Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 2, Episode 7 - Camping Trip - full transcript

Brandon, Brenda, Dylan, Kelly, Steve, Donna, Andrea and David take an end-of-the-summer camping trip to Yosemite National Park. But in a comedy of errors, they end up stranded for the night in a rundown cabin during a rainstorm an...

Brandon, you better give me
your toothbrush and stuff

- if you want me to pack them for you.
- l'll be right there.

l hope you're not finding
more stuff to take.

Your half the bag is already full.

- Brandon, are you okay?
- Yeah.

What is that?

lt's my lucky hat.

l'm sorry, Brandon,
but that is one nerdy-looking thing.

Come on, l think it's cool.

Well, maybe to a beaver.

Brandon, you have got
to do something about your friend.

Who, Steve?

Yes, he is unpacking
Donna's suitcases.

He says she's exceeded
her luggage allowance.

Yeah, l'll see what l can do.

Why is Steve so uptight?

There's more than enough room
for six people in that van.

Try seven. My mother's
making me bring David.

David Silver, David?
Are you serious?

His dad and my mom are going away
for the weekend.

- Oh, that does sound serious.
- Yeah.

So instead of staying home alone,
he has to tag along with us.

Well, Kel, it might not be so bad.

Yeah, he'll probably videotape
the whole trip for us.

Oh, right. Yosemite: The Movie.

Well, at least we can show Dylan
what he missed out on.

He's not coming?

No, since his mom moved back
from Hawaii.

He just doesn't want
to cut out on her.

He wants to make sure
she's all settled in.

Donna, nobody takes shoulder pads
on a camping trip.

Brandon, tell him
to give them back to me.

And she doesn't need 1 6 bags
of makeup, okay?

- Steve is not my father--
- Don't you understand--

Hey, hey, hey.

Now, Donna,
Steve does have a good point.

- Thank you.
- You'll never wear half this stuff.

And as far as l'm concerned,
you never need makeup anyway.

Well, thank you.

Now, let's get going, all right?

We're gonna have a great time
once we get on the road.

Dylan, what's the rumpus?

Hey, nice wheels,
for a mobile home.

Oh, yeah? She's got everything.

Four-wheel drive, cruise control,
removable seats.

lf it had a john, we could live in it.

Send me a postcard, man.

Thanks for the bags.

Dylan, sorry you're not coming
with us, man.

Oh, it's probably better anyway.

My mom said
that my planetary alignment

is in severe disarray.

ls that contagious?

lt must be. She's gotta go
to the desert this weekend.

l'm not invited.

So much for quality time with Mom.

Are you okay with that?

Are you kidding, man? l am so sick
of her cosmic mumbo jumbo.

So, Jones, come with us.

- Come on.
- l don't think so.

Wait, wait a second...

Just got a message
from my cosmic advisor.

Your planets need aligning muy pronto
in the Yosemite Valley. l swear it.

- l don't know--
- No, hey, now.

The planets get very touchy
when you argue with them.

Since you put it that way...

- l gotta get my jacket.
- Cool, l'll get you some gear.

Captain Steve, make room
for one more. McKay's coming with.

Oh, great. l'll just rearrange
a few hundred bags.

Okay, be extra careful
on those steep hiking trails.

- We will.
- And be sure to head back

to the camp well before dark.

- We will.
- And make sure those boys

stay on top of you.

When you're hiking, that is.

Mom, don't worry.
Dylan's not even coming.

Oh, yes, he is.

- He is? Since when?
- Since now. Here, open up this bag.

Brandon, it's too full.

Well, you don't want Dylan
to go naked, do you?

Or do you?

Let's just see what we can do.

where is your sister already?

lf we don't leave soon, we'll never
make it to camp before dark.

Steve, you gotta get over
this rush-hour mentality of yours.

l keep trying to tell you,
think vacation, think fun.

Think, ''Let's go.''

l'll get her.

Need a hand?


l always knew you'd turn out
to be good for something.

Well, when you figure out what it is,
let me know.

