Baptiste (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - For Blood - full transcript

Julien discovers the real reason behind Edward's involvement forcing him to take drastic action to protect his family. A Europol officer takes and interest in the case.

The girl, she's in danger.
You should send cars now!

She's my niece, I just want
to know she's OK.

The girl that drowned in that
canal was someone else entirely.

He lied to us.

What does all this have to
do with Edward Stratton?

I told you, I don't like
playing games.

You shouldn't have
come down here.

I think you and
I must talk.

You think?

- Gas meter.

OK, come on up.

Wish I had a garden
like that.

I read something,

..about the smell
of freshly cut grass.

That beautiful scent
we all love.

It's a distress call,
would you believe?

When it gets cut, it lets
all these chemicals out,

trying to seal its wounds,

fills the air with shit.

Even turns into smog.

Poor bastard's screaming
its head off in pain

while we're all drinking Pimm's
and doing cartwheels on it.

What are you thinking,

Underneath all this?

Are you screaming?

Are you even there

If you can hear me...

..if you are there,
I'm so sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

It's time.
- Yeah.

Uh, thanks for
letting me...

Are you going
to come in?

Just come in.


You just look like
someone, that's all.

And this was the first
time you saw her?


Months ago, now.

It was like staring
at a phantom.

Like someone was playing
the cruellest trick on me.

My daughter Lucy...


..five years ago.

She worked in Amsterdam,
in the red light district.

She killed herself.

I didn't, er... with it.


When I saw Natalie,
I thought it was Lucy.

Swear to God.

My Lucy.

It was her.

My little girl.

As fucked up
as that sounds.

So we just talked.

Sometimes we didn't.

Sometimes I'd pay her just to
sit there and let me look at her.

Sometimes I'd hold her,
and stroke her hair,

and pretend she was
back with me.

It's pathetic,
isn't it?


It's human.

Same thing.

After a few months,
I'd been there every night.

And, uh, one night,
I was there as usual.

And she told me she'd overheard
the Brigada Serbilu talking.

I hear the things
they say to each other.

They do their business
in one of

the empty rooms
in the building...

..thinking the women
who work here

are too stupid
to pay attention.

But I pay attention.

She heard about
some money.

Some money!

A million euros... cash.

The Brigada were
moving it,

and Natalie knew when
and where it would be and...

The two of you decided
to take it for yourselves?

Not for ourselves.

I didn't want a penny.
Nor did she.

Three months ago,
Natalie's sister

Cristina came to
visit her here.

She'd run away
from home.

Natalie tried to tell
her to go back to Krakow

because she didn't
want her around...

..this world, you know?

One night Cristina went
out, didn't come back.

Nobody knew where she was.

What happened?

They took her sister.

They trafficked a
15-year-old girl.

What am I going to do?

She-she-she's my sister. She...

She's my little sister.

This... It is my job
to look after her and...

I know.

I know.

You are the only
one that does.

She asked me
for my help.

I was the only
one she trusted.

She said the keys would be on
the floor somewhere outside.

The only thing I had
to do was turn up.

Natalie wanted the
money as leverage.

She was going to tell the
Brigada she'd only give it back

if they returned
her sister.

A lot of the girls
they take are sold, so...

..why not buy her back?

That is quite
a thing to do.

To take this risk for
somebody you don't know.

Well, I did it for Lucy.

I know it doesn't
makes any sense.

You wanted to
save Cristina.

The way you couldn't
save your own daughter.


Anyway, I gave it
all to Natalie.

A million euros.
I didn't take a thing.

I don't care about money.

And it wasn't for me,
after all, was it?

And I thought that
would be the end of it.

Nothing's that simple,
is it?


I will talk.
You will listen.


Do you not enjoy
your job?

I-I-I-I barely have
one any more.

You see, I believe it is
important people enjoy their jobs.

Perhaps if you enjoyed
your job more,

you wouldn't have
done this.

You wouldn't have
taken from me.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

There was a camera
in the van.

Listen, I don't have
your money any more.

I can get it back.
I can get it back.

This is not a negotiation,
you understand?

I need all of it back.

Every last cent.

This was taken this morning.

He was out collecting shells

on the beach.

