Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003–2008): Season 2, Episode 9 - Bitter Work - full transcript

Aang begins to learn earthbending from Toph; Uncle Iro resumes teaching Zuko firebending to better prepare him for facing Azula, and reveals a new technique he learned from watching waterbenders.

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KATARA: Water...




Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.

Then everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,

could stop them.

But when the world
needed him most,

he vanished.

100 years passed,

and my brother and I
discovered the new Avatar...

An airbender named Aang.

And although his airbending
skills are great,

he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.

AANG: Oof.

But I believe Aang can save the world.

Even though I was born blind,
I've never had a problem seeing.

I see with earthbending.

Look here, sugar queen,

I gave up everything I had

so that I could
teach Aang earthbending.

Well, look at this.

Enemies and traitors
all working together.


Today's the day.

Can you believe it?

After all that time
searching for a teacher,

I'm finally
starting earthbending.

And this place, it's perfect.

Don't you think?



Oh, you're still sleeping, huh?


Good morning, earthbending student.

Good morning, Sifu Toph.

Hey, you never call me
Sifu Katara.

Well, if you think I should.


Sorry, snoozles.

We'll do our earthbending
as quietly as we can.



Running around and making noises

and Sokka's trying to sleep.

So what move are you gonna
teach me first?

Rockalanche, the trembler?

Oh, maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool
out of land.

Well, let's start with, move a rock.

Sounds good. Sounds good.

The key to earthbending
is your stance.

You've got to be
steady and strong.

Rock is a stubborn element.

If you're going to move it,

you've got to be like a rock yourself.

Like a rock. Got it.


Now, the actual motion of
this one is pretty simple.

OK, you ready to give it a try?

I'm ready.

Aah! Uh!

SOKKA: Rock beats airbender.

Ha ha! I got you, dad.

No! Ha ha.


My beloved Lu Ten,

I will see you again.

ZUKO: Uncle.

You were unconscious.

Azula did this to you.

It was a surprise attack.

Somehow that's not so surprising.

I hope I made it
the way you like it.



That was very, um, bracing.

So, uncle, I've been thinking.

It's only a matter of time

before I run into Azula again.

I'm going to need to know more
advanced firebending

if I want to stand a chance
against her.

I know what you'll say.

She's my sister. I should be
trying to get along with her.

No. She's crazy,
and she needs to go down.

It's time to resume your training.

I don't understand
what went wrong.

He did it exactly the way you did.

Maybe there's another way.

What if I came at the boulder
from a different angle?

No, that's the problem.

You've got to stop thinking
like an airbender.

There's no different angle,
no clever solution,

no trickity-trick
that's gonna move that rock.

You've got to face it head-on.

And when I say head-on,
I mean like this.



I've been training Aang
for a while now.

He really responds well to a positive
teaching experience...

Lots of encouragement
and praise,

Kind words. If he's
doing something wrong,

maybe a gentle nudge
in the right direction.

Thanks, Katara.
A gentle nudge. I'll try that.

Keep your knees high,
twinkle toes.

Rock collide.


Rock collide.

You're awfully cute,

But unfortunately for you,
you're made of meat.

Just a bit closer.



You are one lucky
little meat creature.

Lightning is
a pure expression of firebending...

Without aggression.

It is not fueled by rage or emotion

the way other firebending is.

Some call lightning
the cold-blooded fire.

It is precise and deadly, like Azula.

To perform the technique requires

peace of mind.

I see. That's why we're drinking tea...

To calm the mind.

Oh, yeah, good point!

[SLOWLY] I mean, yes.

There is energy all around us.

The energy is both Yin and Yang...

A positive energy and a negative energy.

Only a select few firebenders
can separate these energies.

This creates an imbalance.

The energy wants to restore balance.

And in the moment
the positive and negative energy

come crashing back together,

You provide release and guidance,

creating lightning.

I'm ready to try it.

Remember, once you separate the energy,

you do not command it.

You are simply its humble guide.

Breathe first.


Hyah! Uh!

TOPH: This time, we're going to
try something a little different.

Instead of moving a rock,
we're going to stop a rock.

Get in your horse stance.

I'm going to roll that boulder
down at you.

If you have the attitude
of an earthbender,

you'll stay in your stance
and stop the rock,

Like this.

