Arrow (2012–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - City of Heroes - full transcript

Diggle and Felicity return to island to convince Oliver to return as the Arrow.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, l was stranded
on an island with only one goal:


Oliver Queen is alive.

Now l will fulfill my father's dying wish.

-Make it home. Right my wrongs.


To use the list of names he left me...

...and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.

To do this,
l must become someone else.

l must become something else.


Get down. Everybody keep down.

Nobody Iift their head,
nobody gets hurt.

KING: Get down!
ACE: Down.

KING: Get on the fIoor right now!
MAN: Go.

You can't jackhammer into the safe.
It's too thick.


Shut up.

KING: Move. Move. Go.
JACK: We're through.

Three minutes.

Are you trying to get us kiIIed?

Don't worry. I'm a cop.

PIease don't do anything, okay?

I don't wanna die. PIease.


What heII's going on?

He was a freaking cop.

Enough throwing shots.


You hear that?

Someone triggered the aIarm.

Don't. That's it. Let's go.

StarIing City PoIice Department.

Lay down your weapons
and come out with your hands up.

Repeat, Iay down your weapons
and come out with your hands up.

HoId your fire.


Move those hostages.
MiIIs, contain the hostages.

AII other units, move in, move in.


KING: Come here. You shot a cop.
This is not how we do things.

ACE: Me getting kiIIed
isn't how we do things.

Get in the van. Get in the van!




Anchor the rear hand, DiggIe.
Come on.



VariabIe acceIeration.
Fighters work at the same pace.

You switch it up,
throw your opponent off his game.


That was nice.
Where'd you Iearn that?

His name was Yao Fei.

-Did he give you those scars?
-One of them.

And the others?

One day you're gonna be straight
with me about what happened.



But not today.

StiII, some pretty sweet moves.

Yup. Tonight I'm gonna use
some on him.

Scott Morgan runs Water & Power
in the GIades.

Jacks up the prices
when peopIe can't pay...

...shuts them down
even in the dead of winter.

Which is at Ieast a month away.
Look at this.

These guys started in Keystone
three years ago.

Began moving west,
hitting banks aIong the way.

This morning,
they hit StarIing City Trust.

Shot an off-duty cop. He's in a coma.

Doctors say it's a coin-toss
whether he'II make it.

If he's a cop, S.C.P.D. wiII be over it.

OverwheImed, underfunded.

These guys don't hit one time,
they hit two or three per city.

Right now they're pIanning
their next job.

You have the wrong impression
about what I do.

-Take out bad guys with bow and arrow.
-I don't fight street crime.

That's a symptom of this city.
I'm trying to cure the disease.

CEOs and crooked entrepreneurs.
I get it.

Listen, OIiver, I'm just saying... can make a difference if you think
beyond the scope of those pages.

-I'm sure your father wouIdn't mind.
-No, you don't get it.

My father died so that I couId Iive.

Make a difference by fixing the city that
he and the peopIe in this book ruined.

Every name I cross off this Iist
honors that sacrifice.

There's more than one way
to save this city.

Not for me.

Crime happens in this city every day.

What do you want me to do?
Stop aII of it?

It sounds Iike you have
a narrow definition of being a hero.

I'm not a hero.


TeII me that this is a nightmare
and I'm about to wake up.

How can Stagg Industries puII out?
They're our Iargest donor.

It's Iike they say,
''It's the economy, stupid.''

No, it's the stupid economy.

Okay, without Stagg, how Iong can CNRI
keep their doors open?

Uh, depends. What time you got?

I have fiesta time.

Or is it siesta time?

Which one means a party
and which one means a nap?

Tommy, as much as I wouId Iove to reIive
Intro to Spanish, today is not good day.

WeII, of course not, working in
this tiny brick office. It's intoIerabIe.

Now, you know where's
a spectacuIar pIace to spend the day?

Coast City.

Here's what I am thinking.

Sunset fIight on my private pIane,
dinner at Broome's...

...I'II have you home by midnight.
Or maybe in the morning. Hmm?

-What is this?
-This is what we taIked about.

This is you getting to know
the reaI me.

Tommy, so you don't misunderstand,
CNRI just Iost its Iargest singIe donor.

AII of the hard work and sacrifices
that I have made to heIp...

...this IegaI cIinic survive,
it may have been for nothing.


Maybe another time.


I mean, haven't you noticed
she's been acting a IittIe down IateIy?

Heh, what am I saying?
Of course you haven't.

Since when do you pay attention
to how Mom's feeIing?

Since our step-father decided to take a
business trip haIfway around the worId.

When someone at WaIter's pay
takes a trip, it's aIways sudden.

I wouIdn't worry.

Ah. Guess who I just hung up with?

Janice Bowen.

-Carter's mother.

Oh, heh.

Carter Bowen. The perfect son.

-Is he perfect?
OLIVER: According to you.

Carter Bowen just won
the nationaI chess championship.

Carter Bowen is anchoring
the debate team.

I didn't make that big a fuss.

OIiver, Carterjust got accepted
into Harvard and Princeton.

Because Carter got a perfect score
on his SATs.

Now, how did he manage to study
and cure cancer?

AII right, aII right. I get it, I get it.

WeII, they're coming for brunch
and I expect you to be there.

-I have pIans.
-That's fine. Brunch is tomorrow.

-Heh, inches from a cIean getaway.
-WeII, you too, Thea.


-Nobody says that anymore.

-What? Mom?

I can't actuaIIy go.

I haven't seen the Bowens in years.

Whatever it is that you have pIanned...

...I'm sure the two of you
can make the sacrifice just this once.

We'II be there.

-I hate you.


-Scott Morgan from your father's Iist?

[OVER PHONE] He tried to kill himself.
Maybe afraid of getting a visit from you.

-Can you make it to StarIing GeneraI?
-On my way.

Hey, just the man I wanted to see.
I just picked up a new sports car.

I'm thinking, we can open her up,
pick up a few speeding tickets....

That sounds great
but something's come up. I gottajet.

Oh, uh, okay.

Nice taIk. Thanks.

He moves fast, doesn't he?

It's ironic since you're the one
we caII Speedy.

Ah, ''CaIIed,'' pIease.
For the Iove of God.

But if you need somebody to taIk to,
I'm here.

You know, maybe you couId heIp.

There's this girI that I'm interested in.

And I am reaIIy not sure
how to pursue it.

Have you tried using
your usuaI Iines?

''My name is Tommy MerIyn, biIIionaire,
but I don't Iook Iike Warren Buffett.''

Yeah, she is aware of that
and she doesn't care.

You know, money reaIIy isn't
a big deaI to her.

Why don't you just teII her
how you feeI?

WeII, I've--
I've known her for a Iong time.

And I'm not sure the direct approach
is the right way to go.

Maybe you have to figure out
what's a big deaI to her...

...and make it a big deaI to you.

Thea, you are amazing, heh.

Love you.

You sure?

Scott Morgan doesn't seem
Iike the type who'd try to kiII himseIf.

True, but it's the best Iie
I couId come up with on short notice.

Mr. DiggIe, I can't thank you enough...

...for arranging to move my husband
from county ward to StarIing GeneraI.

Now I know he's getting the best care.

You shouId be thanking OIiver Queen.
He's paying the biII.

Jana's husband, Stan,
is a poIice officer.

He happened to have been making
a deposit at StarIing Trust.

The bank that was robbed.

I was so sorry
to hear about your husband.

-Is he gonna be okay?
-The next 24 hours are cruciaI.

He shouId have just kept
his head down, you know?

I've known a few poIice officers
in my day.

AIways wiIIing to heIp others even
if that means putting themseIves at risk.

Thank you.

You're weIcome.

You Iied to me.

And you asked me to work with you,
not for you.

You said it was because
you understand the man I am.

I'm the man who doesn't waIk away when
there's a chance to make a difference.

And neither does Stan Washington.

OIiver, I'm not finished taIking.
Where you going?

To go make a difference.
Let's catch some bank robbers.

See that guy there? He's got a temper.

-And he shot Officer Washington.
-That's right.

-CoIIege ring.
-WeII, high schooI, more IikeIy.

-That ring wiII get us an ID.
-But even with photo enhancement... have a probIem getting
a cIear shot of that ring.

It Ieft an impression
poIice wiII have photographed.

It'II be in evidence Iockup.

You're not going
where I think you're going.

DiggIe, why do you even ask?


HILTON: Are you kidding me?
I don't wanna hear this.

Don't teII me about red tape.
One of our own's been shot.

TeII them to find themseIves
a pair of scissors.

So where are you gonna take me today?
Monte CarIo?

ActuaIIy, uh, I was just teIIing Jo here...

...that the MerIyn GIobaI Group
is Iooking to expand its phiIanthropy...

...and I thought that we couId start
by sponsoring a benefit for CNRI.

Thank you, Tommy. But I think we can
manage without your famiIy's finances.

LaureI, a word?

Heh, come on.

What are you doing?

He's not interested
in throwing us a fundraiser.

He wants the First AnnuaI Attempt
to Get Back Into My Pants GaIa.

Who cares why he's doing it?
We need the money.

-Not Iike that, we don't.
-We reaIIy do.

So you're gonna Iisten
to your best friend's advice.

You are gonna go over there and say,
''Thank you, Tommy.

We'd be honored
for you to throw us a fundraiser.'' Hmm?

Thank you, Tommy.

We wouId be honored
for you to throw us a fundraiser.

The bank manager Ace punched.
His ring Ieft a mark.

Larchmont High.

High schooI.

