Big Love (2006–2011): Season 1, Episode 9 - A Barbecue for Betty - full transcript

Nicki drops a bombshell on Bill. Don falls hard for a woman named Betty. Sarah tells Bill how she really feels.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We shook hands, we went our separate ways,

and that is all she wrote!

Look at you. Look how happy you are.

A huge weight is gone!

So... we are celebrating.

I've invited Don and family to a Barbecue--

a sort of... engagement party for Betty.

I've ordered lobsters.

I'll dig a fire pit in the backyard.

Lobsters? For everyone?

I mean, that's a lot of lobster.

Well, it's a big day for Don and for us.

There's no sin in a rare extravagance.

"Christian story time."

- There's daddy.
- Daddy!

How are ya, baby? Let's see what we got.

Oh, what's daddy have for Raymond?

Don't be sad. Daddy's being very generous.

Okay, then.

Give me the 10 and I'll get you some pennies.

Come on, Ray! It's the Jesus show!

So what's the occasion, daddy?

Business is-- ow...

...looking up.

When I was living on the streets, I used to dream of having just one thing of my own,

just one thing to be proud of that was mine.

And now I have three beautiful wives, seven perfect children,

and I'm about to add a third store to this family-- free and clear.

Our third store... free and clear.

Here it comes. Here it comes. Here it comes. Oh!

Ooh, I like it when you're in control.

- I love you, Bill.
- I love you too.

How much?

Oh, I'd say it's... astronomical.

Beyond all measure.

I'm $58,000 in debt.

I was waiting for the right time to tell you.

Right time?

Well, who-- well, who do you owe?

American express.

How did you get a credit card?

I don't remember. I filled out a form and they sent me one.

With a $60,000 limit?!

I have a few cards.

How many?


What?! I mean, how did you--

Oh, Nicki, how could you?!

- Bill.
- Jeez!

Where are you going?

- Please talk to me.
- Go back inside.

Someone might see you.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

- Bill.
- Nicki.

I overslept.

What do you know about Nicki's finances?

She gets her $850-a-month allowance like the rest of us.

I'm talking about excessive shopping.

Well, she's been doing most of the shopping since I started work.

I can step back in if you want.

She's in debt up to her eyeballs!

What are you talking about?

She owes almost 60 grand!

Okay, all right. Just calm down.

Calm down? I can't imagine a bigger transgression.

I mean, she's pulled some boners, but this-- this is just-- oh.

Well, I think that there's a way to refinance.

We consolidate onto one or two cards, and we'll just cut up the rest.

You knew, didn't you?

- How long have you known about it?
- Not long.


Morning, Barb. Have you seen Bill?

Unfortunately, yes.

I mean, Nicki, what have you gone and done?


Bill and me, we had a misunderstanding last night is all.

A misunderstanding?

I didn't tell him you knew anything about it.

Well, I did. He grilled me and I implicated myself.

I think the least you could have done was give me some warning.

I'm sorry, I just-- I couldn't take it anymore,

and last night he was in such a good mood, it just popped out.

Hi. What popped out?


- Everything okay?
- We're taking care of it, Margene.

- Taking care of what?
- Margene.

Bill, please, I need to talk to you.

I have nothing to say to you.

And I want to see all of your credit card statements.

Okay, please tell me-- what credit card statements?

Margie, go. Your babies are eating bugs.

Trade nights with me.

I need tonight to straighten this out with him.

I'm afraid this is going to take more than one night.

Oh, this is just a little glitch is all.

Turns out everyone in the compound is in debt.

I mean, bankruptcies right and left. It's very common nowadays.

How come I'm always the last one to know what's going on?

Margie, it's personal.

It's no big deal. Everything's under control.

I wouldn't have told Barb anything either, but she's a snoop.

Hi, everyone.

We're all so excited about sunday.

Thank you for hosting our engagement party with Betty.

I was hoping that while I was here I could practice a song I'm working on.

It's a surprise.

Oh-ho-ho. Well, of course.

Why don't you sit out by the pool and enjoy the fresh air?

Thank you.

You're gonna love Betty, by the way.

She's got this, I don't know-- this aura about her.

It's very calm and peaceful.

We fell in love with her right away.

The vote was unanimous.

What vote?

