Big Love (2006–2011): Season 2, Episode 4 - Rock and a Hard Place - full transcript

Rhonda complicates Nicki's involvement in Joey's case. Looking to provide long-term security for his family in the face of uncertainty, Bill, along with Don and Eddie, meets with Carter Reese, owner of a polygamy-friendly slot-machine business.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I understand you're a relative.

That is just idle gossip.

Anything you could do to help
would be appreciated.

I'm so sorry Wanda,
it's all Alby's fault.

Look, Bill's got a really great lawyer
for Joey.

I see. Yeah, I understand.

Let me know if you hear anything,
all right? I gotta go.

Yeah, thanks.
Paulys won't take her.

Wanda's so upset about Joey
and said the compound is buzzing.

They think we helped her run.
What are we gonna do?

-Parmers are next.
-No, try the Bodins.

-The Bodins will take her.
-Who are they?

Well, he's a second cousin
in Rock Springs.

He has a ranch house
with a tool and die machine shop.

-Where's Rock Springs?
-It's in Wyoming, honey.

That's 303.

-Nicki, they're getting hungry.
-Rhonda, take the boys to my house...

...and get them dressed
and help Sarah with breakfast.

We all pitch in around here.

It's busy.

Barb...'s not safe for her here.
And it's not safe for us to have her.

I just think it's a travesty.
We can't turn to the state.

This isn't fun and games, Barb.
This isn't social work.

I know she's demanding.

But I feel that we should step up
to the plate and adopt her.

-You mean just keep her?
-No, legally.

Anything involving the state is
a one-way ticket back to the compound.

We can take her back
to the compound ourselves.

If my father thinks we had
anything to do with it...

...I mean, who knows what he'll do.

Don, you're gonna have
to go out there on your own.

Why don't you just call your parents
and find out if they suspect us.

I know it's uncomfortable but we need
to be guided by what's best for Rhonda.

She hid in the back of our car.

If she wanted to run,
she should have just run away.

-Willy Bodin?

- Yeah.
-I have Bill Henrickson for you.

-It's on.

- Yeah?

Yes. Nicki told us
you've taken in children in the past.

Now, speak up. I can't hear you.

-You take children.
-Is she firm and able-bodied?

Excuse me?

We can always use another set of hands
in the shop.

Can she handle a blowtorch?

I'm gonna have to get back to you
on that.

-Any word on Alby? Where he's hiding?

This trial must go forward.

The state's too much involved
in our affairs, we have to cooperate.

Bring me the tape with Bill's confession.

It's time they knew he conspired
in an attempted murder.

Are you sure you wanna do such a thing
to our daughter's husband?

How could the girl have vanished
into thin air?

I don't know.

Well, I hold you responsible.


You could have been more welcoming
to Rhonda.

You could have cared for her more.
And you know that.

A boy fell in love with me.
Everyone tried to keep us apart.

Old Roman was so jealous,
he couldn't wait to get his hands on me.

Yeah, Rhonda,
I'm really glad you got away.

That old bastard.

I'm lucky someone didn't kill me
and throw me in the ditch.

No, Rhonda, I'm really glad you ran.

Take me shopping,
I'll buy you something nice.

I have $24 in food stamps.

What are food stamps?

I don't want to be sent to live
with relatives in Wyoming.

It's for the better that we get you
some place safe.

Yes, but I really like it here.

I'm afraid that may not be
in the cards.

You haven't told anyone what
old Roman did to Barb, have you?

What are you talking about?

I was in the car all the way here.

You haven't told anyone.

I bet it would kill Barb if she found out.

Barb is very strong.

I bet they'd all hate you.
I bet Bill would dump you.

This isn't Juniper Creek.

You're the one that told Pop
in the first place, you little monster.

Just what would Barb think about you
if she found out?

I'm damaged.

If they knew you didn't tell them,
they'd know you're a big fat liar...

...that kept secrets from them.

I'm not going to live at some
machine shop in Wyoming.

