Beauty and the Beast (1987–1990): Season 2, Episode 7 - A Fair and Perfect Knight - full transcript
Catherine befriends a boy from the world below who leaves the tunnels to go college.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is where the wealthy
and the powerful rule.
It is her world,
a world apart from mine.
Her name... is Catherine.
From the moment I saw her,
she captured my heart
with her beauty,
her warmth and her courage.
I knew then, as I know now,
she would change my life...
He comes from a secret place,
far below the city streets,
hiding his face from strangers,
safe from hate and harm.
He brought me there
to save my life.
And now, wherever I go,
he is with me in spirit.
For we have a bond stronger
than friendship or love.
And although
we cannot be together,
we will never, ever be apart.
"Thou makest me sad,
"and makest me sin in envy
"that my Lord Northumberland
should be the father
"to so blest a son--
"a son who is the theme
of honor's tongue.
"O, that it could be proved
"that some night-tripping fairy
had exchanged in cradle-clothes
"our children
where they lay.
Then would I have
his Harry and he mine."
It's a very
moving speech.
It didn't
make me sad.
Something about it
trouble you, Zach?
Well, yes.
You said that the
king loved his son.
So how come
he wanted to
trade Harry
for someone
The king was a leader
of men, Samantha.
He bore an obligation
he knew was sometimes greater
than what he owed
his own family.
An obligation...
to his people.
But what about
love, Michael?
Vincent always says
that love is more
important than anything.
It's true,
but none of us lives in a world
made up only of loved ones.
Harry's father loved him,
but he knew one day
Harry would have
to lead a nation.
He never really wanted
his son traded away.
He just wanted him
better prepared for his destiny.
Excuse me.
May we interrupt
for a moment?
Please. Come in.
We have some wonderful
news to share.
Really? What?
This just came
from Catherine.
Because Michael
scored so highly
on his Scholastic
Aptitude Test,
Brayfield College has agreed
to waive the usual
and to admit him
to the freshman class
of the winter term.
All right!
All right!
I'm very proud of you.
This is an auspicious
It's terrific, Michael,
but I just can't picture
it here without you.
This is quite
an honor.
You've done us
all very proud.
Thank you, Father.
The voices--
they sound like
what's going on inside my head.
Are you apprehensive
about leaving?
I know it's a great opportunity.
I just don't know.
Tell me.
Tell me what
you're feeling.
I'm just not sure about it.
This is my home.
I've been happy here.
you're a part of us.
You always
will be,
you go,
but there are times
when you must go.
When the greatest
possibilities cannot,
in good faith, be denied.
The world above has so
much to offer you--
gifts of the imagination
and learning.
And you have
the mind
and the heart to
cherish those gifts.
You're on the brink of
a wondrous adventure,
every adventure must...
begin in farewell.
Some adventures
don't end happily.
All we can
do is... proceed
with the faith
that they will.
It's not even the unknown
that worries me.
It's what I know is up there.
You're thinking of
your other life above.
It wasn't long ago,
I swore I'd never go back.
Seven years ago,
and it was the oath of a child.
I still feel the pain.
But this time,
you won't be alone.
Catherine will
be there,
and you will
have friends.
I want to do this for you.
No, Michael.
You must do this for you.
This is your journey.
Perhaps I've done him
a disservice.
By encouraging him
to embrace his future?
By assuming that was
what he wanted.
Vincent, he's come this far
because of his desire,
and because you
believed in him.
I always believed Michael
would want this opportunity.
You dreamed he could have
what you couldn't have.
It's a little frightening
when our dreams
begin to come true.
We mustn't forget
how Michael came to us.
The loss he suffered.
His mother's death?
And his father's rejection.
Was he abandoned?
We only know when we found
Michael wandering the streets
that he begged us not
to contact his father.
He only said that
the man wouldn't want him.
Then he lost both parents.
He lost his sense of hope.
Michael blamed
not only his father,
but a world that would allow
a young child
to be alone in grief.
Then Michael must come
back to that world,
to face those
to make his peace.
Well, you know I'll do
everything I can to help him.
He'll need a friend.
Don't worry, Vincent.
Michael comes above
with a great advantage
over almost everyone
else up here.
He has your faith in him.
Honestly, I can't see
what's wrong with this.
You ladies
were chattering
about nostalgia
in fashions today,
old styles
coming back.
Not that old,
Maybe that's
what I need--
the distinguished look.
