Better Call Saul (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Nailed - full transcript
Mike intercepts one of Salamanca's operations. HHM's court hearing with Mesa Verde goes haywire when Chuck gets the address wrong. After the hearing, Chuck realizes that Jimmy was behind this. On the other hand, Mesa Verde goes back to Kim. Chuck presents his case against his brother to Kim but Kim doesn't want to accept that Jimmy would go this far and she defends him. Chuck is not satisfied and digs deeper into the whole story. However, Jimmy is smart enough to cover his steps.
[Wind rushing]
[Insects chirping]
[La Sonora Dinamita's "Mi Cucu"
plays on radio]
- ♪ Que lindo es tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Tan bebello tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Redondito y suavecito ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Que lindo es tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Cuando te pones pantalón ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
♪ Y te tocas por de... ♪
[Music stops]
[Insects chirping]
[Metal creaking]
[Music resumes]
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
♪ Yo se que tienes tu mujer ♪
[Music stops]
[Insects chirping]
[Music playing faintly in distance]
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Nunca faltan los mirones ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Como tú y los demas ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Si quieres puedes mirar ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Lo que a ti te de la ga ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
[Singing continues in distance]
- ♪ Te dare una cachetada ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ No... ♪
- [Music stops]
[Metal creaking]
- ♪ ...cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ YoYoe que tienes tu mujer ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
[Tires screech]
♪ Cucu ♪
[Horn honking]
[Honking stops]
[Door creaks]
[Gun cocks]
[Wind rushing]
♪ ♪
[Breathing heavily]
[Trunk creaks]
[Engine starts]
♪ ♪
Synced and corrected by VitoSilans
WEB-DL fix and resync by Kk.False
[Breathing heavily repeatedly]
CHUCK: Okay. All set.
Thank you for your patience.
Didn't you say that the
hearing is more or less a formality?
Well, the real work's
already been done, yes.
In that case, I'm
fine covering it myself.
Kevin and Paige don't
need both of us there.
That may be strictly true,
but we want to send the
right message, don't we?
I'm just worried about your comfort.
I find victory laps very comforting.
[Birds chirping]
[Engine starts]
[Dog barking in distance]
[Distorted conversations]
[Breathing heavily]
[Electricity humming]
[Breathes sharply]
[Indistinct conversations]
Well-done, my friend.
Good morning.
This meeting of the New
Mexico State Banking Board
is now in session.
We have Mesa Verde here with us today,
and they're
represented by Charles McGill.
Nice to have you back, Charles.
Thank you. Good to be back.
I'm here with my
colleague, Howard Hamlin.
And may I introduce Mr. Kevin Wachtell,
President and Chairman
of Mesa Verde Holdings,
and Ms. Paige Novick, Mesa
Verde Senior Counsel.
Hello and welcome.
I believe staff has
found the application
to meet the basic
requirements for approval.
That's right, isn't it?
With your permission,
Mr. Wachtell would like
to make a brief statement
in support of the application.
[Clears throat]
Mr. Commissioner,
ladies and gentlemen of the
New Mexico Banking Board,
I'm honored and grateful
to appear before you this morning.
We believe that
our proposed expansion
is in the public interest
both for Arizona and our own state.
For 46 years, the men and
women of Mesa Verde Bank and Trust
have prided
ourselves on personal service
and attention to detail second to none.
Mesa Verde continues to operate
at a Tier One leverage
ratio of 11.2%, and we feel...
Uh, hold on.
Excuse me, Mr.
Wachtell. Just one moment.
[Whispering indistinctly]
What's going on?
Well, let's find out.
Uh, Mr. Commissioner, is
there something we can clarify?
Uh, yes.
Can you give us the address
of the proposed Scottsdale branch again?
It's 1216 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale,
Arizona, 85262.
Because the
application I'm looking at today
clearly gives the address as 1216.
1216... that's correct, sir.
But in the original submission,
we're seeing 1261 Rosella Drive.
- It is 1261.
- 1261.
I think if you double-check, you'll
see that 1216 is correct.
There seem to be two
different addresses here.
Mr. Commissioner, I have a
copy of our notice of intent,
which was published in
newspapers in Arizona
and New Mexico.
It clearly states the
address is 1261 Rosella Drive.
Mr... Mr. Commissioner, I-if...
1-2-6-1 Rosella Drive.
Yes, I have a copy of
the notice of intent, too,
but on the actual filing,
the address reads 1-2-1-6.
So... which is it?
Mr. Commissioner, if I
may confer with my clients?
COMMISSIONER: Certainly, please.
- It's absolutely 1261.
- [Sighs]
You are mistaken,
and with all due respect, you're
muddying the waters here.
"Muddying the water"?
[Sighs] Look.
Just look.
Well, this is clearly an error.
It's 1261.
I know where my own damn bank is.
Uh, let's just all calm down.
I'm sure we can straighten this out.
I've got a building
remodel at 1261 Rosella.
I don't know where the hell 1216 is.
I-I don't quite underst... 1261.
- 1261.
- Is this gonna be a problem?
No, I'm sure it won't be.
Um, M-Mr. Commissioner, I apologize.
Unaccountably, there appears to be a...
discrepancy in our filing.
So the correct address the one
that appeared in the
notice of intent, the 1261?
It would seem so.
Uh, uh, uh, we'd
like to request a, um,
an adjournment
[Chuckling] of just a few minutes
so that we can amend the
filing to reflect the correct address.
Well, I-I can give you
an adjournment, uh, uh,
but, uh... uh, I don't
think we can get you back in today.
If I may, when do you think
you might be able to schedule us?
I'm being told by staff
that they've already done the research
for 1216 Rosella Drive.
Our folks are going to have
to go back to square one
on the new address.
If we... we could d obin a
provisional agreement today,
to allow the... the branch to open be...
No, no. All due respect,
it's up to you folks to
submit accurate paperwork.
Maybe next time, double-check.
Now, uh, the soonest we
could revisit this matter...
well, it... it looks
like six weeks from Friday.
We... We can't wait six weeks.
Mr. Commissioner, M-Mesa
Verde has put effort a a... resources
into preparing this
branch to open immediately.
However unusual, a
provisional a-approval
would be most [Chuckling]
appreciated, most welcome.
Time being of the essence...
Charles, I'm sorry. I'll
see you in six weeks.
That closes the matter for today.
Will staff please note that
Mesa Verde will return in six weeks...
[Electricity humming]
That's on the schedule now.
And we'll have expedited a.
CHUCK: This is not possible.
This is not possible!
1261. No. No.
- Chuck.
- [Papers rustling]
I don't understand.
[Breathing heavily]
I don't understand. It was 1216.
It was. I checked!
I double-checked!
Chuck, it happened.
Now we take our licks, and we move on.
This doesn't just reflect you...
an office full of associates and
paralegals let this get by.
I did, too, for that matter.
It was 1216... I promise you.
Everyone makes mistakes.
[Breathing deeply]
This was no mistake.
[Box thumps]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Chuck Hall Band's "Good Time To
Quit You" plays in background]
[Pool balls clacking]
[Glass thumps lightly]
[Conversations continue]
I'm buying a round for the house.
- MAN: Yeah?
- Yeah.
Hey! Hey, listen up, everybody!
This gentleman's buyin
a round for the house!
[All cheer]
All right, lift with your kneess.
JIMMY: What does the evev mean...
"lift with your knees"?
I don't know. It's something
sweaty people say. Here we go.
1, 2, 3.
[Both grunting]
Got it. Almost.
Almost, almost, almost, almost.
Got it? AII right.
Oh, right there. Go. Go.
[Breathing heavily]
You okay?
Nothin' a few years of physical
therapy won't fix.
[Chuckles] Okay.
All right. Push.
Slow, slow, slow, slow.
Corner, corner, corner.
[Breathing heavily]
- Yeah.
- Get that one.
