Arrow (2012–…): Season 8, Episode 9 - Green Arrow & the Canaries - full transcript

In the year 2040 - Mia Queen has everything she could have ever wanted - until Laurel and Dinah suddenly show up in her life again and things take a shocking turn; Laurel and Dinah track a kidnapping victim who has direct ties to Mia.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

bianca bertinelli?

who the hell are you?

your life's in danger.
I'm gonna need you to
Come with me now.

my night's just
Getting started. Bye.

get off.


seeking his third
Straight term, mayor ramirez

has declared star city
The safest city in the country.

in other news, the vigilante
Museum has received

a generous 7-figure donation

from victor
And maria bertinelli.

what are you doing?

babe! You scared me.

I'm just the guy who
You share your bed
With most nights.

remember me?

how could I forget?
Your snoring
Always reminds me.

I don't snore.

look, I know you
Hate to be anything
Less than perfect,

but you do, like
Old man style.

-ha ha. Right.
-ha ha!

I got up early to
Finish writing
My speech.

wait. Is there something
Special happening today?

funny. Ha ha!

a gift for
The graduate.

what's happening?

mia queen, I love you

more than anything
In the whole world.

will you marry me?

please say yes.

-yes, of course.

of course.
I love you so much.

excuse me.
I'm looking for the owner.

over there.

dinah, this is where
You've been living?

well, it's right
Above the bar,

and it has got
A hell of a view.

black canary
And the captain of
Scpd now owns a bar.

also, when did you
Learn to sing?

we didn't have much time
For karaoke back in 2020,

did we?

so how did you
Find me? Sara?

she said that she
Found you here
A couple months ago

and that you didn't want
To come back with her.

the day after oliver's
Funeral in 2020,

I woke up here.

I had no idea
How or why.

when I got here,

I found out that
I don't even exist.

I'm sorry. How is that
Even possible?

I don't know,
But there is

no trace of dinah drake
Of the black canary.

and what, you're just
Fine with that?

I guess I came
To realize that

not having an identity
Can either be sad

or it can be oddly

I can let go of
The people I lost,

mistakes that I made.

I'm not gonna lie.
Your zen is kind of
Creeping me out.

thank you.

you know, there has
Been no real crime
In star city

in 20 years, laurel.

and zen's not that
Hard to come by.

well, I hate
To break it to you,

but star city
Isn't safe anymore.

bianca bertinelli's
Been abducted.

helena's daughter.

the socialite. Why
Why would anybody
Want to hurt her?

money, revenge, something
To do with helena.

who the hell knows?
D, I need you
To help me find her.

you really came all
The way to the future

to rescue a kidnapped

what am I looking at?
star city 2041.

this is a year from now.

it's not possible.
The city's safe.

it doesn't stay that way.

because bianca bertinelli
Gets kidnapped?

no. Because she dies.

3 days from now, her
Body is found in the bay,

her killer never caught.

the city falls apart.

everything that oliver
Sacrificed his life for.

I thought this part of
My life was done, laurel.

then don't do it for you.
Do it for oliver.


for oliver.

good. Now there's one
More person we need

who's well-connected.

-and who is that?
-I'll inform you on the way.

you do have something
Nicer to wear, right?

ms. Queen, when
Is the wedding date?

what are you going to do
Now that you've graduated?

not sure yet
On both counts.

what would
Your dad think about
Your life choices?

my father saved star city
So that we can enjoy it,

and he also never
Graduated college,

so I think he'd be
Pretty impressed.

ms. Queen?
Ms. Queen

it was my mom's.

jj knew I'd want
The family ring.

he's honestly the most
Thoughtful guy in the world.

can I just say what
An amazing man of honor

I'm gonna make
At your wedding?


zoe, hi!

I hope you don't
Mind me crashing.

never. It is so good
To see you.

where's keven?

no. I thought he
Was the one.

yeah. Well, apparently
Only having one partner
Was his problem.

but it's fine.
This is your day.

and speaking of,
Tomorrow there's
Gonna be

an office for you
At smoak tech.

how many times do I
Have to tell you,

tech is not
Really my passion?

what is your
Passion exactly?

I don't know.

because you
Can't be a socialite forever.

hmm, she technically can.

no. No, I'm sorry. She is
Way too smart for that.

ok, can I just enjoy

before I have to start

fine. But I need a drink.

