Beauty and the Beast (1987–1990): Season 1, Episode 13 - China Moon - full transcript
Vincent and Catherine help a Chinatown beauty avoid an arranged marriage by escaping underground.
This is where the wealthy
and the powerful rule.
It is her world,
a world apart from mine.
Her name... is Catherine.
From the moment I saw her,
she captured my heart.
With her beauty,
her warmth and her courage.
I knew then, as I know now,
she would change my life...
He comes from a secret place,
far below the city streets,
hiding his face from strangers,
safe from hate and harm.
He brought me there
to save my life.
And now, wherever I go,
he is with me in spirit.
For we have a bond stronger
than friendship or love.
And although
we cannot be together,
we will never, ever be apart.
To my grandson
and his fiancée.
May the new year, the
Year of the Dragon,
be a joyous one
to both of you,
a time of new beginnings
and reaffirmation
of old traditions.
We welcome you into
our family, Lin Wong.
Please give my best regards
to your grandfather.
This will be a union
of two proud families
whose bloodlines
will intermingle
into a fine grandchild.
Thank you, Grandfather.
We appreciate your good wishes
and your plans for our future.
You will have your grandson.
Are you all right?
You look so pale.
Just a nervous bride,
that's all.
It's a quality to be admired
in an age where tradition
holds so little value
for most young people.
And that is why your union
means so much.
It is very important.
Never lose sight of that,
my children.
Find yourself
a new girlfriend, Henry.
We don't want to have
to come back here again.
That's good, Henry.
It's been 20 years
since I first prescribed
these herbs for your father.
I remember coming here
as a child.
Long before Lin came
to live with me.
I'm so pleased you
became friends with her.
I've cherished
her friendship and yours.
You think you're
fooling me, don't you?
The way you
behaved tonight.
It was unacceptable.
I was only nervous,
as your grandfather said.
In the future...
you will smile when
you're expected to smile.
You will show
your gratitude.
Look at me when I'm
talking to you.
I know you're still seeing
Pei, and it must stop.
Our marriage is very important
to my grandfather.
Which makes it very
important to me.
What happened? Who
did this to you?
Nothing. Forget about it.
It was Peter's
friends, wasn't it?
They tore up the restaurant.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Did they make
the announcement?
Chiang did at
dinner tonight.
Grandfather's agreed
to the wedding date.
Three weeks.
Then we'll leave
tonight, now.
We have nowhere to go,
and if we do run away, what
happens to Grandfather?
They won't hurt him.
You've listened to too many
of your grandfather's stories.
Those people don't rule
the world.
They rule our world.
We're a part
of each other.
Nothing else matters.
We'll find a way
to be together.
I promise.
I'll see you again soon.
Oh, Lin.
H-How did it go with you?
Why must it
be this way?
You know I don't love him.
Shh, please,
let's not talk
about it now.
We have a guest.
What has made you
so unhappy?
Hasn't my grandfather
told you?
I'm to be married.
A wedding should be
a time of joy.
Not in Chinatown.
Well, I should have told you
Lin is to marry Peter Chiang,
grandson of one of the
most powerful men in Chinatown.
She does not love him.
Well, perhaps she will learn
to love him.
It's going to be
a good marriage.
I have known Chiang
Lo Yu for a long time.
And it was he who helped me
bring Lin over from Taipei.
Now she thinks she's
in love with another.
A poor boy.
What can he hope
to give her?
His heart.
Why does it sometimes seem
as though the world conspires
to keep lovers apart?
Or brings them together
when it's impossible.
There's a man,
Catherine, a good man,
who, for more years
than I can count,
has helped us selflessly,
kept our secrets.
I know him.
I know how gentle
and wise he is
and how much he loves
his granddaughter.
Yet now, he is
trying to force her
to marry a man she
does not love.
How could he do that?
This is the 20th century.
There are no more
arranged marriages.
Not in your world or in mine,
but Chinatown is another world,
apart from both of ours.
How does the girl feel?
She is angry
and afraid.
She would like to comply
with her grandfather's wishes,
but her heart is crying out
against it.
Would you like me to talk
to her, Vincent?
