Big Love (2006–2011): Season 1, Episode 7 - Eviction - full transcript
Roman gives the Henrickson clan his answer to Bill's proposal. Barb uncovers Nicki's secret.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You awake?
Maybe we could go to the movie theater with the big chairs
that rock back and forth.
It's more expensive, but it's worth it.
They serve salads.
We need windex.
Hi. Did I leave a box of huggies over here? I'm out.
Left shelf in the pantry.
Your hair looks nice.
I used the shampoo sample in the newspaper. Thanks.
I don't know where your jacket is, Teenie.
We've looked everywhere. Why don't you wear something else?
I can't, it's blue day!
There's no such thing as blue day!
- Mom!
- Wayne, put that down!
Dear heavenly Father, bless our family and please help me find my jacket,
in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sarah, you want to go to the mall with me after school?
I'm sorry, I can't. I have to work.
- Morning!
- Hi, mom.
Here's your juicer.
You fixed it?
It was the on-off switch.
You look nice for a bunch of second graders.
Oh. Um, thank you.
She used a sample from the newspaper, can you believe that?
Did Bill leave for work already?
Uh, I don't think so, no.
Ben? Ben!
Hurry, eat.
Hey, Ben? Do you want to go to the mall with me after school?
I've got baseball practice.
How's seminary? Made friends with the other brainwashees?
Don't call them brainwashed.
Why not?
I don't like it.
Oh, good. You still have an opinion.
- Hey, mornin', everybody.
- Morning, daddy.
- Morning.
- Morning, dad.
Bill, you can't eat just pastry. Have some orange juice.
- One.
- Perfect.
Come on, we've got to go. I'm gonna be late.
- I'm not finished yet.
- We're still eating.
Barb, go. Go ahead.
I'll give the kids a lift.
Um... uh, well, thanks.
All right, I'm off. I'm off. Bye.
You guys have a great day. See ya.
- Bye, dad.
- Bye, dad.
Do you want to go to the mall with mommy?
So what's the time-frame?
Well, we're thinkin' third store this year, a fourth next.
We haven't landed there yet, but we're working the numbers aggressively.
You asked for fresh.
We're thinking we need to move beyond Bill Henrickson, the face of Home Plus,
and make Home Plus the face of Utah.
Grace Ann, you wanna take it from there?
Bill, your market is dominated by the big boys--
Home Depot, Lowe's, Wal-Mart.
Not a friendly group. No, sir, not the warm and fuzzies.
But you do have a potential edge.
You're home-grown, based here, Salt Lake.
- Well, we do like to support our own.
- Exactly.
Message: You're one of us, they're not.
Now, you need to let your customers know you're one of them.
Nothin' like feeling you belong.
Salt Lake business group study.
What do you see?
Same woman?
Look closer.
This is code.
It says, "I'm wearing my garments. I'm one of you."
That's what Utah will see, even if they're not looking.
A three-month medium-saturation market-sensitive media campaign
branding Home Plus as Utah's family super store;
testimonials from employees crammed with visual clues--
Home Plus: Family.
Utah: Family.
Family: Us.
Home Plus: Us.
"Home Plus is us."
She's a firecracker.
I see.
Yes, it's-- it's perfect.
Oh my!
- Take off your--
- Peignoir.
- Yeah.
- Peignoir.
She sees us as the Utah store even beyond the state, an important regional retailer.
How's tuesday for you?
Teacher's conferences all afternoon.
Thursday morning?
No, zoning board.
How about tomorrow night?
G reat.
- You're on my skirt.
- Oh, sorry.
Sometimes you think something, and sometimes you dream it,
but in that moment I saw it. I saw it all coming true.
Like it was meant to happen.
Who's that?
Just Nicki.
What'd she want?
Oh, nothing. She's...
she's ovulating.
Well, I'll give up my night tonight.
- Are you sure?
- I don't mind.
- No, really.
- No, uh, I don't-- I don't mind.
I have to go.
- See ya at home.
- Okay.
Come in.
Was-was there a meeting?
Yeah, sit down, Alby.
Now, the Henricksons are not your concern any longer.
I've decided to handle them myself.
- But I wa-- I was--
- You no longer are.
- I don't understand.
- You don't need to.
It's under way.
What I want you to do is to go home, pack a small bag,
and tell your wives you'll be gone for two days.
All right.
Hi, Margie!
Hi, Pam.
Goin' to the park, so I'll talk to you later.
I just got back from the market. I got too many pears.
Want some?
Bartletts, they're so delicious.
Uh, no. Not a big pear person.
Okay. Mm, tell you what, when you gonna be back? I'll drop by.
Mmm, good. Those are missionaries.
Jacob Taggart and Erin Cullum.
I'd introduce you, but frankly, I think they've got their hands full with that one.
May we read this passage to you?
"And also to whom the only true and li--"
"And living church upon the face of the whole earth."
I got it.
Look, my children are sleeping, so it's not really convenient for me right now.
You know, we believe you can be surrounded and draw strength and love
from your family for all eternity in the celestial kingdom.
We'd be happy to tell you all about that sometime.
No, this is good enough, Mr. Taggart.
We'd love to share with you the gift of the one true church.
When would it be convenient for us to return?
It wouldn't.
Who is it?
See? Now you've woken him up.
I wasn't sleeping, mother.
Hello, little man.
Would you like a coloring book?
- Yes.
- No.
Tell me how we can do this.
The agency budgeted the campaign at over $250,000.
It's too big, Bill. It's too much.
No, there's a vision here, and a road-map of how to get there.
She's paid to sell you on a vision.
That's how they get their jobs. They're ad sales reps.
It goes way beyond any responsible advertising budget based on percent of sales.
We'd have to dip into all kinds of accounts to swing it.
Is there enough, though?
Enough to get us started.
But it's a huge hit to absorb. It ought to make you very queasy.
Bill, maybe we should do it smaller.
Halve the television spots, double the radio spots
and don't run 'em at peak drive time or somethin'.
What's the point?
This is our shot. Guys, this isn't a business expense, it's a down payment on a future.
Now they know how much they need to brand a new identy.
I don't even know why we're talking about this.
Until we're finally disentangled from Roman, we'd be fools to go forward.
How can we be the face of Utah when we're still stuck in bed with Juniper Creek?
