Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997–2024): Season 4, Episode 4 - Beyond Sight/The Fine Line/The Wrong Turn/Who Was I/You Are Next - full transcript

This episode features the following cases: Second Sight; The Fine Line; The Wrong Turn; Who Was I; You Are Next.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[music playing]

Beyond Belief--

Fact or Fiction.

Hosted by Jonathan Frakes.

Tonight, your challenge
is to separate what

is true from what is false.

Five stories, some
real, some fake.

Can you judge which are
fact and which are fiction?

To find out, you
must enter a world

of both truth and deception,
a world that is beyond belief.

[theme music]

Can you really trust
your own judgment?

For example, observe
these two red lines.

Which one seems longer to you?

Most people would say this one.
Here's the truth.

They're both exactly
the same size.

Remember this when you determine
whether our stories are

true or false.

As always, some of our
stories will be true.

And as for the others, we may
just be handing you a line.

Is there anything more precious
than the gift of sight?

Once robbed of it,
even temporarily,

you never take it
for granted again.

Sonya Shepherd has been given
sight for the second time,

and she's counting on
making the most of it.

What she hasn't
counted on is this.

There are some things
in life that it's

best to look away from.

Two years ago,

I developed a rare degenerative
corneal disease in both eyes.

I was rapidly going blind.

But my sight was saved by a
miracle of modern science,

a corneal transplant.

After two months, both
eyes had completely healed

and my sight was restored.

I decided to take a weekend
trip into the country

and see all the things that
I might have lost forever.

Since the transplant, I
took nothing for granted,

and I loved looking at the
world through my new eyes.

[foreboding music]

I'd never been to
this area before,

but there was a
man over at the bar

who looked so familiar to me.

I thought I must know him, yet
I couldn't place him at all.

I tried to stop looking
at him, but I couldn't.

Everything OK, sweetie?

Yeah, uh, everything's great.

This is the best
meatloaf I've ever had.


Nobody's ever told
me that before.



couldn't seem to help myself.

Even though my brain was
telling me to look away,

something was compelling me to
keep glancing in his direction.

I knew I had seen
him somewhere before.

It was obvious that
he was not the type

to make eye contact with.

I just wanted to pay
my check and leave.


[pounding on the table]

What do you keep
staring at me for?

I, I am so sorry.

I didn't mean to stare at you.

I just, um--

Do I know you?

No, you don't know me.

I just thought I knew
you from somewhere.

I'm sorry.

You just better
stop staring at me.

I don't like being stared at.

You got that?

I said I'm sorry.

Check, please.

incident at the bar

was so disturbing to me that
I decided to get my things,

check out of the
motel, and move on.

I just couldn't
understand why that creep

looked so familiar to me.



Why were you staring at me?
You're following me.

Are you a cop?


Did somebody hire
you to tail me?

No, I swear.

Please, just take
whatever you want.

I know you're up
to something, and I'm

going to find out what that is.

I'm not up to anything.

I didn't mean to stare at you.

I'm sorry.

You don't know what sorry is.

Please don't hurt me.

Shut up, or I kill you.

I won't scream.

That's good.

Now you tell me who you are.

My name is Sonya Shepherd,
and I'm just a secretary

at an insurance company.

You're lying!

What do you want?

Who are you?

I told you who I am.

I don't believe you.
Who are you?

I told you.

Why won't you believe me?

(SCREAMING) Who are you?

You want a cocktail?

Suit yourself.

I'm just going to
sit here for a while

and stare at you,
like you stared at me.

See how you like it.

You're gonna tell me.

I don't care if it
takes all night,

I'm gonna find out who you are.

SONYA (VOICEOVER): I was certain
I was going to die that night.

But then he drank until
he emptied the bottle.

He told me he'd been
up for two days,

and it finally took its toll.

I was hoping that he
was in a deep sleep.

It was my only chance to survive

[music playing]

Call the police.