I think Lin would like that.
Thank you, Mister...
After my parents' death,
Mr. Chiang paid for my passage
from China.
He even arranged
for my visa.
My grandfather feels he
owes him a great debt.
Well, indebtedness
is one thing,
but does that give him the
right to choose who you marry?
I wish it were as simple
as you make it sound.
But you are not Chinese,
you don't understand our ways.
My grandfather is
my only living relation.
Everything I've been taught
tells me it's my duty
to obey him.
I don't think you have to be
Chinese to understand that.
I felt that way
for most of my life.
For me, it was my father.
He always had
very specific ideas
about who I should be,
what I should do...
until somehow, in ways
that I still don't understand,
they became my ideas.
It took Vincent to show me
that the truth is in your heart.
And you should
follow it.
Wish I could.
Vincent mentioned
another young man.
I don't know
how to tell you about him.
He's... he's wonderful.
He's good.
Strong, gentle.
And he loves me.
They beat him last night,
as a warning to stay away.
Some gang members
hired by Mr. Chiang.
They broke into his restaurant,
destroyed everything.
I can help you
do something about that.
Oh, no, Miss Chandler.
Please... I-I...
I don't think Henry
would want that.
We'll, we'll be all right.
I know the check's
a few days late.
Forget it.
Come on, man. You
have to pay rent, too.
Don't look so worried.
It's good.
At least till Tuesday.
You've been a good
friend, Eddie.
More than a good
friend, a brother.
Whatever happens...
I want you to know,
I appreciate your
standing by me
like this.
What are you doing here?
Don't worry. We're alone.
Are you sure?
You're pretty reckless.
I'm not reckless, I'm in love.
With us,
it's almost the same thing.
Not anymore.
We're leaving this place.
Tomorrow night.
What are you talking about?
There's this place I know of,
a forgotten place
that's secret and safe.
I've been there only once,
but I know its people.
One is a very good friend.
I'm sure
he'll welcome us.
Who is this friend?
How come I don't know him?
I can't explain.
Why not?
Because it is truly
beyond words.
When you meet him,
when you see this place,
you'll understand.
But for now, I can only ask you
to trust me.
Of course I trust you.
Then meet me
at my grandfather's store.
Tomorrow night, 9:00.
But you must tell no one.
It sounds like a fairy tale.
Yes, I know.
Thank you, Debbie.
And our next court date for
the Demarco case is the 19th.
Great. That
about wraps it up.
What do you know
about Chinatown?
Great flick.
Okay, Radcliffe,
what's the problem?
I'm trying to help a young
restaurant owner down there.
He willing to help himself?
I don't know.
I'll find out today.
I ever tell you
about Jack Millhouse?
Guy I went to
law school with.
Jack was investigating
some union busting
going on
in a Chinatown sweatshop
when he disappeared.
They found his body
in a dumpster off Pell.
I worked on that case
for over a year.
Took me six months just
to find a witness.
Finally found this nice old guy,
not afraid of anything.
Two days later
he was hit by a car
in front of his market.
10:00 in the morning.
Street packed with people.
No one saw a thing.
That was just one case, Joe.
This one could be different.
The Great Wall's
been around China
for 2,000 years, Radcliffe.
You're not going
to tear it down overnight.
No. But I can try
to put a hole in it.
And one more thing...
No one says "flick" anymore.
Our rules are very strict
about who may come down
and for what reason.
I know about rules.
But what do your rules
say about love?
Henry is my life.
From the moment I first saw him,
I knew that he was
the only person who could
make my life complete.
We don't wish to make
the tunnels our home.
All we ask is that you
offer us some sanctuary.
Without your grandfather's
But you know
my grandfather.
I know him.
And I know that
he is also torn.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
I love him, and I have always
respected his wishes.
But I don't know
what else to do.
If you turn us away...
I will speak with Father.
I will contact you
when I know something.
It's all that I can do.
How can we possibly deny them?
Well, to begin with,
we've never met this Henry Pei.
How do we know
we can trust him?
Because Lin trusts him.
Not to mention the fact
that Dr. Wong has
expressly forbidden it.
