Attack on Titan (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 24 - Mercy: Raid on Stohess District, Part 2 - full transcript

[ANNIE] You know, Armin.

[ANNIE] It's nice that I could
be a "good person" for you.

[ANNIE] For now, at least, it
looks like you won your bet.

[ANNIE] But--

I'm going to gamble,
too. And here's my wager!

[Armin grunts]

[soldiers grunt]

[ALL] Uh!

[Eren gasp]

[shaky breath]

[ERWIN] We believe
we've uncovered the

[ERWIN] Female
Titan's true identity.

[ERWIN] She's one of us.

[EREN] Annie...

[LEVI] What's the hold up?

Erwin's never late.

They should be here.

At this rate the
damn MPs'll show up first.

That'd be our luck.

Yeah, who can say?

Maybe they're all takin'
a shit. Duty calls, right?

[Eren chuckles]

You're, uh, sure in
a talkative mood today.

[LEVI] So what if I am?

[LEVI] Doesn't mean
I was talkin' to you.

[Levi wincing]

It's my fault, sir.
I made the choice.

If I'd have thought
this through none of this--

[EREN] We wouldn't--

[LEVI] You made
a judgment call.

[LEVI] Look, no one expects
you to be clairvoyant.

[door opening]

[foot steps]

[ERWIN] Sorry to
keep you waiting.

Sir. [gasp]

[EREN] What the--?

Why-- Why are you all here?

[ERWIN] We believe
we've uncovered

[ERWIN] the Female
Titan's true identity.

She won't slip away this time.

[ERWIN] The day after tomorrow,
we'll be passing through

[ERWIN] Stohess District
en route to the capital.

[ERWIN] That's
when we'll strike.

[ERWIN] It'll be our first
and only chance to do so.

[ERWIN] Once we've
set foot in the interior,

[ERWIN] the government
will assume custody of Eren,

[ERWIN] and the Scouts'
authority to continue operations

[ERWIN] will be limited.

Thus, unless we
wish to concede defeat...

we must flush
out the enemy now.

So here's what we do.

[ERWIN] While in Stohess,
we use Eren as bait,

[ERWIN] luring the target
into this underground passage.

The deeper, the better. Get
her well beneath street level.

[ERWIN] That done, she
should be easily immobilized,

[ERWIN] even in Titan form.

[ERWIN] If she transforms
before reaching the tunnel,

[ERWIN] well, at
that point she'll be

[ERWIN] your
responsibility, Eren.

Right. So we know
she'll be in Stohess?

There's no chance she'll
bolt before we get there?

[ERWIN] No. She
won't risk going AWOL.

Wait, you mean she's--

Armin, here, identified her.

She's an MP.
Likely responsible for

the deaths of
Hange's test subjects.

[ERWIN] And a fellow trainee
in the 104th Cadet Corps.

Wha--? You can't be serious.

I trained with her?

[ERWIN] I'm sorry,
but yes. She's one of us.

No. It can't be.

[ERWIN] Her name
is Annie Leonhart.



Damn it! That ring!

She must've known
I was lying to her

from the very beginning!

She knew we were
leading her into a trap!

[ARMIN] I could've-- I should've
taken a different approach.

Save the "should've's"
for after we're out of this.

The question now
is what do we do next.

Okay. First we
rendezvous with Squad Three.

Then get the
hell above ground.

We-- We fight
her out in the open!

That means we're
switching to Plan B.

She's all yours, Eren!

Got it?


Over here!

[ARMIN] Squad Three!

Hey, what happened?
Is Plan A a no-go?

Afraid so, yes!

As of now we're going
with the backup option!

[ARMIN] She caved
in the ceiling!

We've got to pull
them out of there!

[MIKASA] Eren! Get back!

[EREN] What? No! Wait!

[MIKASA] What was that?

Does she not care
if she kills you, too?

[ARMIN] She took a chance.

It was risky, but she gambled
on Eren's being able to survive.

We're dealing with someone
who's been backed into a corner.

[ARMIN] She's desperate.
That makes her

[ARMIN] all the more dangerous!

[ARMIN] Damn it. We're cut off.
If we try to get airborne

[ARMIN] with our ODM gear,
she'll swat us like flies.

[ARMIN] And if we--

[ARMIN] If we stay here,
it's only a matter of time

[ARMIN] before we're crushed.

I know what I have
to do! I'll change!

[EREN] I'll shield you
guys just like that time

[EREN] with the cannon fire!

[EREN] Get in close!

[ARMIN] But--

Alright. Brace yourselves!

