Babylon 5 (1994–1998): Season 3, Episode 20 - And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place - full transcript

Religious leaders gather on Babylon 5 bringing news of events on Earth. Sheridan and Delenn figure out where the Shadows will strike next. G'Kar is captured by Refa, this will lead to a final confrontation with Londo.

Indira, Magda,
you're with the Pak'ma'ra.

Sorry, try not to drink the water.

Na'karee, you're gonna be rendezvousing
with the Narn resistance in Sector 40.


Commander's Personal Log:
December 7, 2260.

We're shipping out telepaths to the races
that have signed on against the Shadows.

Upon arrival, they'll be assigned to warships
already on patrol.

Because the Shadow vessels are vulnerable
to telepathic interference...

...we hope this'll even up the odds a little.

Sheridan's coordinated the defense...

...with what's left
"of the League of Non"- "Aligned Worlds."

He hardly ever leaves
the War Room anymore.

He tries not to show it,
but you can see the fatigue in his eyes.

Franklin's still on walkabout.
No one's seen him in over a week.

We hope he's all right
and works this through soon.

We're gonna need him back in Medlab.

Though I don't share their belief, I'm glad to
have Brother Theo and his monks onboard.

Ever since we broke away from Earth,
they've been a wonderful stabilizing force...

...working with people to keep them calm.

How he can be so annoying one moment
and so comforting the next is beyond me...

...a description which also applies
to someone else I know.

I really don't see why this
is such a difficult request, commander.

For every telepath you send to the other
races, I send one of my Narns as bodyguard.

If their tactical value is as great as we
suspect, shouldn't they be protected?

Their safety's already been guaranteed.

I'm sure that will be great comfort to
grief- stricken families...

...when a Shadow agent carves them up
into spare body parts.

With my people around,
this will not happen.

My Narns are willing to go
into great danger...

...risk sacrificing themselves for you...

...knowing that, in turn,
we serve ourselves.

If the symmetry were any more perfect...

...I should think one of us
would break into tears.

I have decided that G'Kar
must be dealt with.

I suppose so, eventually.

No, not eventually.
As quickly as possible.

Londo, has it occurred to you
that half the other races are at war?

We have to figure out what to do
about them...

...about us.
And you're worried about G'Kar?

We have a lot bigger concerns here.

Big concerns grow from small concerns.

You plant them, water them with tears,
fertilize them with unconcern.

If you ignore them, they grow.

I have ignored this problem long enough.

Sheridan has given him sanctuary.

There is nothing you can do against him
as long as he's here.

Yes, as long as he is here.


This, by you, is well done?


So I have found a way to get him
away from here and back to Narn.

And once there, he can be arrested,
detained and executed.

And you, Vir, are going to help me.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

It failed.

But in the year of the Shadow War,
it became something greater...

...our last, best hope for victory.

The year is 2260.
The place, Babylon 5.

Good afternoon, commander.

- Oh, Theo. How are you?
- Fine. Fine.

Pay no attention to the sound
you'll be hearing in a few moments.

It's just the grinding of my teeth
like tectonic plates.

Are you starting in already, Theo?

I tell you, in 50 years of living and 40 years
of serving the Lord...

...I have never met a sorrier soul
than Brother Theo here.

- Well, I wouldn't say--
- Thank you.

But I'd prefer to leave judgments
as to the state of my soul... someone better qualified.

And perhaps a bit less loud.

But it says in the Bible
to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

I've heard you sing, Will.

And take my word for it...

...that is not what the good Lord had in mind
when he said,"a joyful noise."

- Hello?
- Neither is that.

Reverend William A. Dexter, head of
the True Gospel Mission Baptist Church.

- Happy to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

And these are my associates, Mr. Chong...

...Rashid Abdul and Rabbi Meyer.

- It is a pleasure, commander.
- Well, thank you.

Now if you'll follow me,
we've set up temporary quarters for you.


Nice word. Isn't it?

Ivanova sent me to find you.