I cross-referenced his height and age
with the students and aIumni.

That's a pretty Iong Iist.

It was. I dug a IittIe deeper
and found KyIe Reston.

Before KyIe's senior year,
not onIy did he drop out...

...he dropped off the grid,
aIong with his famiIy.

Father, mother, younger brother.

There are two other guys invoIved
in this robbery.

And a woman.
Aside from Stan Washington...

...there were 22 customers
and empIoyees that came.

Nine men, 13 women.

Inside the bank, nine men, 14 women.

-Heh, they put a ringer in.
-The mom.

The poIice Iook for a crew,
we Iook for famiIy.

Speaking of which,
I'm incredibIy Iate for mine.

-WeII, I'm sorry WaIter couIdn't join us.
-Oh, yes.

WeII, the AustraIian trip came up

He sends his apoIogies.

Where's OIiver?
He's not out of town too, is he?

-I'm sure he's--
-Stuck in traffic.

One of the things I didn't miss
on the isIand? Sunday drivers.

-Sorry I'm Iate.

Thank God you're here.

It is so good to see you.

We aII thought you were--

Oh, weII, we are just happy he's home.

-Hmm, and returning as a ceIebrity too.
-How do you mean?

CARTER: WeII, biIIionaire scion,
castaway for five years.

You know, there is a bidding war
for the rights to your Iife story.

-At Ieast, that's what my agent says.

-I thought you were a neurosurgeon.
-I know. It's crazy, right?

One minute I'm pubIishing this book
on how Iong-term potentiation...

...initiates the creation
of a sIow-moving protein synthesis...

...and then next, there's an agent
trying to make me the next Dr. Oz, heh.

Why wouId he want you
to be a wizard?


-For our sakes, start reading US Weekly.

WeII, the truth is, I feeI it's our duty
as StarIing City's more fortunate... heIp those most in need.
-Oh, of course.

-Do you agree, OIiver?
-You're the hero, Carter.

Quick and cIean.
And try not to shoot anybody.

Now that you're back,
what are your pIans?

WiII you be taking ajob
with Queen ConsoIidated?

I'm opening a nightcIub.


DIGGLE: Sir, your Iiquor distributor's
on the Iine.

First Bank of StarIing
was hit two minutes ago.



If their M.O. hoIds,
they made their escape underground.

First Bank of StarIing is Iocated
above water tunneIs.

The entrance is Iocated here.

OIiver, where are you going?

Something's come up. I'm reaIIy sorry.


Okay, go, go. Go.

I got it. Let's go.

S.C.P.D. Don't move!

Enough. What are you doing?

Move! Let's go!


Get out of here!

JACK: Our cash!
KING: Forget it!

Go. Go!

AII right, Iet's move.

It's the vigiIante.

Come on.

JACK: Who the heII was that guy?
KING: The IocaI vigiIante.

-Goes after rich guys.
-CIearIy, he's branching out.

Things have gone sideways IateIy.
That hood guy.

-KyIe shooting a cop.
-You warned me he was a cop.

-So you wouId take his gun.
KING: Your mother has a point.

Maybe this is a sign
we need to hang it up.

-Head for Mexico. Retire.
-We don't have enough.

We said that we wouIdn't quit
untiI we had enough to set ourseIves up.

We need to hit another.

-We can make do.
-We'II be okay.

I didn't spend five years risking my Iife
and my freedom to just be okay.

No, set for Iife.

That was our deaI.


One more.

And then we're out.

ShouId add ''personaI Internet researcher
for OIiver Queen'' to my job titIe.

HappiIy, I mean.

His name is Derek Reston.
We were cIose before I went away...

...and I wanna get back in touch.

-Didn't have Facebook on that isIand.

Not even a Myspace account.
It was a very dark time.

There's not much here that's recent.

No credit activity, no utiIity biIIs.

I guess you guys
must have met at the factory.

Wait, what factory?

The Queen steeI factory.

Derek Reston worked there for 15 years
untiI it shut down in '07.

Derek Reston worked for my father?

You weren't reaIIy cIose friends, huh?

Looks Iike Derek
was the factory foreman...

...untiI your dad outsourced production
to China.

About 1500 empIoyees got Iaid off.

The finance guys found a IoophoIe
in the union contracts... they didn't have to pay
severance packages and pensions... their empIoyees.

They aII pretty much Iost their homes.

IncIuding your friend.

You died.

I asked you, I begged you to survive.

But if you don't think you can...

...there's stiII one buIIet Ieft.

But, OIiver, my death is made
meaningIess by yours.

I'm starving. I'm gonna die anyway.

And I just want it to be quick.

I want it to be quick Iike yours was.

You can survive this.

No, I can't.

I'm not as strong as you think I am.

And I'm sorry.

The Restons just got home
after five years away.

Those factory guys hung out
at a bar after work.

HopefuIIy, Derek Reston wants to take
a stroII down memory Iane.

And if by some miracIe
Reston's there?

Gonna give him the chance
to do the right thing.

He had his chance to do the right thing.
It's caIIed not being a criminaI.

This is happening because of my father,
because of my famiIy.

No. You're worried about
the wrong thing.

It's not your fauIt.
The Restons aren't the victims.

My famiIy stoIe from this city.
They hurt the peopIe in it.

And I am heII-bent
on making that right.

For Derek Reston...

...that means giving him the chance
to make it right.


Hey, don't fade on me now.

We have about 10 ,000 more decisions
to make.

Now, cake. Ahem, chocoIate or mocha?

Mm, carrot.

Are you sure about that?
Because Bugs Bunny hasn't RSVP'd yet.


Tommy, why the fuII-court press?

Asking me to Coast City,
the fundraiser.

Why now?

You know, I was in a bar Iast week
and I was taIking to this girI...

...and things were progressing,
if you know what I mean.

No, you're too subtIe.

Anyway, we finaIIy go back
to her pIace...

...and I reaIize, aII of a sudden, ahem,
that I had been there before.

Been with her before.

Two years ago. I just didn't remember.

So I Ieft.

You know...

...I remember...

...some of the mornings
when you and I were together...

...and I made you omeIets.

And I'd be in your kitchen...

...and I wouId think to myseIf,
this isn't just fun.

This is more than fun. This is....

This is different.

I've never feIt that way
with anybody eIse.

And I miss it.

Not mocha? Carrot.




MAN: AII right.
-Heh, okay, feIIas.

Thanks for pIaying.


Mind if I sit in?

OIiver Queen.

The prodigaI son returns.

Didn't figure you for someone
who wouId hang in the GIades.

My father used to bring me here.
There's a ''Pac-Man'' machine in the back.

I had the highest score
for two months.

Oh, the Iast time I saw your dad,
he was making a speech...

...teIIing my crew not to beIieve
aII the gossip.

That there was no way
Queen ConsoIidated...

...was moving production to China.

A week Iater, they cIosed the doors.

I didn't get
the two-weeks vacation pay due me.

My father made mistakes.

He hurt peopIe.

When peopIe are hurt,
peopIe are in troubIe...

...they tend to make
the wrong choices.

Right, Derek?

Those choices
don't have to define you.

They don't have to define
who your famiIy wiII be.

Because there's aIways one moment
when you can turn it aII around.

If my father had another chance...

...I think he'd do things differentIy...

...but time ran out for him.

How poetic.

That doesn't heIp me
get my house back.

No, it doesn't.

No, aII I can offer you
is an apoIogy and ajob.

Queen ConsoIidated has subsidiaries
aII over the country.

I make one phone caII,
you start next week.

So, what do you say?

How about,
I stiII have some pride Ieft?

Now, I don't need charity from the son
of the man who screwed me over.


You change your mind?

You and I have one thing in common.

We're both deaIing with
the consequences of my father's actions.

What he did then, that's on him.

But what we do now...

...that's on us.

KING [OVER COM]: l've been thinking.
Maybe you were right.

Maybe it's time to hang it up, retire.

QUEEN [OVER COM]: But Kyle said
we do one more or he'll go out on his own.

KING: lf that's what he wants, that's his
right. You and me and Teddy, we're out.

QUEEN: l wanna quit too
but l am not leaving without Kyle.

-What's this?
-I dropped a bug in Reston's jacket.

I thought you were gonna give
a second chance.

That's what I beIieve in.

I aIso beIieve in covering
aII my bases.

Derek, we can't abandon our son.

After all this time,
he wants to end up a winner.

Set for life.
Otherwise, what was the point?

All right.

One more.

Now what?

We take them down.

Monitor the Restons with this.
You get a Iine on their pIans, we move.

And you're gonna do
another abrupt exit?

I'm getting better at it with practice.



Honey, keep the aIcohoI fIowing.

I ca, heh--
Wow, you Iook just reaIIy IoveIy.


It's nice you've extended
your vocabuIary...

...from words Iike
''hot'' and ''mega-hot.''

You couId just say ''thank you,''
you know.

Thank you... know.

You're weIcome.

Tommy, this is wonderfuI.

-It means the worId to us.
-Thank you.

Oh, God. Excuse me, just for a second.

-You were right.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for inviting me.

WeII, I figure the entire Queen famiIy
and their checkbooks shouId be present.

Right. How is that going for you
so far?

It is going amazing
and aII thanks to you.

You know, Thea Queen,
the unIikeIy voice of reason.

-Oh, me? WeII, what did I do?
-You gave me that great advice.

You know, I thought about what the girI
was interested in and, uh....

And you did this for LaureI?

And it's working.

Thanks again, Speedy.



Tommy, do you remember
Carter Bowen from high schooI?

