Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997–2024): Season 4, Episode 9 - The Wealthy Widow/The Witness/The Accident/Bad Dreams/Mental - full transcript

After their friend was killed without any witnesses, three girls decide to hold a séance to contact her in order to solve the murder.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Belief: Fact or Fiction.

Hosted by Jonathan Frakes.

Tonight, your challenge
is to separate what

is true from what is false.

Five stories, some
real, some fakes.

Can you judge which are
fact and which are fiction?

To find out, you
must enter a world

of both truth and deception,
a world that is beyond belief.

We've all heard the
phrase, "two heads

are better than one."

But does one head ever
take the place of two?

Take this picture.

The only head in sight
belongs to former first lady,

Lady Bird Johnson.

But whose body does
head belong to?

The lady on the left or
the one on the right?

This is an object lesson for
judging our story tonight.

Where the real truth lies
may remain a mystery.

You'll find out which
stories are true

and which are false at
the end of the show.

As you may know, it's
a difficult challenge,

but we thought you'd
appreciate a heads up.

Do you have a favorite hiding
place for money or valuables?

Some people use ordinary
household items like these.

Some, more ingenious methods
like this hollowed out book.

And some put their trust
in more secure objects,

objects strong
enough to withstand

flood, fire, even earthquakes.

Dirk Sidwell has recently
married Cassie Youngstown.

He's heard that her late
husband kept his fortune

hidden in a box like this.

Oh, don't get Dirk wrong, he's
a completely devoted husband--

completely devoted
to finding the cash.

Cassie Youngston's husband,

Milo, had died in a thrasher
accident two years ago.

He left Cassie lonely, but very
well off with a thriving dairy

farm and no financial worries.

Cassie was afraid
she'd never meet

anyone who could replace Milo.

And then, Dirk Sidwell
came into her life.

Cassie had met Dirk
at the local church

only a few weeks earlier.

Dirk was just a two-bit hustler,
but to a woman like Cassie,

he was Prince Charming
in a pickup truck.

I love you, baby.

I love you more.

That's just not possible.

Jake Rudolph, the farm foreman,

didn't like Dirk.

He knew that Dirk
had heard the rumor

about Cassie's first husband.

The story was that
Milo didn't trust banks

and he kept close
to a million dollars

in an iron strongbox hidden
somewhere on the property.

You are one special
woman, Cassie.

I want you to know,
my late husband would

have blessed this marriage.

We never had any
children and he was so

afraid of leaving me all alone.

You'll never alone
again, baby cheeks.

You're so sweet
and good, Dirk.

What's wrong?

I hate to bring this up
now, Cass, in the middle

of our honeymoon and all.

But I'm a little low on cash
and I was wondering if you

had any money around the house?

Well sure, honey.

You don't have to get up.

Just tell me where it is.

I don't mind.

Is uh, $20 enough?

Uh, sure.

That'll be fine.

I feel bad, having
asked for this.

I want you to know, I'm going
to earn my keep around here.

I already talked
to my foreman Jake

about teaching you
the dairy business.

You can start tomorrow.

Cassie, I am really looking
forward to learning everything

there is to know about
the farm, but can't it

wait a couple of weeks?

We are in the middle of
our honeymoon, baby cheeks.

Leave it to me to marry
a hopeless romantic.

Cassie really believed

that Dirk was in love with her.

But the only thing
on his mind was

finding that hidden metal box
and a million dollars inside.

Every time Cassie
would go into town,

Dirk would take the opportunity
to search for the strongbox.


Ah, damn!



had been looking for over a week
and he was getting frustrated.


How you doing?

What are you doing there?

I was checking for dry rot.

Everything's fine.

MAN'S VOICE: Dirk Dirk.


I'm here to help you.

Who are you?

What do you want?

I know what you're after,
and I can take you to it.

Follow me if you want the money.

I'm over here, Dirk.


Where's the strongbox?

That's all you care about.

Who are you?