No. Before the week is out, that phone is gonna ring
and it's gonna be Roman begging to settle.
You didn't see the fear in his eyes when I raised the hammer
of bringing the attorney general down on him.
We're as good as home free.
We're doing this.
We have to.
Drive safely.
Rest tonight and rejuvenate your mind and spirit
to prepare for the task ahead.
Lord, bless this servant. Watch over him on his journey
so that your work will be done through his hand tomorrow,
and that all our works glorify you,
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wouldn't one of the... hummers be more efficient, papa?
The buick will suffice, I think.
You're doing God's work.
Yes, sir.
Bring me Joey Henrickson... now.
Hello, sister Lois.
Not good for your teeth.
I like them.
I can have them if I want.
Yes... I guess you can.
Do you know what's up with these dozers?
Is there some kind of construction goin' on up at the office? By your house?
I don't think so. Why?
They bothering you?
That one pulled up about two hours ago,
sat there and started up and pulled up for some gas.
Now, who knows what it's up to?
Who sent it?
Saw one in front of your house this morning, too.
Still there, just sitting.
It's creepy. Who knows what they want?
We also recommend you check your statements for any activity that might be fraudulent.
- Nicki?
- Just a sec!
Come on in.
Just trying to get organized. What a mess.
Wayne got into Margene's lipstick.
I thought you were watching "Shrek."
It's over.
He drew all over her walls with it.
Wayne, you know better than this.
- I'm Bozo!
- You're in trouble is what you are.
Time-out in your room, and wash up first.
Nicki, you can't just leave him unsupervised.
Thank you so much for telling me.
Like I don't know that.
What is the matter?
what is the matter?
Just that neighbor woman Pam.
She sent missionaries to my house this morning.
Well, missionaries just show up.
No, these were sent by someone, I know it.
I just think it's dangerous, that's all.
One, two, five, four. Front and back. Again, let's go!
One, two, five, four. Knee and knee. Front and back.
- Hi!
- It's later!
Oh, is it? Is it?
I-- I-- the boys are asleep, so I'm exercising.
Good for you!
So, this is a little off the wall,
but Carl and I are going to church tomorrow afternoon for a concert recital and wondered--
we wondered if you could come.
Oh, gosh! I-- oh, I don't know. I mean, everything's--
I can't-- I don't think so.
Oh, honey, we're not trying to convert you.
It's just that, well, you seem so lonely.
You'll meet people, that's all. No pressure. Fun.
You're so naturally filled with the spirit, I don't know how you do it alone.
But Carl and I want to help. We pray for you.
Oh, there I go. That doesn't sound like fun.
You can bring the boys. There's childcare.
That's really nice of you.
Oh, I didn't know you had company.
I was just looking at Margene's backyard.
She was asking for some, you know, well, landscaping ideas,
and, uh, I'm trying to come up with something different.
Everyone has gazebos.
Well, Carl and I just got a palapa.
I don't know where they're from-- Thailand, Mexico--
but it's like an outdoor living room.
Mmm, that sounds so exotic.
It's heaven. We just about live out there.
We're thinking of getting a space heater for the winter.
Well, I'll-- I'll let you go.
Call me.
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Margie--
- Everything's fine.
Well, Nicki seems to think that Pam sent over
some missionaries to her door this morning.
She wouldn't do that.
You can't be sure.
Look, no one is saying Pam's a bad person.
Barb, I'm being really careful, so you don't have to worry about anything.
I thought that was a really good point, the difference between lust and temptation.
Ben, it's seminary.
Hey, do want to come with us to the mall until practice, skip last period?
Yeah, thanks. Okay.
All right.
- Yah!
- There you are.
- We're outta here!
- Ow, you're sitting on me.
- Hello.
- You again.
Hello, ma'am. You said something when we visited you earlier.
You quoted scripture from "doctrine and covenants."
You quote mormon scripture, yet you're not L.D.S.
We understand now.
The polygamist lifestyle is wrong, ma'am.
No, you assume you know what my religion is.
We would like to show you the way back to the one true church.
Look, I know that busybody across the street sent you, but I don't need any saving.
There's room for you, ma'am,
In the church and in our hearts, once you change.
I already told you, I am not what you think I am.
But I don't need any changing anyway.
Then we're all done here.
Don't think I don't know what you're doing.
You're shaking the dust off your feet.
You're writing my house off for all eternity.
You're in sin, but we're not writing you off.
We're marking you down as uncooperative, not repentant.
But we'll continue to pray for you.
Go on and pray for yourselves!
You're the ones that need to be prayed for!
Go on and pray for yourselves!
It's wood.
It's wood, see?
Oh my god, Gibson's got wood.
Me too. It's my "one mighty and strong," my "pillar of truth."
"Pencil of truth," Detweiler.
Hey, fellas, here's my "one mighty and strong."
Look, my hard-on's drivin'.
Hey, Gibson, can your dick hang a left?
Bill, your brother's on line one.
Put him through.
Joey, what's up?
Hey, Bill, uh... Listen, there's something I gotta tell you.
Roman called me in and gave me this piece of paper.
Uh, well, actually, I'd seen it before, I guess. I-- I signed it a couple months ago.
You all right? What is it?
Well, you know what? I didn't read it close when I signed it.
I thought I was just signing a permit for a fish farm, you know?
What did you sign?
It says that I'm the designated agent for that land thing, the deseret properties,
the, uh, the "non-remunerated stakeholder." I don't know.
Roman says to tell you that the first stop any attorney general will make
will be at my doorstep. I mean, is that right, Bill? Am I gonna go to jail over this?
Oh, Joey.
Oh, man.
I'm awfully-- I've ruined it, right? I've ruined everything?
I'm sorry, Bill. I'm awfully sorry.
Maybe I can help you some other way?
No no, don't worry about it. It's gonna be okay.
Well, listen, the other thing, Roman said to tell you that his answer is comin'.
Thanks for letting me know.
Look what I found.
My blue jacket! It's a miracle!
It was on the ground in between the houses.
How did it get there, Teenie?
I don't know.
I found a pair of Wayne's poop underwear stuffed in the sleeve.
Oh, no. I thought he was over that.
Ever since we moved into separate houses, it's started up again.
- Nicki, he's too old for that.
- I know.
He's acting out.
I think he misses Bill.
