Being Human (2011–2014): Season 1, Episode 7 - I See Your True Colors and That's Why I Hate You - full transcript

Josh's family reunion is a disaster; Aidan fights for his friends' safety; Sally loses Bridget to Danny.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Being Human"...

I lost my engagement ring.

- Where the hell is it?
- Ah!

Danny killed me.

Are you messing with me?


I wanna shake his very existence.

- Unh!
- There's an order now.

There's Bishop and there's me.

What's it gonna be?
Us or them?

I choose them.

- I told Mom and Dad I saw you.
- What did you tell them?

My sweet brother went mad.

Can I help you with that?


- Oh my God!
- Oh no!

♪ If you're gonna lie ♪

There's a reason
monsters hide under the bed.

♪ I'll take you back home... ♪

We're more scared of you
than you are of us.

That look on your face,

that scream on your lips
when you eventually see us...

it's enough to make us forget

we were ever humans at all.

She has a pretty bad
gash on her head...

some bumps and bruises.

And, um, where exactly were you?

I am going to find who did this.

And what? Kill them?

She was drunk, Aidan.

Some guy came on to her in an alley.

She probably pissed him off.

And he was probably drunk,

which is why I asked you to watch her.


just don't do anything.

Josh, I... I'm sorry.

Phone call
please, Dr. Roberts.

Phone call please.

What did Emily say about
the man who attacked her?

What? I don't know.

What did he look like?

I don't know.
He offered her a light.

That it's?
That's all he said?

He gave her some fake creeper name.

Marcus, Michael, I don't know.

He said "Marcus"?

I never thought

you would stoop to this,
cleaning up Marcus' mess.

Marcus' mess?

- He needs to be punished.
- For what exactly?

Your roommate coldcocking
him in an alley

or because you started doggy
daycare in the first place?

- Marcus beats up
19-year-old girls.

That's the program you're running now?

The program is a little bit different
since the last time I saw you.

It is out of control, even for you.

Oh, I'm in control. You're
the one who's slipping, Aidan.

Marcus was provoked by
a lesser being. He retaliated.

Time was, you would've
done the same thing.

You know we arrested
somebody last week

whose pit bull killed a little girl?

You let your dog run wild, Aidan.

The rest is justice.

You and Emily need to get out of town.

What? Why?

Because you can't be a werewolf

and tear up a vampire
on their own turf.

Do you know what you've
brought on yourself, on us?

- Wait. What?
- Marcus.

Mm-hmm, yeah. Josh,
the one who jumped Emily,

he is a vampire and
he is one of the worst.

How do you know that?

That cop you talked to...
I tried to tell you.

Josh, there is an order
to things, and Bishop...

He's a vampire too?
God, Aidan!

Shut up! Shut up!

You and Emily, you need to leave town.

And I need to fix this.

It's that
shred of humanity

that makes us eventually crawl
out from under the stairs

and show ourselves to you.

Because even a monster can
be afraid of the darkness.


Bridge. I'm here.

Can you hear me?

I know what he's doing
to you. You're not alone.


Come on, just hear me out.

Really, you can't hear me?

I'm a ghost. I transcend
pseudohippie rock.

Leave me alone!

Do you hear me?

Get out of this house.

Get out of my head.

Just leave me the hell alone!


I'm not going anywhere.
I'm fine.

I'm not even on the good painkillers.

We're going to the house,

we're getting your things
and we're going.


We'll figure it out.

It's not safe here, Em.

That... guy
who jumped you...

he's still out there.

- Oh God! He was some douche
I jock-walked, OK?

He's not a mass murderer.

Em, just... please.

Only if you take me one place.

Yes, of course.


What's going on? I know
we haven't had a chance...

I think Danny's hurting
Bridget and he's a psycho.

I went over there to tell her
that he's a total psycho

and she told me to screw off.

And I feel horrible 'cause
I gave her the blessing

to be with him in the first place.

You didn't know that
he was a psycho, so...

I didn't subconsciously know?

I didn't deliberately trick
Bridget into dating him

because I'm really a horrible,
vengeful ghost

and I wanted her to suffer like I did?