[Eren heavy breathing]

[Eren pained shouts]

Oh no! Not again!

Why now?

[EREN] We don't have time
for this. Just work, dammit!

Don't try to force it.
You have to have a clear goal

in mind like Hange said!

C'mon, you can do
this. We know you can!

Believe me! I'm trying!

[Eren in pain]

[Eren heavy breathing]

[MIKASA] Really?

Are you sure you're not
having second thoughts?

Doubts about Annie?


It's her. The Female Titan.

No matter how much you
don't want to believe it,

that won't stop
it from being true.

What did we see?
Back there just now.

[MIKASA] She's
a murderer. Period.

This isn't complicated.

Get off my back dammit!
I'm not stalling for time!

[Eren grunting]

[EREN] You think it's Annie?

[EREN] Where's--

Where's your evidence? Tell me!

Obviously the
Female Titan knew

what you looked
like before she attacked.

[ARMIN] Plus, she
reacted to my use of

[ARMIN] your "Suicidal
Maniac" nickname,

[ARMIN] something only
our classmates would know.

[ARMIN] But the biggest
reason I suspect her

[ARMIN] is that I have
strong reason to believe

[ARMIN] she's the one who
killed Sawney and Beane.

You're kinda goin'
out on a limb there.

Killing two Titans at once
required a precision ODM strike.

It only makes sense
that the killer would've

used the gear they
were most familiar with.

But, there was that
whole equipment inspection.

Annie's totally checked out.

Except, the gear she
presented. Well, it--

[ARMIN] It wasn't
hers. It was Marco's.

[EREN] I don't understand.

[EREN] What's Marco
got to do with all this?

[ARMIN] It's unclear.

[EREN] Maybe you need
to get your eyes checked--

Eren. I know what I
saw, and the fact is--

Okay, we get it. Do you
have anything else on her?

Any sort of concrete evidence?

Nothing, sir.

There's the fact that she
looks like the Female Titan.

That's something, isn't it?

Really? What the
hell's wrong with you?

[EREN] What kind
of evidence is that?

So basically, we're
going after her without proof.

You're kidding me, right?

This is insane!
What if it's not her?

What if she's not the
monster you all say she is?

[MIKASA] If it's not her,
she'll be cleared. End of story.

[ARMIN] No one wants to
condemn her prematurely,

[ARMIN] least of all me. But--

Either we make a move
on circumstantial evidence,

or we sit back and let the
central government condemn you.

Do you even hear yourselves?
You're talking about Annie.

Eren. Don't stand
there and tell me

this conversation
isn't ringing any bells.

You fought hand-to-hand
against the Female Titan.

Was there anything about her
techniques that seemed familiar?

[MIKASA] Dig deep.

[MIKASA] It's Annie.

You know it is.

[MIKASA] And you
know you have to fight.

[MIKASA] Unless-- Unless
there's something deeper

[MIKASA] keeping you from it.

[EREN] What?

I know what we have to do!

[ARMIN] Mikasa will
head for that opening.

[ARMIN] At the same time,
I'll make a run for the exit.

[ARMIN] I'm sure Annie
will go for one of us.

When she does,
run in the opposite

direction for all you're worth!

[EREN] Are you
out of your mind?

[EREN] What the hell
good's it gonna do

[EREN] if one
of you gets killed?

If we stay here,
all three of us will!

[ARMIN] Mikasa! You ready?

[MIKASA] Yeah. Good luck.

[EREN] Mikasa! Armin!

[EREN] Don't do this!

I'm not worth it!
You hear me?

[EREN] You don't have to go!

[MIKSA] What
choice do we have?

The world is a cruel place.

[Eren crying]


Oh, no! Eren!

[MIKASA] I won't let you
take him! Not this time!

[ARMIN] Eren!

Eren! Hold on! I'm coming!

[ARMIN] Come on, stay with me!

[Mikasa power yell]

Don't let her get away!

We have to contain
her, whatever it takes!

What the hell's going on?

[NILE] Escort Squad! Have a
look! I'll hold this position!

Sir, yes sir!

This is bad. What in the hell
could be going on this far in?

[ERWIN] Nile.

Deploy all troops immediately.
We should assume that

a Titan has already appeared.

[NILE] Are you out of your
mind? This is Wall Sina!

There's no way a Titan would
just suddenly show up here!

[WALTZ] Who told
you to move, Jaeger?

How 'bout this damn
wig said I could, moron?

[JEAN] Call me Jaeger again and
it's your ass, you got that?

Commander! What's the plan?

[ERWIN] Ask Squad
Four for equipment.