Bill said you were ovulating, so you can have my night tonight.
Thanks, Barb.
Hi, it's Margene.
Barb, it's Ben.
You got a car?
Where're you headed?
No place. Around.
Let's go.
You okay, Benny?
It was just a stupid accident.
A dog ran into the street, and they had to swerve to miss it.
Did the dog die?
Uh... no.
What type of dog was it?
Um, I don't know, Teenie.
Are you sure he's all right?
Leave your brother alone. He's had quite a day.
Let's all just eat, folks.
I'm not really hungry. I think I'm just gonna go upstairs, if that's okay.
Are you sure, honey?
Your mom made a tamale pie, Ben.
No, thanks. I mean, I'm not hungry, so...
I don't know.
This is the first time I had someone over since...
since we moved here.
So then, are you sure that this is okay?
No, but what are they gonna do, kick you out, kick me out?
I'm kidding. Come on.
Heavenly Father, thank you for all your blessings,
for seeing Ben safely home, for the ad campaign,
the revenues from the stores and the health and well-being of our family;
for the capacity to see your vision of the greatness in each of us,
and for the grit and perseverance to aspire and make it come true,
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Everyone, this is my friend Heather.
Nice to meet you, Heather.
Sarah, I thought you were working tonight.
Oh, we got off early.
- Grease fire.
- Yeah.
Heather, won't you please sit down and have some dinner?
Uh, we ate at work already, actually.
So we're just gonna go upstairs and study.
Well, thanks anyway, Mrs. Henrickson. Everything really smells delicious.
I need a reality check.
Is this a "something" or is this a "nothing"?
She's just being rebellious 'cause she feels too restricted.
I mean, or something.
So what was that all about? Do they do that all the time?
Nah, just sometimes.
Isn't that kind of homosexual, like when he slapped it around?
Gibson, no way, man!
I just got a vibe thing.
Did it turn you on or something? 'Cause if you're vibin', maybe you're gay, man.
No, it's cool. Don't get stupid.
But his was bigger than average, right?
It's bigger than yours.
Oh, shut up.
She doesn't even wear makeup and she's so pretty.
My mom looks like a pigeon when she doesn't wear makeup.
She's so not what I expected.
I thought she'd be more like the one with the braid.
- What's her name?
- Nicki.
Sarah, would you and Heather please join us for dessert?
Thank you.
So, you live off Red Stone Creek?
Yes, near the park.
It's beautiful over there.
My parents don't owe anything on the house.
It used to be my grandparents'.
My mom really wants to move, but my dad won't,
and she says that he's really way too attached to his mother.
So, you're Nicki?
What's it like having Roman Grant for a father?
It's an honor.
Well, it was nice to meet you, Heather.
You too, Mr. Henrickson.
And thank you for the spice cake.
I don't usually like it, but the way you made it is delicious.
Not too intense.
You're welcome.
You know, I really have some strong opinions about polygamy,
and I would love to sit down and talk to you about it one day.
We should do that sometime.
All right.
- I'll see you, Sarah.
- All right.
- Good night.
- Night.
I didn't know she was gonna say that.
I mean, she's just really interested, that's all.
Sarah, if you want to bring a friend home, that's all right.
Just ask first.
You understand?
I understand.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night.
Night, honey.
The window was open in the bathroom,
but I shut it.
This is where I stay when I come to town.
Do you want...
a sandwich?
Where you from?
I'm gonna make a sandwich.
They say these tires cost $49.
By the time you get out of there, it's never $49.
We gonna fuck or what?
What's the matter, man?
What the fuck's the matter with you?
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up, man!
Shut the fuck up! You're a crazy fuckin' whacked-out freak!
Honey, stop.
No, you're ovulating.
It's okay.
I was fine. I was fine.
It's okay.
We're okay.
Let's just go to sleep.
Probably make some friends. Oh, hey...
I thought you should see this.
- What is it?
- Nicki's credit card.
Oh no, Nicki doesn't have a credit card.
Oh yes, she does. It was confiscated by the store
when she tried to use the family discount.
Why was it confiscated?
Because it's maxed out.
I checked the activity on the card.
Don't ask me how I did it. I don't want to incriminate myself.
No, I don't want to see it.
Honey, I know you don't want to, but I think you need to.
No, it's Nicki's business.
It's family business.
- A $6,700 credit limit?
- Maxed out.
Even after a payment of 3,000-some-odd dollars.
Nicki doesn't have $3,000 for a payment.
Well, somebody made it for her.
No, not without telling me. Bill wouldn't do that.
I'm just saying somebody paid it.
This is what happens when a person in a family starts keeping secrets.
Well, we don't have secrets like that.
Two caesar salads.
And your name, ma'am?
Nicolette Grant.
The last four digits of your social security number, please?
Um, 5642.
And your mother's maiden name?
And how may I help you?
I just wanna know that you've received the payment I sent.
I'm sorry, miss Grant, on which account?
Which account?
What are you doing?
You can't. You have no right!
- I have every right!
- These are my things!
Are you out of your mind?
You have no right to invade my privacy.
Well, do you have any idea what you're doing to us?
To our family?
When were you gonna say something?
When the creditors just came crawling all over us?
You have a lot of nerve lecturing me about secrets.
No, this is about this.
How many credit cards do you have?
Tell the truth.
How did you get nine cards?
I don't know, they just kept sending them to me.
One after another after another!
How much do you owe?
I don't know. It's compulsive. I can't help it!
Does Bill know the full amount?
Bill doesn't know anything. He doesn't know a thing about it.
Well, how can he not know? He just paid $3,000 on it!
No, he didn't.
My father did.
Oh, good night.
Bill knows nothing?
I'm sorry. I am so sorry.
I don't even want to think about what Bill's gonna say when he hears about all this.
We can't tell him!
Barb, please, you can't tell him. Please.
You know I can't keep this from him.
How can I keep this a secret?
But he'll kick me out.
What are you talking about? He would never do that.
What if he does?
I'm so scared.
Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't.
Oh, Nicki.
Oh, it was beautiful! The music, the little bit of reading at the end.
Oh, gotta love the scripture.
"Yea." I just love that. It's so excited, like, "hark, glad tidings."
Pammie drinks a bit too much from the cup of salvation.
- "But woe unto him."
- "Woe."
- It's fun, huh?