- No!
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, no, you're a vampire

and also a ghost whisperer.

You don't know that.

What if this is about
finding your door?

What if part of your closure
is protecting Bridget?

Like condoms on a bed stand?

From Danny.

How am I supposed to help Bridget

if she doesn't want my help?

Maybe she isn't strong enough
to face the trouble she's in

or maybe it's you, not Bridget,

that needs to make Danny stop.

I wasn't strong enough
in the first place.

Oh, that's not true.
You had plans, remember?

You were gonna do something
with your life.

You're tough, Sally.

And if you could make

any physical impact
on me whatsoever...

I'd be wary of you.

You were strong
before Danny derailed you.

And you know what he is now.

And he can't hurt you anymore.





Two years is too long.
They're gonna freak.

You'll be fine.

No, there will be freaking.

Josh, Dad caught me
macking with Amy Brennan

full-on second base
right there.

Did he freak?

You got to second base
with Amy Brennan?

That's like my bucket list.

It's Mom and Dad.

You're like the prodigal son returned.

Oh my God! Your father's
gonna have a stroke.

I'm fine.


Hi, Mom.

Thanks for bringing this one home.

OK, so we're gonna go inside,

we're gonna put something
into that stomach

and then we're gonna
go see Dr. Ruben.

- He's my paediatrician.
- Since you were nothing.

So he knows your body
better than anybody.

Well, you got that
werewolf sister pretty good.

If Aidan had been attacked
by a pack of dogs,

he would've done the same thing.


And you would've
slapped him on the back

for a job well done.

Aidan never got himself

into embarrassing
situations like this.

I think you've done enough.



I'm making chicken.
You hungry?


" Should've been easier ♪

♪ To wash my hands
of all of this... ♪

Hey, is Mom existing in a
parallel universe right now?

What do you mean?

You don't think she's
acting a little strange,

like I just got home from summer camp?

She's making chicken!

What would you like her to do?

I don't know. She hasn't
seen me in 2 years.

Show some emotion?
How about a guilt trip?

Mom's not gonna say anything, Josh.

She's... she's terrified.

Of me?

Of losing you.

♪ 'Cause I can't
afford the doubt ♪

♪ I can't afford the trust... ♪

And Dad? What?

He's so scared of me he can't
even bother to show his face?

Dad doesn't live here anymore.


They're separated.

Since when?

Since when do you think?

Good, you can help me with the salad.

You're separated?

Yes, but... you don't
have to worry about that.

Yes, yes, I do
because, apparently Mom,

I'm the one who caused it.

Can we just...

I would rather discuss this
when your father's here, ok?

I'm uncomfortable
with that. I don't...

Hello? Josh.

Good to see you.

Thanks, yeah.

Can we...
Do you mind if we... we...

I lost it, OK?

I flipped out and I am so sorry

if I caused or contributed
to whatever happened here, OK?

But it's just...

It's vitally important
that you both know I'm OK.

Whatever it was that
I had, it's under control.

I've seen a doctor, I'm on medication,

I'm working in a hospital in Boston.

I'm actually
sort of... happy.

Really. So just...

You don't... you don't need
to worry about me, OK?

Thank you, Josh, for sharing that.

Yes, thank you.

OK, guys, seriously, can we
just stop thanking each other

and act like blood relatives
for a minute?

You don't have to treat me
with kid gloves either.

If you wanna shout, shout.


So long has it been, Josh?

Uh, how long has what been?

How long have you
thought you were a werewolf?

Did I just...
Did you just say...

Did I just hear you say
that you thought

that I thought that I was a...

Where did you get that?

That's my personal...


That's... that's
not even...

Do you really think that
I think that I'm a werewolf?

Do you, Josh?

No, Mom! God!

I... Why would you
even think that?

"Scientific research has
confirmed one fundamental fact:

"I'm a werewolf.

"But my research has yet

"to answer the


You think that's me.

Guys! I hate to
break it to you,

but those are...
that... those are notes

for a graphic novel

about a guy who thinks he's a wolf.


Tell you what.

Let's eat, catch up

and... then we can talk.

Let's do that.