I just want to thank you
All for coming tonight.

you are my life.

I particularly want to thank jj
For always having my back.

I love you so much.


and william.

I could not imagine
Life without you.

thank you for always tolerating
Your little sister,

even when I did draw all over
Your walls when I was 5. Heh!

-to the class of 2040.

is it all right
For me to be here?

I'm sure it's ok.

I thought you were
Still in rehab, connor.

what's the matter, trust fund?
You don't want me at
Your fancy little party?

as long as you don't
Punch anyone or
Set anything on fire,

we'll be ok.

can we just try to get along
For one night, please?

-be right back.

hey, trev, have you
Seen bianca?

she was supposed to be
Here an hour ago.

heh! No, I'm not
Her keeper anymore.

ok, I thought you
Guys were still cool.

no, we are, but even when
We were together,

she never told me
Where she was.

but you were the last
To see her, weren't you?

excuse me?

your number was
The last one she texted.

uh, who the hell
Are you?

wait. Is something wrong
With bianca?

I don't know. You tell us.


you can't just
Crash my party
And harass my guests.

do you know who I am?

a lot more than you do.

we were friends
Of your parents.

then how come I've
Never seen either
Of you before?

long story and less than
Zero time to explain.

your friend bianca,
She's in trouble.

and we need your help
To find her.

yeah. I'm calling security.

oh. I'm sorry to take
You out of your bubble,

but we really need you.

I know
How to protect myself.

-you made sure of that.
-I sure did.

the 4 of you are
The heroes that the city needs.


we are staring
At our father alive!

dad. So what's next?

mar novu has
Seen my fate.

-I don't survive crisis.

mia, come on. Mia?

back off.
um, I'm sorry. You fainted.

are you ok?

oh, my god.

sorry. Uh, sorry. II guess
I had too much to drink

without eating or something.

maybe you should lie down,
Party animal.

think I need some air.

-hey, mia, listen
-ooh. No.

what the hell did
You do to me?

I would love to know that

there's this guy,
J'onn j'onzz.

he's a martian or something.

he's why we remember
Everything that happened
Before the crisis.

cisco was able to replicate

the martian's powers
Using tech.

so a friend of
Supergirl's has a power

a friend of the flash
Can replicate.

yeah. That's
What I said.

I want to say that
You guys are crazy

and that none of this
Is possible,

but I know you're right.

I remember everything,

you two fighting
Alongside my dad,

zoe dying, my

my fiance killing her.

I remember
My father dying.

why would you do
This to me?

look, there'll be time
For emotions later.

I woke you up because
Your friend bianca
Was kidnapped.

there hasn't been any
Crime in star city
In 20 years.

what is that, like
The city's motto now?

you don't know bianca,
All right?

she's flaky.
She's probably on a beach
Somewhere having a ball.

I saw her, and she
Was taken.

how are you even

aren't you supposed
To be the green arrow?

not anymore.

mia, I understand
That you are torn

between two worlds
Right now,

but we need your help.

look, I don't even know

if I can do this anymore, ok?

I haven't trained. I don't

see? Just like
Riding a bike.

is bianca actually
In trouble?

yes. And if we don't
Find her, she's going to die.

fine. I will help you.

but this is
A one-time thing, ok?

I'm not interested
In joining

your canary club, all right?

I have a life now,
I am happy,

and I would like to
Keep it that way.


well, where was bianca
When she was taken?

partying at club v.

nothing bianca loved more
Than a good party.

oh, to be in my
20s again.

ick. Hard pass.
I was married at 21.

Who are you?

She was adopted.

any chance that
Created tension?

helena was a great mom
Before she disappeared.

she lives with her
Great-aunt and uncle now.

back in the old star city,
The bertinellis were

one of the biggest
Crime families around.

well, that sounds
Like enough reason

to violate some
Privacy laws.

it's time for you

to pay that family
A little visit.

I'm sorry bianca
Missed your party.
You know how she is.

free spirit.

totally. Actually,

I wanted to speak
With you about that.

I think bianca might be
In some kind of trouble.

what kind of trouble?

mia's in position.
D, you're up.

-you ready?
-never not.

I think bianca might
Have been taken.

That's ridiculous.

you know how safe it is here.