I'm Milo Youngston, and I want
you to leave my Cassie alone.

Yeah right.

I don't know who you are,
pal, who what you're up to,

but Milo Youngston's dead.

Now, if you know where
the strongbox is,

you better tell me.

You'll never find it.

Then you're dead.


Where are you?

Where'd you go?

I'm over here baby cheeks.


Over here.


Dirk, I'm up here.




Don't cry, Cass.

Jake, how could this happen?

It's just an accident.

That's all.

(NARRATING): In time,

Cassie Youngston learned
that all Dirk Sidwell

really wanted was her money.

But Dirk was chasing
an empty dream.

Unlike her first husband Milo,
Cassie did believe in banks.

And right after Milo died, she
removed the million dollars

from the strongbox
and put it directly

into her mutual fund account.

Who was it that led Dirk
to his untimely demise?

Was it really the ghost of
Cassie's late first husband?

If not, then who led Dirk
into the barn that night?

Did the foreman Jake have
something to do with all this?

But if the apparent
ghost was real, why

was Dirk unable to shoot him?

And how do you explain
the fact that the box

fell at just the right time?

Is this story of greed based
on reality for all to see?

Or have we stashed the
truth away in a locked box?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find out if
this story is true or false

at the end of our show.

Next, three girls solve a
frightening mystery on Beyond

Belief: Fact or Fiction.

Let me show you a picture.

Study it for a few moments.

Now how reliable an
eyewitness would you make?

What color were the man's eyes?

What about his hair?

How long was his hair?

Did he have any identifying
scars, mustache, beard,


What kind of clothes
was he wearing?

Police rely on descriptions
to track down criminals,

but very often the eyewitness
accounts are inaccurate.

In many cases there are
no eyewitnesses at all.

Three high school students
are about to find out

how crucial a witness can
be, and their reliable source

is truly beyond belief.

This is supposed to
be better than Spirits

Within or any of the sequels.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

I got the pictures
from the party.


That's a good one of you.

Oh my god, I look so fat.

I should never stand
next to Melissa.

She looks like a model.

Where is she anyways?

Ah, Melissa's always late.

Come on, let's go in.

She can find us by
following your screams.

I can't believe you made me
miss the last 20 minutes.

I told you, I don't
like scary movies.

Something's going on.

Come on, let's go.

Hey, what happened?

There's been a shooting.

Was it a drive-by?

Sometimes we see
gangs around here.

Did you girls see any tonight?


We were in the movie.

I'm going to need to
take your names anyway.

I might have some
questions for you later.


It's been two
weeks and the police

still don't know who did it.

This is awful.

I wish there was
something we could do.

I miss Melissa so much.

I can't believe
they haven't found

anybody who saw it happen.


Seems like the only
witness was poor Melissa.

Maybe there is
something we can do.

Let's all meet back
here tonight after dark.

We wish to summon the spirit
of our friend Melissa,

and ask the spirit
world to allow a door

to open between our dimensions.

Our beloved Melissa, we ask
that you commune with us

and move among us.

Our beloved Melissa, we
ask that you commune with us

and move among us.

Our beloved Melissa, we ask
that you commune with us

and move among us.

If you are there,
Melissa, please rap once.


What just happened?


Turn on a light!

OK, that is so not funny.


I am doing this
to help Melissa

and you two are
trying to scare me?

I didn't write that.

Me either, I swear.

Then, she's really here.

- We shouldn't have done this.
- I've got to go.

No, wait!

If we summoned
Melissa's spirit, we're

not going to abandon her now.

Melissa, if you're here and
if there's any way, please--

please tell us who fired
the shot that killed you.

[phone ringing]

reached the Butlers.

We're not home right now.

Please leave a message
after the beep.


[static and noises]

It's someone on a cell phone.

No, listen.


See all?

What's that supposed to mean?

WOMAN'S VOICE: Jessie Hall.

Jessie Hall.

It's Melissa.

