Banshee (2013–2016): Season 3, Episode 6 - We Were All Someone Else Yesterday - full transcript

Hood copes with Siobhan's death. The FBI takes over in the hunt for Chayton. A wedge is driven between Proctor and Rebecca.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done

on Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those
who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


I'm gonna go with shitty
day and whiskey neat.

You coming or going?

I'm still working that out.

Is it always this quiet around here?

Let's stimulate the local economy.

- Next round's on me.
- All right.

All you tourists buying me drinks today.

Oh, I'm not a tourist.
My name's Lucas Hood.

Come Monday, I'm being
sworn in as the new sheriff.


Your boss know you're here?

Don't you worry about him.
You know the drill.

- Look at this guy.
- Excuse me. Are we disturbing you?

No, not at all.
This is just a very good steak.

And I know once I stand
up to deal with you fellas,

well, maybe you'll come quietly
or maybe I'll have to kill you.

But either way, this
steak is gonna get cold.

And you can always reheat a steak,
but it's never quite the same.

You have some balls
on you, motherfucker.

Sheriff's Department.
I'll take that gun now.

You drop your fucking gun.

Why don't you all put
your fucking guns down?

See, what we have here
is a lose-lose situation.

There's still options on the table.

You boys could be smart,
take a wad of cash,

a bottle of bourbon,
go home, sit on the porch, get drunk.

Call it a good day.

Or you can be stupid.

Try and shoot it out
with the sheriff here.

Best-case scenario,
one of you boys is dead.

Think about that.

Seems like a no-brainer to me.

But then, what the fuck do I know?

Take the money, assholes.

- We'll take the cash and the bourbon.
- Hmm.



That deserves another round on me.

Sorry about your cash.

Don't mention it.

Hey, thanks for saving my ass.

No problem.

He seemed to be in an awful hurry.

Maybe I can get my
nose pierced somewhere.

Don't even think about it.

Beaty's mom said she
could get her nose pierced.

Couldn't get out of the car, huh?

I don't blame you.

I know everything is
so messed up, but...

this town needs a sheriff, Hood.

You hear me?

And what I need is for the two
of us to go find that fucker

and make him pay for what he did to her.

3x06 - "We Were All Someone Else Yesterday"

There is a season for everything.

A time for every event under heaven.

A time to be born,

a time to die.

A time to plant

and a time to uproot
what was planted.

A time to kill...

and a time to heal.

There is a time to tear down
and a time to build up.

Today is the time
we mourn our dear sister Leah's passing

and weep for the end
of her earthly journey.

And tomorrow
will be the time to move on,

to celebrate her righteous life

and revel in Leah's heavenly salvation.

How are you?

Kai and Leah didn't speak for 20 years.

We don't want that.
Please, come home.

We forgive you.

I don't forgive you.

And I never will.

- Please, Rebecca...
- Good-bye, Mother.

What we had, was any of it real?

All of it.

I don't want to die tonight.

Please. Please.

Would you really
just have walked away?

If that's what you want.

What if it isn't?

Then we leave together.

You want me to get that?

I just wanted to say good-bye.

Thank you for showing such
compassion for my mother...


I should have been there
to say good-bye.

The morphine was affecting her speech,

but I do know that in her final moments

she was thinking of you.

How much she loved you.

How proud she was.

Your mother was
a tough and honest woman.

She saw the good in you.

So do I.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.
What can I do for you?

I just went a few rounds
with Proctor's new lawyer.

This situation with
Hood is gonna be messy.

Proctor resisted arrest
and assaulted the sheriff.

- Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
- If that's what really happened.

- Yeah, that's what really happened.
- Good.

Glad you believe that since you'll
be the one testifying at the trial.

- Why me?
- You're the arresting officer.

- Hood was a victim.
- I've got witnesses that say otherwise, Brock.

- That's not cut and dry, it's complicated.
- You know what, Gordon?

I will do anything you need
to convict Kai Proctor.

Sounds personal.

It is.

- You mind?
- Yeah, be my guest.

