Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997–2024): Season 2, Episode 6 - Bright Lights/Magic Mightyman/The Student/Scribbles/Count Mystery - full transcript

This episode features the following cases: Bright Lights; Magic Mightyman; The Student; Scribbles; Count Mystery.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[music playing]

The real and the unreal
often live side by side.

Belief, Fact or Fiction.

Hosted by Jonathan Frakes.

We live in a world where
the real and the unreal

live side by side,
where substance

is disguised as an illusion,
and the only explanations

are unexplainable.

Can you separate
truth from fantasy?

To do so you must break through
the web of your experience

and open your mind to
things beyond belief.

[music playing]

In this drawing,
is it the profile

of a couple about to kiss?

Take another look.

It's a candle
lighting the darkness.

Tonight we will shed
some light on stories

that straddle the line
between real and unreal.

We'll tell you which are
which at the end of our show.

And keep in mind as
our show unfolds,

the profile of
falsehood can often

obscure the glow of truth.

When you're behind
the wheel at night,

is there anything more
disturbing than someone

behind you who's driving
with bright lights?

Sometimes drivers do it let
you know they want to pass.

Sometimes they're unaware
their brights are on.

And sometimes, as
in our next story,

the reason is much more ominous.

did I wind up here.

All I wanted to do was rent a
car and visit my grandmother.

Now, I was totally lost.

And something's
telling me I better

figure out this map by myself.

I've learned you
don't show weakness

in a situation like this.

for a little more?

No thanks.

I guess I've had enough.
- Oh.

Take care then.


I hear them at the pool table.

I can do it.

You don't me.

Watch and learn old man.

Uh-- hi, my name is Gunner.

How you doing?

Actually, I'm a little tired.

Well, do you
mind if I sit down?

I'd like to buy you
a cup of coffee.

Well, thank you.

But, well, I've
already had three cups.

And I got to get
back on the road.

I'll get this for you.

That's very sweet.

GUNNER: You're welcome.

want to run out of here.

But I'm going to
walk out calmly.

I can hear their
ugly comments, and I

can feel their eyes on me.

No trophy tonight, gunner.

I don't hear any
footsteps behind me.

That's good.

I wish it were a bigger
parking lot so I could

disappear between the cars.

But I'm in plain view right now.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but
I feel like I'm being followed.

The quicker I get out of
here, the better I'll feel.

[music playing]

[engine starts]

challenge is to stay awake.

That coffee didn't do much good.

Besides I didn't even
get to finish it.

The radio, that should keep
my mind alert for a while.

The next place I
stop is going to be

a lot safer than that bar.

[music playing]

[horn honking]

Oh, no, what's this?

I'll bet it's that
creep from the bar.

Why does he have
his high beams on?

They're blinding.

Well, I'm not going to stop.

What are you doing?

[horn honking]

[tires screeching]

Just pass me already.

[horn honking]

Oh, come on.

[banging sound]

You crazy?

[tense music playing]

Oh, my god.

[phone dialing]



[tires screeching]


Can you hear me?

Yeah, I need some help.

I'm being followed by
somebody in a pickup truck.

I'm going south
down Old River Road.

I just passed Miller's Junction.

[horn blaring]

Can you hear me?





[horn blaring]

Oh, no.

[horn blaring]

Where's that damn phone?


[tires screech]

[engine stalls]

Come on.

[music playing]

[gun cocks]

Oh, no, it is him.

Get out of the car, lady.

GUNNER: Get out of
the car, lady, now.

Get out of the car, lady, now.


I have to stay calm.

I have to stay calm.

GUNNER: Hurry.

You, in the back
seat, put your hands up.

Get your hands up.

Come out nice and slow.

Nice and slow.

Drop the knife.

Drop the knife.

Don't move.

I'm really sorry
that I scared you,

but I saw the creep
in the back seat.

That's why I was
flashing my brights,

to keep him from attacking you.

Thank you.

Well, maybe now we can
have that cup of coffee.

What are you looking at?

Turn around.

An intriguing story
to say the least.

The man we perceived to be
a villain turns out a hero.

The bright lights that
seemed so threatening

were really beacons
of protection.

Does this story of terror on
the highway seemed false to you?

Or is your judgment being
blinded by the truth?

out if this story

is true or false at the
end of our show, but next--



Come on, come on, guys.

Take the jacket.

Take the jacket.

Here, take the watch.