You guys, it's Melissa.

She's telling us the
name of her killer.

Jessie Hall.

Jessie Hall, that's
the guy that got

kicked out of school for
having a gun in his locker.

Yeah, I heard he joined a
gang, even shaved his head.

We've got to call the police.

They're going to think
we're nuts if we say,

Melissa's ghost called us.

I-- I just won't
give them my name.

I'll say there was a witness, I
just won't say it was Melissa.

Detective Patterson.

We spoke the night
of the shooting.

Oh, yeah.


I stopped by to
let you know we found

your friend Melissa's killer.

An anonymous tip
led to the arrest

of Jessie Hall, a gang member.

He confessed while in custody.

Ms. Butler, did you know
when a call comes into 911,

the caller's address is
displayed on a computer screen.

Oh, I guess I didn't.

But I'm not the witness.

I made a call for a friend.

Well then you did
the right thing,

and your friend is very special.

Yeah, she was.

Could Melissa really
have been the key witness

in her own murder?

Did the seance really work?

Or was one of the girls
harboring a terrible secret?

One which she used
the seance to reveal?

Or did the three
girls imagine they

were hearing their dead
girlfriend's message?

Does this story
sound like a lie?

Or does it capture
the spirit of truth?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find out if
this story is true or false

at the end of our show.

Next, a good Samaritan and
a strange reward on Beyond

Belief: Fact or Fiction.

There's a popular philosophy
that says, if a good deed has

been done for you, the best way
to express thanks is by doing

a good deed for
someone else, which

brings us to the small
town of Good Samaritan.

It's not that good deeds
necessarily happen here,

it's the opportunity
that keeps rising.

Cal Russert is about to enter
the town of Good Samaritan,

and opportunity
is about to knock.

I hope he's OK.

I'm sure he's fine.

He just ate something
he shouldn't of ate.

Cal Russert and his wife

Rosie were visiting friends
near the town of Good Samaritan

when they got a call
from their babysitter.

Their only child, Cal Jr.
had suddenly taken ill

with stomach problems.

It's the last time I leave
him with that babysitter.

It ain't her fault.
You know little Cal.

I know.

I'll just feel better
when we get home.

We'll be home in no time.

(NARRATING): Cal's job

was driving 18-wheelers, and
he knew the roads in the area

like the back of his hand.

What's that?

Oh, Cal, it looks bad.

CAL RUSSERT: Real bad.

You wait here.

Well be careful!

Cal had some basic training

in first aid and
life-saving techniques,

but he wasn't sure he'd be
able to handle this situation.


Hey, can you hear me?

I got to get him out of there.


Are you all right?

Stay in the truck, Rose!

How is he?

There's no heartbeat
and he's not breathing.

Come on!

Come on, breathe!

Come on!

Oh, god, Cal, you did it!

You did it!

You did it.

Take it easy, buddy.

You're going to be all right.

We're going to get
you to a hospital.

Thank you.

I'll pull the truck over.

All right.

Hang in there.

You're going to make it.

(NARRATING): Cal Russert

saved the life of
Sam Singley that day,

on a lone stretch of
road on the outskirts

of the town of Good Samaritan.

Five years later, the
opportunity to pay

the good deed forward occurred.

- I hope he's all right.
- Don't worry.

We'll be home soon.

(NARRATING): Sam Singley,

the man who was given
the gift of life

through a stranger's good deed,
was rushing home with his wife

to tend to their sick child.

Sam, what is that?

Be careful, Sam.


Hey, you OK?

Are you OK?

Sam, are you all right?

Just stay in the truck.

There's diesel fuel leaking.

Be careful!

It can't be.

No heartbeat.

It's not working.

Come on, breathe.

Come on, breathe!


You're going to be all right.

You'll going to make it.

Is he all right?

Yeah, we got to get
him to a hospital.

You save his life, Sam.

That's not the half of it.

This is Cal Russert,
the same man that

saved my life five years ago.