Now, we cannot just
dismiss his part of this.
Lin is a woman,
responsible only to herself.
She is not Dr. Wong's
possession or any other man's.
But part of that responsibility
includes a respect to the man
who has done so much,
sacrificed so much of himself
for her.
So Lin must
sacrifice herself?
Will the satisfaction
from this comfort her
during the endless gray years
to come?
Will it keep her warm
on cold nights
as she lies beside a
man she does not love?
Dr. Wong only wants
what is best for Lin.
Only Lin knows
what is best for Lin.
Very well. I'll present her case
to the council.
There is no longer time
for that.
Then you and I must share
the responsibility
of our decision.
Thank you, Father.
Identify the men
who assaulted you, Henry,
and we'll make an arrest.
At the very least,
we'll get a restraining order.
What good will that do?
It will force them
to stop harassing you.
And the good people
of this neighborhood.
Look, I appreciate
what you're doing,
and I know you're
trying to help,
but the fact is, you're
the outsider here--
the police and you lawyers--
that's just the way it is.
It doesn't have to be.
This restaurant, this block,
this neighborhood,
it's still part of New York.
No, Miss Chandler,
it's Chinatown.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a restaurant to run.
I'll do anything I can to help
you and Lin.
If you change your mind.
We'll be okay.
So what did the lady want?
Forget about it.
We have to talk.
What's up?
You know my father owned
this place for over 30 years.
Struggled his whole life
to get ahead.
Now business is worse
than when he was alive.
We're doing all right.
We're just scraping by.
There's a difference.
Henry, what's going on?
I had Mr. Hon draw up
papers today.
You know, a contract.
I'm signing the place
over to you.
Come on, get serious.
I am serious.
I withdrew half the account
this afternoon.
But the books are in order
and there'll be enough money
for a while.
The restaurant's yours,
Eddie, if you want it.
I mean this place is
as much yours as it is mine.
Hey, we grew up here,
both of us.
Maybe with me out of the way,
Chiang will let
a couple of customers through.
What about you?
What are you going to do?
I can't tell you.
But I'll be in touch
as soon as I can.
I don't know what to say.
Just promise me you'll
take care of the place.
Hey, come on, Eddie.
Hey, no, what...?
Grandfather's still awake.
We'll have to go around back.
What do you mean?
I thought we were leaving.
We are. You'll see.
Come on.
Run, Lin. Run!
Get her. I'll take
care of him.
Tommy, check over there.
I warned you, Pei.
But you were stupid.
The line has been broken.
My grandson, Peter, is dead.
Nothing we do will
bring him back to me.
But I want the ears and
eyes of Chinatown open.
I want Henry Pei
found today.
Hey. Did you hear about
the Chiang murder?
Two minutes ago.
Well? You think this has
anything to do with that kid
you were so
I don't know.
What do you mean,
you don't know?
I mean you were right.
I spent all day yesterday
walking up and down Mott Street,
asking questions.
All I got out of it was
a pair of sore feet.
I'm not gonna say
"I told you so."
Yeah, you'll
just think it.
For what it's worth,
your buddy, Jerry Poholski,
is on the case.
If you find out anything,
let him know, huh?
Catherine Chandler.
It's Henry Pei.
I didn't know who else to call.
Tell me what happened, Henry.
Henry, you have to trust me.
I can help you.
Lin talked about someplace,
a safe place, that we could go.
Yeah? Where?
I don't know.
She was real mysterious--
wouldn't tell me anything
except that she
had a friend there.
I don't know who.
I was supposed to meet Lin
last night
at her grandfather's store.
Peter Chiang, he found out
about it, and...
Go on.
He was going to kill me.
I didn't...
I was just protecting myself.
I swear.
I believe you.
Where are you now?
In Soho.
Okay, uh, I'll meet you there.
No, you don't understand.
I'm dead if anyone sees me
around here.
Half of Chinatown
is looking for me.
I have to find Lin.
Okay, can you get uptown?
Yeah, why?
I'll explain when I see you.
Meet me on the corner
of 51st and Lexington.
Miss Chandler.
Are you all right?
I'm not hurt, if
that's what you mean.
