Big Love (2006–2011): Season 5, Episode 5 - The Special Relationship - full transcript
Bill makes a deal in the Senate, but finds new obstacles to his livelihood being raised by LDS officials. Fed up with interning, Barb considers a dramatic life change that could have far-ranging consequences for the family. A legal obstacle hinders Bill and Nicki's efforts to adopt Cara Lynn. Margene preaches the Goji gospel; Rhonda encourages Verlan to do Alby's bidding; Lois longs for her old life with Frank; Don takes another hit for Bill.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's my great pleasure to introduce
this year's interns.
Probably in about 10 years
a few of them will be
here as senators
and you'll need their vote.
So you'd better be
extra nice to them.
Let's go to work.
Do you know what the press
is calling us?
"The fools on the hill,"
"the follies Henrickson."
We have a legislative
session ahead of us
that I'm in charge
of making productive.
I've got to move on
from the polygamy sideshow.
Every morning I wake up
with the threat of
impeachment hanging over me.
I don't care anymore.
It's got to end.
I've got a proposal...
a moratorium of sorts.
You back down.
We back down.
Everything gets frozen...
status quo.
We all take a breather
and sort out our issues
at a later date.
I'm in?
You stop the inflammatory speeches.
You stop the
provocative interviews.
You stop inciting protests.
You become a normal,
quiet freshman senator.
What about my impeachment?
Gets taken care of.
Unless you've got
some new colossal
blunder up your sleeve,
you'll serve out the session.
I want my bill
institutionalizing safety net.
We're operating under
temporary funding.
- Fine.
- I want it fast-tracked.
Without emergency funding,
there's three shelters
that will be forced to turn
away women and children.
It also funds counseling
and healthcare.
Stop. Enough.
I heard you.
Accept the offer
that's on the table,
How do I know you'll honor
your side of the agreement?
I take leave to open
a file for a bill
authorizing permanent funding for
the program known as safety net.
In favor? Opposed?
Motion carries.
Said bill is sent to the rules
committee for further consideration.
I take leave to table
joint house-senate bill 114,
of polygamy and bigamy.
In favor? Opposed?
Motion carries.
What's happening?
What's going on?
We've got a deal.
It's over. We're in.
To toss the first ball
for the day,
we have Heisman finalist
Kerry Lightcap.
Your soul is becoming
clearer to me
via tidbits.
I'm not sure I know
what you mean.
You arrived on my doorstep
asking for money.
Then I hear a tidbit
about monies owed
to Vegas gambling dens
and an appetite for risk.
interesting tidbits.
They were cheats.
A bar fight,
a manslaughter charge.
Help me out...
I know manslaughter
involves death.
I don't think it's
actually premeditated,
but it is intentionally inflicted,
is it not?
What do you want?
You need money
and I have projects
that need tending,
projects that require someone
with your particular resume.
I just wonder if you're
really the right guy.
Guess we won't know
till you ask me.
The bill targeting me...
I'm welcomed into the caucus.
People actually talk to me
in committee.
You're the monkey the boa
constrictor couldn't swallow.
They had to spit you out.
They're used to
backroom dealings.
They couldn't withstand
the sunlight I brought.
You know, I'm starting to
believe the day when anyone
who practices plural marriage can
live in the open is within sight.
The reason I wanted
to talk, Don...
I want to finally make
a distribution.
I want to pay a dividend on
the home plus class a stock.
I think this deal means the
worst is finally behind us.
Well, if it means
the protests at the store
cool off, all the better.
There were two arrests
at that skirmish
in the parking lot yesterday.
Anyway, I'll get with the
accountants Monday about the stock.
I'm gonna knock off
early tomorrow.
Taking Gary and Baker
ice fishing
for a couple days
out past flaming gorge.
Hey, try and stop
at dinosaur monument.
They got this great
new visitors' center.
My boys loved it.
Good news.
It has taken me
most of the morning,
but I have finally
squared your calendar away.
That's great, honey.
Right now I need you full ahead
on the safety net legislation.
Barn reported to committee.
It's being fast-tracked.
Here's the draft of the bill.
Make copies for
everyone in the house.
Well, bill, just send the computer
file to the House Secretary.
I want a personal
touch too.
I'll have the cover letter
finished by the time you're done.
Just get me a replacement
as soon as possible,
because I am over
being an intern.
- Everyone hates me.
- That's not true.
No one will give me
the code for the copier.
I've been sneaking over
to Kinko's.
Barb, sit for a minute?
I spoke to Lee a couple days
ago on adopting Cara Lynn.
I'm just getting a sense of
the process and the timeline.
Oh good.
I'm glad.
I think maybe
now that we're
on solid footing at last,
we can really discuss this.
In what sense?
Does he anticipate any problem?
I don't know if this is a
big deal or a small deal.
- I hope it's a small deal.
- What, bill?
Utah doesn't allow
unmarried couples to adopt.
Well, that doesn't apply here.
Nicki doesn't have to adopt.
She's the biological mother.
No, for me to adopt Cara Lynn,
I need to be married
to Nicki legally.
I asked Lee to check
other states,
but then we'd run into
big residency issues.
I see.
We'd still be
spiritually married.
If you really think about it,
it really changes nothing.
You're saying you and I
would be getting a...
it's a legal maneuver,
nothing more.
Look, I know how much
this is to process.
I was as surprised as you
when Lee told me.
Who have you
discussed this with?
Only Lee. Of course
I came to you first.
We'd still love each other.
It's only a word.
Oh no.
It feels so much more
than that.
This one...
I don't know.
I've got to think
this one through.
How did it go?
Cara Lynn's in the kitchen.
He wants me to do
something really bad.
- Like what?
- I don't want to tell you.
- Well, will he give you money for it?
- Yeah.
Then I think you should do it.
And I think you think so too.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think maybe
we should just leave.
If we leave without that money,
we'll lose that house.
You've got to do it, Verlan.
I told you, I'll be fined here.
Verlan, hi.
I didn't know you were
back from the compound.
I'll get you a hot chocolate.
Thanks for looking out for Rhonda
while I've been busy.
Feels great knowing
someone's watching my back.
Here, will you take her into
the other room and change her?
He's so good
with the baby.
Well, I am too.
Dear lord.
Hello, Nicki.
What is she doing here?
I'm visiting.
I've changed a lot.
What is she doing here?
And how did she get in?
Mom, Rhonda's married
to my cousin Verlan.
I've been hanging out with her
while he's been working
at juniper creek.
Verlan saved me.
Why? Look, she is nothing but trouble.
You don't know her.
Now wait a minute.
I said I've changed.
And I hear you have too,
trying to save
girls like me this time.
Now you listen.
I never had anything but your
best interests at heart.
- And those were complicated times.
- I've healed.
And that enables me to forgive
your father for trying to rape me.
And you, for pushing me
into marrying him.
Mom, this is Verlan
and their baby Jessica.
It's okay.
So we feel like this is
such a wonderful time really.
In the senate, my husband
Bill is working hard
to build bridges
to his l.D.S. Colleagues
so they can work shoulder to
shoulder on important legislation.
But you've had problems.
It was a little bumpy at first,
but by now everyone's had a
chance to get used to us a bit.
When I'm out running errands,
people are starting to approach
and ask sincere questions
about our faith, about how
I came to join the family.
I think that's a positive sign.
And you didn't have
any prejudices
against polygamy...
oh, we prefer
"plural marriage."
Prejudices against
plural marriage
when you met the Henricksons?
I've always thought that being
open is the only way to be.
I've found that people who
judge before they know
are usually pretty
frightened inside,
and I refuse to live
that kind of a small life.
You're a reporter.
You investigate how
all sorts of people live,
so you know what I mean.
I was once married
to Barbara Stanwyck.
I... I don't know
who that is either.
This game is a waste of time.
Hi. The kids and Lois
already ate,
but we waited so we could celebrate
the moratorium together.
Oh, thank you.
What a long day.
We didn't know how long,
so I made stew.
The mismatched candles
are Margie's contribution.
I was busy this afternoon.
I gave an interview.
- Mm-hmm, for "the tribune."
- About what?
About how we're just like everyone else,
even though we're in a plural marriage,
about how our faith
sustains us.
Our faith? Margene,
you cannot be serious.
What do you know about faith, or
plural marriage, for that matter?
Enough to be
interviewed about it.
I have a radio interview
You're letting Margie give
interviews about our marriage?
Well, with the deal
I made with barn,
- it's best I don't do any
more interviews. - Hi.
And Marge is the best ambassador
plural marriage has right now.
She has a natural ability to connect
with people without being provocative.
The reporter heard me
speaking at the swearing in.
He was curious about my take
on being a plural wife.
Well, I...
I spoke then too.
I know.
Isn't that funny?
I can't believe
what I'm hearing.
We'd better hope he didn't ask any
real questions about the principle.