Oh, yeah, sure I do.

So gIad you couId make it.

So great to see you.
You Iook amazing.

I gotta say, I'm so impressed with
the work you and CNRI are doing here.

-Thanks, Carter.

I've been thinking about starting
a cIinic in the GIades.


Maybe grab a coupIe drinks,
teII you what I'm thinking.

That sounds great.

It's a creative space. Gorgeous.


Excuse me.

WeII, I'm surprised you made it tonight,
given your hectic scheduIe.

Mom, I messed up
with the Bowens yesterday.

I made you a promise.

-I couIdn't keep it.
-WeII, it's nothing new for you, OIiver.

I know you and I
have had our difficuIties...

...but despite aII my many mistakes...

...I aIways thought that you and I
had a connection.

So you can imagine...

...just imagine,
after being granted the miracIe...

...of having my chiId returned to me...

...that you seem to have IittIe
or no interest in being with me.

Or teIIing me the truth.


Redwood United Bank.
They're gonna try a nighttime hit.

I have to go.

-I'm sorry--
-No, don't bother apoIogizing.

HonestIy, OIiver,
there are times I wonder...

...why you bother coming home at aII.




-Three minutes.


You hear that?

-I'II check it out.
-AII right.

KyIe Reston.

I came prepared.


It's okay. It's gonna be okay.


MAN: Now!
ARROW: Hey, I got this.

MAN: Drop your weapons. Now!



He's bIeeding out.

CaII an ambuIance. Now!



He's okay. He's just knocked out.

Listen, it wasn't his fauIt.

I turned my son into this.


Of course it doesn't work.

I'm haIIucinating. Or I'm dreaming.

But if you weren't....

You betrayed me, OIiver.

I died so that you couId Iive
and you threw that gift away.

You made that sacrifice empty.

I'm not you.

I'm not as.... I'm not strong Iike you.

I never was.

I toId you,
I'm not the man you think I am.

The things I've done.
What I was about to do.



What does that mean, pIease?

I don't know what it means.

I toId you, I begged you...

...right my wrongs!

This is your responsibiIity now.


How do I do this?

I can't even get off this isIand.

I'm sorry I didn't teII you
the truth about me...

...but I hope that you know
that I Iove you.



Did you know that as a doctor...

...I was abIe to diagnose myseIf
as a giant tooI?

How about a dance, handsome?

Hey, uh, I thought that we agreed
that you were going to caII me...

...before you did something stupid.

See? You're no fun.

I'm gonna show you
how to have some fun.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what are you doing?

You said I was amazing.

You are amazing, but you're aIso
Iike my sister. My baby sister.

WeII, I'm not a baby anymore.

Thank you for noticing.

Heh, LaureI doesn't even Iike you.

She doesn't understand you.

I do.

-Why can't you just see that?

Thea, it was a mistake to taIk to you
about girIs and stuff.

It was inappropriate
and I think it may have confused you.

Heh, no, the rejection is pretty cIear.

Even if it wasn't,
between my mom and OIiver...

...and, heh, everybody in my entire Iife,
I'm pretty much used to it by now, so....

Whoa, whoa.

Hey, Iet's go, Iet's go. Come on.
It's aII right.



Is Thea okay?

Oh, yeah. She just ate
some bad crab cakes.

Are you sure
it wasn't something she drank?

Ahem, don't worry. I got this.

You can go back inside.
Keep having fun.

Looked Iike you were having
a nice do-si-do with the good doctor.

I'm gonna Iet you in on a IittIe-known
secret about Dr. Carter Bowen.

The man is a gigantic ass.


And the onIy reason
why I danced with him... because he wrote
a massive check to CNRI.

Why wouId you think anything eIse?

I guess when it comes to you,
I tend not to think straight.

Can you caII me a cab?

AbsoIuteIy not. I am taking you home.
Get in.

I apoIogize for making such a scene.

Just feeI better, okay?

Hey, Tommy. I owe you a dance.


You earned it.

Good night.

-PIease don't hate me.


-What went down wasn't your fauIt.
-I didn't say it was.

OIiver, it wasn't your fauIt, man.

You gave Reston a chance.
That was more than he deserved.

I'm not so sure about that.

WeII, Iisten, I'II teII you this much.

You say going after the guys on that Iist
is the way you honored your dad?

WeII, if your dad couId have seen you
this week...

...the way you cared
about the peopIe he had hurt...

...the way you stepped up
to try to heIp them...

...I say he'd be pretty damn honored.

So maybe there is more than one way
to save this city.


By the way, Stan Washington woke up.

He's gonna be fine.


My responsibiIity.

I promise, Dad.

I promise.


WeII, I thought it wouId heIp me.
I don't sIeep weII aIone.

I'm sorry about what I said tonight.


You were being honest.

No, not entireIy.

The truth is, with WaIter being gone,

I'm IoneIy.

You know, you and I used to taIk.
I used to know what you were thinking.

But now, even when you're home,
you're somewhere eIse.

I guess I just miss my son.

I miss you too.

And I wish that....

Are you hungry?

Thank you.



AII right.

Mm, Mom, heh.

It's okay to get your hands dirty
every once in a whiIe. For me, pIease.

AII right.



That is a great burger.

-Thank you for this.

I'II bet Carter doesn't know where to find
the best burgerjoint in StarIing City.

So I have one thing on him?


You have everything on him, OIiver.

[EngIish - US - SDH]

My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, l was stranded
on an island with only one goal: survive.

Oliver Queen is alive.

OLIVER [VOICE OVER]: Now l will fulfill
my father's dying wish.

To use the list of names he left me...

...and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.

To do this,
l must become someone else.

l must become something else.

Previously on Arrow:

DR. LAMB: The OIiver you Iost
might not be the one they found.

When you were pIotting your pIan
to save the city...

...I don't think you considered the effect
it wouId have on the peopIe in your Iife.

You're wrong.

Not being abIe to teII my famiIy the truth
doesn't hurt anyone worse than me.

I made you a promise I couIdn't keep.

After being granted the miracIe
of having my chiId returned to me...

...that you seem to have no interest
in teIIing me the truth.

You've gotta Iet me in, OIIie.
You've gotta Iet someone in.



Mom said I'm supposed to remind you
to pick her up for Iunch.

Was I supposed to have Iunch with her?

She said she left you five messages.

Bite the buIIet
and have a Cobb saIad with the woman.

Sometimes it's difficuIt to remember
which one of you is my mother.

Mrs. Queen, aII I'm asking for is a chance
to sit down and discuss our proposaI.

If that's aII it is,
then I can save us both the time.

-It's rejected.
-I see. May I ask why?

Do I reaIIy need to answer that,
Mr. Copani?

Now, if you'II excuse me,
I'm meeting my son for Iunch.


Get down!


-Mom? Are you okay?
-I'm aII right.

-Are you hurt?
-No, I'm....

-Are you sure?
-I'm fine. I'm fine.

CaII 911 .





-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

I'm fine.

-Did you reach WaIter?
-No, I'm sorry.

As I was teIIing
your mother and sister...

...the CAT scan showed a grade-2
concussion. She can go home so Iong... someone stays with her.

-Thank you.

I'm sorry. I shouIdn't have Ieft you.
I thought you were fine.

What did you think you were doing?

I wanted to get the Iicense pIate
of the guy who took a shot at you.

-WeII, that was fooIish.

-So did you get the Iicense pIate?
-No, he got away.

Maybe you shouId spend
a IittIe Iess time trying to be a hero.

You're obviousIy not very good at it.

-That's cute.
-Wasn't trying to be.

You Ieft Mom in the street.
AIone and hurt in the street.

Heh, to get a Iicense pIate?

-You don't beIieve me?
-I Iove you. Mom Ioves you.

But it's getting hard
when you won't be truthfuI with us.


-Do you have any Ieads on the shooter?
-Not yet.

-Did you get a Iook at him?
-He was wearing a heImet.

-Don't worry. We'II find him.
-My head of security is on his way.

I wanna make sure there are men
outside my mother's door.

She needs to be protected.

You know your famiIy's
at the tippy-top of my Iist of priorities.

The guy she was with was connected.

Mobbed-up-to-the-eyebaIIs connected.
She wasn't the target.

And you're weIcome.


Uh, technicaIIy, I did get here, Iike,
10 seconds before this guy.

Keep the change.

So, Tommy,
what brings you by so Iate?

WeII, I assumed, rightIy, that you wouId
be at home working tonight...

...and I aIso assumed
that you might be hungry. AIso rightIy.

I don't know.

This is a mushroom and oIive pizza
from Mario's.

Oh, that is damn good pie.

-AII right. What do you have to offer?
-Spicy tuna on crispy rice from Toro.


Damn you, MerIyn.
I hope sushi was aII you had in mind.

Uh, actuaIIy, there was something
that I wanted to ask you.

-And what's that?
-WiII you go out with me?

Like, on a date?

You brought me dinner
to ask me to dinner?

Oh, uh, weII, I aIso did throw you
a reaIIy big charity gaIa.

See, I thought you threw it for
the hundreds of peopIe it wouId benefit.

Oh, yeah, hundreds of peopIe.
PIus one more.

-Tommy, heh.

I get it. Okay, this is aII happening
for us in the wrong order.

First, we're friends for many years...

...and then, briefIy,
we are friends with benefits...

...extremeIy exceIIent benefits,
and now I'm just hoping...

...that we can be two peopIe
sitting at the same restaurant... the same tabIe at the same time.

See, when I say it Iike that,
it doesn't sound so scary, does it?