I'm staying here.
And you better make sure that happens.

I am not going back to the compound.

Yeah, I got it.

-Hey, catch.
-I'll get it.

Just spent a half hour with him.

His name's Carter Reese,
founded the company himself.

And he seemed like a square shooter.
He looked me in the eye.

A little jumpy, though.

Peel away Roman, stands the reason.

He does wanna sell in a hurry.

We're capable of acting fast.
Did you tell him about us?

Yeah, it's not an issue.

Think you can meet him today?

Not a good time.

Well, it's gotta be tomorrow then, Bill.

Well, tomorrow's
Joey's indictment hearing.

All right, it's got to be before 1 0.

I'll set it up.

Sports games shouldn't be played
by girls.

It interferes with the menses.
It says so in the Bible.

What's wrong with you?

Barb. Barb.

-Hey, what is it?

Nicki and Rhonda....

I know, they've always been
oil and water.

Being around Rhonda pushes
too many buttons.

The real problem is Nicki has never
been able to stand up to her father.


...I heard earlier...

...and Nicki was calling Rhonda
some really mean, horrible names.

-Nicki wouldn't do that.
-She called her a monster.

Rhonda tried to fight back from being
sent back to the compound.

I swear.

Oh, God.

Barb. Barb.

Hi, Margie.


Your hair got long.

I'm growing it out.

Oh, it's pretty.

Barb told me you're pregnant.

She said you didn't wanna tell me
because you thought...

...I'd judge you too harshly
for your proclivities.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Even if it's a sin,
I have compassion in my heart for you.


Oh, I really gotta go now.

Bill, there's a cop car parked outside.
I think it's from the compound.

Hide her. Tell Nicki, put the kids inside.

All right and be careful.
Pam Martin's out there.

-Where's your mother?
-ln the pantry. What's wrong?


Juniper Creek Police, they're out front.
Rhonda's out back.



What can I do for you?

-Bill Hendrickson.
-That's right.

We have reason to believe that you're
harboring an underage runaway.

Rhonda Volmer?

Gee, you're barking
up the wrong tree here.

Then you won't mind
if we have a look around.

Not if you have a warrant.

Here you go,
endorsed by the Sandy Police.

We let them know as a courtesy.

For all three of your houses.

The police department that Roman
owns, lock, stock and barrel?


We'll be searching for the girl.
For evidence of certain crimes...

...kidnapping, extortion... with an underage minor.

When did you become
such a hypocrite?

How dare he invade our home?

Who does he think he is?

Hey, Lyle. Thomas.

-What brings you out here?
-We're looking for Rhonda Volmer.

Hateful, spoiled child.

Would you like some
carrot raisin salad?


Everybody knows why you took her,

Get out of this kitchen.

Margie, this officer needs to look
in your house. Show him in please.

We should get her
out of here.

Your father's turning us into kidnappers.
When did he become king of the world?

Why are you saying it to me like that?
I'm on your side.

Why am I blamed
for everything he does?

The point is, we have to get her
some place away from here.

That's all I'm saying.
But she has to think it was your idea.

She will not hear of it coming from me.

But these are disgusting.

Do you ever think about
the slaughterhouses?

Do we have to?

They electrocute the chickens,
then slice their throats.

Then dip them in boiling water
so that they can remove the feathers.

And most of the time, chickens live
through the first two steps.

-Wanna go to the movies tonight?

I met this guy who works at KWXS.

It's a radio station
owned by the Church.

Oh, cool.

And he works on this call-in show and
I was thinking that we could ask him.

-How old is he?

You don't think he's weird, do you?

No, what do you mean?

He's not gonna be,
"Those are great movies.

Why don't you kiss
and I'll take pictures."

-No, that's gross.
-Well, 28.

You're always saying how immature
everybody in school is.

And I thought that maybe
you'd be interested in meeting him.

So yeah?


Sound like fun.

I took a call
from Meeker County DA.

