Being Human (2011–2014): Season 3, Episode 2 - (Dead) Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - full transcript
Sally flirts with Trent, an old acquaintance. Aidan searches for blood and reunites with someone from his past.
Previously on Being Human...
Now, Josh! It's the only
way to cure both of us!
(All grunting)
What if it didn't cure us?
- We're bringing Sally back.
- As what?
As Sally.
Blood magic. For your friend's body.
You two are going through that door.
They're all dead. A human virus.
Any of our brothers who fed
from a tainted human, this...
(Josh): He's dying.
(Bird chirping)
(Fangs click)
Tell me where my son is...
and I'll let you rot from
your stinking disease.
Tell me about my son!
I'll find who did this to you.
I'll kill his sons and daughters.
Everyone he loves.
Make them beg me to end them.
And if any harm has come to your sister,
when I finish, it will
rain blood and ashes.
Then the leeches will know:
See a purebred and run.
This is supremely weird.
You were all dead, like, 10 minutes ago.
You should get a room, 'cause now you can.
Sorry, I just keep thinking
I'm gonna wake up in an insane asylum.
This isn't possible. You
can't bring back the dead.
And yet we brought back three of them,
two of whom are now wearing my clothes.
Thank you for getting my life back.
Now, be good to Zoe or
I'll break your face.
I will.
(Josh): Bye, Nick.
- Bye, Zoe.
- Bye, Zoe.
I'm gonna hit it too.
Hit it to where? You have no place to go.
And remember, you can't see
anyone from when you were alive,
before you were a ghost.
Donna said that would be a disaster.
I don't want to see
anyone from my old life.
I'm gonna hitchhike across
the country, lose my virginity.
Sounds like the great American novel
or a really great way to get
chopped up into little pieces,
but that's just me.
No, I agree with this guy for once.
Stevie, you have no money.
You have no place to stay.
You're gonna end up giving "tuggers"
under the bridge for 5 bucks a go.
Sally, we made it out of limbo!
We beat death!
I woke up in my coffin
while you guys rubbed some dude's blood
and other chunky bits on me.
I think I can handle Boston common.
Ok, well, at least let Josh give you
a couple hundred bucks to get by.
- Just a couple hundred dollars?
- No big deal.
So that's the going rate for getting by?
- Sounds about right.
- Yeah, ok.
- That's all I have.
- Thanks, dog!
Didn't mean it that way, sorry.
It's funny. We never got to
know each other before we died.
Look, you gave me a 2nd chance.
I promise I won't kill myself this time.
Just be happy, ok?
(Cell ringing)
Remember, it's all fixable,
no matter what happens.
(Ringing continues)
Oh my God.
(Birds chirping)
He's over there. I got him! I got him!
Aidan! Oh!
Whoa! Wait a second. Hold on, man!
- What?
- I can feel you.
♪ I got the body back ♪
It's a long, bloody story. Go.
Are you ok?
Clearly not ok. He looks like
a serial killer from the '70s.
Is she possessing a twin
that we didn't know she had?
- Are you?
- No, no. It's 100% me.
Josh saddled up with a witch
and sprung me out of limbo.
She never actually called herself a witch.
It's was actually pretty aweome
gruesome. They had to slather me
in blood sauce and drape me
like the bride of Frankenstein.
- Wait! Blood magic?
- I really hate that term.
Did they call surgery blood magic?
- Did you have to take a life?
- No!
Just killed Ray and cut out his heart.
Thank you for announcing that
to the parking lot, the patrons.
Can we freak out in the car?
You don't smell like dog anymore.
Yeah, that's... that's another thing.
What, are you human?
Yeah. Yeah, totally broke my brain too.
(Sirens in distance)
Ugh, blood bags.
Of course.
We need some Dom up in this piece!
Champagne's on the list.
The non-Dom kind.
I have been working on this
reunion menu for months.
Oh, I can see your face and
you're no longer terrifying!
So you didn't like the
Ulysses S. Grant look? My bad.
No, man. I liked it.
You looked like a young Moses. It was nice.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Sally, as the newest
member of the "hu-mom" race,
I think you should pick dessert.
I choose to not stay in like a corpse,
no offense to your menu.
Look you just got your life back.
I'm alive. Aidan's no
longer sealed in a coffin.
We're gonna tear it up tonight.
Well, the only place that
I'm gonna be tearing it up
is my storage unit.
It's a full moon. Sorry, Sally.
But you guys go. Have fun.
We'll talk about that. But, Sally,
what if you see somebody you know?
Didn't Donna say that you aren't
supposed to see anybody from your past.
Sorry, who's Donna?
(Both): The witch.
Look, I'm gonna have to
go out eventually, right?
I'll just wear a burqa or something.
A burqa.
Speaking of which, can
I borrow another outfit?
Not that you have burqa clothes.
Yes. Come on.
I'll show you something
from my slutty punk phase.
That's what I'm talking about.
I've never seen anything
from the slutty punk phase.
Good. Glad she's showing Sally.
- So, reanimated corpse?
- Mm-hmm.
But let's be honest,
I mean, you are also kind
of a reanimated corpse,
technically speaking, right?
Raising the dead. Uh,
you don't mess with that.
Yeah, believe me, my idea
of date night with Nora
was not digging up 4 corpses, ok?
Four corpses?
Four of them. It's insane. Yeah.
I just wanted to bring
Sally the ghost back, ok?
And somehow I ended up with the full monty.
To be honest, I am far more
worried about you right now.
I tried to find you, man.
I... I tracked down every vampire I could.
Nobody knew anything.
And then there were less and
less vampires every month. I...
I thought you were dead.
Well, I was 6 feet under.
But that saved me.
I've been stretching out the
blood bags every couple months,
hoping you'd be back, obviously.
I mean, you can drink
from me. I'm human now.
But I didn't know if there was, like,
werewolf traces left in me,
so I didn't want to give you a seizure.
I can't drink that, because
there's no way of knowing
whether the donor had the virus.
The virus? So it is in the blood supply.
Why are humans not affected by it?
There is this flu.