Every... last... coin.

Or I will remove your
father's head

from its body and
send it to you.

Do you understand me,
Edward Stratton?


And then your ex-wife,

And everyone you love.

And you should know this...

I like my job.

The things just seemed
to get harder and harder.

And my options seemed
so narrow that I...

..couldn't move.

Doesn't matter who you are,
or who you think you are...

..they'll cut right
through you.

They'll cut through you,

and they'll find
your Achilles heel,

they won't just snap it,
they'll... it to shreds
with their fucking teeth,

then they'll find more.

And they will find chinks
in your armour

you never even knew existed.

They found me.

They know who I am.

They know I took their money.

They want it back.

And they're not in
the mood to negotiate.

Then we have to leave.
Right away.

No. Natalie, they're not
just going to let us

turn around and walk
off into the sunset.

We made a mistake.
We got caught.

It's over.
- It can't be.

They are threatening
my father,

they have photographs
of him,

we need to give it back.

And what about my family?

What about Cristina?
I need... I need to find her!

I tried to help you, OK?
And it didn't work.

I'm not going to watch
as the people I love

die because I screwed up.

Do you understand?
Give me the money.

I cannot do that.
Where did you put it?

What are you doing?
Where did you put the money?

Stop it, please.

Stop it!

Is this it?

24 hours later,
I walked into my house.

There it was.

My father's head on the
kitchen fucking table.

I just stared at it
for the longest time.

Then I thought about
calling the police.

And then I thought
about Clare...

..and the other people
they might hurt.

I had to pick up my
own father's head

and put it in the basement

so that the neighbours
wouldn't see.

Can you imagine that?

You said you... were struck from
behind by a baseball bat?

Yes, a metal one with a...

..bright yellow handle.

I cannot place it,
I'm sorry.

The story of my life
these days, it seems.

Forgive me
- go on.

Well, I was running
out of options,

so I went to the police.

I thought, if I could
at least find her,

I could tell her about my father,
I could make her understand.

If I knew where
Natalie was,

then at least I'd have a
chance of finding the money.

But you must have known
this pretence couldn't last.

No, of course not, it just
needed to last

as long as it took
to find her.

Natalie told me none of
this when I found her.

She probably thought if you
found out the truth, you'd tell

your friends in the
police and then

someone would confiscate
the money.

Why didn't she just run?

She said she had to
prepare for her departure.

You didn't believe her?

If you must leave,
you leave, don't you?

I don't know.

All I do know is that
you're not safe, Julien.

Neither of us are.

What do you mean?

Constantin called.

Said he'd met your wife.

He knows where
your family are.


This is Julien Baptiste.
I need a car to be sent

to an address in Amsterdam.

Julien Baptiste.

My daughter's place.
- OK.



I'm Julien Baptiste.

I'm the one who
made the call.

This is my daughter's

The place was empty when I arrived.
- How long ago?

Maybe 40 minutes.

Excuse me.


What happened?

Well, I couldn't see his
face on the entry phone.

But the moment I
opened the door,

I recognised him.

I saw him at the
supermarket the other day.

He was... he was friendly.

Too bloody friendly, I-I-I knew
there was something about him,

I knew, but I just
didn't say.

Take your time.

Well, I didn't...
I didn't think, really, I just...

I just... slammed the door.

Not enough time to keep him out,
but enough time to run.

Knocking over half of
Sara's flat as I went.

I just kept running.

You know, staying in areas that
were as public as I could find.

This... this was the first
place I saw with CCTV.

With people.

Did this man have
an accent?

He's from the
Brigada Serbilu.

God, it's strange
how it hits you.

I was reacting,
you know.

Now... Now I'm here, now I think
about what could have happened...

..I think what...
what if Sara...

I never expected this investigation
would lead to such a place.

If I had known...

We have to go to the police.
- Yeah.

There is someone
I must call.


You need to come now and meet
with us at the station in Amsterdam.

Mr Baptiste,

your wife's description matches a gang
member named Constantin Baracu.

That is the man who has been
threatening Edward Stratton.

The Brigada Serbilu
have a long reach.

And they won't stop until
they have their money.

You and your family need
to go back to France, Julien.

