Bleach: Burîchi (2004–2012): Season 3, Episode 22 - Rukia no ketsui, Ichigo no omoi - full transcript

Peace returns as the Soul Society recuperates from the deep wounds left by the treachery of Captain Aizen and his partners in crime. Captain Komamura and Lieutenant Hisagi visit the graves of fallen comrades...

Ever since the powers
of the Soul Reaper

were thrust upon me,
my whole world has changed.

Now I'm Ichigo Kurosaki,
substitute Soul Reaper.

And I'm combining
my powerful spirit energy

with this blade in order
to protect my friends!


GANJU SHIBA: What are you trying
to do, poison us?

This crap wouldn't
pass for dog food!

I only bring what
they tell me to, sir.

We're the patients here!
Bring us some better food!

What's with
all the noise?

What's up?
Squad 11 again.

Now it's the food
they don't like.

You maggots don't know
who you're dealing with.

Do you men have some
complaints about the way
you're being treated?


Sorry about that.
Oh, hello there, Captain.

We didn't realize you
were standing right there.

you're feeling better

if you're up and able
to criticize.

Just the same, you would
do well to remember

that you are
in my care now, and that I am

in charge of everything
that goes on here.

As such, while you
are under this roof,

the members of my Squad Four

have your lives completely
in their hands.

Sorry! We're sorry!
It won't happen again!


I wonder why they're acting
as if I'm some kind of ghost.



Just like that.

All right, who's next?


Aw, come on!

Don't tell me not one
of you has the nerve!

Well, in that case,
I'll take you on,

if no one else will,


Well, you've got guts,
I'll give you that.

But can you handle it?

Aren't you
still in recovery?

Both of us had
serious injuries.

When you say recovery, it
sounds like I have some disease.

Recovery just means
getting over something.

You could use it for
either, you simpleton.

Okay, if it's not recovery,
then what word do you use?

Well, I'd use--
Look, I don't now!

Ha! I knew it!
You're all brawn
and no brain, Ichigo.

Me? Nothing goes into
your bald, shiny head.

It just bounces off!


Let's fight, and the winner
is the smarter one!

You got it, Ikkaku!

There's nothing
I can't beat you at!



Good morning, Captain, sir.

What are you doing, Ichigo?

Ichi! How are you?

Have your wounds healed?

Well, yeah.

And in fact, I was
just about to--


That is good news,
because it means

you and I...


...can fight again!

ALL: Whoa!

Heh, heh, heh.

Hey, that's the wrong guy.

I'm never fighting
you again, you--
Kenny, look!
He's getting away!

Hey, Ichigo!

Come back here and fight me!

Such a commotion.

Those guys need
to relax, if you ask me.

At least with Ichigo
in Squad 11, things
are never boring.


Now that you mention it, you've
been around a lot lately, too.

What happened
to Captain Komamura?

Well, I wish I knew.

Lately it seems like the captain
just wants to be left alone.

Friend of Kaname Tosen.

You whose name I do not know.

What would you have done?

What would you have
said to stop him?


Captain Komamura.

Do you think he'll come back?

Or is Captain Tosen
gone for good?

He'll be back.

But we must find a way to
open his eyes to the truth.

I wouldn't have minded being
your captive be little longer.

So long, Rangiku.

Maybe next time.

That's the thing
I hate most about you.


So stupid.
Talking about yourself?


Don't sneak up on me
like that.

You scared me so bad
I almost popped out of my robe.

What if you had?
Then I'd have been exposed.

Which I doubt
would bother you.

you have a guest.


I need to talk to you.


I have some sweet buns here.

Help yourself.

And sake, of course!

No. No more, Rangiku.

Ah. No wimping out!

Rangiku, back there
I was a little--

Forget it.

I just wanted to
say I was sorry.

Don't worry.
It's okay.

Though it's true you came
at me with full force.

Didn't you?

And to think you
thought you hurt me

when you barely
laid a hand on me!