As it so happens I'm discovering
my faith... a true faith.
And I want you to respect that.
Well, that's wonderful,
but it would behoove us
to remember
that you have a certain
achilles' heel,
- if you all know what I mean.
- Granted.
We'd raise more suspicion if we
tried to hide her at this point.
She was on that shopping
channel, for Pete's sakes.
Marge can handle it.
- This is just a big joke, right?
- Okay, cool it.
Tonight we put aside
the sniping and celebrate.
We've been through a lot.
We also have a lot
to be thankful for.
This deal may
help encourage others
to join us in the open.
The unrelenting pressure
this family's been under
is finally easing.
We deserve this victory.
I just wanted
to say good night.
I don't like it here.
I know starting new is hard,
but you used to
say it yourself...
you could stand on your head and spit
wooden nickels. You can do this.
This will never be my home.
It can be if you'll let it.
No, it can't.
The things you talk about
don't interest me.
The things you laugh at
I don't find funny.
Your houses are pretty,
but mean nothing to me.
I... I just don't want
to be here.
I want to go home.
Darn it, mother.
You need to make an effort
and I mean it.
There's no discussion.
After the fire in the cabin
and getting lost with the kids,
you cannot live alone anymore.
And I know you know that.
Good night.
I was wondering
what's going on with
Cara Lynn's adoption.
You know, I told her
things were moving along.
Nicki, I'm dog-tired.
Can we talk about this later?
Well, it's just Cara Lynn's
been asking a lot of questions.
She's worried.
I can tell.
And I know how busy you are.
I could call Lee Hatcher in the
morning, get him working on it.
No, don't do that.
I've already spoken to Lee.
I knew you probably had.
So what happens next?
It's not that simple.
There's a catch.
A catch?
Well, what kind of catch?
Is it because I left her?
Do they think I'm an unfit mother?
It's nothing like that.
In Utah unmarried couples
can't adopt a child.
That's ridiculous.
They have no right to dictate
something like that,
none whatsoever.
I'm the one who says who
gets to adopt my daughter.
It's the law.
Lee said there's
no way around it.
For us to adopt,
we have to legally marry.
Well, what... what do we
think about that?
We have to think it through.
- And Barb?
- We talked about it.
It obviously affects
her as well.
What did she say?
She's having trouble.
It's a lot to ask.
Of course it is.
It's unfair...
a shock.
Stay out of it, Nicki.
Daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing.
- Barb? - Good morning.
I've been here since 5:00,
and I've distributed background
information on the shelter.
And I'm about to start calling
each senator directly to
try to get you face time.
Work on Welch and Evans first.
They've both done a lot
of work with runaways.
They might be my way in.
Anything else?
There was a weird message on the
office voicemail this morning.
- What, another threat?
- No, from the church.
The head of public information
wants to see you.
- The church?
- No.
It has to be
some kind of crank.
Try to find out what's going on.
I'll be in shortly.
And, Barb,
have you thought any more
about the adoption?
Well, what's the rush, Bill?
Well, we're a family
and we have someone
who's unprotected.
Nicki could give up
her parental rights,
so you and I could
adopt Cara Lynn.
I can't ask that.
Nicki just became her mother.
Well, I need more time.
Your parents seemed nice.
Yeah, they are.
We're very close.
Do you live with them?
No, Cara Lynn.
I'm 37.
I haven't lived with them
for a while.
You finished?
Do you live
with your girlfriend?
No, I don't have a girlfriend.
And even if I did, I wouldn't
move in with her before marriage.
Some things should wait.
We are here for you
to learn about calculus,
not question me
about my personal life.
It's made from
the papaya stone,
which is packed with xanthones.
It maintains intestinal health,
supports the immune system,
neutralizes free radicals.
And goji is a socially
conscious company
built on the same
principles as our faith.
It is our faith in action.
How do we get our husbands
to let us use
family money to start?
That is a great question.
And I'm not saying that it will
be easy, but it can be done.
Bill, once he understood,
encouraged me.
And you can work on teams
with your sisterwives.
I sold best chef a few
years back and lost money.
I remember them.
Etty shoddy product.
At this point,
I'm actually adding
to the family pot each week.
Yeah, it's really
a simple business model:
I recruit you to sell;
You recruit others.
We all help each other
to become entrepreneurs.
And I've found goji promotes
lustrous, more manageable hair.
Bill told me about
the adoption requirements.
He told you?
It's a real pickle.
Yes, it is.
And Bill's not sure how
he's gonna handle it yet.
No, he's not sure.
Cara Lynn needs to be
in our family.
She was almost married
at my mother's sealing.
And when I think about
what J.J. did...
no, I understand.
I want her protected too, but...
but what, Barb?
Her cousin is here with Rhonda.
- Rhonda Volmer?
- Rhonda Walker.
Trying to lure Cara Lynn
back into the family,
manipulating her affections.
I will do anything
to protect my daughter.
And if it was Sarah, I would
do it in a heartbeat.
You know I would.
Well, I'm not saying
I will or I won't.
I'm just saying we need
to explore our options.
Which bill has done, and
we'll see what he decides.
What does that mean?
It means fine.
It means maybe.
It means maybe
there's a different way.
Bill is our Shepherd,
unless you're saying
he's a bad Shepherd.
No, of course not.
But maybe I can make
a decision.
Maybe you can.
Did you ever think of that?
What on earth
are you trying to say?
I'm saying there are other ways of
thinking, other ways of believing.
Do you want me to spell it out?
Maybe I have the priesthood.
Maybe you do too.
You think you hold
the priesthood?
Yes, as a matter of fact,
that's exactly what I believe.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Keep your voice down.
- What is happening to you?
- This is not something that I have come to lightly.
No, you listen to me.
You want to be a modern
or a libber,
sipping wine,
going to dance halls?
Well, this isn't that.
This is something else
And when exactly do you
plan on telling Bill?
I don't know.
A lot's happening.
Though soon.
No. Now.
No. Nicki...
you have to. He has to know.
And he's gonna flip out.
- Don't say that.
- He will.
I am waiting
for the right time.
There is never gonna be
a right time for this,
believe me.
What are you doing?
You're gonna tell him
right now, this second.
This is a cancer
at the heart of this family.
- He is gonna flip out.
- All right, no, Nicki.
You have to.
Mr. president, the
rules committee recommends
the assignment of the following
bills to stand in committee:
To the business
and labor committees...
senate bill 173;
Government operations and political
subdivisions committee...
senate bill 180,
senate bill 212
and senate bill 232;
Workforce services
and community
and economic development...
senate bill 147
and house
concurrent resolution 1;
Natural resources,
agriculture and environment...
senate bill 164
and house bill 278;
Housing and
urban development...
bill 210
and housing
resolution 27.
Is it possible this is related
to Sarah and Teenie leaving?
Maybe you're seeking
my role because you feel
yours as child-rearer is going
away... it's compensation.
Bill, it has nothing
to do with that.
Please don't take this
I'm not taking it personally.
It's doctrine.
There's a way a family
works that's God-given.
It's in our scripture.
It's in our D.N.A.
Does this have anything to do
with me asking for a divorce?
Are you trying to be petty?
I'm trying find out
why my wife is suddenly
questioning the prophets.
I have a calling
from the still, small voice.
The priesthood is calling me.
But it's passed down, conferred
by the laying of hands.
Where did you get it?
You can't just say it and poof.
What you're suggesting
goes to the very core
of what we believe...
Joseph Smith
and the restoration of the
priesthood after 2,000 years.
It goes to the core
of what I believe.
If I ignore it, I am denying
my essential truth.
What are you saying?
Do you want me to give you permission?
Do you want me to grant it?
Or do you already possess it?
Or you just want the
family to recognize it?
I think so.
Don't do this to us.
I don't get to meet as many of my
new associates as I'd like to.
- Thanks for coming in. - Are you kidding?
I'm thrilled to be here.
I just got back from Ethiopia.
I'm a little bit jet-lagged.
I was watching your monthly
sales message online last night
and saw that goji's building
schools and bridges in Guatemala.
I am in awe of this
company you've built.
Well, thank you.
You're no slouch yourself.
You've been building your down
line extraordinarily fast.
Oh, I love sales.
And it's not hard when you
have a product you believe in.
My diligent assistant has
flagged some new refs of yours...
home addresses
at Juniper Creek.
I have to admit I had no idea who
you were when we met at V.S.N.
You're a polygamist.
You're one of the infamous
wives of Bill Henrickson.
You seem like
such a smart woman.
I am a smart woman.
Maybe it's not like you think.
Maybe it's not.
And how about
your husband Bill, huh?
Must be quite a change
for you all...
him working
up on the hill 24/7.
Mm, it's an adjustment.
Is this the part
where you tell me
that because of my family
and our beliefs
I can't be a part of goji?
