Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003–2008): Season 3, Episode 10 - The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion - full transcript

Zuko makes a decision about his future. Aang reunites with many of his old friends in a full-scale invasion of the Fire Nation capitol to coincide with an eclipse which will remove the Fire Nation's powers.

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KATARA: Water.




Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.

Then, everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,

could stop them.

But when the world
needed him most, he vanished.

A hundred years passed,
and my brother and I discovered

the new Avatar,
an Airbender named Aang.

And although
his airbending skills are great,

he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.

AANG: Oof!

KATARA: But I believe
Aang can save the world.

Top of the morning, Momo!

Sounds like you slept well.

Like a baby moose lion.

I'm ready to face the Fire Lord.

So what's your strategy
for taking him down?

Going to get your glow on
and hit him with

a little Avatar State action?

I can't.

When Azula shot me
with lightning,

my seventh chakra was locked,
cutting off my connection

to all the cosmic energy
in the Universe.

You know what I just heard?

Blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo,
blah-blah something about space.

KATARA: Oh no.

Sokka, do you think the fog
will delay the invasion?

No, that is the invasion.

KATARA: You made it, Dad!

Were you able to locate
everyone I told you to find?

I did, but I'm
a little worried, Sokka.

Some of these men
aren't exactly the warrior type.


This place ain't nothing
like a swamp.

What'd you reckon that is, Tho?

Some sort of Fire Nation
exploding trap

that would eat ya?

It's just a rock, Due.

Well, I'll be.

Is it just me,
or are those fellas

a little loose in the leaf hat?

I just wish
they would wear pants.

Pants are an illusion.

And so is death.

HARU: Hi, Katara.

Haru, it's so good to see you.

Toph, this is Haru.

When we met him, his town was
controlled by the Fire Nation.

So we had to hide
his Earth-bending.

Katara inspired me and my
father to take back our village.

You helped us find
our courage, Katara.

Now we're here to help you.

No way. Is that...

Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!

You guys here for a rematch?


The Boulder and The Hippo
no longer fight

for others' entertainment.

Now, we fight for our Kingdom!




Was that a new invention?


But unfortunately,
the incendiary capabilities

of peanut sauce
proved to be a failure.

You're making
peanut sauce bombs?

They're destructive.

And delicious!


Were you able to complete work
on the plans I sent you?

Yes, I was.

And I think the Fire Nation
will be quite surprised.

Aang, my dad and I
made this for you.

A new glider!

This is amazing.

And as a special feature,
I added a snack compartment.

Oh well, I'm sure
that will come in handy.

I bet you're tired of
being in that cell, old man.

Well, too bad.

You're never stepping
outside these walls again.


Careful, Ming.

Don't get too close.

His stench will
knock you right out.


I snuck in some white jade tea.

I know you like rare teas.

IROH: Thank you, Ming.

Ever since I was put in here,
you have been very kind to me.


Don't worry, you'll do great.


Good morning, everyone!



So, as you know, today
we're invading the Fire Nation.

I mean I know you know that.

Because otherwise why else
would you be here.

[LAUGHS] Anyway...

The Fire Lord's palace is here.

Uh no, uh wait... uh
wait... uh wait, it's here.

And, uh, there's
an eclipse today.

And Aang's going
to fight the Fire Lord.

And the Firebenders
won't have any fire to use,

so that's good for us.

And um... I'm sorry, let me
start at the beginning.

Katara and I discovered
Aang frozen in an iceberg.

Now I didn't like Aang at first,
but I grew to love him over time,

then we went over
to the Southern Air Temple,

where Aang used to live,
and then we met Suki,

-who is a Kyoshi warrior.
-Wow, when he says beginning,

he means
the beginning beginning.

SOKKA: ...got Haru arrested, and
then now he's grown a mustache.

-And if you look in the front...
-HAKODA: Thank you, Sokka.

It's okay, why don't
you take a break?

Let me just clarify
a few points for everyone.

Today is the Day of Black Sun.