They asked if you wouldn't mind
coming down tomorrow.

-To your brother's hearing.

They have evidence
of your involvement in a coverup.

They said that?

The way one lawyer talks
to another, yes.

They're gonna use your brother's hearing
to put it together.

What evidence?

-Guess that's what I'm asking you.
-Dad, it broke again.

-Okay, okay. Here we--
-Can you fix it?

I can fix anything.
Just squeeze it there.

It comes off. It goes right back on,
you see?

Okay, go on, boys.

-There is no evidence, Lee.
-Then we don't have a problem.

-Let's just postpone it.
-You're not listening.

This is a request today.
Tomorrow, it's a subpoena.

We're talking criminal charges here.



Here, come on.

Hi, daddy.

Lyle and Thomas came
and searched our houses.

They didn 't find Rhonda
because we didn 't take her.

Please, I didn 't do anything. I swear.

Whatever indiscretions you may have
committed against my family... the interest of peace...

...and your relationship
with your grandchildren...

...I haven 't told anyone, Papa.

I haven 't told.

They handcuffed me.
They brought me down to Roman ' s.

They put a recorder on the table.

Why didn't you tell me this?

I thought they were using it
against me, not you.

What did I say on the recording?

I don't remember.

You said you were implicated.
All of us.

You called yourself Mr. Coverup.

They have a recording of me
saying that?

Wanda was gonna be reassigned
to Alby or Dad.

-You should have said something.
-She's my wife.

What would you have done?

What I've always done,
protect my brother.

You've got to get Wanda to confess.

We're gonna stop this crap
right now.

I won't do that.

She's sick, Joey. She needs help.

My son needs a mother.

-You have to talk about the compound.
-I know, I know.

It's a horrible, hateful place.
A cesspool.

Don't get snitty.

It's obvious
you don't wanna say anything bad.

I'm just tired of you always vilifying
the place.

Look, I hope we understand each other.
You're not gonna send her back.

Well, we've-- We've had
a very nice conversation.

Rhonda says she stowed away
in your car.

My husband was expelled from Juniper
Creek at 1 4 but he still has family there.

That's how we know Nicki.

I hope you realize,
even as a runaway shelter...

...the law requires that we contact
the parents of any minor.

Her parents live in a satellite
compound in Mexico.

That's all right. We have children
of migrants with us.

It can take months
to contact their parents there.

We just wanna make sure...

...that she never, ever goes back
to that awful place.

It's a cesspool.

If you wanna come downstairs,
we can sort out some paperwork.

-All right.
-And Rhonda, just settle in.

Okay? This way.

Listen, liar, I'm not staying in this
horrible place with these horrible people.

You might have thought
about that before.

I didn't want to marry your father.

I don't want to stay here.
I can't live in this little room.

-Look, this was Barb's idea.
-Then you better change her mind...


Don't talk to me like that
or I'll send you back to the compound.

-No, you won't
-I will.

And you know what'll happen?

They'll send you away
to reeducation camp.

To a clinic in Flagstaff.
To a labor ranch in ldaho.

And they'll teach you to keep sweet
and it won't be pretty.

-There aren't any camps like that.
-Oh, no?

Where do you think Patsy Landers
was sent off to?

How do you think she got like that?
Or Molly Wall?

Old Roman wouldn't do that to me.

We will try and get you out of here
as soon as possible.

Look, you just have to trust me.

Tomorrow might be Joey's last chance.
With all his priors, he'll be sent away.

Well, he could be gone for a long time.

I don't know. I have to talk to him first.

All you have to do is tell the truth.

About what?

You know what.

I don't know
what you're talking about, Bill.

About Joey.

-Joey shouldn't be in jail.


I think he wants you to tell the truth
about his situation now.

-He said that?
-Yes, he did.

And tomorrow, it'll be too late.

When did he say it?

This afternoon. I went to see him.
You know, to give him support.

Nope, I don't believe it.

Well, it's true. It is.

Then how come you didn't come here
to tell me right away?