I'd be better if I knew
that Lin was safe.
I'm going to take you
to her right now.
You know where she is?
Henry, first there are some
things I should tell you
about the place we're going,
things you probably won't
understand until you see them.
Miss Chandler!
Down the steps.
Now what?
Don't worry.
Come through.
I still can't believe
all this is real.
Believe it.
It's as real as your love.
There's something
I have to tell you.
Ah, my dear old friend.
Please, try to understand.
Are you aware that Peter Chiang
was murdered?
He was trying to kill me.
Doesn't matter
what he was doing.
He's dead, and now
Chiang Shin Li
won't rest until
he tastes revenge.
He'll kill you both.
Grandfather, I'm sorry.
You don't know what
you've done, child.
By coming down here,
you've endangered
these people.
The responsibility
lies with all of us.
Henry and Lin will be safe here.
No one is safe.
It's you who
don't understand.
The Tong knows
about these tunnels.
They've been using it
for over a century.
They'll send down
a whole army.
Oh, God.
A hundred years ago,
when we risked our very lives
to walk these foreign streets,
our ancestors honeycombed
all of Chinatown with tunnels.
And we took refuge in those
tunnels during times of trouble.
Now those who have betrayed us
have taken refuge down there.
They think themselves safe
from harm.
They are wrong.
Guns are worse than useless
in dark places
where the wall press close.
We will arm ourselves...
with weapons of our ancestors
and defeat them.
And what if there
are others down there?
There is only the girl...
and the dead.
Follow me!
I want our fastest runners
posted as sentries--
adults only,
no children.
I don't want to endanger
the children.
Oh, by the way,
are they safely back?
Kipper returned
a few minutes ago.
He was the last.
Mary is with them.
Good. Well, get
Winslow and Michael
to stay with them
as well, in case...
in case the
unthinkable happens.
Oh, and tell Pascal I want
an all-quiet on the pipes.
We're going to seal
ourselves tight.
We'll raise the
false walls here...
here... and here.
Mouse will turn off the lights
when the intruders
have first been sighted.
Let them wander around
in the dark for a few hours,
perhaps they'll give up.
You do not know
He is relentless.
If he must search a whole year,
he will
until he finds a road down here.
It's me he wants.
I'm the one who
killed Peter.
Henry, don't leave me.
I have to do something,
don't you understand?
This is my fight.
There will be no fight
if we can help it.
We will do everything
in our power to avoid bloodshed.
And what if you can't?
This is our home they threaten.
We will do what we must.
You don't know them.
Chiang does not know us.
All right, Yueh, you take
Kuo and Chan, go this way.
The rest of you, follow me.
The lights!
It means nothing.
They know we're here.
And we know they are close.
They've found
our hidden doors
and secret
Both groups have penetrated
into the lower levels.
Are you sure?
Jamie saw them pass.
We've been safe
for so long.
And now they bring
their violence
and their hatred
to our very home.
They've given us no choice.
If I'm not back
within the hour, you must flee.
Come back to me, Vincent.
Chan, where are you?!
I don't like this.
It's nothing!
An animal.
A wild dog that crawls
beneath the earth.
That's no dog!
Give us Lin Wong
and Henry Pei,
and we'll
let you live!
Spread out, find him,
and kill him!
No guns!
Stop! Stop it!
You are truly a demon.
All men are demons
when their homes
and their loved ones
are at risk.
What would you do if I
allowed you to leave here alive?
I would return, again and again,
each time with more men,
better prepared
and better armed.
What would you do, huh?
What would you do?!
Kill me?!
Only a monster would
kill an unarmed man.
I am fortunate that
you are an honorable man.
May you enter this marriage
with love and respect
for one another.
May your years together
be blessed by children.
Your love is the sum
of your being
and must be cherished
until the end of your days.
For love is truly
the strongest of bonds.
Yet, for all its strengths,
love is also delicate
as a lotus flower,
and requires care.
Let your courage to love
serve as an inspiration to all
who climb the highest mountains
and cross the great waters
in love's name.
You look...
so beautiful.
For a moment...
I allowed myself to dream.
So did I.
They have a lifetime together.