This is where I point out
that we are a predominantly
l.D.S. Organization,
especially here in Utah,
and it's complicated.
Well, you're doing great here.
You could really
go far with us.
We'll just have to
hope for the best.
2005 is correct.
Team one is still in the lead.
Question three:
Our basketball stadium is
called the Hunstman Center,
but what was its original name?
- Marriot Center.
- Special Events Center.
Sorry, it was
the Special Events Center.
For a fish out of water,
you sure know a lot
about the "you".
I went here
100 years ago.
His name was added
to the stadium
following its
massive renovation
that added thousands
of new seats.
And nobody thought
you'd actually come tonight
since the general consensus is
that it was pretty crappy
of you to fire me.
Crappy of me?
I asked you a question.
You refused to give me the respect
of looking me in the eye.
A man in the room doesn't
turn me into furniture.
And you... you're allowed to
not like what I'm saying,
you are allowed to not like
me, but you are not allowed
to treat me like
a second-class citizen.
The university was
established in 1850
under what name?
- University of Deseret.
- University of Deseret.
That's right.
So be it.
Defend yourself, boy.
Goliath the
giant rushed forward.
I come against you
in the name
of the Lord of hosts,
the guard of the armies
of Israel,
whom you have defied.
Hey, mom, you got home
pretty late last night.
Were you working?
Oh, no.
Sorry if I woke you.
I was at an intern mixer.
Wouldn't be a bad idea
for you attend.
They always invite
the senators,
but they never bother to come.
Interns work hard.
They should be appreciated.
Come on, boys.
Margene's driving you
this morning.
Your mother's been going
through a bit of a rough time.
She told me about the divorce.
I want you to know
it won't change anything.
We'll still be sealed,
still be a family forever.
As priesthood holders,
we have the responsibility to do
what's best for our families always.
But right now
I'm having a hard time
reconciling my beliefs
with my feelings.
So am I.
Mom, what are you
doing in here?
I have solved the problem
of my not living alone.
I'm moving in with your father.
He'll be here in a few
minutes to pick me up.
Mom, you can't live with dad
for 1,000 reasons.
He's irresponsible.
He's abusive.
He has his faults.
That's true.
But I'll manage.
Better the devil you know.
You told him
about your condition?
I did not.
That's my business.
You can't do that.
You can't keep it hidden.
I can do as I choose.
No one has to
tell Frank a thing,
you hear me?
He's not to know
my private particulars.
He can't take care of you.
Nobody tells anyone
about anything!
No one speaks of this
What do you think you're doing?
Where's Lois?
Mom's not going with you.
Why do you always have to
complicate everything?
I'm not making this trip twice.
This is not a taxi.
Listen to me.
You and mom are over.
Your abuse of her is over.
Abuse? She called me
on the telephone
and asked me
to come pick her up.
So here I am, showing up
with a smile on my face.
Now go in the house,
get her, put her in the car,
so I can get home before
the entire day is wasted.
She needs care.
Lois needs care?
Lois is the last person
on the planet needs care.
The woman could survive
a nuclear explosion...
just Lois and the cockroaches.
- Damn you.
- Damn me what?
Mom's ill.
What do you mean, she's ill?
What's the matter with her?
She doesn't want you to know.
She has dementia...
vascular dementia.
She can't take care
of herself any longer.
Lois is crackers?
She can't remember things.
She gets confused a lot.
She needs supervision.
She's a danger to herself and others.
Do you get it?
Well, what is it?
How did she get it?
They don't know.
Now come inside
and make up some excuse
why you can't take her
with you.
Tell her your place is infested
with bedbugs... anything.
Hopefully with a little time
she'll get used to living with
us and this'll all blow over.
You told.
Only the dementia.
I'm sorry.
I thought he needed to know
what was happening to you.
You thought.
You thought.
I don't care what you thought.
I said...
I said not to tell.
I said...
I know I did.
Mom, calm down.
I have only a bit left...
a tiny bit...
and you've taken it.
Grandma, it'll be okay.
What in damnation do you know?
No one knows me here.
Don't you understand?
None of you know me.
Barb, don't let her do it.
Do what?
Benny just told me
what's going on.
She's trying to steal
bill for herself.
I am doing nothing of the sort.
All I want is a safe
home for my daughter.
Oh, look.
A big fat pig just flew
past the window.
Cara Lynn is just your excuse.
This is a power grab, pure and simple.
I mean, you all but said it.
You did say it...
"I don't want
to share bill."
Well, you can scarcely
blame us if we all suspect
that there might be some mixed
motives at play, Nicki.
And protect her from who?
From Gary?
And now from her cousin?
You are so controlling, you're alienating her.
I am controlling.
She grew up on a compound.
You don't know what that means.
Neither of you do.
She's confused and messed up.
I know.
Oh wait.
Did I mention
she just found out her
abusive father is dead?
She is so damaged
and twisted,
she still thinks
she loves him.
Well, of course
she's damaged, Nicki.
Who wouldn't be?
Oh, you have no idea.
I thought you were
getting more juice.
Barb's all out.
Let's go.
And it seems to me not long ago
you were running around crying
that a marriage decree
was only a piece of paper.
Or does that only apply
to hot Serbian men?
That's different.
I didn't lie in wait,
wahing and calculating,
ready to pick us off
one by one like a sniper.
I am deeply deeply insulted.
If that's all you think
this marriage means to me,
if that's what you think is the
depth of my commitment to us...
Nicki, sit down
and stop grandstanding.
You ask as if this is nothing.
There has never been
a divorce in my family,
ever, not even a paper one.
And I've lived through
my mom's divorces,
and no matter how hard
everyone tries, they are ugly
and they bring out the worst in people.
I don't want that for our kids.
If you want to know who is truly
threatening our happy home,
you need to look no further
than Barb and her wild ideas.
Do you mind if I'm
the one who tells her?
Oh no.
What now?
Barb wears the pants
in this family now.
- Leave it to you to reduce it to that.
- What are you talking about?
Barb has declared herself
our new priesthood holder.
- Like Bill and Ben?
- Exactly.
She gives blessings.
She preaches the gospel.
She makes all
the decisions for us.
But of course, you're the expert now on Mormonism.
I'm sure you know all that.
I believe women to be
co-equal with men
in our essential relationship
with heavenly father.
Wait, what's so wrong
with that?
Ugh, another perfect example
of why I do not want you
representing me in public.
You know, people think that I'm
the sunny face of polygamy.
I don't know why.
Maybe it's because I smile once in a while.
You can be so utterly rigid
and closed-minded.
No, this time
it is not about me.
It is not possible
to overstate this.
Bill is not gonna stand for it.
You don't give him
enough credit.
You know everything
he does is about faith...
faith first, then family.
What you are doing
could tear us all apart.
What did mom
pack us for lunch?
Tuna fish sandwiches and pie.
Step on it, Baker.
You're fishing the surface
and I'm going deep.
- Dad.
- Hmm?
I left my pliers in the truck.
I'll get 'em.
I'll go too.
Gotta take a leak.
Thanks, boys.
And bring
the deck of cards
- and more cds.
- Okay.
Wait here.
Dad. Dad.
Dad. Dad.
Joshua Sealman,
managing director,
- church public affairs department.
- How are you doing?
And Kim Majors, spokeswoman
for the department.
- Nice to meet you all.
- Nice to meet you.
- Danish?
- Thank you, no.
I have to be honest with you...
well, I never imagined I'd be
invited inside these walls.
New days for all of us.
We'll get to the point,
if you don't mind.
Please do.
There's an intense nationwide
discussion underway about us.
We want to make sure
that it is accurate
on how we are depicted.
Thus our request
that you make
no more associations
between you, your movement
and the church.
This isn't a great start.
You lost me.
Of course my church has no
association with the l.D.S.
I'm referring to your misuse
of the word "mormon,"
calling yourself
a mormon polygamist
on the floor of the senate,
in interviews.
That has to stop.
We cannot be associated
or confused with polygamy.
Mormon is at the
foundation of our beliefs.
It is my right and the right of
all practicing the principle
to call ourselves mormon.
The problem is your
words are being used
by those who want to
smear the mormon faith.
It just fuels the
let's-attack-the-mormons crowd.
It is my birthright, my legacy.
It's the cause
that I'm fighting for.
Let's be candid
about your cause.
The bulk of your movement
are nothing more than
religious tumbleweeds,
fanatics who would be out
blowing up abortion clinics
if they hadn't become
and women who can't
get a man any other way.
You are deeply insulting
and profoundly ignorant
of who we are.
A few shared traits
is hardly enough
to make you a mormon.
Roman grant was not a mormon.
Albert Grant is not a mormon.
You are not a mormon.
Don't compare me
to those criminals.
I am trying to heal
the breaches between us.
There's no reason
we can't coexist.
You're a forward thinker,
a man with a plan.