[Cellphone ringing]
[Cellphone ringing]
Hi, Paige.
How are you?
Yeah, I mean, no.
No, it's fine.
Well, yes. [Chuckles]
Of course. Right, I understand.
Yeah, that would be perfect.
I'll see you then. Great.
And, uh, listen, Paige, thank you.
Thank you.
I, uh.
What? What's up?
I, uh...
I just got Mesa Verde back.
- Seriously?
- Seriously. [Chuckles]
Holy shit! That's unbelievable!
- [Laughing] Yes.
- [Laughs]
I... What happened to HHM?
Uh, Paige didn't go into it.
She just said the
filing didn't go through.
We're gonna meet this afternoon.
Hey, what did I tell you?
Sometimes, the good guys win.
Oh, it sounds like there's
some regulatory issues.
Kevin's still worried that one lawyer
won't be able to handle it.
You can.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to get a
paralegal, maybe two of them,
and I absolutely will
pay for it out of my end.
No. Come on.
Split it down the middle.
You know what?
I need a Westlaw terminal right away.
[Chucklins] I don't even
know who to call to get that done.
These are high-class problems.
Yeah, but it's a
major piece of work, Jimmy.
It's just...
It's... It's... This is major.
Hey, Kim, you've got this, all right?
- So take a moment.
- [Sighs]
[Sighs] Breathe. Savor.
You know what? You're right.
[Chucklins] Damn right I'm right.
[Cellphone ringing]
It's Ernie. [Chuckles]
[Cellphone beeps]
Hi, Ernie.
What's up?
Yeah, no, Paige just called me.
Uh-huh. Did Chuck say why...
So, when...
Sure. No time like the present.
- Okay. Thanks.
- [Cellphone beeps]
The Mesa Verde files...
Chuck's ready to
turn thememveveto me.
Wow. [Chuckling] Really?
That was... quick.
Uh, I'm gonna go
change and get over there.
- You want some help?
- That depends.
Are you gonna carry
boxes, or you gonna gloat?
Uh, some from column
"A," some from column "B."
JIMMY: Ground yourself.
- W... Sorry?
- [Keys jingling]
Just touch the thing.
[Doorknob rattling]
What the hell? This thing doesn't...
- Hey, Jimmy. Hey, Kim.
- Hey, Ernie.
Somethin's wrong with the lock.
Mr. McGill had me call a
locksmith and change em.
JIMMY: Yeah? Why'd he do that?
[Door closes]
Hey, Chuck, why'd you change the locks?
Ernesto, I think we're good.
I'm sure you're
needed back at the office.
Well... I'll get goin, then.
- Thanks.
- Bye, Jimmy. Bye, Kim.
- Bye, Ernie.
- JIMMY: See ya, Ernie.
So, Chuck, what's
the deal with the locks?
Kim, I was hoping to have
this conversation with you
and you alone.
However... I guess it's time
to clear the air once and for all.
Clear the air about what?
He sabotaged me.
Buddy, what are you, uh...
Don't bother.
You and I both know exactly
what I'm talking about.
I don't.
Yesterday morning was the
worst professional humiliation
of my life.
A single transpositional
error cost my client time and money
and permanently damaged my reputation.
But then I
realized... it wasn't an error.
Not at all. [Inhales deeply]
A week ago last night, I was
right there on that couch,
barely conscious, and Jimmy showed up.
And he sent Ernesto away.
My brother was gonna take care of me.
And in the dead of night,
he went through my Mesa Verde files.
Uh, you know what? We don't
have to listen to this.
She does! You do... for your own good.
Now, in these files are 13 documents
containing the address of Mesa
Verde's proposed branch...
1261 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Jimmy pulled each and every
one, then he left me here,
sweating and delirious, while
he went off to doctor them.
You'd need a photocopier for that.
Where'd you go... some
all-night copy shop?
With a little
careful cutting and pasting,
he created duplicates...
virtually identical to my originals,
but with one key change...
1261 Rosella Drive became
1216 Rosella Drive.
This is sounding like a lot of work.
No one ever accused you of being lazy...
every other sin in the
book, but not that one.
And if you're wondering
if Jimmy's up to a
little casual forgery,
you should know in high
school, he had a thriving business
making fake I.D.s so
his buddies could buy beer.
You going all the way
back to high school, huh?
[Chuckling] Hey, you and Mozart, huh?
You both started young.
[Inhales deeply]
He came back here and put his
new versions in my files.
And then, the next day,
my caring brother took his leave.
He knew that I would
use his modified documents
to write Mesa Verde's
submission to the state regulator.
And so I did, over and over...
I typed "1216" instead of "1261."
I remember
thinking, "1216 Rosella Drive...
that's just one year after 1215,
the year the Magna Carta was signed."
Jesus, Chuck, you are unbelievable.
So, you're saying, if we look in here,
all the addresses will be wrong?
Well, of course you weren't
gonna leave evidence behind.
I'm guessing yesterday
morning, you waited until I left,
then used your key to let yourself in
and return the originals.
No crime is complete
without the cover-up.
Oh, come on.
I did all this...
what... for some business?
He did it for you.
[Clock ticking]
Oh, I'm sure you didn't
know anything about it.
I believe he went off on his own
and did this as some kind
of twisted romantic gesture.
Chuck, I think you need to lie down
with a cold washcloth on your head.
And now that you
know, you have no choice.
This is about a client... a
client who has been defrauded.
As a sworn officer of the court,
as Mesa Verde's attorney of record,
you have no recourse but
to go to Kevin Wachtell
and make a full disclosure.
This... This whole song and dance...
it's all about getting his client back.
- That's all this is.
- Not in the least.
If, knowing the truth,
they still decide to go...
You can't stand the fact that
they chose her over you.
I can't stand the fact
that my own brother stabbed
me in the back!
I can't stand the
fact that you've deceived
- and ruined this fine young woman!
- "Ruined"?
What is this... the 1840s?
What are you talking about?
She's not ruined!
[Clock ticking]
If what you're saying is true,
Jimmy could be
charged with forgery, fraud,
falsifying evidence, even
breaking and entering.
Frankly, I am sick about this.
But facts are facts.
And what is your evidence?
My evidence?
My evidence is knowing my
brother for his entire life.
Chuck, I think there
is another explanation...
it's a simpler one.
You made a mistake.
I did not.
You're working by lantern,
squinting over 10-point
typepe for hour after hour.
Mistakenly changing 1261 to 1216
would be the most natural
thing in the world.
It could certainly happen to me.
I did not make a mistake!
I believe you did.
Look, I understand that you have a...
a great affection for Jimmy.
A great many people do, but
please open your eyes here!
You made a mistake, and
instead of just facing up to it,
you accuse your brother
of plotting against you.
You come up with
this elaborate scheme.
He's capable of this!
You know he is!
I know he's not perfect!
And I know he cuts corners.
But you're the one who
made him this way.
He idolizes you.
He accepts you.
He takes care of you.
And all he ever wanted was
your love and support,
but all you've ever done is judge him.
You never believed in him.
You never wanted him to succeed.
And you know what?
I feel sorry for him.
And I feel sorry for you.
[Vehicle passes]
[Car door creaks]
[Seatbelt clicks]
[Dog barking in distance]
[Car door creaks]
[Keys jingling]
[Seatbelt clicks]
- Jesus! What?
- [Breathing heavily]
Kim! What?
Just drive.
[Engine starts]
[Tires screech]
[Children shouting indistinctly]
[School bell rings]
WOMAN: All right, line up by class!
Find your buddy!
Okay, kids, come on.
Let's go.
Come on. Come on.
- Plant yourself.
- All right. Here?
Yeah. Right there.
- About yea high.
- [Grunting]
Aim it up at me... heroic.
Heroic? Good luck with that.
Just frame me up, all right?
Make sure you get the neck, okay?
- It's a low-angle shot.