She said you haven't been sleeping,
that you have barely been eating.

She said that you have been,
in her words,"carrying on cranky."

I looked up the word "cranky."
It said,"grouchy."

I looked up "grouchy."
It said,"crotchety."

No wonder you have such an eccentric
culture. None of your words have...

...their own meanings. You have to look up
one to understand another. It never ends.

Something here doesn't make sense.

That's what I thought
when I came across "crotchety."

"This can't be a real word," I said.

The Shadows keep attacking random targets.
Very illogical.

On the other hand, once engaged,
their tactics are very successful.

Very logical.

- It's a contradiction.
- Unless the random attacks...

...are logical in some way we haven't
yet determined.


So you have been sitting here trying to think
illogically about logical possibilities...

...or logically about illogical possibilities.

- Yes, yes.
- Well, no wonder you are cranky.


Never mind.

Your face just broke the language barrier.

I'm tired. I haven't had a good night's sleep
since Kosh died.

I'm having the kind of nightmares
that make your hair stand on end.

Well, that would explain the Centauri.

- You need food and rest.
- Yeah.

The humans who you've been waiting for
have arrived and would like to have dinner.

No, I don't have time.

- lf they want to come here, that's fine--
- So I told them yes.


Since Minbari do not lie, except to save
another, my reputation is now at stake.

If you say no,
I will be publicly dishonored.

You don't fight fair.


Dinner is in two standard hours.

I will see you there.

Pain in the butt.


Londo, I just heard.
Lord Refa is--

Lord Refa is here with Minister Virini.
Yes, I know.

I am on my way to see them.
You'll meet me there.

I'm not going with you?

After you run an errand for me.
You remember G'Kar's aide, Na'Toth?

I still have the claw marks.

They were very close when she was here.
He lost track of her when we bombed Narn.

- He assumed she was dead.
- Is she?

I want you to go to G'Kar
and tell him that Na'Toth is alive...

...that she has been taken prisoner
and is being kept in a cell...

...beneath the building that once housed
their ruling body, the Kha'ri.

G'Kar is the last of the Kha'ri still free...

...and the only one who knows the layout
of these underground cells.

Knowing G'Kar, once he hears this,
he'll return to Narn at once.

But how? You know every ship
going to Narn is searched.

Vir, we're talking about G'Kar here.
He is annoying but extremely capable.

He will find a way.

And when he arrives,
he will attempt to free her...

...and my forces will be there to arrest him.

No, no, no. It won't work, Londo.
He'll never believe me.

Yes, he will. He knows you helped his people
when you were stationed on Minbar.

He trusts you... much as any of his kind
can trust one of us.

He will believe that you have no reason
to lie to him.

And I don't. I won't go.
I won't do it!

Yes, you will!

You will do it because I asked you.

Because it will help our people.
Because if you do not...

...I will reveal everything
you have done on Minbar.

I will humiliate you, your family
and your house.

I will drive them from honor
and bankrupt them.

I will have them stripped naked...

...whipped through the streets
of the capital at midday...

...and in the end, I will destroy them.

So yes, you will go, and you will do it.

I apologize for the facilities, minister...

...but it's the best they can provide
on such short notice.

They once asked us to recognize them,
you know.

They seemed to think that if our government
recognized Babylon 5...

...they would have an easier time
establishing their independence.

Not much to be independent about,
is there, Lord Refa?

No, Excellency.

Makes one wonder why Mollari stays.

I think he is no longer suited for life
back home, Excellency.

He has spent too much time among aliens.
He's out of touch.

You once claimed him as a valuable ally,
sided your house with his.

That was before.
Things change.

And now your house is in competition
with his.

He has had a great influx of funds
to his house, Refa.

With money comes power.

Many have gone over to his side.

I still have more voices in the Centaurum,
and I have served the emperor very well.

I would remind His Excellency
that it was I, not Londo...

...who organized the attack
on the Narn Homeworld.

I, not Mollari...