Make sure you get a good, firm
grip on that handle 'cause it...

- Shoot much?
- Yeah, now and then.

- He's gonna be okay, you know.
- Oh, I know.

Ain't like he's never had
his heart broke before.

But not all jobs are created equal.

Any fuckups on this one
could get us all dead.

- So, what, you want to call it off?
- Don't matter what I want.

I'll let you know when it's done.

What do you need?


Baby, I ain't talked you
out of doing something

since nineteen-ninety-never,
so I'm going to ask you again.

What do you need?

- Sir, we have a situation.
- Who the hell is tall, dark, and Nazi?

- What is it, Bunker?
- The FBI has got a TAC team

setting up shop inside the Cadi.
They found Chayton.

Brock figured you'd want to know.

I'm sure you're
as happy about this as I am.

Who's in charge?

Anybody not wearing
a badge clear out now.

One guess.

Hood. Can you guys give us a minute?

- You want me to play nice?
- It's not what I want that matters.

Chayton Littlestone is
the DOJ's problem now.

The feds have operational command.

Don't make this harder
than it needs to be.

Commander Ferillo.
This is Sheriff Hood.

He and his team are here to
support you in any way you see fit.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
You're just in time.

I was about to brief my men.

Our primary target
is a threat level one.

Director has authorized the use of
necessary force in his apprehension.

Eye in the sky has detected a remote
Redbone encampment deep in Kinaho territory.

The area is heavily wooded
with limited vehicle access

and limited nighttime visibility.

CIRG will stage on this
adjacent access road.

We'll approach on foot.

We'll execute the arrest
warrant at first light.

- Any questions?
- Yeah, what about us?

Local law enforcement and members
of Kinaho PD will observe the operation.


Sheriff, I know this guy
killed one of your own

and I am sympathetic to that.
That's why you're being invited along.

But make no mistake; this matter
falls under federal jurisdiction.

So, please, do us all a favor
and stay out of the way.

Sure thing.

Can you get this table set up?

Can somebody get this shit out of here?

We open up in two hours.
Come on.

Put some polish on those poles.
I want them to shine.

She can polish my pole.

Is there a problem over here?

- No, ma'am.
- There are two cases of vodka out back.

- Bring them to the bar.
- You know, I would, but

I don't work for you.

I work for Mr. Proctor.

Now you don't work for anybody.

- Pack your shit and go.
- Suck my dick.

Please escort this man off the property.
He's trespassing.

- You're gonna escort me now.
- Yes, ma'am.

Let's go.


You're out of your league, cunt.

Get him out of here.

- What is it?
- There are three men here from

Philadelphia asking to see Mr. Proctor.

Frazier's men?
Show them in.


You must be Lennox.

I've heard good things
from my Uncle Kai.

Please, have a seat.

- Where is Mr. Proctor?
- Tending to other business.

I'll be speaking on his behalf.

We're accustomed to dealing
direct with your boss.

And we're accustomed to
dealing directly with your boss,

Mr. Frazier.

But seeing as you drove all
the way from Philadelphia,

I'm willing to make an exception.
How about you?

In light of recent events,
Mr. Frazier would like

to reestablish his business
dealings with Mr. Proctor.

Is the Cage family no
longer making deliveries?

We're prepared to
double our previous order

in exchange for
a modest price reduction.

You want a discount?

As well as Mr. Proctor's
personal assurance

that he will stop
selling to the Salvadorans

effective immediately.

Mr. Proctor will start
selling to Frazier again,

but our prices have gone up,
not down,

in light of recent events.
A 10% increase.

And as for the Salvadorans,
tell your boss

that Kai Proctor sells
to whoever he wants.

Thank you for your time.
We'll be in touch.

My father believed in
an angry and vengeful God,

one who punished transgression
with pain and suffering.

As a child, he taught
me to cower in fear.

But the older I got,

the more his dogma angered me, so...

I put that cross on my back
as a challenge to his God.

To finally see if I'd be dealt with
the way he said I would.

- And were you?
- No.

At least I didn't think so.