But don't feel bad.

The fact that you came to visit,
that makes it all right.


Sitting down face to face
and talking about things

might not solve everything,
but if we don't do it,

we'll never understand
each other at all.

You know what I mean?

I think so.

I guess you're right,
as usual, Rangiku.


Before you go, could you talked
to her for a few moments?

She's waiting.

She's waiting for someone
who's closer to her

than I am to sit and talk to
her, just for a little while.

right now

I don't have anything
to say to her.

Right now?

If you'll excuse me.

Finally finished.
Since we can't go back

to the world of the living
dressed like Soul Reapers,

I've made new clothes
for all of us.
Pretty nice, huh?

Yeah, but it's sort
of different, isn't it?

You changed something.

Yeah. It's better, huh?

As for you, Orihime,
I couldn't duplicate

the design your old
shirt had, so instead,

I did this one with some
lace down one side,

then sewed these flowers
here at the bottom.

What do you think?

Uh, yeah. Cute.

I'm glad you like it.

I also made
this one for Rukia.

I made it kind of
like the one she was wearing

when she came
to our world the first time.

Yeah, this is great!


You're, uh, better at making
clothes for girls

than guys,
aren't you, Uryu?

URYU: What?
Hey, I know!

I'm gonna take Rukia her dress
and show it to her right now!

Uh-- So, what
do you say, Chad?

Why don't you try that
on and see how it fits?


Uryu's not a bad designer.

I think Rukia's really
going to like this.

She's been so depressed lately.

But now, when she sees
this, it'll cheer her up.

It's strange Uryu made
something so pretty for Rukia.

I wonder why he went
to so much trouble.

This can only mean

that Uryu is secretly
in love with Rukia.

It's cool that
I noticed it, though.

Only 15 years old and
already, my female intuition

is razor sharp!


I have something for you!


Man, my feet are killing me.

That crazy Kenpachi
must've chased me

for hours trying
to fight me again.

That guy is totally insane.

ORIHIME: Ichigo!


What are you doing here
and what's with those clothes?

There's something wrong.

I can't find Rukia.


Why are you here?

I'm here because
you're my captain.

You probably
wish I were dead.

I imagine that's what
you're thinking now.

No, you're wrong.

If you were to die,
then what motivation

would I have
to get stronger?

And in fact, Captain--



What the hell?

How dare you charge
in here like that.

I was just about ready to
say something really cool,

and you totally
ruined the moment!

Sorry. How was
I supposed to know?

Hey, have you seen Rukia
around anywhere lately?

What? You better not
have lost Rukia again.

No, no, I just thought
you might know where she was.

What's going on, Ichigo?

So, what did you find out?

How did you get
all the way up here?

No way.

Sorry to barge in
on you, Byakuya.
Later, Renji.

We'll be going, now.

BYAKUYA: Wonder what the hell
those two are up to.

Hm? What is it?
Is something wrong, sir?

Just that--
Well, I certainly hope

this Ichigo doesn't
intend to keep

calling me
by my first name.

I find his lack of
respect disturbing.



Where are we going, Ichigo?

Did Renji give you some idea
where to look for Rukia?

Well, sort of.

If she's not with
Renji, then there's

only one other place to look.

Ow! Stop it, Kukaku!
I can't take it!

Quit your whining and
give me 1,000 more!
I think you cracked my spine!

Come on!

How about I give
you 50 of 'em now,

and the rest of them later?
Ha ha!

I've still got injuries from
fighting so heroically before.

Hah! That's not
exactly what I heard.

I heard you were nowhere
near the front lines,

and in fact,
you were practically

useless the whole second
half of the fight.

What? Lies!
Who told you that?

Now I'm going to make you sorry
that you came back and lied.

You shame
the Shiba name!


What do you want?

Oh, Rukia!

It's her, Kukaku!

It's the person this
whole thing was all about.

She's the one Ichigo came here
and risked his life to save!

I know who she is.