I had it. It knocked me on
my ass for, like, a week.
Right. Yeah, it knocks humans on their ass,
but it wipes out vampires.
And the way that you get it is by drinking
the blood of someone who had the flu.
So, Sally is rifling through
my closet like a teenager.
And I am gonna go pick up some raw sirloin
and try not to scarf it
all down in the parking lot.
Good. Really, treat yourself.
Ok, I'll see you later.
All right. Bye.
Bye. Bye.
How long have you two been living together?
Yeah, I guess we should probably talk
about the roommate situation, huh?
That's not what I mean. I...
It's just good to see you happy.
Yeah. It still blows my mind
that Nora doesn't hate me.
(Heart beating and Josh
talking, indistinct)
I'm what were you saying?
It's obviously not important, no.
I just... I'll catch
up with you guys later.
Yeah, great.
I gotta take care of some stuff.
I'll just go with you.
No, I can help you with the stuff.
- No, no, no. I got it.
- Aidan,
I spent the last year hunting down vampires
and interrogating them to find you.
You don't need to protect
me anymore. I'm fine.
Josh, um...
do you remember when you
didn't want us to see you turn?
Well, uh, there are still some things
that I don't want you to see.
(Siren in distance)
Yeah, Nora's off today.
Oh. Well, it's a family emergency.
Do you have an address for her
I might be able to reach her at?
We can't give out personal information.
But you can leave a
message on her voice-mail.
No, this, uh, this has
to be handled in person.
Where are you taking Sally tonight?
God! Uh...
I think I read about
this new bar in Copley.
Well, I want pictures.
Yeah, I'll text them to you, uh, mid-turn.
I know what you do...
all the full moons.
You drop me off, make this big show
of all the foreign
films you're gonna catch,
the artisanal ales you're gonna sample.
And then you sit there
outside the unit all night...
making sure that I'm ok.
My wolf can hear you and smell you.
Why didn't you say anything?
Because I knew you felt like
you were protecting me...
watching over me.
And that made you feel less
guilty about being human.
And it did comfort me.
Good, then I'll be there every time.
What we did to Ray,
it was for nothing
if you can't let yourself be free.
Right now, you're still
living like you're a wolf.
You don't have to save me anymore,
or Sally or Aidan.
Don't let us hold you back.
You don't hold me back.
You make me stronger.
You make me stronger too.
So go.
Leave me alone.
And for the love of God,
please take Sally shopping.
Because I'm pretty sure
that she's wearing my
favourite bra right now.
Haven't seen one of you guys in months.
But I got that bug that went around.
My blood's no good.
Ok. Um...
can I come in and talk to you for a minute?
My blood would kill you.
Got it, hon?
I've made all the rounds.
Could you put the word out?
There's gotta be someone with clean blood.
I don't know if he's even real,
but I heard of a guy...
Who is he? What's his name?
Where do I find him?
Um, we'll have the Maine lobster rolls
with truffle fries, Sushi platter,
and another one of these
insane pomegranate deals for me.
- (Waitress): Great!
- Thank you.
You look like you're about to cry.
Is this because I'm bankrupting you?
No! No.
- A little bit.
- Ok.
- But no, no. We're here.
- I know!
And you're actually
occupying physical space.
I don't have to be on
a Bluetooth to talk to you.
And this is the first full moon
that I've spent outside, out in the world,
since I no longer howl at it.
Get out.
I was always with Nora,
making sure she was safe.
- Josh!
- I know! I know! I know.
Well, this is our night.
What do you wanna do?
Aren't we doing it?
Josh, come on. Shoot for the moon!
So, what would I do if I could do anything?
(Clearing throat)
I would ask Nora to marry me.
- Yeah.
- That's so not where I was going with this.
How do I know that it's, uh, clean?
You can smell it, bro.
This blood just came
crying into this world.
Gotta keep you dudes alive
or there's nobody to sell it to.
Wait. Ho... ho... hold on for a second!
You sick son of a bitch.
Baby blood? There's a
special place in hell for you.
Yeah, well, I'll see you there, wolf.
(Sniffling and gasping)
I thought it was some crazy rumor.
How did you make it?
Get... get away from mother?
Not the first time I've had to
give up a little skin to survive.
Get up.
Get up.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I mean, it was... it was this year,
you know, Nora and I alone.
Uh, even the... even
the Ray thing, it just...
it... it made us closer.
Why not just keep living together?
Because if I'm really
free, if I'm really human,
then this is the most human thing
that I could possibly want.
Honestly, if she wasn't a wolf,
I would've done it already.
(Cocktail shaker rattling)
I love Nora.
It's not that.
But you just got human
and you haven't even enjoyed it yet.
Maybe you should just take a beat...
Oh God!
Oh God!
Sally Malik.
Oh God.
Uh, I think you...
I think you have the wrong person.
It's Trent. Trent Harris.
I, uh, I... I...
I really, um... what's the name again?
Holy mother! Sally, I was at your funeral.
Oh, wow!
This is your place?
I have taste.
You found him.
Aidan, this is my girlfriend, Emma.
(Heart beating, Aidan gasps)
Hi... miss.
Oh, wow. I'm sorry about the...
Being covered in blood?
Friggin' werewolves are a menace.
She knows about werewolves.
Henry's told me about them.
I can't believe this is your dad.
He's got, like 200 years on me.
Look closely. You can see it.
(All chuckling)
Two most important people in my life.
What a difference a year makes.
Danny was... he was nuts.
He was possessive and jealous and violent.
And so...
what I had to do was, um...
I had to fake my own
death to get away from him.
Holy crap. That's insane.
Yeah, it's insane.
It's completely unbelievable.
- Yeah.
- But nobody knew?
I mean, not even your family?
No. No, no, no.
Couldn't risk it. Yeah.
The whole think was like
a Watergate-level cover up.
I was a wreck at your funeral.
You were?
(* Man singing pop rock on
sound system, indistinct *)
Ok, um, Trent,
it's been really lovely
watching you guys catch up,
but Sally, it's... it's...
we gotta get going, 'cause
we gotta... we gotta...
we gotta let the cat in.