And I want to thank you all
for your self-sacrifice

and your courage.

There are two steps
to the invasion.

A naval stage
and then a land stage.

To gain sea access
to the Fire Nation capital,

we have to get past
our first major obstacle here.

The Great Gates of Azulon.

Next, we hit the land,
and we hit hard.

We must fight
past their battlements

and secure the plaza tower.

Once we do that,
it's up to the royal palace.

At that point,
the eclipse will begin.

Excuse me.

The Boulder is confused.

Isn't the point to invade
during the eclipse?

When the Firebenders
are powerless?

The eclipse
only lasts eight minutes.

Not enough time
for the whole invasion.

And the royal palace is heavily
guarded by Firebenders.

So that's where we'll need
the eclipse advantage the most.

When this is finished,
the Avatar

would have defeated
the Fire Lord.

We would have control
of the Fire Nation capital.

And this war will be over!




We've been looking
everywhere for you.

The boats are ready to leave.

I messed up, Aang.


The invasion plan
was my moment of truth.

And I completely flopped it.

I just... fell apart.

Sokka, that speech wasn't
your moment of truth.

That was just public speaking,

and nobody's really good
at that.

My dad is.

He explained the plan perfectly
and inspired everyone.

Like a real leader should.

Look, your moment of truth

isn't going to be
in front of some map.

It's going to be out there
on the battlefield.

You seem so confident
about everything.

How do you know
we're going to win?

Because I already failed
the world once at Ba Sing Se.

I won't let myself fail again.

BATO: There they are.

The Great Gates of Azulon.

KATARA: I don't
see any gates.

you and the Swamp-Benders

whip up a fog cover.

We'll sneak by that statues
just like we sneaked by

that fire navy blockade.

Keep it up,
we're almost through.





Everyone below deck.

Let's hope your invention works.


No one's on board, Sir.

Where'd they go?

You really outdone
yourself this time, son.

TOPH: Yeah.

Congratulations, Sokka.

You managed to invent a worse
way of travel than flying.



Well, I just came up
with the idea.

The Mechanist did all the work.

But don't sell
yourself short, my boy.

It was your idea
to use water-bending

to make the subs sink and float.


Though your original designs

were a bit difficult
to decipher.

Unfortunately, there is
one problem I couldn't fix.

The subs have
a limited air supply.

Before we land on the beaches,
we'll need to resurface.

Lunchtime, General Iroh.

And this time, I brought you
an extra bowl of rice.

Thank you, Ming.

Your little gestures of kindness

have made my days in prison

I think you should take
the rest of the day off.

-You don't look well.

Maybe you should
go home and rest.

No, I feel fine.

Trust me.

It is better that you are
not here this afternoon.

So, this is it, huh?

Are you ready
for the Fire Nation to know

the Avatar's alive?

I'm ready.

I hope you kick some serious
Fire Lord butt, twinkle toes.

HAKODA: Everyone, listen up.

The next time we resurface,
it'll be on the beaches.

So stay alert and fight smart.

Now break time's over,
back in the subs.

-Aang, I...
-Katara, I...

You go first.

We've been through
so many things together.

And I've seen you
grow up so much.

You're not that little goofy kid
I found in the iceberg anymore.

I guess
what I'm trying to say is

I'm really proud of you.

Everything is going to be
different after today, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

What if... what if
I don't come back?

Aang, don't say that.

Of course you'll...

Katara, what are you doing?

It's time to submerge.

What? Right, I'm on it.


I'm sorry, Mai.


What do you know?

It did come in handy.

Everyone in position.

Earthbenders, into your tanks.

This is going to be
a rough ride.




Ready the torpedo.













We're a man down.

Where in tarnation is Hue?


Hey Hue, where you been?

Communing with nature.

Takes a while to collect
this much seaweed.


Dad, look out!




Sokka, we've got
to take out those battlements.

It's our only chance.

I've got an idea.



MEN: Ah!

Ah, ah!


