Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979): Season 1, Episode 12 - Fire in Space - full transcript

The crew of the Galactica struggle to fight massive fires on board caused by Cylon suicide incendiary attacks.

Maintain silence until we land
aboard the Battlestar Pegasus.

The Pegasus?
But that's just not possible.

- You're talking about Starbuck?
- I wasn't comparing you.

But you'll have to give me time to think.

Think of the impression on Gamoray

when they learn that I personally
led the final assault on the humans.

- I'm not getting anything on my scanner.
- You won't.

- Then how are we...
- I can feel them, Captain.

We must take that base.
We must take Gamoray!

That is one opinion, Commander.

It does not happen to be mine.

- Starbuck?
- I don't have a thing.

- There's nothing in front of us.
- They're behind us.

Behind us? Oh, swell. How close?

That close? Apollo?

- It doesn't look good. I'm going right.
- I'll take left. Good luck, buddy.

Dispatching automatic distress
to the fleet.

Be seeing ya.

- I'll pick him up on the right.
- He's dead on the left.

Be back in half a flash.

I can't lose him, Apollo.
I can't shake him.

Cease fire.

- Cease fire. That's an order!
- Are you crazy?

Cain'll have us for dinner
if they get away.

- They're human.
- What?

I said they're human.

Impossible. We're the only ones left alive
in the entire star system.

I'm switching to unicom.

Attention. Attention.
This is Silver Spar Group Leader,

commanding viper pilots to surrender.

We are locked on kill.


It has to be a trick.

This is Apollo, Strike Commander
of the Battlestar Galactica. Who are you?

- Bojay?
- I heard him.

It's a trick. They're all dead.

Bojay? Did he say Bojay?

- Bojay, is that you?
- Starbuck?

Apollo, it is. It's Bojay!

You remember,
he was in our squadron until...

That's right, until he was
transferred to...the Fifth Fleet.

- either they're not dead or...
- We are.

Bojay, if that's really you, tell us
what happened. How did you survive?

Maintain silence until we land aboard
the Battlestar Pegasus.


But that's just not possible.


do you know whose ship that was?

Cain, the greatest military commander ever.
He was my idol.

Your idol will order you blasted away
if you don't shut off your transmitters.

In case you clowns don't know,
we are in a quadrant controlled by Cylons.

Oh, my Lord. It isn't a dream.
And we're certainly not dead.

It is the Pegasus.

They won't shut up.
They act as if they've seen an apparition.

I'm still not sure I haven't.

Alert Commander Cain.

'We're down to the last of it, Commander.
I've checked every ship.

'They're down to life support now,
unless we stop.'

Thank you for your report, Jolly.

Frequency intercept scrambled.
Running a check on both ID systems...

186 control on a speed deductor...

Well, that's just fine. Just fine.

We come all this way
and simply run out of fuel.

- There's worse.
- What does that mean?

- We're picking up Cylon transmissions.
- Good Lord, a Cylon base star?

It's not military.
What we're hearing is civilian.


I just don't understand it.

- We're a star system away from any...
- I can't explain it.

But somewhere out there, not far away,
is a city - a Cylon city.

That could be why
our recon patrol is overdue.

Apollo, Starbuck?

How long before
they exhaust their fuel supply?

If they've been using their thrusters,

they'd be powered down right now.

Sir, if we launch a shuttle probe...

We must conserve every drop of fuel

to support our life systems.

- Bring the fleet to a dead stop, please.
- Yes, Commander.

- It's unbelievable, seeing you guys.
- How do you think we feel?

We sailed over two yahrens ago
to save Molecay.

- We haven't seen a human since.
- The rest of the Fifth Fleet?

Destroyed. If Cain hadn't pulled
a brilliant decoy, we'd be gone, too.

You must have headed away
from the Colonies to be this far out.

That was another of Cain's touches.

He knew that they'd be waiting for us
from Molecay to the Colonies,

so he put us into deep space
and we kept going.

- We've been fighting ever since.
- Running.

Our skipper doesn't know
the meaning of the word run.

- We strike round the clock.
- With what?

- Where do you get your fuel and arms?
- From the Cylons, of course.

If you officers will excuse our guests,

Commander Cain would like to see them
in his quarters.

Get them a drink, Tolen. They look pale.

It's a very great honour, sir.

A very great honour.

Yes, I should imagine it is.

That's just a little attempt at humour.

