Baron noir (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Chouquette - full transcript
Abandoned by Amélie, ruined by his lawsuit, Philippe is in big trouble. At the same time, Amélie brings the socialist barons in line with an iron fist. She gives them no choice but to accept her offer: strike an alliance with the centrists. Refusing the defeat, Philippe undertakes a wild counteroffensive, seeking out a leader able to defy Amélie.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What if you get bogged down?
It's not what I have planned.
It's what Napoleon said, then his
Russian campaign ended in a retreat.
The soldiers of the Great Army
ended up eating their horses.
I'm not really into horse meat.
No worries. My plan
is a hundred percent vegan.
Let me explain.
Le Monde's first page is about me.
About my hypothesis of a dissolution.
"The President is wondering...
How can you govern
with a relative majority
and without resorting to the 49-3?"
It dramatises the hours
of the decision,
the hours that could be
the turning point of the presidency.
Three days when no one
knew where she was.
From then on, the old Socialists
get scared to lose their deputy seat.
In case of a dissolution, the SP
would suffer an electoral carnage.
You'll say that to Le Monde ?
Yes, supposedly said by
someone close to me.
What are your guys
supposed to do now?
They'll twist their own brains,
But they will quickly come
to the only applicable solution:
offering themselves an agreement
between the SP and you.
Anything but dissolution.
They'll think with their guts.
-This is where I come in.
-Yes, after Chistera.
On the evening news or on a trip,
he'll reach out to you.
An invitation to take
your responsibilities
in the context
of a progressive majority.
We'll say it's a great idea.
I'll answer "Alright". The right
insults me: renegade, traitor,
-Exactly. From then on,
nothing keeps Kalhenberg from having
the SP agree to govern with you.
The safely barrier is down.
Then, just ratify the agreement with
a vote by the national committee.
I reshuffle the government and
it'll get the absolute majority.
Did I hear it right?
Ratify the agreement with a vote?
That's the point.
Having the SP's authorities
back the alliance.
The SP's authorities..
They're a black hole.
A Bermuda Triangle.
You know when you get in,
not when you come out.
I don't want the Manureva's fate.
What if Dupraz wants
to prevent the agreement?
In the worst case,
he'll only gather the left wing.
25% of the committee at most.
I'd even say 15%. The fear
of dissolution always works.
-What about the best case scenario?
-Best case scenario,
she leaves the party
and we make it clear at last.
The SP is a reformist
government party
not a disappointment machine
that sold too many dreams.
We'll win this, and govern without
a constant guerrilla of the left wing.
We'll have a boulevard ahead of us
and I'll appoint you Prime Minister.
-There's still something I don't get.
-Are you kidding?
Just explain more.
I like when you explain.
-The hearing was cancelled.
-What's going on?
Laugier had it adjourned
for medical reasons.
A dizzy spell.
He doesn't even have to prove it.
A dizzy spell? My ass.
He'll get a new date tomorrow.
I'll get 3 more months.
What does he want?
Don't leave me to rot
on the sidelines.
He doesn't care, he's old, he's done.
Let's get back on the case in detail.
-You should talk to Benjamin.
-Who's that?
Benjamin Dutilleul, he's a lawyer.
The young one I saw at your office?
No, a great professional,
with a more affordable rate.
I have an office to run.
I'll be at the hearing
but I can't manage it all.
-You're dropping me too.
-No, I'm clarifying.
Hi. How are you?
Good. You?
So, it's done?
-Did you resign?
-Not yet.
-No one cares. What's up?
-I do.
You're underestimating yourself,
like you often do.
You're seen as very close to Amélie,
of course, your resignation matters.
The SP will negotiate an agreement
with Thorigny. We have to fight.
-Your resignation can weigh a lot.
There isn't really a battle.
-You think so?
-Everyone's giving up.
Dupraz is not.
-Dupraz, I mean...
Is that a political argument?
"Dupraz, I mean..."
She called me
a populist Identitarian.
You choose your enemies,
not your allies. It's the first rule.
The enemy is Thorigny,
so we need to do Dupraz.
"Do Dupraz?"
She doesn't have the skills.
-It's true.
-It can be worked on.
Anyone else? Only she can incarnate
a left-wing opposition to Amélie.
She's even the only one
who can preserve the SP.
What guarantees Thorigny isn't
more sensitive about secularity?
What's your problem?
You're a unionist of secularity now?
Get out of your hallway for a minute.
Tectonics are happening that could
sink the SP for 20 years.
As a friend... You are delusional.
We're living the Strange Defeat.
The Germans are crossing the Ardennes
and you talk about
the generals' personalities.
Wake up. Gather troops
and fight until the end
Hold on.
You're comparing Thorigny to Hitler?
Shut up. You understood me.
Dupraz isn't amazing, but it's all
we have. To light the fire she'll do.
Drive her well and she can move
the centre wing of the party
and we'll thwart Amélie's plan.
The socialists are shocked but
the smallest thing will wake them up.
They're already negotiating
the agreement,
with the dissolution's
gun on their heads.
There won't be a dissolution.
It's all bluff.
Do you picture her in a coalition
for four years?
We need to flip Kalhenberg over.
He's a wuss, but he's a leftist.
If Dupraz puts a lot of pressure,
he won't hold for long.
-Daniel? He won't move.
Why? Explain.
I have a thing with this wuss,
like you say, since the election.
I talked to him fifteen minutes ago.
Believe me, he won't move.
Did you know about that?
Alright, I have a house to sell
and lawyers to pay. Bye.
I shouldn't have come here.
Come get a drink and talk.
I know what you will say.
You're building a great agreement,
there won't be a liberal turn...
I should stay with Amélie
without giving in to revenge...
I haven't resigned yet,
If you're worried about that.
Nothing worries me when I'm near you.
I'm getting my briefcase
and we'll get a drink.
What's the nutcracker?
Vidal on one side,
Amélie and Thorigny on the other,
me in the middle.
In thousand pieces.
Look at the pressure he puts on me.
It's an irremediable fracture
with their own history
that the Socialists leaders
have done by negotiating
by those called centrists,
whom we all know
are a right-wing family.
With this, the SP is finishing
its ideological sinking.
All the authentic Socialists
who don't accept
this negation of their creed
have a home: ours.