- Yes.
Lloyd and Sue are having a reception for the musicians at their house. Want to go?
We have got a super ward.
There's potluck and fireside for singles every tuesday.
Singles salsa. It works.
For us it did.
Then the society tutors at the reservation, and sunday night scripture studies.
Bet you didn't think you'd find all that here, did you?
I don't know what I thought, what I expected, but--
Gotcha, huh?
Just kidding.
Converted. Converted.
Seriously, why don't you come back for sacrament meeting tomorrow?
- Okay, so, Del.
- Yes, sir.
Tell me about yourself. Where were you born?
- I was born here--
- Del, sweetie.
I need you to look right over here at the camera.
Okay. I was born here, and Beth was born in Ogden.
Uh, neither one of us had any desire to leave.
Uh, I mean, why-why would you?
This is, you know, a perfect place to grow up and to raise your family,
and it's-- It's wonderful.
Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, note.
Cougar. Says "BYU" without saying "BYU."
No comment.
Um, I'm housewares manager for Home Plus.
Worked a slew of places before.
Yeah, but Home Plus just fit in a lot of little ways.
Maybe it's because they grew up here, too.
See? Home-grown, home field advantage-local.
Like I told you.
- Um--
- I think-- I think we--
Okay. Had to do it. It's a killer-- the temple.
Obviously not in the first angle. That would be cheesy, but the temple.
Gotta have the temple.
Do it over here, so you can stretch.
Right there. Good, you look really pretty.
That looks great. Okay, you got that?
I just-- I love this family. They're just perfect.
Okay, so, Del. Say "Home Plus is us."
Home Plus is us.
Actually, look right at the camera and say that.
I'm sorry. Um, Home Plus is us.
Now, say it like you just thought of it.
Home Plus is us.
Good. All right, again.
- Home Plus is us.
- Good. One more time.
- Home plu-- Sorry.
- That's okay.
- Uh, Home Plus is us--
- Home Plus is us.
- Again.
- Again.
Home Plus is us.
Excellent! That was good!
You gotta love 'em. It'll be great. Splice it all together, it'll be perfect.
Uh, family: fun. Utah: fun, huh?
Fantastic. It's-- it's super. Really.
You okay?
It's Nicki.
Is it about switching nights? 'Cause it won't last forever, you know that.
I know.
I love you.
I love you, too.
First new message.
Bill, I-I need to talk to you.
- Get down! Levelor, get--
- Next message.
- Oh, no.
- Bill.
Will you-- Heaven, get back. Don't you dare!
Look out! Crazy woman's got a gun!
Get away from there!
Get away from me! Don't you touch me!
All right!
Back off! Put it down!
Oh, Lola, that's a good girl. Just right here, Lola.
That's a good girl, Lola.
- Evicted?
- Yeah.
Nice of you to show up.
I came as soon as I heard.
So what happened?
What'd you do to tick off Roman?
Oh no, you don't.
It was you who got us dispossessed by the U.E.B.
And I hope you haven't done anything to jeopardize my position in the community.
What position?
This has nothing to do with me.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that while we sit in here and rot.
We have been thrown out of our lives.
Whatever it is you've been fighting over,
I hope it's worth it.
Thanks for coming out here.
Joey, what happened?
They had bulldozers almost on top of our houses.
They were ready to tear them down with us in them if we didn't get out.
They own those houses.
They wouldn't destroy their own property.
They tore down the statue of grandpa at founder's park, Bill.
And they made us watch while they jackhammered it.
I hate to mention this, but you know wanda's due this month,
and, you know, I really don't want to have my baby in a motel, Bill.
I will not let that happen.
Uh, just so you have some cash on you. Go on. Go on, take it.
Hi, Wanda.
Um, Joey, would you get me an orange soda out of the machine?
Sure, babe.
- And something salty.
- Okay.
Wanda, I promise you, you will not have the baby in this motel.
Oh, I could give birth in a potato patch. I'd survive.
It's Joey I'm worried about.
He'd never say it to you, but he sunk everything into that fish farm,
and Roman drained those tanks.
Oh, no.
And we owe the investors who backed us and believed in us, and--
and if, um... if Joey cracks,
if he falls apart...
or if he falls off the wagon,
I'm holding you responsible.
Oh, Wanda.
I knew it was you.
Joey turned the TV up too high, and I can't get the volume back down again.
They gave us five minutes to clear out of there.
They grabbed me. I fought.
Look. Look.
- Oh, jeepers.
- Bruises.
Hoo-hoo, I got 'em back good, though.
But what about our houses, our things?
Don't you worry, mother. We'll straighten this out in a hurry.
Now, sit down. Just sit down here.
He's just been waitin' for the right time to get rid of us.
Joey told me what he did to the statue.
It won't end there. Next thing you know, he'll be diggin' up your grandfather's grave.
And then your sister!
I'm sorry, this is about me. It's about me and Roman and the stores.
No, it isn't. It's 30 years of harassment.
He's just trying to make like the Henricksons never even existed.
My daddy was the one true prophet,
and Roman Grant is gonna burn in "H" for what he's done to us.
When do we turn the corner?
When do we get justice?
Hi. Did you take the roast out of the freezer?
Thank you, sweetie.
Where have you been?
Oh, I just did some errands that I had to do.
With dad?
- Hi.
- Are they okay?
Mr. Henrickson?
This is Dan Potts. Security, down at the store.
Look, I hate to bother you, but... I was told to always call you before contacting the police.
That's right. What's wrong?
Well, we apprehended a burglar rootin' around in your office.
He take anything?
Well, I'm not sure, but he sure made a big mess.
Did you get an ID on him?
Yes, sir, we did. His name's Albert Grant.
Put him on the phone.
I would have thought papa would have sent someone more capable.
Certain connections, certain involvements...
made known...
you know, not good.
What are you saying?
I'm just saying.
You want me to call the police, Mr. Henrickson?
No. No no, it's not necessary.
Then you don't want to press charges?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- He broke in.
- Let him go.
What was that about?
Nothing. It's taken care of.
It's Roman.
I'm trying to get free. He says he's entitled to a piece of the second store.
I'm fightingim, he's fightin' me back.
I didn't want you to worry.
I'm gonna get a glass of milk.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Barb, it feels like...
everything is spinning out of control.
We can't keep doing what we're doing.