You two take out
that battlement.

I've got this one.

Watch each other's backs.








I know I've made
some bad choices.

But today...

I'm gonna set things right.




KATARA: How does that feel, Dad?

HAKODA: A-a little better.

I need to get
back... to the troops.


KATARA: You're hurt... badly.

You can't fight anymore.

Everyone's counting on me
to lead this mission, Katara.

I won't let them down.


Can't you heal him any faster?

I'm doing everything I can.

I'll do it.

No offense, Sokka, but you're
not exactly Mr. Healing Hands.

No, I'll lead
the invasion force.

Don't be crazy, Sokka.

Maybe I am a little crazy but
the eclipse is about to start,

and we need to be up that
volcano by the time it does.

HAKODA: You can do this.

I'm proud of you, son.

I still think you're crazy.

But I'm proud of you, too.

Yip yip.



Listen up, everyone!

I want the tanks
in wedge formation!

Warriors and benders
in the middle.

We're taking that tower and
headed for the royal palace!



That's strange.


The Avatar is back!


Anyone home?





The Fire Nation is falling back!

Sokka, we're on
our way to victory.


No, no, no!

Fire Lord Ozai, where are you?



You're on your feet again.

Thanks to your sister.

I'm in no shape to fight,

but maybe there is some way
I could help.

Everything's going smoothly,

and the eclipse hasn't even
kicked in yet.

Let's hope our luck holds out.

Katara, you seem distracted.

Is something wrong?


Is that... is that Aang?


Please tell you're here
because the Fire Lord

turned out to be a big wimp,

and you didn't even need
the eclipse to take him down?

He wasn't home.

No one was.

The entire palace city
is abandoned.

They knew.

AANG: It's over.

The Fire Lord
is probably long gone.

Far away on some remote island

where he'll be safe
during the eclipse.


My instincts tell me
he wouldn't go too far.

He would have a secret bunker.

Somewhere he could go, and it'll
be safe during a siege,

but still be close enough
to lead his nation.

If it's
an underground secret bunker

we're looking for,
I'm just the girl to find it.

The Mechanist gave me
this timing device.

It looks like we've got about
ten minutes

until the full eclipse.

Ten minutes to find
the Fire Lord.

We can still do this.

We can still win the day.


If they knew we were coming,
it could all be a trap.

Maybe we should use the time
we have left to make sure

we all get out of here safely.

Everyone who's here today
came prepared

to risk everything
for this mission.

They know what's at stake.

If there's still a chance
and there's still hope,

I think they would
want Aang to go for it.

What do you think?

You're the one
who has to face the Fire Lord.

Whatever you decide,
I'm with you.

I've got to try.


Do you feel anything down there?


There are natural tunnels

through the inside
of the volcano.

Anything else?

Is there a structure somewhere?

There's something big, dense,
and made of metal

deep in the heart
of the volcano.

Sounds like
a secret bunker to me.


Stay safe.

We'll be back soon.

This way!
That one's a dead end.

SOKKA: What would we do without you?

Perish and burn in hot magma.

Yeah, pretty much.

TOPH: The tunnel continues
on the other side

and it leads
right to the bunker.

We'll have to be
fast but careful.


How was that careful?

I was wrong.

We need to be fast,
careful, and lucky.


SOKKA: There's no floor!

It's just a river of lava.

AANG: Climb aboard
and hold on tight.


SOKKA: That's some door!


Not a problem.



I am so glad we
added you to the group.




Everyone move to the secondary
defensive position!


The eclipse
is only minutes away.

We should be able to make it up
the hill by the time it starts

and secure the entire palace
by the time it's finished!


We can wait here if you want.

No. I want to press forward
with the others.



The Fire Lord's chamber
is that way down the hall

to the left and up the stairs.
You can't miss it.




Only 30 seconds
until the total eclipse.


I'm ready.

I'm ready to face the Fire Lord.


So, you are alive after all.

I had a hunch that you survived.

