Bel-Air (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Excellence Is Everywhere - full transcript

In a twist of fate, Will struggles on his new basketball team but is nominated for a leadership award at Bel-Air Academy.

- Previously on "Bel-Air"...

- Everything okay, Geoffrey?
- Why do you ask?

- Just making sure you're
happy here, that's all.

- I'm just here to
do my job, Phil.

- Something's not right.

- This is a surprise.

- This is Will's
decision to make.

Will deserves a
shot at his dreams.

He'll play for your
team and help you win,

but you don't get to own him.

- Didn't we agree
that H2Ivy would be

the official drink of the house?

- If I can just close
the Simply Spiked deal,

it would be a game changer.

Then H2Ivy is over with.

- The venue we selected
cannot accommodate that,

and, yes, it's too late
to find another one.

With this art show coming,
there's a million people

with a million opinions.

- Coming through?
- I was hoping to.

You okay with that?

- I mean, I know
we're not together,

but we're still cool, right?
- Of course.

- Do you ever feel like
we're too different?

- As long as we
down for each other,

doesn't matter what
anybody else thinks.

- You know y'all wanted
me to marry LaMarcus,

and now you have nothing
to say about Jazz?

- Faculty nominations

for the Founder's
Award are coming out.

Your actions the
day of the protest

didn't go unnoticed.

- Bassin got to you,
and now your name's

on the Founder's Award list.

- It's actually a lot more
complicated than that.

- I thought we were
working on the same agenda,

but I guess you have
one of your own.

[hip-hop music]

- You see, it's two
type of people in life.

It's people that wake
up and wish they had it.

There's people that
wake up and go get it.

We go get it, baby.

Fine, let's go.

♪ All my life, I
been a go getter ♪

♪ All I know is
to go, go get it ♪

♪ Wake up in the
morning, kiss my son ♪

♪ Then go, go get it ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go get it ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go get it ♪

♪ I'm top floor, top dog ♪

♪ Like I just signed a TDE ♪

♪ Gang, gang, gang shit ♪

♪ Niggas know we all gotta eat ♪

- Do you know how many
miles an NBA player runs

in the season?

Over 100.

How hard you go here matters.

- ♪ My city depending on me ♪

[treadmill beeping]

Step yo' game up.

- ♪ I ball like MLB ♪

♪ These Bottega
boots ain't cheap ♪

- [retching]

- Well, well, well.

Bel-Air got you looking
soft out here, bro.

- You tripping.
I'm from Philly.

What's up?
- [scoffs]

- Man, that rich boy shit
don't mean nothing out here.

- Won't keep you
on the team either.

- Hey, look at him.
He about to get cut.

- Snip, snip.
- So what y'all trying to do?

- Need to have that same energy

when you pick up
these weights, boy.

- Real talk.
- Let's get this work, man.

He ain't gonna make it.

- Later, Bel-Air.

- ♪ All my life, I
been a go getter ♪

♪ I wake up in the
morning, kiss my son ♪

♪ And go, go get it ♪


- Ah, thank you, Geoffrey.

- No problem.

Almost ready for Janice.

- Mm-hmm.

I didn't realize how
hands-on she was gonna be.

- Fellowship not as rewarding
as you had hoped, huh?

- Janice has made it very clear

that she is not comfortable
with me pushing the envelope.

- Hmm.

Real talk?

She's lucky to have you, Viv,

and they need you more
than you need them.

Trust me.
- Can you tell her that for me?

Oh, come on.

She loves you.

I think she has a
little crush on you.

- Whatever I can do,
Viv. I've got you.

- Well, you know we are hosting

Phil's family reunion this year.

Oh, I'm gonna really
need your help then.

- Yep.

The whole of the Banks crew.

I'll stock up on the alcohol...

For you, of course,
not for them.

- [chuckling]

Oh, Geoffrey, I have missed you.

So how's everything been going?

- With me and Phil?

- In general, but,
yeah, with you two.

- We're finding our way.
- Good.

Because, with all this
stuff happening at the firm,

you're the one he
trusts the most.

He needs you right now.

- Ain't never been called soft.

Don't fucking know me.

- Well, you don't
know them either.

- What are you talking about?

- Hudson took three
buses to get here

and worked out before
school every day for a year.