What are you doing,
That thing
is hideous!
You're dressing him
like a ten-year-old.
I see lots of topsiders
wearing things like this.
Oh, I agree
with Mary...
He looks like a ruffian
in that outfit.
I'll fit right in
up there, Father.
Well, I'm gonna
put this suit in.
Oh, father,
come on.
I'll squeeze it in just in case
he needs to look distinguished.
Zach! Zach!
Thought you could
use this up top.
A compass.
Believe me, I'll
be needing this.
Thank you.
Good luck.
This is for your notes
and stuff.
I made it myself.
Thank you, Samantha.
The first thing I'll write
in it is a letter to you.
Don't forget.
I won't. I promise.
Now listen
to me, Michael.
There are some very
pretty girls up top
who'll act friendly to
you, but that doesn't mean
that they like
you the way we do.
If you take my advice, you
won't even talk to them.
Girls as pretty
as you, Brooke?
I can't believe it.
I remember going
away to college.
My first day on my own
in New York.
I found myself
walking down Broadway,
swept along by the
Saturday evening crowds.
Oh, I was under a spell.
I remember being
drawn into a dance hall
where they were
playing Dixieland jazz.
It was Louis Armstrong.
I'll never
forget that day.
It opened a door to a new world
of experience for me.
A new way of...
seeing things.
I'm not going
to say good-bye, Michael.
Just... savor
every moment.
This is where
she lives?
Right above us.
Do I go up
to meet her?
you remember Michael.
Of course I do.
Welcome, Michael.
I'm very grateful
to you for everything.
I'm happy to be able to do it.
How can I thank you?
You already have.
I'm going to miss you.
Go now.
The world awaits.
I... don't have
a guest room,
but this couch happens
to be great for sleeping.
Oh, that's great.
It's nice.
if there's someplace
you want to go
or something you want to do,
just tell me, all right?
Or if you want
to be left alone.
I want you
to feel comfortable here.
It's been a long time
since I've been in
a place like this.
I thought maybe we could go
out and get something to eat.
That sounds good.
Let me get my purse.
It's something,
isn't it?
It is.
You must have missed it.
At least a little.
There's a lot of ugliness
behind those lights.
but to me, they always
promised something.
Hope, I guess.
Vincent says something
like that, too.
I don't know.
Why don't we take a walk?
Suddenly you're above...
sitting in a restaurant
trying to decide
what to order.
This all must seem pretty
strange to you, Michael.
Strange and familiar.
I used to live
not far from here.
There used to be a toy store
down this street.
My mom would take me to it.
After dinner, we could go by,
see if it's still there.
That's all right.
In New York, your
memories become a part
of your everyday life
whether you like it or not.
My high school
sweetheart broke up
with me on a corner
about two blocks down.
I bet he's sorry.
Catherine, why doesn't
anybody help him?
It's a terrible problem.
There are so many like him.
I think it just
overwhelms people.
Makes them feel
like there's nothing
any one person could do to
possibly make a difference.
Michael, wha...
What the hell
are you doing?
I've got enough problems
keeping them
away from the door.
The food is for
the paying customers.
Excuse me.
He was trying
to do something decent.
Can you understand that?
Now, if you would let us
get back to our meal.
He's embarrassed
my patrons.
I'm not running
a soup line here.
I'm sorry.
An act of generosity
embarrasses your patrons?
I don't think I want
to be counted among them.
I can't believe
you did that.
I'm sorry
if I embarrassed you.
Are you kidding?
It was fun.
I wish I had
your nerve.
I just couldn't help
Vincent would have
done the same thing.
Do you want a hot dog?
Now you hold on
to this hot dog.
I'm not buying you
three dinners tonight.
How's your day going?
Great. It's, uh, it's raining.
I see.
I went to the Metropolitan.
I wanted to see
Van Gogh's sunflowers.
Isn't that
Only Van Gogh could
paint a sunflower
that makes your
heart pound.
That museum is mind-boggling.
I know.
I used to get lost in
the Egyptian section.
So, are we still going to lunch?
Just finishing up.
Hey, Radcliffe.
I'm reading this deposition
you took on the Willis case.
Where are you going with
this line of questioning
about where he does
his shopping?
Who cares?
The death threats came from
a pay phone at a grocery
about three blocks
from Willis' apartment.
Oh, yeah.
That's good.
