Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003–2008): Season 1, Episode 15 - Bato of the Water Tribe - full transcript

Sokka and Katara meet a friend of their father who offers to take them to join the Water Tribe's navy. Aang fears his friends will choose seeing their father again over staying with him.

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KATARA: Water.




Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.

Then everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,

could stop them.

But when the world needed him most,

he vanished.

100 years passed, and my brother and I
discovered the new Avatar,

an airbender named Aang.

And although his airbending
skills are great,

he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.


But I believe Aang can save the world.

Hey, look!
A sword made out of a whale's tooth!

Let me see that.

This is a Water Tribe weapon.

See if you can find anything else.

Did someone lose something?

No, we found something.

It's burned.

There was a battle.

Water Tribe warriors ambushed
a group of firebenders.

The firebenders fought back,

but the warriors
drove them down this hill.

So then what happened?

I don't know. The trail ends here.

Wait! Look!

It's one of our boats!

KATARA: Is this dad's boat?

No, but it's from his fleet.

Dad was here.


See, Prince Zuko?

A moment of quiet is good
for your mental well-being.



-Watch out!

Get back!

We're after a stowaway.

There are no stowaways on my ship.



He's paralyzed.

Only temporarily.

The toxins will wear off
in about an hour.

But by then, he'll be in jail,

and I'll have my money.

But how did you find him on my ship?

My shirshu can smell a rat
a continent away.

Well, I'm impressed.

Very impressed.


I'm coming with you.

You're not old enough to go to war,
Sokka. You know that.

I'm strong. I'm brave.

I can fight!

Please, dad?

Being a man is knowing
where you're needed the most,

and for you right now,
that's here protecting your sister.

I don't understand.

Someday you will.

I'm gonna miss you so much.


Who's there?



Who the what now?


Sokka! Katara!

It is so good to see you two.

Oh. You've grown so much.

Hi, I'm Aang.

-Where's dad?
-Is he here?

No. He and the other warriors

should be in the eastern
Earth Kingdom by now.



This is no place for a reunion.

Let's get inside.

After I was wounded,

your father carried me to this abbey.

The sisters
have cared for me ever since.

Superior, these are Hakoda's children.

They've been traveling
with the Avatar.

I found them by my boat.

Young Avatar, it gives me great joy

to be in your presence.

Welcome to our abbey.

Thank you.
It's truly an honor to be here.

If there's anything...

What smells so good, Bato?


The sisters craft ointments
and perfumes.

Perfume? Maybe we could
dump some on Appa,

because he stinks so much.

Am I right?


You have your father's wit.

Bato, it looks like home!

Everything's here, even the pelts.

Yeah. Nothing's cozier
than dead animal skins.


No way! Stewed sea prunes?

Help yourself.

Dad could eat
a whole barrel of these things.


Bato, is it true you
and dad lassoed an arctic hippo?

It was your father's idea.

He just dragged me along.

Well, the hippo did the dragging.

Hey, I ride animals, too!

One time, there was
this giant eel, and I...

So, who was it that came up
with the great blubber fiasco?

You knew about that?

Everyone does.

What's that story?

It's a long one, Aang.

Some other time.

You and dad had
so many hilarious adventures.

Not all of which
were hilarious at the time,

but everything's funny with hindsight.


Please put that down.
It's ceremonial and very fragile.

SOKKA: Was it you or dad
that put an octopus on your head

and convinced gran-gran
you were a water spirit?

Your dad wore the octopus,
but I did the spooky voice.


MAN: Aah! Unh...


Out of my way! Step aside, filth.

He means no offense.

I'm certain you bathe regularly.

I need to talk to you.

Well, if it isn't my new friends,

Angry Boy and Uncle Lazy.

Heh heh heh!


Your beast trashed my ship.

You have to pay me back.

Well, I'd love to help you out,

but I'm a little short on money.

Drinks on me!


Money isn't what I had in mind.

I need you to find someone.

What happened?
Your girlfriend run off on you?

It's not the girl I'm after.

It's the bald monk
she's traveling with.

Whatever you say.

If you find them,

I'll consider the damage
to my ship paid for.

Ha! Forget it.

Plus, we'll pay your weight in gold.

Make it your weight,
and we got a deal.

Ha ha ha! You got it!

Get on!

BATO: There's something
I should tell you kids.

I'm expecting a message
from your father.


Any day now.

Your father said he'd send a message

when they found the rendezvous point.

If you wait here
until the message arrives,

you can come with me
and see your father again.

It's been over two years
since we've seen dad.

That would be so incredible.


KATARA: I do really miss him.

It would be great to see dad.

BATO: It's been far too long,
hasn't it?

I'm not sure when word will arrive,

but when it does...

It would be great, but we can't.

We have to take Aang
to the North Pole first.

Even if we had time
to wait for the message,

who knows how far we'd have to travel?

We don't have time for a long detour.

I'm sure your father would understand,

and be proud that his children
are helping the Avatar.

I can't believe they would leave me.


I'm looking for Bato
of the Water Tribe.

Uh, I know Bato.

Make sure he gets this.