We'll make room for them.
I'll be an example
and starting today, at every public
reunion, a seat will be reserved
to Aurore Dupraz. Dear Aurore,
we have to do everything together
Walk, punch, and occasionally
have coffee together.
It's good to feel wanted.
It's what Amélie wants. Throw you out
of the party to have her hands free.
I'm not against it,
But I'm sick of being the left-wing
relic in a right-wing party.
Vidal whistles and you arrive?
Look beyond the sequences,
think long-term.
It's a great occasion
to take over the old house
Do you know what my counting is
for the national committee? 13%.
And a lot of friends
are just sweet-talking.
Of course, you look like
Vidal's fifth column in the party.
It's off-putting. Chistera,
Kahlenberg... The centre of the party
has aligned on the right.
That's the space you must take.
Broaden your base, take their place.
Speak like the Socialists.
-Refocus, in order to pressure them.
-Of course.
Chistera and Kalhenberg
must have a hard time
getting their guys to vote
in favour of the agreement.
-Don't refuse the agreement.
Calm down. Look, you accept the idea
of an agreement but with guarantees.
Guarantees aren't a thing at the SP.
Details. You get into details
about the terms of the agreement
because it's what pisses them off.
You have to find precluding things.
For example, the labour law reform.
Say yes, but...
Wait. You do say yes,
but no to a single work contract.
It's not maximalist,
but it's vicious
We know Amélie and Thorigny
have a hard-on for this contract.
For the average Socialist,
It's legit. It's not obstruction.
They can vote yes, no,
or yes with your conditions.
-My troops won't be happy.
-They're not fully behind you anyway.
Hunt them on other grounds.
It's like Cyril and his guys,
it's 12 voices at the committee.
Why not have them?
Add things about secularity
and they'll come.
I disagree with Cyril's line.
You need voices.
If they refuse the agreement
with more than 30%,
everything changes.
This was the Ardennes in 40,
now it's becoming Stalingrad.
Once Amélie and Thorigny anger
the country with the work contract,
I do a beautiful congress.
A very beautiful one,
for a great primary.
Then you'll be the one with
a seat for Vidal in your meetings.
Thanks for coming so fast, Alain.
You know the respect
I have for you and your career.
Your loyalty, integrity
and intelligence...
But you want me to resign
to appoint Thorigny Prime Minister.
You never mentioned that.
-That is why...
-You fucked us all...
-Le me explain.
-Let's be clear, you betrayed us.
You made us negotiate with him,
now you want him in Matignon?
Who do you think we are? Mops?
Do you think we'll let it happen?
I do. What will you say? You refuse
the agreement, you asked for,
negotiated and signed... Just because
Thorigny becomes Prime Minister?
You'll explain your problem is not
to be in Matignon, that reshuffling
is only great if you keep your place?
One year of awry governing.
It's too much and you know it.
I wanted to tell you before everyone,
before the signing of the agreement.
-Out of respect for you.
You keep making fun of me?
You could reveal this information
and make the whole thing fail.
Or you can keep it for yourself
to preserve my recomposition.
I already know your choice.
Your sense of the state guides you.
Don't worry, I won't say anything,
because I do have that sense.
But don't count on me
for anything else, in any way.
I won't wish you good luck.
It wouldn't be sincere.
-You never ran into Salomé.
-I'd have told you.
She's been keeping a low profile.
Did you speak to her mother?
It's depression. I mean, it was,
now it's another phase
but it's still depression.
Something about decompensation.
What does it mean?
She spent 2 days in an institution.
Florence talked to the guy,
he said Salomé's a child soldier.
I read about that, children
enrolled in militias in Africa.
I am the militia.
She felt obliged to protect me,
so much that she forgot herself.
Be as one with my cause.
Including during the Joël story.
And when I was in prison,
she broke down.
It's delirious. Talk to her.
She's a pure Rickwaert.
I can't talk to her. She needs time,
so I'll leave her some time.
That's him.
This guys pays
370,000 euros for my house?
Don't tell him you're broke.
If he knows you're in a hurry,
-he'll use it.
-I am in a hurry.
In a big hurry.
Salomé always loved this house.
Remember when she was doing
watercolours up there?
Let's go.
I thought of coming with champagne
but I found better.
Everybody will know about it
74% of left-wing voters are in favour
of an SP-centre agreement.
A dictator's score.
Just kidding.
I don't tell jokes,
but I can recognize one.
Yeah, but you didn't laugh.
I talked to Chistera today.
-Do you know what I have?
-Tell me.
A good agreement.
A great one. And tomorrow.
Amazing. Well done and thank you.
Do you have time to celebrate?
I can come to Matignon.
Chistera always says
his wine cellar is better than yours.
The Élysée's wine cellar
is three steps above.
I'd love to,
but I have a lot to do. Tomorrow?
-Tomorrow. Kisses, Madam President.
-Same. Congratulations, again.
I think this does you credit.
One month from your departure,
you do what you have to do,
but you don't use
the influence coming from it,
you stay humble
while taking your responsibilities.
You're the president I want to have.
LR Deputy Corinne Alba joined
the anti-euthanasia collective,
which keeps pressure with its camp
in front of René Muret hospital,
we are live.
For the Socialist Party
death is sadly only biological.
But in this hospital,
Rose Lavigne, 15 years old,
is between life and death
after a diving accident.
Her parents have chosen life.
Her doctors want to choose death
but France is a civilisation,
which means a way of dying
first and foremost.
Thank you, Astrid Jeuay.
Back to Solferino,
where Aurore Dupraz's
long awaited press conference
is about to start.
This morning, the Socialist Party's
direction has agreed
with the centrists for an agreement
for a common government project.
I say project, because the committee
will ratify it or not on Saturday.
The project doesn't have enough
political guarantees for me
to call for the members of the
committee to vote in favour of it.
That is why I have added
this condition:
-What condition?
-The SP doesn't belong to its leaders
-but to the ideas...
-Isn't that good?
-It's fine.
-Political labels can die
but ideas can't.
It's simple, clean, concise...
The SP has always been
our common house.
Once again, we must preserve it
beyond the trends.
Come on, it's great.
This is what I want every member
of the committee to say on Saturday
by voting in favour
of the seven conditions.