Joe, this is
Michael Richmond.
meet my boss, friend and
chief tormentor Joe Maxwell.
Hi, Michael, how you doing?
Nice to meet you.
a friend from out
of town.
He's come here for college.
Gee, you know,
for a minute there,
I thought maybe your life had
taken a new turn, Radcliffe.
Well, I won't say anything
to spoil your fantasies.
Come on, let's have
some lunch.
So much energy
out there.
Is it different than
you remember it?
What's different is me.
The things
that frightened me then
are beginning
to excite me now.
Maybe that's because
you're no longer blinded
by your disappointment.
I owe that to you.
Are you thinking of
seeing your father?
Today, I went by the house
where I used to live.
I don't know
if he still lives there.
How did it feel?
It brought back everything.
Feelings more than memories.
Feeling alone
and helpless.
For a minute, I didn't think
I could deal with it.
But... I could
and I did.
things started
to sort of make sense.
I mean, I,
I guess my father,
he did what he had to do,
but maybe he was feeling
helpless and alone, too,
and I tried to understand that.
I even...
I even tried to forgive him.
I think I'm finally ready
to see my father again.
I brought Chinese.
Come on.
On Tuesdays
and Thursdays,
you'll have
Oriental philosophy
and this mythology-
folklore class.
God, I am so jealous.
Can I fit in
modern architecture?
Uh-uh, that meets the same
time as philosophy, remember?
How about this?
Italian lit.
You'll get to read
The Divine Comedy.
I've read it.
Well, you need a
two-unit course.
I can't believe this.
Fertility dances
of Polynesia.
Is that really
a class?
Nothing wrong with having
a little fun in college.
All right, all right.
If we drop
English history,
then I can take
Albanian folk dancing.
I said a little fun.
Here's to the beginning of
a great time in your life.
I'll never know
how to thank you.
You don't have to.
Just watching you
begin to open up
and accept life is
really wonderful.
Yeah, but it never would have
happened without your kindness.
You deserve it.
I feel very lucky to know you.
You do?
Mm-hmm, I really do.
Um, I found this today
in-in the bookstore.
I wanted you to have it.
I love Blake.
Oh, he's one of my favorites.
"To Catherine,
who showed me the sky."
Thank you.
Read this one.
"To The Evening Star."
"Thou fair-haired
angel of the evening,
"now, while the sun
rests on the mountains,
"light thy bright
torch of love;
"thy radiant
crown put on,
"and smile upon
our evening bed.
"Smile on our loves;
"and, while thou drawest
the blue curtains of the sky,
"scatter thy silver dew
"on every flower
"that shuts its sweet
eyes in timely sleep.
"Let thy west wind sleep
on the lake.
"Speak silence
with thy glimmering eyes,
"and wash the
dusk with silver.
"Soon, full soon,
dost thou withdraw.
"Then the wolf
rages wide,
"and the lion glares
through the dun forest.
"The fleeces of our flocks
are covered with
"thy sacred dew.
"Protect them
with thine
You read that so beautifully.
Yeah, it's one
of my favorites, too.
It's beautiful.
Well, you have a big day,
tomorrow, and I have to be
downtown for a
deposition at 8:00,
so we better
call it a night.
Thanks again, Catherine.
Sleep well.
"Piping down the valleys wild.
"Piping songs
of pleasant glee.
"On a cloud
I saw a child.
"And he laughing
said to me,
"'Pipe a song
about a lamb.'
"So I piped
with merry cheer.
"'Piper, pipe
that song again.'
"So I piped,
he wept
to hear."
You're back.
Hi, Michael.
How you doing?
They miss
their teacher.
I needed to get something
from my chamber I forgot.
So, how are you
finding it so far?
aren't unhappy, are you?
Has Catherine been helpful?
She's a rare person.
You couldn't have
a better guide.
Yes, that's true.
what's troubling you?
Uh, it's just, uh, just...
school, I guess.
You know, all-all
the new courses,
decisions, people.
It's a lot to think about.
To leave a safe place and...
find your way among strangers
is a difficult
passage for anyone.
Yes, I know that.
Is it the past?
I don't know.
makes our enemies
loom larger and larger.
Go back above.
You'll find your way.
Trust yourself.
Where were you
this morning?
I woke up, and you
were already gone.
I forgot my journal.
I went down to get it.
Oh. Well, we
better hurry
if we're gonna make
the orientation party.
Uh, Catherine, you don't have
to go to the party.