[police radio]

[train horn]

SONYA (VOICEOVER): There we were
again, staring at each other.

And I still had no
idea who he was.

How are you
doing, Ms. Shepherd?

Better, thank you.

Did you find out who he is?

His name is Wes Hubbard.

You're very lucky.

He's wanted in Ohio for murder.

A young woman.

She was a nurse.

A nurse from Ohio?

COP: Her name was
Phyllis Higgins.

She was about your age.

Phyllis Higgins?

Did you know her, ma'am?

Phyllis Higgins was the woman
that I got my new corneas from.

Is this possible?

Could transplanted corneas
actually recognize a person

from their past?

Maybe so.

After all, if you look
at a bright light,

doesn't the image remain in your
sight for some time afterwards?

Was it the spirit of the
murdered nurse that was causing

Sonya to stare at the killer?

Or did he actually look like
somebody Sonya knew herself?

Does this story of the
transplanted corneas ring true,

or are you being blindsided?

(VOICEOVER): We'll find

out if this story is true or
false at the end of our show.

Next, two sisters use a
psychic connection in the face

of danger, on Beyond Belief--

Fact or Fiction.

The world has long
held a fascination

for identical twins, as we've
seen through literature, films,

TV shows, and commercials.

Psychologists have weighed
in with their own studies.

Shannon and Carly Hughes
are identical twins

with a very special bond.

And as you watch the
next story unfold,

you'll be once again reminded
that truth and falsehood

are very often two of a kind.

[music playing]

mother and father had just

left on a long-planned
and well-deserved vacation

to Hawaii, I was drafted to
keep an eye on things at home.

What's this?

Carly's new CD, a
band called Glow Worm.


Glow Worm.

[music stops]

Glow Worm.

Aren't they super?

Yeah, well, I
wouldn't hold my breath

for a greatest hits collection
from these guys if I was you.

Just because you're filling
in for Mom and Dad this week

doesn't mean you have to
totally turn into an old fogy.

Besides, I remember
some of the stupid bands

you used to listen to.

Ah, stupidity, one of the
great privileges of youth.

How I miss it.

Hey, what's with Carly?

She's been quiet like
that since she got up.

It's just one of her moods.

CARLY: I heard that.

It's true.



So what's with all the makeup?


say that some twins

are psychic with each other.

And ever since I could
remember, Shannon and Carly

had this amazing connection.

They had the ability to know
what the other was thinking,

and even experienced what
the other was feeling--

happiness, sadness, pain.

You've got a
problem, you know.

You're much too sensitive.

Tell me about it.

Yesterday during second
period I could tell you

had, what, a stomachache
or something?

Oh, come on.

It wasn't that bad.

Besides, you're not the
only one who has to suffer.

What in the world happened
to you in gym class?

I banged my shin on the bench.

I was limping all afternoon.

You know, I still don't
get how you two can do that.

Trust me, it gets old.

Um, Shannon avoided
your question earlier.

She's getting all
painted up for her party.

RYAN: Party?

Oh, really?


RYAN: Mom and Dad
were very clear--

no parties while they're gone.

Ryan, it's nothing.

We're getting
together at Natalie's.

It's just a few of us.

Just a few dozen



Look, I'm absolutely
sure Mom and Dad meant

no parties here at the house.

If you don't believe
me, just, uh, call them.

They're on an airplane.


Listen to me, you little
brat, you're slipping through

on a mere technicality here.

Whatever works, man.

Uh, what do you
think you're doing?


You said I could
take the CD with me.

Come on, I'll be careful.

Being careful isn't exactly
one of your strong points.


With a nag like
you for a sister,

what good is it having
your parents out of town?


Help me out here, Ryan.

Isn't there any chance I
was adopted or something?

Forget Shannon.

We're going to
have our own party.

Pizza's on me.

Scott takes a quick look

and gets the ball
back to Walter Store.

Let the feast begin.

[music playing]

Uh, What's with the sound?

I thought, uh, Shannon
took your CD with her.

