Atlantis (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 4 - Twist of Fate - full transcript

Hunting in the woods with Pythagoras and Hercules Jason finds an abandoned baby which, against the others' advice, he takes home to nurse with help from Medusa. Unbeknown to Jason the child...

I shouldn't be doing this.

A man of my talents
shouldn't be scavenging for food.

We're not scavenging, we're hunting.

With that?

What are you expecting to, er,
to find, a mouse?

Maybe a small vole?

Someone has to gut the thing.

You can hardly do that
with your ridiculous stick.

It's not a stick, it's a spear,

and I'll have you know,
with this very spear, I have defeated...


It's a baby.

We need to find the mother -
she can't be far.

- I don't think so.
- Spread out.

Hercules, you go that way,
and, Pythagoras, retrace our steps.

She won't be here.

What are you talking about?

The child has been exposed -
it's been left here to die.

That's insane!
Why would someone do that?

There can be many reasons.
The child could be too weak to survive.

It looks fine.

Or it could be born out of wedlock.

If we can't find the mother,
we need to help.

No, no, we can't interfere.
This was the child's fate.

Well, maybe it was my fate to find it.

He's got a point.

Only a fool challenges the gods.

You see? They've spoken.

Nonsense. The poor thing's just hungry.

Join the club.

Oh. Here, see if you can calm it down.

Me? Wh-What...?
What do I know about babies?

You must've been one once, Pythagoras.

Think back.

This is ridiculous.
We need to put it back.

Aw, he's a natural.

- Maybe it's his fate.
- Got to be.

We can't interfere. I've got to...


Oh, this is not fair.

A whole morning hunting,

and all we come back with
is one more mouth to feed.

There must be some food somewhere.

- Is that you, Hercules?
- What?

- Oh!
- No!

- Definitely not one of yours?
- Why does it always have to be me?

A question we ask ourselves
every morning.

No, it could just as easily
be either one of you two.

Oh! I don't think so. Um...

Whoa! Not me, no.
I carried it all the back.

No, no, I-I-I told you,
I know nothing about babies.

I'd just... drop it or something.

Right. Get me a bowl and some cloths.


Well, tha... That solves one mystery.
It's definitely a boy.

Tell me when it's all over.


How could anyone abandon him?
He's perfect.

Mm. Apart from the funny foot.

It's just swollen, that's all.

Shh! Now look what you've done.

Nothing to do with me. He's hungry.

And I know exactly how he feels.

Shh, shh.

- You look exhausted.
- Medusa!

If you were going to buy food for a child,
what would you buy?

- Sardines or olives?
- Depends. How old is the child?

About... that old.

- You're at the wrong stall.
- Really?

Who was that?

King Laius of Thebes.

He's been the King's guest
for a few weeks now.

You had a successful hunt, my Lord?

King Laius did - all the trophies are his.

I imagined that would be the case.

The gods were generous.


The King is an accomplished hunter.

He is.

A pity he doesn't restrict his prowess
to the hunting grounds.

King Laius is of royal blood.
You will speak of him with respect.

I wonder how the Queen feels
about his royal blood.

She's barely looked at him
all the time she's been here.

Have you not noticed?

She is young and shy.

It takes time
to grow into the role of Queen.

Do we really need all this stuff?

I mean, he's just a baby.

I assume you have swaddling clothes.

Yes. Of course.

Wait... what are swaddling clothes?
Just to be sure.

Poor thing. He'd probably stand
more chance on the mountain

than with you three.

Keep it down! I've only just got him off.


- I thought we were keeping it down.
- Shh, shh, shh.

This is wonderful.

Sorry about the mess.
These two boys, you know.

Er... I'm the tidy one, actually.

Is this him?

Isn't he sweet?

Can you believe
someone just abandoned him?

I couldn't leave a baby out
on the side of a mountain, now, could I?

You brought him back?

Carried him all the way home.

Hello! I bought some goat's milk.
Fill that up.

Yeah. Ooh!

There was nothing on him?
No... note, no jewellery to pay his way?