The Socialist Party lives
and will live on.
And the flag behind her? You're
a thinker, you listen to the words.
But the people are visual.
What did they see?
The party's banner behind the brave
one speaking from Solferino's yard.
She's holding the old house together
and it's what people saw.
-Back to work. Where were we?
Sixth condition: secular republic.
Not restrict ourselves to defence.
The republic has values,
but socialism applies them
to everyone.
What does this mean about secularity?
Don't force consciences,
but support our view with means.
Hold on, it's too long.
Don't ask too much of Dupraz.
You heard her, people want
accuracy, it's not a thesis.
Don't make 10 pages for each
condition, there are seven.
Chistera. What's up with him?
How are you?
What's the address again?
-Do you know?
-About what?
After the committee,
she fires Chistera
and makes Thorigny Prime Minister.
I've been fucked before,
but this is a gang bang in a cave.
What can I do now?
Besides refusing an agreement
I have negotiated myself.
Where are you going?
Can I talk to you? It'll be quick.
I'm resigning.
I refuse it.
My disagreement is deep.
I'm totally against the agreement.
What does it change?
Everything, Amélie.
It's not guided but political
arithmetic, it's ideological.
What's the alternative? The NF
is high, the system is out of breath.
I'm not waiting for it to collapse
and take democracy with it.
My only strength is to be where I am
with my function's authority.
If you wait on the opposition...
There'd be a congress, they'd all try
-to be the most radical...
-But this method...
-What method?
-Hiding it from all of us.
Did I have a choice?
What do you reproach me for?
Doing everything is takes to win
is the rule. I didn't make it.
If a man had done that, it'd have
been called a masterstroke.
I accept your resignation.
Thank you.
How are you?
Laugier is dying.
An improperly treated stomach cancer.
He was negligent.
Laugier without politics..
Of course, he couldn't stand it.
Amélie killed him,
it's all I have to say.
I know, you had a role in this.
But you had to save your head
so you had to talk, while she...
This damn spoilt kid...
I heard you're taking care of Aurore.
What's going on with her reports?
-Want to help her?
- Why not? What do I have to lose?
Amélie asked for your resignation?
What a bitch.
She cornered me.
Francis' illness can make you
change the way you read the events.
She'll become a killer.
A methodical liquidator.
Laugier today, soon the party.
Laugier dying tells another story.
She's not only a killer,
she's a scavenger, a hyena.
The comrades won't accept that.
Speak up right now,
so your friends
at the committee follow you.
Impossible, Laugier's disease
would have to be made public.
The family wants it kept secret
until he dies.
-What do we care?
Who's the family? His ex-wife?
We're here because of her.
She blackmailed him for cash.
It's because of her
that I took Rachel's money.
I don't give a damn
about her instructions.
From the start, Amélie's been
leading you on with her threat
of dissolution, but it's a trick,
if we stand up to her
at the committee, she'll go first.
She'll give up, she's got no balls.
What if she does,
and dissolves the Assembly?
You don't care.
You'll be at the primary anyway.
Against Dupraz?
Against Amélie.
Dupraz is just a fire starter,
a match on a punnet. It's all I had.
But to light a strong fire,
you need a good log. You.
Let's do this.
There we go.
BFM broke the news of Laugier's
hospitalisation being for cancer.
Why didn't I know before?
The family wanted it kept secret
and the doctor couldn't oppose it.
We don't know who leaked it,
I had the hospital on the phone...
Laugier seems to have refused
to take his treatment.
Do you think I should go there?
He said the family doesn't want that.
My kids are at their mother's,
every other week.
A pre-teen girl and two teenagers.
Chistera and Dupraz
are Jesus and Gandhi next to them.
What's wrong? Laugier?
It's true the timing isn't good.
We must find a backfire.
Got an idea?
It's right here.
Everybody knows why Alba is here.
Win the LR congress
with the Catholics' support.
Throw them away. Send the police.
It's tricky in terms of civil safety.
Children, a parliamentarian...
She'll play the victim, of course.
And it'll shift you to the left,
especially if you divide further.
Their expulsion saturates the debate,
which makes Laugier a lesser story.
The new sequence is you against Alba.
These bigots and their project.
I own up to it and divide further...
Got something precise in mind?
"At night, a child sleeps." Alba has
said that a lot to suburb kids.
Say the same thing
And they will go crazy.
Especially since
I don't have children.
They'll attack you with it. Amazing.
The left will have to support you.
And the agreement will be ratified
at the committee in a triumph.
You have a few deputies on your side
who are against euthanasia.
Dufour, Picard, Klein...
Good riddance.
I can't stand them any more.
Let them go to LR. I don't care.
I can clarify too.
What's our estimation?
Between 32% and 43% of the committee.
We need a majority. I'm hesitating.
Thorigny, Prime Minister...
For fuck's sake.
It's still just a rumour,
she'll only announce it
after the committee.
So what? Let's tell the whole world.
tell it to the press,
spread rumours... Lie.
We don't care since it's the truth.
Do you know what would help?
If you reduced the number
of conditions. Seven is too much.
About Europe, we can't afford to be
on Vidal's line. It's a turn-off.
Let's stay positive.
-More blurry.
-I'm speaking strategy.
Only strategy.
When you were negotiating
with Thorigny, I was fighting.
I won't back down.
With 40%, Amélie will back down.
No need for a majority.
No need... I'm here
because Alain
told me we'd try for a majority.
I've never been a pariah
of the party, I won't start now.
I won't budge about Europe.
Alright. But seven conditions
is still too much.
-I'm experienced, trust me.
-He's right.
And secularism?
Throw it away
and I got at least 15 more voters.
Break the ghettos?
It's the working-class areas!
-I do agree.
But secularity makes us lose people.
-Who, your Cyril?
-For one.
-He's not at the NF yet?
-I'll tell him myself.
So you won't have to sugar-coat it.
We are here to protect
the hospital's safety
because of an illegal camp.
Our goal is to prevent
any attempt to enter the building.
Yes, Martin?
Chalon joined the watchers at
the hospital and the news are there.
How did he know about the
intervention? Someone in the police?
Could be. But we wanted
a discrete, civil safety operation
and we'll get footage
of Chalon taken away by force.
Cancel the operation, of course.