You can have that too.

And the pants.




I'm being-- I'm being pantsed.


attacked in a park

discovers a magical ability to
fight back, coming up on Beyond

Belief, Fact or Fiction.

Some call them bag ladies.

To others, they are vagrants.

And some consider them
angels of the streets.

Are these street people merely
collecting cast-off rubbish?

Or are there treasures
to be discovered

in their receptacles?

Gloria was more than a bag lady.

She was a treasure hunter.

And within her treasure chest is
an item with a power so great,

it could do battle
with fate itself.

Lenny Fields was

an out of shape comedy writer.

He made his living
writing clever lines

for television shows,
stand up comedians,

and magazine articles.

And although he had an icy
wit, he had a warm heart.

In fact, on his
morning jogs, he always

stopped to exchange a
quip or two with Gloria,

the park's resident bag lady.

Easy, Sunny Boy.

You're moving too fast.

You shouldn't be rushing life.

You're right.

Thanks to jogging,
more people are

collapsing in perfect
health than ever before.


The only thing that I try
to exercise is kindness.

Why don't you let me
give you a couple of bucks

so you can get a good hot meal.

Just watch the cholesterol.

You know I don't like
taking money from you.

So where are you
living these days?

The old zoo.

Well, listen, just be careful.

Watch yourself, will you?

I got to run.

(VOICEOVER): That was

Lenny, always more concerned
about another's safety

than his own.

But today he should have
worried for himself.


MUGGER: Look at this guy.

think he needs O too.

MUGGER: You think
he's going to make it?

- Nah.

That's a nice jogging
suit he's got there.

I think it would
look better on me.

What do you think?

Hey, there.

Hold up there.

- How you doing?
- Fine.

Like your suit.

Oh, thanks.

Great jacket.

I got it on sale at
the sporting goods store

just before you get to the
park, around the corner there.

That big one there.

They're having a big sale.

You can get a good deal.

And I got a great deal on this.

And I like this jacket.

No, this is mine.

We like this one.

No, you know what, guys?

Guys, guys, look, I know, I
know you just want some money.

Here, I got-- I've got--

I've got-- I've got
some money here.

I think I got a few bucks.

I get some some money here.

Look, here.

You know, I think
I like that too.

You know what?
We want all your money.

Fine, right take the money.
Take the money.

And the jacket.

No, it's my jacket.

All right.

Come on.

Oh, nice watch.



Come on.

Come on, guys.

Fine, take the jacket.

Here, take the watch.

You can have that too.

And the pants.

Not my pants.

You can't take my pants.
For god's sake.





I'm being-- I'm being pantsed.


No, no, guys, guys,
please, guys, guys, guys,

please don't do this to me.


Hey, hey, Gloria.

Gloria, it's me.

Over here.

The cage, over here.

My god, what happened to you?

Oh, two guys stopped
me and I got mugged.

Can you see if you can
get this door open.

I'm freezing.
- Yeah.

Hold on.

I'm starting to feel
like Charlton Heston

in "Planet of the Apes."

Don't worry.

I've got all kinds
of things in here.

Hey, what are you
standing there for?

Come on down and step
into my fitting room.

LENNY: You've really got
something for me in there?

Oh, here, put this on.

I can't put this on.

I'll look silly.

It's not really my color.


You wouldn't believe
it, but some people

think I look kind of silly.

You know, it's not
what other people

think of you that matters.

It's what you think of yourself.


(VOICEOVER): And so it

was that a discarded Halloween
costume from Gloria's cart

changed his persona
from Lenny Fields

to that of the
legendary Mighty Man.


What have you got there?
- It's a bird.

It's a plane.
It's super jerk.

Nice cape.

Hey, super jerk.

Where do I get one of these?


We missed you too.


MUGGER: What is that?

Mighty Man.


Mighty Man.

Nice cape though.

You know, I'm telling
you, that is great.

This time, we're
taking your underwear.








Here's your watch.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, Gloria, you were right.

This outfit is my color.

See, what did I tell you?

Hey, can I keep
this a little longer?


I've got a class
reunion coming up.

And there's a couple
of neighborhood bullies

that'll be there.

Hey, how about we go
get a bite to eat?


As long as its a big
juicy chili cheeseburger.

I think I'll
stick to the salad.

So, was it the
costume that gave

him his new found strength?

Or did Lenny have the
inner courage all the time?