...who removed Prime Minister Malachi
and enabled Cartagia to take the throne. I--

Yes, yes. And the emperor appreciates
your part in his ascension.

But this division between two of our oldest
noble houses serves no one.

It must end.

That's why I wanted you to come,
to see for yourself what Londo has become.

Your word can tilt the balance,
if you choose to give it.

I will give it...

...when I decide which side
is more deserving.

Greetings, Excellency.

I need....

I need to see G'Kar.

I said, I need--

Hello, G'Kar.

...need to talk to you.

I have some information.

It's about Na'Toth.

Ambassador, this rivalry between
you and Lord Refa...

...threatens to destabilize the Royal Court.

There have been ugly rumors.

They say you have tried to poison them,
and you say they have tried the same.

This cannot continue.

I agree, Excellency.

And I am sure Lord Refa has told you
all the reasons I am not to be trusted.

I hear many things, but the emperor
has no preference in this.

He merely wants the matter ended.

Vir, good.

You did as I asked?


Minister, you're right.
This division must end...

...but by deeds, not words.

What if I could prove to Emperor Cartagia
the value of House Mollari over House Refa?

What if I could rid...

...the Royal Court of a problem that has
been bothering it for quite some time?

An embarrassment, shall we say?

- Would that win his favor?
- Perhaps.


When I am finished, this rivalry...

...will be over once and for all.

Good day, Excellency.

I don't believe this.
Is that why you're doing this?

To win favor at the Royal Court?
How can you do this to me?

To have G'Kar imprisoned or killed
just to elevate your position?

You're young, Vir. You don't understand,
but you will.

Gentlemen, I want to thank you for coming.

With all our ties with Earthgov cut off,
ISN putting out propaganda, we can't get...

...reliable news about what's going on
on Earth.

Not a problem.

Much as I like to give Theo here a hard time,
the fact is, he coordinated the whole thing.

He said something nice about me.

I must write this down in my diary.

Before we left, Rabbi Meyer and the others
gave me their data crystals.

I hid them in here.

We split the work up between us
in order to avoid drawing suspicion.

Abdul's people intercepted all governmental
transmissions from the Russian Consortium...

...Will took the West
and I covered the middle:

England, France, Australia,
Geneva, others.

We also got our hands
on most of the underground transmissions.

So the resistance is still alive back home.

President Clark wants folks
to think otherwise...

...but the resistance is very much alive.

- It's all there.
- Thanks. This'll help.

What do they say about us back home?

That you're a bunch of renegades.

That you're pirates and traitors
working with aliens to subvert Earth.

You took a big chance bringing this to us.
What if they would've been right about us?

I didn't think so, but if I was wrong,
I was wrong.

I'd rather do something
and make a mistake...

...than be frightened into doing nothing.
That's the problem at home.

Folks have been conned into thinking
they can't change the world.

Have to accept what is.

I'll tell you something, my friends,
the world is changing every day.

The only question is,
who's doing it?

Mr. Garibaldi, may I speak to you
for a moment?

- Sure, no problem. What's up?
- I am in need of a favor.

Once, after my world fell to the Centauri,
I asked you to bring a message from there.

Yeah. We had the Rangers smuggle it out
on a data crystal.

I now need something smuggled
into my Homeworld.


- How big?
- About this big and this wide.

- You?
- Me.


...there's a standing warrant for your arrest
back on Narn.

If you go home,
you'll be stuck in prison or shot.

- Nonetheless, I must go.
- Why?

It is a personal matter.

I need a ship that can slip in quietly...

...bring me in just outside the capital city
and wait a few hours for my return.

I'll take it from there.

- This isn't gonna be easy.
- Nothing worthwhile ever is.

- When?
- lmmediately.

Let go of me!
What do you want from me?

I didn't do anything!

Correct, Vir,
but you are about to do something.

You are going to tell me
what Londo is planning...

...or you will not leave this room alive.

I was thinking about our conversation
earlier this evening.