I thought I might
even skip it myself.
Don't be ridiculous.
I won't let
you skip it.
You have to get
oriented, Michael.
Too many people go through
college disoriented.
Besides, we
have a date!
No, Beth!
Last I heard, you were
teaching in Chicago.
That was ages ago.
I'm going
on my fifth year here.
I just got tenure.
Oh. What classes
do you teach?
It doesn't matter.
Take her. She's fabulous!
Mainly, the Nineteenth
Century romantics.
Oh, well,
that figures.
Hey, the Nineteenth Century
is the only place
you can find it
these days.
I don't know
about that.
Oh, hello.
I'm Tina.
Where are you from, Michael?
I'm from out of town.
Me, too.
I'm from Indiana.
Oh, yeah?
That's interesting.
Not really.
So, nice to meet
you, Michael.
Nice to meet you, too.
See you around?
How's it going?
It seems so.
You're gonna do
just great, Michael.
Oh, hi, Carl.
What is it?
That man at the doorway
in the maroon scarf--
that's my father.
Your father? Here?
Are you all right?
Would you like
to leave?
I, uh...
I want to talk to him.
I want to tell him I'm back.
Is there anything I can do?
Wait here...
and wish me luck.
Good luck.
Do I know you?
You used to.
I'm Michael.
I'm sorry.
Michael, your son.
Rose's boy.
Is that who
you are?
Good God.
Didn't you understand
what your mother told you?
She told me you understood.
What's the matter?
Have you already
spent the money?
I didn't want
the money.
I never touched it.
You don't want the money?
What are you doing here?
What do you want?
I want...
what I've always wanted.
I want to be your son.
Damn it.
You can't be.
It was all
an accident.
And it's been settled for years.
I wish you good luck.
I really do.
I understand.
Tell me what happened.
Catherine, it was a lie.
And I knew
all along.
I never should have
let myself hope.
Michael, whatever happened,
it wasn't your fault.
No, you don't
It is my fault!
I lied!
I lied.
To you, to Vincent, to myself!
What are you saying?
He isn't your father?
He is my father,
but my mother,
she wasn't his wife.
She worked for him.
She was the housekeeper.
Oh, Michael.
Oh, what
have I done?
I'm a fool.
you listen to me.
Don't ever think that!
What you did took courage.
Catherine, I...
It's all right.
I'm here. I'm here.
I'm sorry.
What have I done?
You haven't done anything.
Michael, wait! Michael!
Michael, come back!
Go to him, Vincent.
He needs you.
What do you think happened?
I know that.
You must leave.
Leave now.
Why do you
want me to leave?
Because what
I'm feeling--
my thoughts--
shame me.
Tell me.
Tell me what you feel.
You mustn't
see me like this.
Please don't send me away.
My thoughts are poisonous.
Tell me these thoughts.
What you shared...
I envied.
I betrayed Michael,
I betrayed you,
everything I hold dear.
How did you betray us?
I know what it is
to love you, Catherine.
I love Michael like,
like a brother, like a son.
But his life has been
such a struggle.
He needed to be healed
by your tenderness.
I was unwilling to share
your love with anyone.
Don't be ashamed
of those feelings.
Violates everything I believe.
Don't you think I have
those feelings, too?
I envy Father
and others in your life
who receive your love
and your care
every day.
I know those
They are ugly.
all of those feelings
come from love.
They are the
other side of it.
To turn away from them is to
forget where they come from.
the better part of me
would rejoice
to see you find love
with someone
as fine and as good
as Michael.
You have so much
love to give.
Because of you!
What we share must always be
so measured, so limited.
We don't know
what the limits are.
You deserve a life
without limits.
There is no life without limits!
if this is my fate,
I accept it, gratefully.
You must believe that.
Don't be afraid to want it.
Even only for yourself.
Don't be afraid to deserve it.
You deserve everything.
Stay away, Vincent.
Stay away, Vincent!
I failed, Vincent!
I failed you!
I ruined everything!
That's not true.
You don't know, Vincent!
I do.
You don't know what I did!
I do.
You don't know
what I thought!
Stop judging yourself.
Vincent, I betrayed you!
What you felt was true.
You're entitled to love...
and to be loved.
That's part of
your destiny as well.
And how could anyone...
not love her?
Remember me?
Sure-- Tina.
Uh, where you going?
Uh, English History.
Me, too. We must be
in the same class.