- Okay.
Hey, you know what?
Let me see.
Oh, I-it's just base.
What... am I dying of consumption?
Well, at your age, you
don't want to look too red.
- It looks like rosacea.
- And what's with all the...
I'm just trying to make it look
like you have a jawline.
I do have a jawline.
You know what?
You stand in for me.
Hey, crouch down.
Okay. Move to your left.
The other left.
More. More. Okay, boom!
That's what I'm
talking about. You got it.
Oh, dude, there's got to be an
easier way to get this shot.
Not for free.
You wanna be a filmmaker, grow a pair.
Here we go. Picture's up.
All right, let's do this.
Last looks.
Rhubarb, rhubarb. 9:00.
[Indistinct conversations in distance]
Excuse me.
Hi. Are you in charge here?
Yes, I am, and this
is school property.
You're just the
person I want to speak to.
It would be incredibly
helpful if you could get those kids
in that building over there to
just keep it down for a bit.
Just give 'em a worksheet or something?
I mean, just two or
three minutes, just for sound.
This is school property,
and no one is allowed
here without permission.
Of course not.
- You didn't speak to Annette?
- Annette?
In the Superintendent's Office.
Do you know an Annette downtown?
I don't think so.
Well, I'm sorry about the mix-up.
We're shooting what's
called an establishing shot...
five minutes, tops.
You're not shooting anything
until I'm clear on what's going on here.
The documentary... we're
making a documentary.
That's... Oh! [Snaps fingers]
I was told here was a
display or a plaque of some kind.
Would you know where that would be?
Why would we have a plaque?
Because of who went to school here.
Who went to school here?
Rupert Holmes.
That's who the documentary is about.
I'm sorry. Who?
Rupert Holmes.
You know... Rupert
Holmes, the singer/songwriter.
You know, um... "The Piña Colada Song."
I mean, sure you do. I...
♪ If you like piña coladas and
getting caught in the rain ♪
♪ If you're not into yoga
and you got half a brain ♪
♪ If you like makin'
love at midnight ♪
♪ In the dunes by the cape... ♪
See? Ru... Look at her face.
- Rupert Holmes.
- He went to school here?
Yeah. Class of '64.
He still talks about it.
But the school was built in '71.
Mm. He was a student in the
old building that used to be here.
We're taking a
little... what do you call it?...
artistic liberties.
Isn't Rupert Holmes English?
Well, yeah, and
that's some great trivia,
but he spent his formative
years right here in Albuquerque.
I'll tell you what... why
don't you call Annette
down in the Superintendent's Office?
And we'll just stay here till
you get official word.
- Well, if you don't mind waiting.
- Not at all.
We don't want to break any rules.
Shouldn't take very long, I'm sure.
And no promises,
but I'll see what I can do
about getting the kids to quiet down.
Oh. That would be super helpful.
[Birds chirping]
[Children shouting in distance]
[Door closes]
Chop-chop. Magic time.
All right, let's go.
No last looks. Just
the flag... the flag.
Okay, remember... heroic.
Yeah, you're a hero.
- Big, big hero.
- Gravitas.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Dolly, dolly, dolly.
[Wind rushing]
[Coins clanking]
["Sweet Baby On My
Mind" plays in background]
[Bell dings]
[Indistinct conversations]
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, Fran.
You still serving breakfast?
For you? Sure. The usual?
Um, be great.
[Music continues]
[Conversations continue]
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Anything good in the paper?
Was there ever anything
good in the paper?
[Chuckles] Not too often.
- Hey, Fran.
- Yeah?
I got to ask...
Does it ever snow around here?
Sure, it does.
This is gonna be your
first winter in Albuquerque?
Yeah. I'm out from Philadelphia.
Well, it depends on the year.
If you stay around long enough,
you'll have something to
shovel... don't you worry.
That suits me.
I live up in Cedar Crest.
We get plenty.
You can shovel my drive if
you're looking for more.
Just say the word.
Yeah, well... [Chuckles]
Miss. Check, please?
[Bell dings]
[Inhales deeply]
[Music continues]
[Cellphone ringing]
[Cellphone beeps]
NACHO: We gotta talk.
[Engine shuts off]
[Van door opens, closes]
I've got something I need to know,
and I need to know it fast.
[Sighs] What's that?
Got hit the other day.
A truck headed south got hijacked.
Someone stole a quarter million.
Now Hector's flippin'
out, lookin' for who did it.
Thing is...
I think it was you.
They left the driver
hog-tied... not a mark on him.
Anyone in the game woulda
capped him without a second thought.
But this driver? He's still breathin'.
I thought to myself, "Who's the guy
who'll rip off a couple hundred thousand
in drug money and leave a witness?
Who's the guy who
won't pull the trigger?"
I'm not here to squeeze you.
You wanna rip off the
cartel, that's your business.
But here's the thing.
I'm picking up that
driver... Hector's orders.
We're gonna see what he knows,
and if he knows you, that's
bad for both of us.
That shouldn't concern you.
But he was in on it, right?
The driver had nothing to do with it.
- Then who?
- Just me.
You're telling me you did is
without someone on the inside?
Not possible.
How did you know about the truck?
How do you know about the tires?
All I can tell you is,
you guys aren't half as
smart as you think you are.
So the driver... doesn't know anything?
Not a thing. He hear your voice?
- No.
- Right now, Hector's
looking at the competition,
but he hears the driver
say it was some old gringo...
He didn't hear me.
He saw a guy with a
ski mask... that's it.
And you're sure of that?
You better be right.
Why wasn't it in the papers?
The truck robbery... the
cops keeping it out of the papers?
The cops?
The cops don't know shit about it.
How's that?
Is that what this is about?
You wanted to put the cops onto Hector?
You are nothing to him.
He forgot all about you.
I haven't forgotten him.
You put me in the shit,
just 'cause you got it
in for Hector Salamanca?
Listen, you put the cops
on him, you put them on me.
Doing it for the money...
I get it, but this shit...
that's insane.
You need to calm yourself down,
and you need to take that
hand out of that pocket.
Now, just so you know...
it's over.
I'm done with your boss.
[Sighs] Whatever.
Why wasn't it in the papers?
Because we cleaned it up.
How's that?
We got lucky.
After you left, a
Good Samaritan came along
and said, "Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!"
He cut the driver
loose. The driver called us.
We came out, got the truck.
Made it like it never happened.
And that Good Samaritan?
Hector shot him in the face.
We buried the guy out in the desert.
Like I said...
we cleaned it up.
[Van door opens, closes]
[Engine starts]
[Van departs]
[Car door creaks shut]
[Water running]
[Water stops]
JIMMY: How was your day?
KIM: You know, met with Paige and Kevin,
interviewed some paralegals...
and, uh, this.
- What about you?
- [Sighs]
Finished the commercial.
I don't want to oversell it,
but I think it might be
the greatest 60 seconds in
the history of television.
Tomorrow morning, uh,
somewhere between 11:18 and 11:35,
stop what you're doing and tune
in to "Diagnosis Murder."
I'll make a point of it.
You want to talk about this?
Not now.
Not ever.
I'm just gonna say...
you are meant for Mesa Verde,
and they are meant for you.
So... all is right with the world.
Good night.
Your brother is one smart lawyer.
The smartest one I
know... I mean, no offense.
He'd make quite an adversary.
You'd better believe it.
The kind of adversary
who'd find even the
smallest crack in your defense.
Going against him, [Sighs] you'd
really want to make sure
you've got all your I's
dotted and your t's crossed.
Nothing for him to find.
[Keys jangling]
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine rumbling]
[Gearshift clicks]
[Reverse gear motor noise]
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door opens, closes]
[Car door opens, closes]
[Engine starts]
[Door beeps]
- Hey, how you doing?
- [Door closes]
Be with you in a minute.
[Copier beeping]
[Copiers whirring]
Remember me?