Nothing. Whoever left him
clearly didn't want to be found.


Oh, he must be starving.

That's why I sent Jason out.

I knew the little fella
would need something to eat.

You're such a kind-hearted man, Hercules.

Maybe we should go back
to where we found him.

Excellent idea.

Why don't you take Pythagoras,
see what you can dig up?

While you stay here with the food?

Like you said,
I'm good with babies, you're not.

It's just the way we are.

- He's drunk it all!
- Oh... sweet!

Is there any more?

I'll get it. Then perhaps
you can show me how to feed him.

Pathetic, it really is.

Goodbye, Pythagoras. Goodbye, goodbye.

I know what he needs -
something to play with.

You're blowing fumes in his face!

- It's wind.
- Mm. Sorry, must have crept out.

There, there.

That's better.

Oh, he's settled down! You're a genius.


He should sleep for a while now.

What about you, Medusa?

Oh, I didn't mean, er... No.

I meant... are you hungry?
Would you like something to eat?

Maybe a drink? Perhaps some wine?

At this time of day?!

It's after breakfast.

- I should go.
- Aw, no, please don't.

Give him this if he wakes, all right?


Idiot, idiot, idiot!

You... Your little face...

Do you want a bit more?

Oh, you're a good boy, aren't you?
Yes, you are.

Have you had enough?

We've got Medusa
to thank for this, haven't we?

Yes, we have.

She's so beautiful.

Yes, she is.

She's the most beautiful person
I've ever met.

Apart from you, of course.

Why can't I tell her how I feel? Hmm?

Because I'm old and fat and she wouldn't
give me a second glance, would she?

She wouldn't, would she?

Oh, those little chubby cheeks.

Yes... and a bit more?

There we go.

Good boy.

There aren't even any hoof prints.

Whoever abandoned him erased every trace.

What must the mother have felt
when she left him?

Walking away from the baby she bore.

No-one would do that willingly.

Perhaps it wasn't her.

To grow up not knowing your mother -
nobody deserves that.

Which is why we must do
our very best to help the boy.

It's just a stone.

That's not a stone.

That's a shard. A piece of pottery.

And, look, this must be the grain
that was inside it.

If we find enough, we might be able
to reconstruct some of it.




We bought some pies.

Mmm, pie...
What? Where? What's going on?

Shh. Careful. Careful.

Where's Medusa?

Medusa? Oh, she had to go.

You see, that is what happens
when you try to punch above your weight,

which, let's face it,
in your case, is considerable.

She had to go to work, all right?

Some of us
take our responsibilities seriously.

I'm sure she'll be back.

Do you think?



You sure that's right?

Of course.

You haven't got it the wrong way round
or upside down?

What's wrong with you two?
Can't you see what it is?

A rock?

A piece of mud?

It's a pig.

That's its back legs, that's its
front legs, and that's its snout.

- Of course. Obviously.
- Yes, it's a pig.

It was a child's rattle.

That's what the grain was for,
to make the noise.

The mother didn't leave it with nothing.
She did care.

It's beautifully made.
Just look at the detailing along its back.

Still doesn't get us anywhere.

I'm not sure we should get any further.

The child's clearly from a wealthy family.

Whatever reason they had to abandon him,
one thing's for sure -

they don't want him found.

Great Artemis, goddess of the hunt,
I make you this offering

in thanks for the bounty
you bequeathed on us today.

Ku-tuu Poseidion. Hey arechay.

And now, my friends, enjoy.

The gods have surely
smiled upon you today, my Lord.

It will take more than a boar
for the gods to favour Laius.

Will you hunt again tomorrow?

The gods permitting.

Then I shall accompany you.


Was not Artemis herself a woman?

Of course... but her prey
had four legs, did it not?

Leave us.

It's all right.
Say what you've come to say.

I went back to the place,
just as you said, to make sure.

The baby was gone.


Eaten by animals, perhaps.

There was no blood. Nothing like that.

You are sure you left him there?

Sure you didn't take pity
at the last moment?