I'd quite resigned myself
that I would never see another human,

other than my own people
on the Pegasus,

- yet there you are.
- The Galactica, sir.

Under the flag
of Commander Adama, my father.

- Adama?
- Yes, sir.

Yes, yes. Yes, I see it.

Well, how is he?
How is that old modocker?

Considering the load he's carried
since the destruction of our nation...

Yes, I should imagine.

And the rest of the fleet?

Only the Galactica survived, sir,

along with some 220 ships
carrying what's left of our people.

My God. And I thought we had it bad.

- Only 220 ships from all the Colonies?
- Yes, sir.

Well, my friends, our troubles are over.

- How do you mean, sir?
- Tomorrow we go on the offensive.

We'll show those golmonging Cylons
how to fight now!

Yes, by the Lords of Kobol,

the Cylon Empire is about to fall!

We're picking up something very odd.

- What is it?
- It's some sort of visual echo.

I mean, the Galactica's image
must be bouncing off some ion field.

Feed it up to the bridge.

Omega, have this scan turret
checked immediately.

Yes, Colonel.

Switch to high band.
There's something wrong.

It's a visual echo. It's the cleanest
transmission I've ever seen.


- There's a signal on fleet comline Alpha.
- That's impossible.

Fleet comline is a scramble communicator
between warships

and since we're the only battlestar,

there's no possibility
of a signal like that existing.

'Greetings, Adama, you old wardaggit.

'Might've known I'd find you
and your fleet sitting on your astrums.'

Cain?! Of all that's holy.

'There's nothing holy about me, Adama.

'Except maybe what I'm doing
to those golmonging Cylons.'

It's a miracle, Cain. A blessed miracle.

'I make my own miracles.

'But have it your way.
I'll be aboard in a few centons.'

I'll have some vintage Ambrosa for you.

'I should think so.'


It's impossible.
Cain perished along with the Fifth Fleet

two yahrens ago.

Yes, Colonel,
but that's the fabric of miracles...

the impossible.

'Commander Cain requesting permission
to board the Galactica.'

The Lords of Kobol bless you.

You have no idea
how I feel at this moment.

Me too, Adama, me too.
I have a present for you.

Where are those space loiterers
we picked up? Front and centre!


I thought I'd seen the last of you.

You would have,
if my daughter hadn't cut them off.

- They were heading into Gamoray.
- The Delphian Empire?

It was. Before the Cylons
turned it into their outer capital.

It's now a model of machine efficiency.

- That was a society of 50 million beings.
- Not any more.

When it was clear
that the Fifth Fleet was destroyed,

I took every survivor I could
aboard the Pegasus.

I headed straight for Gamoray,

their most remote supply base.

We've been living off them ever since.

It's incredible. If they control Gamoray,
they control half the universe.

The only thing I've been able to do
is keep knocking that base down

so they can't get a full strike at me.

What I've never understood

is why they didn't send out
base ships to finish us off.

- It's clear now why they didn't.
- Yes, the Galactica.

They were having trouble with a rebel fleet
but I couldn't break the code.

I had no idea
that there were any other survivors.

Oh, nor did we.

You've given a tremendous lift
to all our people.

And a death blow to the Cylons.

We're going to take them now, Adama.
This is the turning point.

No, my old friend, the most we can hope
to get from the Cylons is some fuel.

- A military victory's out of the question.
- What are you talking about?

I've had them on their knees
in this quadrant - with just one battlestar.

With two - ha! - I'll finish them!

- At least on Gamoray.
- And then what?

Well, then we'll have all the fuel we need

and a base from which to attack.

We can't secure that planet.

And those base ships not bothering you
were after me, en masse.

No, our only hope is to just keep moving.

- You mean run?
- I mean escape.

But why? We can outfly them,
we can outfight them, we...

In case you haven't noticed,
I'm protecting 220 civilian ships

which crawl along in space at a pace
which is perfect for target practice.

- There must be some way.
- I wish there were.

But your knowledge of
the Cylon supply lines will be invaluable.

- If we could intercept Cylon tankers...
- Why bother with tankers?

Go straight for that fuel base at Gamoray.

I can't leave those ships unprotected
while we go off to take some planet.

Hades' hole, Adama!
Give me a couple of your best squadrons

and I'll take that fuel base myself.

You'll have enough fuel
to go anyplace in the stars.

I'll be satisfied with enough
to get us out of this quadrant.