OIiver, your mom's nearIy kiIIed...

...I think you can take a day off
from training.

My mother wasn't the target.

This man was. PauI Copani.

He was trying to cIose a deaI with her
when they were shot at.


Copani works
for BertineIIi Construction.

-And Frank BertineIIi.
-The mob boss.

I did some digging.

Copani isn't the first member
of BertineIIi's crew who's been hit.

You did some digging.

BertineIIi has a Iot of enemies.

The best way to figure out
who's trying to target his organization... to get inside of it.
-So Iet me get this right, OIiver.

Your mother's shot at, nearIy kiIIed, and
the way you process this emotionaIIy... by going undercover with the mob.
-I'm not trying to process it emotionaIIy.

Yeah, weII,
maybe that's your probIem, man.

You ever thought about
just being there for your famiIy?

I tried that today with Thea.

She toId me I wasn't being honest
with her and she's right.

I can't very weII expIain to her
that I Ieft our mother aIone...

...and bIeeding on the pavement
because I'm fast enough... aImost run down the attacker.

But what I can do
is protect my famiIy.

And, DiggIe, when I find out
who this guy is, he's a dead man.

-Speedy, where you going?

Which is difficuIt to do in your house
and not at an actuaI cIub.

I have to go out tonight.

-I thought you'd be watching Mom.
-I've spent the whoIe day with her.

-I thought you were taking the night shift.
-I'm sorry, but this thing, it's important.


You know, sometimes, OIIie,
I just don't get you.

And by ''sometimes'' I mean never.

You're not the first person
to say that to me today.

Why am I not surprised?

-Oh, nice dress. Where you headed?
-Upstairs. ApparentIy.

-Long story.
-Hey, I heard about your mom.

-Is she aII right?
-WeII, she's resting upstairs.

More shaken up than anything.

I gotta run to this, uh, business thing.
I appreciate you stopping by.

No probIem.
Just so Iong as your mom's aII right.


Hey, one more thing.

MainIy because I don't want you
to find this out from someone eIse...

...that someone eIse
especiaIIy being LaureI...


...we're going to dinner,
as in a, uh, date.

That's good.

LaureI deserves someone speciaI
and so do you.

Thanks, man.

-I gotta run to this thing.
-AbsoIuteIy. I'II catch you Iater.

Oh, and, uh, Tommy, if you hurt her,
I'II snap your neck.

I'm just kidding, heh.


Mr. BertineIIi.

-CaII me Frank.
-CaII me OIiver.

Yeah, heh.

Thank you for agreeing to meet me
at my home.

Living rooms make
the best conference rooms.

-Oh, I'm gonna steaI that.

-Nick SaIvati, my associate.
-How do you do?

Let's have a drink.

So, what are you in the mood for, hmm?

We couId watch reaIity housewife
cooking show or Cop Docs.

It's where doctors run around
fighting crime...

...when they're not aII
sIeeping with each other.


Whatever you want, sweetheart.

You're the one who's given up
your evening out.

Aw, it's not Iike there's anybody eIse
who couId be staying with you.


-Oh, wait, yes, there is.
-Don't be too harsh on your brother.


Why not? I mean,
aren't you getting, heh, sick of his Iies?

Thea, everyone has secrets.

I mean, we aII have things
that we wanna keep to ourseIves.

I just don't get him sometimes.

I know.

I know.

You know, being in that hospitaI
and seeing Dr. Lamb again... made me remember the day
that OIiver came home.

It was Dr. Lamb that toId me
that the OIiver we'd Iost...

...might not be the OIiver
that they'd found.

I think it's easy to forget, but he Iived
apart from civiIization for 5 years.


-So, what, he gets, Iike, a free pass?
-No, no, no, not at aII.

I just think we need to stop judging him
for the OIiver he was...

...and start accepting him
for the OIiver that he is.

So, OIiver, I'II be honest with you,
I was surprised to hear from you.

It was my impression from the news...

...that you weren't gonna be invoIved
with your famiIy's business.

There were a few catchphrases I missed
whiIe I was away for five years.

One of them being
Iame-stream media.


-The press never gets anything right.
-Oh, I know a thing or two about that.


-So, OIiver, I'II be bIunt.

I want the contract... buiId Queen ConsoIidated's
new appIied sciences division.

-And I'm incIined to give it to you.
-Your mother wasn't so enthusiastic.

-How is she by the way?
-She's recuperating at home, thank you.

What a terribIe thing.

And, Frank, I was very sorry to hear
about what happened to PauI Copani.

PauI was a good friend.
He was a good man.


The vioIence in this city....

Sometimes I wonder why I stay.

I had the same thought.

So why'd you come back?

You couId have settIed
anywhere in the worId.

Because StarIing City is my home.


No matter which way you go or turn,
you aIways end up at home.

-OIiver, this is my daughter, HeIena.

-Nice to meet you. I'm heading out.
-AII right. Take one of the guys with you.

-I can take care of myseIf.

I wasn't asking, sweetie.

Frank, that meeting you requested?
They can do it.


-I can come back another time.
-No, no, no. Just, uh....

Just excuse us for a moment,
wouId you?

OLIVER: Mm-hm.
-Thank you.

OIiver Queen.
The rich man's Lindsay Lohan.

Look, um...

...I've gotta go to this other meeting.

But I need someone
to take him to dinner.

So you pimp out your daughter.

No, I ask her to heIp me
cIose a business deaI.

I remind her
that the famiIy business is dying...

...and that we need this contract
and OIiver Queen can give it to us.

PIease, sweet pea, huh?
For us. For me, hmm?

That's my girI.

OIiver, I'm so sorry,
something has come up.

But HeIena wouId Iove to take you
to dinner and discuss the deaI further.


I was hoping to speak with you.

WeII, as you, uh, speak for your famiIy,
my daughter aIso speaks for ours.

It's reaIIy not necessary.

-It'd be my pIeasure.

I Iook forward to working together.

FRANK: Thank you for coming.
-Anything for a friend.


We're not responsibIe
for the attacks on your peopIe.

These attacks on my business,
on my famiIy's IifebIood, they stop now.

Or I'm coming for you.


What does the Triad have to gain
by provoking you?

WeII, no one ever credited the Triad
with rationaI thinking.

If not them, then who?

Whoever it is...

...when l find out who's behind this,
there will be blood.

BertineIIi's ready to put the screws
to everyone...

...who pays him protection money.

Three of his best earners
have been murdered.

He's gotta make up the cash

Whoever is pruning the famiIy tree
is Iooking to make BertineIIi suffer.

-You think it's one of the other famiIies?

Then who?

According to the coroner,
none of the vics took a cIean shot.

HaIf the buIIets missed.
Our kiIIer is not a pro.

That's not stopping them
from puIIing that trigger.

That's up to us.

Or this is gonna bIow up
into an aII-out mob war.

-You're an angeI, HeIena. So beautifuI.

WeII, we are gonna take good care
of both of you tonight.

-You'II teII your father heIIo from us?
-Of course, Mr. Russo.

-I'II give you a minute.
-Thank you.

I heard about your mother's accident.

-Is she gonna be okay?
-She's gonna be fine. Thanks.

I'm gIad.

So why wouId you wanna go
into business with my father?

You know who he is
and how he made his money.

You don't approve
of your famiIy's enterprises?

We share a name.

That name defines us
whether we want it to or not.

You've aIready made judgments
about me...

...Iike I've made judgments about you.

I'm the rich man's Lindsay Lohan.

Heh, sorry.

-That's okay.

-Hey, can I ask you something?

I know it must have been heII for you...

...aIone on that isIand for five years,
but, um....

But what?

But was there ever a day when you were
just happy to be away from everything?

No pressure from your famiIy.

No need to be the person
that everyone eIse expects you to be.

-Was there ever a day when--?
-When I didn't feeI Iost, that I feIt...


More than one and, uh....

And those are the days that I miss.


-What, is it too spicy for you, MerIyn?
-No. No, not reaIIy.

I'm just, um, crying because I was thinking
of a HaIImark commerciaI...

...I saw earIier today
featuring a sick kitty.

It was very emotionaI.


WAITER: WiII there be anything eIse?
-No, thank you.


Thanks for Ietting me
take you to dinner.

WeII, thank you
for Ietting me choose Indian.

Yeah, I read this articIe
by a fiIm critic once who said...

...if he couId have one wish it wouId be
to watch his favorite movie again...

...for the first time.

I kind of wish that was us.

So you want dinner and a movie?


I wish we had just met,
and that aII this was just beginning...

...and there wasn't so much of me
I wish you'd forget.

WeII, keep saying nice things
Iike that...

...and maybe next time
I'II Iet you choose the restaurant.

-Mr. MerIyn?

I'm sorry, I'm afraid your credit card
has been decIined.

You swipe it a few times?
Sometimes those things can be gIitchy.

I did. And, um, I'm afraid the credit card
company wants me to confiscate it.


OLIVER: PeopIe are aIways asking me
what did I miss the most.


Uh, air conditioning.
SateIIite radio. TagIia....



Those are the answers I give because
those are the answers they're expecting.

-Why can't you just be truthfuI?
-I don't know how truthfuI I can be.

You've been through a crucibIe.
And it changed you. How couId it not?

That's beautifuI. Your cross.

-It's a gift. From my fianc?.
-Heh, fianc?.

-I didn't know you were engaged.
-I'm not. Anymore.

-He died.
-I'm sorry.

Me too.

That was my crucibIe.

Boy, it's nice to....

It's reaIIy nice to be with someone
that I can be myseIf with.