Things are going well
for you right now.
The bill recriminalizing
polygamy has been shelved.
There are things
you want to accomplish
in the senate...
important things.
Your recent agreement
makes many things possible.
What are you saying?
What exactly is your involvement
in my agreement with senator barn?
As Shepherds to
millions of voting mormons,
we pay close attention to
what happens in the state house.
I see.
Pray on it.
So you're telling me you've had
no contact with the church?
None at all.
They invite
all the Republicans,
then the democrats in to lunch
at the start of every session.
They wish us well;
We eat; we leave.
They express their wishes
and you hop to it.
Thateeting in your office
was all a set-up
to sucker me into a deal.
Which you would be
smart to take.
If you don't,
your safety net legislation
will fall off the fast track
into the bottomless
abyss of committee.
You would render a group of
women and children homeless?
We've spent 100 years
separating our brand
from you polygamists.
Do you really think you can
come along and change things?
You bet I do.
Did you do it?
I did it.
What's the matter?
Look, I said I did it.
And you're sure he's dead?
Why that guy anyway, huh?
He's Bill's best friend.
Bill Henrickson
stole my wife Lura.
He's destroying the principle.
Get rid of Bill then.
Before I enjoy his downfall?
Can I have my money?
- Okay, see ya.
- No.
Heavenly Father has great
rewards in store for you...
the sweetest wives
you can imagine,
first dibs for serving
his prophet.
You are now an Alby-ite.
I've had your things
moved into the house.
If we don't take the deal, it means
we lose the funding for safety net,
means it's still open
season on polygamy,
means we go right back
into the frying pan.
- What a bunch of baloney.- So why are they
so sensitive about us being mormon too?
Because we have more claim on our
shared history than they do.
They buckled to pressure and surrendered
the blessing of plural marriage.
Now they say mormon belongs
exclusively to them.
It's not their call.
Well, they've taken out dozens
of trademarks on the word.
They can punish anyone who
uses it in a way they dislike.
So you're saying they'd sue us?
Does anyone ever wish
we just lived in Houston?
Look, my father was a false prophet,
but he was right about some things.
The catholics are satanic and the church
downtown is the whore of Babylon.
So if this deal keeps Bill
in the legislature,
then tell them
what they want to hear.
- Yeah, it's just a word.
- It's not just a word.
They excommunicated me, but they
do not dictate my identity.
I adhere to the teachings
of Mormonism.
I have been a mormon
my entire life.
Some things mean
too much to yield.
I'm aware of that. However, the welfare
of this family is to be considered.
There's the whole ability to get
funding for programs that need it.
So you're saying the principle
bows to expediency?
Don't put words in my mouth.
What I'm saying is
any decision needs to be put through
the lens of the greater good.
You guys are fighting about the priesthood.
Bill, just let her have it.
If Barb had been
our priesthood holder,
you wouldn't even be
in the family.
Nicki wouldn't
be in the family.
The six beautiful souls you've both
given this family wouldn't exist.
As long as we're putting all
of our cards on the table...
whether Barb has the priesthood,
whether we're mormon...
I'd like my part
added to the mix too.
I want us to do good things.
I need our faith
to be in action.
I really do.
I'd like to say something.
I've been on a long journey
full of terrible hardships.
Oh, brother.
But I'm not complaining,
because I found Jesus Christ
and my own Verlan,
who sends his regards.
And soon Verlan
will have $50,000
and we'll return to Nevada
and we'll buy our dream
house in Henderson.
Thank you.
Grandma didn't eat.
She won't come out of her room.
She cussed me out when I
tried to open the door.
Finish your dinner.
That's breakfast and lunch.
I brought them up myself.
She must have hidden them
in her room.
Mom, open up.
Open the door.
You don't really think
that she'd hurt herself?
I am not going to eat a morsel
until you promise
I can go home.
Because I am going to go home
one way or the other.
We're gonna have to
watch her around the clock.
Excuse me, can you tell me
where I might find
a patient named Don Embry?
Thank you.
I can't tell you how sorry
I am this happened.
I wasn't in the water that long,
or else I would have died, Bill.
The doctors think he can
probably go home tomorrow.
Tell me again
exactly what happened.
I was too far away to get
a good look at the guy.
Besides, he wore a ski mask.
He didn't seem familiar
at all to you... anything?
It happened so fast.
Could you recognize his voice?
He never said a word.
It was creepy.
The police think it was probably one
of the recluses who live in the woods.
But to charge out onto
the middle of a frozen lake
to attack a stranger?
That's pretty bizarre.
My boy saved me.
Heavenly father
wasn't done with you yet.
The first number's my cell.
The second is my home.
You call Bill or me,
day or night.
And, Leona, living the principle
does not have to be abusive.
There's housing,
financial assistance.
You'll be safe at the shelter.
Making the decision
is the hardest part,
but you can do it.
- We'll speak later. Bye.
- Why are you doing this?
I've become an important part of
a secret underground railroad,
helping people
trapped on the compound.
I think it's my life's mission.
No. My adoption.
Well, honey, so you'll be a safe
and secure member of the family.
You're sure it's not
for you to marry Bill?
Cara Lynn, honey, no.
That's the furthest thing from my mind.
How could you think that?
If it really is for me, then I
don't think that I want it.
Now wait a minute.
What is this nonsense?
It's causing too many problems.
There are too many
hurt feelings.
I don't know who told you
what, but it's a lie.
A little dust-up
doesn't mean a thing.
It's part of being married.
Sometimes you have to throw an elbow
to get your rightful needs met.
You remember that.
And I am a very good judge
of what your needs are.
So you listen to me...
I want this for you.
May I ask where we stand
on Cara Lynn's adoption?
No change.
It'll work out.
Well, I hope so. You have no idea
how torn up Bill is over this.
Well, don't plan your
wedding just yet, Nicki.
That's not fair.
This is about Cara Lynn,
and you and your special
relationship with Bill,
your mutually agreed-upon
understanding of exclusivity,
holding claim to
just a bit bigger piece
of his heart and soul
and affections
than we get,
that you guard jealously.
I've just never been as
threatened by it as Nicki has.
Yes, all right.
I do.
I have a special
relationship with Bill,
one that comes from being
married for over 20 years,
from being a part of a couple
for over half my marriage,
from stretching
and accommodating
in ways I never imagined.
You bet I have
a special relationship.
I earned it.
And now you want
the priesthood too.
Well, you can't have
everything, Barb.
You can't have it both ways.
I believe I have a connection with
heavenly father and this family.
Then act like it.
Cara Lynn needs the care and
protection of this family.
It's a problem that
needs a solution.
So what are you gonna do about it, Mrs.
What are you doing here?
How did you get here?
- And how did find out where I live?
- Google.
Cara Lynn, this is very...
this is inappropriate.
I need to talk to you.
I just...
I want to fly away,
I don't care.
That private school
you talked about.
Everyone here is a liar.
I can't trust anyone.
Come in.
Mom, I'll get you home.
I don't know how, but I will.
I promise.
This might prove to be
a big mistake.
No, you listen to me.
The church has
members of congress,
in business, in the media,
50,000 missionaries fanned
out around the world.
Your voice is very well heard.
Ours isn't.
I'm the only voice
we've got. No deal.
Think of your family.
I am.
I always do.
My family came west
to protect the principle.
Then my family, my grandfather,
carried the principle
into the wilderness,
struggling to sustain it
while yours cut their sails
to curry favor and attention.
I am the mormon church.
You're poking
at a sleeping giant.
Don't push me.
Someone might reveal
the extent of the church's
influence in the state house.
There are still people
in this state
who might find that offensive.
So you lived in bailiff hall?
Yeah, all four years.
And Bill shared a place
with five other guys
off campus.
- Thank you for the pizzas.
- Oh, our pleasure.
Have you been reassigned yet?
Not yet.
They've been using me as a runner,
getting lunches, messenger boy,
that kind of thing.
Consider yourself assigned.
No. Work hard
for my husband.
- Ready to go?
- Yeah.
We may have to tighten our
belt a little while longer.
I'm using
the home plus dividends
to fund the shelters.
I said no to the deal.
Oh my.
It's been a long time.
More than 20 years.
I was so nervous.
I had $4 in my wallet
and I started panicking...
why would beautiful
Barbara Dutton
want to marry a guy
with $4 in his wallet?
I knew all day
you were gonna ask me.
After dinner,
we sat here and...
You finally did.
When you said yes,
it was the first
true moment of joy in my life.
I've been blessed
with many since,
but I can trace them all
back to that first one.
I'll find another way
with Cara Lynn.
I was wrong to ever
consider divorce.
There's something
very special between us
that I will always cherish.
I want to accommodate
your feelings.
I want you to feel that you
have a voice in our family,
but, Barb,
you have to respect
the subtle ingredients
that have given us
our rich blessings.
Our relationship is special.