Rukia Kuchiki, the Soul Reaper
who killed our brother Kaien.

I know who you are.

Now, what did you come here for?

I'm sorry.

I know who you are.

Now, what did you come here for?

I'm sorry.

I-- I know I should
have come sooner.

I wanted to,
but I was a coward.

I should've apologized to you
the first chance I got.

The longer I waited,
the harder it seemed to become,

until... I ran.

I ran and I'm sorry.
KUKAKU: Stop. That's enough.

What is this?
The world's longest apology?

I'm, um-- I'm so sorry-- Oh!

Enough, I said!

Oh! I, um, uh--

It's all right. I mean it.

Anyway, I already heard the
whole story from Ukitake.

I know that Kaien's
death wasn't your fault.

And I know that
ever since that day,

you've been carrying more than
your share of guilt over it.

So long ago,
I decided in my heart

that if you said
just one word of apology,

I would forgive you.

Of course.

She knew Kaien,
better than anyone.

She knows what
he would have wanted.

All this time I was
only thinking of myself,

when she's the one
who was hurt the most

by the loss of her brother.

Thank you.

I'm just so sorry, I--

Enough apologizing.

Um, okay.

I'm sorry-- Wait.

I mean, thank you.

ICHIGO: Ah-ha. I thought
I'd find you here.

Ichigo? Orihime?

Sorry to interrupt
your little chat,

but right now we should
probably head back

and try to get some
rest before tomorrow.

In the morning, they're
going to open a gate for us

to return to our world.

And you're still not
back to full health.

I have to tell you something.

It's only right that you
be the first to know.


I've decided, Ichigo,

to stay here
in the Soul Society.

Well, that's fine.

Good for you.


Well, it sounds like
you've made up your mind,

so there's
not much else to say.

If you've decided that
you want to stay here,

then that's
what you should do.

Looking at her now,
I remember exactly why

I wanted to save her
in the first place.

KUKAKU: Hmph! Ichigo,
you finally showed up, huh?

Well, I, uh-- I mean--
Hello again, Kukaku.

So you're checking out and
leaving in the morning, huh?

Then stay and have
dinner with us tonight!

Well, thanks. I would,
but I don't know if I can--

Not this again.

The correct answer is yes,
I'd love to stay for dinner.

You know, I was
thinking dinner tonight
would be great. Thank you.

No, no, that was great.




Hey! Rukia! Where the hell
could she have gone? Unh!

Orihime! Orihime,
where'd you disappear to?

Ichigo! Come out
and fight me, you bastard!

Too much free time
on their hands.

What happened here?

No, no more sake.


That was close. I almost died!
How? What happened?

I can't breathe if I lie
face down because of my boobs!

Don't you know what
the feels like?
I don't.

Well, you should
have more sympathy.

It's not easy being
a girl and being beautiful.

Oh, shut up.

This is the official Senkaimon

for your departure
from the Soul Society.

It incorporates
a reishi hankonki

made specifically for you.


This is for you.

What's this thing?

A substitute Soul Reaper badge.


Over the centuries,
there have been

a few other
instances where

substitute Soul Reapers
have been deemed useful.

They too were given this badge
as proof of their status.

You can use it
to become a Soul Reaper

whenever you wish to do so.

Of course, such a mere
token can never really

repay you for what
you have done here.

It's all right.
The reason I did it all

is because I wanted to.

But I'll gladly accept this.

It's an honor.
Thank you.

This man is truly exceptional.

There's something
here for you too, Rukia,
that Uryu made for you.

Oh. But since
I'm staying here,

I won't need
a dress like that.

Rukia, you have got
to wear this dress!

All right, then, I will.

It is time.

Well, see you around, Rukia.


Thank you, Ichigo.

That's my line.

Thank you, Rukia.

Thanks to you, now it
will finally stop raining.


Ichi's spiritual pressure
just disappeared.

Why didn't you go
see them off?
What for?