Could this story be true?

Could a man whose life was
saved by a good Samaritan end

up saving that same
man's life years later?

Was this simply an
amazing coincidence,

or did fate actually brings
Sam to the right place

at exactly the right time?

In looking for reality, should
we stop here for the truth,

or should we just
keep on trucking?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find out if
this story is true or false

at the end of our show.

Next, a woman is haunted by
a terrifying dream on Beyond

Belief: Fact or Fiction.

Since the earliest
days of civilization

there have been people who
claim to interpret dreams.

Books such as this one
offers some examples.

If you dream of flames,
it can indicate passion.

Dream of money, you may be
expressing personal power.

A dream about driving might be
a statement of independence--

pleasant enough diversion.

But sometimes dreams
go beyond mere symbols.

Sometimes they can take
hold of your entire life.

Witness the strange
case of Ivanna Turner.

(NARRATING): My wife

Ivanna had been
having bad dreams

ever since she was a child.

I always thought the
nightmares were a reaction

to her troubled childhood.

Ivanna was born in
the Soviet Union,

but defected to this
country with a grandmother

when she was only six, right
after the death of her parents.

I thought you
said you were going

to quit when you turned 30.

I still have one day left.

Hey, surprise,
my birthday girl.

I made reservations
at Giuseppe's.

No, I can't.

Oh, hey, look I know
you think it's expensive

but you only turned 30 once.

Brian, it's very
thoughtful of you,

but I just want to stay home.

Come on, you deserve
a night of fun.

Julie and Doug said
they'd join us.

I said no!

What's going on Ivanna?

It is the dreams that
are bothering you

or is it something else?

I'm going to die on
my birthday, Brian.

Is see it in my
nightmares, over and over.

All these years, it's
the same nightmare.


Well what is it you see?

It's my 30th birthday,
and I hear this loud noise,

like a popping sound.

There's a flame, and then I
hear this horrible screeching.

And then I'm laying
on the floor.

Brian, I see my own death.

Ivanna played with her friend

Julie's son, I talked to Julie.

JULIE: She's so
good with children.

Ivanna was born to be a mother.

I'd like to start
a family right now

but Ivanna's been reluctant.

It's because the
nightmare isn't it?

Well, I'm glad she
finally told you.

She doesn't want to
get pregnant because she

thinks she's going to die.

Brian, Ivanna needs you to
be understanding about this.

I'm trying to be but, I'm
confused as to why a dream

would upset her so much.

But Ivanna doesn't believe
that it's just a dream.

She thinks is a premonition,
just like the one she

had about her parents death.

When Ivanna was a child,
she had a recurring

nightmare that her parents
were going to be killed.

It happened, Brian, just like
she saw it in her dreams.

It was almost midnight,

and we'd stayed in all night
waiting for the day to end.

Sorry I couldn't
arrange better weather

for your birthday.

In the dream I never
saw it as a stormy night.

Well that's a
good thing, right?

I'm sorry I never
told you sooner.

I thought you'd worry
or think I was crazy.

Why are you so good to me?

Because I love you.


Honey, it's just a storm.

That noise, that
popping sound,

I heard it in my nightmare.

A transformer blew,
knocked out the lights.

It can't hurt you.

The flame-- the flame
was in the nightmare too.

[car alarm]


Brian, it's happening!

The screeching sound was
in the nightmare too.

Ivanna, listen to me.
Listen to me.

It's just a car alarm.

The wind set it off.

OK, look, two minutes until
midnight, and your birthday's


What could happen
in two minutes?


I'm sorry.

- It's all right.
- I'll be OK.


Now, sit down.

Sit here.


I'm going to go shut
the car alarm off.

I'll be right back.


[car alarm]



[glass breaking]




Despite the bruise,

Ivanna survived her
birthday, and her nightmare

never came again.

One year later, Ivanna
celebrated her 31st birthday,

and by then, we had a
lot more to celebrate.