It has always been.
When it was just the two
of us here on this campus,
to our life now
surrounded by children
and sisterwives.
But I'm starting to understand
a greater responsibility
to do what is right
for our family.
I can't give you
what you're asking for.
We need to get divorced.
It's my great pleasure to introduce
this year's interns.
Probably in about 10 years
a few of them will be
here as senators
and you'll need their vote.
So you'd better be
extra nice to them.
Let's go to work.
Do you know what the press
is calling us?
"The fools on the hill,"
"the follies Henrickson."
We have a legislative
session ahead of us
that I'm in charge
of making productive.
I've got to move on
from the polygamy sideshow.
Every morning I wake up
with the threat of
impeachment hanging over me.
I don't care anymore.
It's got to end.
I've got a proposal...
a moratorium of sorts.
You back down.
We back down.
Everything gets frozen...
status quo.
We all take a breather
and sort out our issues
at a later date.
I'm in?
You stop the inflammatory speeches.
You stop the
provocative interviews.
You stop inciting protests.
You become a normal,
quiet freshman senator.
What about my impeachment?
Gets taken care of.
Unless you've got
some new colossal
blunder up your sleeve,
you'll serve out the session.
I want my bill
institutionalizing safety net.
We're operating under
temporary funding.
- Fine.
- I want it fast-tracked.
Without emergency funding,
there's three shelters
that will be forced to turn
away women and children.
It also funds counseling
and healthcare.
Stop. Enough.
I heard you.
Accept the offer
that's on the table,
How do I know you'll honor
your side of the agreement?
I take leave to open
a file for a bill
authorizing permanent funding for
the program known as safety net.
In favor? Opposed?
Motion carries.
Said bill is sent to the rules
committee for further consideration.
I take leave to table
joint house-senate bill 114,
of polygamy and bigamy.
In favor? Opposed?
Motion carries.
What's happening?
What's going on?
We've got a deal.
It's over. We're in.
To toss the first ball
for the day,
we have Heisman finalist
Kerry Lightcap.
Your soul is becoming
clearer to me
via tidbits.
I'm not sure I know
what you mean.
You arrived on my doorstep
asking for money.
Then I hear a tidbit
about monies owed
to Vegas gambling dens
and an appetite for risk.
interesting tidbits.
They were cheats.
A bar fight,
a manslaughter charge.
Help me out...
I know manslaughter
involves death.
I don't think it's
actually premeditated,
but it is intentionally inflicted,
is it not?
What do you want?
You need money
and I have projects
that need tending,
projects that require someone
with your particular resume.
I just wonder if you're
really the right guy.
Guess we won't know
till you ask me.
The bill targeting me...
I'm welcomed into the caucus.
People actually talk to me
in committee.
You're the monkey the boa
constrictor couldn't swallow.
They had to spit you out.
They're used to
backroom dealings.
They couldn't withstand
the sunlight I brought.
You know, I'm starting to
believe the day when anyone
who practices plural marriage can
live in the open is within sight.
The reason I wanted
to talk, Don...
I want to finally make
a distribution.
I want to pay a dividend on
the home plus class a stock.
I think this deal means the
worst is finally behind us.
Well, if it means
the protests at the store
cool off, all the better.
There were two arrests
at that skirmish
in the parking lot yesterday.
Anyway, I'll get with the
accountants Monday about the stock.
I'm gonna knock off
early tomorrow.
Taking Gary and Baker
ice fishing
for a couple days
out past flaming gorge.
Hey, try and stop
at dinosaur monument.
They got this great
new visitors' center.
My boys loved it.
Good news.
It has taken me
most of the morning,
but I have finally
squared your calendar away.
That's great, honey.
Right now I need you full ahead
on the safety net legislation.
Barn reported to committee.
It's being fast-tracked.
Here's the draft of the bill.
Make copies for
everyone in the house.
Well, bill, just send the computer
file to the House Secretary.
I want a personal
touch too.
I'll have the cover letter
finished by the time you're done.
Just get me a replacement
as soon as possible,
because I am over
being an intern.
- Everyone hates me.
- That's not true.
No one will give me
the code for the copier.
I've been sneaking over
to Kinko's.
Barb, sit for a minute?
I spoke to Lee a couple days
ago on adopting Cara Lynn.
I'm just getting a sense of
the process and the timeline.
Oh good.
I'm glad.
I think maybe
now that we're
on solid footing at last,
we can really discuss this.
In what sense?
Does he anticipate any problem?
I don't know if this is a
big deal or a small deal.
- I hope it's a small deal.
- What, bill?
Utah doesn't allow
unmarried couples to adopt.
Well, that doesn't apply here.
Nicki doesn't have to adopt.
She's the biological mother.
No, for me to adopt Cara Lynn,
I need to be married
to Nicki legally.
I asked Lee to check
other states,
but then we'd run into
big residency issues.
I see.
We'd still be
spiritually married.
If you really think about it,
it really changes nothing.
You're saying you and I
would be getting a...
it's a legal maneuver,
nothing more.
Look, I know how much
this is to process.
I was as surprised as you
when Lee told me.
Who have you
discussed this with?
Only Lee. Of course
I came to you first.
We'd still love each other.
It's only a word.
Oh no.
It feels so much more
than that.
This one...
I don't know.
I've got to think
this one through.
How did it go?
Cara Lynn's in the kitchen.
He wants me to do
something really bad.
- Like what?
- I don't want to tell you.
- Well, will he give you money for it?
- Yeah.
Then I think you should do it.
And I think you think so too.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think maybe
we should just leave.
If we leave without that money,
we'll lose that house.
You've got to do it, Verlan.
I told you, I'll be fined here.
Verlan, hi.
I didn't know you were
back from the compound.
I'll get you a hot chocolate.
Thanks for looking out for Rhonda
while I've been busy.
Feels great knowing
someone's watching my back.
Here, will you take her into
the other room and change her?
He's so good
with the baby.
Well, I am too.
Dear lord.
Hello, Nicki.
What is she doing here?
I'm visiting.
I've changed a lot.
What is she doing here?
And how did she get in?
Mom, Rhonda's married
to my cousin Verlan.
I've been hanging out with her
while he's been working
at juniper creek.
Verlan saved me.
Why? Look, she is nothing but trouble.
You don't know her.
Now wait a minute.
I said I've changed.
And I hear you have too,
trying to save
girls like me this time.
Now you listen.
I never had anything but your
best interests at heart.
- And those were complicated times.
- I've healed.
And that enables me to forgive
your father for trying to rape me.
And you, for pushing me
into marrying him.
Mom, this is Verlan
and their baby Jessica.
It's okay.
So we feel like this is
such a wonderful time really.
In the senate, my husband
Bill is working hard
to build bridges
to his l.D.S. Colleagues
so they can work shoulder to
shoulder on important legislation.
But you've had problems.
It was a little bumpy at first,
but by now everyone's had a
chance to get used to us a bit.
When I'm out running errands,
people are starting to approach
and ask sincere questions
about our faith, about how
I came to join the family.
I think that's a positive sign.
And you didn't have
any prejudices
against polygamy...
oh, we prefer
"plural marriage."
Prejudices against
plural marriage
when you met the Henricksons?
I've always thought that being
open is the only way to be.
I've found that people who
judge before they know
are usually pretty
frightened inside,
and I refuse to live
that kind of a small life.
You're a reporter.
You investigate how
all sorts of people live,
so you know what I mean.
I was once married
to Barbara Stanwyck.
I... I don't know
who that is either.
This game is a waste of time.
Hi. The kids and Lois
already ate,
but we waited so we could celebrate
the moratorium together.
Oh, thank you.
What a long day.
We didn't know how long,
so I made stew.
The mismatched candles
are Margie's contribution.
I was busy this afternoon.
I gave an interview.
- Mm-hmm, for "the tribune."
- About what?
About how we're just like everyone else,
even though we're in a plural marriage,
about how our faith
sustains us.
Our faith? Margene,
you cannot be serious.
What do you know about faith, or
plural marriage, for that matter?
Enough to be
interviewed about it.
I have a radio interview
You're letting Margie give
interviews about our marriage?
Well, with the deal
I made with barn,
- it's best I don't do any
more interviews. - Hi.
And Marge is the best ambassador
plural marriage has right now.
She has a natural ability to connect
with people without being provocative.
The reporter heard me
speaking at the swearing in.
He was curious about my take
on being a plural wife.
Well, I...
I spoke then too.
I know.
Isn't that funny?
I can't believe
what I'm hearing.
We'd better hope he didn't ask any
real questions about the principle.
As it so happens I'm discovering
my faith... a true faith.
And I want you to respect that.
Well, that's wonderful,
but it would behoove us
to remember
that you have a certain
achilles' heel,
- if you all know what I mean.
- Granted.
We'd raise more suspicion if we
tried to hide her at this point.