It's nice to be with someone
who knows how hard it can be.


-Ugh, I'm reaIIy sorry.
-It's okay. Take it.

Thank you.

DIGGLE: Hey, it's Dig.

Something came up.

You gotta get out of there
and call me back.

HeIena, I have to go.
There's something that I have to do.

It's about my mother.
Otherwise, I wouId, uh, stay.

And I wouId Iike that.

Uh, my father wouId kiII me
if I Iet you pay.


I have a confession.

-I didn't wanna go out with you tonight.
-That makes two of us.

I'm reaIIy gIad that I did.

That makes two of us.



Be carefuI with my father.


Thea, you don't need to knock,


What about me?

I hope you don't mind.

Thea Iet me in.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to see how your recovery
was going.

SureIy someone of your means
has a teIephone.

I Iike to see someone when I have
something important to taIk about.

We used to be friends, Moira.

I stiII remember that time.

You, me and Robert.

Which is why I came by.

You are a vitaI part
of StarIing City's future.

Robert feared that future.

He Iost his conviction.

It's been my experience that
when someone has a brush with death...

...Iike you experienced today, even their
deepest heId convictions can change.

-Have they?

You didn't have to say it.

I can see that they haven't.

-What happened?
-Yeah, it's what's about to happen.

BertineIIi's enforcer, Nick SaIvati?

Yeah, we drank a Scotch together,
he seems Iike a reaI stand-up mobster.

He's paying visits to everyone
who owes the mob protection money.

I'm trying to figure out
who took a shot at my mother...

...not take on aII of organized crime.

SaIvati and his goons have put
four peopIe in the hospitaI...

...and if somebody doesn't stop him...

...the poor bastard
who owns Russo's is next.

-Wait, wait. Russo's?
-lt's at the corner of Adams--

I know where it is. I'm here right now.


I was having dinner
with BertineIIi's daughter.

You're supposed to be undercover...

-...not speed dating.
-I didn't have a choice.

Yeah, weII, uh, I've seen her on the web.
You made quite the sacrifice.

SaIvati's here.

I'm sorry, we're cIosed.

Huh? Mr. SaIvati.


-Uh, I have some fresh-made Iasagna.
SALVATI: We're not here for food, Mr. Russo.

-Your payment's due.
-I aIready made my payment this month.

You need to pay again.

I can't afford to make
another payment if I'm--

Going to what? Restock your bar?

-Break his fingers.
-Leave him aIone!

-Break hers too.
-No, don't touch her!







I don't understand.

-Why is she targeting her famiIy?
-I don't know.

-Here I thought you had parentaI issues.
-This is not ajoke, DiggIe.

OIiver, you're not faIIing for this girI,
are you?

Because I know
you can't be that crazy.

HeIena BertineIIi shot at your mother.

She aIso murdered four men
in coId bIood.

She has to have reasons
for what she's doing.


Since when do you care
about the bad guy's reasons?

Oh, she is bad guy, OIiver.
She's the kiIIer.

Whatever's going on in your head,
get it straight.

Any attempt on his right hand... gonna send your new friend's father
on a warpath.

I know what I'm doing.

Now I know how your famiIy feeIs
when you Iie to them.

Is this the onIy angIe you've got?

The Russos chintzed out a bit
on their security package.

Somebody's in the wings with a gun
shooting at these guys.

-What do you got from earIier? Yeah.
-Before the shooting?

Business dinner, birthday dinner,
coupIe of bIind dates.

Any guests
of the Chinese persuasion?

-Humor me.

Whoa, whoa.

-Wait. Wait a second, what was that?
-HeIp yourseIf.

Come on.

Son of a bitch.


Detective. Is everything okay?

Your, um....

Your buddy with the arrows
was at Russo's Iast night.

And I was there earIier with a date. So,
what, you think I'm the hood guy again?

Heh, no.

Your date. HeIena BertineIIi.
If I were you, I'd stay away from her.

Her famiIy is bad news on a good day.

Why the sudden concern
for my weII-being?

A few weeks ago, I made a mistake.

I aImost got you kiIIed.

And you feIt Iike you owed me one?

If I did, as far as I'm concerned,
this cIears the books.

Can I taIk to you? Dad.

MALCOLM: In case you haven't noticed,
I'm a IittIe occupied at the moment.

I just taIked to the accountant.
He said my accounts were frozen.

He said my credit cards
were aII canceIed.

MALCOLM: I pay Sandy a king's ransom
each year in fees, Tommy.

When it comes to money,
if he says it's so, it's so.

Do you think this is ajoke?



You are.

AIthough, I must say,
your chronic irresponsibiIity...

...and terminaI Iaziness
has Iost its humor.


You're wondering why now.

-The better question is why not sooner?

-It's my trust fund.
-Which is comprised of my money.

Oh, excuse me.

Was comprised.


-How did you find me here?
-I foIIowed you from your house.

Your fianc??


You said that Iosing him
was your crucibIe.

That it changed you.
You didn't say how.

When you Iove someone
as much as I Ioved him...

...with aII of your heart...

...then you can't just turn that emotion
off when they're taken from you.

You stiII feeI things as deepIy.
And if it....

If it can't be Iove that you feeI...

...then it becomes hate.

Hate for who?


You shouId stay away from me.


Get in.

My father is going to kiII you for this.



I've been wanting to do that for years,
you spoiIed bitch.

I knew it was someone from the inside
waging war against your father and me.

I just never thought it'd be this inside.


You dropped this at Russo's.

You're smarter
than I gave you credit for, Nicky.

-You're not.

You're a businessman, right?
So Iet's taIk business.

I can offer you a Iot of money
if you Iet us go.

This isn't about money, Richie Rich.
This is about IoyaIty.

HELENA: He's got nothing to do
with any of this.

SALVATI: Then what the heII is it about?
-My father had MichaeI murdered.


Of course he did.
He didn't want you to know the truth.

Your rat of a fianc?
was gathering evidence.

He was taIking to the frigging FBI.

The Iove of your Iife
was going to destroy your father.

You're wrong.


We found a Iaptop in MichaeI's bag,

Everything that couId send your father
and me to prison...

...for the rest of our Iives was on it.

-That computer--
-Was mine.

MichaeI wasn't the one
taIking to the FBI. I was.

-My father is a monster...

...who doesn't care who he hurts
to keep his money and power.

And I wanted it to stop.

SALVATI: WeII, then it's your fauIt
MichaeI's dead.

Not your father for ordering the hit
or me for carrying it out.


You shot MichaeI?

In the chest. So he knew it was me.

Just Iike this.


You're gonna burn in heII.

It'II be worth it.




I didn't have a choice, OIiver.

No one can know my secret.

CSU didn't find any usabIe prints
except for the three victims'.

One of them had a GSW to the chest.

So who broke the necks
of SaIvati and his buddy?

Look, it's been a whiIe
since the hood broke anyone's neck.

And I didn't see any arrows
Iaying around.

WeII, better pray that Frank BertineIIi
bIames the hood for this.

Because if he thinks it's the Triad...

...StarIing City is ground zero
to WorId War III.


You okay?

-Spoke to my dad today.
-I bet that was fun.

He expIained to me what happened
with my credit card yesterday.

And my checking account,
my savings account... brokerage account,
my stock portfoIio.

He cut me off compIeteIy.


My car got repossessed. That was fun.

And I have to move out of my apartment
by the end of the month.

You are gonna be fine, Tommy.


In fact, you are gonna be great.

MerIyn money or not.

And, you know...

...I have a mushroom
and oIive Mario pizza... my refrigerator
waiting to be eaten.

-I suppose it's aIready paid for, right?

-When did you get back?
-Just now.


-I'm so happy to see you.

But did you come home onIy
because you heard I was hurt?


I was aIready on my way
when Thea caIIed.

I actuaIIy came home
because I missed my wife.

It's okay.

-Is she aII right?
-WaIter's home.

She's gonna be fine.

Look, I'm sorry if I was a bitch
with you earIier.

There were a few times.

-CouId you be more specific?
-Don't push it.

Don't worry. You weren't a bitch.

At the hospitaI, you were a IittIe....
A IittIe bit.


Look, I'm just worried about you.

You seem reaIIy IoneIy.
And we aII have our secrets, OIIie.

CIearIy you have yours.

And it's fine
if you don't wanna share them with us.

But I just reaIIy think you shouId
share them with someone.

I'd ask how you got in here...

...but the StarIing City vigiIante
comes and goes... he pIeases, doesn't he?

How'd you know?

I saw you fight.

And I saw your eyes.

That isIand changed you in ways that
onIy someone Iike me couId understand.


What you're doing right now...

...I know that it feeIs Iike justice,
but it's not.

-It's revenge.
-Sometimes revenge is justice.

-Your father kiIIed your fianc?.
-And what did your father do to you?

Isn't the man in the hood
fighting to set things right?

Why is your vendetta more vaIid
than mine?

We're the same, you and I.

-No, we're not.

Hiding in pIain sight.

ConceaIing our anger
with smiIes and Iies.

Don't Iie to me, OIiver.

You feeI the same as I do. I know it.

Why are you crying?

I don't know.

Maybe it's because I have been aIone
in my hate for so Iong.

-It feeIs--
-So good to teII the truth.

[EngIish - US - SDH]

My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, l was stranded on an island
with only one goal:


Oliver Queen is alive.

Now l will fulfill my father's dying wish:

To use the list of names he left me...

...and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.

To do this, l must become someone else.

l must become something else.

Previously on Arrow:

The company Mrs. Queen invested in
doesn't exist.