History is filled with
stories of magic clothing--

Joseph's coat of many colors,
Jason and the Golden Fleece,

and the millions of
soldiers who have suddenly

found untapped
courage by wearing

the uniform of their country.

Is our tale based upon reality?

Or is this story stitched
together by a thread of lies?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find out if
this story is true or false

at the end of our show.

But next--

I was wondering
why some of you

didn't answer the
essay question.

You know, what I want
to do with my life?


You know, any answer at
all, even a sentence would

have been worth 10 points.

You know why I
didn't answer it?

Because I ain't sure I'm
going to even live to see 18.

ANNOUNCER: A teacher
encounters a strange student

and tail in the classroom on
Beyond Belief, Fact or Fiction.

Is there a more important
job than that of a teacher?

To influence, inspire,
and educate young minds

is the noblest of occupations.

Vanessa Robinson
is a born teacher.

But lately, she has
become disillusioned.

The paperwork on her desk
seems like a mountain.

The minds of her
students seem closed.

But she is about
to meet a student

that will change all that, a
student in a class by himself.

I had just been

put in charge of
this class, but I was

already getting to know them.

I was very good at
matching names with faces.

And I had memorized the
entire class roster.

I was a natural.

I guess that's why
when I was young

I always knew what
I wanted to be.

I didn't want to be a
nurse or even a lawyer.

I wanted to be a teacher I
wanted to educate young minds

and inspire them to greatness.

But now, I've
become a babysitter

rather than a teacher.

VANESSA: Keith, lose
the ball, please.

Thank you.

Lately, I find myself

thinking more and
more that maybe I made

the wrong choice for my life.

I'm wondering what it would
be like to sell real estate

or to be a travel agent and
visit all those exotic places.

VANESSA: Deirdre, can
we lose the mirror?

All right, time's up.

Pens down.

I was wondering
why some of you

didn't answer the
essay question.

You know, what I want
to do with my life.

You know, any answer at
all, even a sentence would

have been worth 10 points.

You know why I
didn't answer it?


Because I ain't sure I'm
going to even live to see 18.

How many of the rest
of you feel the same way?

Well-- [bell rings] we'll
talk about this-- please,

put your tests on my
desk, right side up.

Thank you.

wondered if somehow I

had failed these students.

Was I partly responsible
for their attitude?

I was suddenly
aware of one student

who was still at his desk.

Uh-- class is over.

I mean-- do you need something?

He was a student,

I didn't seem to recognize.

I didn't know his face.

And I didn't know
his name either.

Wait a second.

Hold on.

[music playing]

couldn't understand it.

He was nowhere in sight.

Something made me close
the door behind me.

And then I started
to read the paper.

His name was Rudy Hernandez.

I was sure there was no Rudy
in my class and certainly not

one that could write like this.

What do you want to do with
your life by Rudy Hernandez.

I want to be a teacher.

Helping others is the
most important thing

anyone can do with their life.

The police may help
fight crime, but

teachers help fight ignorance.

And ignorance breeds
hate and poverty.

Of course, being a
teacher isn't easy.

A good teacher explains.

A superior teacher demonstrates.

But a truly great
teacher inspires.

When a great teacher
helps save one student,

she helps save the whole world.

I think you are that
kind of teacher.

You are the kind of teacher
that I would want to be.

How did you get in here?

VANESSA: I didn't hear you.

Did you write this essay?

VANESSA: Are you Rudy Hernandez?

Just answer me.

Are you Rudy Hernandez?

I'll call someone.

No, don't take another step.

[gun shots]


[tires screeching]

was an accident of fate.

If he hadn't made me leave my
seat, I would have been shot.

But his face seemed to show
it was not an accident.

When I turned away, he was gone.

God, are you all right?

Should I call an ambulance?

I'm OK.

The police are on the way.

That's the second
drive by this year.

You're lucky you weren't killed.


Thanks to that student.

What student?

Rudy Hernandez.


That's impossible.


Rudy Hernandez is dead.


No, he was here.

I can prove it.

I have an essay that he wrote.

The essay was gone too.

MALE TEACHER: I knew Rudy.

He was a brilliant
student who always

had time to teach others.

He had a full scholarship
waiting for him at Princeton.

My god, what happened?

Before he could graduate,
he was killed in a drive

by shooting.

Somehow a student

who had died years ago had saved
my life in more ways than one.

Was Vanessa actually visited
by the ghost of Rudy Hernandez?