You're very sensitive these days.

Maybe l shouldn't be going.

You have to go.

Why do l have to go?

Because l just repacked
this whole thing for you.

Because l want you to go.

You won't feel a little weird
with me there?

Why should l feel weird?

l mean, this is a completely platonic

Separate cabins, boys and girls.

Listen, it'll do you good
to get away with some friends.

lt'll be fun.

You know, you and your brother,
you're like twins, or something.

l'm coming!

- Let's go.
- Yeah.

All right.

All right, everybody listen up.

Brandon's got a little announcement
to make

and then we're out of here.
Come on, come on, don't be shy.

l know l don't have to remind any of
you that school starts next week.

So let's get a little national park spirit
going here,

and focus in on the fact that we're all
young, free, healthy, wealthy and wise,

and about to embark on probably
the most righteous journey

of our lives thus far.

Let's get busy.

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety-nine bottles of beer

David, not that one, please.

How about...

Yosemite here we come

Right back where we started from

The flowers, the flowers
They bloom in the spring

Birdies singin' everything

Sun shines bright
So don't be late

So anyone know
any good rain songs?

Look at that. Who in the world would
come here for their honeymoon?

l don't know, maybe a duck or a frog?

l cannot believe you forgot
to check the weather report.

l didn't forget to check
the weather report.

l just didn't believe
the weather report.

God, l'm freezing.

l'd give you my coat,
but it's a little wet.

Well, if Mr. Good Samaritan
over there

hadn't have us stop
to change old bozo's tyre,

l think we would've been
through the Tioga Pass

before the highway patrol
closed the roads.

Hey, come on, guys,
this is a minor setback.

- Remember, guys, we're on vacation.
- Vacation.

Okay, there is good news
and there is bad news.

Good news, please.

The good news
is there's one cabin left.

What's the bad news?

Well, at least l negotiated
a reduced room rate.

You got what you paid for.

The accommodations,
though sparse,

have got an undeniably
rustic ambience.

Turn that thing off already.

Hey, come on, you guys,
it's not that bad.

Well, yeah, if you don't mind
the smell of mildew.

There aren't enough beds.
Where are we all gonna sleep?

Hey, we'll get it worked out.

We've all got our own sleeping bags,

Great, the floor's wet though.

Okay, maybe it'll dry
if we get a fire going.

Well, not with this wood. lt's soaked.

l need a good hot bath.

- Don't count on it, Kelly.
- No tub?

No hot water. Oh, and be careful
with the toilet seat, it's got splinters.

Oh, terrific.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

Over there. Over there.
A big spider.

- A big one.
- Okay.

Sorry, Charlotte. You are history.

l've had some bad experiences
with spiders.

lt's okay. l feel the exact same way
about rodents.

Maybe there's some bug spray
under the counter...

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

That's it, you guys are right.
This place is terrible.

What's the matter, Bren?

Mousetrap under the sink.

- Empty or full?
- Empty.

But the cheese was nibbled.

Oh, my God.

Then what's the problem, Bren?
There's no mouse.

Look, you guys, l'm gonna go get
some dry firewood,

make a fire, warm this place up
as soon as l change my clothes,

especially my shoes.

Bren, where are my hiking boots?

By the bed.


By my bed.

ln my room in our house,

where l really sort of wish
l was right now.

You left my hiking boots
by your bed?

My perfectly broken in,
dry hiking boots by your bed?

So now l have to climb up Half Dome
in sopping wet, slippery tennis shoes,

because you left my hiking boots
by your bed?

l just have one question.

What's that?

Are we having fun yet?

Soggy sandwiches.

- Soggy muffins.
- Soggy cheese balls.

Well, at least we're consistent.

l wish they had a TV Guide here.

Donna, there's no TV.

l know, but l just like to know
what l'm missing.

What l'm missing is music.

l can't believe
nobody brought a CD player.

l almost forgot.

All right, Donna comes through
in the clutch.

And you were hassling her
about bringing too much luggage.

That's only good
for one person, Donna.