Well, do you think you're
ever going to see him again?

Someday, yes.


You heard what old
man Yamamoto said.

This fight isn't over.

Not by a long shot.

Ichigo and I will meet again.

Besides, we're
a lot alike, he and I.

Huh? Heh.

Kenny, you've learned you
don't have to win every fight.

Don't patronize me.

What the hell, Yoruichi?

If this is the official gate,
then why do we have to run

for our lives through it,
just like the last time?

We each need a hell butterfly
to clear the gate safely!

Only Soul Reapers
can handle them. Relax!

We're almost at the exit!


I'm locked on target.

Fire one.


There's the pitch, and here
comes the swing! Jinta home run!

That's a catch!

URAHARA: My, my.
Welcome back, everyone.

Urahara. But how?

It's good to see you
again, young Ichigo.

I imagine by now you've
heard the truth about me.

ICHIGO: I have.

Words cannot express
how sorry I am.


Stop. It's all right.

I'm not mad about it anymore.

Look, you really didn't
do anything wrong.

I'm not sure what
your motivation was,

but the fact is you helped
all of us become stronger,

and in the end,
you probably saved our lives.

For that, we're thankful.

So please
don't apologize.


But I do want to
ask you one question.

Why didn't you
just tell me the truth?

Did you think I would
get scared and run away?

Uh. Exactly right!

Now, that
just pisses me off.

You were taking it
so well.

I wasn't expecting
an elbow in the face.

One other thing.

I want you to apologize
to Rukia when you see her.

And know she will say
the same thing I'd say.

Will you do that
for me?



Mr. Urahara, do you suppose you
could drop me off around here?

Of course.
Consider it done.

See you later, Uryu.

I'll be sure to call you
if anything big comes up.

What are you
talking about?

Have you forgotten,

You are a Soul Reaper,
and I am a Quincy.

The next time you and I meet,
we'll be enemies.

He's a stubborn guy.

Yeah, that's for sure.

But that stubborn streak is one
of Uryu's best characteristics.

You really think so?
Yeah. It's true.

No way.

ICHIGO: Man, you guys are more
understanding than I am.

Well, this is my stop, guys.



KISUKE: Shall I drop you off
at your house, Ichigo?

Yeah. That would be great.

ICHIGO: Actually, I think I'll
get off right here.

Wait a second.
See ya.

Thanks for the ride!


What's wrong,


I was just thinking.

This has been quite
a long journey, hasn't it?

It has.

Tell me
something, Kisuke.


What are you going
to do now?

That's a good question.

It feels like we've
won a big victory,

but in fact, this all started
after we suffered a big defeat.

So really, all we've done is
get things back to normal.


To win this thing
for good,

we're going to have to count on
Ichigo and the others even more.

I'm afraid the battle
has just begun.

Then I guess
for you and me,

there'll be no dying
peacefully of old age.

Probably not.

But that really can't
be helped, I guess.

Yoruichi and the boss
sure are

a couple of odd ducks,
aren't they?

They look like
a cat and a man to me.

It's just
an expression--


ICHIGO: I'm home.


ICHIGO: Give me some suggestions
for the next episode.

MAN 1: Dr. Kurosaki's
serious medical drama!

MAN 2: Kon's
steamy and suggestive diary.

How about a horror mystery?
ICHIGO: You're all wrong.

Who's left?
Wasn't it
someone you know, Ichigo?

ICHIGO: I don't know.
Aw, time's up!

That sure is nostalgic.

Illustrated Guide
to Soul Reapers.
ALL: Golden!

Ah! Fish sticks!


Oh, thank goodness
it was only a dream.

What shall I do?
I'm too afraid to sleep now!

Maybe I'll go to Kiyone's.

But she'll probably
just get mad

and say I shouldn't visit
other barracks so late at night.

Huh? Oh.


It's been quite a busy day
for everyone, hasn't it?

Try to calm down,

and then
go get some rest.

Yes, Captain.