Uh... no.
I got a weird feeling you do, Lance.
Tonight is a funny night.
For some reason tonight,
I feel like I've got all the answers.
I'm feeling kind of like, uh...
like Carnac.
Do you remember when Johnny
Carson used to do Carnac?
You know, he'd give the
answers before the questions.
You know, [Sighs] Ed would
give him the envelope, yeah?
And Johnny would hold
it up to his forehead,
and, um, he'd give the
answer, like, "Leave It to Beaver."
Then Johnny'd tear open the envelope.
And there's the question...
"What did the dead
raccoon say in his will?"
That ring a bell?
[Whirring continues]
Before your time?
All right, well, let's cut to the chase.
Um, that guy who just
walked out of here...
his name is Ernie.
I'm guessing he showed you my picture
and asked if I was
in here the other night.
Now he's going to bring his
boss, who's my brother,
and he's gonna ask
you the same question...
"Did you see that guy the other night?"
Well, the answer is no.
You feel me?
You murder someone?
Rob a bank?
No way am I that cool.
I... Sometimes, I go number
two and I don't flush, but...
this is just a thing between brothers.
And we're both lawyers, so...
I mean, that's a
long and boring story.
You don't wanna know. [Sighs]
Is this gonna get me
jammed up with the cops?
My brotherer may make it
sound like that, but... no.
It's just family.
Then I feel you.
Hey, tell me about the cameras.
Oh. Uh, they go to a VCR in the back.
It, uh, tapes for 12 hours and
then records over itself.
Right. So I'm on there now?
How hard would it be to erase?
Mm. I dunno.
Could be tricky...
and expensive.
Like 100 bucks expensive?
Like 200 bucks expensive.
You will go far, my young friend.
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door closes]
[Door beeps in distance]
Uh, good evening.
Uh, Lance, is it?
Lance, I'm Charles McGill.
Uh, my associate, uh,
spoke with you earlier,
and he showed you this photo.
Um, on or about the
morning of the 18th,
this person was here in this shop...
is that correct?
Uh. On or about the...
The 18th, early morning.
Well, I'm... I believe
you told my associate
that he was here and
that he made copies.
Yeah, but [Chuckles] sorry.
[Insects chirping]
Yeah, that's my guy.
All right, the, uh, th-the
night of Tuesday the 17th...
leading into early Wednesday,
- early hours of Wednesday the 18th...
- [Copier beeps]
Were you, in fact,
here? Can we establish that?
Uh, I mean, I work
graveyard, so, yeah.
Stay strong, Lance.
Was this man here, making copies?
It's like I said... I don't think so.
Well, earlier, you
said that he was here.
Now you're saying that he wasn't here.
- Which is it?
- Oh.
Yeah, well, when that
guy showed me the picture,
I thought, "Maybe," but now
that I'm seeing it again, uh...
Ah, sorry.
Don't know what to tell you.
- Guess I was wrong.
- [Copiers whirring]
- [Electricity humming]
- Son, listen carefully.
I am an officer of the
court, investigating a felony.
So you're a cop?
N-No, I'm not. I'm...
I'm... I'm, uh, I'm...
Mr. McGill, maybe
we better get you home.
[Distorted] Ernesto, do not
speak to me as if I were a child.
I'm fine.
[Electricity humming]
[Insects chirping]
I am not a police officer.
I am an attorney.
And I have a moral and legal obligation
to get to the bottom of this matter.
The bottom of what?
Forgery, fraud, falsifying evidence...
[Electricity humming]
Breaking and entering.
This guy... is he okay?
There's nothing wrong with me!
Mr. McGill, maybe we could just
- take a break and...
- Ernie, shut up!
[Electricity humming]
You think about the
choice you're making.
I already told you he wasn't here.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to speak the truth.
I know he was here!
I know what he did!
Tell me what you told Ernesto.
Stop trying to change your story.
Excuse me. Sorry. How do
we get this to do 11x14?
No, excuse me!
Are having a conversation here!
You got to switch it to tray four.
It's easier if I show you. Look.
♪ ♪
Dude, okay.
I-I... [Chuckling] I-I
don't want any problems here.
So, just... [Sighs] get him out of here,
or I'm gonna call the cops, okay?
Do not walk away from
me! We are not finished here!
I am done talking to you, man!
[Electricity humming loudly]
[Jimmy breathing heavily]
Call 911.
Call 911. Come on.
Synced and corrected by VitoSilans
WEB-DL fix and resync by Kk.False
[Copiers whirring]
Remember me?
Uh... no.
I got a weird feeling you do, Lance.
Tonight is a funny night.
For some reason tonight,
I feel like I've got all the answers.
I'm feeling kind of like, uh...
like Carnac.
Do you remember when Johnny
Carson used to do Carnac?
You know, he'd give the
answers before the questions.
You know, [Sighs] Ed would
give him the envelope, yeah?
And Johnny would hold
it up to his forehead,
and, um, he'd give the
answer, like, "Leave It to Beaver."
Then Johnny'd tear open the envelope.
And there's the question...
"What did the dead
raccoon say in his will?"
That ring a bell?
[Whirring continues]
Before your time?
All right, well, let's cut to the chase.
Um, that guy who just
walked out of here...
his name is Ernie.
I'm guessing he showed you my picture
and asked if I was
in here the other night.
Now he's going to bring his
boss, who's my brother,
and he's gonna ask
you the same question...
"Did you see that guy the other night?"
Well, the answer is no.
You feel me?
You murder someone?
Rob a bank?
No way am I that cool.
I... Sometimes, I go number
two and I don't flush, but...
this is just a thing between brothers.
And we're both lawyers, so...
I mean, that's a
long and boring story.
You don't wanna know. [Sighs]
Is this gonna get me
jammed up with the cops?
My brotherer may make it
sound like that, but... no.
It's just family.
Then I feel you.
Hey, tell me about the cameras.
Oh. Uh, they go to a VCR in the back.
It, uh, tapes for 12 hours and
then records over itself.
Right. So I'm on there now?
How hard would it be to erase?
Mm. I dunno.
Could be tricky...
and expensive.
Like 100 bucks expensive?
Like 200 bucks expensive.
You will go far, my young friend.
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door closes]
[Door beeps in distance]
Uh, good evening.
Uh, Lance, is it?
Lance, I'm Charles McGill.
Uh, my associate, uh,
spoke with you earlier,
and he showed you this photo.
Um, on or about the
morning of the 18th,
this person was here in this shop...
is that correct?
Uh. On or about the...
The 18th, early morning.
Well, I'm... I believe
you told my associate
that he was here and
that he made copies.
Yeah, but [Chuckles] sorry.
[Insects chirping]
Yeah, that's my guy.
All right, the, uh, th-the
night of Tuesday the 17th...
leading into early Wednesday,
- early hours of Wednesday the 18th...
- [Copier beeps]
Were you, in fact,
here? Can we establish that?
Uh, I mean, I work
graveyard, so, yeah.
Stay strong, Lance.
Was this man here, making copies?
It's like I said... I don't think so.
Well, earlier, you
said that he was here.
Now you're saying that he wasn't here.
- Which is it?
- Oh.
Yeah, well, when that
guy showed me the picture,
I thought, "Maybe," but now
that I'm seeing it again, uh...
Ah, sorry.
Don't know what to tell you.
- Guess I was wrong.
- [Copiers whirring]
- [Electricity humming]
- Son, listen carefully.
I am an officer of the
court, investigating a felony.
So you're a cop?
N-No, I'm not. I'm...
I'm... I'm, uh, I'm...
Mr. McGill, maybe
we better get you home.
[Distorted] Ernesto, do not
speak to me as if I were a child.
I'm fine.
[Electricity humming]
[Insects chirping]
I am not a police officer.
I am an attorney.
And I have a moral and legal obligation
to get to the bottom of this matter.
The bottom of what?