Uh, turn off the CD player?

The music's
coming from the TV.

[scary music]


Carly, are you OK?

What happened?


Oh, something's happened.

What do you mean?

What's wrong?


their psychic relationship,

Carly know exactly
where to find Shannon.

It was better than radar.

Call 911.

checked on Shannon

while Carly called the police.

A deer jumped into the road.

I know, I know.

When I heard the music, I just
connected immediately to you.

It was weird, because I heard
the music too over the the TV.

What music?

RYAN: The CD you
borrowed from Carly.

Stupid me.

I forgot the dumb thing.

I left it at home.

Caly, help me here.

We both heard the music, right?

Hey, brother,
welcome to the club.

Once again my sisters

showed a special and amazing
bond with one another.

This time it saved a life.

Like so many times
before, one sister

clearly felt the other's pain.

But for the first and
only time in our lives,

I was privileged to experience
the unique long distance

connection they shared, all
thanks to a song that we

couldn't possibly have heard.

What was at work here?

It was the music that first
alerted Carly to the fact

that her sister was in trouble.

But how do you account for
that music playing on the TV

during a basketball game?

Was it a crossed signal?

Then again, we learned that
Shannon never took the CD

with her in the first place.

And analyzing this mysterious
story of the identical twins,

are you able to
focus on the truth,

or do we have you seeing double?

(VOICEOVER): We'll find

out if this story is true or
false at the end of our show.

Next, a deliveryman
makes a fateful wrong

turn, on Beyond Belief--

Fact or Fiction.

Have you ever stopped to
consider how dependent we

are on the simple street sign?

It's safe to say we would
be lost without them.

Archie Morton's
the kind of fellow

who memorizes the streets
and their numerical listings.

A city kid born and bred,
he's a modern day Magellan,

charting his destination not by
the stars but by the signposts.

However, Archie's about to
learn an important lesson.

There are no markings
of the unknown.

[cars honking]

been driving my own truck

for the past 10 years, and I was
on my last delivery of the day.

It was a load of
goose down feather

mattresses for the Sleep
Tight store on Axelrod Avenue.

I knew the streets of this
city like the back of my hand,

but for some reason
on this particular day

I was completely lost.

I was sure Axelrod
was the next street.

Putnam Avenue?

This is supposed to be Axelrod.

Where's Axelrod?

[scary music]


[tires screeching]


Man, that was close.

[child crying]

What is that crying?

Hey, where did you come from?

How did you get up here?

From that window.

You've got to be kidding me.

Did you fall?


You fell from way up there?


Are you OK?

Are you hurt?

Well, that's good.

You're one lucky little
boy, you know that?

That's, uh, that's
quite the fall.

What's your name, son?

His name's Clayton,
Clayton Pits.

Who are you?

I'm Jimmy.

I'm the super of this building.

Clayton, how'd you get up there?

I fell.

He told me he fell
from that window

and landed on my mattresses.


That's crazy.

Yeah, I know.

Did you fall
through that window?


See, I told you.

If it wasn't for that old
woman, I never would've swerved

in this alley and caught him.

You owe her a lot, son.

What old lady?

Never mind.

Look, I got a delivery to make.

Where does this child live?


Clayton with the super's wife,

and then we checked
on the grandmother.

Mrs. Pits?

That's weird.

She's always in her apartment.

Use your master key.

Mrs. Pits?

Mrs. Pits?

Mrs. Pits?

Call 911.


[tires screeching]

No, it can't be.

Where's Clayton?

Where's my grandson?

He's fine, Mrs. Pits.

He's with my wife.

I called 911.

Oh, no, no.

I, I don't need 911.

I just had one of me spells.

My, my blood pressure pills
are on the kitchen table.

Jimmy, go get them
for me, please.

Yes, ma'am.


I'm so glad he's all right.

Excuse me, ma'am,
but weren't you

just downstairs a little
while ago waving at my truck?