I had a lunch.

Where did you eat?


-In Meeker?

There's no Arby's in Meeker.


Barbara Henrickson?

-April Blessing, child advocate.

Neal Berger at Daniel's House
contacted me.

Off the record,
I work with all the shelters.

Neal spoke broadly about your file.

And I'd like to work
on behalf of Rhonda Volmer.

-I'm sorry. In what capacity?

I don't know that we really need
an ombudsman.

If I might, you do, Barb.

It can only help Rhonda
if we work together.

Shelters like Daniel's House
are inexperienced with polygamy.

The state largely ineffective.
And the children are left to drift.

Neil mentioned your husband
grew up on a compound.

I'm sure he'll tell you the temptation
to return to polygamy...

...can be overwhelming.


Unless these children attest
to the abuses...

...they can and will be sent back.

But they're hard-wired not to talk.

They'll do anything
not to go against their prophets.

That's very true, isn't it?

I ran away myself when I was 1 6.

I have an office in the Walker Building.

It would be wise to get things moving
before the Volmers are reached.

All right.

Thank you, yes.

-Call me.

For Rhonda.

-We've got a problem.
-Wanda told me.

-Joey's going to trial.
-No, that's yesterday's news.

Today's is Roman sent a tape
to the DA's office.

-Of what?
-Of me, bragging of a coverup.

-Joey set me up.
-No, he didn't.

Yes, he did.

If we can't get Wanda to confess,
both your sons will be in jail.

And so will you, Mom.

That girl has become
a big, fat liability, hasn't she?

You've got to get her to confess.

But how much cheese would that be?

Three thousand people,
two thousand hand guards...

...two months to make the trip
back to Missouri.

Cheese wheels with a thick casing.

Or the processed, better to survive
the Apocalypse and the turn.

Cheese enough to make it back
to the Garden of Eden.

And approximately
Jefferson County, Missouri.

That's enough, that's not it.

I'm sure this is it.

No, this conversation is about cheese.

Don't worry. We'll find it.

I told them I would get it to them by 3.


Oh, it's all right.

It's all right. We'll just clean it right up.

I'm just....

All this misfortune befalling us.

You and Joey.

Your chance to live happily.

So this time tomorrow, all up in smoke.

That eager-beaver DA
just burns my fanny.

Seems so self-satisfied
now he's got Joey in that rotten place.

I mean, he doesn't care
how many people he walks over... many lives he destroys.

If it weren't for him,
Joey would be free.

He is persecuting Joey.

Says he's a Christian.

But he's just cashing in on hate.

I wish...

...I could take that gun... my glove compartment...

...and blow the hate right out of him.

Just make all this go away.

Well, does anyone from the Church
tell you what to say?

-Or bleep things out?

-lt hardly sounds like censorship to me.

Well, there's many different kinds
of censorship.

The Church owns the Deseret News...

...and it's one of the best papers
in the country.

-Are you active in the Church?

No, not anymore. Are you?


Good. No, I mean-- You know, I get it.

You know, it brings my mom
a lot of comfort still so....

That is so condescending.

I was being sincere.

Well, I think I've earned a set of fries.
Be right back.

-Want me to get them for you.
-No, no, it's good. Thank you.

What do you think?

He's not just progressive.
He's like a liberal, heathen democrat.

The fact the Church hired somebody
who's against it...

...just goes to show
how tolerant we really are.

No, I mean, what do you think?

Oh, no, Sarah.

I'm gonna call my dad to pick me up.

-I'm not going to the movies with you.
-You have to, he'll think it's a date.

Well, apparently it is.

No, he has to ask me on a date
for it to be a date.

And I don't even know if he likes me
or if I'm just some sort of project.

Sarah, he has to be a huge loser
to be that old...

...and going out with someone
our age.

-Loser, okay? No, I'm not going.

You don't even know
what's going on in my life.

Guess who's back in the house?


I can't stand my family.

I hate having her there. It's so gross.