Ivanna had finally
become pregnant

and given birth to a
beautiful baby girl.

Her uncle Demetri even traveled
from Russia to pay us a visit.

Oh, she is so beautiful,
just like her mother.

Start thinking
of your wish, doll.

I already got my wish.

We should get some pictures
with your uncle and the baby.


I'll get the camera
from the bedroom.

Ivanna looks radiant.

Oh, I am so glad she has
found such happiness.

She was such a sad little girl.

It was tragic losing her
parents when she was only five.


Ivanna's grandmother
said she was six.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I remember it well.

It was a very frightening
time when they

escaped from the Soviet Union.

Her grandmother you
know was, um, confused.

Oh no, no, no.

Ivanna was five.

Then Ivanna's not
turning 31 today.

She's only 30?

Lucky fellow.

You get a younger
wife, and you get

to live a year over with her.

(NARRATING): Suddenly,

the details of Ivanna's
dream came flooding back--

a popping sound, the flames.

I knew I had to get to
her, but it was too late.

She was dead, just
like in her dream.

Medical reports show
that Ivanna Turner suffered

an aneurysm, resulting
in her sudden death

on her 30th birthday.

Was there really a
curse on her life

communicated through her dreams?

Or did she put herself
into a fatal condition?

Remember, she was a smoker.

Is this story of a deadly dream
adorned with fact after fact,

or is it as bare
as a birthday suit?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find out if
this story is true or false

at the end of our show.

Next, party tricks
turn to fear on Beyond

Belief: Fact or Fiction.

We all know the life of the
party, somebody who lights up

a room simply by
walking in and putting

a lampshade on their head.

I know a few tricks myself.

Now, don't try this at home.

I've been practicing for years.

Claire Natvig is a
true life of the party.

Her specialty lies in
tricks of mental telepathy.

With the help of
her husband, George,

she dazzles all their friends.

But soon, it'll be very
clear that the party's over.

George and Claire

Natvig loved to
entertain their friends

with telekinetic tricks.

Let's just cleanse
the air a little bit.

And if you could
take your hands.

Nobody's touching
the table, please.

They went to great lengths

to convince people that Claire
was born with a special gift.


Focus, Claire.

That's it.


The only things moving here
are the hands on my watch.


Come on, Lou, you're going
to break her concentration.


Yeah that's it.


Ah, it's moving.

Claire, that's enough.

You still have your doubts, Lou?


No doubts, George.
Claire, you're amazing.

Did you see the
look on Lou's face?

I know.


You were so great tonight.

No, you.

Focus, Claire, focus.

You know, I thought
that was a nice touch.


It amazing me that
nobody ever thinks

about looking under the table.

I know, I know.

They really want to believe
that you are telekinetic.

Oh, honey.

Without your
magnets, I'm nothing.

Ah, we make a
good team, don't we?


GEORGE NATVIG: I thought we
left the light on inside.

Bulb must of burned out.


That must be it.

Hey, what's going on here?

Shut up.

Look, uh, take
anything you want.

Just-- just don't hurt us, OK?

I told you to shut your mouth.

Tape him up and gag him.


Come here, honey.

For the past three months,

there had been a series
of home invasion robberies

in the neighborhood.

The newspaper quoted
some of the victims

as saying they were beaten
badly by two men in ski masks.

OK, you go upstairs.

I'm going to get
everything down here.

What about the
two in the garage?

I'm thinking about it.

After reading about all

those robberies,
George and Claire

had a special alarm
system installed

in their home that went
directly to the police station.

But it was disabled
by the two thieves.

George, why aren't
the police here yet?

They must of
disconnected the alarm.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

What But they could come
back out here and kill us.

George, stop it!

Well they do that, you know?

Look, we're going to
have to try to get out.


We'll do this together.

Put you knees in front of you.


On three.

One, two, three.



We're going to have
to try to stand, OK?

One, two, three.






We have to get that
alarm to go off.


