel together?

Yes, in passing.


I'll get to the point.
The money's gone.

Mine, Nanette's, everything.

What'll you do now?

I really hate to have to ask...
but I need a loan.

I'll pay you back.
I'm not sure when, but you'll get it back.

You want me to lend you money?
What from?

Don't pretend.

We all know you feathered your nest
when you worked in the drug squad.

Dankwart, I'm going through
a tough time right now.

Fuck that, I don't need much.
100,000 to start with.

I have no money.
Solve your shitty problems yourself.


This contains videos that your girlfriend
Doreen tried to throw in the trash.

Know what's on it?

When I started at Homicide 16 years ago,
a body was found in a dank basement.

Some asshole.
But he met a bitter end.

Knife in his throat.

The murder was never solved...
but we can change that.

- Who else saw that video?
- No one or I wouldn't be here.

No one's interested. I only watched it
so I wouldn't have to stand up.

Two options...

Either we go and get the money
wherever you have it,

or I leave by myself
and we're both fucked.

- You'll get nothing.
- Don't be stupid. You're not...

I'm a policeman. This is an arrest.
Keep moving.

I've got you...

What are we doing here?

Sit down.


No bullshit or I'll smash your face.

Believe me, I'd like to.