I assume she means the vote to allow a new wife into the family.

Was there a vote on me?

We're not talking about that now.

Barb, I need your help.

Wait. There was a vote on me?

Barb, please switch with me.

Yes, there was a vote. It was a major decision.

No one ever told me.

I'll switch. I'll trade.

Tell him we're switching and put in a good word for me.

I can't believe there was a vote.

What, you thought you just coasted in by charming the slacks off Bill?

Some of us had different criteria.

We had to hash it over.

That's the way it works, Margie.

But-- whoa! You already knew me.

So what, did you, like, sit around and try and dig up flaws?

Stop. It's the way it's done.

So the whole time we were hanging out, I was being judged?

What did you say about me?

Margie, please. I need to think.

And you're in the family, aren't you? So it couldn't have been all that bad.

So there was some bad? What was it?

Margie, I said I can't talk right now.

Bill's really mad at you, huh?

Margie, we're having a long overdue ironing out of a few little things.

Everything's all for the better. It's all positive.


How's the sound from where you are?

100,000 square feet on two levels with an adjacent parking structure.

And a snack area. full-on food court, not one of those little hot-dog stands out front.

Sounds like one heck of a store.

So the bank will buy and then we do a long-term leaseback.

That's the plan. Has Utah One been in sales leasebacks long?

Oh, we steered clear of that bubble in the '90s, but we do a fair amount now.

Well, we sure appreciate you coming out here.

With all the bankruptcies nowadays, these site visits are becoming standard procedure.

You know, we just have to see what we're getting ourselves into,

you know, should your lights ever go out.

You don't have to worry about that.

Ours are shining pretty bright.

Right, Bill?

Yeah, right. We've got our finances well under control.

Well, that's good to hear.

At the end of the day, still, it's all about trust, isn't it?

Say, I can recommend a great architectural team.

Already hired one.

- A building contractor?
- We're good.

An environmental or a structural engineer?


Well, how about a restaurant for lunch?

- You're on.
- Congratulations.

That's great.

All right, you are... ENTJ.

You are an extrovert who relies on judgment over perception,

and it says here that you would be good at law, management or operations research.

Hmm. I've been thinking about becoming a state representative or something in politics,

'cause I'm so tired of people having the wrong idea of Utah.

We're a red state, but that doesn't mean we're neanderthal and not progressive.

Hmm. Coming from the girl who scored highest on the judgmental part.

Okay, true or false?

You prefer going out with small groups rather than large ones?

Duh. That's easy. I can guess.

You're an introvert.

I'm so not an introvert.

Yes, you are. You would have to be to survive your nutty lifestyle.

But that's my parents. It's not me.

Yeah, but, I mean, it has to have an effect on you, on your personality.

How could it not?

True or false?

You're comfortable letting others make decisions for you.

No, false.

Hi, can--

Can I talk to you?

I was wondering if you knew anything about a vote about me joining the family.

Uh, that was a few years ago. I don't really remember.

You don't remember anything?

I'm probably the wrong person to ask.

Benny! Do you remember a few years ago, a vote about me?

Mmm, which one?

The one about me joining the family.

Which one?

What do you mean, "which one"?

Um, I think there were a few. I mean, it took a while. It kept coming in at two to one.

But it was just so everyone could get to know you better.


So they didn't like me right away?

Well, I did.

Bill, one of our... special customers wants to meet you.

Oh. Hi, I'm Bill Henrickson. It's a pleasure to meet you.


Bill, it's Betty.

Betty. Betty! Oh, well, nice to meet you.

- Really really nice to meet you.
- Oh, same here.

I feel like I already know you from everything Don told me

and from the TV commercials.

So much has been happening to me lately, and this is just... terribly exciting.

Well, um, I guess I'll see you sunday.

Okay. Um, well, bye-bye till then.


Don! You've got to take it easy. You can't do that here.

I'm sorry, but isn't she great?

I never thought I'd fall so hard for number four.

Well, hopefully, you can restrain yourself while she's downstairs shopping.

Oh, don't worry. Down there, Betty's just another shopper.

Listen, Peg just ran the numbers.

Take a look at the total.

By selling the first two stores to the bank and leasing them back,

we can get a cash influx of almost $5 million net

and a rate of return of 25 to 30%.