Now he's a starter.

Brian... he was sleeping in
his car when Doc found him.

Now he's got college coaches
beating down the door.

Their hunger?
That's their edge.

- Look, I didn't come here
to ride the bench, Jackie.

- Okay.

So show 'em you not just
some bougie kid from Bel-Air.

What's your edge?

- First day's always rough.

I give this book
to all my players.

10,000 hours of
practice to be great.

Just gotta keep
putting in the time.

- You know I will.

I ain't scared of hard work.

- That's what I like to hear.

Bring your swim
trunks next week.

We gonna start with 50 laps.

Jackie, don't be
late for school.

- I know.

- Shit.


- Don't tell me you
don't know how to swim.


- Can't catch a break.

- That's gonna be fun to watch.

- Hmm. Morning, bumblebee.

I've been waiting for you.

- It's from Ms. Hughes.
- Mm-hmm.

She got some offers in
Chicago closer to her family.

- She's not coming
back to Bel-Air?

- I know it's not
exactly what you wanted,

but she got a great opportunity.

And she's gonna get a
very nice settlement,

and you're a big part of that.


I love you.

- I love you, too.

hip-hop instrumentals]

♪ ♪

- Ashley, thank you
for using your voice

and helping me be seen.

Never lose that special spark.

Remember, our excellence
is everywhere.

Love, Ms. Hughes.

♪ ♪

- So information on
the seniors' trip

will be out next month.

♪ ♪

- You're late.

- Easy, C. First day back.

- And the moment you've
all been waiting for:

the nomination period
for Bel-Air Academy

Founder's Award is closed.

To be nominated, a student
must have their name

put forward by either
a faculty member...

- You got this.
- Or a student organization.

- It's all you.

- Here are the
official nominees:

Emma Zhao,

Grace Guzman,

Johnny Ko,

Connor Satterfield,

Carlton Banks...

- Told you.

- And Will Smith.

[hip-hop music]


and good luck to
all of our nominees.


[Easy McCoy's "Déjà Vu"]

♪ ♪

- ♪ It's like déjà vu ♪

♪ I see it all the time ♪

♪ Yeah, it's like déjà vu ♪

♪ I see it all the time ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- No, for real, though,
West Philly for the win.

Okay, you got this, bro.

- Thank you, thank you.

- I'll catch y'all later, okay?
- Congrats, Will.

Guess you're this
year's wild card.

Do you even know what
the Founder's Award is?

- Carlton, relax.

Okay, I don't even know
how I got nominated.

- The BSU nominated you.

- Wait, for real?

- Seriously?

- Congratulations, you guys.

- Oh, yo, Lisa, can I
holla at you for a second?

- Yeah.

- Wait, so I'm just
supposed to pretend

like this isn't personal?

Canceling me out by bringing
my cousin into the competition

just feels like
unnecessary sabotage.

- Will brings a perspective
that we've never seen before.

I mean, it's nothing personal.

He's just the right choice.

And, hey, two Black
students were nominated.

I mean, no matter what,
that's a good thing.

[quiet dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Um, I offered my
services months ago,

and you never took me up on it.

Why the rush?

- Well, my AAU team is
doing laps this week,

and I cannot be clowned.

But I have a secret weapon:

the number-one
swimmer at Bel-Air.

- Oh, are you sure
you're ready for this?

- Listen, I'm positive I'm not.

But, you know, I feel
like I'm in good hands.

What, you gotta get Drew's
permission or something?

- Drew? Please?

The way he came at
Carlton, he is not the guy

I thought he was.

- I mean, I told you he
wasn't good enough for you.

But that's none of my business.

Look, are you coming by
the crib later or not?

[soft hip-hop music]

- All right, fine.

- Yes, saved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I knew I could count on my girl.

- Oh, so I'm your girl
when you want something?

- Come on, you know
you're always my ace.

A'ight? Hey, don't do that.

Appreciate you, girl. [laughs]

- ♪ I know, I know, I know ♪

♪ Talented but they don't
work as hard as I do, I do ♪

- Damn.

Everyone was at that
Fenty party last night.

Yep, another influencer event
we didn't get invited to.

I mean, at least with
Kylo, we walked red carpets

and got swag bags
and Getty Images.