Forgery, fraud, falsifying evidence...
[Electricity humming]
Breaking and entering.
This guy... is he okay?
There's nothing wrong with me!
Mr. McGill, maybe we could just
- take a break and...
- Ernie, shut up!
[Insects chirping]
[La Sonora Dinamita's "Mi Cucu"
plays on radio]
- ♪ Que lindo es tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Tan bebello tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Redondito y suavecito ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Que lindo es tu cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Cuando te pones pantalón ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
♪ Y te tocas por de... ♪
[Music stops]
[Insects chirping]
[Metal creaking]
[Music resumes]
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
♪ Yo se que tienes tu mujer ♪
[Music stops]
[Insects chirping]
[Music playing faintly in distance]
- ♪ No te metas con mi cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Nunca faltan los mirones ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Como tú y los demas ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Si quieres puedes mirar ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ Lo que a ti te de la ga ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
[Singing continues in distance]
- ♪ Te dare una cachetada ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ No... ♪
- [Music stops]
[Metal creaking]
- ♪ ...cucu ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
- ♪ YoYoe que tienes tu mujer ♪
- ♪ Cucu ♪
[Tires screech]
♪ Cucu ♪
[Horn honking]
[Honking stops]
[Door creaks]
[Gun cocks]
[Wind rushing]
♪ ♪
[Breathing heavily]
[Trunk creaks]
[Engine starts]
♪ ♪
Synced and corrected by VitoSilans
WEB-DL fix and resync by Kk.False
[Breathing heavily repeatedly]
CHUCK: Okay. All set.
Thank you for your patience.
Didn't you say that the
hearing is more or less a formality?
Well, the real work's
already been done, yes.
In that case, I'm
fine covering it myself.
Kevin and Paige don't
need both of us there.
That may be strictly true,
but we want to send the
right message, don't we?
I'm just worried about your comfort.
I find victory laps very comforting.
[Birds chirping]
[Engine starts]
[Dog barking in distance]
[Distorted conversations]
[Breathing heavily]
[Electricity humming]
[Breathes sharply]
[Indistinct conversations]
Well-done, my friend.
Good morning.
This meeting of the New
Mexico State Banking Board
is now in session.
We have Mesa Verde here with us today,
and they're
represented by Charles McGill.
Nice to have you back, Charles.
Thank you. Good to be back.
I'm here with my
colleague, Howard Hamlin.
And may I introduce Mr. Kevin Wachtell,
President and Chairman
of Mesa Verde Holdings,
and Ms. Paige Novick, Mesa
Verde Senior Counsel.
Hello and welcome.
I believe staff has
found the application
to meet the basic
requirements for approval.
That's right, isn't it?
With your permission,
Mr. Wachtell would like
to make a brief statement
in support of the application.
[Clears throat]
Mr. Commissioner,
ladies and gentlemen of the
New Mexico Banking Board,
I'm honored and grateful
to appear before you this morning.
We believe that
our proposed expansion
is in the public interest
both for Arizona and our own state.
For 46 years, the men and
women of Mesa Verde Bank and Trust
have prided
ourselves on personal service
and attention to detail second to none.
Mesa Verde continues to operate
at a Tier One leverage
ratio of 11.2%, and we feel...
Uh, hold on.
Excuse me, Mr.
Wachtell. Just one moment.
[Whispering indistinctly]
What's going on?
Well, let's find out.
Uh, Mr. Commissioner, is
there something we can clarify?
Uh, yes.
Can you give us the address
of the proposed Scottsdale branch again?
It's 1216 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale,
Arizona, 85262.
Because the
application I'm looking at today
clearly gives the address as 1216.
1216... that's correct, sir.
But in the original submission,
we're seeing 1261 Rosella Drive.
- It is 1261.
- 1261.
I think if you double-check, you'll
see that 1216 is correct.
There seem to be two
different addresses here.
Mr. Commissioner, I have a
copy of our notice of intent,
which was published in
newspapers in Arizona
and New Mexico.
It clearly states the
address is 1261 Rosella Drive.
Mr... Mr. Commissioner, I-if...
1-2-6-1 Rosella Drive.
Yes, I have a copy of
the notice of intent, too,
but on the actual filing,
the address reads 1-2-1-6.
So... which is it?
Mr. Commissioner, if I
may confer with my clients?
COMMISSIONER: Certainly, please.
- It's absolutely 1261.
- [Sighs]
You are mistaken,
and with all due respect, you're
muddying the waters here.
"Muddying the water"?
[Sighs] Look.
Just look.
Well, this is clearly an error.
It's 1261.
I know where my own damn bank is.
Uh, let's just all calm down.
I'm sure we can straighten this out.
I've got a building
remodel at 1261 Rosella.
I don't know where the hell 1216 is.
I-I don't quite underst... 1261.
- 1261.
- Is this gonna be a problem?
No, I'm sure it won't be.
Um, M-Mr. Commissioner, I apologize.
Unaccountably, there appears to be a...
discrepancy in our filing.
So the correct address the one
that appeared in the
notice of intent, the 1261?
It would seem so.
Uh, uh, uh, we'd
like to request a, um,
an adjournment
[Chuckling] of just a few minutes
so that we can amend the
filing to reflect the correct address.
Well, I-I can give you
an adjournment, uh, uh,
but, uh... uh, I don't
think we can get you back in today.
If I may, when do you think
you might be able to schedule us?
I'm being told by staff
that they've already done the research
for 1216 Rosella Drive.
Our folks are going to have
to go back to square one
on the new address.
If we... we could d obin a
provisional agreement today,
to allow the... the branch to open be...
No, no. All due respect,
it's up to you folks to
submit accurate paperwork.
Maybe next time, double-check.
Now, uh, the soonest we
could revisit this matter...
well, it... it looks
like six weeks from Friday.
We... We can't wait six weeks.
Mr. Commissioner, M-Mesa
Verde has put effort a a... resources
into preparing this
branch to open immediately.
However unusual, a
provisional a-approval
would be most [Chuckling]
appreciated, most welcome.
Time being of the essence...
Charles, I'm sorry. I'll
see you in six weeks.
That closes the matter for today.
Will staff please note that
Mesa Verde will return in six weeks...
[Electricity humming]
That's on the schedule now.
And we'll have expedited a.
CHUCK: This is not possible.
This is not possible!
1261. No. No.
- Chuck.
- [Papers rustling]
I don't understand.
[Breathing heavily]
I don't understand. It was 1216.
It was. I checked!
I double-checked!
Chuck, it happened.
Now we take our licks, and we move on.
This doesn't just reflect you...
an office full of associates and
paralegals let this get by.
I did, too, for that matter.
It was 1216... I promise you.
Everyone makes mistakes.
[Breathing deeply]
This was no mistake.
[Box thumps]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Chuck Hall Band's "Good Time To
Quit You" plays in background]
[Pool balls clacking]
[Glass thumps lightly]
[Conversations continue]
I'm buying a round for the house.
- MAN: Yeah?
- Yeah.
Hey! Hey, listen up, everybody!
This gentleman's buyin
a round for the house!
[All cheer]
All right, lift with your kneess.
JIMMY: What does the evev mean...
"lift with your knees"?
I don't know. It's something
sweaty people say. Here we go.
1, 2, 3.
[Both grunting]
Got it. Almost.
Almost, almost, almost, almost.
Got it? AII right.
Oh, right there. Go. Go.
[Breathing heavily]
You okay?
Nothin' a few years of physical
therapy won't fix.
[Chuckles] Okay.
All right. Push.
Slow, slow, slow, slow.
Corner, corner, corner.
[Breathing heavily]
- Yeah.
- Get that one.
[Cellphone ringing]
[Cellphone ringing]
Hi, Paige.
How are you?
Yeah, I mean, no.
No, it's fine.
Well, yes. [Chuckles]
Of course. Right, I understand.
Yeah, that would be perfect.