She's super sick.
Wait, you guys... you live together?
No, no, no. We're just roommates.
Um, you know what, though? Is... what...
I think... I think the cat's fine,
now that she's out of the bag, so to speak.
The cat's not fine. The cat's not fine.
We picked up a street cat.
Um, Ki... Kibby.
And we practically brought
her back from the dead.
And right now, it's probably
running around, reanimated,
with another... a bunch of other...
uh, cats from its former life,
which, for a cat...
is the worst thing she can do.
So, does Robbie know that you're alive?
- Robbie?
- Sally's brother.
We went to high school together,
that's how we know each other.
- You have a brother?
- Yeah, we don't talk.
Uh, actually, I don't know where he is.
But hey, I wanna know
more about my funeral.
Like, who gave the best eulogy,
who was dressed like a ho?
Josh, would you be a total mensch
and get me one of these,
uh, "pomegranini" thingies?
I really like them.
Boston's crawling with wolves now.
They go hunting on the full moon,
trying to pick off the few of us left.
How did you find me?
We're tight now, the leftovers.
We keep tabs on each other.
I knew as soon as you started
asking around for blood
figured you'd go to Tracy.
I got her to tell me where she sent you.
So Tracy is working for the wolves now.
Consider yourself lucky.
If you'd actually got
blood off the black market,
you'd be dead.
That whole trade's a scam.
You can't get guaranteed clean blood.
So how do you manage?
I got lucky.
I never got that flu.
It's good for both of us this way.
At least I can be sure Henry
isn't snacking on blood whores.
(All laughing)
Look at us. And you're about
to pass out on the couch here.
Emma will feed you tonight.
Just enough to get you back on your feet.
Josh, you should...
Who are you?
I apologize for the intrusion.
I'm Liam McLean, Connor and Bryon's father.
I came to find her.
- How did you know I was here?
- Bryon's brought your name up.
I thought she was joking
when she said you wolfed in.
This place is worse than a kennel.
We have a big place in New Hampshire,
which you'd be more than
welcome to use, if you like.
Didn't Brynn ever mention it?
Mr. McLean, I'm sorry,
but we can talk tomorrow.
You have to go now.
We're gonna be turning soon.
We still have some time.
You know, the one thing
my parents and my children
both agreed on is that...
I'm too impatient and, uh...
too direct.
Today, I found my...
dead son...
nailed to the wall, like...
like a rat.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I didn't know.
(Nora gasps)
No! Aaah!
Bryon's been out of contact for months.
I haven't been able to reach her.
I don't know where she is.
I haven't seen her in over a year.
She and I are very close.
(Exhaling slowly)
And you were the last
person she talked about.
She told me that you were a sister.
From Brynn, that's the highest praise.
I wish I knew more.
We were in New York for a while, upstate.
I haven't heard from her since.
Nora, I can smell your fear.
We ran together.
Those were the wildest...
most savage weeks of my life.
You think my daughter is a savage?
I couldn't keep up with her.
So I left.
All right.
What are you doing?
- We change together.
- No.
We'll kill each other! There's no room!
My wolf will find out
what kind of wolf you are,
if you can be trusted...
or if you're lying.
I'll know the truth of your character.
Someone's getting laid tonight.
That's one slamming ring.
(Woman on sound system):
* shake, bump it... *
You think so?
Can I?
Hey! We're out of here, chief.
I'm taking Trent back to
the house like a goodie bag.
Our house?
Yeah, well, we've already
been making out at the table,
so do you mind if we go?
Just give us a couple hours' lead time?
One, two, maybe three?
You can't bone Trent!
- You can't...
- Josh!
Donna said you can't
see anyone from your past.
That's already been blown to hell!
24 hours ago, you looked
like Norman Bates's mother.
Ok? I don't even know if
you can have... relations.
Are you saying that my insides
are full of dust and cobwebs?
No. No. I'm just saying I...
I have no clue
how a reanimated body functions.
Stop calling me "reanimated".
It makes me sound like a zombie.
Right. You're right. You're right.
All right, you're alive.
And you're lovely.
And you are not wearing
that "fugly" sweater anymore.
So go. So go bone. Bone away.
Yes. Thank you! Amazing.
Now, uh, do you have,
like, a stash of condoms?
Because judging by the tingly feeling I get
every time Trent brushes up against me,
I'm pretty sure relations
are fully achievable.
You know what I'm saying?
(Clearing throat, sniffs)
You ok with this?
(Exhales sharply)
It's always so friggin' hot in here.
Ok, well, you know,
I'll open up the window.
Uh, these don't open.
I'm usually pretty chill about it,
but sometimes I get a little stir-crazy.
Well, maybe afterward we can
all go for a beer or something.
I can't. I can catch something out there.
When was the last time that you went out?
Just hurry up and do it.
What is that?
What is this?
You tried to kill yourself?
(Whispering): Henry never lets you out?
I'm gonna die in here, aren't I?
Like a mouse in a cage.
I... I...
I can't even remember
what the wind feels like,
what my mom sounds like and...
my sister! I gotta get out of here!
Wait. It's ok.
No! No! No!
Look at me. Emma! Look at me.
You're safe here.
You're calm, content.
Nothing bad happens to you here.
You wanna be here.
You love me.
(Aidan grunts)
You would do anything for me...
just as I would do for you.
Why don't you have a nap?
How long have you kept her compelled?
You can't keep her
prisoner like a milk cow.
I can't let Emma go outside and get sick.
Emma wants to do this for me.
She gets off on it,
just like you and Celine.
I never told you about Celine.
No, everyone else did. Do you know why?
Because it was a good idea.
I never forced Celine.
I never locked her inside a box!
This is the new normal, Aidan.
- You eat on the street, you die.
- Ok.
(Stammering, sighing)
There's gotta be another option.
You are so out of touch right now.
- I can't even be mad.
- Henry...
Aidan, we should be celebrating,
not fighting.
You just got dug up
from a year underground.
You get a little something to eat,
the whole world's gonna
look a lot brighter.