Tempest purchased a warehouse
in StarIing City.

OIiver, this is my daughter, HeIena.

The StarIing City vigiIante comes
and goes as he pIeases, doesn't he?

-How did you know?
HELENA: I saw you fight.

-I saw your eyes.
SALVATI: It's your fauIt MichaeI's dead.

Not your father for ordering the hit
or me for carrying it out.

That isIand changed you.
OnIy someone Iike me couId understand.

I know that it feeIs Iike justice,
but it's not.

Revenge is justice.

You feeI the same as I do. I know it.



HELENA: Take your hands off me.
-What do you think you were doing?

That man was the Ieader of the Triad.

My father bIames them
for the recent hits against his men.

-These are men you kiIIed.
-That's right.

I take out Zhishan and the Triad retaIiates.
I've weakened my father's organization... the point where there's no way
he can survive their onsIaught.

What, and then you have your revenge?

Then I have justice.

For what he did to MichaeI and me.

It's not justice.

And what you do is?

WouId you Iet me show you?


Get you anything eIse?

No, thank you, CarIy.

Where's my brother-in-Iaw?

It's Iate and this is the GIades.
ShouIdn't he be keeping you safe?

She's tougher than she Iooks.

I haven't been on a second date
in a whiIe.

FeeIs good so far.

Look, we sIept together
and it was reaIIy nice, and I needed it.

-But I'm not Iooking for anything.
-Because you have everything figured out.

I don't think you're one to judge.
I saw you kiII peopIe.

I kiII peopIe when it is absoIuteIy necessary.
It's not my opening move.

And the way you're going,
you're gonna get somebody hurt...

...Iike my mother or yourseIf.

I'm sorry about your mother.
That was an accident.

How many accidents have to happen before
you're done getting back at your father?

HopefuIIy none.

But I am not getting back at him.

I am stripping away everything
that has meaning to him...

...Iike he did to me
when he had MichaeI kiIIed.

What if I show you another way?

A way that you couId take down
your father's organization...

...without putting innocent peopIe
at risk?

Thank you for the coffee...

...and the sex, but I am not interested.

I don't know where the next OIympics are...

...but you might wanna think about
signing yourseIf up.

So you wanna taIk about Iast night?

Okay. Last time you and I spoke,
you were on your way... stop HeIena BertineIIi
from her one-woman war against the Mafia.

How'd that work out for you?

Nick SaIvati,
Frank BertineIIi's right hand...

...was found with his neck snapped,
aIong with a few of his thugs.

Was that her or you?

I was with HeIena
when SaIvati jumped us.

-We didn't have a choice.

She knows, DiggIe. About me.
It was my secret or her Iife.

It's not just your secret anymore, OIiver.
This woman's a kiIIer...

-...dropping bodies aII over the city.
-She's not what you think she is.

Three years ago,
she was gonna turn her father in.

She put everything she had on a Iaptop.

Her father found it, thought it beIonged
to her fianc?, and had him murdered.

AII right, that's a heavy thing, but it doesn't
change the fact that she is dangerous.

And if BertineIIi retaIiates against the Triad,
or is perceived to...

...the Triad is gonna rain down heII
and innocent peopIe are gonna be kiIIed.

She's Iost, DiggIe.

And whether she knows it or not,
I can save her.

-Stop her from doing anything reckIess.
-That's just it. You can't save her.

-Some peopIe don't change.
-She can. I can heIp her.

AII right, maybe you think
you're more persuasive than you are...

...or she thinks she's fine the way she is
on her mission of righteous fury.

Whatever it is, either way, aII of this,
it ends badIy.

Either way...

...I gotta try.

Where are you off to so earIy?
You just got home.

TroubIe with traveIing for a few weeks
is a few weeks' worth of work piIing up.

I just want to dig my way out
from underneath it.

Of course.

What is it?

We haven't spoken since you Ieft.

ReaIIy spoken.

I know.

WeII, I can imagine finding out
that I had Robert's yacht saIvaged...

...and that he was murdered
was a Iot for you to take in.

Yes, it was.

I just don't want you to feeI
that you can't trust me anymore.

I wasn't Iying to hurt you,
but to keep you safe.

I haven't changed, WaIter.

I'm stiII the woman you feII in Iove with
and married.

Do you see that?

Yeah, of course I do.

I just want us to agree to be honest
with one another moving forward.

Yes, of course.


...wiII you give me a Iift to schooI?

I Iike to mix it up sometimes
and actuaIIy be on time.

WeII, that wouId be my parentaI priviIege.

Or you couId just buy me a convertibIe
and then we couId avoid this.

WALTER: What, and miss out on aII those
wonderfuI conversations we have in the car?

I don't think so.

DINA: I'm so sorry, Frank. Last thing you need
is me crying on your shouIder aII night.

I just can't beIieve that Nick is gone.

Dina, Iook, you and Nicky,
you're Iike famiIy to me, okay?

And in my famiIy,
we take care of our own, okay?

I'm sorry for your Ioss.

Nick was Iike a brother to me.

Come on.

We'II taIk to you soon. Okay.

I'm gonna find
the son of a bitch who did this...

...and on my Iife,
I am gonna make him pay.


You know, that girI's
aIways forgetting something.

Frank, sorry to drop by unannounced.

No, no, no, come on in.
It's aII right, come on in.

I know, uh, that we've been working
on that construction deaI.

And I'm sorry for dropping the baII.
We've had a death in the famiIy.

-I'm terribIy sorry to hear that.
-Thank you.

ActuaIIy, though,
I'm not here to discuss business.

Oh, okay.

WeII, this is one merger
I won't stand in the way of.

Excuse me, sweetie.
A father knows when he's not needed.

Was I not cIear
that I wasn't interested in taIking?

You don't have to taIk.

Who was she?

Somebody I knew a Iong time ago.

I was dating her sister
and it was getting serious.

But back then, I did not do serious weII.

But I was exceIIent
at screwing things up.

I started sIeeping with Sara.

I started sIeeping
with my girIfriend's sister.

I brought her on the yacht and she died.

Right in front of me.

And I hurt-- I hurt her famiIy.

I just didn't care.

Before the isIand, I wasn't a good person.
I was...

...seIfish and thoughtIess and awfuI.

And it affected, reaIIy affected peopIe.

PeopIe I Iove.

Because, HeIena, you're on an isIand too.

OIiver, I want to Iet you in.

But MichaeI was the Iast man
I opened up to.

-I can't be hurt again.

I'II never hurt you.

I promise.

Ah, ah. ReIax. ReIax, reIax, reIax.

Now puII back gentIy.

You need aII three fingers to come off
the bowstring at the same time. ReIax.


And reIease.


-This is a waste of time.
-I'm teaching you something.

-The Ieast effective way to shoot peopIe?
-No, controI.

To use a bow and arrow
requires patience and discipIine.

I can do this aII day. It's kind of fun.

I Iove a man with stamina.

Our crusades
have something in common.

Mine started with my father too.

He Ieft me with a Iist.

Of peopIe who need to be reminded
that StarIing City isn't theirs for the taking.

Anthony Venza's in here.

He works for my dad.
He deaIs iIIegaI prescription piIIs.

DiggIe, this is HeIena.

DiggIe is my...


-WeII, any associate of OIiver's--
-Is absoIuteIy nothing to you, ma'am.

I'II Ieave you to associate.

She knows my name. That's IoveIy.

-You can trust her.
-Except I don't.

-You sIeeping with this girI?
-I don't think that's your business.

It became my business
when you brought me into this.

When I signed on, I toId you
I was gonna keep your head straight.

But you're IoneIy.
LoneIier than you wanna admit.

You think you can change this girI
because you need to think you can.

Like a dope fiend who deaIs
with his own addiction... making another addict go straight.

OIiver, what you do is dangerous.

Getting confused about who's good and bad
is a good way to get yourseIf dead.

You done?

Yeah, I'm done.

With this.

Everything eIse? I don't know.

I don't know, OIiver. You teII me.

Hope you don't have pIans
tomorrow night.

I just got us a rez at that new restaurant,
TabIe SaIt. Opening night.

-Isn't that pIace ridicuIousIy expensive?
-Everywhere worth going is.

Aw, you have the cutest crinkIe in your forehead
when you're worried.

Stop. This is serious. I thought
you were gonna Iive more frugaIIy.

Yeah, I know, everybody's a grown-up
except for me.

Even OIiver has ajob.
He's working on that new nightcIub.

You have thinky face. Why thinky face?

-Thought about asking OIiver for ajob?
-Not even once.

This isn't a quaIity
that I Iove most about you...

...but you do know the cIub scene
and how to have fun.

You make some very vaIid points.

I'II take care of it. I'II taIk to OIIie Iater.
We'II see what he thinks.

He is gonna think it's a great idea.

How was your trip to AustraIia?

I've aIways wanted to go down under.

It's just I have this thing about kangaroos.
More of a phobia. They wig me out.

They Iook eviI. I'm sure their picture's
on everything in that country.

You had something important to teII me,
Ms. Smoak?

Yes, I did. It's about Tempest.

Your wife's mysterious LLC.
The one she diverted company funds to.

I appreciate your diIigence, but it was
a misunderstanding between my wife and I.

-Everything's been resoIved.
-No, see, it hasn't.

There was something about
the money transfer that feIt hinky to me.

The money your wife withdrew,
I wasn't the onIy one who tracked it.

She was being shadowed by another entity.
And whoever it is, they're good. NSA good.

But as you know, I'm good too.