We must be.
Well, we
better hurry.
The lights are so
beautiful tonight.
This is where the wealthy
and the powerful rule.
It is her world,
a world apart from mine.
Her name... is Catherine.
From the moment I saw her,
she captured my heart
with her beauty,
her warmth and her courage.
I knew then, as I know now,
she would change my life...
He comes from a secret place,
far below the city streets,
hiding his face from strangers,
safe from hate and harm.
He brought me there
to save my life.
And now, wherever I go,
he is with me in spirit.
For we have a bond stronger
than friendship or love.
And although
we cannot be together,
we will never, ever be apart.
"Thou makest me sad,
"and makest me sin in envy
"that my Lord Northumberland
should be the father
"to so blest a son--
"a son who is the theme
of honor's tongue.
"O, that it could be proved
"that some night-tripping fairy
had exchanged in cradle-clothes
"our children
where they lay.
Then would I have
his Harry and he mine."
It's a very
moving speech.
It didn't
make me sad.
Something about it
trouble you, Zach?
Well, yes.
You said that the
king loved his son.
So how come
he wanted to
trade Harry
for someone
The king was a leader
of men, Samantha.
He bore an obligation
he knew was sometimes greater
than what he owed
his own family.
An obligation...
to his people.
But what about
love, Michael?
Vincent always says
that love is more
important than anything.
It's true,
but none of us lives in a world
made up only of loved ones.
Harry's father loved him,
but he knew one day
Harry would have
to lead a nation.
He never really wanted
his son traded away.
He just wanted him
better prepared for his destiny.
Excuse me.
May we interrupt
for a moment?
Please. Come in.
We have some wonderful
news to share.
Really? What?
This just came
from Catherine.
Because Michael
scored so highly
on his Scholastic
Aptitude Test,
Brayfield College has agreed
to waive the usual
and to admit him
to the freshman class
of the winter term.
All right!
All right!
I'm very proud of you.
This is an auspicious
It's terrific, Michael,
but I just can't picture
it here without you.
This is quite
an honor.
You've done us
all very proud.
Thank you, Father.
The voices--
they sound like
what's going on inside my head.
Are you apprehensive
about leaving?
I know it's a great opportunity.
I just don't know.
Tell me.
Tell me what
you're feeling.
I'm just not sure about it.
This is my home.
I've been happy here.
you're a part of us.
You always
will be,
you go,
but there are times
when you must go.
When the greatest
possibilities cannot,
in good faith, be denied.
The world above has so
much to offer you--
gifts of the imagination
and learning.
And you have
the mind
and the heart to
cherish those gifts.
You're on the brink of
a wondrous adventure,
every adventure must...
begin in farewell.
Some adventures
don't end happily.
All we can
do is... proceed
with the faith
that they will.
It's not even the unknown
that worries me.
It's what I know is up there.
You're thinking of
your other life above.
It wasn't long ago,
I swore I'd never go back.
Seven years ago,
and it was the oath of a child.
I still feel the pain.
But this time,
you won't be alone.
Catherine will
be there,
and you will
have friends.
I want to do this for you.
No, Michael.
You must do this for you.
This is your journey.
Perhaps I've done him
a disservice.
By encouraging him
to embrace his future?
By assuming that was
what he wanted.
Vincent, he's come this far
because of his desire,
and because you
believed in him.
I always believed Michael
would want this opportunity.
You dreamed he could have
what you couldn't have.
It's a little frightening
when our dreams
begin to come true.
We mustn't forget
how Michael came to us.
The loss he suffered.
His mother's death?
And his father's rejection.
Was he abandoned?
We only know when we found
Michael wandering the streets
that he begged us not
to contact his father.
He only said that
the man wouldn't want him.
Then he lost both parents.
He lost his sense of hope.
Michael blamed
not only his father,
but a world that would allow
a young child
to be alone in grief.
Then Michael must come
back to that world,
to face those
to make his peace.
Well, you know I'll do
everything I can to help him.
He'll need a friend.
Don't worry, Vincent.
Michael comes above
with a great advantage
over almost everyone
else up here.
He has your faith in him.
Honestly, I can't see
what's wrong with this.
You ladies
were chattering
about nostalgia
in fashions today,
old styles
coming back.
Not that old,
Maybe that's
what I need--
the distinguished look.
What are you doing,
That thing
is hideous!
You're dressing him
like a ten-year-old.