No, I don't... I don't think that it will.
* Don't be afraid to say anything, baby *
* don't be afraid to
say anything unwise... *
Do you wanna come in?
Um, I think I should just go.
Ok, is it because I faked my own death?
I'm not crazy, I swear.
And I'm not damaged, if
that's what you think.
Do you think I'm damaged?
No, no. I was actually
thinking it was the gin.
I, uh, I just feel weird all of a sudden.
You want some water?
No. Um...
I wanna take you out tomorrow.
Have you ever been climbing?
Um, like, uh,
like plastic walls and toeholds?
Oh no, I'm talking granite and ropes.
Most fun you've had tied up, I promise.
(Both chuckling)
Ok. All right.
That sounds super dangerous.
Be a shame if I fell and
died for real this time.
I won't let you fall.
* Don't be afraid to say anything, baby *
* don't be afraid to say anything unwise *
* there's nothing I'd
rather do than say maybe *
* nothing I'd rather be than be untied *
(Man laughing)
* From nothing to one *
* I'm upstairs *
* From nothing to one *
* I'm here *
* from nothing to one *
* I'm upstairs *
Thank you.
* From nothing to one *
* I'm scared *
Maybe it's for the best that
Trent almost barfed on me.
Yeah. I was moving a little fast.
I knew there was a chance I
would run into someone tonight.
Uh, so you wanted to
give someone that you knew
a heart attack?
It just felt so good for someone to see me.
See me, Sally Malik,
not some random meat suit
I happen to be wearing.
And seeing Trent, it just
made it feel more real.
'Cause this doesn't totally
feel real that I'm here.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
- Do you need to eat?
- Hmm? What?
You've got that, uh, waxy,
heroin-chic look going on.
Oh! No.
Do you wanna try me?
Josh isn't the only martyr around here.
You know what? No.
That's because you've
been raised from the dead,
as I understand it, it's
like drinking vampire blood,
so I wouldn't get any real
sustenance from you, so...
You'd tell us if you
were in trouble, right?
Oh yeah.
This is what you do. You're
all stoic and withholding,
trying to take care of
everything on your own,
and then you end up
getting buried for a year,
worrying Josh sick.
Oh, not unlike you taking
matters into your own hands,
committing ghost suicide
and getting stranded
in limbo without a plan
and worrying Josh sick.
Yeah, just like that.
The point is,
is that all the awful, terrible things
you think that I can't handle,
I've lived them.
Oh! Wow!
I just... I can't get over
the fact that I can touch you. It's...
You're less cold than I thought you'd be.
Ok, that's weird.
No, that's not weird.
Uh, it's just the fact that you're...
- I'm solid.
- Yes.
- And you're solid.
- Yes.
Just, the bottom line is we're damn lucky.
We can do everything right this time.
(Birds chirping)
(Footsteps on stairs)
Ok, so one thing I do
miss about being a ghost
is I woke up this morning,
tried to whoosh myself down here,
and fell onto my face.
Did you sleep down here?
- No, I didn't sleep.
- Huh!
Uh, walked around downtown all night
- because I... could.
- Hmm!
Except when it seemed
like I was gonna get mugged
and then I ran home fast.
Hey, let's go for breakfast.
We've never done that.
Let's just go for a big, fat,
greasy, pork, human breakfast.
- That sounds good.
- I know.
I have to go let Nora out.
And ask her to marry me.
- Today?
- Definitely.
Like right now?
Yeah, I mean, I don't
have a ring or anything,
but I think, like,
a full-on, down-on-one-knee-
proposal with the velvet box
might freak her out, because, you know,
we've never actually talked about it, so...
Josh, do not propose to Nora this morning.
She will punch you in the nuts.
I know it sounds crazy.
- It is crazy.
- It's symbolic.
It's "I... I love you for what you are.
I don't care about the wolf."
Josh, no woman wants to be proposed to
after being a werewolf all night.
This is gonna be your story?
This is what she's
gonna tell her grandkids?
"Josh proposed while I was
naked and beat-up looking
with a little bit of
my feces smeared on me."
I'll stay flexible.
Dude, don't.
I spent all night last night
looking at the full moon,
thinking to myself:
"Oh my God. I'm so lucky
I got my life back."
I have Nora. I don't mop urine anymore.
There are no guarantees when
you enter into a marriage.
But at a certain point,
you just have to leap
and deal with what comes.
(Siren approaching)
(Man on CB, indistinct)
Josh, that's Trent.
Oh my God!
Is this because you zombie-screwed him?
I didn't touch him!
I mean, we... we kissed.
He said he was feeling sick.
He could've had a heart attack.
He... an aneurism.
He could've... alcohol poisoning.
Sally. Sally, this is what
Donna was warning us about.
This is why you can't see
anybody from your past.
They die.
Emma? Emma!
(Children shouting, dog barking)
I let her go. I set her free.
- Tell me where she is!
- It's too late.
Because even if you found her
how could you know she wasn't exposed?
Son of a bitch! What is wrong with you?
You can't keep a human being
pent up like some animal,
cut off from everything she loves,
not allowed to take a free breath outside.
I did.
(Exhales sharply)
Do you wanna die?
Is this some kind of death wish
because of how you lost Suren?
(Bird chirping)
Henry, just wait.
You know, underground, it was weeks,
I don't know, maybe months,
all I could think about was revenge.
Baroque, detailed plans, great plans,
about how I would torment
and eventually kill mother.
Sounds wrong? That's how we were trained.
But all I accomplished was
to make myself more angry,
until I was insane with rage, guilt,
trying to pull my own eyes out.
But then I started to dry up
from that year of binging on life,
a year of killing.
I started to hallucinate
about Josh and Sally,
about the life that I was trying to build
before mother came back.
Henry, mother's dead.
So what have I got?
All those people that we killed,
that we used,
I can't live the way that I did
for the year before I went to ground.
You can't make that choice for me.
I know. You're right, I can't.
But you are better than that, Henry.
I know you are.
We can make this work,
because you're a survivor and so am I.