Use your telekinesis.

George, that's a
trick we do at parties.

I don't have any powers.

No, no, no, you're
wrong, Claire.

You do have the gift.

You do.

I just never told
you before because I

didn't want to scare you.

What are you talking about?

I didn't use the
magnets tonight.


It was all you, Claire.

You move those
things on your own.

George, are you serious?

Yeah, completely.

Listen to me, you
can do this, Claire.


You can save our lives.

All right.

OK, move with me.

George, I can't do it.

Yes, you can.

You can do it.

You can make this happen.

Focus, Claire.


[alarm sounding]


You're doing it, honey.

What's with all the alarms?

I don't know.

You don't look so good.

I don't feel very good.


Criminal Denny Ryan

was arrested for armed robbery.

His partner, Milt Stevens,
was taken to a local hospital.

It was discovered that some
unknown electromagnetic force

had short-circuited
his pacemaker.

Claire and George became
neighborhood heroes.

Did Claire really
used telekinetic powers

to save herself and her
husband, George that night?

Or was the timing coincidentally
linked to a local power surge?

George said he didn't use
the magnets for their trick

at the party.

Is he telling the truth?

or desperately
grasping for straws?

The fact is, Claire was never
able to summon up the powers

of telekinesis again.

Did this story really happen, or
was it just another mind game?

ANNOUNCER: Next, you'll find out
which of our stories are facts

and which are fiction when
Beyond Belief returns.

Now let's look back
at tonight's stories

and find out which ones are
inspired by actual events

and which ones
are totally false.

Let's review the story of the
husband who married for money

but wound up with
an early demise.

Who are you?

I'm Milo Youngston, and I
want to leave my Cassie alone.

Yeah right.

I don't know who you are,
pal, or what you're up to,

but Milo Youngston's dead.

Now, if you know where
the strongbox is,

you better tell me.

You'll never find it.

Then you're dead.


Where are you?

Where'd you go?

Did you think this
story really happened?

Not this time.

It's a lie.

How about the story of the
three teenage girls who

solved a crime through a seance?

Our beloved Melissa, we
ask that you commune with us

and move among us.

Our beloved Melissa, we
ask that you commune with us

and move among us.

Our beloved Melissa, we ask
that you commune with us

and move among us.

If you are there,
Melissa, please rap once.


What just happened?


Was this story based
on a real happening?


Our research shows a
similar incident happened

in Michigan in the 90s.

What was your opinion of
the man who saved the life

of the man who saved his life?

It can't be.

This strange story
has to be fake, right?


It's fact.

A similar story happened to
two men in the state of Texas

about 70 years ago.

What about the woman whose
terrible prophecy of death

was fulfilled on
her 30th birthday?

Fact or fiction?

The flame-- the flame
was in the nightmare too.


Brian, it's happening.

The screeching sound was
in the nightmare too.

Ivanna, listen to me.
Listen to me.

It's just a car alarm.
The wind set it off.


Look, two minutes until
midnight, and your birthday's


What could happen
in two minutes?


Did you think we made this up?

You're right.

It's a fake.

The woman who found
out that she actually

had the gift of telekinesis
at just the right time--

how do you judge that one?

You can do this, Claire.


You can save our lives.

All right.

Move with me.

I can't do it.

Yes you can.

You can do it.

You can make this happen.

Focus, Claire.


[alarm sounding]

Did you think this was real?

If you did, you were right.

It was inspired by an event that
happened to a Midwestern couple

in the late 80s.

So how was your
judgment tonight?

Were the differences between
truth and lies clear-cut

or did they blend together?

Can we ever say with confidence
which stories are fact

and which are fiction, or are we
wiser to say that certain tales

are just beyond belief?
I'm Jonathan Frakes.

ANNOUNCER: The witness
and mental are true

based on firsthand
research conducted

by author Robert Trailings.

For Beyond Belief,
this is Campbell Lane.

[theme music playing]