But I need you.
You have me.
And you have a family.
We can't.
You're right.
We can't.
You awake?
Maybe we could go to the movie theater with the big chairs
that rock back and forth.
It's more expensive, but it's worth it.
They serve salads.
We need windex.
Hi. Did I leave a box of huggies over here? I'm out.
Left shelf in the pantry.
Your hair looks nice.
I used the shampoo sample in the newspaper. Thanks.
I don't know where your jacket is, Teenie.
We've looked everywhere. Why don't you wear something else?
I can't, it's blue day!
There's no such thing as blue day!
- Mom!
- Wayne, put that down!
Dear heavenly Father, bless our family and please help me find my jacket,
in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sarah, you want to go to the mall with me after school?
I'm sorry, I can't. I have to work.
- Morning!
- Hi, mom.
Here's your juicer.
You fixed it?
It was the on-off switch.
You look nice for a bunch of second graders.
Oh. Um, thank you.
She used a sample from the newspaper, can you believe that?
Did Bill leave for work already?
Uh, I don't think so, no.
Ben? Ben!
Hurry, eat.
Hey, Ben? Do you want to go to the mall with me after school?
I've got baseball practice.
How's seminary? Made friends with the other brainwashees?
Don't call them brainwashed.
Why not?
I don't like it.
Oh, good. You still have an opinion.
- Hey, mornin', everybody.
- Morning, daddy.
- Morning.
- Morning, dad.
Bill, you can't eat just pastry. Have some orange juice.
- One.
- Perfect.
Come on, we've got to go. I'm gonna be late.
- I'm not finished yet.
- We're still eating.
Barb, go. Go ahead.
I'll give the kids a lift.
Um... uh, well, thanks.
All right, I'm off. I'm off. Bye.
You guys have a great day. See ya.
- Bye, dad.
- Bye, dad.
Do you want to go to the mall with mommy?
So what's the time-frame?
Well, we're thinkin' third store this year, a fourth next.
We haven't landed there yet, but we're working the numbers aggressively.
You asked for fresh.
We're thinking we need to move beyond Bill Henrickson, the face of Home Plus,
and make Home Plus the face of Utah.
Grace Ann, you wanna take it from there?
Bill, your market is dominated by the big boys--
Home Depot, Lowe's, Wal-Mart.
Not a friendly group. No, sir, not the warm and fuzzies.
But you do have a potential edge.
You're home-grown, based here, Salt Lake.
- Well, we do like to support our own.
- Exactly.
Message: You're one of us, they're not.
Now, you need to let your customers know you're one of them.
Nothin' like feeling you belong.
Salt Lake business group study.
What do you see?
Same woman?
Look closer.
This is code.
It says, "I'm wearing my garments. I'm one of you."
That's what Utah will see, even if they're not looking.
A three-month medium-saturation market-sensitive media campaign
branding Home Plus as Utah's family super store;
testimonials from employees crammed with visual clues--
Home Plus: Family.
Utah: Family.
Family: Us.
Home Plus: Us.
"Home Plus is us."
She's a firecracker.
I see.
Yes, it's-- it's perfect.
Oh my!
- Take off your--
- Peignoir.
- Yeah.
- Peignoir.
She sees us as the Utah store even beyond the state, an important regional retailer.
How's tuesday for you?
Teacher's conferences all afternoon.
Thursday morning?
No, zoning board.
How about tomorrow night?
G reat.
- You're on my skirt.
- Oh, sorry.
Sometimes you think something, and sometimes you dream it,
but in that moment I saw it. I saw it all coming true.
Like it was meant to happen.
Who's that?
Just Nicki.
What'd she want?
Oh, nothing. She's...
she's ovulating.
Well, I'll give up my night tonight.
- Are you sure?
- I don't mind.
- No, really.
- No, uh, I don't-- I don't mind.
I have to go.
- See ya at home.
- Okay.
Come in.
Was-was there a meeting?
Yeah, sit down, Alby.
Now, the Henricksons are not your concern any longer.
I've decided to handle them myself.
- But I wa-- I was--
- You no longer are.
- I don't understand.
- You don't need to.
It's under way.
What I want you to do is to go home, pack a small bag,
and tell your wives you'll be gone for two days.
All right.
Hi, Margie!
Hi, Pam.
Goin' to the park, so I'll talk to you later.
I just got back from the market. I got too many pears.
Want some?
Bartletts, they're so delicious.
Uh, no. Not a big pear person.
Okay. Mm, tell you what, when you gonna be back? I'll drop by.
Mmm, good. Those are missionaries.
Jacob Taggart and Erin Cullum.
I'd introduce you, but frankly, I think they've got their hands full with that one.
May we read this passage to you?
"And also to whom the only true and li--"
"And living church upon the face of the whole earth."
I got it.
Look, my children are sleeping, so it's not really convenient for me right now.
You know, we believe you can be surrounded and draw strength and love
from your family for all eternity in the celestial kingdom.
We'd be happy to tell you all about that sometime.
No, this is good enough, Mr. Taggart.
We'd love to share with you the gift of the one true church.
When would it be convenient for us to return?
It wouldn't.
Who is it?
See? Now you've woken him up.
I wasn't sleeping, mother.
Hello, little man.
Would you like a coloring book?
- Yes.
- No.
Tell me how we can do this.
The agency budgeted the campaign at over $250,000.
It's too big, Bill. It's too much.
No, there's a vision here, and a road-map of how to get there.
She's paid to sell you on a vision.
That's how they get their jobs. They're ad sales reps.
It goes way beyond any responsible advertising budget based on percent of sales.
We'd have to dip into all kinds of accounts to swing it.
Is there enough, though?
Enough to get us started.
But it's a huge hit to absorb. It ought to make you very queasy.
Bill, maybe we should do it smaller.
Halve the television spots, double the radio spots
and don't run 'em at peak drive time or somethin'.
What's the point?
This is our shot. Guys, this isn't a business expense, it's a down payment on a future.
Now they know how much they need to brand a new identy.
I don't even know why we're talking about this.
Until we're finally disentangled from Roman, we'd be fools to go forward.
How can we be the face of Utah when we're still stuck in bed with Juniper Creek?
No. Before the week is out, that phone is gonna ring
and it's gonna be Roman begging to settle.