We're not gonna survive this.
♪ I climbed too high ♪
* I thought that I could find a place *
Oh no. Nora!
Now, Josh! It's the only
way to cure both of us!
(All grunting)
What if it didn't cure us?
- We're bringing Sally back.
- As what?
As Sally.
Blood magic. For your friend's body.
You two are going through that door.
They're all dead. A human virus.
Any of our brothers who fed
from a tainted human, this...
(Josh): He's dying.
(Bird chirping)
(Fangs click)
Tell me where my son is...
and I'll let you rot from
your stinking disease.
Tell me about my son!
I'll find who did this to you.
I'll kill his sons and daughters.
Everyone he loves.
Make them beg me to end them.
And if any harm has come to your sister,
when I finish, it will
rain blood and ashes.
Then the leeches will know:
See a purebred and run.
This is supremely weird.
You were all dead, like, 10 minutes ago.
You should get a room, 'cause now you can.
Sorry, I just keep thinking
I'm gonna wake up in an insane asylum.
This isn't possible. You
can't bring back the dead.
And yet we brought back three of them,
two of whom are now wearing my clothes.
Thank you for getting my life back.
Now, be good to Zoe or
I'll break your face.
I will.
(Josh): Bye, Nick.
- Bye, Zoe.
- Bye, Zoe.
I'm gonna hit it too.
Hit it to where? You have no place to go.
And remember, you can't see
anyone from when you were alive,
before you were a ghost.
Donna said that would be a disaster.
I don't want to see
anyone from my old life.
I'm gonna hitchhike across
the country, lose my virginity.
Sounds like the great American novel
or a really great way to get
chopped up into little pieces,
but that's just me.
No, I agree with this guy for once.
Stevie, you have no money.
You have no place to stay.
You're gonna end up giving "tuggers"
under the bridge for 5 bucks a go.
Sally, we made it out of limbo!
We beat death!
I woke up in my coffin
while you guys rubbed some dude's blood
and other chunky bits on me.
I think I can handle Boston common.
Ok, well, at least let Josh give you
a couple hundred bucks to get by.
- Just a couple hundred dollars?
- No big deal.
So that's the going rate for getting by?
- Sounds about right.
- Yeah, ok.
- That's all I have.
- Thanks, dog!
Didn't mean it that way, sorry.
It's funny. We never got to
know each other before we died.
Look, you gave me a 2nd chance.
I promise I won't kill myself this time.
Just be happy, ok?
(Cell ringing)
Remember, it's all fixable,
no matter what happens.
(Ringing continues)
Oh my God.
(Birds chirping)
He's over there. I got him! I got him!
Aidan! Oh!
Whoa! Wait a second. Hold on, man!
- What?
- I can feel you.
♪ I got the body back ♪
It's a long, bloody story. Go.
Are you ok?
Clearly not ok. He looks like
a serial killer from the '70s.
Is she possessing a twin
that we didn't know she had?
- Are you?
- No, no. It's 100% me.
Josh saddled up with a witch
and sprung me out of limbo.
She never actually called herself a witch.
It's was actually pretty aweome
gruesome. They had to slather me
in blood sauce and drape me
like the bride of Frankenstein.
- Wait! Blood magic?
- I really hate that term.
Did they call surgery blood magic?
- Did you have to take a life?
- No!
Just killed Ray and cut out his heart.
Thank you for announcing that
to the parking lot, the patrons.
Can we freak out in the car?
You don't smell like dog anymore.
Yeah, that's... that's another thing.
What, are you human?
Yeah. Yeah, totally broke my brain too.
(Sirens in distance)
Ugh, blood bags.
Of course.
We need some Dom up in this piece!
Champagne's on the list.
The non-Dom kind.
I have been working on this
reunion menu for months.
Oh, I can see your face and
you're no longer terrifying!
So you didn't like the
Ulysses S. Grant look? My bad.
No, man. I liked it.
You looked like a young Moses. It was nice.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Sally, as the newest
member of the "hu-mom" race,
I think you should pick dessert.
I choose to not stay in like a corpse,
no offense to your menu.
Look you just got your life back.
I'm alive. Aidan's no
longer sealed in a coffin.
We're gonna tear it up tonight.
Well, the only place that
I'm gonna be tearing it up
is my storage unit.
It's a full moon. Sorry, Sally.
But you guys go. Have fun.
We'll talk about that. But, Sally,
what if you see somebody you know?
Didn't Donna say that you aren't
supposed to see anybody from your past.
Sorry, who's Donna?
(Both): The witch.
Look, I'm gonna have to
go out eventually, right?
I'll just wear a burqa or something.
A burqa.
Speaking of which, can
I borrow another outfit?
Not that you have burqa clothes.
Yes. Come on.
I'll show you something
from my slutty punk phase.
That's what I'm talking about.
I've never seen anything
from the slutty punk phase.
Good. Glad she's showing Sally.
- So, reanimated corpse?
- Mm-hmm.
But let's be honest,
I mean, you are also kind
of a reanimated corpse,
technically speaking, right?
Raising the dead. Uh,
you don't mess with that.
Yeah, believe me, my idea
of date night with Nora
was not digging up 4 corpses, ok?
Four corpses?
Four of them. It's insane. Yeah.
I just wanted to bring
Sally the ghost back, ok?
And somehow I ended up with the full monty.
To be honest, I am far more
worried about you right now.
I tried to find you, man.
I... I tracked down every vampire I could.
Nobody knew anything.
And then there were less and
less vampires every month. I...
I thought you were dead.
Well, I was 6 feet under.
But that saved me.
I've been stretching out the
blood bags every couple months,
hoping you'd be back, obviously.
I mean, you can drink
from me. I'm human now.
But I didn't know if there was, like,
werewolf traces left in me,
so I didn't want to give you a seizure.
I can't drink that, because
there's no way of knowing
whether the donor had the virus.
The virus? So it is in the blood supply.
Why are humans not affected by it?
There is this flu.
I had it. It knocked me on
my ass for, like, a week.
Right. Yeah, it knocks humans on their ass,
but it wipes out vampires.