Hello, gentlemen, how are you?
Rough morning, isn't it?
Hello, sergeant.
-Mr. Chalon.
-Not too hard? Good luck.
Mr. Chalon, what will you do about...
I will answer later.
Don't be impatient.
For CNews, please!
Mrs Deputy.
I wanted to tell you my admiration
for the fight you are leading.
But if you think my presence here
is inappropriate...
Please tell me,
I will not take offence.
A little cream puff?
Mr. Chalon, please!
I'm here to support
Deputy Alba in her fight
This cream puff is a political bomb.
I've gathered you here, as we need
to focus the values of the left
on the only worthy secularism:
the one that emancipates citizens.
For too long, the secular networks
you all represent here
have been scattered.
But united and coordinated,
they can be a considerable strength.
Excuse me.
I can't, I've gathered
the organisations.
You're not with Dupraz any more?
I don't have lessons to take,
you gave up on secularism.
Shut up about that,
you're breaking our balls.
Really? I can't talk that way.
Let me explain to you.
Do. I can't wait to understand.
I'm listening.
It's beyond secularity.
It's the whole situation.
What situation?
Alba and Chalon.
They ate cream puffs? So what?
Implicitly, the right is breaking
the taboo of a union with the NF.
Things are reorganised,
around three poles.
The reactionary right, the reformist
centre and the radical left.
You could be a columnist. So what?
The dissolution
is becoming dangerous.
What if we go back to a withdrawal
agreement between right and NF?
-Whose fault is it?
-What do you mean?
Why does Chalon hit on Alba?
He may be a Nazi but he gets it.
His move towards Alba responds
to the Amélie-Thorigny alliance.
She started the plate tectonics.
That's the clarification.
Tempting, isn't it?
Alright, it's her fault.
-But since we're here...
-Keep digging our grave?
Stop this all immediately,
and fuck her at the committee.
No one will choose the dissolution
with Alba and Chalon this close.
-Even Chistera will vote yes.
-Are you stupid?
Philippe, calm down.
She won't dissolve,
she never wanted it. It's a bluff.
Do like her, hold the line so people
think we'll destroy everything.
The SP, her, her government,
the assembly, the country.
The country?
I don't play with the far-right.
Is that what I'm doing?
Let go of me.
The hospital confirmed
the former president Francis Laugier
was hospitalised,
the former president Francis Laugier
was hospitalised,
but won't comment on his health,
however sources have confirmed
Francis Laugier suffers from
a poorly treated stomach cancer...
How are you?
-Shall we go to my office?
-Won't Léa be there?
She's still in court. Sorry.
The audience should take place
in early May at the latest.
Laugier won't be there,
I'll be the only one.
-It doesn't seem to be good news.
-Judicially speaking, it is.
No more opponent...
It's all simpler.
-This is a political affair.
As you know, it's all about opinion
and collective perception.
Apparently he refused the treatment,
it's almost suicide.
It's not good for me, right?
Before, you could pass as the victim
of a terrible, cynical president.
-The victim of an upstart.
There has to be a culprit,
and there's only one.
Do I risk going back to prison?
Yes, there is a risk.
It may be a crazy idea,
but I read everything
about you and Laugier.
You mattered to each other.
You were true friends. Right?
It is true.
Where he is now, justice doesn't
matter. He could do something.
-In my favour.
-Tell the truth.
-You didn't know about the divorce.
-Zero hope, he won't.
-Why don't you talk to him?
-My judicial supervision forbids it.
Is it worth the risk?
-Hello, sir.
He was brought down
to the morgue an hour ago.
The committee is about
to turn bad for us.
Parondi and Chloé are bed-ridden,
Michadier won't come either...
Something big in his district.
Aurore, it seems
that everybody's dropping us.
Excuse me. I need a breath
of fresh air, I'll get a coffee.
See you at the committee.
How are you, Aurore?
I have three minutes.
I suppose Chistera, Malandrin and all
those brave guys let you down?
The fear of dissolution
is turning into panic.
-What will your conditions get? 10%?
I'm a fighter.
I don't usually sneak off.
With Thorigny as the Prime Minister,
there are three forces:
the nationalist right,
the social-liberal centre,
and The People Stand Up.
What will you be?
The left wing of social-liberalism.
It's not a thing.
Their line will collapse
The base will hate them.
You'll be hated too,
for having the courage to say no,
but not farewell.
Don't go back there, they don't know
what or who they're fighting for.
They used to. Now,
the party has become a cesspool.
But it's my party.
I understand,
I've been through it too,
months of interior struggling...
But once the decision is taken...
You find the joy of being an activist
like when you were 15.
You question ever word,
even socialism, left...
No taboo, you can disagree,
oppose and challenge yourself.
10 years ago, if you had told me
that I'd be against nuclear power,
I wouldn't have believed you.
That's what it is to leave.
It's healthy and life-saving.
It's not the first time the SP dies.
It will be born again,
In another form, under another name.
You're right.
It's The People Stand Up.
What do you want?
To tell you I'm sorry.
I saw in your eyes you were ready
to hit me, crack my skull open.
I'm done.
You're done?
Baron Noir, it's over.
I've been wrong for so long.
Laugier, Derandeux...
Dupraz, Chistera...
Only Zavatta is lacking.
I've been fucking up since the start.
That is not true. Look at Dunkirk.
I gave the city to the right.
The only right thing I did is you.
I don't know how to do politics
besides choosing a horse. You do.
-Ideas first.
-It's what you taught me.
You know the saying:
"When a program dies,
the generation that carried it
dies along with it."
It's up to you. It's your turn.
Please. We're starting. Come on.
-Going to vote?
-The killers of secularity
against the killer of labour laws.
All for a result
already decided at the Élysée?
No, thank you. Abstention.
Ladies and gentlemen,
a day will come,
as Victor Hugo said,
where we, the French people,
you, Russian and German peoples,
all nations of the continent
will be the European brotherhood.
The United States of Europe.
Here is our goal
One goal:
The United States of Europe.
One method: exemplarity.
One schedule: 18 months,
after which I won't be
your Prime Minister any more.
You know me. I am simple,
honest and frank,
and I can't ask the French people
to make efforts if I don't have
a trial period like they do,
it I'm not exemplary
and judged on my results, like them.