As it is the
business of any legal action

to discover if compelling
evidence may be produced.

That's right.

How does it feel?

Maybe one tenth of
how scared you made me?


Sally, is that you?


'Cause if it is,

I've got a question for you.

That's the best you've got?

A busted light bulb
and some spilt beer?

This is supposed
to scare me? Really?

God, Sally!

You're more pathetic as
a ghost than you were alive.

And let's just be clear here.
That's pretty pathetic.


You know, I heard

about you roaming
the halls of our old place.

Baby, that's just sad.

You still don't have
anything better to do

than wait for me to come home.

That's never who I wanted
to be. You made me into that!

And all that crap about how I
made you give up your dreams.

You were just waiting
for me to knock you up

so you could sit at home
and watch Lifetime.


You know,

you might scare Bridget
with this crap, sweetheart,

but you don't scare me.

Because I know you're nothing.

You're dead.

And I'm alive.

I'm alive.

And I'm happy...



at least you got
your next book, right?

Mom has a breakdown,
Emily starts kissing girls

and your son thinks he's a werewolf.

You gotta admit, it's pretty
much the psychotherapy jackpot,

don't you think?

Don't do that.

Don't what?

Don't shrink me.

You said you wanted
to talk. Let's talk.

I'm just trying to understand.

So ask! Scream...
I'm your son.

You can talk to me.

I'm sorry. I...

thought you needed help.
I got scared.

I swear to God,

if that's my
high-school math teacher here

for an intervention,
I'm gonna cut my face off.

Just hear me out.
I can help.

What? You can't be here.

- Josh, Josh, let me in.
- No, no!

This is my family.

You must be Josh's mother.


I'm Aidan.

I'm Josh's roommate.


He's just passing through.
He's leaving.

Actually, I'd kill
for a glass of water.

Oh, well, we can do better than water.

- You like roast chicken?
- No, Mom.

I love roast chicken.

Good. Well, all right
then. Come on in.

So, Aidan, you and Josh
met at the hospital.

We did.

Their place is actually decent, Mom.

Not your typical
bachelor-roofie den.

Ah, that's reassuring.


Uh, this chicken is delicious.

Thank you, Aidan.

So Josh says that he's happy.

See, are you two,

uh, happy as roommates?


We are.
Yeah, he is, really.

- You don't mind if I...
- If you what?

Josh had a girl over the other night.

Ahem! No, I don't mind.
Please continue.

Just a great girl.

Smart and funny. And I don't
mean to sell your son out.

No, of course not.

But get a couple glasses in him,

and he actually knows
how to charm a lady.

We're OK with
drinking on the medication?

I'm not... I don't...

do that.

No, I think it's good to have
other forms of... recreation.

- Oh my God!
- I'd be worried

if you were spending
all the time on that book.

What book?

My graphic novel,
ahem, about werewolves

that my family thinks
is a personal journal.

My personal journal.

Hold on for a second.


OK, you think that Josh
thinks that he's a werewolf?

It's nuts on toast, right?


So, guys, can we put
this to bed now please?

I'm not crazy.
It's not a journal, OK?

I don't believe that I'm a wolf.
I don't believe in monsters.

You know why? 'Cause there's
no such thing as monsters.

Aidan, are you OK?

I'm fine. I'm sorry.


Here's the deal.
You know what?

He just went through a bad breakup.

I'm gonna go check on him

because I don't think he's all right.

Just something happened.

I... I don't know. Uh...

Are you kidding me? Now?
You have to do this now?

Does your mom cook with garlic?

I don't know.

Seriously, is that a thing?

- Yes or no, Josh!
- I guess so.

Does it kill you?

No, no, it doesn't.

It just...
It makes us, us.

OK, OK, so stop being you.

How? How do we do that?

Uh, feverfew.

Fever... what?
Is that a band?

It's an herb, Josh!

OK, how about any other herb?
Any other herb, like, on earth!


How about matzo meal?

Anything I don't have
to summon a warlock for?

OK, all right.

Everything's fine.

Aidan's just having a
reaction to something he ate,

so I'm bringing him some
camomile tea, some camomile tea.