I'll see you then. Great.
And, uh, listen, Paige, thank you.
Thank you.
I, uh.
What? What's up?
I, uh...
I just got Mesa Verde back.
- Seriously?
- Seriously. [Chuckles]
Holy shit! That's unbelievable!
- [Laughing] Yes.
- [Laughs]
I... What happened to HHM?
Uh, Paige didn't go into it.
She just said the
filing didn't go through.
We're gonna meet this afternoon.
Hey, what did I tell you?
Sometimes, the good guys win.
Oh, it sounds like there's
some regulatory issues.
Kevin's still worried that one lawyer
won't be able to handle it.
You can.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to get a
paralegal, maybe two of them,
and I absolutely will
pay for it out of my end.
No. Come on.
Split it down the middle.
You know what?
I need a Westlaw terminal right away.
[Chucklins] I don't even
know who to call to get that done.
These are high-class problems.
Yeah, but it's a
major piece of work, Jimmy.
It's just...
It's... It's... This is major.
Hey, Kim, you've got this, all right?
- So take a moment.
- [Sighs]
[Sighs] Breathe. Savor.
You know what? You're right.
[Chucklins] Damn right I'm right.
[Cellphone ringing]
It's Ernie. [Chuckles]
[Cellphone beeps]
Hi, Ernie.
What's up?
Yeah, no, Paige just called me.
Uh-huh. Did Chuck say why...
So, when...
Sure. No time like the present.
- Okay. Thanks.
- [Cellphone beeps]
The Mesa Verde files...
Chuck's ready to
turn thememveveto me.
Wow. [Chuckling] Really?
That was... quick.
Uh, I'm gonna go
change and get over there.
- You want some help?
- That depends.
Are you gonna carry
boxes, or you gonna gloat?
Uh, some from column
"A," some from column "B."
JIMMY: Ground yourself.
- W... Sorry?
- [Keys jingling]
Just touch the thing.
[Doorknob rattling]
What the hell? This thing doesn't...
- Hey, Jimmy. Hey, Kim.
- Hey, Ernie.
Somethin's wrong with the lock.
Mr. McGill had me call a
locksmith and change em.
JIMMY: Yeah? Why'd he do that?
[Door closes]
Hey, Chuck, why'd you change the locks?
Ernesto, I think we're good.
I'm sure you're
needed back at the office.
Well... I'll get goin, then.
- Thanks.
- Bye, Jimmy. Bye, Kim.
- Bye, Ernie.
- JIMMY: See ya, Ernie.
So, Chuck, what's
the deal with the locks?
Kim, I was hoping to have
this conversation with you
and you alone.
However... I guess it's time
to clear the air once and for all.
Clear the air about what?
He sabotaged me.
Buddy, what are you, uh...
Don't bother.
You and I both know exactly
what I'm talking about.
I don't.
Yesterday morning was the
worst professional humiliation
of my life.
A single transpositional
error cost my client time and money
and permanently damaged my reputation.
But then I
realized... it wasn't an error.
Not at all. [Inhales deeply]
A week ago last night, I was
right there on that couch,
barely conscious, and Jimmy showed up.
And he sent Ernesto away.
My brother was gonna take care of me.
And in the dead of night,
he went through my Mesa Verde files.
Uh, you know what? We don't
have to listen to this.
She does! You do... for your own good.
Now, in these files are 13 documents
containing the address of Mesa
Verde's proposed branch...
1261 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Jimmy pulled each and every
one, then he left me here,
sweating and delirious, while
he went off to doctor them.
You'd need a photocopier for that.
Where'd you go... some
all-night copy shop?
With a little
careful cutting and pasting,
he created duplicates...
virtually identical to my originals,
but with one key change...
1261 Rosella Drive became
1216 Rosella Drive.
This is sounding like a lot of work.
No one ever accused you of being lazy...
every other sin in the
book, but not that one.
And if you're wondering
if Jimmy's up to a
little casual forgery,
you should know in high
school, he had a thriving business
making fake I.D.s so
his buddies could buy beer.
You going all the way
back to high school, huh?
[Chuckling] Hey, you and Mozart, huh?
You both started young.
[Inhales deeply]
He came back here and put his
new versions in my files.
And then, the next day,
my caring brother took his leave.
He knew that I would
use his modified documents
to write Mesa Verde's
submission to the state regulator.
And so I did, over and over...
I typed "1216" instead of "1261."
I remember
thinking, "1216 Rosella Drive...
that's just one year after 1215,
the year the Magna Carta was signed."
Jesus, Chuck, you are unbelievable.
So, you're saying, if we look in here,
all the addresses will be wrong?
Well, of course you weren't
gonna leave evidence behind.
I'm guessing yesterday
morning, you waited until I left,
then used your key to let yourself in
and return the originals.
No crime is complete
without the cover-up.
Oh, come on.
I did all this...
what... for some business?
He did it for you.
[Clock ticking]
Oh, I'm sure you didn't
know anything about it.
I believe he went off on his own
and did this as some kind
of twisted romantic gesture.
Chuck, I think you need to lie down
with a cold washcloth on your head.
And now that you
know, you have no choice.
This is about a client... a
client who has been defrauded.
As a sworn officer of the court,
as Mesa Verde's attorney of record,
you have no recourse but
to go to Kevin Wachtell
and make a full disclosure.
This... This whole song and dance...
it's all about getting his client back.
- That's all this is.
- Not in the least.
If, knowing the truth,
they still decide to go...
You can't stand the fact that
they chose her over you.
I can't stand the fact
that my own brother stabbed
me in the back!
I can't stand the
fact that you've deceived
- and ruined this fine young woman!
- "Ruined"?
What is this... the 1840s?
What are you talking about?
She's not ruined!
[Clock ticking]
If what you're saying is true,
Jimmy could be
charged with forgery, fraud,
falsifying evidence, even
breaking and entering.
Frankly, I am sick about this.
But facts are facts.
And what is your evidence?
My evidence?
My evidence is knowing my
brother for his entire life.
Chuck, I think there
is another explanation...
it's a simpler one.
You made a mistake.
I did not.
You're working by lantern,
squinting over 10-point
typepe for hour after hour.
Mistakenly changing 1261 to 1216
would be the most natural
thing in the world.
It could certainly happen to me.
I did not make a mistake!
I believe you did.
Look, I understand that you have a...
a great affection for Jimmy.
A great many people do, but
please open your eyes here!
You made a mistake, and
instead of just facing up to it,
you accuse your brother
of plotting against you.
You come up with
this elaborate scheme.
He's capable of this!
You know he is!
I know he's not perfect!
And I know he cuts corners.
But you're the one who
made him this way.
He idolizes you.
He accepts you.
He takes care of you.
And all he ever wanted was
your love and support,
but all you've ever done is judge him.
You never believed in him.
You never wanted him to succeed.
And you know what?
I feel sorry for him.
And I feel sorry for you.
[Vehicle passes]
[Car door creaks]
[Seatbelt clicks]
[Dog barking in distance]
[Car door creaks]
[Keys jingling]
[Seatbelt clicks]
- Jesus! What?
- [Breathing heavily]
Kim! What?
Just drive.
[Engine starts]
[Tires screech]
[Children shouting indistinctly]
[School bell rings]
WOMAN: All right, line up by class!
Find your buddy!
Okay, kids, come on.
Let's go.
Come on. Come on.
- Plant yourself.
- All right. Here?
Yeah. Right there.
- About yea high.
- [Grunting]
Aim it up at me... heroic.
Heroic? Good luck with that.
Just frame me up, all right?
Make sure you get the neck, okay?
- It's a low-angle shot.
- Okay.
Hey, you know what?
Let me see.
Oh, I-it's just base.
What... am I dying of consumption?
Well, at your age, you
don't want to look too red.
- It looks like rosacea.
- And what's with all the...