Five million.

That's more than enough to pump into the third store and pay down some of our debt.

That's right. I'm tired of living on credit.

Say, do your wives have any credit cards?

No way. Those things are a trap.

The interest rate's ridiculous.

- Hello?
- Hi. You find everything?

Yeah, I just finished.

Well, we need to track down a pot, a lobster pot.

- What kind of pot?
- Lobster. For lobsters.

Well, where on earth am I supposed to find one of those?

Wal-Mart, K-Mart. Nicki, if you can't do it, that's fine.

No, I can do it.

I'm happy to. Is there anything else?

No, that's it. Thanks.

- Have you spoken to Bill yet?
- Not yet. I will, though.


- Yes.
- Hi.

Just wanted to let you know I'm making pork chops tonight,

so don't snack on your way home.


We can talk about our little "whoops" after dinner.

I can't see you tonight, Nicki.

In fact, I don't think I can see you for a day or two. I'm sorry.

Boys, we have to go out again. Barb wants us to pick something up for her, like usual.

Can we get some ice cream?

No, we can't buy anything fun anymore. Dad said so.

Won't you talk about it?

What's to talk about? Look at this!

Williams-Sonoma, Madeline's House of Shoes, the Chocolate Factory?

Who pays for candy with a credit card?

I mean, this is unbelievable!

Why in the "H" did she need all this stuff anyway?

I mean, is it a mental illness or a disease?

A lot of people have this problem, Bill.

And a lot of people are dope fiends, but I'm not married to them.

- Can I help you, officer?
- Bill Henrickson?

I'm Chuck Tuttle. I'm Heather's father, here to pick her up.

Hello. I'm Barbara Henrickson, Sarah's mother.

- Uh, please, come in.
- Oh, thanks. Thank you.

Sarah! Heather! Come on down here!

We've become awfully fond of Sarah. She's been to our house a number of times now.

I've been looking forward to meeting you.


Sorry you couldn't make it to the father-daughter pancake breakfast.


Dad, I thought mom was picking me up.

Mom was busy with the relief society, honey bun.

Well, nice to finally meet you, Chuck.

You too, Bill.

- Goodbye, Heather.
- Bye.

Sarah, did you know that girl's father was a state trooper?


Are we going to jail?

No, honey. Everything's fine.

Well, how come I didn't know?

There's an awful lot I seem to be in the dark about lately, and I don't like it.

Dad, if you think that Heather's gonna say anything, you're wrong. She's my friend.

And what's this about a pancake breakfast, anyway?

How come I had to find out about it from a stranger?

Well, it was last weekend, and you work on saturday,

so I figured you'd be too busy.

Here's the pot. I hope it's the right size. It weighs a ton.

Did you see him? Did you talk to him?

There you are.

Honey, we do need to talk. Barb switched nights with me.

Well, switch it back, Barb.

I don't like people making plans for me behind my back.

And I don't like secrets.

Did you see that?!

He wouldn't even look at me.

- He hates me now.
- Well, he doesn't hate you.

I don't even exist.

I'm gonna sell my car.

No, you're not gonna sell your car. Just put the pot down.

I am. And pay down my debt. It's my car.

Actually, it's not. Your car belongs to all of us.

My name is on the registration.

Why are you doing this to me?

Oh, you have no idea how glad I am that you called. I really needed to get out.

Hey, here comes our fourth. Hey.


Hi, Carl. Hi, Pam. How are you doing?

Margene, this is chad. He works with me downtown.

Sorry I'm late. It's nice to meet you, Margene.

You live across the street from Carl and Pam?

I moved in a few months ago.

Well, isn't that fortuitous?

I've heard a lot about you.

- Hi there.
- Hi.

Would you mind putting this on two checks--

the two of us on one and these two on another?

You got it.

And I will have the rib eye, medium rare.

- My wife will be having...
- The chef's salad.

And for you, sir?

I'd like the chicken special and the young lady would like...

Cheeseburger and onion rings, please, and a diet sprite.

- Okay. Any other beverages?
- Couple of milks.

- Oh, do you have 2%?
- Yes.

- Same, please.
- Okay, great.

You two with the dinner specials are welcome to go to the salad bar.

- All right. Thanks.
- Excuse us.