And the way that you get it is by drinking
the blood of someone who had the flu.
So, Sally is rifling through
my closet like a teenager.
And I am gonna go pick up some raw sirloin
and try not to scarf it
all down in the parking lot.
Good. Really, treat yourself.
Ok, I'll see you later.
All right. Bye.
Bye. Bye.
How long have you two been living together?
Yeah, I guess we should probably talk
about the roommate situation, huh?
That's not what I mean. I...
It's just good to see you happy.
Yeah. It still blows my mind
that Nora doesn't hate me.
(Heart beating and Josh
talking, indistinct)
I'm what were you saying?
It's obviously not important, no.
I just... I'll catch
up with you guys later.
Yeah, great.
I gotta take care of some stuff.
I'll just go with you.
No, I can help you with the stuff.
- No, no, no. I got it.
- Aidan,
I spent the last year hunting down vampires
and interrogating them to find you.
You don't need to protect
me anymore. I'm fine.
Josh, um...
do you remember when you
didn't want us to see you turn?
Well, uh, there are still some things
that I don't want you to see.
(Siren in distance)
Yeah, Nora's off today.
Oh. Well, it's a family emergency.
Do you have an address for her
I might be able to reach her at?
We can't give out personal information.
But you can leave a
message on her voice-mail.
No, this, uh, this has
to be handled in person.
Where are you taking Sally tonight?
God! Uh...
I think I read about
this new bar in Copley.
Well, I want pictures.
Yeah, I'll text them to you, uh, mid-turn.
I know what you do...
all the full moons.
You drop me off, make this big show
of all the foreign
films you're gonna catch,
the artisanal ales you're gonna sample.
And then you sit there
outside the unit all night...
making sure that I'm ok.
My wolf can hear you and smell you.
Why didn't you say anything?
Because I knew you felt like
you were protecting me...
watching over me.
And that made you feel less
guilty about being human.
And it did comfort me.
Good, then I'll be there every time.
What we did to Ray,
it was for nothing
if you can't let yourself be free.
Right now, you're still
living like you're a wolf.
You don't have to save me anymore,
or Sally or Aidan.
Don't let us hold you back.
You don't hold me back.
You make me stronger.
You make me stronger too.
So go.
Leave me alone.
And for the love of God,
please take Sally shopping.
Because I'm pretty sure
that she's wearing my
favourite bra right now.
Haven't seen one of you guys in months.
But I got that bug that went around.
My blood's no good.
Ok. Um...
can I come in and talk to you for a minute?
My blood would kill you.
Got it, hon?
I've made all the rounds.
Could you put the word out?
There's gotta be someone with clean blood.
I don't know if he's even real,
but I heard of a guy...
Who is he? What's his name?
Where do I find him?
Um, we'll have the Maine lobster rolls
with truffle fries, Sushi platter,
and another one of these
insane pomegranate deals for me.
- (Waitress): Great!
- Thank you.
You look like you're about to cry.
Is this because I'm bankrupting you?
No! No.
- A little bit.
- Ok.
- But no, no. We're here.
- I know!
And you're actually
occupying physical space.
I don't have to be on
a Bluetooth to talk to you.
And this is the first full moon
that I've spent outside, out in the world,
since I no longer howl at it.
Get out.
I was always with Nora,
making sure she was safe.
- Josh!
- I know! I know! I know.
Well, this is our night.
What do you wanna do?
Aren't we doing it?
Josh, come on. Shoot for the moon!
So, what would I do if I could do anything?
(Clearing throat)
I would ask Nora to marry me.
- Yeah.
- That's so not where I was going with this.
How do I know that it's, uh, clean?
You can smell it, bro.
This blood just came
crying into this world.
Gotta keep you dudes alive
or there's nobody to sell it to.
Wait. Ho... ho... hold on for a second!
You sick son of a bitch.
Baby blood? There's a
special place in hell for you.
Yeah, well, I'll see you there, wolf.
(Sniffling and gasping)
I thought it was some crazy rumor.
How did you make it?
Get... get away from mother?
Not the first time I've had to
give up a little skin to survive.
Get up.
Get up.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I mean, it was... it was this year,
you know, Nora and I alone.
Uh, even the... even
the Ray thing, it just...
it... it made us closer.
Why not just keep living together?
Because if I'm really
free, if I'm really human,
then this is the most human thing
that I could possibly want.
Honestly, if she wasn't a wolf,
I would've done it already.
(Cocktail shaker rattling)
I love Nora.
It's not that.
But you just got human
and you haven't even enjoyed it yet.
Maybe you should just take a beat...
Oh God!
Oh God!
Sally Malik.
Oh God.
Uh, I think you...
I think you have the wrong person.
It's Trent. Trent Harris.
I, uh, I... I...
I really, um... what's the name again?
Holy mother! Sally, I was at your funeral.
Oh, wow!
This is your place?
I have taste.
You found him.
Aidan, this is my girlfriend, Emma.
(Heart beating, Aidan gasps)
Hi... miss.
Oh, wow. I'm sorry about the...
Being covered in blood?
Friggin' werewolves are a menace.
She knows about werewolves.
Henry's told me about them.
I can't believe this is your dad.
He's got, like 200 years on me.
Look closely. You can see it.
(All chuckling)
Two most important people in my life.
What a difference a year makes.
Danny was... he was nuts.
He was possessive and jealous and violent.
And so...
what I had to do was, um...
I had to fake my own
death to get away from him.
Holy crap. That's insane.
Yeah, it's insane.
It's completely unbelievable.
- Yeah.
- But nobody knew?
I mean, not even your family?
No. No, no, no.
Couldn't risk it. Yeah.
The whole think was like
a Watergate-level cover up.
I was a wreck at your funeral.
You were?
(* Man singing pop rock on
sound system, indistinct *)
Ok, um, Trent,
it's been really lovely
watching you guys catch up,
but Sally, it's... it's...
we gotta get going, 'cause
we gotta... we gotta...
we gotta let the cat in.
She's super sick.
Wait, you guys... you live together?