Prepare battle plans for capturing
those tankers and I'll approve them.

Meanwhile, enjoy a few centons of
well-deserved hospitality on the Galactica.

Well, if that's the way you want it.

There's a certain young lady
that I'm most anxious to find.

It's quite unlikely that out of all those people
from the Colonies

she'd be one of the few survivors,

but she always knew
how to take care of herself.

Well...what was her name?

Her name is Cassiopeia.

'I'll never forget you, you old wardaggit.

'Hurry back.'

I can see she has the same effect on you
she's always had on me.

And apparently
you've never seen her before.

Speaking of lovely ladies,
you met my daughter.

'Happy birthday, Father. I love you.'

If I'd met that young lady, I'd know it.

You met her.

She almost flew you right out
of your britches.

Like father, like daughter.

- What are you going to do?
- Find a way to let him down easy.

You don't just jump on a hero.

You're assuming Cassiopeia won't be
as excited as everybody else he's back.


Oh, I forgot. Once they experience
the aura of Starbuck...

I never said that.
It's true, but I never said it.

Let's face it, he is an older man.

You're on your own.


Come in.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hiya, Starbuck. Is my father back?

Er, yeah, yeah, kid. He is.

What's the matter? He's not hurt?

Oh, no. It's nothing like that.

Come on, Muffy.
We're gonna find my dad.


What is it?

Something is wrong, isn't there?

I've...I've got some news for you.

It's...about an old friend of yours.

Someone you may have been
involved with or just...liked.

I don't know which but...

he's been found - alive.

- Who?
- Look, I know it's over between you

but he's a legend,
we'll have to let him down easy.

If you wanna do it, fine.

But I'll be glad to handle it for you
if it's going to be too awkward.

- Starbuck, who are we talking about?
- Er, Commander Cain.




I'd almost given up hope.

Oh, I missed you so.

But I had to stop
thinking about you too much.

I wouldn't expect you to, especially
with all those young warriors around.

They're all in love with you, I'm sure.

No. Only one.

- Starbuck.
- Starbuck?

He's a great warrior.

Oh, he is, huh?

I wasn't comparing you.

But you'll have to give me time to think.

We may not have much time.

I know.

Well, how'd she take the news?

Worse than I thought. She...

She wanted to be alone, so...

Starbuck, are you in a little pain?

No. What are you talking about?

Hey, it's me, Apollo, remember?
We talk about things.

Yeah, well, I, er...

I guess I never did like to admit
that I form...

- attachments.
- You don't even admit it to yourself.

I've never understood that about you.

You were always part of a very big family.
I never had that.

So I just grew up keeping
the number of people around me

as large as I could.

So you couldn't be hurt
by any particular one?

Look, I don't care if Cassiopeia feels
something for this Cain.

I just don't understand the combination.
I mean he's, er...he's...

- Too old?
- Yeah.

Read up on your Book Of The Word.

Some of the Elders of Kobol
were married to some very young wives.

Wives? Aren't we getting
a little ahead of ourselves here?

She wouldn't marry him.


who cares?

Not me!

Poor Starbuck.

Oh, well.

He still has Athena

and Miriam and Noday and...

Would you stop?
And who told you to listen, anyway?

What about Sheba?

She's developed
into one of our best warriors.

She'll be very unhappy that I've returned.

Children don't understand a man's needs
at different times in his life.

You came into my life
right after her mother died.

It may have been difficult for Sheba
but if it weren't for you, I...

Did you ever think maybe Sheba
wanted to fill that role?

She's my daughter.

I could be your daughter as well.

You could be...but you aren't.

Our basic strategy has just been to keep
knocking down their base on Gamoray.

Every time they send one of their
leaders in to rededicate that base,

we go in and turn it into scrap metal.

Oh. Hey, what about you guys?

You've got to be raising feldercarb
with those tinheads.

We do our best.

We just shot down a Cylon patrol ship.

- Mind if I join you?
- No, by all means.

Apollo, Strike Captain Apollo.

I believe you've spent a lot of time
on my tail? You are Sheba?

Yes, to both questions.

You can't be serious. You shot down
one Cylon patrol ship in a secton?

Very serious.

When you're responsible for the lives
of civilians crammed onto slow barges,

you have to keep a low profile.

Sounds like we're incompatible.

We all have to learn to adjust.

Even the legendary Commander Cain
may have to alter his combat techniques.