Like the President, I want a new way
to do politics,
having one rule and hold on to it.
It's my way of serving my country
and it's the basis on which
I ask for your trust
as the French Prime Minister
What if you get bogged down?
It's not what I have planned.
It's what Napoleon said, then his
Russian campaign ended in a retreat.
The soldiers of the Great Army
ended up eating their horses.
I'm not really into horse meat.
No worries. My plan
is a hundred percent vegan.
Let me explain.
Le Monde's first page is about me.
About my hypothesis of a dissolution.
"The President is wondering...
How can you govern
with a relative majority
and without resorting to the 49-3?"
It dramatises the hours
of the decision,
the hours that could be
the turning point of the presidency.
Three days when no one
knew where she was.
From then on, the old Socialists
get scared to lose their deputy seat.
In case of a dissolution, the SP
would suffer an electoral carnage.
You'll say that to Le Monde ?
Yes, supposedly said by
someone close to me.
What are your guys
supposed to do now?
They'll twist their own brains,
But they will quickly come
to the only applicable solution:
offering themselves an agreement
between the SP and you.
Anything but dissolution.
They'll think with their guts.
-This is where I come in.
-Yes, after Chistera.
On the evening news or on a trip,
he'll reach out to you.
An invitation to take
your responsibilities
in the context
of a progressive majority.
We'll say it's a great idea.
I'll answer "Alright". The right
insults me: renegade, traitor,
-Exactly. From then on,
nothing keeps Kalhenberg from having
the SP agree to govern with you.
The safely barrier is down.
Then, just ratify the agreement with
a vote by the national committee.
I reshuffle the government and
it'll get the absolute majority.
Did I hear it right?
Ratify the agreement with a vote?
That's the point.
Having the SP's authorities
back the alliance.
The SP's authorities..
They're a black hole.
A Bermuda Triangle.
You know when you get in,
not when you come out.
I don't want the Manureva's fate.
What if Dupraz wants
to prevent the agreement?
In the worst case,
he'll only gather the left wing.
25% of the committee at most.
I'd even say 15%. The fear
of dissolution always works.
-What about the best case scenario?
-Best case scenario,
she leaves the party
and we make it clear at last.
The SP is a reformist
government party
not a disappointment machine
that sold too many dreams.
We'll win this, and govern without
a constant guerrilla of the left wing.
We'll have a boulevard ahead of us
and I'll appoint you Prime Minister.
-There's still something I don't get.
-Are you kidding?
Just explain more.
I like when you explain.
-The hearing was cancelled.
-What's going on?
Laugier had it adjourned
for medical reasons.
A dizzy spell.
He doesn't even have to prove it.
A dizzy spell? My ass.
He'll get a new date tomorrow.
I'll get 3 more months.
What does he want?
Don't leave me to rot
on the sidelines.
He doesn't care, he's old, he's done.
Let's get back on the case in detail.
-You should talk to Benjamin.
-Who's that?
Benjamin Dutilleul, he's a lawyer.
The young one I saw at your office?
No, a great professional,
with a more affordable rate.
I have an office to run.
I'll be at the hearing
but I can't manage it all.
-You're dropping me too.
-No, I'm clarifying.
Hi. How are you?
Good. You?
So, it's done?
-Did you resign?
-Not yet.
-No one cares. What's up?
-I do.
You're underestimating yourself,
like you often do.
You're seen as very close to Amélie,
of course, your resignation matters.
The SP will negotiate an agreement
with Thorigny. We have to fight.
-Your resignation can weigh a lot.
There isn't really a battle.
-You think so?
-Everyone's giving up.
Dupraz is not.
-Dupraz, I mean...
Is that a political argument?
"Dupraz, I mean..."
She called me
a populist Identitarian.
You choose your enemies,
not your allies. It's the first rule.
The enemy is Thorigny,
so we need to do Dupraz.
"Do Dupraz?"
She doesn't have the skills.
-It's true.
-It can be worked on.
Anyone else? Only she can incarnate
a left-wing opposition to Amélie.
She's even the only one
who can preserve the SP.
What guarantees Thorigny isn't
more sensitive about secularity?
What's your problem?
You're a unionist of secularity now?
Get out of your hallway for a minute.
Tectonics are happening that could
sink the SP for 20 years.
As a friend... You are delusional.
We're living the Strange Defeat.
The Germans are crossing the Ardennes
and you talk about
the generals' personalities.
Wake up. Gather troops
and fight until the end
Hold on.
You're comparing Thorigny to Hitler?
Shut up. You understood me.
Dupraz isn't amazing, but it's all
we have. To light the fire she'll do.
Drive her well and she can move
the centre wing of the party
and we'll thwart Amélie's plan.
The socialists are shocked but
the smallest thing will wake them up.
They're already negotiating
the agreement,
with the dissolution's
gun on their heads.
There won't be a dissolution.
It's all bluff.
Do you picture her in a coalition
for four years?
We need to flip Kalhenberg over.
He's a wuss, but he's a leftist.
If Dupraz puts a lot of pressure,
he won't hold for long.
-Daniel? He won't move.
Why? Explain.
I have a thing with this wuss,
like you say, since the election.
I talked to him fifteen minutes ago.
Believe me, he won't move.
Did you know about that?
Alright, I have a house to sell
and lawyers to pay. Bye.
I shouldn't have come here.
Come get a drink and talk.
I know what you will say.
You're building a great agreement,
there won't be a liberal turn...
I should stay with Amélie
without giving in to revenge...
I haven't resigned yet,
If you're worried about that.
Nothing worries me when I'm near you.
I'm getting my briefcase
and we'll get a drink.
What's the nutcracker?
Vidal on one side,
Amélie and Thorigny on the other,
me in the middle.
In thousand pieces.
Look at the pressure he puts on me.
It's an irremediable fracture
with their own history
that the Socialists leaders
have done by negotiating
by those called centrists,
whom we all know
are a right-wing family.
With this, the SP is finishing
its ideological sinking.
All the authentic Socialists
who don't accept
this negation of their creed
have a home: ours.
We'll make room for them.
I'll be an example
and starting today, at every public
reunion, a seat will be reserved
to Aurore Dupraz. Dear Aurore,
we have to do everything together
Walk, punch, and occasionally
have coffee together.