No, no, no. We're just roommates.
Um, you know what, though? Is... what...
I think... I think the cat's fine,
now that she's out of the bag, so to speak.
The cat's not fine. The cat's not fine.
We picked up a street cat.
Um, Ki... Kibby.
And we practically brought
her back from the dead.
And right now, it's probably
running around, reanimated,
with another... a bunch of other...
uh, cats from its former life,
which, for a cat...
is the worst thing she can do.
So, does Robbie know that you're alive?
- Robbie?
- Sally's brother.
We went to high school together,
that's how we know each other.
- You have a brother?
- Yeah, we don't talk.
Uh, actually, I don't know where he is.
But hey, I wanna know
more about my funeral.
Like, who gave the best eulogy,
who was dressed like a ho?
Josh, would you be a total mensch
and get me one of these,
uh, "pomegranini" thingies?
I really like them.
Boston's crawling with wolves now.
They go hunting on the full moon,
trying to pick off the few of us left.
How did you find me?
We're tight now, the leftovers.
We keep tabs on each other.
I knew as soon as you started
asking around for blood
figured you'd go to Tracy.
I got her to tell me where she sent you.
So Tracy is working for the wolves now.
Consider yourself lucky.
If you'd actually got
blood off the black market,
you'd be dead.
That whole trade's a scam.
You can't get guaranteed clean blood.
So how do you manage?
I got lucky.
I never got that flu.
It's good for both of us this way.
At least I can be sure Henry
isn't snacking on blood whores.
(All laughing)
Look at us. And you're about
to pass out on the couch here.
Emma will feed you tonight.
Just enough to get you back on your feet.
Josh, you should...
Who are you?
I apologize for the intrusion.
I'm Liam McLean, Connor and Bryon's father.
I came to find her.
- How did you know I was here?
- Bryon's brought your name up.
I thought she was joking
when she said you wolfed in.
This place is worse than a kennel.
We have a big place in New Hampshire,
which you'd be more than
welcome to use, if you like.
Didn't Brynn ever mention it?
Mr. McLean, I'm sorry,
but we can talk tomorrow.
You have to go now.
We're gonna be turning soon.
We still have some time.
You know, the one thing
my parents and my children
both agreed on is that...
I'm too impatient and, uh...
too direct.
Today, I found my...
dead son...
nailed to the wall, like...
like a rat.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I didn't know.
(Nora gasps)
No! Aaah!
Bryon's been out of contact for months.
I haven't been able to reach her.
I don't know where she is.
I haven't seen her in over a year.
She and I are very close.
(Exhaling slowly)
And you were the last
person she talked about.
She told me that you were a sister.
From Brynn, that's the highest praise.
I wish I knew more.
We were in New York for a while, upstate.
I haven't heard from her since.
Nora, I can smell your fear.
We ran together.
Those were the wildest...
most savage weeks of my life.
You think my daughter is a savage?
I couldn't keep up with her.
So I left.
All right.
What are you doing?
- We change together.
- No.
We'll kill each other! There's no room!
My wolf will find out
what kind of wolf you are,
if you can be trusted...
or if you're lying.
I'll know the truth of your character.
Someone's getting laid tonight.
That's one slamming ring.
(Woman on sound system):
* shake, bump it... *
You think so?
Can I?
Hey! We're out of here, chief.
I'm taking Trent back to
the house like a goodie bag.
Our house?
Yeah, well, we've already
been making out at the table,
so do you mind if we go?
Just give us a couple hours' lead time?
One, two, maybe three?
You can't bone Trent!
- You can't...
- Josh!
Donna said you can't
see anyone from your past.
That's already been blown to hell!
24 hours ago, you looked
like Norman Bates's mother.
Ok? I don't even know if
you can have... relations.
Are you saying that my insides
are full of dust and cobwebs?
No. No. I'm just saying I...
I have no clue
how a reanimated body functions.
Stop calling me "reanimated".
It makes me sound like a zombie.
Right. You're right. You're right.
All right, you're alive.
And you're lovely.
And you are not wearing
that "fugly" sweater anymore.
So go. So go bone. Bone away.
Yes. Thank you! Amazing.
Now, uh, do you have,
like, a stash of condoms?
Because judging by the tingly feeling I get
every time Trent brushes up against me,
I'm pretty sure relations
are fully achievable.
You know what I'm saying?
(Clearing throat, sniffs)
You ok with this?
(Exhales sharply)
It's always so friggin' hot in here.
Ok, well, you know,
I'll open up the window.
Uh, these don't open.
I'm usually pretty chill about it,
but sometimes I get a little stir-crazy.
Well, maybe afterward we can
all go for a beer or something.
I can't. I can catch something out there.
When was the last time that you went out?
Just hurry up and do it.
What is that?
What is this?
You tried to kill yourself?
(Whispering): Henry never lets you out?
I'm gonna die in here, aren't I?
Like a mouse in a cage.
I... I...
I can't even remember
what the wind feels like,
what my mom sounds like and...
my sister! I gotta get out of here!
Wait. It's ok.
No! No! No!
Look at me. Emma! Look at me.
You're safe here.
You're calm, content.
Nothing bad happens to you here.
You wanna be here.
You love me.
(Aidan grunts)
You would do anything for me...
just as I would do for you.
Why don't you have a nap?
How long have you kept her compelled?
You can't keep her
prisoner like a milk cow.
I can't let Emma go outside and get sick.
Emma wants to do this for me.
She gets off on it,
just like you and Celine.
I never told you about Celine.
No, everyone else did. Do you know why?
Because it was a good idea.
I never forced Celine.
I never locked her inside a box!
This is the new normal, Aidan.
- You eat on the street, you die.
- Ok.
(Stammering, sighing)
There's gotta be another option.
You are so out of touch right now.
- I can't even be mad.
- Henry...
Aidan, we should be celebrating,
not fighting.
You just got dug up
from a year underground.
You get a little something to eat,
the whole world's gonna
look a lot brighter.
No, I don't... I don't think that it will.