It's the map
to Sokka and Katara's dad.

Hey, everyone.

Sorry I was gone so long.

Hey, Aang. I didn't notice you left.

Yep. But now I'm back.

Sure could go for some
delicious sea prunes.

Mmm! Yum yum! Mmm!




Out for a bit of fresh air, are we?

ZUKO: We're looking for someone.

I hope it's not Miyuki.

Miyuki, did you get in trouble
with the Fire Nation again?


The Avatar's been through here.

Let's keep moving.

Aha! I caught you.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Littering in the courtyard.

I'm sorry. I'll take care of this.

BATO: This ship is sentimental to me.

It was built by my father.


SOKKA: Is this the boat
he took you ice dodging in?

BATO: Yep, and it's got
the scar to prove it.

Ha! How about you, Sokka?

You must have some good stories
from your first time ice dodging.

He never got to go.

Dad left before he was old enough.

Oh, I forgot. You were too young.

What's ice dodging?

It's a rite of passage
for young Water Tribe members.

When you turn 14, your dad takes you...

You know what?

You're about to find out.


ZUKO: Why are we stopping?

Because the girl must have
spent a lot of time here.

We have no time for this.

Hey, watch it!

-Heh heh heh!
-Oh, look. He likes you.

Care to hear your fortune, handsome?

At my age, there's really
only one big surprise left,

and I'd just as soon
leave it a mystery.


BATO: Ice dodging is a ceremonial test

of wisdom, bravery, and trust.

In our village,
it was done by weaving a boat

through a field of icebergs.

How are we supposed
to ice dodge without ice?

You'll be dodging... Those.

Sokka, you steer and call the shots.

Lead wisely.

Katara, you secure the mainsail.

The winds can be brutal. So be brave.

Aang, you control the jib.

Without your steady hand,
we all go down.

Your position is about trust.

I know that! Why wouldn't I know that?

I'm the Avatar! I know about trust.

For this to be done right,
I cannot help.

You pass or fail on your own.

Aang, ease up on the jib.

Katara, steady.

Aang, less sail.

Unh! Katara, give him room.


Aang, helm to lee. Helm to lee!

What does that even mean?



Great job!

There's no way through!

We can make it!

Sokka, you've already proven yourself.
Maybe we should...

Aang! I'm gonna need air in that sail!

Katara, I want you to bend
as much water as you can

between us and those rocks.




The spirits of water bear witness
to these marks.

For Sokka, the mark of the wise...

The same mark your father earned.

For Katara, the mark of the brave.

Your courage inspires us.

And for Aang, the mark of the trusted.

You are now an honorary member
of the Water Tribe.

I can't.

Of course you can.

No. You can't trust me.

Aang, what are you talking about?

A messenger gave this to me for Bato.

You have to understand.
I was afraid you wouldn't...

This is the map to our father!

You had it the whole time?

How could you?

Well, you can go to
the North Pole on your own.

I'm going to find dad.

BATO: Now, Sokka, I think you should...

Katara, are you with me?

I'm with you, Sokka.

Good luck.

Okay. You too.

Guess I should be moving on.

That would be best.

I'm an idiot, Momo.



We're getting close.


That wolf sounds so sad.

It's probably wounded.

No. It's been separated from the pack.

I understand that pain.

It's how I felt when
the Water Tribe warriors

had to leave me behind.

They were my family,

and being apart from them
was more painful than my wounds.


We need to go back.

I want to see dad,

but helping Aang is where
we're needed the most.

You're right.

Your father will understand,

and I know he's proud of you.

Thanks, Bato.

I know where to go from here.

Take this in case you want to find us.

I'll leave a message
at the rendezvous point.

Looks like we're going alone, guys.

Avatar! You must leave.

Okay, I get it.
Everybody wants me gone.

A group of people came to the abbey
looking for you.


A fierce-looking woman
with a horrible monster,

and a young man with a scar.


The beast was using the scent
of a necklace to follow you.

A necklace?

[GASPS] Katara!



So this is your girlfriend.

No wonder she left.

She's way too pretty for you.

Where is he? Where's the Avatar?

We split up. He's long gone.

How stupid do you think I am?

Pretty stupid. Run!

BOTH: Aah! Unh!

ZUKO: What are we supposed to do now?

It's seeking a different scent,

perhaps something
that the Avatar held.



ZUKO: What's it doing?

It's just going in a circle.









Come on, get up!






I'm starting to get some feeling back.




You've got something I want.






That thing sees with its nose.

Let's give him something to look at.

The perfume?


June, no!


I didn't see you get hit
with the tongue.


So... Where do we go?

We're getting you to the North Pole.

Yeah. We've lost
too much time as it is.

Don't you want to see your father?

Of course we do, Aang,

but you're our family, too,

and right now, you need us more.

And we need you.

I wish I could give you
a little piece of home, Katara,

something to remind you...

-I'll be okay.
-Still, just a little trinket.

Maybe something like... This?

Aang! How'd you get that?

Zuko asked me
to be sure I got it to you.

Oh, that's so sweet of Zuko.

Would you give him a kiss for me
when you see him?