- Hello.

I'm right here.

Catch you later, Phanta.

- Look, you and Phanta
need to be patient, okay?

I'm so close to closing
the Simply Spiked deal.

- You said that last week.

- I know what I said.

Listen, if we just get our
numbers up a little bit

and get a little more
engagement, we're there.

- Well, we could
get there faster

if we could actually
count on Ivy's followers.

- We don't need Ivy.

- [sighs softly]

- Look, I'm working really
hard to get us there, okay,

and I will.

Just trust.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Only you could get
nominated for a Founder Award

the same day you
finished suspension.

- My man. What up, Ty?

- How are we doing?

Welcome back.

- The team misses you.

- That's cap.

- All right, well, maybe
they didn't say that,

but I can feel it.

I tried to talk Coach into
giving you a second chance,

but he wasn't having it.

Sorry, man.

- Look, it's all good.

It actually worked out.

You know I'm playing
for Zenith Hype now.

- I watch them on
"House of Highlights,"

like, all the time.

They're, like, top five
in the AAU circuit.

- Yes, sir, and your boy
is out there killing it.

- No way. Damn.

Well, I'm glad you found a
team that appreciates you.

Maybe we could have
done that more.

- Tyler, trust me,
it's all good, man.

All right?

- I'm glad everything's
working out for you, Will.

- I'll see you around.

- Yes, sir.

- Been studying the numbers.

- [sighs]

- Our billables from last
quarter are down 30%.

- Mm-hmm, most of it
because your firm lost

the Garrison
Construction account.

- Yeah.

Our biggest client.

- You know what?

I'm sure Robert Garrison
would agree to a sit-down,

let him know you're
back on the throne.

- If I can get
that business back,

it'd calm a lot
of partner nerves.

- Maybe press pause
on this acquisition.

- Hm.

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

- It's good to have you back, G.

♪ ♪

[school bell rings]

- Congrats on your nom'.

Too bad your sorry
ass won't win.

- Why? 'Cause you're going to?

- Nah.

Thanks to your cousin's
woke-ass Malcolm X stunt,

we're both gonna
lose. [laughs]

- Speak for yourself.

- Anyway, thought you might be
looking for a little escape.

- Nah, I'm good.
- [chuckles softly]

I know we're not boys,
but I know you, Carlton.

There's no way you're
good right now.

- Fuck off, Connor.

- Okay, man, whatever you say.

[school bell rings]

Consider it a peace offering.

[soft dramatic music]

- Shit.

♪ ♪


[disquieting music]

♪ ♪

[door thuds]

[toilet flushes]

♪ ♪

- Hi, there.

- Hey.
- The usual?

- Yeah, two this time, neat.
- You got it.


- Philip?

- What are you...

[both laugh]

- What are you doing here?

Last I heard, you were
still in New York.

- Well, I transferred
to my firm's LA office.

- Okay.

Well, please sit.
You got a minute?

I... I've got a minute
before my lunch starts.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Oban.

One of your favorites,
if I remember correctly.

- You know, that
was for my client.

- No, I think you
mean my client.

And Garrison isn't coming.

[hip-hop music]

- So it was your firm
that poached him?

- Guilty.

- And then these are
also some older works,

focusing on the
cleansing power of water,

from the Middle Passage

to the spiritual
renewal of baptism.

And that'll all be here, on
the east walls of the space.

- Uh-huh.

- And of course, there'll
be plenty of champagne,

so it should all
flow quite nicely.

- It all sounds good.

- Oh, okay, great.

- Just a few thoughts.

May I?

- Oh.

- The arrangement of the space
here is a bit disorienting.

[energetic jazz music]

I feel that the series
starts with potential

and then stops too abruptly.

No, where is the ascension?

If you start back
here with these...

♪ ♪

- No, listen, listen, I
have to say out of respect,

I would have never
stolen Garrison

if you were still at the firm.

- And you never would
have got him if I was.

- Ahh, there's that confidence.


So I take it you're back.

- I am.

Yeah, the DA race
didn't quite go my way.

- I heard.

How's Viv?

- Very well.

She's back focusing on her art.

And what about you
and... Chris, was it?

- Oh, yeah.