And who's going to tell him that?

As a student of your father's tactics,
I think he'll realise on his own.

If not...

Sit, sit. Relax everybody, relax.
We're off prime!

This is good. Good, what you're doing -
getting acquainted.

Since we're all going to be
fighting together, side by side,

I'm buying the first round.

Ambrosa for everyone.
For all my warriors!

Come, my sweet Cassiopeia.

If you'll excuse me,
I think I've had enough combat for now.

- Nothing changes.
- Everything changes.

Not people.


Can we talk?

Not now. I'm really not up to it.

We're gonna have to work together
if we want to survive.

Working with you won't be the problem.

This is the route
where the Cylons run their fuel ships.

Their convoy has already left Gamoray.

But if we use turbos all the way,

we can catch them
before they leave this quadrant.

Turbos all the way. We've barely
enough fuel to get there and back.

- We wouldn't need any more than that.
- Surely the tankers have a fighter escort.

In a prolonged battle
you'd run out of reserves.

I don't fight prolonged battles with Cylons.
They're not that good.

We'll send one squadron
from each battlestar.

No offence but...

I'd prefer to use just my own wings
on this manoeuvre.

I think for the purpose of morale,

it might be best if we started
to integrate our squadrons,

give them a sense of teamwork.

Whatever you say. My warriors will pass on
their experience. Let's get to it.

Is there anything
he doesn't do better than the rest?

It's his way of talking.
He's one of the best.

I've never seen anyone so treated
like a...a god in my life.

We must remember
that he's kept his people alive

in this Cylon territory for two yahrens.

His men would do anything for him.

Rightfully so.

I hope you know that this adulation,
this awe everybody feels for him,

- doesn't alter our feelings about you.
- Oh, Apollo.

We're not in a popularity contest,
we're in a struggle for survival.

We need heroes
that our people can look up to,

gather strength from. We need him.

- They feel that way about you.
- I hope I never disappoint them.

Get going. I don't want the Blue Squadron
reaching those tankers

after Cain has flown the Colonial flag.

There's a matter of pride involved here.

- Yes, sir.
- Son...

good luck.

Father? They told me
you're going on the mission.

It's just a routine strike.

We can't afford risking you.

We can't afford not to. I'll explain later.

Transferring control to Silver Spar
Squadron. Launch when ready.

Strike wing standing by.

Blue Squadron ready to rendezvous
with Silver Spar Squadron.

- Four centons to target.
- Doesn't that sound like Cain?

- Commander Cain. Boomer, isn't it?
- Yes, but...

I know everyone in my command.
Three centons to target.

I'm not getting anything on my scanner.

- If we're only...
- They won't be on your scanner.

- Then how...
- I can feel them, Captain.

Just ahead is an ionised cloud level.

Our target will be hiding there. Split up.

I thought we were a single strike force.

A dozen escort fighters are ready
to jump us. We do this my way.

Blue Squadron, head in.
Silver Spar, follow me.

He's flying evasive tactics and I don't see...

I think he knows what he's doing.
We'll know in a micron.

Stand by to penetrate cloud layer.

There she is, a Cylon tanker.

Two Cylon tankers.
I don't see any sign of...

OK, Blue Squadron, go to work.
Don't hit any of those tankers.

There's an awful lot of them.

Jolly, you got one on your tail!

Roll, Jolly. He's on you!

I can't seem to lose him!

Let's go get 'em.

- Thank you, whoever that was.
- My pleasure.

Captain, on your left wing.

I've got him, Apollo.

- Two of 'em running.
- Blue Squadron. Pursue.

That's all of them.
Let's escort those tankers in.

- Commander?
- Yes, what is it, Captain?

Were you aiming at a fighter?
I didn't see him.

You didn't? He was as clear
as the Nubian sun to me.

- Where are the two tankers?
- I don't know. We've come up empty.

Let's regroup and head for home.

I'm sorry, Adama,
but with all those ships in the air

fighting for their lives
in and around those tankers,

I guess maybe we should've sent
just my squadrons.

We do have a little more experience
in hit-and-run tactics.

Yes, I suppose it was a mistake

mixing forces that never fought together.

Commander, with respect,

Blue Squadron was nowhere near
when the tankers blew up!

Nothing personal, Apollo.

You and your squadron handled yourselves
as well as I've ever seen.