Just please, just come.

Why didn't you tell me?

Happy three-month anniversary.

-Thank you.

May there be many more months
to follow.

Special occasion, right?

No, we don't do that.

We don't.

We don't do that. Sorry, honey.

I'll get some Sprite.

-I didn't know you drank.

Well, not usually, but....

-Does he?
-Oh, please.

I totally would with you
but I'm pregnant.

So no smoking, no drinking.

-Nothing fun, blah, blah, blah.
-Was it hard giving everything up?

I still smoke sometimes. I sneak.

I saw you talking to Mrs. Martin.
Everything okay?

Yes, Benny.

That's the neighbor.
She thinks I'm the town slut.

Well, I'm an unmarried mother of two
with another one on the way.

If she only new, right?
I mean, now.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Candles, I need candles.
Wait, don't eat it. Wait yet.

One new message.

Hello, honey, it's Papa.

I'm so grateful for your message today.

And so touched that you assumed
the burden of keeping the peace...

...and chose not to tell Bill.

I know you know
I did what my heart said was right... you could live your life
in the light with pride.

But the way you choose to run
your family is your business.

However, were I to find out
you were involved... poor Rhonda 's flight
into the world of sin...

... that you knew where the poor girl was
and chose not to assist her to return...

...I would not hesitate
to unburden you...

...and make my holy actions
known to Bill.

Now, do the right thing, honey,
don 't break your poor father's heart.

-You're taping me now?
-I don ' t know what you ' re talking about.

You turn the state on me and I'm gonna
turn them right back on you.

By bringing them a certain
little underage girl.

-Where is she?
-You testify tomorrow on our behalf.

-Where is the girl?
-I don't care if you can find Alby or not.

Tell the judge your son 's a lunatic...

...and my brother was acting
in self-defense.

Don't you dare leverage that poor child
for such a vile...

...despicable purposes.

I'm not leveraging anything.

I'm looking out
for the best interest of that child.

You know what I need.
I know what you need.

Find my son and tell him
all is forgiven.

I just grabbed the cake
off the delivery pallet...

...but somebody opens the door
from the inside.

We take off, this guy's chasing us.

We jump over this chainlink fence.
Your father gets stuck on the top.

-And I pull you down--
-But my pants stayed.

-Sort of.
-So we're running away.

He's running down the street
in his underwear.

But I told you that I would get you
a cape...

...for your 1 6th birthday and I did.

This is the bad boy I rescued
from the streets.

Is that really true?

You still got the scar to prove it.

-All right.
-Go ahead, show him. Go on, show him.

I think you've embarrassed me enough.

-Oh, gosh.
-Good clean fun.

Yeah, I'm coming for you.

Are you trying to give Rhonda
back to your father?

No, I'm not.

I heard the message he left you.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

You are horrible.

-I am not horrible.

Marge, he's the one that exposed us.

Are you happy now?
That's what's going on.

-Your father exposed us?

-Barb thinks it was her sister.
-I know.

-You have to tell her.
-I can't.

-And Bill.
-I can't.

-You have to, she's all torn up.
-What about me?

I mean, don't you see,
it'll destroy Barb and me?

And my relationship with Barb.
And Bill.

It'll poison everything.
They will hate me.

You have to tell them, now.

You have to tell them now, tonight.

-You have to.
-All right.

Tonight, okay. Just stop it.

-It's good to see Eddie.
-lsn't it?

It's good for them to catch up.

I promise.

Hey, listen...

...Pon and I are gonna go take a look
at that company tomorrow.

Wondered if you'd come with us.

Are you sure you wanna go after that?

I'm just looking.


...I'm there for you.


...what's going on?

It's this Joey thing.

I helped Joey and Wanda
coverup Alby's poisoning.

I could be arrested tomorrow.

-I haven't told my family.

I don't want to worry them.




Yes. Where?

What time?

Yeah, I'll be right there. Thank you.

All right. Goodbye.