Thought about kids,
a last-ditch effort

to save our marriage.

- I'm sorry. I didn't know.

- And then there was Adam.

Yeah, he didn't want kids.

Now he's living with
his 25-year-old trainer

with twins on the way.

So there you go.

Two failed marriages, no
kids, and a kick-ass job.

Now you're up to date.

- Wow.

- Sad, I know.

Guess I just didn't
choose the right guy.

So should we address the
elephant in the room?


- Yes, Robert.

[soft dramatic music]

I will get my client back.
- Hmm.


He's a huge piece of business,

and I'm not giving up my client.

But I'm reasonable.

There is one way you
can get him back.

♪ ♪

- Whenever you're ready.

I'm gonna need you
to lean back again.

- All right.

- Remember, your
body's only tense

'cause you're in your head.

Just close your eyes and
think about something

that brings you peace.

- I'm not gonna lie.

The only thing that's
bringing me peace right now

is your voice.

- So focus on my voice.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Before you entered this world,
you were immersed in water,

so you're just resisting
your natural state.

And the water will always
carry you if you allow it to.

♪ ♪

Open your eyes.

- Oh, shit.

Am I floating?

- You're floating.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

All by myself?

- All by yourself.

[both laugh]

- That's crazy.


- As much as I love hearing
about your work problems,

Janice just reworked
the entire show,

and now I gotta make
it all make sense.

- Mom, seriously?

- Okay, you have my
undivided attention.

Ten minutes, go.

- So, listen, if I had
Ivy's 10 million followers,

I would've closed
this deal already.

I mean, I don't know what to do.

Maybe I should just
give up and find

another deal she can endorse.

- Or you can dig in.

Look, if Phanta and Monica
see that you're the first

to get the house sponsor
on your own, without Ivy,

they'll see that you're a boss.

Look, trust your gut.

See where it takes you.

- Hmm.

Okay, well, then in that case,

I could use an
opportunity for the house

to gain some publicity fast.

- Mm-hmm.

- You know, like
a high-end event,

something in the next
two days if possible.

Any ideas?
- Nothing comes to my mind.

- Mama!

- Okay, yes, you can use
my event however you need.

- [squeals] Thank
you. Thank you.

And I promise you it'll be easy.

We're not gonna
mess up your plans.

- Yeah, I mean, I've
pivoted a million times.

What's one more?

- Listen, Mom, you're
a boss, too, okay?

You need to flex a little bit.

I mean, why should
everybody else

get their vision if it means
losing sight of your own?

You need to trust your gut,
see where it takes you.

- I see what you did there.

- Trying to be like you.

- Okay, let's go
again. Let's try again.

Come on, swim to me.
- Come on, come on.

I need a break. Chill.

- Oh, you need a break?

Oh, sorry, let me just...

No, no, no, no, there's
no breaks in my class.

- Did you just...
- Let's go, Smith.

What you gonna do about it?

- She did it again.

Okay. What am I
gonna do about it?

I'm gonna swim.

- ♪ Just that I'm
focusing on you and I ♪

♪ Catching feelings so deep ♪

- Really? No, wait!

[laughs] Got yo' ass.

- Will!

Look at what you just did.

- What?

Oh, shit.

Yo, I did that!
- Yes!

- How I get over
here? That's crazy!

- Yes!
- Yay!

You a great teacher.

- ♪ Just knowing no
one else above you ♪

♪ You put in work
so I can trust you ♪

♪ And now it's time
for me to love you ♪

- So anyway, you can
just practice swimming

for about an hour a day,
and you should be set

for Zenith next week.

- Hey, thanks, Lis.

I really appreciate this.

I really owe you one.

- I mean, you're not
gonna win any relay races,

but at least you won't drown.

- I'll take it. I'll take it.

I really need to make
this AAU thing work.

I really don't have
any backup plans.

- I mean, anything can work
if you want it bad enough.

- ♪ Any question, you're the
answer, you the standard ♪

- Yeah, guess you're right.


- Will!

- You deserve a Medal
of Honor for getting

Will near the water,
much less in it.

- Amazing what we can do
when we are motivated.

And I see you're on fire.

I love the way you're
changing up the art show

to make it your own.

"Excellence Is Everywhere."