It was an honour to have you along

and I wouldn't dream of attacking
that Cylon base without you.

We're going against the whole base?

I don't think we have
any choice now. Do we?

Events seem to have left us
very few alternatives.

I'll give you my decision in the morning.

We can't wait until morning.

We have to work
on my battle plan right now.

In the morning.

- Adama, with all due...
- Dismissed.

I'll be in the Officers' Club
when you make up your mind.


Father, he...



I'd like to talk to you.

- I was about to join my father...
- That's OK.

Cassiopeia and I will save you a place.

Look, I really don't feel well.

- What happened to those tankers?
- They were hit by incidental fire.

You're telling me
that someone as good as you are

blew the whole purpose
of this mission by accident?

- Yes, that's what I'm saying.
- Then we have found witnesses.

A toast to our victory over the Cylons!


Hail! Hail!

The data from the scanners
aboard the Pegasus

make it clear that an attack would result
in the forfeiture of countless lives.

Those are losses unacceptable to me,

even if we could board fuel
from the Cylon depot.

Adama, we have no choice.
Your fleet is standing dead in the sky.

It's only a matter of time
before their base ships attack.

There is a choice.

According to my data, the Pegasus
is carrying a maximum fuel load.

I intend to divide part of that load
amongst the fleet.

- What?
- Only a sufficient amount

to get our people out of this quadrant
without loss of life.

With any luck, our scanners will be able
to locate a secondary fuel source

before we run out of it again.

Commander, with all due respect,

we cannot risk the lives
of our people on luck.

All the fuel we need is right there
at that base - Gamoray.

And we have two full battlestars
to hit them with.

What would happen if we left our fleet
of civilian ships unguarded

- while we conquered a planet?
- We'd be in and out before they know.

We have been dogged by Cylon ships
since we left our star system.

They strike without warning.
They could be massing now.

Anything is possible.
But I prefer to deal with the probable.

The probabilities are
with our combined strength

we can achieve our first clean victory
since we lost the war.

I'm not interested in victories.

I'm interested in saving lives,
what few of them are left.

I'm sorry.

Colonel, carry out the task
of distributing the Pegasus fuel

throughout the fleet.


I will not allow that.

You have no choice.

I think I do. I think two yahrens
of surviving the Cylons

in this quadrant without any help
from you or the Colonies

has earned my people, my crew,
the right to decide their own destiny.

In the same way you decided
the destiny of two Cylon tankers?

I did what I thought I had to do
to assure the survival of our people.

How long do you suppose the fuel
from those two tankers would last?

We need enough fuel
to sustain this fleet indefinitely.

We must take that base.
We must take Gamoray!

That is one opinion, Commander.

It does not happen to be mine.

So I'm going to relieve you
of any further responsibility

of making decisions contrary to orders.

You are relieved of your command.

Colonel Tigh, you will assume
the bridge of the Pegasus.


I want you to know that we will follow you
in whatever you decide to do.

Thank you, but you heard the man,
I don't decide anything any more.

- Sir, what we meant...
- I know what you meant.

But what I did this morning
was tactical misjudgement.

What you're thinking of is mutiny.

Oh, I may be the most stubborn,
egocentric warrior ever in the Colonies

but I'm also the best and I won't be
remembered as the one who pulled out

and left defenceless civilians
at the mercy of those...

tinheaded golmonging Cylons.

By your command.

- Speak.
- We've found the Colonial trailing ships.

They turned back
before discovery, I presume.

By your order.

Very well done.

This is the final moment.

At long last I've overtaken Adama

with sufficient strength
to blow him out of the sky.

- It should be quite a good battle.
- It will be no battle at all.

A single battlestar
is no match for three base ships.

Oh, no, what we have here,
my dear Lucifer,

is what is known as a rout, a humiliation,

a massacre.

Then you do not wish support fighters
from Gamoray, our outer capital?

The only thing I want from Gamoray

is a welcoming parade,

a victory celebration,

a tribute from the people of Gamoray

for the greatest military leader
Cylon has ever known.

I've decided that the city of Gamoray
will be my seat of power.

From it, I will decide how and where
I will extend my dominion

throughout the star system.

Begging your pardon, Baltar,

but shouldn't we first go through
the formality of conquering the humans

before ordering our victory celebration?

That had the note of sarcasm, Lucifer.
Watch yourself.

You're not the only IL-series Cylon

who dreams of standing beside
the greatest conqueror in the universe.