I haven't been
Able to contact
Her in days.

her social media is quiet,

and she's not even
Posting those videos

she's always
Addicted to making.

I wouldn't worry
About it.

in a couple days,
We're gonna find out

she's been, uh,
What partying

off the coast of
Corto maltese or something.

What's your progress?

3 more rooms to go.

you're about to
Have company,

one of the help,
I'm guessing.

mia, we need a distraction.

wouldn't it be better
To be safe than sorry?

I mean, maybe since
We're here,

if we call the police
Oh, my god! I'm so sorry.

get remy!


remy, we've got
An emergency.

do us a favor.
Stop worrying about bianca.

she's fine.

ok, I will.

I'm clear.

please tell me you
Got those eyes
And ears placed.

all of them.

we can see and hear

that goes down in
That house.

good. I'll meet you
At the bar.

I want to talk to bianca's
Friends, see what they know.

you want company?
ha ha.

and have to explain who you two
Are again? No, thanks.

you know, I could
Get used to all
This free alcohol.

so that means you
Will not be paying
Your tab downstairs.

I thought it was
A friends drink for
Free kind of place.

they say anything
Interesting yet?

a couple stock tips,
Where to vacation,

nothing that helps.

ohh, man. This is
One hell of a view.

I can see why you
Hide out here.

subtle. I am not hiding.

I told you, the world
Doesn't remember who I am.

don't you
Remember you?

I really don't expect
You to understand.

try me.

I mean, isn't this
What friends do?

they sit around
And drink, talk
About their problems.

ok, well, when I first
Ended up here,

I spent a lot of time
Asking myself why.

it took a while,
But I think

I finally understand
The answer.

this is the universe's
Way of telling me

I'm not supposed
To be a hero.

why? Because you didn't
Get a gold star?

because in this version
Of the future, the one
Where I'm not a hero,

everyone is
Better off.

mia's happ
Mia was happy

until we dragged
Her into this.

zoe's alive because
She's not a canary.

and all of a sudden,
What, you're gun shy?

zoe didn't die because
She was a canary.

she died because she was
A hero, because you

inspired her and a bunch of
Other women just like her

to fight for something
Greater than themselves,

myself included.

what, are you guys
On a break or something?

it's called surveillance.

how did it go
With bianca's friends?

let me guess.

"Oh, bianca was just
Being bianca.

and, oh, my gosh, what
Shoes am I gonna wear?"

they didn't know anything.

and, by the way, 3 of them
Went to harvard.

That's awesome.

oh, logan bertinelli
Just got chatty. Hang on.

he's worried about something,
"Taking precautions,"

specifically moving "It"
Out of the city.

what are the odds
"It" is bianca?

logan's an ass, but he
Wouldn't kidnap his cousin.

well, there's only
One way to find out.

let's suit up.

you earned it.

I'm not wearing that.

-why? It's yours.
-it's my father's.

she shouldn't have
To wear it if she
Doesn't want to, laurel.


what the hell are you
Guys waiting for?

secure our friggin' position.

you go get bianca,
And we'll take care of
Logan and his friends.

you'll be fine.

bianca's not here.

looks like some kind of
Chemical or drug.

II give up, ok?


well, that could've gone

you've got some nerve
Leaving me alone out there.

what if I hadn't remembered
How to fight?

but you did.
You're welcome.

I could've died.

ok, that's a little dramatic.
We were there the whole time.

d, some help, please?

it was pretty
Risky, laurel.

how about less talking
About your hurt feelings

and more talking about
The fact that your fiance

just became
Suspect number one?

there is no way
This is jj.

the guy who
Attacked us in
The deathstroke mask?

you do know who
Deathstroke is, right?

it could've
Been anyone under
That mask.

it does seem like
A pretty big coincidence,

especially given who jj
Was before.

I mean, he used to lead them.

yeah, and I used to be
A cage fighter.

that is not who I am

and that is clearly
Not who jj is.

are you really that naive?

are you really
That judgmental?

you don't even have
The slightest bit of doubt

that jj is the one who is
Behind that mask?


prove it.

mia queen.
These are my plus-2.

see? A much
Better idea than
Punching our way in.

a lot less fun,
Though. Mia, you sure
You're up for this?