If not, who was that student
whose paper she read?

Someone caused Vanessa
to suddenly move away

from the window
out of harm's way.

Was it another student
using Rudy's name?

If so, where did he go?

And what happened to
the papery he handed in?

Is this classroom
story based on fact?

Or are we simply telling
tales out of school?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find
out if this story

is true or false at the
end of our show, but next--

Now look at this one, Mom.

Oh, that's great.

Sweetie, why don't you show
that to your Aunt Bonnie, huh?



Hey, there's something really
familiar about this scribbles.

ANNOUNCER: An innocent
child's drawings

reveal a hidden mystery, on
Beyond Belief, Fact or Fiction.

JONATHAN FRAKES: The imagination
of a child, what really goes

on in a mind still unspoiled
by most of the conventions

and inhibitions of society?

Should drawings like
these be simply thought

of as the expressions
of innocent minds?

Four-year-old Billy Potter
is drawing lots of pictures


Pay close attention to them.

Analyze them.

Appreciate them.

But whatever you
do, don't dismiss

them as childish scrawls.

Sign on the dotted line there.

I suppose the one
thing certain about life

is that we eventually leave it.

Let's hope no time soon.

Here you go.

OK, that's your copy.

(VOICEOVER): Earl Potter,

with his wife in her last
months of pregnancy, takes out

a life insurance policy,
hoping not to need

it for a long long time.

So the policy is
bought and paid for.

If anything should happen
to me, you and the baby

will be taking care.
- Stop it.

Don't talk like that.

You know it scares me.

Think of it as a
promise I'm making.

I love you.


Hey, slow down.

Lately all you do
is rush, rush, rush.

You know that?

How else am I going
to get that new account?

Which would mean a
promotion for us.

All I need is you
and Billy, honey.

I don't need a new promotion.

And money.

Don't ever forget money.

All right, I have to go.

I'll talk to you later.


Bye, Dad.



[music playing]




Are you OK?

Somebody help me.


MOTHER: Oh, no.


Billy, go back in the house.

MOTHER: Go back in the house.

Billy, Billy, go
back in the house.

One week after Earl's death,

Marlene and her sister Bonnie
are packing up for a move

to Bonnie's house, while
Billy keeps his mind

occupied by drawing pictures.

Look, Mom.

Thanks, honey.

You sure there's going
to be enough room for me

and Billy at your house.

Marlene, we've
already discussed this.

You and Billy will
sleep in Sarah's room.

She really doesn't mind.
- Hey, come on.

It's going to be OK.

It'll be fun sleeping
under the same roof again.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Oh, that is great.

Why don't you go
make me some more.


God, if I could just
find that insurance policy.

I never wanted to talk
about this stuff with Earl.

And now I'm broke.
And it's my own fault.

Don't blame yourself.
You looked everywhere.

There's nothing
else you could do.

Now look at this one, Mom.

Oh, that's great.

Sweetie, why don't you show
that to your Aunt Bonnie, huh?



Hey, there's something really
familiar about these scribbles.

Marlene, it's shorthand.


BONNIE: These scribbles
are shorthand.

You see these lines right here?

Billy spelled the word Daddy.

Billy, what are you
drawing over there?

I don't how.

Just pictures.

Hey, wait a second,
this is really weird.

I mean look at these.

These are words.

First village Trust.

First Village
Trust, that's a bank.

Uh, huh.
There's one in town.

And these, these are numbers.


Maybe a bank account number.

I don't know what's going on.

But you have to go find out.

You said Peters?


Earl Potter.

P-O-T-T-E-R. Potter.


It seems to your late husband
kept a safe deposit box here.

Was it box number 1104.

That's right.

Do you have a key?


Can we open it any way?

MARLENE: It might be empty.

You see, my son--

BANKER: We have
to drill the lock.

There's a $200 fee.

Can I pay you after
we open the box?



(VOICEOVER): One hour

later, a locksmith shows up to
open the safety deposit box.

Marlene Potter, a
woman down on her luck,

clings to one last
fragile hope, a hope

that somehow the symbols that
are showing up in Billy's

drawings have a special
meaning to their lives,

perhaps they're communications
from her late husband Earl,

the man who was keeping
something in lock box 1104.

It's lighter than I thought.

[music playing]

MARLENE: Oh, Earl.

Oh, thank you.

What's the answer here?