- Forgive my impudence.
- Hm.

- About that launch order...
- Yes, yes, let's get on with it.


Wait, I have an even better idea.

I will accompany the strike force.

- You, go into...
- Yes, yes.

Think of the impression on Gamoray

when they learn that I personally led
the final assault on the humans.

Prepare a ship with two of your best pilots.

By your command.

'Captain Apollo requesting permission
to board the Pegasus.'

Colonel, fuelling shuttles
are starting to come aboard.

Proceed with fuel distribution
to all ships in the fleet.


There's bad feeling festering
aboard this ship.

Shouldn't we delay this order
until things settle down?

Commander Adama wants the fleet able
to get underway quickly.

We can't do that without fuel.
Now, carry out the order.

- Can we be of some help?
- Only in the transfer of fuel.

- What transfer is that?
- We have a job to do. Stand aside.

- What are you doing?
- Fighting for our commander.

- And our lives.
- He accepted the order.

Why don't you show
the same good sense?

Look, Captain, maybe you don't
understand the situation.

Adama humiliated
the greatest man that ever lived,

who can think and fight circles
around your father.

She's right, Apollo.
He saved us from certain death.

Now it's our turn to help him.

No one wants to see Cain hurt
or disgraced.

- Isn't it a bit late to say that?
- Commander Adama had no choice.

There can only be one leader.

And we've got the wrong one.
That's why you're not taking our fuel.

I'm only going to say this one more time.

Adama is the fleet commander,

he's determined that we don't send
our defences off to a Cylon capital

while our fleet sits here helpless!

I support that thinking, so stand aside!

Well, now, what's it gonna be?

Just what Adama was afraid of.

We're under attack. Back to the ship.

Large Cylon task force coming in.

- 50 microns and closing.
- Get me the Galactica.

Sir, 45 microns and closing.

That's the largest force I've seen
since the destruction of Caprica.

- What is it? What have they got?
- We're not certain.

But from the number of bombers,
they have three base ships moving in.

You were right, I was wrong.

The fleet would've been defenceless
if we had attacked.

Right now I need you
and your tactical wizardry.

They used only three ships
to wipe out our fleet at Caprica.

Surprise was on their side then.
This time, it might be on our side.

Pull out the Pegasus.

Exactly. It's on the far side of our fleet.

I doubt if it's on their scanners yet.

I'll bring it around
and squeeze them in-between us.

Don't take too long to be in position.

If it's OK to burn up half my fuel,
I'll bring it up to light speed.

- Do I have a choice?
- No.

- Be there when we need you.
- I'll be there.

Commander, 25 microns and closing.

Arm weapons. Stand by to attack.

This is going to be a classic defeat,

spoken of throughout the star system
for 1,000 yahrens.

Launch fighters.

Incoming communication
from Commander Cain, sir.

Put it on the line.

I'm resuming command of the Pegasus.

So I've been informed
by Commander Adama.

Good. Get that ship out of there.

Swing on a 180 and follow course 1-1-0.
I'll rendezvous with you.

- What about the attack force?
- Let me worry about that.

Have pilots launch-ready.
I'll be aboard soon.

It's nothing personal, sir. It's just that...

I quite understand.

Who can fight a living legend?

Goodbye, Galactica.

Goodbye, Adama.

You're finished.

Positive shield, now.

Commence fire.

Let's go get 'em.

This time, the Galactica hasn't a chance.

Concentrate our fighters
on the landing bays.

Her warriors won't be able
to refuel, reload or land.

- Fire in the bay.
- Damage report.

It's out of control.
Alpha Bay is completely cut off.

Keep leading her warriors
away from the main fleet.

They can't stay aloft
using full battle thrusters for long.

A word of caution.

We too, are expending
great amounts of fuel

in a sustained attack.

Yes, but we have a place to land.
They do not.

Or will not before long.

We are running parallel to the Cylons
on their rear flank.

The Galactica is reporting
heavy damage to her landing bays.

Bring her around 60 degrees.
We're going in.

Burn, Galactica.

You're finished, Adama!

Sir, if I may...

I don't want to miss a moment
of the last battlestar's destruction.

I really think you should look
at the other battlestar.

What are you babbling about?

- It's impossible.
- No, it is a battlestar.

Turn, you fool! Turn!

He's coming right for us!

ST US By Tchen..
Sync & error correction: Ki3r