I like it.

- Ah, it's the new theme,
inspired by Ashley,

and the space is big enough
to feature all my art

and share the limelight
with new talent.

- So what's Janice
think about all this?

- I don't know.
I guess we'll see

when she shows up.

- I'll start mocking
up a new catalog.

- Oh, thank you, Lisa.

I need all hands on deck
and a miracle from Jesus

to pull this all off.

- And congrats, by the way.

It's so cool that both Will
and Carlton got nominated

for the Founder's Award.

- What?

I had no idea.

- Maybe they were
making it a surprise.

Forget I said anything.

Just hopefully, they won't
be at each other's throats,

especially after what happened
with Carlton at the protest.

- Wait, what happened
at the protest?


[knock at door]
- Yeah?

- Yo, C.

Can I bother you for a second?

- What's up?

- I'm just checking on you, man.

Anything, um, interesting
happen in your day?

- You mean besides
you getting nominated

for the school's highest award
and having no idea what it is?


- Is that what your boy Connor
was all in your ear about?

- You spying on me?

- No, man.

I'm just making sure you good.

- Look, C, deading
that nut-ass friendship

was the best thing to
happen to you, okay?

I know how you and
Connor used to party,

so I'm just making
sure you straight.

- Look, I don't want
anything to do with Connor

or any of his bullshit.

- Yeah?
- Yes.

All right, that was the old me.

I have no interest
in going back there.

- Okay.

I believe you.

Glad to hear it, man.

- Can I get back to working out?

- Go ahead. Superman.

- Hey, honey, I am
so sorry I'm late.

- We need to talk.
- What's going on?

- Carlton had another panic
attack at the protest...

and Will knew all about it.

- Well, did you talk to him yet?

- Just waiting on you
so we can game plan.

- Okay.

[knocking at door]

- Hey, heard the good news.

Founder's Award?


- Um, why do I feel like
there's about to be a but?

- I heard about the panic attack

at the protest.

- [sighs]

- I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

[soft dramatic music]

- Look, I realize that
I probably put you

in a bad position.

You're looking out
for your cousin

without betraying
his trust. I get it.

- I mean, I thought I was
helping him find a new lane

with this protest thing.

I don't know.

Maybe I pushed too hard.

- I just didn't want
you guys to overreact.

And I know it was wrong
of me to keep it from you,

and I'm sorry, but even
Dr. Richardson says

it takes time.

I'll have good
days and bad days.

- We don't ask to
be role models.

♪ ♪

Like it or not, you're
that person for Carlton.

You know, he puts a lot
of pressure on himself

to be stronger because
he sees you winning,

like your nomination
for the Founder's Award.

- [sighs]

I just got thrown in the mix.

I didn't ask for that.

- I don't want this to
overshadow your nomination

for the Founder's Award.

I mean, that is a
great accomplishment.

- Right, so why don't we
just focus on the good things

that are happening in my life?

- Your father and I are
both very proud of you.

I mean, we know how
much this means to you.

- I don't care about the
Founder's Award, okay?

I'm focused on
AAU, and that's it.

Founder's Award is
Carlton's thing.

- Well, it's still an
honor to be proud of.

But, yes, if you're not
passionate about it,

just know that it means
the world to Carlton.

- Easy.

I will gladly take myself
out of the running.

Look, trust me, Uncle Phil.

I want what's best
for Carlton, too.


Don't worry.

- Don't worry.

I just need you to have faith
and believe in the decision

that we've all made.

- [sighs] Okay.

I believe you. [both laugh]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Saved from the
corners of my mind ♪

♪ Is where I find my sanity ♪

♪ If you feel just like me ♪

- I talked to the bartenders.

They're bringing
out more champagne.

- [sighs] So far, so good.

- Better than good.

Look at what you did.

Uh-oh, incoming.

- What?

- Interesting what
you've done, Vivian.

Different from
what we discussed.

I have some questions about
these artists over here.

- Wow. Afternoon, Janice.

I must say, you are
looking stunning today.

- Thank you.

- Um, Janice, you
remember Geoffrey.

You two met at my
last art exhibit.

- Oh, yeah.

- Pretty impressive what
she's achieved, right?

- Absolutely.
- Well, Janice.