Our time together
is always measured
in minutes... seconds.
Then we must learn to measure
our lifetime in another way.
and the powerful rule.
It is her world,
a world apart from mine.
Her name... is Catherine.
From the moment I saw her,
she captured my heart.
With her beauty,
her warmth and her courage.
I knew then, as I know now,
she would change my life...
He comes from a secret place,
far below the city streets,
hiding his face from strangers,
safe from hate and harm.
He brought me there
to save my life.
And now, wherever I go,
he is with me in spirit.
For we have a bond stronger
than friendship or love.
And although
we cannot be together,
we will never, ever be apart.
To my grandson
and his fiancée.
May the new year, the
Year of the Dragon,
be a joyous one
to both of you,
a time of new beginnings
and reaffirmation
of old traditions.
We welcome you into
our family, Lin Wong.
Please give my best regards
to your grandfather.
This will be a union
of two proud families
whose bloodlines
will intermingle
into a fine grandchild.
Thank you, Grandfather.
We appreciate your good wishes
and your plans for our future.
You will have your grandson.
Are you all right?
You look so pale.
Just a nervous bride,
that's all.
It's a quality to be admired
in an age where tradition
holds so little value
for most young people.
And that is why your union
means so much.
It is very important.
Never lose sight of that,
my children.
Find yourself
a new girlfriend, Henry.
We don't want to have
to come back here again.
That's good, Henry.
It's been 20 years
since I first prescribed
these herbs for your father.
I remember coming here
as a child.
Long before Lin came
to live with me.
I'm so pleased you
became friends with her.
I've cherished
her friendship and yours.
You think you're
fooling me, don't you?
The way you
behaved tonight.
It was unacceptable.
I was only nervous,
as your grandfather said.
In the future...
you will smile when
you're expected to smile.
You will show
your gratitude.
Look at me when I'm
talking to you.
I know you're still seeing
Pei, and it must stop.
Our marriage is very important
to my grandfather.
Which makes it very
important to me.
What happened? Who
did this to you?
Nothing. Forget about it.
It was Peter's
friends, wasn't it?
They tore up the restaurant.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Did they make
the announcement?
Chiang did at
dinner tonight.
Grandfather's agreed
to the wedding date.
Three weeks.
Then we'll leave
tonight, now.
We have nowhere to go,
and if we do run away, what
happens to Grandfather?
They won't hurt him.
You've listened to too many
of your grandfather's stories.
Those people don't rule
the world.
They rule our world.
We're a part
of each other.
Nothing else matters.
We'll find a way
to be together.
I promise.
I'll see you again soon.
Oh, Lin.
H-How did it go with you?
Why must it
be this way?
You know I don't love him.
Shh, please,
let's not talk
about it now.
We have a guest.
What has made you
so unhappy?
Hasn't my grandfather
told you?
I'm to be married.
A wedding should be
a time of joy.
Not in Chinatown.
Well, I should have told you
Lin is to marry Peter Chiang,
grandson of one of the
most powerful men in Chinatown.
She does not love him.
Well, perhaps she will learn
to love him.
It's going to be
a good marriage.
I have known Chiang
Lo Yu for a long time.
And it was he who helped me
bring Lin over from Taipei.
Now she thinks she's
in love with another.
A poor boy.
What can he hope
to give her?
His heart.
Why does it sometimes seem
as though the world conspires
to keep lovers apart?
Or brings them together
when it's impossible.
There's a man,
Catherine, a good man,
who, for more years
than I can count,
has helped us selflessly,
kept our secrets.
I know him.
I know how gentle
and wise he is
and how much he loves
his granddaughter.
Yet now, he is
trying to force her
to marry a man she
does not love.
How could he do that?
This is the 20th century.
There are no more
arranged marriages.
Not in your world or in mine,
but Chinatown is another world,
apart from both of ours.
How does the girl feel?
She is angry
and afraid.
She would like to comply
with her grandfather's wishes,
but her heart is crying out
against it.
Would you like me to talk
to her, Vincent?
I think Lin would like that.
Thank you, Mister...
After my parents' death,
Mr. Chiang paid for my passage
from China.