OK, OK. So we have camomile-
lavender, camomile-mint.

I think there's like a lemon in here.

And you're naked and taking a
bath in the middle of dinner.


Um, I don't wanna be
in here. OK, fine, good.

Out! Out! Out!

You got rain on the drive, huh?

Well, they said we might
get some tonight.

Hello, Josh.

Don't open that door.

Do not invite that man
into this house. Just don't!

What? Oh, this
is ridiculous!

No, Dad, don't!

Josh, why don't you tell me

what you think is happening right now?

Son, this isn't a solution.

- Take this.
- Josh.

If he gets inside,
you need to cut his head off.

Cut it off completely.

- Do you understand me?
- What?

OK, yes, keep them
behind you, all right?

Josh! This is crazy!

Just do what I say.

Aidan! Aidan!

- Josh, what's going on?
- Not now, Dad.

The lengths you go to,
to protect them now!

And the lengths you'll go to, to kill

when you tell Bishop you failed!

Bishop didn't send me.

Whatever's going on, Josh,

we can sit down and talk about it.

He didn't ever want me

to mess with his little prince's pet.

So you come out here on your
own to the suburbs to what?

Kill them all?

Who are you trying to hurt?

The dog you keep saying
is beneath you, or me?

If this is about us, then
you keep it between us! Oh!

Bishop would never let me do

what I truly wanna do with you.

Come on out!

Here, boy!

- Oh my God!
- Josh, put it down!

Josh, wait!

Come on, little doggie!


I got this.

Aaah! Oh! Oh!

You kill me now if you
think you've got it in you

and you pay the price of Bishop,

but you leave my friend
and his family out of it.

You and your doggie aren't worth it.

I know you don't wanna admit it.

You think it'll get better
in a couple weeks.

Hmm? A couple months.

If you wear a new dress.

If you try a new position.

If you bake the perfect frigging cake.

This isn't you, Bridget.

And it wasn't me.

It's just how Danny
got into our heads.

And I swear to God
I'm gonna make him stop.

But I need you to help me.

I need you to understand

what he did to me.

I know you feel me.

Are you there?

Why are you doing this?

You need help.

There's no way to fix
what's wrong with me.

There is always a solution.

No, there isn't.

You just need to be
open to accepting it.


just refuse to see this

as anything other than
black and white, don't you?

Like you always did, like
we're part of your next study.

You keep saying that.

Is that how you feel?
Like I've studied you?

No, if you'd studied me,

you would've realized
something was wrong.

Let me ask you something.

Before I left, before I flipped out,

did it ever occur to you
that I was unhappy?

- You were driven.
- You were driving me!

What are you saying?
You don't have a problem?

Because healthy people
don't do this, Josh.

Healthy people don't
run out on their family,

their fiancée, their future

without more than a scrap
of paper saying "I'm sorry."

Maybe I pushed too hard.

But only because you always acted

like that was what
you wanted out of life.


you can't possibly want this.

We'll help you,
Josh, whatever this is.

Please! You can't
possibly want this.

I don't.

You're right.

You're right.

It's not a graphic novel.

It's not fantasy.

It's happening to me.

What is happening to you, baby?

I'm a werewolf.

That's who I am.

That's why I left.

What possible place
is there for me here?

Are you OK?

I need you to tell me how Sally died.

You know how she died.

You were practically
the first to know.

Keep going, Bridge.
You're doing the right thing.

Did you kill her?

What? How could you...

How could you say that to me?

'Cause I think that's
what she's saying to me.


It was an accident.

So it's true?

No! No.

Look, Sally and me, it wasn't
like how you and I are, Bridget.

We weren't happy.

I never fought with anyone
like I fought with her.

She made me so...

I wasn't myself.

So it's my fault?

She was so strong!

You know how Sally was.

I felt like she didn't
need me. I got insecure.

So you had to beat me down.

And that night, she lost her ring.

The ring.

She said it went down the drain.

And I didn't believe her.

So... we got
into a fight.

I grabbed her arm.

She fell, but I would never...


God, I didn't... No.

So she thinks you killed her.

God! Maybe
I did, Bridge.