I see lots of topsiders
wearing things like this.
Oh, I agree
with Mary...
He looks like a ruffian
in that outfit.
I'll fit right in
up there, Father.
Well, I'm gonna
put this suit in.
Oh, father,
come on.
I'll squeeze it in just in case
he needs to look distinguished.
Zach! Zach!
Thought you could
use this up top.
A compass.
Believe me, I'll
be needing this.
Thank you.
Good luck.
This is for your notes
and stuff.
I made it myself.
Thank you, Samantha.
The first thing I'll write
in it is a letter to you.
Don't forget.
I won't. I promise.
Now listen
to me, Michael.
There are some very
pretty girls up top
who'll act friendly to
you, but that doesn't mean
that they like
you the way we do.
If you take my advice, you
won't even talk to them.
Girls as pretty
as you, Brooke?
I can't believe it.
I remember going
away to college.
My first day on my own
in New York.
I found myself
walking down Broadway,
swept along by the
Saturday evening crowds.
Oh, I was under a spell.
I remember being
drawn into a dance hall
where they were
playing Dixieland jazz.
It was Louis Armstrong.
I'll never
forget that day.
It opened a door to a new world
of experience for me.
A new way of...
seeing things.
I'm not going
to say good-bye, Michael.
Just... savor
every moment.
This is where
she lives?
Right above us.
Do I go up
to meet her?
you remember Michael.
Of course I do.
Welcome, Michael.
I'm very grateful
to you for everything.
I'm happy to be able to do it.
How can I thank you?
You already have.
I'm going to miss you.
Go now.
The world awaits.
I... don't have
a guest room,
but this couch happens
to be great for sleeping.
Oh, that's great.
It's nice.
if there's someplace
you want to go
or something you want to do,
just tell me, all right?
Or if you want
to be left alone.
I want you
to feel comfortable here.
It's been a long time
since I've been in
a place like this.
I thought maybe we could go
out and get something to eat.
That sounds good.
Let me get my purse.
It's something,
isn't it?
It is.
You must have missed it.
At least a little.
There's a lot of ugliness
behind those lights.
but to me, they always
promised something.
Hope, I guess.
Vincent says something
like that, too.
I don't know.
Why don't we take a walk?
Suddenly you're above...
sitting in a restaurant
trying to decide
what to order.
This all must seem pretty
strange to you, Michael.
Strange and familiar.
I used to live
not far from here.
There used to be a toy store
down this street.
My mom would take me to it.
After dinner, we could go by,
see if it's still there.
That's all right.
In New York, your
memories become a part
of your everyday life
whether you like it or not.
My high school
sweetheart broke up
with me on a corner
about two blocks down.
I bet he's sorry.
Catherine, why doesn't
anybody help him?
It's a terrible problem.
There are so many like him.
I think it just
overwhelms people.
Makes them feel
like there's nothing
any one person could do to
possibly make a difference.
Michael, wha...
What the hell
are you doing?
I've got enough problems
keeping them
away from the door.
The food is for
the paying customers.
Excuse me.
He was trying
to do something decent.
Can you understand that?
Now, if you would let us
get back to our meal.
He's embarrassed
my patrons.
I'm not running
a soup line here.
I'm sorry.
An act of generosity
embarrasses your patrons?
I don't think I want
to be counted among them.
I can't believe
you did that.
I'm sorry
if I embarrassed you.
Are you kidding?
It was fun.
I wish I had
your nerve.
I just couldn't help
Vincent would have
done the same thing.
Do you want a hot dog?
Now you hold on
to this hot dog.
I'm not buying you
three dinners tonight.
How's your day going?
Great. It's, uh, it's raining.
I see.
I went to the Metropolitan.
I wanted to see
Van Gogh's sunflowers.
Isn't that
Only Van Gogh could
paint a sunflower
that makes your
heart pound.
That museum is mind-boggling.
I know.
I used to get lost in
the Egyptian section.
So, are we still going to lunch?
Just finishing up.
Hey, Radcliffe.
I'm reading this deposition
you took on the Willis case.
Where are you going with
this line of questioning
about where he does
his shopping?
Who cares?
The death threats came from
a pay phone at a grocery
about three blocks
from Willis' apartment.
Oh, yeah.
That's good.
Joe, this is
Michael Richmond.
meet my boss, friend and
chief tormentor Joe Maxwell.
Hi, Michael, how you doing?