He even arranged
for my visa.
My grandfather feels he
owes him a great debt.
Well, indebtedness
is one thing,
but does that give him the
right to choose who you marry?
I wish it were as simple
as you make it sound.
But you are not Chinese,
you don't understand our ways.
My grandfather is
my only living relation.
Everything I've been taught
tells me it's my duty
to obey him.
I don't think you have to be
Chinese to understand that.
I felt that way
for most of my life.
For me, it was my father.
He always had
very specific ideas
about who I should be,
what I should do...
until somehow, in ways
that I still don't understand,
they became my ideas.
It took Vincent to show me
that the truth is in your heart.
And you should
follow it.
Wish I could.
Vincent mentioned
another young man.
I don't know
how to tell you about him.
He's... he's wonderful.
He's good.
Strong, gentle.
And he loves me.
They beat him last night,
as a warning to stay away.
Some gang members
hired by Mr. Chiang.
They broke into his restaurant,
destroyed everything.
I can help you
do something about that.
Oh, no, Miss Chandler.
Please... I-I...
I don't think Henry
would want that.
We'll, we'll be all right.
I know the check's
a few days late.
Forget it.
Come on, man. You
have to pay rent, too.
Don't look so worried.
It's good.
At least till Tuesday.
You've been a good
friend, Eddie.
More than a good
friend, a brother.
Whatever happens...
I want you to know,
I appreciate your
standing by me
like this.
What are you doing here?
Don't worry. We're alone.
Are you sure?
You're pretty reckless.
I'm not reckless, I'm in love.
With us,
it's almost the same thing.
Not anymore.
We're leaving this place.
Tomorrow night.
What are you talking about?
There's this place I know of,
a forgotten place
that's secret and safe.
I've been there only once,
but I know its people.
One is a very good friend.
I'm sure
he'll welcome us.
Who is this friend?
How come I don't know him?
I can't explain.
Why not?
Because it is truly
beyond words.
When you meet him,
when you see this place,
you'll understand.
But for now, I can only ask you
to trust me.
Of course I trust you.
Then meet me
at my grandfather's store.
Tomorrow night, 9:00.
But you must tell no one.
It sounds like a fairy tale.
Yes, I know.
Thank you, Debbie.
And our next court date for
the Demarco case is the 19th.
Great. That
about wraps it up.
What do you know
about Chinatown?
Great flick.
Okay, Radcliffe,
what's the problem?
I'm trying to help a young
restaurant owner down there.
He willing to help himself?
I don't know.
I'll find out today.
I ever tell you
about Jack Millhouse?
Guy I went to
law school with.
Jack was investigating
some union busting
going on
in a Chinatown sweatshop
when he disappeared.
They found his body
in a dumpster off Pell.
I worked on that case
for over a year.
Took me six months just
to find a witness.
Finally found this nice old guy,
not afraid of anything.
Two days later
he was hit by a car
in front of his market.
10:00 in the morning.
Street packed with people.
No one saw a thing.
That was just one case, Joe.
This one could be different.
The Great Wall's
been around China
for 2,000 years, Radcliffe.
You're not going
to tear it down overnight.
No. But I can try
to put a hole in it.
And one more thing...
No one says "flick" anymore.
Our rules are very strict
about who may come down
and for what reason.
I know about rules.
But what do your rules
say about love?
Henry is my life.
From the moment I first saw him,
I knew that he was
the only person who could
make my life complete.
We don't wish to make
the tunnels our home.
All we ask is that you
offer us some sanctuary.
Without your grandfather's
But you know
my grandfather.
I know him.
And I know that
he is also torn.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
I love him, and I have always
respected his wishes.
But I don't know
what else to do.
If you turn us away...
I will speak with Father.
I will contact you
when I know something.
It's all that I can do.
How can we possibly deny them?
Well, to begin with,
we've never met this Henry Pei.
How do we know
we can trust him?
Because Lin trusts him.
Not to mention the fact
that Dr. Wong has
expressly forbidden it.
Now, we cannot just
dismiss his part of this.
Lin is a woman,
responsible only to herself.
She is not Dr. Wong's
possession or any other man's.