God! Maybe I did,
but I never would've...

She was everything to me.

You know, I keep trying
to take back that second

when her ankle twisted.

Bridget, no, he's not sorry.

You know, every morning, I wake up

and I think about how
I ruined my life, our life.

Bridget, no.

I loved her so much.

Bridget. Bridget,
do not believe him.

It was an accident.

I know that now.

♪ ♪

It was strangely thrilling
to finally just...

say it to them.

And yet, somehow...

incredibly anticlimactic.

You know, I tried the same thing...

a long time ago.

My wife and my son.

I thought there must be some
way to explain it to them,

to, uh, be what I had become...

and keep them.

In time, they would understand.
They're my family.

That's what I told myself.

What happened?

We should go.

What if you were right?

Trying, I mean.

I can manage this. It's
one night a month. I can...

No, it's bigger than that.

And Marcus?
I mean, what if he's...

I'm supposed to just leave
my family if he's coming back?

No, he's not.
It's between me and him now.

But, Josh, he was coming after you.

You do not make it safer here.

I can explain it to them...

walk them through it.

They're educated;
they're reasonable.

So you explain it
to them, and maybe one day,

they'll even believe
that you are a wolf.

And so they'll build you a cage.

And it'll work.

Every month, you'll transform in
the comfort of your own home.

And in the morning,

your parents will be waiting
for you with food and water.

And they will clean you

like the day that you
were born because...

because he's not a monster.

He's our son.

And he would never, ever hurt us.

So one day, someone will
leave the cage unlocked

because what's the worst
that can happen?

And brutally,

against your human will...

you will kill them all.

I won't let it get to that.

I know what I'm doing now.
I'll go to the woods.

No matter what you do, they're
gonna wanna get involved.

They're your family.

Which is exactly why they're
defenseless against you.

I've already hurt them
too much not to try.

Aidan! Oh,
what a nice surprise!

Who are they?

Well, I told you things had changed.

Some things never change.

You stay away from my friends.



You stink like one, you know?

Yeah, it's all over you.

Doggie stink, doggie sweat,

doggie tears.

Folks are gonna start to wonder.

How our family could
turn its back on its own?

Turn its back on the weakest among us?

We have too much to do
in too little time

to lay waste to
the one strength we have.

That goes for the weakest.

And that goes for the mistakes.

♪ Who would've thought
the boy could fly... ♪

- So you think Dad's gonna run
off with some 25-year-old babe?

How jealous would you be?

How jealous would you be?

You're gonna stay,
right? For a while?

I could come home
once a month, help out.

Whatever you need.

♪ 'Cause only the dreamer knows ♪

Come on.

♪ That life is not ♪

♪ The world you see ♪

Josh, come have some chicken.

♪ It gets better than this ♪

♪ Imagination exists ♪

♪ 'Cause you're not alone ♪

♪ You carried the
weight of us all ♪

♪ You're not alone anymore ♪

♪ Still tryin' to bring us home ♪

♪ Remember the hero ♪

♪ The boy that could
reach to your soul ♪

♪ You're not alone anymore ♪

♪ Who would've thought
the boy could fly? ♪



I'm here.

I'm sorry...

about how you died.

And I miss you...

every day.

But this is the last time
I'm gonna talk to you.

And if you come to me,

if you haunt me or Danny...

I won't acknowledge you...

no matter how loud you scream...

no matter how scared I am.

This ends now.

He'll do it to you.

It's just who he is.

You're not at rest.

I get that now.

But it didn't happen
the way you think it did.

Just accept that.

Accept that and maybe you can
find some peace and move on.

We're moving on.

And you need to leave us alone.

♪ My old friend ♪

♪ Tell me, where have you been? ♪

♪ Have I wasted away? ♪

♪ All my tears turn to time ♪

♪ My old friend ♪

And what happened?

The worst.

♪ My old friend ♪

♪ Tell me, where have you been? ♪

♪ Have I wasted away? ♪

♪ Did you wait till the end? ♪

♪ My old friend ♪

I have news from Boston,
born in concern.

May I see them?

It's two hours until sundown.

I'll wait.