Nice to meet you.
a friend from out
of town.
He's come here for college.
Gee, you know,
for a minute there,
I thought maybe your life had
taken a new turn, Radcliffe.
Well, I won't say anything
to spoil your fantasies.
Come on, let's have
some lunch.
So much energy
out there.
Is it different than
you remember it?
What's different is me.
The things
that frightened me then
are beginning
to excite me now.
Maybe that's because
you're no longer blinded
by your disappointment.
I owe that to you.
Are you thinking of
seeing your father?
Today, I went by the house
where I used to live.
I don't know
if he still lives there.
How did it feel?
It brought back everything.
Feelings more than memories.
Feeling alone
and helpless.
For a minute, I didn't think
I could deal with it.
But... I could
and I did.
things started
to sort of make sense.
I mean, I,
I guess my father,
he did what he had to do,
but maybe he was feeling
helpless and alone, too,
and I tried to understand that.
I even...
I even tried to forgive him.
I think I'm finally ready
to see my father again.
I brought Chinese.
Come on.
On Tuesdays
and Thursdays,
you'll have
Oriental philosophy
and this mythology-
folklore class.
God, I am so jealous.
Can I fit in
modern architecture?
Uh-uh, that meets the same
time as philosophy, remember?
How about this?
Italian lit.
You'll get to read
The Divine Comedy.
I've read it.
Well, you need a
two-unit course.
I can't believe this.
Fertility dances
of Polynesia.
Is that really
a class?
Nothing wrong with having
a little fun in college.
All right, all right.
If we drop
English history,
then I can take
Albanian folk dancing.
I said a little fun.
Here's to the beginning of
a great time in your life.
I'll never know
how to thank you.
You don't have to.
Just watching you
begin to open up
and accept life is
really wonderful.
Yeah, but it never would have
happened without your kindness.
You deserve it.
I feel very lucky to know you.
You do?
Mm-hmm, I really do.
Um, I found this today
in-in the bookstore.
I wanted you to have it.
I love Blake.
Oh, he's one of my favorites.
"To Catherine,
who showed me the sky."
Thank you.
Read this one.
"To The Evening Star."
"Thou fair-haired
angel of the evening,
"now, while the sun
rests on the mountains,
"light thy bright
torch of love;
"thy radiant
crown put on,
"and smile upon
our evening bed.
"Smile on our loves;
"and, while thou drawest
the blue curtains of the sky,
"scatter thy silver dew
"on every flower
"that shuts its sweet
eyes in timely sleep.
"Let thy west wind sleep
on the lake.
"Speak silence
with thy glimmering eyes,
"and wash the
dusk with silver.
"Soon, full soon,
dost thou withdraw.
"Then the wolf
rages wide,
"and the lion glares
through the dun forest.
"The fleeces of our flocks
are covered with
"thy sacred dew.
"Protect them
with thine
You read that so beautifully.
Yeah, it's one
of my favorites, too.
It's beautiful.
Well, you have a big day,
tomorrow, and I have to be
downtown for a
deposition at 8:00,
so we better
call it a night.
Thanks again, Catherine.
Sleep well.
"Piping down the valleys wild.
"Piping songs
of pleasant glee.
"On a cloud
I saw a child.
"And he laughing
said to me,
"'Pipe a song
about a lamb.'
"So I piped
with merry cheer.
"'Piper, pipe
that song again.'
"So I piped,
he wept
to hear."
You're back.
Hi, Michael.
How you doing?
They miss
their teacher.
I needed to get something
from my chamber I forgot.
So, how are you
finding it so far?
aren't unhappy, are you?
Has Catherine been helpful?
She's a rare person.
You couldn't have
a better guide.
Yes, that's true.
what's troubling you?
Uh, it's just, uh, just...
school, I guess.
You know, all-all
the new courses,
decisions, people.
It's a lot to think about.
To leave a safe place and...
find your way among strangers
is a difficult
passage for anyone.
Yes, I know that.
Is it the past?
I don't know.
makes our enemies
loom larger and larger.
Go back above.
You'll find your way.
Trust yourself.
Where were you
this morning?
I woke up, and you
were already gone.
I forgot my journal.
I went down to get it.
Oh. Well, we
better hurry
if we're gonna make
the orientation party.
Uh, Catherine, you don't have
to go to the party.
I thought I might
even skip it myself.
Don't be ridiculous.