But part of that responsibility
includes a respect to the man
who has done so much,
sacrificed so much of himself
for her.
So Lin must
sacrifice herself?
Will the satisfaction
from this comfort her
during the endless gray years
to come?
Will it keep her warm
on cold nights
as she lies beside a
man she does not love?
Dr. Wong only wants
what is best for Lin.
Only Lin knows
what is best for Lin.
Very well. I'll present her case
to the council.
There is no longer time
for that.
Then you and I must share
the responsibility
of our decision.
Thank you, Father.
Identify the men
who assaulted you, Henry,
and we'll make an arrest.
At the very least,
we'll get a restraining order.
What good will that do?
It will force them
to stop harassing you.
And the good people
of this neighborhood.
Look, I appreciate
what you're doing,
and I know you're
trying to help,
but the fact is, you're
the outsider here--
the police and you lawyers--
that's just the way it is.
It doesn't have to be.
This restaurant, this block,
this neighborhood,
it's still part of New York.
No, Miss Chandler,
it's Chinatown.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a restaurant to run.
I'll do anything I can to help
you and Lin.
If you change your mind.
We'll be okay.
So what did the lady want?
Forget about it.
We have to talk.
What's up?
You know my father owned
this place for over 30 years.
Struggled his whole life
to get ahead.
Now business is worse
than when he was alive.
We're doing all right.
We're just scraping by.
There's a difference.
Henry, what's going on?
I had Mr. Hon draw up
papers today.
You know, a contract.
I'm signing the place
over to you.
Come on, get serious.
I am serious.
I withdrew half the account
this afternoon.
But the books are in order
and there'll be enough money
for a while.
The restaurant's yours,
Eddie, if you want it.
I mean this place is
as much yours as it is mine.
Hey, we grew up here,
both of us.
Maybe with me out of the way,
Chiang will let
a couple of customers through.
What about you?
What are you going to do?
I can't tell you.
But I'll be in touch
as soon as I can.
I don't know what to say.
Just promise me you'll
take care of the place.
Hey, come on, Eddie.
Hey, no, what...?
Grandfather's still awake.
We'll have to go around back.
What do you mean?
I thought we were leaving.
We are. You'll see.
Come on.
Run, Lin. Run!
Get her. I'll take
care of him.
Tommy, check over there.
I warned you, Pei.
But you were stupid.
The line has been broken.
My grandson, Peter, is dead.
Nothing we do will
bring him back to me.
But I want the ears and
eyes of Chinatown open.
I want Henry Pei
found today.
Hey. Did you hear about
the Chiang murder?
Two minutes ago.
Well? You think this has
anything to do with that kid
you were so
I don't know.
What do you mean,
you don't know?
I mean you were right.
I spent all day yesterday
walking up and down Mott Street,
asking questions.
All I got out of it was
a pair of sore feet.
I'm not gonna say
"I told you so."
Yeah, you'll
just think it.
For what it's worth,
your buddy, Jerry Poholski,
is on the case.
If you find out anything,
let him know, huh?
Catherine Chandler.
It's Henry Pei.
I didn't know who else to call.
Tell me what happened, Henry.
Henry, you have to trust me.
I can help you.
Lin talked about someplace,
a safe place, that we could go.
Yeah? Where?
I don't know.
She was real mysterious--
wouldn't tell me anything
except that she
had a friend there.
I don't know who.
I was supposed to meet Lin
last night
at her grandfather's store.
Peter Chiang, he found out
about it, and...
Go on.
He was going to kill me.
I didn't...
I was just protecting myself.
I swear.
I believe you.
Where are you now?
In Soho.
Okay, uh, I'll meet you there.
No, you don't understand.
I'm dead if anyone sees me
around here.
Half of Chinatown
is looking for me.
I have to find Lin.
Okay, can you get uptown?
Yeah, why?
I'll explain when I see you.
Meet me on the corner
of 51st and Lexington.
Miss Chandler.
Are you all right?
I'm not hurt, if
that's what you mean.
I'd be better if I knew
that Lin was safe.
I'm going to take you
to her right now.
You know where she is?