- What do you think?
- Is this a date?

Carl and I just thought it would be nice for you meet someone from our church.

But I can't. I'm not available... emotionally.

Oh, honey, I know how hard it is losing a loved one,

but at some point you just have to move on.

I'm not good at meeting people.

I've been told I make a bad first impression.

I liked you right away, and I can tell Chad does too.

Stop being so insecure. Try and have fun.

I have some thoughts on how we might consolidate this. from this afternoon.

The truckee river jumped its banks, flooding downtown Reno.

This fast-moving cold front will sweep across Eastern Nevada...

Let me ask you this-- do you think you'll have patched things up with Nicki by sunday?

I really couldn't tell you, Barb.

I think we should think about canceling the barbecue.

There's too much tension in the houses, Bill.

It's not healthy.

No, we're celebrating.

So you said.

I've ordered the lobsters. They're being flown in from Maine.

I wish you could slow things down a bit,

go slower on the third store, even.

Oh, you are tense as I don't know what.

Now, I worry sometimes about the price we're all paying for success.

Barb, if I didn't keep constantly moving the ball forward, we would sink under our bills.

Yeah, no thanks to Nicki, right?

But, I mean, you can't avoid her forever.

- She's really upset.
- Well, I'm upset too.

You let things get totally out of control around here.

That's not fair.

I mean, you're being unreasonable. You have to calm down.

Why should I calm down when I find out one of my wives has sunk us 60 thou in debt,

which is kept a secret from me for years;

when another wife's kept a secret from me and didn't even tell me what she knew?

I was in a difficult position, Bill,

and I'm extremely relieved to be out of it.

I don't like lies either.

If I did, we'd still be meeting in hotels.

And I felt that it was Nicki's place to tell you, not mine.

I'm your husband, aren't I?

Yes, but I'm married to two other people.

You seem to forget that sometimes.

I got another. A bishop gets into an elevator with a beautiful woman.

The woman hits the stop button, turns to the bishop and says,

"can you make me feel like a true woman?"

And the bishop says, "I sure can," takes off all his clothes,

throws them in the corner and says, "now fold them."

That's-- yes.

Okay, Chad, here's one for you.

How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None. It's not the lightbulb that needs changing.

Ho-ho. Touch?, Margene.

Gee, you've got a great sense of humor.

Really? You think so?

Yeah. You're quick-witted.

And smart and clever.


I know somebody voted against me, and I want to know why.

- Do you hear me?
- Huh?

I just-- I don't understand what took you so long to make a decision.

I liked you right away.

And I'll have you know, a lot of people take an instant liking to me.

I'm good at telling jokes.

It took me a while to realize this, but it's true.

Margie, it isn't always about you.

Don't you realize what I'm going through?

I have a lot more on my mind than how many times

I wrote your name down on a piece of paper.

I am one step away from being tossed out onto skid row.

Bill's that mad at you?

Of course not.

It's just a figure of speech.

You know, Nicki, if I were in your shoes,

I'm not sure I'd think I could afford to go out of my way

to be mean and alienate someone right now.

Honey, you know how much I care for you.

I love you, Margie.

Do you honestly think I could have voted against you?

Do you really think that's possible?

Look, there's your food court...

- ...and a bigger office.
- Yes, sir.

What are you gonna do when Betty moves in?

Vernie and Jojo are gonna share a room till we can add on.

Good. Don't spread 'em out into separate houses.

All right, Bill, what's going on?

It's Nicki. I found out she has a shopping addiction.

She's been hiding it.

I feel like a stranger in my own homes.

Sorry, Bill.

You know, the best thing you can do is get it off your chest with her and move on.

The thing is, I'm having a hard time forgiving her.

I just feel it's-- it's not in me.

My emotions are out of control.

Listen to that. It's really coming down.

Yeah, I watched it on the weather channel last night. It was over Nevada.

Whoa. That was right on top of us.

I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by.

These are for you.

Could I come in for a minute?

I knew you had kids. I just didn't realize you had so many.

It's a handful sometimes.

I love kids.

And I'm pretty good with them, too.

I had such a great time at dinner.

You are so fun to be around.


That's nice to hear.

I couldn't sleep at all last night.

I was thinking about meeting you.