Well, we could take turns.

That's stupid.

Not as stupid as driving hundreds
of miles through a rainstorm.

- Hey, where are you going, man?
- Beer run.

- l'm gonna liven up this joint.
- Steve, forget it.

- Brandon, come on.
- Don't look at me, partner.

My drinking days are over.

- Dylan?
- You know he doesn't drink.

Why are you trying to tempt him?

Excuse me, l can answer for myself.

Not this time, man.

- l'll go.
- What would your dad say?

Hey, leave him alone.

Not everybody in this party's
got to be a deadbeat.

You know, you guys
make a perfect pair. Mutt and Jeff.

You know, you say
you don't want any now,

but when l break out the six-packs,
you'll all be begging for a brewski.

lf you can get any.

Which really isn't likely.

lf l say l'll deliver, l'll deliver.

Let's go.

- l'll go too.
- Donna?

For the ride.

Don't encourage him, all right?

There's something l need to get
while we're out.

- Like what?
- Yeah, like what?

A feminine product, okay?

ls everyone happy now?

Hey, it's too bad you guys
can't get me

a new pair of hiking boots
while you're at it.

Look, it was an oversight
and l said l was sorry.

What about my lucky hat?
Was that an oversight too?

How'd you expect me
to fit everything in

when you had me pack
all those extra clothes for...?

Hey, l'm sorry,
l shouldn't have come.

That way you'd have your lucky charm
instead of a cosmic jinx.

Dylan, where are you going?

To get a soda, if you don't mind.

What l said about the clothes,
l didn't mean it.

Okay, forget it.

And listen, about the beer,
why did you say, ''Not this time''?

- What are you, my mother?
- l'm just worried about you, that's all.

Oh, well, you are definitely
not my mother.

Look, if we're gonna salvage
this weekend,

all of us need to mellow out a little bit,
including you.

l just don't feel like being the life
of the party, okay?

That's okay, just try not
to be the death of it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

This is going to sound
like l'm asking for spare change,

but do you, by any chance,
have an extra quarter?

- Sure.
- Thank you, thanks a lot.

You aren't, by any chance,
on your honeymoon, are you?

Not too obvious, huh?

Yeah, we saw your car.

Oh, Neil, you didn't have to do that.

Oh, yes, l did. l missed you.

Do you have a quarter, sweetheart?
l had to borrow one from...

- What's your name?
- Brenda, and this is Dylan.

l'm Alison
and this is my husband, Neil.

Do you like the sound of that, honey?
My husband, Neil.

Music to my ears.

Let's go back to our cabin
and you can sing it to me.

Nice meeting you, Brenda.

Hey, aren't you guys bummed
that you got stuck here?

Oh, yeah.
Aren't you bummed, honey?


What a jerk.

Who does this country hick
think he is?

l think he said he was the owner.

Oh, yeah? Well, he doesn't know
diddly about running a business.

Why else wouldn't he sell me
a six-pack at twice the price?

Because you're underage?

Time for plan B.

The front man.

Excuse me, folks.

l was wondering if maybe
you could help me out of a jam.

They'll never go for it.
They're, like, grandparents.

Steve knows what he's doing.

That was quick.

We're in.


Well, l just turned on the charm,

told him he could keep the change
from the 50.

Do you have any 7 s?

Go fish.

Picked a seven.
That's another book.

No, no, no, move that log over.

No, the one in front.

Andrea, l know how to build a fire,
all right?

Well, so far, l don't see any.

Why don't you add
some newspaper?

Andrea, please.

How many fires have you built
in your lifetime?

l've built a fire before, Brandon.

Well, l've built many fires,
possibly hundreds of fires.

- Excuse me.
- Probably thousands of fires.

The problem is we don't have
any dry wood.

Well, young fire starter,
why don't you go get some

from the newlyweds next door?
l mean, they have plenty.

Well, why didn't you say so?
Come on.

You can't just barge in
on their honeymoon.

We're not gonna barge.
We'll knock first.


lf we don't get some heat in here,
we're all gonna die from hypothermia.