And to be sure, you should
arrange extra security.

My family have a life
in this country.

I cannot just ask
them to leave.

Let me find a
safe house here, then.

We can arrange protection.

Ah, thank you.

I would prefer to make
such arrangements myself.

But you need to realise
that this could be long-term.


I'm outside.

I'm sorry, I got here
and I couldn't...

..I couldn't come in.

The man who has been
threatening you, Constantin,

they can bring him in.

With my wife's evidence and
yours, they can make a case.

He cannot hurt anyone
from prison.

And you think they won't
just send someone else?

And then what's
going to happen?

They'll kill my ex like
they killed my fucking dad,

and that will be on me.

I can't let anyone
else die.

I cannot be responsible
for any more death.

You just need to tell them
what happened to your father.

Let forensics conduct an
examination on his remains.

What, like Constantin's
going to be

stupid enough to
leave evidence?

Well, everybody makes
mistakes, no?

Look, tell them.
Tell them.

They can go to my house,
they can do all the tests they want.

The only thing that matters
to me is getting the money

and giving it back before
they hurt anyone else.

Like your family.

I am taking steps to
make sure they're safe.

For how long? Wherever you
take them, you can't hide forever.

Not if you want to
live your life.

That man threatened
my wife.

The idea of him walking
around is more than I can bear.

We must try everything, we must
work with the police if we can.

And you think if the
police find that money first,

they're just going
to hand it in?

You do what you
have to

for your family.

I am truly sorry that I
dragged you into any of this.

I am.

So, where is he?

He wouldn't come in.

He left these.

He gave permission for
you to search his house.

There you will find the remains
of his father in the basement.

Erm, I'll organise a team.

Where are we?

Merci, Jean-Francois.

So, stop sitting here
feeling sorry for yourself.

Find that money
and return it.

That's all they want
from you, right?

The police are involved.

I cannot interfere
with what they are doing.

I'm sure Martha's
doing her best.

But do you really believe
what she has in mind -

arresting Constantin
- you honestly believe

that's going to ensure
that we're all safe?


Then find the fucking
money, Julien.


Hold on.

Hey, Julien?

I have an idea.

About where we might
start to find the money.

Yeah? Where?

Can you meet me outside
Lina's room at 8 a.m.?

OK, I'll be there.

It's really you?

Dragomir has died.

Careless, Dragomir.


That's unlike you.

And stupid,

doing business with
those two girls.

And trying to take
our money, that's just...

What fucking money?

One million euro.
Don't insult me, Dragomir.

This kind of money...

..this is serious.

I'm a different
person now.

Yes, Dragomir,
my friend.

You have changed.

I know what you are
capable of.

If there is one
person with the balls

to take from the
Brigada Serbilu, it is you.

I didn't take
your money.

It's good to see
you again.

You sleep here again?

No. I-I got an alert.

There's been an arrest warrant
put out for Constantin Baracu.

Amsterdam police.

Who signed off?

Martha Horchner.

Void the warrant

and get me on the phone
with Commissioner Horchner.

This is Julien Baptiste
and Edward Stratton.

We wish to talk
with you about Natalie.

We will stand here
all day if we must.

What is it you're
not telling us, Lina?

What do you mean?

Mr Stratton came to talk
with Natalie about the money.

He wanted her to
give it back.

He was struck with a
metal baseball bat.

I remembered last night where
I'd seen such a baseball bat before.

When we came to question you.

You had the bat out front.

Lots of girls have them.

We have to protect ourselves.

Please. Please, Lina.

I'm not angry with you.

I understand that you hit me

because you were trying
to protect your friend.

I was out of my mind,
I'm sorry.

I'm not now.

She said she was going to use
the money to help her sister.

Did she tell you
anything about that?

- Natalie's dead now!

Edward, stop! Stop trying
to protect her,

just tell us what you know.

Edward, stop, stop. Edward.

This is helping nothing.

Our families are in danger.

If we find the money and return it,
innocent lives will be spared.

If I had any idea where to find
a bag with one million euro,

you think I'd still be here?

I am being followed.

The Brigada Serbilu, they
follow me everywhere I go now.

And everyone thinks I have
an answer and I have nothing.