I have to leave. Daniel's House called.
They got in touch with the Volmers.

I thought they were in Mexico,
it was gonna take months.

They found them. They're on their way
to get Rhonda. So I've gotta go.

What can you do?

-I don't know.
-What about Nicki?

She doesn't need to know, Margie.
I've gotta go.

You didn't tell.

-How do you know?
-Because I just talked to Barb.

The Volmers are coming.

If you'd told her
she'd have said something.

-They're coming to get her?
-Barb's on her way there.

Oh, no.

Nicki, you promised.
You promised you would tell.

You promised that you would
come clean. Who are you calling?


-Willy Bodin?
-What are you doing?

This is your second cousin,
Nicolette Grant. I've got that girl.

You have to get her now.

-Nicki, what are you doing?
-I'm dumping her.

If my father gets her and finds out we're
behind her being there, he'll crush us.

You are not gonna shanghai
that poor girl.

Poor? Who do you think
is responsible for everything?

Who do you think put my father up
to exposing Barb?

What little witch do you think's
been blackmailing me?

Great. There's a rest stop on lnterstate
80 about a mile beyond Exit 96.

Just after you come out
of the canyon.


Yes, yes, she spot welds too. Okay.

I gotta get there before Barb does.

-She really exposed us.
-Yes, Margie. Yes.

Give me the keys. The keys.
I drive faster. Get in the car.

And I'll have Brynn watch the boys.

So you're a polygamist too, huh?

Yes, I am.

-What was your name again?
-Ed Hammerling.

For now.

This isn't a public sale.
How'd you find out about us?

Our attorneys have clients
who deal with Roman Grant.

People talk.

Well, I've already got interested parties.
It's kind of late in the game.

I'd listen to an offer
but it's gonna have to happen fast.

I'm moving to Florida.


Oh, nice.

Probably the first place
bird flu will on land.

This is our biggest seller.
The lon Elite.

It's got touch screen and joystick,
1 30 games, 1 7 inch LCD monitor.

Comes with Flash technology
and the internal steel frame takes cash.

-Coin or DBA?
-Oh, what's a DBA?

-It's a Dollar Bill Acceptor.
-They can be adapted.

This is the Megatouch Edge. A beauty.

-Most reliable countertop there is.
-And what about upgrades?

Well, it's got a flash memory card,
maintenance, repair, upkeep.

Quick and easy.

What else you need to know?

These are good machines.

But this is a whole different kind
of business than you're used to.

I say we go for it.

If something happens to me I want you
to move in on this, you understand?

I want our families taken cared of.

Are you with me?

I'm in so far.

Why did you ask me to come here
with you?

Do you see what I see?

I see.

That's all I needed to know.

I gotta go. Bye.


We're late.

We got a 30-minute window
to negotiate this thing.

Anything you say
can be used against you.

So we will use the 5th Amendment
if we have to.

Hang on.

Joey, for God's sakes,
you gotta get her to confess.

Look at me. I'm going in there to testify.

I'm gonna tell them
what happened and so is Mom.

You're gonna take the fall
for nothing.

-Get away from me, Bill.
-Bill, the DA is here.

She did it, Joey.

Hey, Joey.

If there were a confession to be had,
what are you prepared to offer?

Look, I'll give you a plea bargain.

If you give me a written confession
of the coverup right now...

...and name the actual poisoner.

Or risk it and go to trial,
not knowing the strength of my case.

Hypothetically, what happens
to that person? The actual poisoner?

-Are we talking jail?
-Depends on the charges.

Attempted murder in the second
versus some form of manslaughter.

I highly suggest
you write that confession.

Or is Mr. Untouchable having
a crisis of confidence?


Excuse us.

They don't have it, Lee.
He's pushing too hard.

Why is he pushing so hard...

...for a confession
if they have the tape?

And I never called myself
Mr. Untouchable.

What did you call yourself?

That's beside the point.

They still have Alby's testimony.

That's my word against his.
Who are they gonna believe?