Sorry, Toph, but are you sure

this is really the best way
to teach Aang earthbending?

I'm glad you said something.

Actually, there is a better way.

This way, you'll really have to sense

the vibrations
of the boulder to stop it.

Thank you, Katara.

Yeah, thanks, Katara.


I guess I just panicked.

I don't know what to say.

There's nothing to say.
You blew it.

You had a perfect stance
and perfect form,

but when it came right down to it,

you didn't have the guts.

I know. I'm sorry.

Yeah, you are sorry.

If you're not tough enough
to stop the rock,

then you can at least
give it the pleasure of smushing you

instead of jumping out
of the way like a jelly-boned wimp.

Now do you have what it takes
to face that rock like an earthbender?

No, I don't think I do.

Aang, it's no big deal.

You'll take a break and try
earthbending again when you're ready.

Besides, you still have
a lot of waterbending to work on, OK?

Yeah, that sounds good.

Yeah, whatever.
Go splash around until you feel better.

Why can't I do it?

Instead of lightning,
it keeps exploding in my face,

like everything always does.

I was afraid this might happen.

You will not be able
to master lightning

until you have dealt
with the turmoil inside you.

What turmoil?

Zuko, you must let go
of your feelings of shame

if you want your anger to go away.

But I don't feel any shame at all.

I'm as proud as ever.

Prince Zuko, pride is not
the opposite of shame,

but its source.

True humility is the only antidote
to shame.

Well, my life has been nothing
but humbling lately.

I have another idea.

I will teach you
a firebending move

that even Azula doesn't know,

because I made it up myself.

You probably think
I deserve this, don't you?

Look, I'm sorry I hunted you,

but that's just the natural
order of things.

Big things eat smaller things.
Nothing personal.

But this time,
it didn't work out that way.


I admit it, you're cute.

OK, you convinced me.

If I get out of this alive,

it's a karmically correct
vegetarian existence for me.

No meat, even though meat
is so tasty.

Hey, it looks like my karma's
already paying off.

That's OK. I got it.

Now come back, boomerang.


You know this block you're having
is only temporary, right?

I don't want to talk about it.

You do realize
that's the problem, don't you?

If you face this issue
instead of avoiding it...

I know, I know, I know, I know.

I get it, all right?
I need to face it head-on like a rock.

But I just can't do it.

I don't know why I can't, but I can't.

Aang, if fire and water are opposites,

Then what's the opposite of air?

I guess it's earth.

That's why it's so hard
for you to get this.

You're working
with your natural opposite.

But you'll figure it out.

I know you will.

Think fast.

Excellent. You have the reflexes
of a waterbending master.

Thanks, Katara, Sifu Katara.

Fire is the element of power.

The people of the Fire Nation
have desire and will

and the energy and drive
to achieve what they want.

Earth is the element of substance.

The people of the Earth Kingdom

are diverse and strong.

They are persistent and enduring.

Air is the element of freedom.

The Air Nomads detached themselves

from worldly concerns

and found peace and freedom.

Also, they apparently had

pretty good senses of humor.

Water is the element of change.

The people of the Water Tribe

are capable of adapting to many things.

They have a deep sense
of community and love

that holds them together
through anything.

Why are you telling me these things?

It is important to draw wisdom
from many different places.

If we take it from only one place,

it becomes rigid and stale.

Understanding others...
The other elements

and the other nations...

Will help you become whole.

All this four elements talk
is sounding like Avatar stuff.

It is the combination
of the four elements in one person

that makes the Avatar so powerful,

but it can make you more powerful, too.

You see, the technique
I am about to teach you

is one I learned
by studying the waterbenders.


I found these nuts in your bag.

I figured you wouldn't mind.

And besides, even if you did,

you're too much of a pushover
to do anything about it.

As a matter of fact,
I don't mind.

I'm happy to share
anything I have.

You know, I'm really
glad you feel that way,

Because I also have
this great new nutcracker.

-Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't...

That's an antique,
handcrafted by the monk...

It's a delicate instrument.

It's not the only
delicate instrument around here.


Hey, Aang, have you seen...

Meditating here.

It's important. It's almost sundown,

and Sokka isn't back yet.

I think we should search for him.

We'll find him faster if we split up.

OK, karma person or thing,

whoever's in charge of this stuff,

if I can just
get out of this situation alive,

I will give up meat and sarcasm, OK?