Hi, sorry, we don't mean
to bother you.

On this night, of all nights.

But do you have any dry firewood
you could spare?

- Well, you know--
- Oh, sure, come on in.


Well, looks like you got
the deluxe cabin.

l bet you even have hot water, huh?

Neil was about to make a toast.
Will you join us?

Oh, honey, l--

We really don't want to intrude.

Oh, you poor things.

How about some hot chocolate?

Oh, babe, l--


Hey, Steve,
isn't that your couple over there?

David, they haven't come out yet.
We've been here the whole time.

Maybe they snuck out the back?

Hey, where the hell are you going?

You got my $50!

So even though we knew each other
in high school,

we were just friends,
acquaintances, really.

But when l bumped into Neil
in Cambridge--

- You went to Harvard?
- B.U.

- Alison's the brain, not me.
- Stop, l am not.

Anyway, something clicked,

and we knew we were meant
to be together.

No doubts, huh?
No sneaky little feelings

you were making
a heinous mistake?

- Brandon.
- What?

No, l understand what he means.
How can you be sure it'll last forever?

You can't.

You've just gotta go
with your gut instinct.

What feels right.

Don't you think so, honey?


Maybe we should demonstrate.


Can l get you
some more hot chocolate?

No, actually,
we're expected back next door.

Oh, right. Right.

Thanks for the wood--

l swear, it was like
they were con artists or something.

And you were
the innocent victim, right?

- Hey, l hate to say l told you so, but--
- No, hey, go ahead, l'm a jerk.

Come on, l wouldn't go that far.

l would.

l even forgot to get food.

lt's okay.

l'm developing a taste
for soggy cheese puffs.

Man, l can't wait till l'm 21 .

Why, so you can buy beer?
Big deal.

Don't you wish you were older?

Sometimes, but l'm really not in a rush
to be out on my own anymore.

lt's gotta be better
than where we're at now.

Everyone saying you can't do
something because you're too young.

Or you can't dance in this club.

Or you can't watch this movie.

Can't vote in an election,

even though you might know more
than your parents.

Who don't vote anyway.

Well, my parents vote.

- Yeah, but they're different.
- Very different.

They're the exception. lt's like they've
discovered the meaning of life.

And what is the meaning of life,
oh, Cosmic Steve?

l haven't got a clue.

You said it.

- Oh, like you do?
- Yeah.

lt's love.

Yeah, love.

Love makes the world
go around, right?

She's right.

Well, l can't prove it empirically,

but, l don't know, there seems
to be a heightened awareness

experienced by people in love
that transcends the physical plane.

But it won't buy you dinner
when you're hungry.

So, what are you trying to say?
That life is just about money?

Survival. That's it. Getting by.

How romantic.

Love just gets in the way.

Confuses people.

Makes them scattered.

l don't think those newlyweds
next door would agree.

l mean, they seemed
pretty focused to me.

Yeah, focused on a horizontal plane.

You're so immature.

No, wait, wait, Andrea,
so, what's your point?

lf you're not in love,
you're somewhat a lesser specie?

Look, all she's trying to say
is that Alison and Neil

are able to tune out the rain and cold
and be at one with each other.

And each and every one of us
would be lucky

if we could find someone
like that to rely on.

Excuse me.

Alison, what's wrong?

ls something wrong with Neil?

Yes, he's a stupid idiot.

l don't want to impose
but do you guys have room

for one more in here tonight?

Divorce? Don't you think
that's a little drastic?

Maybe you're right.

We'll get an annulment.

Oh, God.

Does Neil feel the same way?

Who cares?
He's a fool and l hate his guts.

The transcendence of love
has again been transcended.

So much for your theory, ladies.

Alison, l don't understand,
l mean, what went wrong?

The bastard got me pregnant.

So? He married you, didn't he?

Steve, shut up.

l didn't know l was pregnant
before last week.

l was planning to tell him tonight,

until l found out he doesn't ever
wanna have children.

