Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003–2008): Season 2, Episode 16 - Appa's Lost Days - full transcript

In this special episode, we go back in time to the moment Appa was stolen, will find out where he has gone and who he has met along the way and more importantly where he is now!

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KATARA: Water.




Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.

Then everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of
all four elements, could stop them.

But when the world
needed him most,

he vanished.

A hundred years passed, and my brother
and I discovered the new Avatar,

an airbender named Aang.

And although his
airbending skills are great,

he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.

AANG: Oof.

But I believe
Aang can save the world.

MAN: Previously on Avatar...

I came along because I wanted to make sure
you got through

the Serpent's Pass safely.

But now I need to get back
to the other Kyoshi Warriors.

You stole Appa.

Where is he,
what did you do to him?

I traded him.

He's probably in
Ba Sing Se by now.

AANG: He's here, I can feel it.

I am Long Feng,
head of the Dai Li.

I understand you've been looking for
your bison,

it would be quite a shame if you were
not able to complete your quest.


No, stop sinking!






Don't make me put this down!

MAN: Put a muzzle on it!

Augh, oof!




I'm sorry, Appa.


MAN: Ransack his saddle.

Who knows what treasures
are stashed in there?


He's tied up good,
he can't hurt you.



What's your father gonna do when he
finds out we lost a sandsailer?


It's the one we stole
from the Hammi Tribe.

Did you empty the saddle?

That's it?

Nothing but garbage!

Ah, doesn't matter.

We'll still make a profit from selling him
to those beetle-headed merchants.


How's his temper?

Uh, pretty good.


Most of the time.

I bet someone will pay
a fortune for him in Ba Sing Se.

All right, you've got a deal.

AANG: Appa!



He's your problem now!


MAN: Whoa!

We need the shirshu spit darts!

Got 'em.

OK, big fella,

You're gonna take
a nice, little snoozle.





We've gotta get rid of this one.

He's too much trouble.

We could sell him for parts.


Oh, I understand you've had
a rather hard time, lately.

That's too bad.

You probably felt you had no choice
but to behave outrageously.

Like a wild animal.

But don't worry,
you won't anymore.

Because I am going to break you.





Don't worry,
I'm going to feed you too.

But not yet.

First I'm going to show you
how you'll earn it.



Of course, when you perform,
the hoops will be flaming.

And if you are careful,
you won't get burned.


You're about to be sorry.


It's obvious that whoever
your previous owner was,

he had no idea
how to handle you properly.


I'm gonna go get
a bag of sizzle-crisps.

Stay here and stay away
from that monster!

Behave yourself
or you'll regret it.


He's a difficult creature,
stubborn and willful.

I need more time with him.

It's too risky right now.

Too risky?

What're you talking about?

This is the circus,
home of fear and danger!

I want the wind buffalo
to perform tonight.

If you don't behave yourself...

You'll regret it.


Let's go!

See you later, buddy.


MAN: Ladies and gentlemen,
now for something truly special.

A noble beast
so magnificent and rare,

it hasn't been seen
by human eyes in generations.

I give you...

The wind buffalo!




Up, you insolent cow!


Run away, get away from him!

amazing, fabulous!






You can do it.

Get back here, you stupid beast!








WOMAN: Choose well.

A sky bison is
a companion for life.


I guess this means
we'll always be together.



It's some kind of monster!






Uncle, what are you looking at?

Is there something out there?

Muh, it's nothing.

Go back to sleep.












Must've been some fight.

Wait, let me see that.

No, it couldn't be.


Oh, no.


It's gonna be O.K., Appa.

I have to leave, but I'm gonna
be back soon with help.

No sudden movements.

He's been lost for a while,
and he looks like he's hurt.

He's shy around people
and scared.

Stay low and stay quiet.

I can't believe
you found the Avatar's bison.

Didn't you just see
the Avatar a few days go?

Yes, so he can't be
too far from here.

It's our responsibility
to get Appa back to him safely.

This could be our most important
mission yet.


Give him some space!

Appa, it's me, Suki.

I'm a friend.


I want to help you.

You're hurt.

We can help you feel better.


And we can help you find Aang.


My, my, you're easy to find.

It's really astounding my brother hasn't
captured you yet.



What do you want with us?

Who are you,
the Avatar's fan girls?

Oh, I get it!

Good one, Azula.

If you're looking for
the Avatar, you're out of luck.

I knew this was a waste of time.

No Avatar, huh?

Well, that's O.K.

Any friend of the Avatar...

Is an enemy of mine!

Uh, huh?

You're so colorful,
it's making me nauseous.

Ugh, ugh, ugh!

You're not prettier than we are.


Afraid of fire, I see?

That's good, you should be.

Go, Appa!
Fly away from here!



Get out of here!

You have to find Aang!

We'll be O.K.

Don't you know
fans just make flames stronger?







I am Guru Pathik.


I know I'm not
the person you expected.

And I didn't expect to be licked by
a giant tongue just now.

the world is full of surprises.



Oh, dear.

You've been through
so much, recently.

Hurt and betrayed.

So twisted-up inside.

You're still full of love.

[SIGHING] but fear has moved in
where trust should be.

I've been expecting you and
the young Avatar for quite a long time.

I had a vision many years ago
of helping him.

That's why I came to
the Eastern Air Temple.

Oh, your emotions
are so turbulent.

Like swirling storm clouds.

Let the clouds in your mind
be gentle, peaceful ones.

Someone looks very well-rested,

judging by your bed head.


I have prepared
a message for Aang.

May I attach it to your horn?


You and the Avatar's
energies are mixed.

You have an unbreakable bond.

By reading your energy,
I can sense where Aang is.

Funny, what invisible strings
connect us all.

I'll see you again, great beast.