The last thing I
remember is Clayton

going towards that open window.

I tried to stop him, but I
got dizzy and I passed out.

He landed on my truck.


Here's your pills, Mrs. Pits.

Are you sure you
weren't downstairs?

I really don't know
what you're talking about.

I don't think I do either.

I've got to get going.



Who was that?

I don't know.

Clayton's lucky he was around.

was still spinning from all

the things that just happened.

I was sure that Clayton's
grandmother was the same woman

who made me swerve my truck.

And if I hadn't been under
that window at that exact time,

little Clayton wouldn't
have been saved.

It was just too
much to deal with.

And it happened because for
the first time in my life

I'd be lost.

On top of everything, I still
had that delivery to make,

and I still didn't know
how to find Axelrod Avenue.

I knew this was Axelrod.

It was here the whole time.

How do you explain
what we've just seen?

Did Clayton's grandmother

will herself into the
street to save him?

Or was the lady in the alley
another woman who looked just

like her?

Were Archie's eyes playing
tricks on him that day?

After all, he somehow
missed the street sign.

Is this story of a
young boy who survived

a fatal plunge really
true, or are we

playing you for the fall guy?

(VOICEOVER): We'll find

out if this story is true or
false at the end of our show.

Next, a hypnotic spell reveals
a dual identity, on Beyond

Belief- Fact or Fiction.

you ever been hypnotized?

Some people do it
to stop smoking

or to end their fear of flying.

Others for amusement
and entertainment.

Ted Reed has a different reason.

He has a terrifying
case of claustrophobia

that he's been talking
about all his life.

But very soon, doubt will
be cast on exactly which

life he's been talking about.

I want you to focus
on the crystal, Ted.

Breathe deeply.


My fiance, Ted,

didn't want to visit Dr. Hainer.

Making the appointment
for him was my idea.

DR. HAINER: --as
you relax even more.

Nice deep breaths.


Set your cares aside
and set your mind free.

Continue to relax.

his life, Ted had suffered

from severe claustrophobia.

I hoped a session like this
could help him discover

the cause of his problem.

DR. HAINER: I want you
to close your eyes now.

Nice deep breaths.

Breathe in.

And out.


Let the memories float
up from deep inside.


I want you to tell me about
the house where you grew up.

Describe it for me.

It was a farmhouse.

Two story.

Slate gray.

Far from any neighbors.

I thought you said
he grew up in the city.

I know.

This doesn't make sense.

He grew up in Seattle.
The suburbs.

Who am I speaking with?


My name is Stuart Metcalf.



Did something bad happen?


Something bad at the farm?


Later on, when I was older.

Something very bad.

Stuart, where are you?

Very, very bad.

Tell me what's going on.

What's happening to you, Stuart?


Please, this is too much.

All right, Ted, I
want you to come awake.

On the count of three, you will
wake up fully and be refreshed.

One, two, three.

Are you OK?

I just need to get some air.

Cheryl, does this name, Stuart
Metcalf, mean anything to you?

Has Ted ever made
mention of such a person?

No, never.

Cheryl, this could be
something very simple.

But I don't think you
should take that chance.

Do you understand what
I'm saying to you?

I should go check on him.

In the following days,

I did everything I could to
keep things light and happy.

I was sorry I'd taken
Ted to see Dr. Hainer.

His claustrophobia seemed
to have gotten worse.

And then another
obsession cropped up.

As a child, Ted had
been a talented artist.

And he suddenly took up his old
hobby again, with a vengeance.

He was now drawing compulsively.

But since the hypnosis session,
there had been no mention

of the name Stuart Metcalf.

Have we been here before?

Not on this street, no.


I knew this place
seemed familiar.


That's the same building.

It's exactly what you drew.




TED: Down here.

Ted, is that you?





You frightened me.

Why'd we come in here?

It's different now.

It's different than last time.

Last time?

Wait, Ted.

Ted, please talk to me.

Come on, just tell
me what's going on.