This is great.
We don't even need a TV.

We have Days of our Lives
right here, in the flesh.

Well, actually, it's a little more
like Young and the Restless.

Hi, is my wife here, by any chance?

Oh, hello, Ricky, come on in.

Lucy is talking to Ethel
right over there.

Alison, Alison...

Excuse me,
l have to use the restroom.

What did l do?

Man's eternal question.

You don't know?

We were just talking
and...she blew up on me.

You would've thought l told her l'd
slept with her best friend or something.

No, it's not that at all, you see,
she's upset because--

David, l think we should let Alison
discuss this with him.

- Discuss what with him?
- lt's kind of personal.

So she told you guys?

l gotta get this on film.

l don't get it. l just don't get this.

Whatever you do,
don't go begging for forgiveness.

l hate to see a grown man grovel.

Hey, why should l?
l didn't do anything wrong.

Absolutely, so stick to your guns.

l agree. You gotta hang tough
on this one, buddy.

Brandon, how can you say that?
You know what the problem is.

That's exactly my point.
How come we know and he doesn't?


So obviously, there is a small
communication breakdown

on her side, don't you think?

Oh, Alison, honey,
can we go now, please?

Will someone please tell him
that he can go whenever he likes?

Oh, come on, Allie.

Don't you think it would be better
to talk things out?

Thank you.

l think you said it all before.

What? What did l say?

Why are you making me do this
in front of strangers?

Why not? You're as much a stranger
to me as they are.

Sorry, could you guys
get a little closer together?

l can't get you both in the shot.

Do you mind?

Excuse me.

Allie, honey, at the risk of sounding
like a sexist pig, l have to ask.

ls it that time of the month?

Look, Neil, considering
Alison's frame of mind,

l think that you should let her
stay where she is for the time being.

Great, now l'm getting marital
counselling from the teenagers.

There he goes
with that you're-too-young mentality.

lt never fails.

Well, what do you know about it?
Have you ever been married before?

No, but a lot of us
have been through a divorce.

- Two divorces.
- And a trial separation.

And since we've been through it,
we can tell you, it's no fun.

Well, hey, l don't want a divorce.

Tell it to her, if she ever comes out
of the bathroom again.

Yeah. Take a seat.

So anybody know
any good divorce songs?


Are all your parents divorced?

Well, no, mine aren't, but...

Mine are, his are, his are,
hers aren't, theirs aren't, and his are.

l can hardly remember what it's like

to have my mom and dad
both living in the same house.

How old were you
when they split up?

l was 3 and a half.

l was 5.

How old were you, Dylan?
About 6, right?

So? No big deal.

l mean, better to split up than spend
the rest of your life fighting.

Well, it was a big deal to me.

When l was young l can remember,

whenever l'd meet a new friend
whose parents were divorced,

l'd always think,
''Hey, she's a nice girl.

lt's not her fault
that her dad moved out.''

l guess l kind of reassured myself
that it wasn't my fault.

l know.

l used to think
that if l hadn't made too much noise

so early in the morning,
maybe things could've been different.

Well, l know l didn't cause my parents
to split up.

l could see it coming.

That's because you were 1 4.

No, it's because my dad
became a jerk.

David, it's not that simple.

Well, you know what they say.
lt takes two to tangle.

lt's tango. lt takes two to tango.

My mom was pretty patient
with him.

But she started getting tired
of waiting for his midlife crisis to end.

Hey, guys, l know divorce
is no picnic for kids.

But we don't have any kids,
and we don't plan on having any either.

See? There you go.

ls that what this is all about?

Honey, you want kids?

Alison, you told me they didn't fit in
to your lifestyle.

l was single then.

You told me your firm
didn't look kindly

on associates
who took maternity leave.

So? l can find another firm.

You told me you loved kids.

Yeah, other people's.

But you're always raving
about your nieces and your nephews--

Whom l love very much,
particularly when they all go home.

Does that suddenly
make me a bad person?


it just makes you a bad father-to-be.


Are you kidding me?