I'm just trying to make it look
like you have a jawline.
I do have a jawline.
You know what?
You stand in for me.
Hey, crouch down.
Okay. Move to your left.
The other left.
More. More. Okay, boom!
That's what I'm
talking about. You got it.
Oh, dude, there's got to be an
easier way to get this shot.
Not for free.
You wanna be a filmmaker, grow a pair.
Here we go. Picture's up.
All right, let's do this.
Last looks.
Rhubarb, rhubarb. 9:00.
[Indistinct conversations in distance]
Excuse me.
Hi. Are you in charge here?
Yes, I am, and this
is school property.
You're just the
person I want to speak to.
It would be incredibly
helpful if you could get those kids
in that building over there to
just keep it down for a bit.
Just give 'em a worksheet or something?
I mean, just two or
three minutes, just for sound.
This is school property,
and no one is allowed
here without permission.
Of course not.
- You didn't speak to Annette?
- Annette?
In the Superintendent's Office.
Do you know an Annette downtown?
I don't think so.
Well, I'm sorry about the mix-up.
We're shooting what's
called an establishing shot...
five minutes, tops.
You're not shooting anything
until I'm clear on what's going on here.
The documentary... we're
making a documentary.
That's... Oh! [Snaps fingers]
I was told here was a
display or a plaque of some kind.
Would you know where that would be?
Why would we have a plaque?
Because of who went to school here.
Who went to school here?
Rupert Holmes.
That's who the documentary is about.
I'm sorry. Who?
Rupert Holmes.
You know... Rupert
Holmes, the singer/songwriter.
You know, um... "The Piña Colada Song."
I mean, sure you do. I...
♪ If you like piña coladas and
getting caught in the rain ♪
♪ If you're not into yoga
and you got half a brain ♪
♪ If you like makin'
love at midnight ♪
♪ In the dunes by the cape... ♪
See? Ru... Look at her face.
- Rupert Holmes.
- He went to school here?
Yeah. Class of '64.
He still talks about it.
But the school was built in '71.
Mm. He was a student in the
old building that used to be here.
We're taking a
little... what do you call it?...
artistic liberties.
Isn't Rupert Holmes English?
Well, yeah, and
that's some great trivia,
but he spent his formative
years right here in Albuquerque.
I'll tell you what... why
don't you call Annette
down in the Superintendent's Office?
And we'll just stay here till
you get official word.
- Well, if you don't mind waiting.
- Not at all.
We don't want to break any rules.
Shouldn't take very long, I'm sure.
And no promises,
but I'll see what I can do
about getting the kids to quiet down.
Oh. That would be super helpful.
[Birds chirping]
[Children shouting in distance]
[Door closes]
Chop-chop. Magic time.
All right, let's go.
No last looks. Just
the flag... the flag.
Okay, remember... heroic.
Yeah, you're a hero.
- Big, big hero.
- Gravitas.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Dolly, dolly, dolly.
[Wind rushing]
[Coins clanking]
["Sweet Baby On My
Mind" plays in background]
[Bell dings]
[Indistinct conversations]
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, Fran.
You still serving breakfast?
For you? Sure. The usual?
Um, be great.
[Music continues]
[Conversations continue]
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Anything good in the paper?
Was there ever anything
good in the paper?
[Chuckles] Not too often.
- Hey, Fran.
- Yeah?
I got to ask...
Does it ever snow around here?
Sure, it does.
This is gonna be your
first winter in Albuquerque?
Yeah. I'm out from Philadelphia.
Well, it depends on the year.
If you stay around long enough,
you'll have something to
shovel... don't you worry.
That suits me.
I live up in Cedar Crest.
We get plenty.
You can shovel my drive if
you're looking for more.
Just say the word.
Yeah, well... [Chuckles]
Miss. Check, please?
[Bell dings]
[Inhales deeply]
[Music continues]
[Cellphone ringing]
[Cellphone beeps]
NACHO: We gotta talk.
[Engine shuts off]
[Van door opens, closes]
I've got something I need to know,
and I need to know it fast.
[Sighs] What's that?
Got hit the other day.
A truck headed south got hijacked.
Someone stole a quarter million.
Now Hector's flippin'
out, lookin' for who did it.
Thing is...
I think it was you.
They left the driver
hog-tied... not a mark on him.
Anyone in the game woulda
capped him without a second thought.
But this driver? He's still breathin'.
I thought to myself, "Who's the guy
who'll rip off a couple hundred thousand
in drug money and leave a witness?
Who's the guy who
won't pull the trigger?"
I'm not here to squeeze you.
You wanna rip off the
cartel, that's your business.
But here's the thing.
I'm picking up that
driver... Hector's orders.
We're gonna see what he knows,
and if he knows you, that's
bad for both of us.
That shouldn't concern you.
But he was in on it, right?
The driver had nothing to do with it.
- Then who?
- Just me.
You're telling me you did is
without someone on the inside?
Not possible.
How did you know about the truck?
How do you know about the tires?
All I can tell you is,
you guys aren't half as
smart as you think you are.
So the driver... doesn't know anything?
Not a thing. He hear your voice?
- No.
- Right now, Hector's
looking at the competition,
but he hears the driver
say it was some old gringo...
He didn't hear me.
He saw a guy with a
ski mask... that's it.
And you're sure of that?
You better be right.
Why wasn't it in the papers?
The truck robbery... the
cops keeping it out of the papers?
The cops?
The cops don't know shit about it.
How's that?
Is that what this is about?
You wanted to put the cops onto Hector?
You are nothing to him.
He forgot all about you.
I haven't forgotten him.
You put me in the shit,
just 'cause you got it
in for Hector Salamanca?
Listen, you put the cops
on him, you put them on me.
Doing it for the money...
I get it, but this shit...
that's insane.
You need to calm yourself down,
and you need to take that
hand out of that pocket.
Now, just so you know...
it's over.
I'm done with your boss.
[Sighs] Whatever.
Why wasn't it in the papers?
Because we cleaned it up.
How's that?
We got lucky.
After you left, a
Good Samaritan came along
and said, "Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!"
He cut the driver
loose. The driver called us.
We came out, got the truck.
Made it like it never happened.
And that Good Samaritan?
Hector shot him in the face.
We buried the guy out in the desert.
Like I said...
we cleaned it up.
[Van door opens, closes]
[Engine starts]
[Van departs]
[Car door creaks shut]
[Water running]
[Water stops]
JIMMY: How was your day?
KIM: You know, met with Paige and Kevin,
interviewed some paralegals...
and, uh, this.
- What about you?
- [Sighs]
Finished the commercial.
I don't want to oversell it,
but I think it might be
the greatest 60 seconds in
the history of television.
Tomorrow morning, uh,
somewhere between 11:18 and 11:35,
stop what you're doing and tune
in to "Diagnosis Murder."
I'll make a point of it.
You want to talk about this?
Not now.
Not ever.
I'm just gonna say...
you are meant for Mesa Verde,
and they are meant for you.
So... all is right with the world.
Good night.
Your brother is one smart lawyer.
The smartest one I
know... I mean, no offense.
He'd make quite an adversary.
You'd better believe it.
The kind of adversary
who'd find even the
smallest crack in your defense.
Going against him, [Sighs] you'd
really want to make sure
you've got all your I's
dotted and your t's crossed.
Nothing for him to find.
[Keys jangling]
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine rumbling]
[Gearshift clicks]
[Reverse gear motor noise]
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door opens, closes]
[Car door opens, closes]
[Engine starts]
[Door beeps]
- Hey, how you doing?
- [Door closes]
Be with you in a minute.
[Copier beeping]
[Copiers whirring]
Remember me?
Uh... no.
I got a weird feeling you do, Lance.
Tonight is a funny night.
For some reason tonight,
I feel like I've got all the answers.
I'm feeling kind of like, uh...
like Carnac.
Do you remember when Johnny
Carson used to do Carnac?