I wish I knew.

You all right?



What did you folks find here?

Poor soul.

He, uh-- Probably buried alive.

What's that on his wrist?


It's an ID bracelet.

Stuart Metcalf.

It's the same name
you gave Dr. Hainer.

This may sound crazy,
but I believe I was him,

buried here all these years.

out old newspaper records.

A Stuart Metcalf was reported
missing from the area

exactly one day
before Ted was born.

His body had never
been found, until now.

After discovering the
body of Stuart Metcalf,

Ted's claustrophobia
completely disappeared.

So what's the answer here?

Did Ted Reed live once
before as Stuart Metcalf,

a man who was buried alive?

Or did he once read the story of
Stuart Metcalf's disappearance

and keep it deep in
the subconscious?

But how do you explain Ted's
drawing of the exact location

where Stuart Metcalf was buried?

We presented you with a
tale of claustrophobia

and a man buried alive.

Are we closing in on the
truth, or have we covered it

under a mound of lies?

(VOICEOVER): We'll find

out if this story is true or
false at the end of our show.

Next, a fortune cookie
makes a deadly prediction,

on Beyond Belief--

Fact or Fiction.

No matter what you order
from a Chinese restaurant,

one thing's certain--

no one can resist
reading the fortune

cookie at the end of the meal.

Why do we pay attention to
these little slips of paper?

Most of us don't
actually believe in them.

Yet people have been
known to carry around

meaningful ones for years.

Art and Elaine Sealy
have a very favorite

Chinese restaurant they've been
frequenting since it opened.

But this time, a fortune
cookie will not just

signal the end of the meal.

It may well signal
the end of a life.

He's changing the call

at the line of scrimmage.

And It looks like another pass.

Look at that.

These bums couldn't win a game
if their lives depended on it.

Fry is going back--

(VOICEOVER): Elaine and Art

had been putting up with
each other as man and wife

for the past 12 years.

It could have been a happy
marriage, except for one thing.

I should never
have taken that bet.

Sealy was a habitual gambler.

ART: Defense!


had lost thousands of dollars

with this bookie over the years.

But Art's last losing streak
was his biggest loss yet--

over $100,000.

And it's come due.

Arty, you're getting
popcorn all over.

Art was nervous.

He knew it wasn't wise
to mess with the boys.

And even though he owned a
successful appliance store,

he couldn't come up
with that kind of cash.

But then he got an idea.

Elaine's life
insurance policy was

worth over $200,000, enough
to take care of his debt

and a quick junket in Vegas.


You are such a child.

Leave me alone, Elaine.

I'm having a bad day here.

(VOICEOVER): For $10,000,

Art hired a hit man
to murder his wife.

The plan was that
he'd take Elaine

out to their favorite Chinese
restaurant a few blocks away.

And on their walk home--

I can't watch anymore.

--she'd be killed.

Is there any lasagna left?

It's in the fridge.

[phone ringing]


Hey, how you doing?

You're kidding me.

That's great.

Oh, yeah?


Uh, yeah, I'll
talk to you later.

What happened?

It was George
Bigelow, our realtor.

We just got an offer on
the store for 600 grand.


That means we can take
that early retirement

and move to Palm Beach
like we always dreamed.

Oh, yeah!

What's the matter, honey?



Everything's great.

OK, I'm back.

No, I'm sure.

I want to cancel
the hit on my wife.

I had an attack
of conscience, OK?

5,000 bucks to cancel?

Are you kidding?

All right, all
right, I'll pay it.

Just make sure you stop the guy.

What do you mean,
if you can find him?

Find him.

[background chatter]

I've said it before
and I'll say it again,

this place makes the best
orange chicken in town.



I love this fortune.

What's it say?

A bright future awaits you.

That is so true.

Palm Beach!

I wonder what mines says.


All it says is "You are next."

What's that supposed to mean?

Next for what?

Let me see that.

Probably just a
misprint or something.


fortune cookie had shaken Art.