It would only be natural.

No, I swear! I left him just as you said.

Then there must be some other explanation,
must there not?

There were some boys.

I followed them back to Atlantis...

and they ended up in the streets
just to the north of the Canopic Way.

And then I lost them.

- Did they have the child?
- I'm not sure.

You did the right thing, Andreas.
Thank you.

You may go.

Whoever they were, they can't be far.

We'll make enquiries.

There's no time for enquiries.

The boy must be found
and then... dealt with.

We shall have the palace guards
search the area around the Canopic Way.

What of your husband, the King?

You may leave him to me.

The child will be found
before nightfall, my Lord.

I give you my word.

He's gone.

Operation Cot.

And cover.

And toy.

Oh... I did it last time!

I did it the last twice.


Oh, this is not fair!

Oh, there we go.

There are soldiers outside,
dozens of them.

We know.

What's going on?

We've found out
who the little fellow is.

It's not good news.

- It's King Laius's son.
- What? That can't be right.

Why would a king want his own son dead?

No-one knows for sure,
but Laius has a wandering eye.

A son born out of wedlock
might threaten the claim of his true heir.

They're coming this way! We have to go.

- Where?
- I said we should have left him there.

You don't mean that, Hercules.

Oh... I don't know what I mean any more.

- Too late.
- Open up in the name of the King!

There's a window at the back.
We can drop down into the alley.

It won't take them five minutes
to know where we've gone.

They don't know anyone's here.

- They might have seen me.
- Oh, wonderful

Go to the tavern on the Sacred Way.
The landlord is a friend of mine.

We can't leave you here.

You must. Go, please.

Open up!

I'm coming!

What took you so long?

Sorry, I was in the back.

You two, check the house.
The rest of you, with me. This way.

Do you live alone here, Medusa?


I take in laundry.

Hardly the hands of a washerwoman.

I do it as a favour.
My main job is at the palace.

Which, of course, can be verified.

Ask anyone in the kitchens.

Perhaps I will.

Can I go now, please?
I should be at work.

We're looking for a child, Medusa. A baby.

The mother is very anxious to find him.

What's that got to do with me?

I'm not sure.

Perhaps nothing.

Can I go now?

Yes. You may go.


You forgot your shawl.

We have to go down.

We can't.

- Give me the boy.
- No, you'll never make it.

Do you have a better a idea?

- Come on, give him to me.
- He's right, Hercules.

If you harm one hair on his head...

- Over there!
- Hurry, they're coming!

- I don't think I can do this.
- Course you can.


- No.
- Hercules!

- I'm too old for this.
- But...

- Look after him.
- Look!

- Stop!
- Go! Now!

You've still got it, Hercules,
you still have.

There it is.

I'm not sure
how much more of this I can take.

We need to keep moving.

You'll be safe enough here.

Just try not to make any noise.
The walls are thinner than they look.

There was to be no trace.

It must have slipped from the boy's grasp.

I gave him this... on the day he was born.

You did the right thing, Laius.
You had no choice.

You still don't.

The boy must be found.

The city's already sealed.
There can be no escape.

I'm told you are a man to be trusted.

My Lord.

You know what to do?

There'll be more when it's done.

Shh, shh!

- Someone will hear.
- I know that, Pythagoras.

- Can't you keep him quiet?
- No!

He's hungry.

Maybe if I were to sneak upstairs...

It's too risky. Medusa will be here soon.

That's what you said an hour ago.

Now look what you've done! Get back there!

What are you doing to my boy?


I knew I couldn't trust you with him.

- Why didn't you give the signal?
- What signal?

The three knocks.

Nobody told me.
What have they done to you, eh?

- What have they done to you? Oh!
- He needs food.

You did bring food, right?


I've been avoiding an army
baying for my blood.

I didn't have time to go shopping, did I?
No, I didn't.


He just needs some proper care,
that's all, don't you? Eh? Don't you?

One of us will have to go up there.

And ask for milk? In a tavern?

Well, think of an excuse.