Before I leave, I would like to hold
an open church meeting.

Show the aliens around here something
other than our....

He seems to think that if he does not say my
name, I will not know he is referring to me.

I can only assume someone has been...

...spray- painting the word "idiot"
on my back again.

I think it's a great idea.
We're a little...

...tight for space right now,
but we could use the chapel.

Just tell me it'll be a nice, quiet
dignified prayer service.

Theo, folks around here need all the joy
they can get, and I intend to give it to them.

Oh, rapture.

What is Londo doing?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

My sources tell me...

...he has come up with a way
to elevate his position in the Royal Court... my expense.

You know what it is.
Tell me.

I can't.

He has not been very kind to you.
Has he, Vir?

He has treated you badly, thrown you aside,
kept you down.

I can change that for you.

I can have you appointed
to the Royal Court.

You will be able to go home again,
have money, a title, a little power.

In time, Vir, I think
you would come to see things my way...

...but time is something I do not have.

- Take it from his mind.
- No! No.

I want you to go to G'Kar
and tell him that Na'Toth is alive.

Knowing G'Kar, once he hears this,
he'll return to Narn at once.

And when he arrives,
he will attempt to save her...

...and my forces will be there to arrest him.

I know that was uncomfortable,
but it was necessary.

It will also be necessary to keep you here
until I have finished doing...

...what needs to be done.

You will be attended to.

Oh, sorry, I saw the lights were out.
I didn't think anyone was in here.

I just couldn't sleep.
Thought I'd do a little walking.

- I can go--
- No, no, it's fine.

Would you like some tea?
I find it helps me sleep.

Just a little.

The legs get funny when you get older.
You're sitting, they wanna stand.

You stand, they wanna lay down.
You lay down, they wanna go for a walk.

Still working this late?

Daily reports, oxygen consumption logs,
recycling figures.

It never stops.

Sometimes I think I stay in the War Room
as much to avoid this stuff...

- I do to keep track of the war.
- It's a great responsibility. Isn't it?


...who do you share
this great responsibility with?

Well, there's Ivanova, Garibaldi...

...Franklin's still on walkabout, others.
The work gets spread around.

Now, I didn't say, work.
I said, responsibility.

I've watched your people
since I came aboard.

They all come to you with questions...

...problems, concerns. So who do you go to?
Who do you talk to?


...there isn't anybody.

It's my responsibility.
I can't put it on anyone else.

I didn't say you should put it on anyone else
either, just talking about it...

...sharing the burden as much as you can.

You know, back during the Minbari War
I was a chaplain.

You could always tell the good officers
from the bad ones.

The bad ones were loaded down
with this sense of terrible responsibility.

It consumed them. They wanted to do right
by the men and women...

...under their command, but after a while
they became more and more...

...isolated, unapproachable,
downright unsociable.


Now, that's as good a word as any.

They were in such a fog of worry and
self- doubt that nobody could get through.

When your worry tank gets full,
people stop coming to you because...

...they don't want to add to it.

Have to empty out your worry tank once
in a while, or you just get more isolated.

Is that what you think is happening to me?

I was just looking at your eyes...

...and remembering that same look
on a lot of the faces I saw...

...during the last war. That's all.

So now you'd like me
to turn all of this over to God, right?

When God comes knocking at your door,
you won't need me...

...or anyone else to tell you
what that sound is.

But you gotta remember,
after God created man, he created Eve...

...because he knew we all need
someone to talk to...

...someone to help shoulder the burden.

She loves you, you know.

I saw it in her face at dinner every time
she looked at you.

- I don't want to talk about this anymore.
- Of course. I was just--

Delenn's been through a lot lately.
We all have.

She's got enough problems on her hands
without giving her mine as well.

Thank you for your concern, Reverend.

You know, before I got married...

...Emily used to come by
and help me clean out my apartment.

Well, I asked her:

"How come you're so eager to help clean
my place when your place is just as bad?"