But lately I've begun to
wonder if the punishment

was something more subtle,
less obvious.

- You're alone.
- Yeah.

You don't have to be.
Neither of us does.

You'll learn things about me
that you won't like.

I've lived in this
town my whole life, Kai.

I know who you are.

We were all someone else yesterday.

We'll be someone else tomorrow.

- Hi. This is a nice surprise.
- Hold that thought.

Miss Miller wants that
signed by a parent.

I was in the neighborhood and
figured you might still qualify.

You didn't hand in your
last three assignments.

Or some might say I'm only
three assignments behind.

Which, given my home circumstances,

is a pretty significant
accomplishment, don't you think?

Deva, you know what you
and I have in common?

We were both lied to for 16 years?

Yeah, that's one way to look at it.
But there's also this.

We're the people that
we always said we were.

I'm still your father.

That'll never change.

- Come on, I'll drive you home.
- No, it's okay. I'll walk.

Thanks, Dad.

- Right on time.
- You know me. I'm a creature of habit.

Sit with me.

- I can't.
- Come on, the place is empty.

Five minutes.

I miss what we had.

And I know you miss it, too.

- Am I wrong?
- No.

Then meet me at the motel tonight.

I'm flattered.

But when I said we were
through, I meant it.


I guess I just had
to take another run at it.

Believe me, I get it.

- The usual?
- Not today.

No, I just lost my appetite.
Thanks for the coffee.

? Uh-huh... ?

Oh, my God!
I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah, just a little embarrassed.

That was totally my fault.
I should be more careful.

- Oh, my God. I'm a total spaz.
- No, no, you're okay.

- Have a great day.
- Yeah, you, too.

? Question everything they told us ?

? Uh-huh ?

- Nice lift.
- Excuse me?

That guy, he never knew what hit him.
How much you score?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

- What, you worried I'm a cop?
- No, I know all the cops in this town.

- I'm worried you're a creep.
- So you're from around here?

Is there a reason you're
still talking to me?

Well, it's not every day
that I meet a beautiful girl

with mad pickpocket skills.

So just kind of wondering
what else you're good at.

- I bet you are.
- You want to get out of here?

I'm throwing a little
party with some friends.

Guaranteed good times.

You actually think I'd go to
a party with a total stranger?

I'm Charlie.

Charlie Knowles.

You say that like
I should know who you are.

No, but I'd like you to.

- You're crazy.
- Yeah. Does that mean you're coming?

Can I bring a friend?

The more the merrier.

And the voice?

Whatever you hear,
I don't want to talk about it.

I miss what we had.
And I know you miss it, too.

- Am I wrong?
- No.


Bring it in.

Redbone camp is a
three-mile hike due North.

Current intel shows that
Littlestone is in the camp,

so we are gonna take him down.
Sunrise is at 0630.

I want the suspect in custody by 0633.

Three-mile hike due North.

Breach the perimeter, three fire teams,

standard formation,
from here, here, and here.

Go in fast, we go in hard
while they're sleeping.

We should still anticipate resistance,
especially from Littlestone himself.

Now our objective is zero casualties.

But if somebody has to get hit, damn
straight it's gonna be one of them.

All right, you know the drill.
Stay alert, stay alive.

Move out in 30 minutes.

Yes, sir.

You okay watching this
from the cheap seats?

- You heard the man. It's his show.
- Commander Ferillo.

I know that you have a job to do.

I just want to be sure
that this is an arrest

- and not an execution.
- I'm sorry, who are you?

Aimee King, Kinaho Police Department.

Well, Officer King,
that cop killer is coming home with me.

Dead or alive, the choice is his.

You might want to consider
whose side you're on.

- Commander...!
- King, that's enough.

Sounded like you were sticking
up for that piece of shit.

You and I both know that Chayton
isn't leaving this mountain alive.

Yeah, but I don't have
a problem with that.

So why do you?

- Look, I knew Siobhan, too.
- He snapped her neck like a twig.

And he enjoyed it.

What is this place?