But it doesn't matter,

I've known about the invasion
for months.

I'm ready to face you.

Prince Zuko,
what are you doing here?

The eclipse is starting!

Put on your eclipse glasses.

Why are you here?

I'm here to tell the truth.

Telling the truth
during the middle of an eclipse.

This should be interesting.

First of all, in Ba Sing Se,

it was Azula who took down
the Avatar, not me.

Why would she
lie to me about that?

Because the Avatar is not dead.

He survived.


In fact, he's probably
is leading this invasion.

He could be on us right now.

Get out!

Get out of my sight right now
if you know what's good for you.

That's another thing.

I'm not taking orders
from you anymore.

You will obey me

or this defiant breath
will be your last!

Think again!

I am going to speak my mind,
and you are going to listen!

Where is he?

Where is the Fire Lord?

Hm, you mean I'm not
good enough for you?

You're hurting my feelings.

Stop wasting our time
and give us the information.

You're powerless right now, so
you're in no position to refuse.

And stick to the truth.

I'll be able to tell
if you're lying.

Are you sure?

I'm a pretty good liar.

I am a 400-foot-tall
purple platypus bear

with pink horns
and silver wings.

Okay, you're good, I admit it.

But you really ought to consider
telling the truth anyway.


When I left Ba Sing Se,
I brought home some souvenirs.

Dai Li agents.

Surround the periphery!

We have to secure the palace
by the time the eclipse is over.

Otherwise, we'll be in
for the fight of our lives.

TYRO: Stop!

Surrender peacefully,
and we won't harm you.

We'll never surrender.

Er, okay, we surrender.

HAKODA: There it is.

The Fire Nation royal palace.

We've come so far.

It's not over yet.

For so long, all I wanted

was for you to love me,
to accept me.

I thought it was my honor
that I wanted.

But really, I was just
trying to please you.

You, my father, who banished me
just for talking out of turn.

My father, who challenged me...
A 13-year-old boy...

To an Agni Kai.

How can you possibly
justify a duel with a child?

It was to teach you respect.

It was cruel!

And it was wrong!

Then you've learned nothing.

No, I've learned everything!

And I had to learn it on my own.

Growing up, we were taught
that the Fire Nation

was the greatest civilization
in history.

And somehow, the war was our way
of sharing our greatness

with the rest of the world.

What an amazing lie that was.

The people of the world are
terrified by the Fire Nation!

They don't see our greatness,
they hate us!

And we deserve it.

We've created an era
of fear in the world.

And if we don't want the world
to destroy itself,

we need to replace it with
an era of peace and kindness.


Your Uncle has gotten to you,
hasn't he?

Yes. He has.






I can't pin her down.

She's too quick.


Wait! Aang, Toph,
stop attacking.

Don't you see what she's doing?

She's just playing with us.

She's not even trying
to win this fight!

Not true, I'm giving it my all.

You're trying to keep us here
and waste all our time!

Um, right.

I think your friend
just said that, genius.

And since you can't see,

I should tell you
I'm rolling my eyes.

I'll roll your whole head!

She's just baiting you again.

Okay, so what do we do?

Just ignore her?

We don't have a choice,
we just have to get out of here

and find the Fire Lord
on our own somehow.

It's a trap.

Don't say I didn't warn you.


So, Sokka's your name, right?

My favorite prisoner used
to mention you all the time.

She was convinced that you were
going to come rescue her.

Of course, you never came,
and she gave up on you.


Come and get it.


Where is Suki?

ZUKO: After I leave here today,
I'm going to free Uncle Iroh

from his prison.

And I'm going to beg
for his forgiveness.

He is the one who has been
a real father to me.

That's just beautiful.

Maybe he can pass down to you
the ways of tea and failure.

But I've come to an even more
important decision.

I'm going to join the Avatar.

And I'm going to help him
defeat you.


Since you're
a full-blown traitor now,

and you want me gone, why wait?

I'm powerless,
you've got your swords,

why don't you just do it now?