I know this sounds crazy, but I felt this kind of a--

I don't know, like a burning in my bosom.

All night my mind was racing.

I believe I might have had a revelation--

you're the one for me.

I don't know... what to say.

I'm going to kiss you now.

Chad, uh...

I need to tell you I have my eye on someone else.

Forgive me for saying this...

but perhaps you're looking in the wrong direction.

I can't believe it just collapsed.

I'll go call the insurance company and I should get some cones to block of the area.

The last thing we need is a lawsuit.

You seem to have suffered some misfortune.

"We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power

for he directs the showers and storms that fall upon the earth."

What are you doing here, Roman?

You and I are finished.

We're shopping.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

But I'm not anyone, Bill. I'm the father of one of your wives.

How much longer are you going to be here?

It's too bad you feel so uncomfortable around your family.

I hope you get this fixed soon.

It's bad luck to open that indoors.

Before I forget, let me return some papers that Alby borrowed.

Interesting reading.

I must commend you on your work at beehive village.

The importance of preserving our great historical sites cannot be overstated.

What in God's name was he doing here?

I have no idea what he's up to, but...

I don't like it.

Bill, come on, you can't ignore me forever.

This is about a lot more than money, Nicki.

I'll take care of your debt, 'cause that's the honorable thing to do.

After that...

I don't know.

Barb, Barb, wake up. He's gonna throw me out. I'm serious.

I didn't think it would happen, not really really happen, but he is.


I'm history. I'm gone.

- Barb--
- No.

Bill is not going to throw you out.

That's easy for you to say. You're first wife. You're protected.

I've seen it hundreds of times--

just drive an unwanted wife out to the edge of town and leave her

by the side of the road like a sackful of unwanted kittens

and drive off without so much as a glance in the rear-view.

Nicki, that is the most vile, preposterous story I've ever heard of.

It's true. My father left a wife at a conoco station in Elko, Nevada.

Well, you need to have more faith in Bill.

And if he were to do that, I-- I'd leave him.

Can I stay over with you tonight?

Of course you can.

Boys... we're staying the night at Barbara's.

Goodnight, Barb.

Well, I figure it was the same person who kept voting against me every time.

Am I right?

Am I right or am I wrong?

Margene, what is important is that we all agreed.

We wanted you in this family.

I knew you'd play dumb.

- How many of those did you get?
- Two dozen.

Well, that's enough for an army. It's just Don and his wives and Betty.


I know you don't like secrets

and I know you don't like things hidden from you.

What are you trying to say, Nicki?

I'm going to put everything out on the table, Bill.

I mean, believe me, if I've learned anything from this,

it's that honesty is the best policy.

My father helped me on the cards.

He's made payments from time to time and last month he gave me 3000.

God almighty!

What else have you kept hidden?

Deceitful, completely underhanded.

I can't believe this!


What happened?

- Well, where'd she go?
- She left.

- When's she coming back?
- I don't know.

Oh, you're early.

Well, come on in.

I won't be staying. I just came to drop this off.

Betty made it.

Hey, we just got the fire going.

Well, Don says he's not staying.

Not staying? Why not? What's wrong?

Betty's been blackballed.

Oh no.

Oh boy.

Come on in. Come on, sit down.

Come on, Don. Have a seat over there.

What happened?

Peg was helping Betty pack some of her belongings to put into storage

and she came across a copy of this thing called "the divine principle."

What's that?

It's the sacred text for the unification church.

Apparently, she spent some time with them before joining our group.

- She was a moonie.
- Oh, Don, oh.

And before that, she was a member of the family.

- What family?
- It's a cult, Margene.

There may have been others, too.

Ever hear of Bhagwan?

I remember she once talked about being in tune with the mother principle.

I just thought she wanted kids.

Ben, why don't you get don a box of kleenex?

The wives demanded a revote.

They don't believe she can commit.

They just think she's a lost soul.

Oh, this must be so hard.


I had to break it to her this morning.

We've been driving around for the last couple hours.

She's out in the car right now waiting for me.

I thought this was a slam dunk.

I'm sorry, everyone. The Barbecue's off.

Hi. I'm Margene.

I heard about what happened.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure I've ruined everyone's day.

No, you didn't.

The day was not going very well anyway.

I've been looking forward to meeting you, Betty.