Those crazies? Look, I'm telling you,
he's got nothing.

But there is a tape.

And once they do get it,
the deal's not gonna be so sweet.

I am so glad you called me in.

-I dropped everything.
-Thank you for helping.

My work with April's off the record.

I had a quick visit with Rhonda.
She tells me you raise miniature horses.

Well, not anymore.

I've already set
certain things in motion.

We can stop her parents
by seeking an order...

...for emergency custody
pending an investigation.

Barb. What are you doing here?

It was just a last minute thing.
What are you doing here?

-Honestly, Barb.

-Who are you?
-April Blessing, child advocate.

-Why is she here?
-You must be Nicki Grant.

You have done a great service
bringing Rhonda here.

We both know life on a compound
is bereft of dignity and choices...

...especially for young women.

We wanna make sure Rhonda's
placed with a good family.

Well, some relatives have finally
stepped forward.

No. Barb, I wouldn't recommend that.

It's too easy for girls to go back
if they're placed with relatives.

It's a devil's revolving door.
We know that.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Rhonda's told me all the things
your father has done to you.

I don't know what she's told you
but it's all lies.

Barb, we have to leave.
Rhonda, get your things.

-I am not the one who's the liar.
-Rhonda, hush.

I would love to get together and talk.
Share what we've gone through.

-Your father--
-My father is a good and decent man.

Honey, the only way to stop the cycle
of abuse is to shout out the truth.

-Don't call me "honey."
-Nicki, you're overreacting.

-And I know why.


You've made a mountain full of trouble
for yourself, little girl.

I don't know a thing
about what's going on.

Rhonda, you're coming with us.
I have papers.

Executed by the Volmers, endorsed
by the Superior Court of Juniper Creek.

You can't take her away.
There's an investigation underway.

-I'll get her out of here.
-Get security.

Mama, not here. She wanted to go.

She's a child,
she doesn't know what she wants.

-You brainwashed her.
-I did no such thing.

-Well, she doesn't wanna marry Papa.
-You are an ungrateful, selfish girl.

-Don't talk to her like that.
-I'm her mother.

You're a woman with a cold heart.

I've done nothing but shown love
to Nicki and your family.

-That's a lie.
-Zip that lip.

You hate me.
My whole family hates me.

-Papa was the one who exposed us.
-Bite your tongue.

Your father would never do that.

He exposed Barb, me and my family.

-He put us in harm's way.

-I'm telling you now, you stop this.
-It's the truth.

You are disowned.

You are cut off. You're nameless to us.
You're not welcome in our home.

No, Mama.

UEB, how may I help you?

Adaleen, this is Bill.
I need to speak to Roman.

He can't speak to you.

Adaleen, please listen.

Your husband made a tape of me
and I need to get it back.

Are you there?

I'm here.

I need your help, Adaleen.

There is no tape, Bill.

Just put Roman on.

There is no tape, Bill.


No tape.

-This is your mother's.

She was gonna shoot the DA.

Wanda, Wanda.


...I really don't like you thinking that
I'm just some girl with loose morals.

The truth is...

...I'm a surrogate mother.

For a very worthy infertile couple.

I'm not being paid for it.

It's just something I can give.

I didn't tell you about it
because I thought you'd disapprove.

But now I think it's more important
to be honest.

-You're having a stranger's baby?

Well, it's not for me to judge.

Yeah, so I might get transferred
to Voice E.

It's a smaller market
but a much better job.

Your friend Heather told me
you asked her to come along... you wouldn't be asking me out
on a date.

I guess I did.


Because I was scared.


...who's your friend?

Your father know you're here
with him?


You shouldn't be here, Sarah.

I work here.

-Come. I'll give you a ride home.
-No, she's fine.

I'll see her home.

You be careful.

I'm watching out for you.

Who was that?

Just an uncle.

Joey was released.

No real evidence. Case was thrown out.

What is it?

It's all right, Nicki. Just tell him.