It's good to feel wanted.
It's what Amélie wants. Throw you out
of the party to have her hands free.
I'm not against it,
But I'm sick of being the left-wing
relic in a right-wing party.
Vidal whistles and you arrive?
Look beyond the sequences,
think long-term.
It's a great occasion
to take over the old house
Do you know what my counting is
for the national committee? 13%.
And a lot of friends
are just sweet-talking.
Of course, you look like
Vidal's fifth column in the party.
It's off-putting. Chistera,
Kahlenberg... The centre of the party
has aligned on the right.
That's the space you must take.
Broaden your base, take their place.
Speak like the Socialists.
-Refocus, in order to pressure them.
-Of course.
Chistera and Kalhenberg
must have a hard time
getting their guys to vote
in favour of the agreement.
-Don't refuse the agreement.
Calm down. Look, you accept the idea
of an agreement but with guarantees.
Guarantees aren't a thing at the SP.
Details. You get into details
about the terms of the agreement
because it's what pisses them off.
You have to find precluding things.
For example, the labour law reform.
Say yes, but...
Wait. You do say yes,
but no to a single work contract.
It's not maximalist,
but it's vicious
We know Amélie and Thorigny
have a hard-on for this contract.
For the average Socialist,
It's legit. It's not obstruction.
They can vote yes, no,
or yes with your conditions.
-My troops won't be happy.
-They're not fully behind you anyway.
Hunt them on other grounds.
It's like Cyril and his guys,
it's 12 voices at the committee.
Why not have them?
Add things about secularity
and they'll come.
I disagree with Cyril's line.
You need voices.
If they refuse the agreement
with more than 30%,
everything changes.
This was the Ardennes in 40,
now it's becoming Stalingrad.
Once Amélie and Thorigny anger
the country with the work contract,
I do a beautiful congress.
A very beautiful one,
for a great primary.
Then you'll be the one with
a seat for Vidal in your meetings.
Thanks for coming so fast, Alain.
You know the respect
I have for you and your career.
Your loyalty, integrity
and intelligence...
But you want me to resign
to appoint Thorigny Prime Minister.
You never mentioned that.
-That is why...
-You fucked us all...
-Le me explain.
-Let's be clear, you betrayed us.
You made us negotiate with him,
now you want him in Matignon?
Who do you think we are? Mops?
Do you think we'll let it happen?
I do. What will you say? You refuse
the agreement, you asked for,
negotiated and signed... Just because
Thorigny becomes Prime Minister?
You'll explain your problem is not
to be in Matignon, that reshuffling
is only great if you keep your place?
One year of awry governing.
It's too much and you know it.
I wanted to tell you before everyone,
before the signing of the agreement.
-Out of respect for you.
You keep making fun of me?
You could reveal this information
and make the whole thing fail.
Or you can keep it for yourself
to preserve my recomposition.
I already know your choice.
Your sense of the state guides you.
Don't worry, I won't say anything,
because I do have that sense.
But don't count on me
for anything else, in any way.
I won't wish you good luck.
It wouldn't be sincere.
-You never ran into Salomé.
-I'd have told you.
She's been keeping a low profile.
Did you speak to her mother?
It's depression. I mean, it was,
now it's another phase
but it's still depression.
Something about decompensation.
What does it mean?
She spent 2 days in an institution.
Florence talked to the guy,
he said Salomé's a child soldier.
I read about that, children
enrolled in militias in Africa.
I am the militia.
She felt obliged to protect me,
so much that she forgot herself.
Be as one with my cause.
Including during the Joël story.
And when I was in prison,
she broke down.
It's delirious. Talk to her.
She's a pure Rickwaert.
I can't talk to her. She needs time,
so I'll leave her some time.
That's him.
This guys pays
370,000 euros for my house?
Don't tell him you're broke.
If he knows you're in a hurry,
-he'll use it.
-I am in a hurry.
In a big hurry.
Salomé always loved this house.
Remember when she was doing
watercolours up there?
Let's go.
I thought of coming with champagne
but I found better.
Everybody will know about it
74% of left-wing voters are in favour
of an SP-centre agreement.
A dictator's score.
Just kidding.
I don't tell jokes,
but I can recognize one.
Yeah, but you didn't laugh.
I talked to Chistera today.
-Do you know what I have?
-Tell me.
A good agreement.
A great one. And tomorrow.
Amazing. Well done and thank you.
Do you have time to celebrate?
I can come to Matignon.
Chistera always says
his wine cellar is better than yours.
The Élysée's wine cellar
is three steps above.
I'd love to,
but I have a lot to do. Tomorrow?
-Tomorrow. Kisses, Madam President.
-Same. Congratulations, again.
I think this does you credit.
One month from your departure,
you do what you have to do,
but you don't use
the influence coming from it,
you stay humble
while taking your responsibilities.
You're the president I want to have.
LR Deputy Corinne Alba joined
the anti-euthanasia collective,
which keeps pressure with its camp
in front of René Muret hospital,
we are live.
For the Socialist Party
death is sadly only biological.
But in this hospital,
Rose Lavigne, 15 years old,
is between life and death
after a diving accident.
Her parents have chosen life.
Her doctors want to choose death
but France is a civilisation,
which means a way of dying
first and foremost.
Thank you, Astrid Jeuay.
Back to Solferino,
where Aurore Dupraz's
long awaited press conference
is about to start.
This morning, the Socialist Party's
direction has agreed
with the centrists for an agreement
for a common government project.
I say project, because the committee
will ratify it or not on Saturday.
The project doesn't have enough
political guarantees for me
to call for the members of the
committee to vote in favour of it.
That is why I have added
this condition:
-What condition?
-The SP doesn't belong to its leaders
-but to the ideas...
-Isn't that good?
-It's fine.
-Political labels can die
but ideas can't.
It's simple, clean, concise...
The SP has always been
our common house.
Once again, we must preserve it
beyond the trends.
Come on, it's great.
This is what I want every member
of the committee to say on Saturday
by voting in favour
of the seven conditions.
The Socialist Party lives
and will live on.
And the flag behind her? You're
a thinker, you listen to the words.
But the people are visual.
What did they see?
The party's banner behind the brave
one speaking from Solferino's yard.