She was on that shopping
channel, for Pete's sakes.
Marge can handle it.
- This is just a big joke, right?
- Okay, cool it.
Tonight we put aside
the sniping and celebrate.
We've been through a lot.
We also have a lot
to be thankful for.
This deal may
help encourage others
to join us in the open.
The unrelenting pressure
this family's been under
is finally easing.
We deserve this victory.
I just wanted
to say good night.
I don't like it here.
I know starting new is hard,
but you used to
say it yourself...
you could stand on your head and spit
wooden nickels. You can do this.
This will never be my home.
It can be if you'll let it.
No, it can't.
The things you talk about
don't interest me.
The things you laugh at
I don't find funny.
Your houses are pretty,
but mean nothing to me.
I... I just don't want
to be here.
I want to go home.
Darn it, mother.
You need to make an effort
and I mean it.
There's no discussion.
After the fire in the cabin
and getting lost with the kids,
you cannot live alone anymore.
And I know you know that.
Good night.
I was wondering
what's going on with
Cara Lynn's adoption.
You know, I told her
things were moving along.
Nicki, I'm dog-tired.
Can we talk about this later?
Well, it's just Cara Lynn's
been asking a lot of questions.
She's worried.
I can tell.
And I know how busy you are.
I could call Lee Hatcher in the
morning, get him working on it.
No, don't do that.
I've already spoken to Lee.
I knew you probably had.
So what happens next?
It's not that simple.
There's a catch.
A catch?
Well, what kind of catch?
Is it because I left her?
Do they think I'm an unfit mother?
It's nothing like that.
In Utah unmarried couples
can't adopt a child.
That's ridiculous.
They have no right to dictate
something like that,
none whatsoever.
I'm the one who says who
gets to adopt my daughter.
It's the law.
Lee said there's
no way around it.
For us to adopt,
we have to legally marry.
Well, what... what do we
think about that?
We have to think it through.
- And Barb?
- We talked about it.
It obviously affects
her as well.
What did she say?
She's having trouble.
It's a lot to ask.
Of course it is.
It's unfair...
a shock.
Stay out of it, Nicki.
Daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing, daily briefing,
daily briefing.
- Barb? - Good morning.
I've been here since 5:00,
and I've distributed background
information on the shelter.
And I'm about to start calling
each senator directly to
try to get you face time.
Work on Welch and Evans first.
They've both done a lot
of work with runaways.
They might be my way in.
Anything else?
There was a weird message on the
office voicemail this morning.
- What, another threat?
- No, from the church.
The head of public information
wants to see you.
- The church?
- No.
It has to be
some kind of crank.
Try to find out what's going on.
I'll be in shortly.
And, Barb,
have you thought any more
about the adoption?
Well, what's the rush, Bill?
Well, we're a family
and we have someone
who's unprotected.
Nicki could give up
her parental rights,
so you and I could
adopt Cara Lynn.
I can't ask that.
Nicki just became her mother.
Well, I need more time.
Your parents seemed nice.
Yeah, they are.
We're very close.
Do you live with them?
No, Cara Lynn.
I'm 37.
I haven't lived with them
for a while.
You finished?
Do you live
with your girlfriend?
No, I don't have a girlfriend.
And even if I did, I wouldn't
move in with her before marriage.
Some things should wait.
We are here for you
to learn about calculus,
not question me
about my personal life.
It's made from
the papaya stone,
which is packed with xanthones.
It maintains intestinal health,
supports the immune system,
neutralizes free radicals.
And goji is a socially
conscious company
built on the same
principles as our faith.
It is our faith in action.
How do we get our husbands
to let us use
family money to start?
That is a great question.
And I'm not saying that it will
be easy, but it can be done.
Bill, once he understood,
encouraged me.
And you can work on teams
with your sisterwives.
I sold best chef a few
years back and lost money.
I remember them.
Etty shoddy product.
At this point,
I'm actually adding
to the family pot each week.
Yeah, it's really
a simple business model:
I recruit you to sell;
You recruit others.
We all help each other
to become entrepreneurs.
And I've found goji promotes
lustrous, more manageable hair.
Bill told me about
the adoption requirements.
He told you?
It's a real pickle.
Yes, it is.
And Bill's not sure how
he's gonna handle it yet.
No, he's not sure.
Cara Lynn needs to be
in our family.
She was almost married
at my mother's sealing.
And when I think about
what J.J. did...
no, I understand.
I want her protected too, but...
but what, Barb?
Her cousin is here with Rhonda.
- Rhonda Volmer?
- Rhonda Walker.
Trying to lure Cara Lynn
back into the family,
manipulating her affections.
I will do anything
to protect my daughter.
And if it was Sarah, I would
do it in a heartbeat.
You know I would.
Well, I'm not saying
I will or I won't.
I'm just saying we need
to explore our options.
Which bill has done, and
we'll see what he decides.
What does that mean?
It means fine.
It means maybe.
It means maybe
there's a different way.
Bill is our Shepherd,
unless you're saying
he's a bad Shepherd.
No, of course not.
But maybe I can make
a decision.
Maybe you can.
Did you ever think of that?
What on earth
are you trying to say?
I'm saying there are other ways of
thinking, other ways of believing.
Do you want me to spell it out?
Maybe I have the priesthood.
Maybe you do too.
You think you hold
the priesthood?
Yes, as a matter of fact,
that's exactly what I believe.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Keep your voice down.
- What is happening to you?
- This is not something that I have come to lightly.
No, you listen to me.
You want to be a modern
or a libber,
sipping wine,
going to dance halls?
Well, this isn't that.
This is something else
And when exactly do you
plan on telling Bill?
I don't know.
A lot's happening.
Though soon.
No. Now.
No. Nicki...
you have to. He has to know.
And he's gonna flip out.
- Don't say that.
- He will.
I am waiting
for the right time.
There is never gonna be
a right time for this,
believe me.
What are you doing?
You're gonna tell him
right now, this second.
This is a cancer
at the heart of this family.
- He is gonna flip out.
- All right, no, Nicki.
You have to.
Mr. president, the
rules committee recommends
the assignment of the following
bills to stand in committee:
To the business
and labor committees...
senate bill 173;
Government operations and political
subdivisions committee...
senate bill 180,
senate bill 212
and senate bill 232;
Workforce services
and community
and economic development...
senate bill 147
and house
concurrent resolution 1;
Natural resources,
agriculture and environment...
senate bill 164
and house bill 278;
Housing and
urban development...
bill 210
and housing
resolution 27.
Is it possible this is related
to Sarah and Teenie leaving?
Maybe you're seeking
my role because you feel
yours as child-rearer is going
away... it's compensation.
Bill, it has nothing
to do with that.
Please don't take this
I'm not taking it personally.
It's doctrine.
There's a way a family
works that's God-given.
It's in our scripture.
It's in our D.N.A.
Does this have anything to do
with me asking for a divorce?
Are you trying to be petty?
I'm trying find out
why my wife is suddenly
questioning the prophets.
I have a calling
from the still, small voice.
The priesthood is calling me.
But it's passed down, conferred
by the laying of hands.
Where did you get it?
You can't just say it and poof.
What you're suggesting
goes to the very core
of what we believe...
Joseph Smith
and the restoration of the
priesthood after 2,000 years.
It goes to the core
of what I believe.
If I ignore it, I am denying
my essential truth.
What are you saying?
Do you want me to give you permission?
Do you want me to grant it?
Or do you already possess it?
Or you just want the
family to recognize it?
I think so.
Don't do this to us.
I don't get to meet as many of my
new associates as I'd like to.
- Thanks for coming in. - Are you kidding?
I'm thrilled to be here.
I just got back from Ethiopia.
I'm a little bit jet-lagged.
I was watching your monthly
sales message online last night
and saw that goji's building
schools and bridges in Guatemala.
I am in awe of this
company you've built.
Well, thank you.
You're no slouch yourself.
You've been building your down
line extraordinarily fast.
Oh, I love sales.
And it's not hard when you
have a product you believe in.
My diligent assistant has
flagged some new refs of yours...
home addresses
at Juniper Creek.
I have to admit I had no idea who
you were when we met at V.S.N.
You're a polygamist.
You're one of the infamous
wives of Bill Henrickson.
You seem like
such a smart woman.
I am a smart woman.
Maybe it's not like you think.
Maybe it's not.
And how about
your husband Bill, huh?
Must be quite a change
for you all...
him working
up on the hill 24/7.
Mm, it's an adjustment.
Is this the part
where you tell me
that because of my family
and our beliefs
I can't be a part of goji?
This is where I point out
that we are a predominantly
l.D.S. Organization,
especially here in Utah,
and it's complicated.
Well, you're doing great here.
You could really
go far with us.
We'll just have to
hope for the best.
2005 is correct.
Team one is still in the lead.