She said,"Because cleaning up your place
helps me to forget...

...what a mess I've made of mine.

And when I sweep my floor,
all I've done is sweep my floor.

But when I help you clean up your place,
I am helping you."

The way I lived back then, sometimes
the mess was too much for both of us...

...but it sure was nice to have the company.

Good night, captain.

Hello, G'Kar.

I heard you'd come.
I didn't believe it at first.

Dust in the streets.
The wind....

Is it always like this now?

Ever since the bombings.
The wind never stops.

It will take years for all the particulate
matter to drift down out of the sky...

...and back into the ground.

The days and nights are colder.

It never seems to feel warm anymore.

- Did you get my message?
- Yes.

What you propose is dangerous, G'Kar.

- What if your information is wrong?
- It isn't.

We will proceed.
Tell the others.

Bring them to me, and I will show them
how to enter the underground tunnels.

We will proceed from there.

Very nice, Drigo.
Almost identical to the Royal Palace.

It was Minister Virini's idea... a surprise for Emperor Cartagia
when he comes to visit... make him feel more at home.

If there...

- anything I can do to make you feel--
- Yes. There is.

I need six--
No, seven of your best guards.

The last of the Kha'ri is coming here.
May even be here already.

He will probably move tonight.

When that happens, I will be there.

The glory for capturing him
will go to my house...

...and you, good Drigo, will be compensated
very well for your trouble.

Once we have this Narn,
what shall we do with him?

Bring him back to Centauri Prime... chains, as a gift
for Emperor Cartagia...

...along with a silver plate...

...upon which, I will have the head
of Londo Mollari.

You're right.
There's no pattern to the Shadow attacks.

No pattern at all.

- I'm sorry. I wish I could see it.
- It's okay. Sometimes....

Sometimes it's just nice
to have the company.

Put the three- dimensional grid
back up again.

Display the attacks in sequence.
Chronological order.

- Wait. Did you see what I just saw?
- I think so.

They started here, then jumped across
to this area. Stop.

Display full attack data.

Move the tactical display inward...

...peeling off the attacks on the outer areas
and show me the middle of this sector.


Nothing. There have been no attacks
in the center of this area.

They've actually gone around this part
to attack on the other side. Why?

Why leave it alone?

The Rangers say that many refugee ships
fleeing the war...

...have been heading towards
this area of space...

...because so far, it hasn't been attacked.

It's interesting.

What if they wanted to drive the refugees
into one area, corral them?

Make it easier to hit them all at once?

Could be. The effect would be devastating,

That could be their intent.

Maybe this is as much about terror
as it is about territory.

When we've had wars back home,
sometimes one side would leave...

...a few areas
of enemy territory undamaged.

That way you'd get maximum results when
you finally hit them with something big.

- Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, San Diego.
- They could be doing the same thing here.

Drawing in thousands of ships,
escorts and refugees from a dozen worlds...

- preparation for a major offensive.
- It makes sense.

- It's what I'd do.
- What?


You know, if I were the bad guys.
If I were them.

The only way to beat them
is to think like them.

- Think like them?
- Yes.

- No. You will come with me.
- No, no, wait.

- We just figured this out.
- Rev. Dexter says... need some time away from this.
Right now, I agree.

Delenn, the battles, the war,
they need me here.

I mean, today the Shadows,
tomorrow the galaxy.

Yes, John. Of course, John.
Whatever you say, John.

Delenn, listen....

- We are ready to proceed, G'Kar.
- They understand the target?

- They do.
- Then follow me. I know the way.

I sometimes think they choose guards for
the amount of bone content in their heads.

Might as well hire Minbaris.

- You all right, Vir?
- Yes, but there's been a problem.

That's far enough, G'Kar.

You have just taken your final step
as a free Narn.

Every day, here and at home,
we are warned about the enemy.

But who is the enemy?

Is it the alien?
Well, we are all alien to one another.

Is it the one who believes differently
than we do?