Pythagoras is right - it's too risky.
The whole city's looking for us.

He needs food!

What was that?

- I didn't hear anything.
- Shh, shh!

At last.

Oh, we were getting worried.

I'm so sorry.

- Give me the child.
- I'd rather die!

Hm! Admirable, but foolish.


If you won't give Tiresias the child
then give him to me.

His mother.

His mother?

You call yourself a mother?

How can I thank you?

Without you, he surely would have died.

If you wanted the child to live,
why did you cast him out?

You think...?
You think I could do such a thing?

I carried him, I gave birth to him,
I cared for him.

If not you, then...

The King. King Laius cast him out.

And, to my shame, I helped him.

- Why?
- When the boy was born,

the King took him to the Oracle.

There he learned his dreadful fate.

If he lived...

...he would kill his father.

The King then felt he had no choice
but to sacrifice him.

He belongs with you.

My poor, beautiful boy.

He can't stay here, Jocasta.

If they find him, they will kill him.

I know.

The net is closing fast.
He must be taken from the city.

The place is swarming with soldiers.

I can hold them back
for a few hours more.

- I'll take him.
- Are you mad?

You understand that if you're caught,
I'll not be able to protect you?

I understand.

No, I will not part with him again.

- Jocasta, you have to.
- No. I cannot!

If you love your son,
you must give him up,

send him to safety.

To keep him here
will mean death for you both.

I have some food and clothes.

The gods have spoken.
Is it really your place to intervene?

If it means saving a child's life, yes.

You can give those to me.

You're going as well?

Having seen Jason cope on his own,
think the little fella needs me.

Make for Zephlon,
on the border with Achaea.

At the fortress there,

you'll be met by soldiers
from Jocasta's father.

He's promised
to give the child a good home.

You won't be able to get out.
The city is sealed.

Go via Telpias Gate.

The King believes
I'm in accord with him on this,

so I'll do what I can
to reduce the garrison there.

The rest is up to you.

- You won't let him out of your sight?
- Not for a second.

You can trust him.
He'd give his life for this boy.

Is there no other way?


The Oracle also foretold
the boy would marry his mother.

Are you coming?

I don't have much choice.

How long do you think you'd last
without me?

Oh, let's see.

A lifetime?

You'd be in jail by sundown, all of you.

- Come, I must leave.
- Wait.

One last kiss.

- What was that for?
- For being a good man.

You have my very life in your hands.

It's time.

You, stop!


All of you. What are you doing here?
Don't you know there's a curfew?

Yes. Sorry, um, we were in the tavern.

You. Open your cloak.

We didn't know about the curfew,
you see, so we, urn...

Open it.
Or would you like me to do it for you?

Is this really necessary?

Oh. Pardon me!

Not feeling too well.

I must apologise for my friend. Er...

He has spent the best part of the day
in the tavern.

To be honest,
I'm surprised he's still standing.

I've just had
a couple of drinks, that's all.

I... I resemble your insinuation.
Your in-insolution.

It's not true.

Open the cloak.


Open it.

Yes. Of course.

- Ugh!
- That wasn't even me.


Take him away,
and I don't want to see you here again.

You won't, we promise.

Thank you.

- Oh! Ho-ho-ho-ho!
- Ohh!

- Good night.
- Good night.

Thank you very much.

- I told you you needed me.
- I would have been fine.

Oh, what?
With your, "Is this really necessary?"

- That put the fear of god into them
I was working on it.

We don't have time for this -
you can argue later.

- I'm not arguing, I'm stating a fact.
- We need a change.

That's what I've been saying for months.

No, not us. Him.

I think there's been a leak. Eugh!



Right. That will have to do.

He needs a proper wash.

Strangely, Hercules,
I forgot to bring my bath.

We're not going to make it.

Why? We still have a few hours till dawn.

That's not the problem.
Come and see for yourselves.

Move it!

We can't risk it.

We have to - I promised the boy's mother!

- We should go back.
- No!

What do you suggest? Asking politely,
"Please, Mr Soldier, can we come through?"