Ow! That's all I got.

That's pretty much my whole identity.

Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy.

But I'm willing to be Sokka,

the veggies and straight-talk fellow.



Thank goodness.
Have you got any meat?

Sokka, are you OK?

Stop, stop!
You're gonna pull my fingers off.

And I don't think
the rest of me is coming.

Hmm, I bet I can airbend
you out of here.

Seriously, Aang, I know you're new at it,

but I could use a little
earthbending here. How about it?

I can't.

I can't do it.

Well, if you can't earthbend me
out of here, go get Toph.

I can't do that either.

You can't? Why not?

It would just be really... Uncomfortable.


Well, I wouldn't want you
to feel uncomfortable.

Thanks, Sokka.

This whole earthbending thing
really has me confused.

There's so much pressure.

Everyone expects me
to get it right away.

It puts me in a really awkward position.

Awkward position?
I think I know the feeling.

If I try, I fail.

But if I don't try,
I'm never gonna get it.

I feel like I'm caught between
a rock and a hard place.

Hmm, how about that?

Aang, this is my friend,
Fufu Cuddly Poops.

Fufu Cuddly Poops, Aang.

Aw. What a cute name for a little baby
sabertooth moose lion cub.

Really? He looks nothing like
a sabertooth moose lion.

It's hard to tell before
their giant teeth and horns grow in.

What you doing out here, little guy?

Did you lose your mama?


Waterbenders deal
with the flow of energy.

A waterbender lets their defense
become their offense,

turning their opponent's
energy against them.

I learned a way to do this with lightning.

You can teach me to redirect lightning?

If you let the energy
in your own body flow,

The lightning will follow it.

You must create a pathway
from your fingertips

up your arm to your shoulder,

then down into your stomach.

The stomach is the source
of energy in your body.

It is called the sea of chi,

only in my case,
it is more like a vast ocean.


From the stomach, you direct it
up again and out the other arm.

The stomach detour is critical.

You must not let the lightning
pass through your heart,

for the damage could be deadly.

You may wish to try
a physical motion

to get a feel for the pathway's flow,
like this.

Now, are you focusing your energy?

Can you feel your own chi flowing in,

down, up, and out?

I think so.

Come on. You got to feel the flow.

Excellent. You've got it.

Great. I'm ready
to try it with real lightning.

What? Are you crazy?
Lightning is very dangerous.

I thought that was the point...

You teaching me how
to protect myself from it.

Yeah, but I'm not going to shoot
lightning at you.

If you're lucky,

you will never have to use this
technique at all.


Well, if you won't help me,
I'll find my own lightning.


Hey there.

We found your cub.

See? We have no problem with you.

We're friendly.


Aang, this is bad.
You got to get me out of here.


This is really bad.

Please, Aang!
You have to earthbend me out.

There's no other way.

Hyah! Hyah!

Oh, no.

Yoo-hoo! Look at me!

Please. Don't leave me again.

I won't.

What are you doing here?

Just enjoying the show.

What? You were there the whole time?

Pretty much.

Why didn't you do something?

Sokka was in trouble.

I was in trouble!

You could have gotten him out
and helped us get away.

I guess it just didn't occur to me.

Enough. I want my staff back.

Do it now.


Earthbend, twinkle toes.

You just stood your ground
against a crazy beast.

And even more impressive,

you stood your ground against me.

You've got the stuff.

-Do it!


You did it!

You're an earthbender.

I can't believe it.

Aw. This is really a wonderful,
touching moment.

So could you get me out of here

so I can give you both a big snuggly hug?

No problem, Sokka.

Actually, you should probably
let me do that.

You're still a little new to this.

You might accidentally crush him.

Yeah, no crushing, please.

You found him!

The whole time I was in that hole,

not knowing if I would live or die,

it makes a man think
about what's really important.

I realized...

Hey, Katara, look what I can do.

You did it!
I knew you would.

You tried the positive reinforcement,
didn't you?

Yup. It worked wonders.


Appa, Appa, I can earthbend now.

The key is being
completely rooted...

Physically and mentally unmovable.

Whoa! Uh!



You've always
thrown everything you could at me.

Well, I can take it.
And now I can give it back!

Come on!

Strike me!

You've never held back before.