Natalie would always say,
"One day, when we are far away."

And she believed it, too...

..that eventually our life
could be better than this.

She was wrong.

Is there anything you can tell us
about Natalie that might help?

Anything at all she may
have said about the money.

She tells me...

..if anything happens to her, at
least she knew it would go to Matty.

Who's Matty?

Her son.

She had a son?

He lives with his father.

Full custody.

She hardly ever sees him.

A violent abuser
and drug-taker,

and still has custody because
he could afford a better lawyer.

What's his name?

Thijs de Boer.

Was her son Matty

the reason Natalie hadn't
simply left Amsterdam?

He was in hospital.

An operation on his
spleen, I think.

How was he to receive
the money?

She did not say. Only that
she had made an arrangement

and if she could not
save her sister... least her son would have a
better life away from his father.

I had no idea about her son.

All that time I spent
with her,

I didn't know her
at all.


..let's talk to the father,
Thijs de Boer.

If Natalie wanted their son to
have the money, maybe he has it?

The guy's an abusive
drug addict.

Do you think Natalie
would have trusted him?

We'll find out.


Martha, I need your help
tracking down a man.

Listen, where's
Edward Stratton?

Actually, Edward is
beside me at this moment.

I have just been on
the phone with Europol.

You need to bring him
into the station right now.

Very well.

We'll come now.


Mr Stratton.

Thanks for coming in.

Did you find anything
in my house?

Nothing. No prints,
no DNA, nothing.

Like I said you wouldn't.

Julien Baptiste,
Edward Stratton,

this is Genevieve Taylor
from Europol -

leader of the Special
Tactics team.

Mr Baptiste, I gather you've
been helping Mr Stratton.

As far as I'm able.

I'm with a joint
investigation team

working to build a case
against the Serbilu.

I'm co-ordinating with teams
from Romania, Belgium, Poland,

and here in the Netherlands.

There's been a lot
of money

and a lot of time invested
in this so far

and the last thing anybody
needs right now is anything

we didn't plan for.
- You mean me?

I'm afraid so.

You didn't come here
just to tell me that?

I came because I saw a warrant
issued for Constantin Baracu.

That's how I found out
about Mr Stratton here.

I'd like to speak with you.
Somewhere quiet.

My office.

- Yeah.

Mr Baptiste is
no use to you now.

But we can help each other,
Mr Stratton.

You'll call me if you
find anything?

Of course.

The end of the hall.
- Thanks.

I understand this kind of
investigation, but they take time

and time is something
we don't have.

Come with me.

I know that money
is blood money.

Profit from the
sale of women.

It sickens me to return
it to such people.

But, Martha, you
have to understand.

The Brigada Serbilu
won't stop coming for us.

What matters right now
is protecting my family.

Mine and Mr Stratton's.

Yes, but my hands are tied.

Yeah? Officially.

Unofficially, they piss me off.

Walking in here like
they own the place.

Really, Julien,
I agree with you,

you're better off finding that
money yourself and returning it.

Go outside.

Trust me, go.

Mr Baptiste. What a surprise,
meeting you here.

It seems I have been
given the day off.

How fortunate, huh?

So, where are we going?

We're looking for a man
called Thijs de Boer.

Mr Stratton, the arrest
warrant on Constantin Baracu

has been cancelled.

It's not really in the
interests of our investigation.

Assault, intimidation,
cold-blooded murder

- not enough for you?

The Brigada Serbilu are
like most Eastern European

criminal organisations
- brutal, greedy, complicated.

Constantin Baracu is one
link in a very long chain.

An important one,

but just taking him off the
streets will accomplish nothing.


If you testify
against Baracu,

even if you and
Baptiste's wife

testify, there
is a long time

before it comes to trial.

And in that time,
when it

comes to the
Brigada Serbilu,

witnesses tend to disappear...

..or change their mind.

Well, this is all
very encouraging.

What is it that you
want with me?

What we need is something

against Baracu.

The kind of evidence
that limits his options.

Makes him realise it's
prison or start co-operating.

Give up his friends.

His colleagues. Bosses.

So, what is it you
want me to do?

Do you want me
to wear a wire?

We don't call it that.