You didn't see the fear in his eyes when I raised the hammer
of bringing the attorney general down on him.
We're as good as home free.
We're doing this.
We have to.
Drive safely.
Rest tonight and rejuvenate your mind and spirit
to prepare for the task ahead.
Lord, bless this servant. Watch over him on his journey
so that your work will be done through his hand tomorrow,
and that all our works glorify you,
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wouldn't one of the... hummers be more efficient, papa?
The buick will suffice, I think.
You're doing God's work.
Yes, sir.
Bring me Joey Henrickson... now.
Hello, sister Lois.
Not good for your teeth.
I like them.
I can have them if I want.
Yes... I guess you can.
Do you know what's up with these dozers?
Is there some kind of construction goin' on up at the office? By your house?
I don't think so. Why?
They bothering you?
That one pulled up about two hours ago,
sat there and started up and pulled up for some gas.
Now, who knows what it's up to?
Who sent it?
Saw one in front of your house this morning, too.
Still there, just sitting.
It's creepy. Who knows what they want?
We also recommend you check your statements for any activity that might be fraudulent.
- Nicki?
- Just a sec!
Come on in.
Just trying to get organized. What a mess.
Wayne got into Margene's lipstick.
I thought you were watching "Shrek."
It's over.
He drew all over her walls with it.
Wayne, you know better than this.
- I'm Bozo!
- You're in trouble is what you are.
Time-out in your room, and wash up first.
Nicki, you can't just leave him unsupervised.
Thank you so much for telling me.
Like I don't know that.
What is the matter?
what is the matter?
Just that neighbor woman Pam.
She sent missionaries to my house this morning.
Well, missionaries just show up.
No, these were sent by someone, I know it.
I just think it's dangerous, that's all.
One, two, five, four. Front and back. Again, let's go!
One, two, five, four. Knee and knee. Front and back.
- Hi!
- It's later!
Oh, is it? Is it?
I-- I-- the boys are asleep, so I'm exercising.
Good for you!
So, this is a little off the wall,
but Carl and I are going to church tomorrow afternoon for a concert recital and wondered--
we wondered if you could come.
Oh, gosh! I-- oh, I don't know. I mean, everything's--
I can't-- I don't think so.
Oh, honey, we're not trying to convert you.
It's just that, well, you seem so lonely.
You'll meet people, that's all. No pressure. Fun.
You're so naturally filled with the spirit, I don't know how you do it alone.
But Carl and I want to help. We pray for you.
Oh, there I go. That doesn't sound like fun.
You can bring the boys. There's childcare.
That's really nice of you.
Oh, I didn't know you had company.
I was just looking at Margene's backyard.
She was asking for some, you know, well, landscaping ideas,
and, uh, I'm trying to come up with something different.
Everyone has gazebos.
Well, Carl and I just got a palapa.
I don't know where they're from-- Thailand, Mexico--
but it's like an outdoor living room.
Mmm, that sounds so exotic.
It's heaven. We just about live out there.
We're thinking of getting a space heater for the winter.
Well, I'll-- I'll let you go.
Call me.
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Margie--
- Everything's fine.
Well, Nicki seems to think that Pam sent over
some missionaries to her door this morning.
She wouldn't do that.
You can't be sure.
Look, no one is saying Pam's a bad person.
Barb, I'm being really careful, so you don't have to worry about anything.
I thought that was a really good point, the difference between lust and temptation.
Ben, it's seminary.
Hey, do want to come with us to the mall until practice, skip last period?
Yeah, thanks. Okay.
All right.
- Yah!
- There you are.
- We're outta here!
- Ow, you're sitting on me.
- Hello.
- You again.
Hello, ma'am. You said something when we visited you earlier.
You quoted scripture from "doctrine and covenants."
You quote mormon scripture, yet you're not L.D.S.
We understand now.
The polygamist lifestyle is wrong, ma'am.
No, you assume you know what my religion is.
We would like to show you the way back to the one true church.
Look, I know that busybody across the street sent you, but I don't need any saving.
There's room for you, ma'am,
In the church and in our hearts, once you change.
I already told you, I am not what you think I am.
But I don't need any changing anyway.
Then we're all done here.
Don't think I don't know what you're doing.
You're shaking the dust off your feet.
You're writing my house off for all eternity.
You're in sin, but we're not writing you off.
We're marking you down as uncooperative, not repentant.
But we'll continue to pray for you.
Go on and pray for yourselves!
You're the ones that need to be prayed for!
Go on and pray for yourselves!
It's wood.
It's wood, see?
Oh my god, Gibson's got wood.
Me too. It's my "one mighty and strong," my "pillar of truth."
"Pencil of truth," Detweiler.
Hey, fellas, here's my "one mighty and strong."
Look, my hard-on's drivin'.
Hey, Gibson, can your dick hang a left?
Bill, your brother's on line one.
Put him through.
Joey, what's up?
Hey, Bill, uh... Listen, there's something I gotta tell you.
Roman called me in and gave me this piece of paper.
Uh, well, actually, I'd seen it before, I guess. I-- I signed it a couple months ago.
You all right? What is it?
Well, you know what? I didn't read it close when I signed it.
I thought I was just signing a permit for a fish farm, you know?
What did you sign?
It says that I'm the designated agent for that land thing, the deseret properties,
the, uh, the "non-remunerated stakeholder." I don't know.
Roman says to tell you that the first stop any attorney general will make
will be at my doorstep. I mean, is that right, Bill? Am I gonna go to jail over this?
Oh, Joey.
Oh, man.
I'm awfully-- I've ruined it, right? I've ruined everything?
I'm sorry, Bill. I'm awfully sorry.
Maybe I can help you some other way?
No no, don't worry about it. It's gonna be okay.
Well, listen, the other thing, Roman said to tell you that his answer is comin'.
Thanks for letting me know.
Look what I found.
My blue jacket! It's a miracle!
It was on the ground in between the houses.
How did it get there, Teenie?
I don't know.
I found a pair of Wayne's poop underwear stuffed in the sleeve.
Oh, no. I thought he was over that.
Ever since we moved into separate houses, it's started up again.
- Nicki, he's too old for that.
- I know.
He's acting out.
I think he misses Bill.
Bill said you were ovulating, so you can have my night tonight.
Thanks, Barb.
Hi, it's Margene.