Can I borrow you for a minute?

I'd love to show you
my favorite piece.

- I'd be delighted.

- ♪ Find your own
kind of happy ♪

♪ Find your own kind of free ♪

- Who's this one by?

- It doesn't say.

- This one is amazing.

It really speaks
to the silencing

of the female voice.

Pretty powerful.

- That's perfect, you
guys. I love to see it.

Keep posting, okay?

Talk to the artists,
start conversations,

and tag them, okay.

Visibility for the artist,
visibility for the house.

- Well, who's this artist?

- We wanna tag them,
but it says anonymous.

- What?

- Hey, Doc. So
good to see you.

And thank you so much again
for giving Will the opportunity

to be on your team.

- Oh, it's no problem.

I was just dropping
my niece off.

I should be thanking
you for giving her

this opportunity.
- Oh, please.

Will told me how great she is.

Besides I was looking
for a performative aspect

to add to my art show
on the last minute.

- We should definitely
take a picture on this one.

- Yo, uh, Hil?
- What?

- Like, this is super cool,

and we love your
mom and all, but...

- And, like, we really
appreciate the invite,

but this isn't exactly
the influencer splash

we were hoping for.

- I totally get that,
but you guys trust me.

I have a big surprise
coming, okay?

- Okay.
- Let's take a picture first.

- ♪ Freedom, find your
own kind of happy ♪

- You ladies can drop
your stuff right here.

There's water for you.

You can also drop
your stuff there,

and there's the place
for you to change.

Let me know if
you need anything.

- Is there a bathroom?

- Absolutely. I can show you.

I'm Lisa.
- Jackie.

I don't know why I'm so nervous.

- This couldn't be
a friendlier crowd.

They're gonna love you.

- Thank you.

Your boots are fire, by the way.

- Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome, girl.

- Yo, Doc.

Oh, just wanna tap in
with you real quick.

- Hey.

Ah, you still feeling the
pain from that workout.

- I'm not gonna lie.
Sitting's a little rough.

- Look, I know the guys
are pretty tough on you.

Don't let them get in
your head too much.

- Nah, it's all good.

I ain't tripping, you know.

New kid from Bel-Air
Academy and all, I get it.

- Okay, but that academic
piece is important, too, man.

That school's gonna open
up a lot of doors for you,

doors those guys will never see.

- Hmm.

Yeah, I guess I never
thought about it like that.

Well, you know, I
actually am nominated for

the school leadership award.
- Okay.

- Yeah, it's a pretty
big deal, apparently.

Yeah, but it's more
of my cousin's thing.

- You got leadership skills,
too, and D1 schools...

They looking for that.

Don't be so quick to
count yourself out.

- ♪ I do it big ♪

- I'll talk to you.

- A'ight.
- A'ight.

- ♪ I do it big ♪

♪ I get that paper ♪

♪ I gotta see ♪

♪ ♪

[soft smooth music]

♪ ♪

- That's Phyllis Wheatley,

the first published
Black female poet.

She started writing
poetry in the 1700s,

around the same age as you.

- And she was a slave?

- Mm, no, she was enslaved.

We didn't choose that.

- Wow.

I can't believe I never
learned about her in school.

- Yeah, well, that's
why it's important

that we educate ourselves.

I'm so happy Miss Hughes
taught you that too.

- Our excellence is everywhere.

- How'd it go with Garrison?

He never showed, but the
lawyer who stole him did.

- Champagne, gentlemen?

- Thank you. Erika Baker.

- Boy...
- Exactly.

She's working in LA.

- And how'd it go with that?

- Well, she said
James and the firm

could have the Garrison account,

but she wants me to join
her firm as a senior partner

or at least be
open to a meeting.

- Have you spoke
to Viv about this?

- Well, not until
there's anything to say.

- Okay, wait.


- Real estate agent.
- Okay.

- Single.

Not from LA.
- Mm-hmm.


[both laugh]

Your turn.
- All right.

Ah, right here,

the Shaft-looking
motherfucker right here,

probably rode in from
some Midwestern town,

trying to be an actor.

He's bartending now,
though, you know,

but you know how that go.

He probably a life coach.

[both laughing]

Oh, shit.

Yo, that's...

- LaMarcus Alton.