Because I know my own destiny.

Taking you down
is the Avatar's destiny.



Coward! You think
you're brave enough to face me,

but you'll only do it
during the eclipse.

If you have any real courage,

you'll stick around
until the Sun comes out.

Don't you want to know
what happened to your mother?

ZUKO: What happened that night?

My father... Fire Lord Azulon...
Had commanded me

to do the unthinkable to you,
my own son.

And I was going to do it.

Your Mother found out

and swore she would
protect you at any cost.

She knew I wanted the throne,
and she proposed a plan.

A plan in which I would become
Fire Lord

and your life would be spared.

Where's Suki?

Answer me!

Sokka, she won't talk.

Where are you keeping her?

Your Mother did vicious,
treasonous things that night.

She knew the consequences
and accepted them.

For her treason,
she was banished.

So she's alive.


Now I realize that banishment
is far too merciful a penalty

for treason.

Your penalty
will be far steeper.



Oh. Sounds like
the fire-bending's back on.


Dad's all the way
at the end of the hall

and down the secret stairway
on the left.

I'm sure he'll be more
than happy to see you now.

SOKKA: I fell for it!

I used up all our time.

It's not your fault, Sokka.

Azula was ready for us.

She had every move planned out.

And now it's too late.

AANG: Maybe it's not too late.

The eclipse is over, but I can
face the Fire Lord anyway.


I don't think
that's a good idea.

But I'm ready!

I came here with a job to do,
and everyone's counting on me.

The Fire Lord knew
we were coming this time.

We thought we had surprise
on our side, but we didn't.

It just wasn't our day.

What we need to do now
is go help our friends.

I guess you guys are right.

SOKKA: You'll have another chance.

I know you will.

BATO: What should we do, Hakoda?

Shouldn't something
have happened by now?

I don't know.

But now that the eclipse
is over,

I expect we're going to see
some Firebenders any minute.

MECHANIST: My own invention.

Oh, this is terrible!

They're back!

It was all a trap.

Azula knew we were coming, and
she's plotted out every move.

We just got to get to the beach
as fast as we can.

If we can make it
to the submarines,

maybe we can get away safely.

They've got air power,
but so do I!

I'm going to do what I can
to slow them down.

Appa, you and I can help, too.

Everyone, let's get back
to the subs!



KATARA: We can't keep them all back.

They're too many of them!

Let's join the others.


Where is my Uncle?

He's gone.

He busted himself out.

I... I've never seen
anything like it!

He was like a one man army!

Try and find cover!

I think we're about
to see some bombs.



KATARA: Why aren't they turning around
to attack us again?

They're headed for the beach.

They're going to destroy
the submarines!

How are we all going to escape?

We're not.

Then our only choice
is to stand and fight.

We have the Avatar,
we could still win!

Yes, with the Avatar we could
still win on another day.

You kids have to leave.

You have to escape
on Appa together.


We can't leave you behind.

We won't leave anyone behind.

You're our only chance
in the long run.

You and Sokka have to go
with Aang somewhere safe.

It's the only way
to keep hope alive.

The youngest of our group
should go with you.

The adults will stay behind
and surrender.

We'll be prisoners, but we'll
all survive this battle.

I've got some experience
with the Fire Nation prisons.

It's not going to be easy,
but we'll get by.

They're at the beach already!



Bye, son.

Bye, Dad.

I'm really proud of you.

I'll miss you, Pipsqueak.

Take care, The Duke.

We'll be back for you, Dad.

If we don't escape
on our own first.

We lost today,
but we've never been this close.

We tasted victory,
and that counts for something.

We'll miss you, Dad.

SOKKA: Bye, Dad.

We won't be apart
for too long this time.

I promise.

Thank you all for being
so brave and so strong.

I'm going to make this
up to you.


Should we follow them, Princess?

AZULA: No. They're too fast.

It doesn't matter,
they'll be back.

I know just the place
for us to go

where we'll be safe for a while.

The Western Air Temple.