Like the brass
balls, but try not to

swing 'em so hard
they get you killed.


Hold on. What the hell?

[MALE SCOUT] Commander! Here!

[ERWIN] Well done.

[MALE SCOUT] Thank you, sir.

[NILE] Wait just a damn minute!

Alright! All of you with me!

We're rendezvousing
with the Capture Squad!

[NILE] No! The hell you will!

[NILE] This is outright treason!
I am well within my rights

to shoot you where you stand!

Think, Nile. I find
it hard to believe

you're actually as
thick-headed as you look.

[LEVI] You're a
hair-trigger away from making

[LEVI] the biggest
mistake of your life.

Take off the gear
before I shoot you!

[MAN 1] It's a
Titan! It's a Titan!

[MAN 2] How is
it even this far in?

[MAN 3] Something's
happened to the wall!

[distant panic]

[MP 1] Whoa. So that's
what they look like.

[MP 2] Evidently , yeah.

[JEAN] Watch it!

[citizens panic]

[JEAN] Useless MP bastards.

[JEAN] Can't believe there
was a time I'd have given

[JEAN] my left
arm to be one of 'em.

I don't know what the
hell I was ever thinkin'.

Right! Don't kill 'er!

Our orders say we
only have to stop her!

[soldier warcry]

Damn it! It's like
she knows every move

we're gonna make in advance!

Try that with me! I dare you!

[Mikasa grunting]

[ARMIN] Eren! Talk to me!

Wake up!

What the hell's going on?

Help me! He's stuck in here!

Why didn't he just
change into a Titan?

He couldn't transform!
I-- I think there's something

holding him back from
being able to take on Annie!

[JEAN] What?

We'll worry about
that when he's safe.

[ARMIN] Help me get him out!

He really couldn't do it.

[Jean grunt]

That's it! Enough
of your bullshit, Eren!

Did I or did I not tell you
this day would eventually come?

[JEAN] Look at yourself!
Our fate's in your hands.

[JEAN] We're out there
puttin' our lives on the line,

and this is all we can expect
from our last best hope?

Is this what Marco--

[JEAN] What he-- Damn it!

[Armin pained gasps]

[Armin shaky breath]

[ARMIN] Eren!

Leave him! We can't do anything
until we take care of her!

Listen. I said something
to Jean recently.

[ARMIN] To rise above monsters,

[ARMIN] we have to
abandon our humanity.

[ARMIN] What we
fight, we become.

[ARMIN] Fire with fire.

Look at her. Annie can do it.

[ARMIN] I don't know why,
but there it is. Simple.

You have to match
her heartlessness to win!

[Eren shaky breath]

[soldier warcry]

[ARMIN] Annie!

[ARIN] Are you
gonna kill me or not?

I seem to remember
you making a wager!

Well here's your
chance to make good on it!


Armin, follow my lead!

[ARMIN] You got it!

[intense laughter]


[HANGE] Yes.
[MOBLIT] Commander, you uh--

[MOBLIT] You've got
that look in your eye again.

[Jean and Armin gasp]


[soldiers grunt]

[HANGE] Nice! And here I
was convinced having a Plan C

[HANGE] was nothing
short of paranoid.

Oh, Commander
Erwin, you genius.

[HANGE] Right. So.

Do us a favor.

[HANGE] Behave yourself.

[HANGE] Oh, and calling
your co-horts to dinner

[HANGE] isn't an option.

[HANGE] So let's not waste
that lovely singing voice.

In fact, let's
not waste anything.

No, no, I'm going to
read you like bull entrails.

Every part of you has its
own precious story to tell.

[soldiers scream]

She broke free?

Ugh. Dammit, we didn't have
time to set enough traps!

[HANGE] Don't let her get away!

[ARMIN] To rise
above monsters...

[ARMIN] ...we have
to abandon our humanity.

[EREN] Yeah. I know.

[EREN] That's why...
That's why my comrades died.

[EREN] Because
I couldn't let go.


[EREN] I swore...
to kill them all!

[EREN] Every last one!

[EREN] Right or wrong,
it doesn't matter anymore.

[EREN] Just kill. Consequences
be damned! Damned!


[EREN] Because
it is a cruel world.

[power yell]

[NILE] What now?

[foot steps]

[Eren Titan roar]




[Eren Titan roar]

[NARRATOR] "I'm going to kill
them all. Every last one."

made in the throes of

[NARRATOR] fury and
despair takes on a new,

[NARRATOR] terrible meaning.

[NARRATOR] For death
recognizes no boundary.