She's holding the old house together
and it's what people saw.
-Back to work. Where were we?
Sixth condition: secular republic.
Not restrict ourselves to defence.
The republic has values,
but socialism applies them
to everyone.
What does this mean about secularity?
Don't force consciences,
but support our view with means.
Hold on, it's too long.
Don't ask too much of Dupraz.
You heard her, people want
accuracy, it's not a thesis.
Don't make 10 pages for each
condition, there are seven.
Chistera. What's up with him?
How are you?
What's the address again?
-Do you know?
-About what?
After the committee,
she fires Chistera
and makes Thorigny Prime Minister.
I've been fucked before,
but this is a gang bang in a cave.
What can I do now?
Besides refusing an agreement
I have negotiated myself.
Where are you going?
Can I talk to you? It'll be quick.
I'm resigning.
I refuse it.
My disagreement is deep.
I'm totally against the agreement.
What does it change?
Everything, Amélie.
It's not guided but political
arithmetic, it's ideological.
What's the alternative? The NF
is high, the system is out of breath.
I'm not waiting for it to collapse
and take democracy with it.
My only strength is to be where I am
with my function's authority.
If you wait on the opposition...
There'd be a congress, they'd all try
-to be the most radical...
-But this method...
-What method?
-Hiding it from all of us.
Did I have a choice?
What do you reproach me for?
Doing everything is takes to win
is the rule. I didn't make it.
If a man had done that, it'd have
been called a masterstroke.
I accept your resignation.
Thank you.
How are you?
Laugier is dying.
An improperly treated stomach cancer.
He was negligent.
Laugier without politics..
Of course, he couldn't stand it.
Amélie killed him,
it's all I have to say.
I know, you had a role in this.
But you had to save your head
so you had to talk, while she...
This damn spoilt kid...
I heard you're taking care of Aurore.
What's going on with her reports?
-Want to help her?
- Why not? What do I have to lose?
Amélie asked for your resignation?
What a bitch.
She cornered me.
Francis' illness can make you
change the way you read the events.
She'll become a killer.
A methodical liquidator.
Laugier today, soon the party.
Laugier dying tells another story.
She's not only a killer,
she's a scavenger, a hyena.
The comrades won't accept that.
Speak up right now,
so your friends
at the committee follow you.
Impossible, Laugier's disease
would have to be made public.
The family wants it kept secret
until he dies.
-What do we care?
Who's the family? His ex-wife?
We're here because of her.
She blackmailed him for cash.
It's because of her
that I took Rachel's money.
I don't give a damn
about her instructions.
From the start, Amélie's been
leading you on with her threat
of dissolution, but it's a trick,
if we stand up to her
at the committee, she'll go first.
She'll give up, she's got no balls.
What if she does,
and dissolves the Assembly?
You don't care.
You'll be at the primary anyway.
Against Dupraz?
Against Amélie.
Dupraz is just a fire starter,
a match on a punnet. It's all I had.
But to light a strong fire,
you need a good log. You.
Let's do this.
There we go.
BFM broke the news of Laugier's
hospitalisation being for cancer.
Why didn't I know before?
The family wanted it kept secret
and the doctor couldn't oppose it.
We don't know who leaked it,
I had the hospital on the phone...
Laugier seems to have refused
to take his treatment.
Do you think I should go there?
He said the family doesn't want that.
My kids are at their mother's,
every other week.
A pre-teen girl and two teenagers.
Chistera and Dupraz
are Jesus and Gandhi next to them.
What's wrong? Laugier?
It's true the timing isn't good.
We must find a backfire.
Got an idea?
It's right here.
Everybody knows why Alba is here.
Win the LR congress
with the Catholics' support.
Throw them away. Send the police.
It's tricky in terms of civil safety.
Children, a parliamentarian...
She'll play the victim, of course.
And it'll shift you to the left,
especially if you divide further.
Their expulsion saturates the debate,
which makes Laugier a lesser story.
The new sequence is you against Alba.
These bigots and their project.
I own up to it and divide further...
Got something precise in mind?
"At night, a child sleeps." Alba has
said that a lot to suburb kids.
Say the same thing
And they will go crazy.
Especially since
I don't have children.
They'll attack you with it. Amazing.
The left will have to support you.
And the agreement will be ratified
at the committee in a triumph.
You have a few deputies on your side
who are against euthanasia.
Dufour, Picard, Klein...
Good riddance.
I can't stand them any more.
Let them go to LR. I don't care.
I can clarify too.
What's our estimation?
Between 32% and 43% of the committee.
We need a majority. I'm hesitating.
Thorigny, Prime Minister...
For fuck's sake.
It's still just a rumour,
she'll only announce it
after the committee.
So what? Let's tell the whole world.
tell it to the press,
spread rumours... Lie.
We don't care since it's the truth.
Do you know what would help?
If you reduced the number
of conditions. Seven is too much.
About Europe, we can't afford to be
on Vidal's line. It's a turn-off.
Let's stay positive.
-More blurry.
-I'm speaking strategy.
Only strategy.
When you were negotiating
with Thorigny, I was fighting.
I won't back down.
With 40%, Amélie will back down.
No need for a majority.
No need... I'm here
because Alain
told me we'd try for a majority.
I've never been a pariah
of the party, I won't start now.
I won't budge about Europe.
Alright. But seven conditions
is still too much.
-I'm experienced, trust me.
-He's right.
And secularism?
Throw it away
and I got at least 15 more voters.
Break the ghettos?
It's the working-class areas!
-I do agree.
But secularity makes us lose people.
-Who, your Cyril?
-For one.
-He's not at the NF yet?
-I'll tell him myself.
So you won't have to sugar-coat it.
We are here to protect
the hospital's safety
because of an illegal camp.
Our goal is to prevent
any attempt to enter the building.
Yes, Martin?
Chalon joined the watchers at
the hospital and the news are there.
How did he know about the
intervention? Someone in the police?
Could be. But we wanted
a discrete, civil safety operation
and we'll get footage
of Chalon taken away by force.
Cancel the operation, of course.
Hello, gentlemen, how are you?
Rough morning, isn't it?
Hello, sergeant.
-Mr. Chalon.
-Not too hard? Good luck.
Mr. Chalon, what will you do about...