Oh, my God.

l don't see him jumping for joy.

Alison, honey, you told me
that you weren't able to get pregnant.

Apparently, a misdiagnosis.

Oh, my God.

l've had it. Enough.

l mean, if you want to sit around here
and play ''Dear Abby,''

knock yourselves out, l'm history.

Neil, you don't mind
if l use your cabin do you,

since you're not
gonna be needing it at the moment?

Oh, yeah, fine, fine.

What is the matter with Dylan?
He's so antisocial.

Well, we're not exactly
having a party.

Mind if l join you?

l don't know why you'd want to.

Dylan, what's wrong with you?

l've never seen you like this.

l'm just not into psychodrama.
lt's not my scene.

Yeah, how awful to fight
on your wedding night.

Serves them right for getting married
in the first place.

Just because your parents
didn't make it together

doesn't mean that every couple
is doomed.

Yeah, right. Whatever you say.

l know you're having a hard time--

But what?
What do you know, Bren?

You got a nice home,
a secure family.

My mom is a Looney Tune
and my dad is in jail for God's sake.

l know.

l can't even imagine
how that must feel.

That's right. You can't.

You can't even imagine it.

So who are you to come down on me
about my negative attitude?


l know you got a bum deal,

but can't you look
at what you have that is good?

Like what?

Like your friends.

Brandon loves you,
all the guys think you're totally cool.

Every girl l know would love
to go out with you--

Every girl, but one.

l thought we both decided that it
would be better to see other people.

Yeah, better for you.

Can't you just accept the fact
that l care about you,

and that l want to help you
and stop twisting it around?

Oh, l forgot. You care about me,
but l'm just too intense.

Hi, guys, we're back.

And still married.

So you guys
worked everything out, huh?

Yeah, see, we both feel--
Now stop me if l'm wrong, honey.

--that even though we didn't plan
on having children,

well, we've got nine months
for the idea

to grow on us, so to speak.

l'm already getting used to it.

Hopefully by then, Neil will be too.

What if he isn't?

Oh, l probably will be.

But you don't know, Neil.

Well, then, that'll just
be our problem, won't it?

No, it'll be that kid's problem who
didn't ask to be born in the first place.

- Dylan--
- Dylan, nobody asks to be born.

That's right, that's why you better
make sure you want this baby,

or else, give it to someone
who does.

You make a lot of assumptions
for someone who doesn't know us.

l know what it's like to grow up

being constantly reminded
that you are a mistake.

And if you're not prepared
to love that baby or give it up,

you might as well
have an abortion right now.

Dylan, stop it.

Fine, it's stopped.

How was the honeymoon suite?

l don't want to talk about it.

Hey, Bren, is everything okay?
Where's Dylan?

He stalked off.

He'll be okay. The van's open.
He can sleep in there.


Rise and shine, Jones!



Did you sleep last night?

Not a whole lot. How about you?

l slept great.

l guess you needed
to be alone.

l guess l needed a drink.

Found them
in the honeymoon cabin.

A ''drink'' drink.

Oh, man.

l got mine, though.
l puked my guts out.

From these little bottles?

lt wasn't the alcohol, man.

lt was everything.

But you were clean for so long.

Yeah, so chalk it up

to the ever-growing list
of failures.

So how are you feeling now?


Yeah, now.

Now that the sun is shining again,

and the air smells fresh,
and the birdies are chirping.

Now l feel...okay.

Just okay?

You made it through last night,
didn't you?

l'm still here.

You battled your demons, man,
and you won.

l didn't win, Brandon.

Okay, so we'll call it a tie then.

But you gotta stop
beating yourself up.

So who do l beat up?

My dad? My mom?

l know it's a real sore spot for you,

but your mom really let you down
this weekend, didn't she?

lt's so damn old, man.

lt's an old story with me.
l should've seen it coming.

l should never let my guard down.

Did you ever tell her how you feel?

At this point, what good would it do?

l don't know,
l mean, l'm not a shrink,

but it seems to me that your parents
should be helping you.