Did Aunt Bonnie know
the truth all along

and chose to secretly add the
symbols to Billy's drawings?

Or was a father's spirit really
guiding the hands of the child?

Could a child far too
young to even comprehend

the symbols for
shorthand communicate

those symbols so perfectly?

Aren't there child
prodigies who can play

the piano before they can talk?

Is this story of automatic
writing an honest one?

Or does your instinct tell
you to simply write it off?

ANNOUNCER: We'll find
out if this story

is true or false at the
end of our show, but next--

I keep thinking what
if something like this

happened to him.

Wish there was something
else we could do.

Remember that horse story
we covered a few years ago?

You know that old gelding
that toured with the circus?

Count Mystery,
yeah, owner claimed

he was psychic or something.

ANNOUNCER: A missing
child and an animal

with unexplainable powers on
Beyond Belief, Fact or Fiction.

Horses have long been thought
of as magical creatures,

from Pegasus, the
winged stallion,

to the diving horse
of Atlantic City.

They've been applauded,
gambled on, even worse.

The horse you are about
to meet never ran a race

or carried a
soldier into battle.

Yet he is the stuff that
legends are written about.

horse is named Count Mystery.

And the mystery is how
does he do what he does?

For years, Count Mystery has
been doing his act at rodeos,

county fairs, and the like.

Ask Count Mystery
a question and he

will spell out the
answer by turning over

a series of special letters.

And as if this weren't
fantastic enough,

Count Mystery seems to also
possess psychic powers.

He has been responsible for the
solving of eight major crimes

in the last 20 years.

And then a few days, Count
Mystery's colorful legend

will become linked to the
fate of young Tanner Jansen.

Tanner is a boy like
so many his age.

He gets bored.

He daydreams.

And he loses track of
time and even location.

Today, Tanner is exploring.

And to really explore,
you have to go places

that you've never been before.

Tanner spends lots
of days like this.

[music playing]

Ever since his father divorced

his mother last year,
Tanner goes for long

walks looking for things.

Obviously, Tanner's father was
an important part of his life.

But there is another man
who is about to become

very important to Tanner.

In fact, Tanner's
seen him many times

before on the 6 o'clock news.

Over 24 hours has
passed since little Tanner

Jansen disappeared.

The four-year-old was last seen
playing in front of his house

wearing a red sweatshirt
and blue jeans.

Neighborhood search parties
have been put together.

And the Ludlow police
have asked everyone

to keep their eyes open.

We'll have more as
this story unfolds.

This is Gerald McBride,
WRX News reporting.

You know, these missing
kids just break my heart.

I mean, they rarely
find them alive.

Yeah, I feel sorry
for the mother.

Louis, did you get those
bloodhounds from Ackonsville?


Still no sign of the boy.

Did your station get
any leads on this?


This is Emma Jansen.

Oh, Ms. Jansen, I want
you to know our station

is going to keep covering this
story until we find your son.

I just know that Tanner
is out there somewhere.

I just know it.

I don't know who'd take him.

You know, my sister's
got a kid her kid's age.

I keep thinking what
if something like this

happened to him.

I wish there was something
else we could do.

You remember that horse story
we covered a few years ago?

You know, that old gelding
that toured with the circus.

Count Mystery.


Owner claimed he was
psychic or something.

Still catching flack
for covering that.

There was some evidence
that that was true.

Even if he was, that horse
was 100 years old then.

Well, let's just call
somebody and get him on it.

I mean, it can't hurt.

Fine, call.

It's now 48 hours since the
Jansen boy's disappearance.

Volunteers from Ludlow
continue to search the area.

If you'd like to volunteer,
please call the station.

Gerald McBride, WRX reporting.

I mean, something's
bound to turn up soon.

I mean, he couldn't
have wandered that far.

What are you kidding?

If someone snatched this kid,
the possibilities are endless.

[phone ringing] Yeah?

horse is still alive.

You want to go see
him, we've arranged it.



Finally, some good news.

The horse's owner
called the station.

He's still alive.

Should have seen this
when we were traveling

together with the circus.

He was something.

You know, people traveled from
miles around, asking questions

about crops, even about love.

One time, he found a
wife that went missing.

Missing wife?

You see, in those days, when
a wife went missing, we looked.

What did you do,
tell them I was coming?

You know why I'm here?



Here, we'll take
him out to the board

and see what he has to say.

[music playing]

So what should I do?

Ask your question.