So even though they Ieft aImost no trace
of their presence in our system...

...I did manage to find one thing.

WeII, one image.

Does that symboI mean something
to you, sir?


What means something to me
is one of my empIoyees...

...prying into my wife's private business
without authorization.

And shouId it happen again,
I'II have you suspended.

Is that cIear?


-Where's your friend?
OLIVER: Just the two of us tonight.

Oh, reaIIy?
And what did you have in mind?

An object Iesson.

-We're going after Anthony Venza?
-Yes, but we're doing it on my terms.

Your father Ioses a piece
of his organization...

...but no innocent peopIe get hurt
in the process.

-What is it?
-I expIained...

...guns were weapons of emotion
and unpredictabiIity...

...but since you are far from an expert
at archery, this wiII have to do for now.

I Iike it.

But you can't go out Iike that.

Why? You got a spare hood?

Does it come in purpIe?


I Iike purpIe.

This isn't crack.

Anyone can seII crack.

AII you need is a street corner
and a hoodie.

This is pharmaceuticaI-grade

It is caviar. It is champagne.

And you seII this in fancy houses at parties...

...with rich kids that got money to burn.

Check it out.


Whoever you are, you reaIIy think you're
gonna get out of here in one piece?

I was thinking the same thing.

Anthony Venza.

You have faiIed this city.


PIease, just don't hurt me.

Aw. How about just a IittIe?

OLIVER: MiIIions of doIIars' worth
of iIIegaI drugs confiscated.

A massive bIow
to your father's criminaI proceeds.

And nobody had to die.


What do you think?

I think this feeIs good.

And not just the justice part.

Anthony Venza was arrested last night.

The police confiscated a warehouse
full of illegal prescription drugs...

...with a street value estimated
in the millions.

Several unconfirmed witnesses
reported seeing the Starling City Vigilante...

...leaving the scene with another unknown
accomplice, possibly a woman.

Bad year?

The scotch, I mean.

Yeah, sorry.

Another business setback.


You Iook beautifuI.


OIiver Queen?


Aw. It's nice to see you happy again.

It's been too Iong.



Yeah, yeah, I heard about Venza.

Yeah, I know where that Ieaves us!

l'm sorry to rush out.

I have this impromptu
board of directors meeting...

...with the
StarIing City Modern Art Museum.

I don't know much about art,
but I do know how to pay for it.

No worries.

-Whip them into shape.
-Yes, sir.

I'II see you when I get back.


WeII, it's onIy been 30 minutes.
That's not too bad for an opening.

If they don't seat us soon,
I'm going to write a horribIe review onIine.

Let me see what I can do.

Hey, I am Ioving the CavaIIi.

Uh, Iook, I'm Tommy MerIyn. Is there any way
that we can go to the head of the cIass?

Is there?


Let us know when our tabIe's ready, okay?

Maybe you can eat
some of those fancy peanuts...

-...from behind the bar.

Hey, OIiver and someone.

Tommy, LaureI, this is HeIena.

-Nice to meet you.


-You Iook beautifuI.
-Thank you.

Mr. Queen, your tabIe is ready.

-When wiII our tabIe be ready?
-When it is.

-Why don't you both join us?
TOMMY: We're gonna have a drink--

-We'd Iove to.
-Are you sure?

I'm sure I'm hungry.

That-- Ahem. That's-- That'II be-- It'II be great.

-That sounds great. There you go.

OLIVER: I had forgotten that.
You fiIIed your parents' pooI with beer.

-How many kegs did that take?
-RoughIy a thousand or so.


So his father was so pissed, I thought
he was actuaIIy gonna drown you in it.

Death by beer, there's worse ways to go.
Right, HeIena?

WeII, there are no good ways to die.

So, uh, how did you and Tommy meet?

ActuaIIy, we've aII known each other

We've aII known each other forever.

You three have a Iot of history.

Sometimes a IittIe too much.


So how's the nightcIub coming aIong?

SIower than I expected it to.
I've, uh, been busy.

-You must be happy to have the heIp.
-What do you mean?

I'm sure that OIiver doesn't want
to taIk about work right now.

-You didn't ask him?
-Ask me what?

Tommy wanted--

Tommy said that he was gonna taIk to you
about working for you at your nightcIub.



Sorry, I didn't think that you wanted
any responsibiIity at aII.

Who'd beIieve that?

You've aIways wanted
to get into business with Tommy.

Remember when we went to Aspen
and you wanted to open a ski Iodge?

The thing I remember from Aspen...

...was your father being furious
we shared a room with one bed.



So you two were together
and now you're dating his best friend?

Yeah, we're just primed
for a reaIity show, aren't we?

Tommy, you working for me,
that couId be fun.

I don't feeI so good.
I'm gonna step outside.

I shouId probabIy go check on him.
HeIena, it was very nice to meet you.

Tommy, why are you so upset?

Why did you say something
about the job?

-You were supposed to taIk to him.
-WeII, I hadn't.

-I didn't reaIize. I was trying to heIp.
-You were trying to get OIiver to heIp.

You know, it's typicaI LaureI,
aIways running to her white knight.

It's OIiver and LaureI. It aIways has been.

That's not gonna change.

OIiver and I are over.

You seemed awfuIIy bothered
by his new girIfriend.

-What, am I supposed to Iike her?
-I do not wanna be OIiver's charity case.

To every day be reminded
that I can't give you everything he couId.

You know, Iosing a fortune
I think is gonna be easier than Iosing you... why don't we just stop now?

Hey, I'm sorry. How am I supposed to know
it's gonna get so weird in there?

No, I'm sorry.
Sorry I ever Iistened to you.

-HeIena, wait.
-You know what I've been through.

I toId you I couIdn't be hurt again.

I'm not trying to hurt you.

So making me have dinner
with the Iove of your Iife is what, OIiver?

LaureI was the girI
things were getting too serious with.

The girI whose sister's grave
you used to manipuIate me.

I saw the way you Iooked at her.
That kind of Iove doesn't die.

-And you stiII Iove her.
-I don't.


-No, don't.

Don't touch me. I am done taIking.

I came to apoIogize.

I know you were just trying to heIp.

I guess I wasn't ready to face reaIity.

This is just so new, you and me,
and I didn't want you to see I'm scared.

I'm aImost 30 years oId and I've never been
given an ounce of responsibiIity in my Iife.

You, you are driven and inteIIigent.

You're a miIIion times too good for me
even before I was broke.

And now I have absoIuteIy nothing
to bring to whatever this is.

I never cared about the money.

And truth be toId, ''biIIionaire''
was your Ieast attractive quaIity.

I am so sorry if I pushed you too hard
on the job with OIiver.

I just-- I thought you working for him
was a good idea because he's your friend...

...and it's okay to ask a friend for heIp.

You won't Iose your street cred.

I am happy to Iose my street cred.
I just don't want to Iose you.


...I'm not saying that it's gonna be easy.

But I'm here for you
if you need someone to Iean on.

That's what peopIe do
when they're together.

Together Iike boyfriend-girIfriend?

Do not ruin this moment.

It was going so weII for you. Ha-ha-ha.

I didn't expect to hear from you tonight.

Something happen?

I think you were right.

-Okay. About which part?
-AII of it.

I shouId have Iistened to you.

OIiver, you said you wanted
to heIp her change.

The thing is, she aIready did change.

When her father kiIIed her fianc?,
she changed into something dark and twisted.

You see that now, don't you?

It's not that I-- It's not that
I couIdn't see it, DiggIe. I didn't--

I didn't want to.

I'm Iiving a doubIe Iife.

And to do that,
I'm taking aII these peopIe I Iove...

...and I am putting them at arm's Iength.
I'm giving up a Iot. So maybe--

Maybe I thought the universe
owed me one.

But I Iooked into her eyes tonight.

And I can't stop her
from going over the edge.

She's-- She's aIready past it.







I don't speak Chinese.

So I'm just gonna assume
you said goodbye.


TeII your mistress
Frank BertineIIi sends his regards.

You wanted to see me, Mr. SteeIe?

Did I mention it's aImost Christmas?

Many of the suicides this time of year are
due to sudden and unexpected jobIessness.

I want you to find out aII you can
about that notebook.

Where it was made, how it was purchased,
what it couId mean.

-Yes, sir.

I asked Josiah Hudson,
our head of security... Iook into the same subject matter.

He died the next day
under questionabIe circumstances.

What I may be asking of you,
this mystery...

...are you sure you want to do this?

I hate mysteries.

They bug me.

[They need to be soIved.

lt's Dig. What's the situation?


MAN [OVER PHONE]: Boss, we just got word.
Somebody hit Zhishan. He's dead.

AII right, then we know
what's coming next.

TeII everyone to strap up.


Ricco's not answering his waIkie.
Check it out.


Frank BertineIIi, this is for Zhishan.




HeIena, what is this?

Payback for MichaeI.

I know you had him kiIIed.
SaIvati toId me.

I did that to protect the famiIy!

I had to take everything away from you
because you took everything away from me.

You finaIIy know what it feeIs Iike... find out your own bIood is responsibIe
for the death of your entire worId.






-Hey, easy, easy. You were Iucky.

-Am I supposed to be gratefuI?
-No, HeIena--

He's a mobster, a criminaI.

Why wouId you save him?

I didn't save him.

I saved you.
You think that because you've kiIIed... understand what it's Iike
to have bIood on your hands. You don't.

You don't understand the toII
that it takes on you.

EspeciaIIy when it's your father.

I'm not going to stop.

The poIice have him in custody.
He's going to jaiI and then on to prison.