I don't give a shit
what you call it,

is that what you
want me to do?


Constantin murdered
your father.

He thinks he has you
under his control.

If you record him
talking about your father,

about what he did to him,
then we will have him for murder.

Mr Stratton.

Piss off.

No answer from his
phone either.

Does he have a job?
A place of work?

Thijs de Boer hasn't
worked a day in his life.

I met him yesterday at
the hospital with his son.

I didn't realise
the boy was Natalie's.

He said they'd only been
together for a few months,

so I didn't think to ask.

Let's try the hospital.

It's here.

The boy was here yesterday.
He was due to have an operation.

Oh, excuse me

There was a boy here,
Mathieu de Boer.

When was he discharged?

Who are you?

This has no record
of him leaving.

You don't know
who signed him out?

No, as I say,
there's no record.

His father?

Why just take the boy
without signing anything?

When was he due
to be discharged?


He took him out early.

I'm sorry.

Perhaps he was in a rush.

The way you might
be if you

came into possession
of a million euros.

We can find out.

This is the hallway in
Mathieu de Boer's ward?


Can you push forward?

Wait. Wait. Go back.

Can I see another

It dropped out for
about ten minutes or so.

Internet failure,
probably. It happens.

Ten minutes, the same
day the boy goes missing?

Would be the world's
biggest coincidence.

Someone helped Thijs
take his son

out of the hospital early.

We find that person
- we find Thijs de Boer.

If Thijs took Matty,
maybe we find the money.


The shifts change tomorrow.

Plenty of people
who were on duty

when the boy left who
we haven't yet spoken to.

I have to be in the office
tomorrow but I can...

..I can put an alert out
on Thijs' car,

check his credit cards.

Good idea.

One for the road?

Yes, please.

It's a relief to get
out of that place.

I know the feeling.

Spent too long in hospitals.


My mum said you'd been ill.

I had a tumour
in my brain.

For the longest time,
I ran from it.

From the reality.

It is easier to pretend,
isn't it?


Yeah. That's exactly it.

I... I was the opposite,
you know?

I-I didn't run from
my operation,

I ran towards it.

I had this total
faith that...

that the science, doctors,

it... it would fix me.

Then during my surgery,

there was a mistake
and I started to bleed,

and they had to
transfuse me,

but they didn't have
any AB negative,

so I haemorrhaged for,
like, half an hour

while they helicoptered over
some blood that would work.

And when I woke up,
and they told me, I, I...

You-you suddenly
realise it's all luck.

My-my life depends on whether
my surgeon had enough sleep

the night before.

And if it's all chance, you
might as well enjoy it, right?

I swore the day
I got diagnosed

that I would live
each day to the fullest.

I got this done that night.

To remind me.

It's a fine sentiment.


But sometimes, I wish
I'd gotten a dragon.

The dragon was cool.

Let me know how you
get on tomorrow,

and if I hear from
the father, I'll call.

Do you think that is enough?
- Yeah.



Do you want to...?
- It's fine.

Did you find anything?


No luck today.

Tomorrow, I hope.

I know you,
Julien Baptiste.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

I'm just tired.

When were you last
on the ward

where the boy
was being treated?

I think...

..six o'clock,

Was the boy there?

No, the bed was empty
by the time I came.

I'm sorry, but I-I need to get back,
we're short-staffed today.

Oh, someone has
not turned up?

Anna Walke.

Thank you.

Miss Walke?

What are you doing here?

Just had some questions.

New screen, I see.

Very nice.

Like a cinema in your
living room.

I don't have to speak
to you.

Miss Walke, I know
too well

when people have
something to hide.

Now tell me, you helped
Thijs de Boer, didn't you?

You manipulated the CCTV.

You have this all wrong.

He didn't take Matty.

Who did?


Oh, God!

Hello? Mr Baptiste?
- Speaking.

I have your results.

Thank you.

Julien? What is it?

All this time and
you lied to me.

Why didn't you tell me
that Niels is my son?

Hey, Julien, it's me,
I'm up and about. Call me,

let me know where
we can meet,

what's happening with Matty.

Call me.


Get in the car.

Oh... Don't fight,

It will just make
it harder, won't it?