Question three:
Our basketball stadium is
called the Hunstman Center,
but what was its original name?
- Marriot Center.
- Special Events Center.
Sorry, it was
the Special Events Center.
For a fish out of water,
you sure know a lot
about the "you".
I went here
100 years ago.
His name was added
to the stadium
following its
massive renovation
that added thousands
of new seats.
And nobody thought
you'd actually come tonight
since the general consensus is
that it was pretty crappy
of you to fire me.
Crappy of me?
I asked you a question.
You refused to give me the respect
of looking me in the eye.
A man in the room doesn't
turn me into furniture.
And you... you're allowed to
not like what I'm saying,
you are allowed to not like
me, but you are not allowed
to treat me like
a second-class citizen.
The university was
established in 1850
under what name?
- University of Deseret.
- University of Deseret.
That's right.
So be it.
Defend yourself, boy.
Goliath the
giant rushed forward.
I come against you
in the name
of the Lord of hosts,
the guard of the armies
of Israel,
whom you have defied.
Hey, mom, you got home
pretty late last night.
Were you working?
Oh, no.
Sorry if I woke you.
I was at an intern mixer.
Wouldn't be a bad idea
for you attend.
They always invite
the senators,
but they never bother to come.
Interns work hard.
They should be appreciated.
Come on, boys.
Margene's driving you
this morning.
Your mother's been going
through a bit of a rough time.
She told me about the divorce.
I want you to know
it won't change anything.
We'll still be sealed,
still be a family forever.
As priesthood holders,
we have the responsibility to do
what's best for our families always.
But right now
I'm having a hard time
reconciling my beliefs
with my feelings.
So am I.
Mom, what are you
doing in here?
I have solved the problem
of my not living alone.
I'm moving in with your father.
He'll be here in a few
minutes to pick me up.
Mom, you can't live with dad
for 1,000 reasons.
He's irresponsible.
He's abusive.
He has his faults.
That's true.
But I'll manage.
Better the devil you know.
You told him
about your condition?
I did not.
That's my business.
You can't do that.
You can't keep it hidden.
I can do as I choose.
No one has to
tell Frank a thing,
you hear me?
He's not to know
my private particulars.
He can't take care of you.
Nobody tells anyone
about anything!
No one speaks of this
What do you think you're doing?
Where's Lois?
Mom's not going with you.
Why do you always have to
complicate everything?
I'm not making this trip twice.
This is not a taxi.
Listen to me.
You and mom are over.
Your abuse of her is over.
Abuse? She called me
on the telephone
and asked me
to come pick her up.
So here I am, showing up
with a smile on my face.
Now go in the house,
get her, put her in the car,
so I can get home before
the entire day is wasted.
She needs care.
Lois needs care?
Lois is the last person
on the planet needs care.
The woman could survive
a nuclear explosion...
just Lois and the cockroaches.
- Damn you.
- Damn me what?
Mom's ill.
What do you mean, she's ill?
What's the matter with her?
She doesn't want you to know.
She has dementia...
vascular dementia.
She can't take care
of herself any longer.
Lois is crackers?
She can't remember things.
She gets confused a lot.
She needs supervision.
She's a danger to herself and others.
Do you get it?
Well, what is it?
How did she get it?
They don't know.
Now come inside
and make up some excuse
why you can't take her
with you.
Tell her your place is infested
with bedbugs... anything.
Hopefully with a little time
she'll get used to living with
us and this'll all blow over.
You told.
Only the dementia.
I'm sorry.
I thought he needed to know
what was happening to you.
You thought.
You thought.
I don't care what you thought.
I said...
I said not to tell.
I said...
I know I did.
Mom, calm down.
I have only a bit left...
a tiny bit...
and you've taken it.
Grandma, it'll be okay.
What in damnation do you know?
No one knows me here.
Don't you understand?
None of you know me.
Barb, don't let her do it.
Do what?
Benny just told me
what's going on.
She's trying to steal
bill for herself.
I am doing nothing of the sort.
All I want is a safe
home for my daughter.
Oh, look.
A big fat pig just flew
past the window.
Cara Lynn is just your excuse.
This is a power grab, pure and simple.
I mean, you all but said it.
You did say it...
"I don't want
to share bill."
Well, you can scarcely
blame us if we all suspect
that there might be some mixed
motives at play, Nicki.
And protect her from who?
From Gary?
And now from her cousin?
You are so controlling, you're alienating her.
I am controlling.
She grew up on a compound.
You don't know what that means.
Neither of you do.
She's confused and messed up.
I know.
Oh wait.
Did I mention
she just found out her
abusive father is dead?
She is so damaged
and twisted,
she still thinks
she loves him.
Well, of course
she's damaged, Nicki.
Who wouldn't be?
Oh, you have no idea.
I thought you were
getting more juice.
Barb's all out.
Let's go.
And it seems to me not long ago
you were running around crying
that a marriage decree
was only a piece of paper.
Or does that only apply
to hot Serbian men?
That's different.
I didn't lie in wait,
wahing and calculating,
ready to pick us off
one by one like a sniper.
I am deeply deeply insulted.
If that's all you think
this marriage means to me,
if that's what you think is the
depth of my commitment to us...
Nicki, sit down
and stop grandstanding.
You ask as if this is nothing.
There has never been
a divorce in my family,
ever, not even a paper one.
And I've lived through
my mom's divorces,
and no matter how hard
everyone tries, they are ugly
and they bring out the worst in people.
I don't want that for our kids.
If you want to know who is truly
threatening our happy home,
you need to look no further
than Barb and her wild ideas.
Do you mind if I'm
the one who tells her?
Oh no.
What now?
Barb wears the pants
in this family now.
- Leave it to you to reduce it to that.
- What are you talking about?
Barb has declared herself
our new priesthood holder.
- Like Bill and Ben?
- Exactly.
She gives blessings.
She preaches the gospel.
She makes all
the decisions for us.
But of course, you're the expert now on Mormonism.
I'm sure you know all that.
I believe women to be
co-equal with men
in our essential relationship
with heavenly father.
Wait, what's so wrong
with that?
Ugh, another perfect example
of why I do not want you
representing me in public.
You know, people think that I'm
the sunny face of polygamy.
I don't know why.
Maybe it's because I smile once in a while.
You can be so utterly rigid
and closed-minded.
No, this time
it is not about me.
It is not possible
to overstate this.
Bill is not gonna stand for it.
You don't give him
enough credit.
You know everything
he does is about faith...
faith first, then family.
What you are doing
could tear us all apart.
What did mom
pack us for lunch?
Tuna fish sandwiches and pie.
Step on it, Baker.
You're fishing the surface
and I'm going deep.
- Dad.
- Hmm?
I left my pliers in the truck.
I'll get 'em.
I'll go too.
Gotta take a leak.
Thanks, boys.
And bring
the deck of cards
- and more cds.
- Okay.
Wait here.
Dad. Dad.
Dad. Dad.
Joshua Sealman,
managing director,
- church public affairs department.
- How are you doing?
And Kim Majors, spokeswoman
for the department.
- Nice to meet you all.
- Nice to meet you.
- Danish?
- Thank you, no.
I have to be honest with you...
well, I never imagined I'd be
invited inside these walls.
New days for all of us.
We'll get to the point,
if you don't mind.
Please do.
There's an intense nationwide
discussion underway about us.
We want to make sure
that it is accurate
on how we are depicted.
Thus our request
that you make
no more associations
between you, your movement
and the church.
This isn't a great start.
You lost me.
Of course my church has no
association with the l.D.S.
I'm referring to your misuse
of the word "mormon,"
calling yourself
a mormon polygamist
on the floor of the senate,
in interviews.
That has to stop.
We cannot be associated
or confused with polygamy.
Mormon is at the
foundation of our beliefs.
It is my right and the right of
all practicing the principle
to call ourselves mormon.
The problem is your
words are being used
by those who want to
smear the mormon faith.
It just fuels the
let's-attack-the-mormons crowd.
It is my birthright, my legacy.
It's the cause
that I'm fighting for.
Let's be candid
about your cause.
The bulk of your movement
are nothing more than
religious tumbleweeds,
fanatics who would be out
blowing up abortion clinics
if they hadn't become
and women who can't
get a man any other way.
You are deeply insulting
and profoundly ignorant
of who we are.
A few shared traits
is hardly enough
to make you a mormon.
Roman grant was not a mormon.
Albert Grant is not a mormon.
You are not a mormon.
Don't compare me
to those criminals.
I am trying to heal
the breaches between us.
There's no reason
we can't coexist.
You're a forward thinker,
a man with a plan.
Things are going well
for you right now.
The bill recriminalizing
polygamy has been shelved.
There are things
you want to accomplish
in the senate...
important things.
Your recent agreement
makes many things possible.
What are you saying?
What exactly is your involvement
in my agreement with senator barn?