I'm here, aren't I?
Jj's office is in back.

dinah, you take

mia, go distract
Your fiance.

you sure you're ok?

yeah. It's
The strangest thing.

I have all these
Memories of my old life,

but I have
My new ones, too.

I just really don't
Want it to be him.

hey. Sorry
I'm late.

oh, yeah. I was
Starting to worry.

you left in a hurry

yeah, I wasn't
Feeling well.

"Actually, I just

"You were a dangerous

A kidnapper, too."

hey, be nice, laurel.

-I need a drink.

-come on.

there's only
One guard at the door.

this should be easy.
Where are we on cameras?

almost there.

in the meantime,

why don't we go back to
Talking about mia's love life?

let's not.

you know I dated
Your dad, right?

well, a version
Of him anyway.


my oliver also went
Down on the gambit,

also cheated with my sister.

Stop talking.

people are
Who they are, mia,

no matter what timeline,
Universe, or earth,

and that's not your fault.

was that supposed
To be some kind
Of pep talk?

cameras are down.

that's my cue.

this area
Is restricted.

oh, I was just gonna
Step out and get some air.

trust me, I am not
An art thief.

well, you're welcome
To step outside.

ok, let's not cause
A scene here, laurel.

I'll do it.

no offense, mia,

but if I couldn't
Get in there,

do you really think
That you're gonna
Be able to just

oh, you were saying?

I'm in.
Now what do I need to do?

just put the device
Anywhere near the computer.

it'll transfer the data
From your search.

it's working.

run a search for
The bertinellis.

maybe we'll get lucky.

uh, something's wrong.

mia, you need to get
Out of there now.

hey, step away
From the computer.

mia, what are you
Doing in here?

where is she?

I'll take it
From here.

what is going on
With you?

you break into
My office,

and you hack
My computer?

I know you have bianca.

that's what this
Is about?

you think that I
Kidnapped her?

do you know how
Crazy that sounds?

you're calling me
Crazy now. Wow.

because you are
Being crazy.

ok, if you have
Nothing to hide,

then show me what's
In these files.

our honeymoon.

you said that you always
Wanted to visit fiji.

I was hoping I
Could surprise you.


can I call you
Crazy now?

bianca? What the hell?

I have to get
Back to the party.

ok. Let me explain.



bianca looks pretty
Happy to be kidnapped,
Don't you think?

turn off your
Socialite brain
And use your gut.

don't you think that video's
A little convenient?

I think whoever
Posted that
Is trying

to keep people from
Looking for bianca.

we should analyze it,
You know,

see what clues we can
Get in finding her.

ok, I just accused my
Fiance for nothing.

oh, he'll get over it.

or you'll move on to
Someone who wasn't
A homicidal maniac

in another life.


oh, frak you.

ok, that's enough.
I think we just need
To calm down

no. I am not the one
Who cares more

about my relationship

than my friend
Who might die.

do you not see how
Selfish you're being?

me? You're the one
Who's using my friend

to drag me and dinah back
Into this superhero crap

just because you can't
Handle the fact that
Star city's fine

and doesn't need you to
Be the black canary anymore.

and here I thought making
You remember your old life

would open your eyes to how
Pointless and stupid

your new one is.

my stupid and pointless
Life is the one that

my father sacrificed
Himself to give me.

don't you dare
Trivialize that.

ok, I think
All laurel was
Trying to say is

that bianca's out there,
And she's in danger.

bianca is fine.

you had no right
To make me remember.

all that did is bring back
The suffering and the loss,

because that's
All being a hero is.

I would've met you at
Your place.

I needed the drive.

I hope that I

didn't screw up your
Event too badly.

I wish it was just
The event that you'd
Screwed up.

jj, I'm sorry.

you accused me of
Kidnapping our friend.

how in the world do
You think I could do
Something like that?

you were keeping
Things from me.

I guess I just jumped
To conclusions.

jumping to conclusions is
Is I'm cheating on you,

not that I'm a kidnapper.

and for the record,
I'm neither.

I know that.

can we please just go
Back to a time

before I accused you
Of being a criminal?

I get it now.

this never had anything
To do with bianca.

what are you talking

you have never really
Had to commit to
Anything in your life.

that's why you brush off
Your brother's job offers.

and it's why you hesitated
Saying yes to my proposal.

it's why you're pushing me
Away right now.

you don't want to
Marry me.

that is not true.

then how come ever since
The party

ever since I proposed
To you, it's like

you're seeing someone else
When you're looking at me?

when I look at you,
I see the rest of my life.