I will answer later.
Don't be impatient.
For CNews, please!
Mrs Deputy.
I wanted to tell you my admiration
for the fight you are leading.
But if you think my presence here
is inappropriate...
Please tell me,
I will not take offence.
A little cream puff?
Mr. Chalon, please!
I'm here to support
Deputy Alba in her fight
This cream puff is a political bomb.
I've gathered you here, as we need
to focus the values of the left
on the only worthy secularism:
the one that emancipates citizens.
For too long, the secular networks
you all represent here
have been scattered.
But united and coordinated,
they can be a considerable strength.
Excuse me.
I can't, I've gathered
the organisations.
You're not with Dupraz any more?
I don't have lessons to take,
you gave up on secularism.
Shut up about that,
you're breaking our balls.
Really? I can't talk that way.
Let me explain to you.
Do. I can't wait to understand.
I'm listening.
It's beyond secularity.
It's the whole situation.
What situation?
Alba and Chalon.
They ate cream puffs? So what?
Implicitly, the right is breaking
the taboo of a union with the NF.
Things are reorganised,
around three poles.
The reactionary right, the reformist
centre and the radical left.
You could be a columnist. So what?
The dissolution
is becoming dangerous.
What if we go back to a withdrawal
agreement between right and NF?
-Whose fault is it?
-What do you mean?
Why does Chalon hit on Alba?
He may be a Nazi but he gets it.
His move towards Alba responds
to the Amélie-Thorigny alliance.
She started the plate tectonics.
That's the clarification.
Tempting, isn't it?
Alright, it's her fault.
-But since we're here...
-Keep digging our grave?
Stop this all immediately,
and fuck her at the committee.
No one will choose the dissolution
with Alba and Chalon this close.
-Even Chistera will vote yes.
-Are you stupid?
Philippe, calm down.
She won't dissolve,
she never wanted it. It's a bluff.
Do like her, hold the line so people
think we'll destroy everything.
The SP, her, her government,
the assembly, the country.
The country?
I don't play with the far-right.
Is that what I'm doing?
Let go of me.
The hospital confirmed
the former president Francis Laugier
was hospitalised,
the former president Francis Laugier
was hospitalised,
but won't comment on his health,
however sources have confirmed
Francis Laugier suffers from
a poorly treated stomach cancer...
How are you?
-Shall we go to my office?
-Won't Léa be there?
She's still in court. Sorry.
The audience should take place
in early May at the latest.
Laugier won't be there,
I'll be the only one.
-It doesn't seem to be good news.
-Judicially speaking, it is.
No more opponent...
It's all simpler.
-This is a political affair.
As you know, it's all about opinion
and collective perception.
Apparently he refused the treatment,
it's almost suicide.
It's not good for me, right?
Before, you could pass as the victim
of a terrible, cynical president.
-The victim of an upstart.
There has to be a culprit,
and there's only one.
Do I risk going back to prison?
Yes, there is a risk.
It may be a crazy idea,
but I read everything
about you and Laugier.
You mattered to each other.
You were true friends. Right?
It is true.
Where he is now, justice doesn't
matter. He could do something.
-In my favour.
-Tell the truth.
-You didn't know about the divorce.
-Zero hope, he won't.
-Why don't you talk to him?
-My judicial supervision forbids it.
Is it worth the risk?
-Hello, sir.
He was brought down
to the morgue an hour ago.
The committee is about
to turn bad for us.
Parondi and Chloé are bed-ridden,
Michadier won't come either...
Something big in his district.
Aurore, it seems
that everybody's dropping us.
Excuse me. I need a breath
of fresh air, I'll get a coffee.
See you at the committee.
How are you, Aurore?
I have three minutes.
I suppose Chistera, Malandrin and all
those brave guys let you down?
The fear of dissolution
is turning into panic.
-What will your conditions get? 10%?
I'm a fighter.
I don't usually sneak off.
With Thorigny as the Prime Minister,
there are three forces:
the nationalist right,
the social-liberal centre,
and The People Stand Up.
What will you be?
The left wing of social-liberalism.
It's not a thing.
Their line will collapse
The base will hate them.
You'll be hated too,
for having the courage to say no,
but not farewell.
Don't go back there, they don't know
what or who they're fighting for.
They used to. Now,
the party has become a cesspool.
But it's my party.
I understand,
I've been through it too,
months of interior struggling...
But once the decision is taken...
You find the joy of being an activist
like when you were 15.
You question ever word,
even socialism, left...
No taboo, you can disagree,
oppose and challenge yourself.
10 years ago, if you had told me
that I'd be against nuclear power,
I wouldn't have believed you.
That's what it is to leave.
It's healthy and life-saving.
It's not the first time the SP dies.
It will be born again,
In another form, under another name.
You're right.
It's The People Stand Up.
What do you want?
To tell you I'm sorry.
I saw in your eyes you were ready
to hit me, crack my skull open.
I'm done.
You're done?
Baron Noir, it's over.
I've been wrong for so long.
Laugier, Derandeux...
Dupraz, Chistera...
Only Zavatta is lacking.
I've been fucking up since the start.
That is not true. Look at Dunkirk.
I gave the city to the right.
The only right thing I did is you.
I don't know how to do politics
besides choosing a horse. You do.
-Ideas first.
-It's what you taught me.
You know the saying:
"When a program dies,
the generation that carried it
dies along with it."
It's up to you. It's your turn.
Please. We're starting. Come on.
-Going to vote?
-The killers of secularity
against the killer of labour laws.
All for a result
already decided at the Élysée?
No, thank you. Abstention.
Ladies and gentlemen,
a day will come,
as Victor Hugo said,
where we, the French people,
you, Russian and German peoples,
all nations of the continent
will be the European brotherhood.
The United States of Europe.
Here is our goal
One goal:
The United States of Europe.
One method: exemplarity.
One schedule: 18 months,
after which I won't be
your Prime Minister any more.
You know me. I am simple,
honest and frank,
and I can't ask the French people
to make efforts if I don't have
a trial period like they do,
it I'm not exemplary
and judged on my results, like them.
Like the President, I want a new way
to do politics,
having one rule and hold on to it.
It's my way of serving my country
and it's the basis on which
I ask for your trust
as the French Prime Minister