Barb, it's Ben.
You got a car?
Where're you headed?
No place. Around.
Let's go.
You okay, Benny?
It was just a stupid accident.
A dog ran into the street, and they had to swerve to miss it.
Did the dog die?
Uh... no.
What type of dog was it?
Um, I don't know, Teenie.
Are you sure he's all right?
Leave your brother alone. He's had quite a day.
Let's all just eat, folks.
I'm not really hungry. I think I'm just gonna go upstairs, if that's okay.
Are you sure, honey?
Your mom made a tamale pie, Ben.
No, thanks. I mean, I'm not hungry, so...
I don't know.
This is the first time I had someone over since...
since we moved here.
So then, are you sure that this is okay?
No, but what are they gonna do, kick you out, kick me out?
I'm kidding. Come on.
Heavenly Father, thank you for all your blessings,
for seeing Ben safely home, for the ad campaign,
the revenues from the stores and the health and well-being of our family;
for the capacity to see your vision of the greatness in each of us,
and for the grit and perseverance to aspire and make it come true,
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Everyone, this is my friend Heather.
Nice to meet you, Heather.
Sarah, I thought you were working tonight.
Oh, we got off early.
- Grease fire.
- Yeah.
Heather, won't you please sit down and have some dinner?
Uh, we ate at work already, actually.
So we're just gonna go upstairs and study.
Well, thanks anyway, Mrs. Henrickson. Everything really smells delicious.
I need a reality check.
Is this a "something" or is this a "nothing"?
She's just being rebellious 'cause she feels too restricted.
I mean, or something.
So what was that all about? Do they do that all the time?
Nah, just sometimes.
Isn't that kind of homosexual, like when he slapped it around?
Gibson, no way, man!
I just got a vibe thing.
Did it turn you on or something? 'Cause if you're vibin', maybe you're gay, man.
No, it's cool. Don't get stupid.
But his was bigger than average, right?
It's bigger than yours.
Oh, shut up.
She doesn't even wear makeup and she's so pretty.
My mom looks like a pigeon when she doesn't wear makeup.
She's so not what I expected.
I thought she'd be more like the one with the braid.
- What's her name?
- Nicki.
Sarah, would you and Heather please join us for dessert?
Thank you.
So, you live off Red Stone Creek?
Yes, near the park.
It's beautiful over there.
My parents don't owe anything on the house.
It used to be my grandparents'.
My mom really wants to move, but my dad won't,
and she says that he's really way too attached to his mother.
So, you're Nicki?
What's it like having Roman Grant for a father?
It's an honor.
Well, it was nice to meet you, Heather.
You too, Mr. Henrickson.
And thank you for the spice cake.
I don't usually like it, but the way you made it is delicious.
Not too intense.
You're welcome.
You know, I really have some strong opinions about polygamy,
and I would love to sit down and talk to you about it one day.
We should do that sometime.
All right.
- I'll see you, Sarah.
- All right.
- Good night.
- Night.
I didn't know she was gonna say that.
I mean, she's just really interested, that's all.
Sarah, if you want to bring a friend home, that's all right.
Just ask first.
You understand?
I understand.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night.
Night, honey.
The window was open in the bathroom,
but I shut it.
This is where I stay when I come to town.
Do you want...
a sandwich?
Where you from?
I'm gonna make a sandwich.
They say these tires cost $49.
By the time you get out of there, it's never $49.
We gonna fuck or what?
What's the matter, man?
What the fuck's the matter with you?
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up, man!
Shut the fuck up! You're a crazy fuckin' whacked-out freak!
Honey, stop.
No, you're ovulating.
It's okay.
I was fine. I was fine.
It's okay.
We're okay.
Let's just go to sleep.
Probably make some friends. Oh, hey...
I thought you should see this.
- What is it?
- Nicki's credit card.
Oh no, Nicki doesn't have a credit card.
Oh yes, she does. It was confiscated by the store
when she tried to use the family discount.
Why was it confiscated?
Because it's maxed out.
I checked the activity on the card.
Don't ask me how I did it. I don't want to incriminate myself.
No, I don't want to see it.
Honey, I know you don't want to, but I think you need to.
No, it's Nicki's business.
It's family business.
- A $6,700 credit limit?
- Maxed out.
Even after a payment of 3,000-some-odd dollars.
Nicki doesn't have $3,000 for a payment.
Well, somebody made it for her.
No, not without telling me. Bill wouldn't do that.
I'm just saying somebody paid it.
This is what happens when a person in a family starts keeping secrets.
Well, we don't have secrets like that.
Two caesar salads.
And your name, ma'am?
Nicolette Grant.
The last four digits of your social security number, please?
Um, 5642.
And your mother's maiden name?
And how may I help you?
I just wanna know that you've received the payment I sent.
I'm sorry, miss Grant, on which account?
Which account?
What are you doing?
You can't. You have no right!
- I have every right!
- These are my things!
Are you out of your mind?
You have no right to invade my privacy.
Well, do you have any idea what you're doing to us?
To our family?
When were you gonna say something?
When the creditors just came crawling all over us?
You have a lot of nerve lecturing me about secrets.
No, this is about this.
How many credit cards do you have?
Tell the truth.
How did you get nine cards?
I don't know, they just kept sending them to me.
One after another after another!
How much do you owe?
I don't know. It's compulsive. I can't help it!
Does Bill know the full amount?
Bill doesn't know anything. He doesn't know a thing about it.
Well, how can he not know? He just paid $3,000 on it!
No, he didn't.
My father did.
Oh, good night.
Bill knows nothing?
I'm sorry. I am so sorry.
I don't even want to think about what Bill's gonna say when he hears about all this.
We can't tell him!
Barb, please, you can't tell him. Please.
You know I can't keep this from him.
How can I keep this a secret?
But he'll kick me out.
What are you talking about? He would never do that.
What if he does?
I'm so scared.
Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't.
Oh, Nicki.
Oh, it was beautiful! The music, the little bit of reading at the end.
Oh, gotta love the scripture.
"Yea." I just love that. It's so excited, like, "hark, glad tidings."
Pammie drinks a bit too much from the cup of salvation.
- "But woe unto him."
- "Woe."
- It's fun, huh?
- Yes.
Lloyd and Sue are having a reception for the musicians at their house. Want to go?