I can't marry someone
Who doesn't feel the same.

john, please.


I think it's best
We take some space.

we're running
Out of time.

please tell me you're
Close to finding
Something on that video.

our hunch was right.

there's evidence
The image was altered.

I'm running
A decryption program,
But it's gonna take a bit.

since when did
You learn to do all
This felicity stuff?

I was a police captain,
Laurel. I have tricks,

like knowing when someone's
Not telling me everything,

for example.

like you.


you've been pushing mia
Real hard, which is weird,

because normally,
You keep a fairly healthy
Snark-filled distance

from caring too much
About anything.

this is personal.

look, I wasted
A lot of time

pretending to
Be something I wasn't

because it was easier,
And I don't want mia
Making the same mistake.

you know, part of empathy
Isn't only understanding
Other people's pain.

it's also sharing
Your own. You know
How hard it is to be a hero.

I mean, hell, I'm struggling
With it right now.

imagine what she's
Going through.

the last time mia put on
That green arrow suit was

the day oliver died.

the program's finished.

oh, boy.

whoever did this
Wanted people to think

she was safe on vacation.

they didn't know they were
Giving us a lead.

well, thank god for morons.

I got to figure
Out where this is.

but for the record,
I think you're right.

if there is evil back
In star city,

the green arrow
Should be here, too.

oh, god. Are you crying?

what the hell
Are you doing here?

I guess it's that
Feelings thing or whatever.

look, I'm sorry.

jj broke up with me,
If you even care.

I do care. You're strong
Enough to get through this.

you're strong enough to
Get through anything.
I've seen you do it.

is that why you
Woke me up?

mia, I spent
So much of my life
Choosing the easy path.

and for me, that meant
Becoming black siren

and destroying things
And killing people.

it's not a good look.

that's not exactly
What I'm doing here.

ok, but can you honestly
Tell me that you were
Happy with your life

before I woke you up? Truly?

I spent my whole life

looking at these
Pictures of my dad,

all of the amazing
Things he did
For the city,

what a hero he was,

wondering how I
Could possibly
Live up to that

in anything
I chose to do.


and so I chose to do

he would probably be
So disappointed in me.

I doubt that.

your father. He wanted
You to be happy.

and hehe gave you
All this,

but I also think he wanted
You to have a choice.

I am not gonna
Sugarcoat it for you.

being a hero kind of sucks.

and it never gets
Any easier because it is

the hardest thing
That you can do.

then why do it?

for me, it gave me a purpose.

and that's why I woke you up,

so that you could have
The chance to realize
Your own.

mia, this is your city,

and you're the green arrow.

hey. How did it go?

ask her.

I'm glad you
Decided to join.

bianca's my friend. Any
Luck finding her location?

not yet. But she's in
A greenhouse of some sort.

only problem is there
Are hundreds in the city.

it's gonna take time.

but that's not
A greenhouse.

the design's biophilic.

it's meant to power the
Building photosynthetically.

what are you,
A botanist now?

I took a couple classes

in design theory
And sustainable concepts.

socialites can have
Brains, too.

great. Well,
Could you use
Your fancy brain

and narrow it
Down for us?

uh, there's about
12 buildings in the city
That fit the bill.

but only one of them
Is currently unoccupied

a complex downtown.

let's go save my friend.

you sure you're
Ready for this?

one way to find out.

thermal imaging
Places bianca on
The top floor.

there's 2 bodies
Beside her. I'm
Guessing they're guards.

how much more company
Can we expect?

it depends on how
Fast we move.

that's comforting.

oh, and another
Piece of good news.

the whole place
Is laced with

so no canary cries.
perfect. Ready?

I so wish I got that
On my live stories.

we have to go now.

why leave now, huh?

the fun is just
Getting started.


you know my name. Heh!
I'm flattered.

cool masks.

yeah, very, uh, 2020.

actually, II have
I have one of my own.

so this is what
You've been spending
Daddy's money on?

ha ha. You know,
Bianca never told
Me that she had

such, uh,
Colorful friends.

oh, I get it.

she broke up with you, and
Now your feelings are hurt.

is that why
You're doing this?

oh, don't flatter

you're a pawn

with the fancy
Family name.

that's the only reason
You're important.

yeah, I see why
You dumped him.

enough talking.

so I guess that means
You're waving the white flag.

the 3 of you
Against all of us.