No. Oh, no, my friends.
The enemy is fear.

The enemy is ignorance.

The enemy is the one who tells you that
you must hate that which is different.

Because in the end,
that hate will turn on you...

...and that same hate will destroy you.

G'Kar I want alive.

The rest do as you wish.

Go on.
What are you waiting for?


Hello, Refa.

If you are seeing this message... is because in a very few minutes,
you will be dead.

I have made sure the guards assigned to you
are loyal to House Mollari.

They will not obey you
from this moment forward.

You have taken from me...

...that which I loved, Refa.

You also took the life of Prime Minister
Malachi, a good and dear friend.

You have inconvenienced me and threatened
my position in the Royal Court...

...and weakened our defenses by your
constant warfare...

...none of which matters to G'Kar
or his associates.

But I think they do care...

...about what you have done
to them, Refa.

Yes, I think they care about that
a great deal.

All, please rise.

I have given G'Kar documents, which prove
that you are the one...

...who orchestrated the bombing
of the Narn Homeworld against my advice...

...that you personally were involved
in the creation of death camps...

...and genetic cleansing programs...

...that you are personally responsible
for the death...

...of 5 or 6 million Narns.

And I think they would like to thank you
personally for your efforts.

You can't believe him.
He's lying!

On the off- chance that G'Kar
might not believe me...

...I have arranged for 2000 Narns
now in custody... be freed.

Half in advance,
half pending his cooperation.

More than sufficient inducement,
I think.

You see, it is not enough for me... simply kill you, Refa.

I could do that at home or here.

But through your death on Narn...

...I will discredit your house...

...and all opposition in the Royal Court.

Goodbye, Refa.


No, this is a mistake.
Come back!

Make sure this is found on his body.

Leave his face and head intact.

They will be needed later for identification.

The rest is yours.

And this datacrystal was found
on Lord Refa's body.

It contains information that would be
very useful to the Narn Resistance.

He thought he could bargain with the Narns.

As the humans say,
play both sides against the middle.

From what was left of his body
when he was found, he was quite wrong.

Refa, a traitor?
I can't imagine it.

His loyalties were never to anyone
but himself.

By helping the Narn resistance, encouraging
acts of terror against our people...

...he hoped to undermine the Royal Court...

...create enough public outrage that he could
move his own people into positions of power.

And where they go,
he would not be far behind.

From what is here,
I suspect he was also planning to kill you...

...just as he did Prime Minister Malachi.

Apparently, he felt that
you were getting in the way of his plans.

Yes, he seemed quite upset
that I was questioning his authority.

I had no idea he would go so far.

He wanted power.
It's what I said from the start.

Sooner or later,
it would destroy him or us.

Better it was him.

Well, thank you for bringing this
to my attention, Mollari.

I'm sure Emperor Cartagia
will be most grateful...

...for your assistance.

I live only to serve.

Good day, Excellency.

All right, Vir. What is it?
You have that look again.

- You used me.
- Of course.

I knew Refa had a telepath with him.

If I told you the truth,
he would've found out.

So I let you believe
what I wanted him to believe.

It was the only way
to lure him into the trap I had set for him.

- Londo, they could have killed me.
- Nonsense.

- You're not important enough to kill.
- But I'm important enough for you to lie to.

I used to think I knew you, Londo,
but I never knew you at all. Did I?

I wish you would tell me
what this is all about, Delenn.

It's a surprise. Now that we know
what the Shadows have in mind...

...we have an advantage for the first time.

We can rally all the other races,
prepare to launch a major counterattack.

I thought you might like to know
what resources you have.

Take a look.

Oh, my.

"White Star" was never intended to be
one of a kind.

It was only the first.

We've been working around the clock
to construct them.

I said we needed time to prepare.

This is why.
The first wave of ships is finished at last.

The Rangers will pilot them
under our shared command.

We are as ready for them
as we will ever be.

We finally have, as you say,
a fighting chance.

I don't know what to say.

Then say nothing.