Supporting you, loving you.
That's their job.

l just gotta stop expecting anything.

lt's better to know where you stand.

Well, l know
where you're standing now, bud.

You're standing next to me, we should
take advantage of the situation,

go find ourselves a trail
and take a hike

through this righteously
beautiful countryside.

What do you say?

lt's a brand-new morning here
at Huck-a-Muck Lodge,

and as you can see, some campers
tend to be less bright-eyed

and bushy-tailed than others.

We've heard tell of some wild boar
living in these parts.

Give me a break, okay?

Oh, isn't it a little early
for this, David?

David, get out!

Haven't you people ever heard
of cinema verite?

Steve, what are you doing?

Leave me alone.

He's clearing his sinuses,
or so he claims.

lt's true.

l'm starving.

Let's order room service.

Oh, that'd be great.

l'll have bacon and eggs
and French toast,

and a basket of sweet rolls.

Make it two.

Why am l eating this?

Well, Brenda, l think there's
some cheese left

in the mousetrap.

God, it's gorgeous out.

Where's Brandon?

l don't know. Where's the van?

- Yeah, now this is more like it.
- You feel better?

l don't know what it is, man.

Sometimes, l lose faith
in myself, you know?


You all right, man?

Yeah, it's okay.

Come on, let's go.

l wish l had my hiking boots.

Let's go up to that peak up there,
the view's gotta be incredible.


You know, it's like, sometimes,
l try to imagine my future

and l just can't see anything.

l try not to look too far ahead.

You know what they say.
The future is now.

Man, this is beautiful.




Where you at, man?

Answer me!

- Brandon.
- Dylan, get back, man.

-The ledge is gonna go.
- lt's all right, man.

Grab my hand!

l can't, man, l can't let go.

Come on, man, just grab it, let's go.

You gotta try.

Come on.

Don't look down, don't look down!

Look up here, look right here.

Come on.

Come on.

That's it. Stretch, damn it.

Come on.

All right, come on. Up.

Okay, buddy, just a little more.

You all right, man?

Yeah, sure, solid as a rock.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Man, l thought my number was up.

Apparently not, thank God.

Thank you.

You're filthy, you know that?

Yeah, l know.
Can't take me anywhere.

- Any message?
- They haven't called the office.

They said there've
been some rockslides in the area

because of the rain.

But they're probably fine, right?

Yeah, well, if they don't get here soon,

l think l'm gonna die from malnutrition.

All right, here they are.

The van doesn't have
a scratch on it.

Where have you guys been?

- Did you guys get in an accident?
- Did you get mugged?

Did you get any food?
What's going on?

All of the above
and none of the above.

Brandon, what happened?

Nothing, we were just hanging out.

- Well, you lost a shoe.
- Well, at least l still have my foot.

Two feet. And two arms.

True, two arms.

- And a head.
- And a head.

But what--?

l'll explain it to you later, okay?

Guys, come on. What do you say
we get out of here already, huh?

- All right, good.
- Let's go. Let's go.


- l--
- l know.

Listen, about last night--

Oh, hey, forget it.

Although you did have me scared
for a little while there.

Yeah, me too, babe, me too.

l knew you'd be okay
since Brandon was with you.



l'm sorry if l freaked you guys out
last night.

No, don't apologise, really.

You gave us a lot to think about.

Good luck with your baby.

And hey, if it's a boy,
you could name it Dylan.

Well, he'd be in some
good company.

- Take it easy.
- Have a safe trip.

Oh, we are jamming now.

Yosemite, here we come.

We're stopping
for breakfast first, right?


Good, otherwise,
l was gonna eat this van.

You guys, this is finally starting
to feel like a vacation.

Yeah, well, it started off rocky there
at first

but whenever you leave L.A.,
it takes a few days to unwind.

Not for me.


Are you okay?


Actually, l'm incredibly okay.

Come here.

All right, you guys,
let's grab those bags and dangle.

- Dangle?
- How about a little of this.

Dangle it.