It was my parents' house.

And then after they
died, it became mine.

- Cool.
- Now it's anything I want it to be.

- Sounds awesome.
- Come on. I'll show you around.

You guys all live here together?

Well, we're just like any other family

except we actually
take care of each other.

You want to meet 'em?

- Sure.
- Come on.

- Deva, this place freaks me out.
- Come on, it'll be fun.

- We don't belong here.
- If you want to go, go. I'm staying.

All right, everybody, this is Deva.

- Hey.
- And that's... What's your name?

- Beaty.
- Beaty.

- All right, here you go.
- Thank you.

He's waiting for you.

- You wanted to see me, Uncle?
- Yeah.

Our friend from Philadelphia
tells me you were a little confused

about the offer he delivered
from Mr. Frazier earlier today.

It wasn't an offer. It was an insult.

It was a first step in
repairing a long-standing

and very important
business relationship.

They were buying from our competition

and you want to reward
that with a discount?

They're the customer. I want
to earn their business back.

A small concession
towards a bigger future.

But that's not what we agreed upon.

I already agreed to Frazier's terms.
We will reduce the unit price,

stop all sales to the
Salvadorans immediately.

Is that understood?


Is that understood, Rebecca?

- Yes.
- Good.

Now, I called you in because
I'm sure you'd like to apologize

to Mr. Lennox and his associates
for the misunderstanding.

I apologize for the misunderstanding.
It won't happen again.

Good. Thank you, Rebecca.
You can go now.

Thank you, Mr. Proctor.

Get out.
Get the fuck out!

If you shoot me, motherfucker,

you ain't getting
shit for your birthday.

You're late.

Now let me be clear.

I'm trusting that taking
out this Chayton motherfucker

will get you focused
on the real work at hand.

- Where's Chayton?
- Fuck you.

Where is he?




Move in.

- Go, go.
- Move!

Where's the sheriff?

- Move in! Now!
- FBI!

Get the fuck out of here!

Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!


Go! Down now!

Get on the ground!

FBI, get on the ground!

- Get on the ground! Get on the ground!
- FBI!

Get down!

Sit still, I said!

Don't move, Chayton!

I'm not gonna let them put
me in another cage, Aimee.

- You murdered a cop.
- It's not murder.

It's war.

I knew her, Chayton.
She didn't deserve to die.

She chose her fate when
she put on that uniform.


You're not gonna shoot me.

I will if I have to.

No, you won't.



Why the fuck didn't you shoot him, huh?

Where is he?

I said where the fuck is he?

You don't want to do that, sir.

- I'll have your badge for this, fucker.
- Get in fucking line.

? This is the hate ?

? Inside me ?

? This is the dark walls ?

? In my head ?

? Keep me in line... ?

Oh, man.
Oh, my God, that was strong.

That was amazing.
That was your first one.

It was good.
It was a good pull.

? Black ?

? Black is the tide... ?

Is it too early for a drink?

That depends on who you ask.

Just leave the bottle.

Thank you for coming to the funeral.

Someone shows you respect in life,

the least you can do is return
the favor when they're gone.

I'm sorry for your loss.

You know, men like me...

we're no strangers to death.

Maybe because of that,
when it hits close to home,

we feel responsible.

Well, maybe you are responsible.

Yeah, I suppose so.

You okay?


Come to bed.

- You heading out?
- Yeah.

So tell me,
are you chasing something

or are you being chased?

- Can usually tell...
- A little bit of both.

Well, either way, I hope
it works out for you.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey, yourself.

? Everywhere I go ?

? No matter where I stay ?

? There's gonna be a storm down here ?

? You better back away ?

? When the pressure drops ?

? The birds singing stops ?

? There's gonna be a storm down here ?

? You better back away ?

? I lay you down like a hurricane ?

? It's time to go,
got to leave me now ?

? When you're with me, cry,
don't you turn around ?

? Can't stop, can't help it ?

? Can't stop, can't help it ?

? I hate to break
what I can't replace ?

? Don't you make me do that,
don't look back. ?