You said you knew
why I was here.


[music playing]

Tan-- Tanner.

Do you know where the boy is?

[music playing]


You're saying the boy's alive.

But where?

[music playing]



The boy's alive in a well.

But where?

- N. Yeah.
- NW.


NW-- Northwest.

He's in a well in the northwest.


- O-L-D
- Old, old, old.

[music playing]

Old Camp.

The boy's alive in the
well up in the old camp.

I got no signal for my cellular.
I got to use your phone.

Where is it?
- Inside.


Good boy.

Good boy.

[music playing]




I can't believe you
dragged me out here.

This better be good.



Over there.

TANNER: Mommy, help.


Go get the rig.

We found him.

Get his mother.

He's alive.

It's OK, son.

Take it easy.

We're going to get you out.

Your mother's coming.





It's OK, sweetheart.

It's OK.

You're OK, Tanner.

You're OK, yeah?

It's OK now.

It's OK.

You're a big boy.

Tanner Jansen has
been rescued and appears

to be in good condition.

Ms. Jansen, would you
care to say a few words?


I'd like to thank all
the good people out

there for volunteering
and helping me

through this terrible crisis.

God bless you.

And I'd like to give a special
thanks to you, Mr. McBride,

for helping me find my son.

Thank you.

I'm just glad the boy is OK.

Well, this was a
story that certainly

ended on a happy note.

Be sure to tune
in tomorrow when I

reveal how I was led to Tanner.

Until then, Gerald
McBride, WRX News.

OK, so who supplied the lead.

Let's just say
I got it straight

from the horse's mouth.

Could this story
possibly be true?

Can an animal possess
psychic powers?

Doesn't the Farmer's Almanac
base mysteriously accurate

predictions on animal behavior?

And haven't dogs and cats been
known to predict earthquakes?

But this story o
an equine psychic,

is it an honest retelling
of an actual event?

Or is it a horse of
a different color?

ANNOUNCER: Coming up, we'll
find out which of our stories

tonight were fact and
which were fiction

when Beyond Belief returns.

Now it's time to see
which of our stories

are based on actual
events and which

are total works of fiction.

The tale of the woman who
was saved by the high beams

of a truck, true or false?

[music playing]

[horn blaring]

Oh, no.

[tires screeching]

Where's the damn phone?


Was this story based
on an actual event?

No way.
It's a made up tale.

Let's look at the
story of the bag lady

with the magic costume.


Hang on there.

It's a bird.

It's a plane.

It's super jerk.

Nice cape.

Hey, super jerk, where
do I get one of these?


We missed you too.


What is that?

Mighty Man.

Mighty Man.
Nice cape, though.

You know, I'm telling
you, that is great.

This time, we're
taking your underwear.

[music playing]

Did you think this story of
sudden strength and courage

was real?

You're right.

It happened, according to
firsthand interviews conducted

by author Robert Tralins.

Now what about the
tale of the teacher

whose life was saved by the
ghost of a dead student?

Did you write this essay?

VANESSA: Are you Rudy Hernandez?

Just answer me.
Are you Rudy Hernandez?

I'll call someone.

No, don't take another step.

[gun shots]


[tires screeching]

Did you guess the story of the
students spirit was fictional?

You're right.

It never happened.

Let's take another
look at the child

whose scribblings turned out
to be a message in shorthand.

This is really weird.

I mean, look at these.

These are words.

First village trust.

First Village
Trust, that's a bank.

Uh, huh, there's one in town.

And these, these
are numbers, 1104.

Maybe a bank account number?

I don't know what's going on.

But you have to go find out.

You said Peters?


Earl Potter,
P-O-T-T-E-R, Potter.


BANKER: Yes, it seems
to your late husband

kept a safe deposit box here.

Did you think this was
inspired by an actual event?

Yes, it was.

The horse with
psychic powers, what

was your opinion of this story?

NW, NW, Northwest, Northwest.

He's in a well in the Northwest.


[music playing]


The Old, old, old.

[music playing]

Old camp.

Did a horse like
this one really exists.


This story happened.

So how accurate did your
perception turn out to be?

Were you able to identify
fact from fiction?

Or have we once
again demonstrated

that certain things in life
can never be explained?

They are the events that we
must classify as beyond belief.

I'm Jonathan Frakes.

ANNOUNCER: Join us with
more stories on Beyond

Belief, Fact or Fiction.

[music playing]