As Shepherds to
millions of voting mormons,
we pay close attention to
what happens in the state house.
I see.
Pray on it.
So you're telling me you've had
no contact with the church?
None at all.
They invite
all the Republicans,
then the democrats in to lunch
at the start of every session.
They wish us well;
We eat; we leave.
They express their wishes
and you hop to it.
Thateeting in your office
was all a set-up
to sucker me into a deal.
Which you would be
smart to take.
If you don't,
your safety net legislation
will fall off the fast track
into the bottomless
abyss of committee.
You would render a group of
women and children homeless?
We've spent 100 years
separating our brand
from you polygamists.
Do you really think you can
come along and change things?
You bet I do.
Did you do it?
I did it.
What's the matter?
Look, I said I did it.
And you're sure he's dead?
Why that guy anyway, huh?
He's Bill's best friend.
Bill Henrickson
stole my wife Lura.
He's destroying the principle.
Get rid of Bill then.
Before I enjoy his downfall?
Can I have my money?
- Okay, see ya.
- No.
Heavenly Father has great
rewards in store for you...
the sweetest wives
you can imagine,
first dibs for serving
his prophet.
You are now an Alby-ite.
I've had your things
moved into the house.
If we don't take the deal, it means
we lose the funding for safety net,
means it's still open
season on polygamy,
means we go right back
into the frying pan.
- What a bunch of baloney.- So why are they
so sensitive about us being mormon too?
Because we have more claim on our
shared history than they do.
They buckled to pressure and surrendered
the blessing of plural marriage.
Now they say mormon belongs
exclusively to them.
It's not their call.
Well, they've taken out dozens
of trademarks on the word.
They can punish anyone who
uses it in a way they dislike.
So you're saying they'd sue us?
Does anyone ever wish
we just lived in Houston?
Look, my father was a false prophet,
but he was right about some things.
The catholics are satanic and the church
downtown is the whore of Babylon.
So if this deal keeps Bill
in the legislature,
then tell them
what they want to hear.
- Yeah, it's just a word.
- It's not just a word.
They excommunicated me, but they
do not dictate my identity.
I adhere to the teachings
of Mormonism.
I have been a mormon
my entire life.
Some things mean
too much to yield.
I'm aware of that. However, the welfare
of this family is to be considered.
There's the whole ability to get
funding for programs that need it.
So you're saying the principle
bows to expediency?
Don't put words in my mouth.
What I'm saying is
any decision needs to be put through
the lens of the greater good.
You guys are fighting about the priesthood.
Bill, just let her have it.
If Barb had been
our priesthood holder,
you wouldn't even be
in the family.
Nicki wouldn't
be in the family.
The six beautiful souls you've both
given this family wouldn't exist.
As long as we're putting all
of our cards on the table...
whether Barb has the priesthood,
whether we're mormon...
I'd like my part
added to the mix too.
I want us to do good things.
I need our faith
to be in action.
I really do.
I'd like to say something.
I've been on a long journey
full of terrible hardships.
Oh, brother.
But I'm not complaining,
because I found Jesus Christ
and my own Verlan,
who sends his regards.
And soon Verlan
will have $50,000
and we'll return to Nevada
and we'll buy our dream
house in Henderson.
Thank you.
Grandma didn't eat.
She won't come out of her room.
She cussed me out when I
tried to open the door.
Finish your dinner.
That's breakfast and lunch.
I brought them up myself.
She must have hidden them
in her room.
Mom, open up.
Open the door.
You don't really think
that she'd hurt herself?
I am not going to eat a morsel
until you promise
I can go home.
Because I am going to go home
one way or the other.
We're gonna have to
watch her around the clock.
Excuse me, can you tell me
where I might find
a patient named Don Embry?
Thank you.
I can't tell you how sorry
I am this happened.
I wasn't in the water that long,
or else I would have died, Bill.
The doctors think he can
probably go home tomorrow.
Tell me again
exactly what happened.
I was too far away to get
a good look at the guy.
Besides, he wore a ski mask.
He didn't seem familiar
at all to you... anything?
It happened so fast.
Could you recognize his voice?
He never said a word.
It was creepy.
The police think it was probably one
of the recluses who live in the woods.
But to charge out onto
the middle of a frozen lake
to attack a stranger?
That's pretty bizarre.
My boy saved me.
Heavenly father
wasn't done with you yet.
The first number's my cell.
The second is my home.
You call Bill or me,
day or night.
And, Leona, living the principle
does not have to be abusive.
There's housing,
financial assistance.
You'll be safe at the shelter.
Making the decision
is the hardest part,
but you can do it.
- We'll speak later. Bye.
- Why are you doing this?
I've become an important part of
a secret underground railroad,
helping people
trapped on the compound.
I think it's my life's mission.
No. My adoption.
Well, honey, so you'll be a safe
and secure member of the family.
You're sure it's not
for you to marry Bill?
Cara Lynn, honey, no.
That's the furthest thing from my mind.
How could you think that?
If it really is for me, then I
don't think that I want it.
Now wait a minute.
What is this nonsense?
It's causing too many problems.
There are too many
hurt feelings.
I don't know who told you
what, but it's a lie.
A little dust-up
doesn't mean a thing.
It's part of being married.
Sometimes you have to throw an elbow
to get your rightful needs met.
You remember that.
And I am a very good judge
of what your needs are.
So you listen to me...
I want this for you.
May I ask where we stand
on Cara Lynn's adoption?
No change.
It'll work out.
Well, I hope so. You have no idea
how torn up Bill is over this.
Well, don't plan your
wedding just yet, Nicki.
That's not fair.
This is about Cara Lynn,
and you and your special
relationship with Bill,
your mutually agreed-upon
understanding of exclusivity,
holding claim to
just a bit bigger piece
of his heart and soul
and affections
than we get,
that you guard jealously.
I've just never been as
threatened by it as Nicki has.
Yes, all right.
I do.
I have a special
relationship with Bill,
one that comes from being
married for over 20 years,
from being a part of a couple
for over half my marriage,
from stretching
and accommodating
in ways I never imagined.
You bet I have
a special relationship.
I earned it.
And now you want
the priesthood too.
Well, you can't have
everything, Barb.
You can't have it both ways.
I believe I have a connection with
heavenly father and this family.
Then act like it.
Cara Lynn needs the care and
protection of this family.
It's a problem that
needs a solution.
So what are you gonna do about it, Mrs.
What are you doing here?
How did you get here?
- And how did find out where I live?
- Google.
Cara Lynn, this is very...
this is inappropriate.
I need to talk to you.
I just...
I want to fly away,
I don't care.
That private school
you talked about.
Everyone here is a liar.
I can't trust anyone.
Come in.
Mom, I'll get you home.
I don't know how, but I will.
I promise.
This might prove to be
a big mistake.
No, you listen to me.
The church has
members of congress,
in business, in the media,
50,000 missionaries fanned
out around the world.
Your voice is very well heard.
Ours isn't.
I'm the only voice
we've got. No deal.
Think of your family.
I am.
I always do.
My family came west
to protect the principle.
Then my family, my grandfather,
carried the principle
into the wilderness,
struggling to sustain it
while yours cut their sails
to curry favor and attention.
I am the mormon church.
You're poking
at a sleeping giant.
Don't push me.
Someone might reveal
the extent of the church's
influence in the state house.
There are still people
in this state
who might find that offensive.
So you lived in bailiff hall?
Yeah, all four years.
And Bill shared a place
with five other guys
off campus.
- Thank you for the pizzas.
- Oh, our pleasure.
Have you been reassigned yet?
Not yet.
They've been using me as a runner,
getting lunches, messenger boy,
that kind of thing.
Consider yourself assigned.
No. Work hard
for my husband.
- Ready to go?
- Yeah.
We may have to tighten our
belt a little while longer.
I'm using
the home plus dividends
to fund the shelters.
I said no to the deal.
Oh my.
It's been a long time.
More than 20 years.
I was so nervous.
I had $4 in my wallet
and I started panicking...
why would beautiful
Barbara Dutton
want to marry a guy
with $4 in his wallet?
I knew all day
you were gonna ask me.
After dinner,
we sat here and...
You finally did.
When you said yes,
it was the first
true moment of joy in my life.
I've been blessed
with many since,
but I can trace them all
back to that first one.
I'll find another way
with Cara Lynn.
I was wrong to ever
consider divorce.
There's something
very special between us
that I will always cherish.
I want to accommodate
your feelings.
I want you to feel that you
have a voice in our family,
but, Barb,
you have to respect
the subtle ingredients
that have given us
our rich blessings.
Our relationship is special.
It has always been.
When it was just the two
of us here on this campus,
to our life now
surrounded by children
and sisterwives.
But I'm starting to understand
a greater responsibility
to do what is right
for our family.
I can't give you
what you're asking for.
We need to get divorced.