Maybe that's not such a stupid idea.

You get back there.


Stop! Get him!

Look, over there! Get him!

This way. Come on!

- He's not coming, is he?
- Of course he is.

If anyone can escape those guards,
it's Jason.

- Do you think so?
- Well, you've seen him.

He runs like the wind.

I wouldn't say wind.

When I was his age, no man
could run faster, jump higher or...

Yes, yes - or fight better. We know.

- He's young, that's all.
- No, Hercules, that is not all.

And you know it.

Jason is different.



Yes, he is.

So, he'll be fine, then.

Of course he will.

This is all my fault, Pythagoras.

I knew we shouldn't have interfered.

I knew it. I should have insisted.

And not have that baby in your arms?

You did the right thing, Hercules.

We all did.

Perhaps we should start for the border.

But you said...

If the guards catch Jason,

they won't relent
until he tells them where the boy is.

He would never talk.

A king's life is at stake, Hercules.
They won't stop until he does.

It's a good thing
they didn't catch him, then.


- Whoa, mind the baby!
- Oh!

How did you get away?

Oh, you know, the usual combination -
skill, cunning, intelligence.


- Were you followed?
- No. They still think I'm in the city.

Help me gather some wood.
We need to light a fire.

He's beyond the city walls.

Oh... thank the gods!


Why did you help me, Tiresias?

You've served my husband loyally
for many years.

And hope to do so for many more.

He's not a bad man, Jocasta.

Just one
who fears the words of the Oracle.

You haven't answered my question.

Sometimes, one must follow
one's conscience...

...not one's duty.

Now, he needs feeding every three hours.

Don't let him sleep
for more than two hours during the day

or you'll never get him off at night.

I'll manage.

Oh, you don't manage a baby -
you care for him.

- Hercules, he'll be fine.
- Does he have a name?

The boy has a swollen foot,
so we thought perhaps, um...




- I like it.
- Then Oedipus it shall be.

You will look after him?

With my life.

Are we sure we're doing the right thing?

Of course we are.
How could you ask?

- His little face.
- I know, I know.

You are certain of this?

Quite certain.

- I thought that to be true before.
- This time there can be no doubt.

The boy did not suffer, my Lord.

That I can vouch for.

What did my family do to be so cursed?

The gods require no reason
for their cruelty.

Make libations to the gods, Tiresias.

They must be placated.

At once, my Lord.

Your kindness will not be forgotten.

We can expect a return visit soon, I hope.

Of course.

Your Highness.

Your hospitality
has been much appreciated.

You did all you could, Laius.
The rest, we must trust to the gods.

You must be sad to see him go.

A royal king of such... talents.

I did my duty as a host, that is all.

- You underestimate yourself.
- Ariadne, why must we always quarrel?

- I wish you nothing but well.
- And I wish I could believe that.

So, the question is...

straight to the baths
or straight to Medusa?

It won't make any difference either way.

If I go straight to Medusa it says, "There
is nothing more important than you.“

On the other hand,
I am aware that recent events have,

Shall we say, produced their own odour.

What do you think - baths or Medusa?

Well, on balance, a less smelly Hercules
is preferable to a smelly one. But...

I-I fear the distinction
may be lost on Medusa.

You don't get it, do you? She kissed me.

She kissed me.

- It was a peck.
- It was a kiss.

- A peck.
- Whose cheek was it? Hmm? Exactly.

I'm going straight to her.
True love brooks no hesitation.

You'd better hope
it has no sense of smell either.

This will not end well for Hercules.

I don't know. I think maybe you're wrong.

They might be very happy together.

You're right.

Perhaps they'll fall in love
and have a beautiful home

and beautiful children
and pigs and chickens.

Hercules and beautiful children...

I really can't see it.

No, he'll get drunk
and gamble the home and lose it.

He'll eat the pigs...

And the chickens,
and Medusa will be furious.

It's not going to end well, is it?

- Nope.
- No.

- I have a message for you.
- The message, who was it from?

- Run.
- Guards!

You deliberately misled me!