- Hilary Banks.

- Wait a minute.

Oh, my God.

I know this not LaMarcus "Most
Receptions in the Rose Bowl,

Touchdowns Received" Alton.

What's good, baby?

Man, hey, I won big
this year in fantasy.

You was my first
pick, dawg, for real.

I appreciate you.

Didn't you just get traded
from the Eagles to the Rams?

- Thanks, man. Yes.

And I'm happy to be back in LA.

- Oh, man, that's dope.

So, I mean, how you
know the Banks family?

- I'm Hilary's ex.

- Hillar... Hillary's
ex. Ex what?

- LaMarcus is my ex-boyfriend.

But, LaMarcus, meet
Jazz, my boyfriend.

- Wow.

- Okay.


- Oh, thank you.
Hello, everyone.

Thank you so much for coming.

You know, as this year's fellow,

I get the opportunity
to mentor, lecture,

and curate exhibits all thanks
to the support and resources

of the Nieman Fellowship.

Thank you.

You know, I spent my
undergraduate years

in Washington, D.C.,

at Howard University,
the mecca...

- HU!
- You know!

- And while I was there,

I was exposed to the rich legacy

of the Barnett Aden Gallery,

the first privately-owned
Black gallery in the U.S.,

a space that helped launch

the careers of Romare
Bearden, Charles White,

Elizabeth Catlett,
and so many others.

I wish to create a legacy

that lives up to that history...


A place where we are all
respected, heard, and welcome.

And listen, y'all,
that starts tonight.

[cheers and applause]

Tonight, I have curated a
collection that includes

my own work, but also the work
of emerging photographers,

painters, sculptors,
and, yes, even dance,

speaking of which, please
welcome The Syncopated Ladies.

[cheers and applause]

[spacey hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

- [vocalizing]

♪ What you call
an icon living? ♪

♪ Start a record label
MSFTS, just did it ♪

♪ Nylon cover five
minutes whoa ♪

♪ We are too hot
in the business ♪

♪ 'Bout to make a
movie independent ♪

♪ Need new trucks Independent ♪

♪ I need you to
listen to the vision ♪

♪ All your verses sound
like dirty dishes ♪

♪ I'm about to clean
them in the kitchen ♪

♪ And we making
money by the minute ♪

♪ I'm about to do
it way different ♪

♪ I am just an icon living ♪

♪ I'm going straight to
the top with the crew ♪

♪ We should just chill
and maybe take it slow ♪

♪ 'Fore we get up there
with nowhere to go ♪

♪ And we can chill and
just look at the view ♪

♪ I am just an icon
living, living ♪

♪ I am just a i... i... icon ♪

♪ I am just a icon living ♪

♪ I am just a i... i... icon ♪


[cheers and applause]

[smooth music]

- So LaMarcus Alton's
your ex-boyfriend.

Why'd y'all break up?

- Well, he got
drafted to Philly,

and I didn't wanna do the
long distance anymore.

- Oh, so if he would
have never left,

y'all would have still
been together, right?

'Cause, I mean, he here.

- I don't care where
LaMarcus is, okay?

I'm happy where I am.

- But you invited
him here, Hillary.

- Yes, but that was
strictly professional.

I mean, I wanted
this to go viral.

LaMarcus has millions
of followers.

If he just tags the
influencer house,

the whole world will know us.

- When you said that
you had a surprise,

I did not know that
you meant a 6'5" god.

- The pic I just posted
of you and LaMarcus

got 6,000 likes in 15 minutes.

- Like, this is... this
is gonna be huge for us.

We should get some
footage, yeah.

- Um, yes.

You guys go ahead,
and I'll just...

Just give me one second.

- No, no, hey, we good.

Go do your thing.

- Are you sure?

- I'll be right here.

- Okay.


- Hey, what's up, Frat?

Welcome back.
- Hey.

- How you doing?
- Banks, how you doing?

Good to see you. Been a while.

- How are your parents doing?
- Mrs. Banks.

- Please tell them
we said hello.

It's been a minute.
- I know, I'm sorry.

- How you doing?

We'll see. How you been, man?

♪ ♪

- Thank you so much
for being here.

- Yeah.

- Will you be hanging
around the house more?