I've heard a lot of great things, and I wasn't sure we'd have anything in common,

but I know how it feels to be voted out.

It almost happened to me, too.

I know.

Don and Peg, Vernie and Jojo told me.

It's okay.

I'll be fine.

Well, why don't you just stay and hold it out?

Sometimes you have to let one train leave the station for a new one to come in.

No, stay.

Stay and prove them wrong.

How could you let them vote you out like that?

Why should we hold on to negative thoughts?

It's better to let them go.

I wanted to celebrate.

$2000 in lobsters down the drain, half not even cooked.

Bill, there are other tragedies at play, other than the price of lobster--

Don's heartbroken for his doe-eyed moonie;

and there are greater tragedies than a credit card debt of $60,000, too.

Poor Nicki. Who knows what she's seen growing up in that world--

women and kittens thrown out like sacks of old potatoes?

Just... you think about that.

- Are you looking for something to eat?
- No.

I wanted to talk.

I was thinking about Betty,

and it's too bad that she couldn't tell people who she really was.

I lied to you before.

About what?

The pancake breakfast. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want you to go.

You would have introduced yourself to all the other dads

as Bill Henricks, father of three, with one wife, with one house.

It hurts to see you lie, dad.

I hate that about this life--

watching you and mom hide,

all of us having to hide.

Dad, when's mom coming home?

Ma'am, it's sunday. We closed at 6:00. You're gonna have to leave.

Go on, scat!

What are you doing here so early?

I--I've been here all night. I... had to get out of the house.

Why? What happened?

I got it, I got it, I got it.

The-- the wives ganged up on me.

They're blaming me for not doing enough research on Betty.

They got really attached to her and they think it's my fault.

But what could I have done, Bill?

I've been thinking all night, too.

You know, we're constantly being tested.

Sometimes we just have to bend to God's will.

I guess, Betty just... wasn't part of his plan for you.

Four inches of rain in under an hour.

Wow, was it that much?

Your policy has a force majeure clause. The damage should be covered.

A flash flood is considered an act of God.

Mr. Henrickson, urgent call on line two.

Mr. Henrickson, urgent call on line two.


Thanks for what you said to me earlier.

Sometimes I forget that I'm not the one in the driver's seat.

You okay, Bill?

The land for the third store is gone.

Suddenly it's a historical site.

It-- it's a commercial zone.

Allegedly, some shoshones once had a winter camp there.

An injunction's been filed. It's gonna be tied up in red tape for months, probably years.

That land was ours.

It was right there, right in our hands.

The surveyors are going out there tomorrow to do some more specs.

I mean, I can't believe our miserable bad luck.

It's not bad luck. It's Roman.

I gave him what he wanted-- money.

And in return, he was supposed to give me what I wanted-- my freedom.

What do I have to do to get that man out of my life?

I need that store.


It's about Nicki. She didn't come home last night.

She just called. She said goodbye.



It's a job application.

I got stuck.

It asks for marital status,

who to contact in case of an emergency.

What are you doing here?

The shelter kicks you out at 7:00 a.m.


What were you doing at a shelter?

How could I go to the compound...

carrying the shame of a discarded woman,

a throwaway?



You made me feel that I had failed, that I wasn't in control.

I couldn't forgive you for that.

But I'm not in control of you

and I love you anyways.

We made a covenant with each other.

We can disagree, we can argue-- we're human,

but beneath that there's something strong-- family.

Nothing, nothing breaks that bond.

This isn't the compound, and I'm not my father.

We don't kick out family members.

Your father didn't kick you off the compound.

Mine did.

No, he didn't.

He was afraid of you.

I was 14 years old.

But your grandfather was the prophet.

My dad thought that you were too much like him--

whatever comes your way, you can handle.

You don't give up.

My father calls it pride.


- I'm glad you're back.
- It's nice to be back.

I missed you.

I was scared.

You don't have to worry. I was fine.

And I need to know my vote.

I need to know my vote. I need you to tell me, please.

All right, Margene.

It was me, okay?

I was the holdout.

I thought you were too needy.


How am I needy?

You need a lot of reassurance

and you want to be the center of attention.

I was worried it would always be the Margene show.

This is a hard life.

I just thought you might not be ready.

Thank you.