* Don't be afraid to say anything, baby *
* don't be afraid to
say anything unwise... *
Do you wanna come in?
Um, I think I should just go.
Ok, is it because I faked my own death?
I'm not crazy, I swear.
And I'm not damaged, if
that's what you think.
Do you think I'm damaged?
No, no. I was actually
thinking it was the gin.
I, uh, I just feel weird all of a sudden.
You want some water?
No. Um...
I wanna take you out tomorrow.
Have you ever been climbing?
Um, like, uh,
like plastic walls and toeholds?
Oh no, I'm talking granite and ropes.
Most fun you've had tied up, I promise.
(Both chuckling)
Ok. All right.
That sounds super dangerous.
Be a shame if I fell and
died for real this time.
I won't let you fall.
* Don't be afraid to say anything, baby *
* don't be afraid to say anything unwise *
* there's nothing I'd
rather do than say maybe *
* nothing I'd rather be than be untied *
(Man laughing)
* From nothing to one *
* I'm upstairs *
* From nothing to one *
* I'm here *
* from nothing to one *
* I'm upstairs *
Thank you.
* From nothing to one *
* I'm scared *
Maybe it's for the best that
Trent almost barfed on me.
Yeah. I was moving a little fast.
I knew there was a chance I
would run into someone tonight.
Uh, so you wanted to
give someone that you knew
a heart attack?
It just felt so good for someone to see me.
See me, Sally Malik,
not some random meat suit
I happen to be wearing.
And seeing Trent, it just
made it feel more real.
'Cause this doesn't totally
feel real that I'm here.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
- Do you need to eat?
- Hmm? What?
You've got that, uh, waxy,
heroin-chic look going on.
Oh! No.
Do you wanna try me?
Josh isn't the only martyr around here.
You know what? No.
That's because you've
been raised from the dead,
as I understand it, it's
like drinking vampire blood,
so I wouldn't get any real
sustenance from you, so...
You'd tell us if you
were in trouble, right?
Oh yeah.
This is what you do. You're
all stoic and withholding,
trying to take care of
everything on your own,
and then you end up
getting buried for a year,
worrying Josh sick.
Oh, not unlike you taking
matters into your own hands,
committing ghost suicide
and getting stranded
in limbo without a plan
and worrying Josh sick.
Yeah, just like that.
The point is,
is that all the awful, terrible things
you think that I can't handle,
I've lived them.
Oh! Wow!
I just... I can't get over
the fact that I can touch you. It's...
You're less cold than I thought you'd be.
Ok, that's weird.
No, that's not weird.
Uh, it's just the fact that you're...
- I'm solid.
- Yes.
- And you're solid.
- Yes.
Just, the bottom line is we're damn lucky.
We can do everything right this time.
(Birds chirping)
(Footsteps on stairs)
Ok, so one thing I do
miss about being a ghost
is I woke up this morning,
tried to whoosh myself down here,
and fell onto my face.
Did you sleep down here?
- No, I didn't sleep.
- Huh!
Uh, walked around downtown all night
- because I... could.
- Hmm!
Except when it seemed
like I was gonna get mugged
and then I ran home fast.
Hey, let's go for breakfast.
We've never done that.
Let's just go for a big, fat,
greasy, pork, human breakfast.
- That sounds good.
- I know.
I have to go let Nora out.
And ask her to marry me.
- Today?
- Definitely.
Like right now?
Yeah, I mean, I don't
have a ring or anything,
but I think, like,
a full-on, down-on-one-knee-
proposal with the velvet box
might freak her out, because, you know,
we've never actually talked about it, so...
Josh, do not propose to Nora this morning.
She will punch you in the nuts.
I know it sounds crazy.
- It is crazy.
- It's symbolic.
It's "I... I love you for what you are.
I don't care about the wolf."
Josh, no woman wants to be proposed to
after being a werewolf all night.
This is gonna be your story?
This is what she's
gonna tell her grandkids?
"Josh proposed while I was
naked and beat-up looking
with a little bit of
my feces smeared on me."
I'll stay flexible.
Dude, don't.
I spent all night last night
looking at the full moon,
thinking to myself:
"Oh my God. I'm so lucky
I got my life back."
I have Nora. I don't mop urine anymore.
There are no guarantees when
you enter into a marriage.
But at a certain point,
you just have to leap
and deal with what comes.
(Siren approaching)
(Man on CB, indistinct)
Josh, that's Trent.
Oh my God!
Is this because you zombie-screwed him?
I didn't touch him!
I mean, we... we kissed.
He said he was feeling sick.
He could've had a heart attack.
He... an aneurism.
He could've... alcohol poisoning.
Sally. Sally, this is what
Donna was warning us about.
This is why you can't see
anybody from your past.
They die.
Emma? Emma!
(Children shouting, dog barking)
I let her go. I set her free.
- Tell me where she is!
- It's too late.
Because even if you found her
how could you know she wasn't exposed?
Son of a bitch! What is wrong with you?
You can't keep a human being
pent up like some animal,
cut off from everything she loves,
not allowed to take a free breath outside.
I did.
(Exhales sharply)
Do you wanna die?
Is this some kind of death wish
because of how you lost Suren?
(Bird chirping)
Henry, just wait.
You know, underground, it was weeks,
I don't know, maybe months,
all I could think about was revenge.
Baroque, detailed plans, great plans,
about how I would torment
and eventually kill mother.
Sounds wrong? That's how we were trained.
But all I accomplished was
to make myself more angry,
until I was insane with rage, guilt,
trying to pull my own eyes out.
But then I started to dry up
from that year of binging on life,
a year of killing.
I started to hallucinate
about Josh and Sally,
about the life that I was trying to build
before mother came back.
Henry, mother's dead.
So what have I got?
All those people that we killed,
that we used,
I can't live the way that I did
for the year before I went to ground.
You can't make that choice for me.
I know. You're right, I can't.
But you are better than that, Henry.
I know you are.
We can make this work,
because you're a survivor and so am I.
We're not gonna survive this.
♪ I climbed too high ♪
* I thought that I could find a place *
Oh no. Nora!