- Congratulations, you guys.

- Thank you. Thank you.

- Wow.
- Hey, Lisa.

Thank you for the
encouragement earlier.

- Of course.

All of you did amazing, and I
told you they would love you.

- You did, and they did.

- They did!
- Y'all killed it.

Murdered it.
- Thank you.

- That was dope.
That was dope.

- Hey, Little Miss Body Roll.
- Mm-hmm.

- I see you.

♪ ♪

Oh, Lisa, this is Jackie.

This is my...
- We met.

I didn't know you
two knew each other.

♪ ♪

Great performance.

- ♪ Floating in the sea ♪

♪ Talk about the fight
for all mankind ♪

♪ Talk about the differences
and things we got alike ♪

♪ Talk about the music ♪

- So what's the story
between you two?

- What, me and Lisa?

We just friends.

♪ ♪

- [chuckles]

I mean, we... we had a thing,

but we're cool. Trust me.

- Maybe you are, but she ain't.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- Lisa!

Aunt Viv told me
you were still here.

- Just taking care of
things before I head home.

- Nice.

You need some help?

- Nope.

- Look, I'm sorry about
earlier with Jackie...

- Please stop.

- Stop what?

Are you... are you mad?

I mean, Lisa, I thought
you genuinely moved on.

I mean, you been kicking it
with Drew this whole time.

- I'm not mad.

I feel stupid for
being that girl.

- What are you talking about?

- That girl that's
holding out hope

for the guy that broke her heart

who might still have
feelings for her too.

- Look, I'm sorry.

You know I'd never
intentionally try to hurt you.

- It's not even on you.

I got sucked back in.

- I mean, it's easy with us.

I mean, I was just happy

that we were trying
to be cool again.

You know, you're
literally the best friend

that I've made out here.

[gentle music]

- And that's nice.

But it's not gonna work
for me anymore, Will.

I tried, and I can't.

♪ ♪

- So what are you saying?

♪ ♪

- We can't be friends anymore.

♪ ♪

- I am really,
really proud of you.

You worked hard,
and it paid off.

- Thank you.

- I know you said
you wanted your...

Your art to say something,
and this definitely does.

- Yeah.

Well, Janice isn't ready

for this Viv, not yet.

- I mean, it's powerful.

I know you're focused on
giving other people a voice,

but don't forget about your own.

- Hmm.
- Hmm?

- Baby steps.

What's wrong?

- Well, I didn't
wanna ruin the night

by saying anything
earlier, but...

we have a problem with Geoffrey.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Well, we did it.
- Yeah, we did.

- [laughs]

And our deal is
officially closed.

- Loving this Simply
Spiked lemonade.

- You know, that
livestream with LaMarcus

really did the trick.

- I told you guys
I would handle it.

- We knew you would.

- Never doubted you, boss.

- Cheers.

Okay, so post this
and then let me know

what they're saying. Okay.

- Okay.

- ♪ I'm just an August baby ♪

♪ I think the heat is
just an initiation ♪

♪ I keep my feelings
in the oven waiting ♪

♪ It ain't for me ♪

♪ It's for the people hating ♪

♪ It's not progression ♪

♪ It's annihilation ♪

♪ What you've been
pushing lately? ♪

- So when did you
put a security camera

in your office?

- I had one put in.

I suspected something
was going on.

Geoffrey left the art show
early, and now I know why.

- What is he looking for?

- Not what, who.

He's looking for his son.

- Frederick?
- Mm-hmm.

And we both know
that can't happen.

- ♪ It's so awkward ♪

♪ I still dance
with broken feet ♪

♪ A deep soul cleanse
was not for me ♪

♪ And bad luck here
don't come in threes ♪

♪ They come in six ♪

♪ I was doing well
like getting sick ♪

♪ Until I found a
purpose I benefit ♪

♪ And this was it ♪

- ♪ See the synergy
I'm holding ♪

♪ All the cameras rolling ♪

♪ Something released
me in the night ♪

♪ And the kids are all right ♪

♪ You see the
synergy I'm holding ♪

♪ All the cameras rolling ♪

♪ Something released
me in the night ♪

♪ And the kids are all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And the kids are all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And the kids are all right ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And the kids are all right ♪

♪ ♪