You know, he'd give the
answers before the questions.
You know, [Sighs] Ed would
give him the envelope, yeah?
And Johnny would hold
it up to his forehead,
and, um, he'd give the
answer, like, "Leave It to Beaver."
Then Johnny'd tear open the envelope.
And there's the question...
"What did the dead
raccoon say in his will?"
That ring a bell?
[Whirring continues]
Before your time?
All right, well, let's cut to the chase.
Um, that guy who just
walked out of here...
his name is Ernie.
I'm guessing he showed you my picture
and asked if I was
in here the other night.
Now he's going to bring his
boss, who's my brother,
and he's gonna ask
you the same question...
"Did you see that guy the other night?"
Well, the answer is no.
You feel me?
You murder someone?
Rob a bank?
No way am I that cool.
I... Sometimes, I go number
two and I don't flush, but...
this is just a thing between brothers.
And we're both lawyers, so...
I mean, that's a
long and boring story.
You don't wanna know. [Sighs]
Is this gonna get me
jammed up with the cops?
My brotherer may make it
sound like that, but... no.
It's just family.
Then I feel you.
Hey, tell me about the cameras.
Oh. Uh, they go to a VCR in the back.
It, uh, tapes for 12 hours and
then records over itself.
Right. So I'm on there now?
How hard would it be to erase?
Mm. I dunno.
Could be tricky...
and expensive.
Like 100 bucks expensive?
Like 200 bucks expensive.
You will go far, my young friend.
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door closes]
[Door beeps in distance]
Uh, good evening.
Uh, Lance, is it?
Lance, I'm Charles McGill.
Uh, my associate, uh,
spoke with you earlier,
and he showed you this photo.
Um, on or about the
morning of the 18th,
this person was here in this shop...
is that correct?
Uh. On or about the...
The 18th, early morning.
Well, I'm... I believe
you told my associate
that he was here and
that he made copies.
Yeah, but [Chuckles] sorry.
[Insects chirping]
Yeah, that's my guy.
All right, the, uh, th-the
night of Tuesday the 17th...
leading into early Wednesday,
- early hours of Wednesday the 18th...
- [Copier beeps]
Were you, in fact,
here? Can we establish that?
Uh, I mean, I work
graveyard, so, yeah.
Stay strong, Lance.
Was this man here, making copies?
It's like I said... I don't think so.
Well, earlier, you
said that he was here.
Now you're saying that he wasn't here.
- Which is it?
- Oh.
Yeah, well, when that
guy showed me the picture,
I thought, "Maybe," but now
that I'm seeing it again, uh...
Ah, sorry.
Don't know what to tell you.
- Guess I was wrong.
- [Copiers whirring]
- [Electricity humming]
- Son, listen carefully.
I am an officer of the
court, investigating a felony.
So you're a cop?
N-No, I'm not. I'm...
I'm... I'm, uh, I'm...
Mr. McGill, maybe
we better get you home.
[Distorted] Ernesto, do not
speak to me as if I were a child.
I'm fine.
[Electricity humming]
[Insects chirping]
I am not a police officer.
I am an attorney.
And I have a moral and legal obligation
to get to the bottom of this matter.
The bottom of what?
Forgery, fraud, falsifying evidence...
[Electricity humming]
Breaking and entering.
This guy... is he okay?
There's nothing wrong with me!
Mr. McGill, maybe we could just
- take a break and...
- Ernie, shut up!
[Electricity humming]
You think about the
choice you're making.
I already told you he wasn't here.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to speak the truth.
I know he was here!
I know what he did!
Tell me what you told Ernesto.
Stop trying to change your story.
Excuse me. Sorry. How do
we get this to do 11x14?
No, excuse me!
Are having a conversation here!
You got to switch it to tray four.
It's easier if I show you. Look.
♪ ♪
Dude, okay.
I-I... [Chuckling] I-I
don't want any problems here.
So, just... [Sighs] get him out of here,
or I'm gonna call the cops, okay?
Do not walk away from
me! We are not finished here!
I am done talking to you, man!
[Electricity humming loudly]
[Jimmy breathing heavily]
Call 911.
Call 911. Come on.
Synced and corrected by VitoSilans
WEB-DL fix and resync by Kk.False
[Copiers whirring]
Remember me?
Uh... no.
I got a weird feeling you do, Lance.
Tonight is a funny night.
For some reason tonight,
I feel like I've got all the answers.
I'm feeling kind of like, uh...
like Carnac.
Do you remember when Johnny
Carson used to do Carnac?
You know, he'd give the
answers before the questions.
You know, [Sighs] Ed would
give him the envelope, yeah?
And Johnny would hold
it up to his forehead,
and, um, he'd give the
answer, like, "Leave It to Beaver."
Then Johnny'd tear open the envelope.
And there's the question...
"What did the dead
raccoon say in his will?"
That ring a bell?
[Whirring continues]
Before your time?
All right, well, let's cut to the chase.
Um, that guy who just
walked out of here...
his name is Ernie.
I'm guessing he showed you my picture
and asked if I was
in here the other night.
Now he's going to bring his
boss, who's my brother,
and he's gonna ask
you the same question...
"Did you see that guy the other night?"
Well, the answer is no.
You feel me?
You murder someone?
Rob a bank?
No way am I that cool.
I... Sometimes, I go number
two and I don't flush, but...
this is just a thing between brothers.
And we're both lawyers, so...
I mean, that's a
long and boring story.
You don't wanna know. [Sighs]
Is this gonna get me
jammed up with the cops?
My brotherer may make it
sound like that, but... no.
It's just family.
Then I feel you.
Hey, tell me about the cameras.
Oh. Uh, they go to a VCR in the back.
It, uh, tapes for 12 hours and
then records over itself.
Right. So I'm on there now?
How hard would it be to erase?
Mm. I dunno.
Could be tricky...
and expensive.
Like 100 bucks expensive?
Like 200 bucks expensive.
You will go far, my young friend.
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Car door closes]
[Door beeps in distance]
Uh, good evening.
Uh, Lance, is it?
Lance, I'm Charles McGill.
Uh, my associate, uh,
spoke with you earlier,
and he showed you this photo.
Um, on or about the
morning of the 18th,
this person was here in this shop...
is that correct?
Uh. On or about the...
The 18th, early morning.
Well, I'm... I believe
you told my associate
that he was here and
that he made copies.
Yeah, but [Chuckles] sorry.
[Insects chirping]
Yeah, that's my guy.
All right, the, uh, th-the
night of Tuesday the 17th...
leading into early Wednesday,
- early hours of Wednesday the 18th...
- [Copier beeps]
Were you, in fact,
here? Can we establish that?
Uh, I mean, I work
graveyard, so, yeah.
Stay strong, Lance.
Was this man here, making copies?
It's like I said... I don't think so.
Well, earlier, you
said that he was here.
Now you're saying that he wasn't here.
- Which is it?
- Oh.
Yeah, well, when that
guy showed me the picture,
I thought, "Maybe," but now
that I'm seeing it again, uh...
Ah, sorry.
Don't know what to tell you.
- Guess I was wrong.
- [Copiers whirring]
- [Electricity humming]
- Son, listen carefully.
I am an officer of the
court, investigating a felony.
So you're a cop?
N-No, I'm not. I'm...
I'm... I'm, uh, I'm...
Mr. McGill, maybe
we better get you home.
[Distorted] Ernesto, do not
speak to me as if I were a child.
I'm fine.
[Electricity humming]
[Insects chirping]
I am not a police officer.
I am an attorney.
And I have a moral and legal obligation
to get to the bottom of this matter.
The bottom of what?
Forgery, fraud, falsifying evidence...
[Electricity humming]
Breaking and entering.
This guy... is he okay?
There's nothing wrong with me!
Mr. McGill, maybe we could just
- take a break and...
- Ernie, shut up!