I won't let
you skip it.
You have to get
oriented, Michael.
Too many people go through
college disoriented.
Besides, we
have a date!
No, Beth!
Last I heard, you were
teaching in Chicago.
That was ages ago.
I'm going
on my fifth year here.
I just got tenure.
Oh. What classes
do you teach?
It doesn't matter.
Take her. She's fabulous!
Mainly, the Nineteenth
Century romantics.
Oh, well,
that figures.
Hey, the Nineteenth Century
is the only place
you can find it
these days.
I don't know
about that.
Oh, hello.
I'm Tina.
Where are you from, Michael?
I'm from out of town.
Me, too.
I'm from Indiana.
Oh, yeah?
That's interesting.
Not really.
So, nice to meet
you, Michael.
Nice to meet you, too.
See you around?
How's it going?
It seems so.
You're gonna do
just great, Michael.
Oh, hi, Carl.
What is it?
That man at the doorway
in the maroon scarf--
that's my father.
Your father? Here?
Are you all right?
Would you like
to leave?
I, uh...
I want to talk to him.
I want to tell him I'm back.
Is there anything I can do?
Wait here...
and wish me luck.
Good luck.
Do I know you?
You used to.
I'm Michael.
I'm sorry.
Michael, your son.
Rose's boy.
Is that who
you are?
Good God.
Didn't you understand
what your mother told you?
She told me you understood.
What's the matter?
Have you already
spent the money?
I didn't want
the money.
I never touched it.
You don't want the money?
What are you doing here?
What do you want?
I want...
what I've always wanted.
I want to be your son.
Damn it.
You can't be.
It was all
an accident.
And it's been settled for years.
I wish you good luck.
I really do.
I understand.
Tell me what happened.
Catherine, it was a lie.
And I knew
all along.
I never should have
let myself hope.
Michael, whatever happened,
it wasn't your fault.
No, you don't
It is my fault!
I lied!
I lied.
To you, to Vincent, to myself!
What are you saying?
He isn't your father?
He is my father,
but my mother,
she wasn't his wife.
She worked for him.
She was the housekeeper.
Oh, Michael.
Oh, what
have I done?
I'm a fool.
you listen to me.
Don't ever think that!
What you did took courage.
Catherine, I...
It's all right.
I'm here. I'm here.
I'm sorry.
What have I done?
You haven't done anything.
Michael, wait! Michael!
Michael, come back!
Go to him, Vincent.
He needs you.
What do you think happened?
I know that.
You must leave.
Leave now.
Why do you
want me to leave?
Because what
I'm feeling--
my thoughts--
shame me.
Tell me.
Tell me what you feel.
You mustn't
see me like this.
Please don't send me away.
My thoughts are poisonous.
Tell me these thoughts.
What you shared...
I envied.
I betrayed Michael,
I betrayed you,
everything I hold dear.
How did you betray us?
I know what it is
to love you, Catherine.
I love Michael like,
like a brother, like a son.
But his life has been
such a struggle.
He needed to be healed
by your tenderness.
I was unwilling to share
your love with anyone.
Don't be ashamed
of those feelings.
Violates everything I believe.
Don't you think I have
those feelings, too?
I envy Father
and others in your life
who receive your love
and your care
every day.
I know those
They are ugly.
all of those feelings
come from love.
They are the
other side of it.
To turn away from them is to
forget where they come from.
the better part of me
would rejoice
to see you find love
with someone
as fine and as good
as Michael.
You have so much
love to give.
Because of you!
What we share must always be
so measured, so limited.
We don't know
what the limits are.
You deserve a life
without limits.
There is no life without limits!
if this is my fate,
I accept it, gratefully.
You must believe that.
Don't be afraid to want it.
Even only for yourself.
Don't be afraid to deserve it.
You deserve everything.
Stay away, Vincent.
Stay away, Vincent!
I failed, Vincent!
I failed you!
I ruined everything!
That's not true.
You don't know, Vincent!
I do.
You don't know what I did!
I do.
You don't know
what I thought!
Stop judging yourself.
Vincent, I betrayed you!
What you felt was true.
You're entitled to love...
and to be loved.
That's part of
your destiny as well.
And how could anyone...
not love her?
Remember me?
Sure-- Tina.
Uh, where you going?
Uh, English History.
Me, too. We must be
in the same class.
We must be.
Well, we
better hurry.
The lights are so
beautiful tonight.