And all he could
think about was,

were they able to
cancel the hit,

or was Elaine about
to be murdered?

What's wrong, Arty?

You seem edgy.

Oh, it's, I--

A little stiff neck is all.

Maybe I'll rub it for
you when we get home.

Watch out!

Why'd you do that?

I'm sorry.

I'm just a little
jumpy, I guess.


Everything's great.

I don't know what's
the matter with me.

I'm sorry, baby.

It's OK.

[stomach rumbling]

Oh, I can't wait to get home.

That's orange chicken's
giving me heart burn.

Oh, God, no.

What are you doing?

What's going on with you?

Run, Elaine!


[tires screeching]

You're in some kind of
trouble, aren't you?

Elaine Sealy?

I'm here to inform
you that you are next.


I canceled the hit!

You've just won
the grand prize

in the colossal You Are Next
supermarket sweepstakes draw!


You're both on
your way to Honolulu,

Hawaii, for a fabulous one-week
all expenses paid vacation.

Congratulations, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Seeley.

Oh, yes!

Oh, did you hear that Arty?

We're going to Hawaii!


Elaine Sealy's joy

was short lived.

Her husband Art died
instantly that night

from a massive heart attack.



What's the explanation here?

Did the fortune
cookie actually refer

to the hit on Elaine's life,
or was it put there as part

of the sweepstakes promotion?

If so, how could the
sweepstakes people

know that Elaine and Art
would eat at the restaurant

that night?

And what really caused
Art's heart attack?

Was it years of couch
potato activity,

or was it his own
guilty conscience?

In trying to discern whether
this tale is true or false,

will you be completely baffled,
or will you be a smart cookie?

(VOICEOVER): Next, you'll

find out which of
our stories are fact

and which are fiction,
when Beyond Belief returns.

Now let's look back
at tonight's stories

and find out which ones are
inspired by actual events

and which ones
are totally false.

How about the story of
the transplanted corneas

that avenged the
murder of the donor?

Why were you staring at me?
You're following me.

Are you a cop?
- No!

Did someone hire
you to tail me?

No, I swear.

Please, just take
whatever you want.

I know you're up
to something, and I'm

going to find out what that is.

I'm not up to anything.

I didn't mean to stare at you.

Is this one fake?


A similar story happened in
Florida in the late '80s.

The twins that had
a paranormal bond

strong enough to
save their lives,

how did you judge that one?

[music playing]

The music's
coming from the TV.


Carly, you OK?

What happened?

Oh, something's happened.

What you mean?

What's wrong?


Did you think this was real?

You're right.

A story like this was
reported about a pair of twins

from the Midwest
in the early '90s.

Let's look again
at the deliveryman

who was in the wrong
place at the right time.

Where's Axelrod?


[screeching tires]


Man, that was close.

[child crying]

What is that crying?

Did you think this story was
inspired by an actual event?

It was.

It happened about 20
years ago in the Midwest.

Let's look again at the
man who may have been

buried alive in a prior life.

Was this story true?

No way.

It was written to fool you.

The story of the
husband who tried

to stop the hit on his wife but
couldn't stop his own demise,

how did you judge that one?

[tires screeching]

Arty, you're in some kind
of trouble, aren't you?

Elaine Sealy?

I'm here to inform
you that you are next.


I canceled the hit!

You've just won
the grand prize

in the colossal You Are Next
supermarket sweepstakes draw!


Is this story so strange
that it must be true?

Not this time.

It's fiction.

Were you able to
define the difference

between fact and
fiction tonight,

or did you find the definition
just beyond your grasp?

Perhaps the best definition
of the difference

between fact and fiction
would be found in two words--

beyond belief.

I'm Jonathan Frakes.

(VOICEOVER): The stories

entitled Second Sight
and The Wrong Turn

are true, based on
first-hand research conducted

by author Robert Tralins.

For Beyond Belief,
this is Campbell Lane.

[theme music]