-I'll take those odds.
-so will we.

-there's too many of them.
-we have to get out of here.

stay close.

now what?

we're too high.

how are you
Still alive?

death by tantrum?
You're gonna have to
Do better than that.

don't come any closer.

you see, all the greenery

in this building is linked
To the same system

all state-of-the-art
And all very, very...


if he drops that
Lighter, this whole
Place is gonna go up.

trevor, don't do this.

you can't stop
What's coming.

she won't let you.

and who the hell is she?

we have to jump.

I thought you were
Trying to save me,
Not kill me.

trust me.

welcome back.

oof. Who are you

any word
On how bianca's doing?

she is back to
Her old self,
Posting live videos.

so I'm not very good at
This, uh, feelings stuff.

I wanted to thank you,
Both of you.

and now you can go back
To your glamorous life

of singing to drunk
Hipsters in your bar.

oh, thank you for that.

but, uh, actually, I was
Thinking of going part-time.

you know, trevor's not
Just a jealous ex-lover
Trying to get even.

somebody pushed him
To do this,

and we still haven't
Figured out who or why.

trevor's tattoo
Looked familiar.

we start there.


star city needs
The green arrow.

but what about jj,
And what about your life?

I'm not giving that up,

but I'm also
Gonna protect
My father's legacy.

mia, living a double life
Is really hard.

well, somebody once
Told me that

being a hero is
The hardest thing
You can do.

it's also
The right thing.

well, that person
Sounds really smart.

I mean, she has
Her moments.

but putting on
That suit again
Wasn't easy.

but it reminded me
That it's not all bad.

there are some really,
Really good parts, too.

well, uh, before we get
Back to saving the world,

I say we should have
A celebratory drink.

and after what we did

I say we deserve
The good stuff.

cheers. To the green arrow.

to the canaries.

to the future,
Whatever it holds.

well, I'm glad you didn't
Change the locks on me yet.


look, before you kick me
Out, just please
Let me say I'm sorry.

you were right.
I have been acting weird
Since the graduation party.

-so then I did spook you.

this has nothing to do
With you proposing.

look, graduating
Got into my head.

I'm trying to figure
Out what I want to do
With the rest of my life,

what kind of person
I want to be. I...

I want to help you with that.

and that is why I
Love you so much.

you're a good
Person, jj.

I couldn't imagine
Spending my life
With anyone else.

you know, it's been a while
Since I had a roommate.

I'll get my own place,
I promise.

your own place? That
Sounds pretty permanent.

the city's under threat,
And I'm not gonna leave
Until it's over.

you know, while you're here,

we could turn this place
Into a base of operations

for the canaries.

canaries, as in more
Than just us?

tonight made me remember
Who I really am, laurel.

I may have been erased,
But I'm not gone.

I need to figure out
How I got here.

and while I do that,
I can help a whole
New generation of women.

so basically, what
You're saying is

that I was right.

don't gloat.

but please do explain why
You didn't tell me

the whole story about
What bianca's death would
Have meant for the city.

sara said
When the city falls...

someone's at
The center of itmia.

but bianca was dead
In the future,

and mia wasn't
The green arrow.

we should be
In the clear, right?

I hope so.

I can't believe it's
Been 20 years

since he sacrificed
Himself to save the city.

who's that?

oh, just the "Star,"
The "Globe," the "Gazette,"

"Byline," channel 52.

they all want to know
If I'm the green arrow.

of course they do.

isn't it a little
Misogynistic that

they're not calling
You as well?

I mean, come on, guys.
It's 2040.

oh, my god. You
Brought the pet rock.

excuse me.
Are you referring
To the hozen?

this is the closest
Thing we have to
A family heirloom,

passed down from dad
To aunt thea to mom
And to me.

show some respect,

may I see it?

-yes, you may.
-thank you.

what the hell?


hey, babe. I didn't think
You'd be back so soon.

who are you?
What do you want?

I need you to remember.

I have vision.

We can fix this...



you were wrong
About me, brother.

it was never a mask.