We have got a super ward.
There's potluck and fireside for singles every tuesday.
Singles salsa. It works.
For us it did.
Then the society tutors at the reservation, and sunday night scripture studies.
Bet you didn't think you'd find all that here, did you?
I don't know what I thought, what I expected, but--
Gotcha, huh?
Just kidding.
Converted. Converted.
Seriously, why don't you come back for sacrament meeting tomorrow?
- Okay, so, Del.
- Yes, sir.
Tell me about yourself. Where were you born?
- I was born here--
- Del, sweetie.
I need you to look right over here at the camera.
Okay. I was born here, and Beth was born in Ogden.
Uh, neither one of us had any desire to leave.
Uh, I mean, why-why would you?
This is, you know, a perfect place to grow up and to raise your family,
and it's-- It's wonderful.
Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, note.
Cougar. Says "BYU" without saying "BYU."
No comment.
Um, I'm housewares manager for Home Plus.
Worked a slew of places before.
Yeah, but Home Plus just fit in a lot of little ways.
Maybe it's because they grew up here, too.
See? Home-grown, home field advantage-local.
Like I told you.
- Um--
- I think-- I think we--
Okay. Had to do it. It's a killer-- the temple.
Obviously not in the first angle. That would be cheesy, but the temple.
Gotta have the temple.
Do it over here, so you can stretch.
Right there. Good, you look really pretty.
That looks great. Okay, you got that?
I just-- I love this family. They're just perfect.
Okay, so, Del. Say "Home Plus is us."
Home Plus is us.
Actually, look right at the camera and say that.
I'm sorry. Um, Home Plus is us.
Now, say it like you just thought of it.
Home Plus is us.
Good. All right, again.
- Home Plus is us.
- Good. One more time.
- Home plu-- Sorry.
- That's okay.
- Uh, Home Plus is us--
- Home Plus is us.
- Again.
- Again.
Home Plus is us.
Excellent! That was good!
You gotta love 'em. It'll be great. Splice it all together, it'll be perfect.
Uh, family: fun. Utah: fun, huh?
Fantastic. It's-- it's super. Really.
You okay?
It's Nicki.
Is it about switching nights? 'Cause it won't last forever, you know that.
I know.
I love you.
I love you, too.
First new message.
Bill, I-I need to talk to you.
- Get down! Levelor, get--
- Next message.
- Oh, no.
- Bill.
Will you-- Heaven, get back. Don't you dare!
Look out! Crazy woman's got a gun!
Get away from there!
Get away from me! Don't you touch me!
All right!
Back off! Put it down!
Oh, Lola, that's a good girl. Just right here, Lola.
That's a good girl, Lola.
- Evicted?
- Yeah.
Nice of you to show up.
I came as soon as I heard.
So what happened?
What'd you do to tick off Roman?
Oh no, you don't.
It was you who got us dispossessed by the U.E.B.
And I hope you haven't done anything to jeopardize my position in the community.
What position?
This has nothing to do with me.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that while we sit in here and rot.
We have been thrown out of our lives.
Whatever it is you've been fighting over,
I hope it's worth it.
Thanks for coming out here.
Joey, what happened?
They had bulldozers almost on top of our houses.
They were ready to tear them down with us in them if we didn't get out.
They own those houses.
They wouldn't destroy their own property.
They tore down the statue of grandpa at founder's park, Bill.
And they made us watch while they jackhammered it.
I hate to mention this, but you know wanda's due this month,
and, you know, I really don't want to have my baby in a motel, Bill.
I will not let that happen.
Uh, just so you have some cash on you. Go on. Go on, take it.
Hi, Wanda.
Um, Joey, would you get me an orange soda out of the machine?
Sure, babe.
- And something salty.
- Okay.
Wanda, I promise you, you will not have the baby in this motel.
Oh, I could give birth in a potato patch. I'd survive.
It's Joey I'm worried about.
He'd never say it to you, but he sunk everything into that fish farm,
and Roman drained those tanks.
Oh, no.
And we owe the investors who backed us and believed in us, and--
and if, um... if Joey cracks,
if he falls apart...
or if he falls off the wagon,
I'm holding you responsible.
Oh, Wanda.
I knew it was you.
Joey turned the TV up too high, and I can't get the volume back down again.
They gave us five minutes to clear out of there.
They grabbed me. I fought.
Look. Look.
- Oh, jeepers.
- Bruises.
Hoo-hoo, I got 'em back good, though.
But what about our houses, our things?
Don't you worry, mother. We'll straighten this out in a hurry.
Now, sit down. Just sit down here.
He's just been waitin' for the right time to get rid of us.
Joey told me what he did to the statue.
It won't end there. Next thing you know, he'll be diggin' up your grandfather's grave.
And then your sister!
I'm sorry, this is about me. It's about me and Roman and the stores.
No, it isn't. It's 30 years of harassment.
He's just trying to make like the Henricksons never even existed.
My daddy was the one true prophet,
and Roman Grant is gonna burn in "H" for what he's done to us.
When do we turn the corner?
When do we get justice?
Hi. Did you take the roast out of the freezer?
Thank you, sweetie.
Where have you been?
Oh, I just did some errands that I had to do.
With dad?
- Hi.
- Are they okay?
Mr. Henrickson?
This is Dan Potts. Security, down at the store.
Look, I hate to bother you, but... I was told to always call you before contacting the police.
That's right. What's wrong?
Well, we apprehended a burglar rootin' around in your office.
He take anything?
Well, I'm not sure, but he sure made a big mess.
Did you get an ID on him?
Yes, sir, we did. His name's Albert Grant.
Put him on the phone.
I would have thought papa would have sent someone more capable.
Certain connections, certain involvements...
made known...
you know, not good.
What are you saying?
I'm just saying.
You want me to call the police, Mr. Henrickson?
No. No no, it's not necessary.
Then you don't want to press charges?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- He broke in.
- Let him go.
What was that about?
Nothing. It's taken care of.
It's Roman.
I'm trying to get free. He says he's entitled to a piece of the second store.
I'm fightingim, he's fightin' me back.
I didn't want you to worry.
I'm gonna get a glass of milk.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Barb, it feels like...
everything is spinning out of control.
We can't keep doing what we're doing.
But I need you.
You have me.
And you have a family.
We can't.
You're right.
We can't.