Henry, first there are some
things I should tell you
about the place we're going,
things you probably won't
understand until you see them.
Miss Chandler!
Down the steps.
Now what?
Don't worry.
Come through.
I still can't believe
all this is real.
Believe it.
It's as real as your love.
There's something
I have to tell you.
Ah, my dear old friend.
Please, try to understand.
Are you aware that Peter Chiang
was murdered?
He was trying to kill me.
Doesn't matter
what he was doing.
He's dead, and now
Chiang Shin Li
won't rest until
he tastes revenge.
He'll kill you both.
Grandfather, I'm sorry.
You don't know what
you've done, child.
By coming down here,
you've endangered
these people.
The responsibility
lies with all of us.
Henry and Lin will be safe here.
No one is safe.
It's you who
don't understand.
The Tong knows
about these tunnels.
They've been using it
for over a century.
They'll send down
a whole army.
Oh, God.
A hundred years ago,
when we risked our very lives
to walk these foreign streets,
our ancestors honeycombed
all of Chinatown with tunnels.
And we took refuge in those
tunnels during times of trouble.
Now those who have betrayed us
have taken refuge down there.
They think themselves safe
from harm.
They are wrong.
Guns are worse than useless
in dark places
where the wall press close.
We will arm ourselves...
with weapons of our ancestors
and defeat them.
And what if there
are others down there?
There is only the girl...
and the dead.
Follow me!
I want our fastest runners
posted as sentries--
adults only,
no children.
I don't want to endanger
the children.
Oh, by the way,
are they safely back?
Kipper returned
a few minutes ago.
He was the last.
Mary is with them.
Good. Well, get
Winslow and Michael
to stay with them
as well, in case...
in case the
unthinkable happens.
Oh, and tell Pascal I want
an all-quiet on the pipes.
We're going to seal
ourselves tight.
We'll raise the
false walls here...
here... and here.
Mouse will turn off the lights
when the intruders
have first been sighted.
Let them wander around
in the dark for a few hours,
perhaps they'll give up.
You do not know
He is relentless.
If he must search a whole year,
he will
until he finds a road down here.
It's me he wants.
I'm the one who
killed Peter.
Henry, don't leave me.
I have to do something,
don't you understand?
This is my fight.
There will be no fight
if we can help it.
We will do everything
in our power to avoid bloodshed.
And what if you can't?
This is our home they threaten.
We will do what we must.
You don't know them.
Chiang does not know us.
All right, Yueh, you take
Kuo and Chan, go this way.
The rest of you, follow me.
The lights!
It means nothing.
They know we're here.
And we know they are close.
They've found
our hidden doors
and secret
Both groups have penetrated
into the lower levels.
Are you sure?
Jamie saw them pass.
We've been safe
for so long.
And now they bring
their violence
and their hatred
to our very home.
They've given us no choice.
If I'm not back
within the hour, you must flee.
Come back to me, Vincent.
Chan, where are you?!
I don't like this.
It's nothing!
An animal.
A wild dog that crawls
beneath the earth.
That's no dog!
Give us Lin Wong
and Henry Pei,
and we'll
let you live!
Spread out, find him,
and kill him!
No guns!
Stop! Stop it!
You are truly a demon.
All men are demons
when their homes
and their loved ones
are at risk.
What would you do if I
allowed you to leave here alive?
I would return, again and again,
each time with more men,
better prepared
and better armed.
What would you do, huh?
What would you do?!
Kill me?!
Only a monster would
kill an unarmed man.
I am fortunate that
you are an honorable man.
May you enter this marriage
with love and respect
for one another.
May your years together
be blessed by children.
Your love is the sum
of your being
and must be cherished
until the end of your days.
For love is truly
the strongest of bonds.
Yet, for all its strengths,
love is also delicate
as a lotus flower,
and requires care.
Let your courage to love
serve as an inspiration to all
who climb the highest mountains
and cross the great waters
in love's name.
You look...
so beautiful.
For a moment...
I allowed myself to dream.
So did I.
They have a lifetime together.
Our time together
is always measured
in minutes... seconds.
Then we must learn to measure
our lifetime in another way.