They don't have any evidence on him.

They do now.

The Iaptop.

He's going away, HeIena,
for the rest of his Iife.

This is justice.

Then I guess you were right.
I'm more interested in revenge.

Stay out of my way, OIiver.

Or I'II make sure your secret
doesn't stay secret.


What I did...

...everything that I've done,
I've done because I care about you.

Too bad I can't say the same.

Hey, you. Thanks for the caII.

-What are ex-sisters-in-Iaw for?

ChiIi cheese fries with jaIapenos. Mm.

That's a cry for heIp if I've ever seen one.

I don't know what hurts worse, this...

...or getting shot
with a curare-Iaced buIIet.

-Been there, done that. DefiniteIy the buIIet.


You know, OIiver, I'm no expert at this...

...but I don't think Iove
is about changing or saving a person.

I think it's about finding the person
who's aIready the right fit.

One day you wiII.

I think I burned that particuIar bridge.

-NapaImed it, actuaIIy.
-So things didn't work out as you pIanned.

You did save Frank BertineIIi's Iife.

He'II be doing time for a whiIe.
Justice wins out.

HeIena doesn't see it that way.

You opened up,
took a risk with your heart.

The OIiver I met a few months ago
wouId not have been abIe to do that.

And when you meet the right person,
you'II be ready for her.


-What are you doing?
-Needs to be dark if we're gonna do this.

If I'd had more time to think of that
sentence, it wouIdn't have sounded so dirty.


-I don't see anything.
-I got these from AppIied Sciences.

They're abIe to pick up the sub-visibIe
variations in the UV spectrum.

Now Iook at the book again.


Look, I'm sorry about Iast night.

I just-- I Iet it get too far, us sitting
at the same tabIe. That was--

-That was stupid.
-No, I was stupid.

I haven't been entireIy honest with you.

My dad cut me off.

He froze aII my funds.
I am Iiving on fumes.


-Why didn't you say anything?
-Embarrassment, shame, jeaIousy.

ProbabIy a few other emotions
I'm not used to feeIing.

Tommy, my trust fund is your trust fund.

No, that is the easy answer.

And beIieve me,
I have Ioved easy answers.

What I need is ajob.

I'm trying to change.

Not sure into what yet...

...but I don't wanna be
what I was anymore.

It just so happens that I have
a generaI manager position that is avaiIabIe.

-You're probabIy the guy for the job.
-WiII I get dentaI? This smiIe wasn't cheap.

-I wiII Iook into that.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-You're weIcome.

-You okay?
-I wiII be.

Something happen with HeIena?

We had a faIIing out.

But I have a feeIing
that I wiII be seeing her again.

[EngIish - US - SDH]

My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, l was stranded on an island
with only one goal...


Oliver Queen is alive.

OLIVER: Now l will fulfill my father's dying
wish, to use the list of names he left me...

...and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.

To do this, l must become someone else.

l must become something else.

Previously on Arrow:

Stop Iooking into this. It's not safe.

Accidents tend to befaII peopIe
who are too curious.

FeIicity, I want you to find out aII you can
about that notebook.

I got these from AppIied Sciences.
Look at the book again.

Where can I find the man in this picture?


IsIand dangerous,
but you not teII them where to find me.

I'm coming with you.

This is a once-in-a-Iifetime opportunity.

Look, aII I'm doing is Iooking
to get something going again.

Yeah, I know.

I know, but this time--


I'm gonna have to caII you back.


What, you come back
for another pound of fIesh?

You're gonna be disappointed, paI.
Thanks to you, I'm--


-Nice. Picking up the pace.
-CouId say the same thing about you.

You crossed three names
off your father's Iist.

Some of these guys are just giving it up.
AII I gotta do is pay them a visit.

Seems the vigiIante's reputation
is beginning to precede him.

Ah! Ugh.

Another round?


Gotta take my nephew to the maII
so he can Iet Santa know...

-...what he wants for Christmas.


I didn't even reaIize.

Because you've been Iogging so many hood
hours ever since that thing with HeIena.

I meant...

...there were no hoIidays on the isIand.
There just-- Every day was:

''How do I stay aIive?''

And to do that, you had to forget things.

Like Christmas.

My dad threw a party every year, heh...

...and he wouId put a Christmas tree
in every room.

The whoIe mansion smeIIed Iike....

It smeIIed Iike Christmas.

Maybe give the Iist a rest
and enjoy the hoIidays with your famiIy.

Besides, I hear St. Nick
has a Iist of his own.

I'd wager you're in the ''nice'' coIumn.

Go home, OIiver.


You not dead.


Where the heII have you been?

I ran out of food and water days ago.

Hey. Hey. Where you going?




He's the one who tied me up and had me
tortured aII because he was Iooking for you.

He wouId've kiIIed me
if you didn't show up.

Then you kiII him.

Or he can take you home.


He has a pIane.

A way for you off this isIand.


You Iook very pretty.
What's the occasion?

Mom and WaIter are having a dinner party
with some big muckety-mucks.

-Best night of my Iife.

Thea, why aren't there any decorations up
in the house?

What do you mean?

No wreaths. No trees.

Everyone's just been reaIIy busy IateIy.
I'm sure they haven't gotten around to it yet.

Does Mom at Ieast have
some of those boxes of candy canes?

Remember we used to race
to see who wouId finish first?

-Yeah, I aIways won.
-No, you cheated.

WeII, she went sugar-free Iast year.

So I doubt you'II be seeing
any of those around.

The thing that peopIe forget
is that Robin Hood was a criminaI.

And steaIing from the rich to give to
the poor is reaIIy the job of the Democrats.


AII joking aside,
crime is down for the first time in five years.

That's because of the changes
my department has impIemented.

Or because the vigiIante's activities have
had a chiIIing effect on the city's criminaIs.


What are your thoughts, OIiver?

I think the vigiIante needs a better code
name than ''the Hood'' or ''the hood guy.''


I agree. How about ''Green Arrow''?




Forgive me.

It's the office.

Excuse me.

I'm in the middIe of a dinner party,
so I hope this is of some importance.

FELICITY: That depends
how you define ''important.''

See, most peopIe wouId consider
finding a Iist of names...

...written in subsonic, uItravioIet,
invisibIe ink important.

But I aIready know about that, don't I?

Did you know seven of the names
on the Iist...

...are guys the vigiIante has had
in his crosshairs?

That is if bows had crosshairs,
which they don't.


But it is a rather Iong Iist, FeIicity,
so I wouId expect there to be some overIap.

Like Doug MiIIer.

Head of AppIied Sciences
at Queen ConsoIidated. What of him?

MiIIer may end up getting an arrow
in his stocking, because he's on the Iist.

So important or not?


I'm sorry. Something's come up.

Is everything okay?

The vigiIante has struck again.



I reaIIy do need to take this caII.
It's my contractor. Excuse me.

LANCE: WeII, the daughter came over,
used her key, found Dad.

Hat trick to the chest.

The hood guy.

That's what I thought at first, but these
bIack arrows aren't consistent with his M.O.

Neither is the fact that the Hood took Hunt
for $40 miIIion a few months ago.

Doesn't make sense to kiII him now.
Something doesn't add up.

We're deaIing with a copycat.

Who wouId kiII Adam Hunt
with an arrow?

I mean, other than you.

A setup, maybe.

Someone Iooking to cover up kiIIing Hunt
by making it Iook Iike the work of the Hood?

Whoever he was, he's good.
The grouping on Hunt's chest was tight.

It's a compound bow, most IikeIy.
The guy is a....

The guy's a Iegitimate archer.

So someone who wouId be particuIar
about his arrows.

We get an arrow, we get a bead
on where he purchased them.

So, what are you gonna do?

What anyone does when they need heIp.

CaII a cop.

DELIVERY MAN: Quentin Lance?

Sign here, pIease.



ARROW: l didn't kill Adam Hunt.

ARROW: You call me ''the Hood.''

lt's not a great nickname.

You toId Commissioner Nudocerdo
you might be deaIing with a copycat...

...another archer, which makes me
your best bet to take him down.

But I need your heIp.

I need one of the arrows from his murder.

We're good at puIIing down Ieads
off evidence.

Not like l am.

I can do things the poIice can't.

Go pIaces they won't.

Like I said, I don't even know who--

If this archer doesn't stop with Adam Hunt,
we both have a probIem. Think about it...

...then call me.

Number's programmed in.


Doug. Thanks for coming.

Of course.

How's construction coming
on the AppIied Sciences Center?

Over budget and behind scheduIe.
ExactIy as expected.

Is that what you wanted to see me about?

Adam Hunt...

...he was murdered Iast night
by the vigiIante.

-I read about that.
-I've been concerned by the idea...

...that the vigiIante might target
an empIoyee or officer of this company.

Security red-fIagged you.


Why wouId this guy go after me?

That's a point I was hoping
you couId shed Iight on.

From what I've read, this vigiIante
onIy goes after white-coIIar criminaIs.

WeII, Iet's just hope he doesn't decide
to branch out.


I think there shouId be a nationaI hoIiday
for the guy who invented french fries.

Or at Ieast a statue or something.

There is no Christmas party... there?

Thea, Dad threw one of these every year.

Did peopIe think
I just wasn't gonna notice?

SHANE: Hey, Thea.
-Hi, Shane.

-Uh, this is my brother, OIiver.
-Nice to meet you, Thea's brother.

Bet the food on that isIand's better
than the stuff here.

You'd Iose that bet.

We're heading down to the bay,
if you wanna come.

Thanks, but, uh, I'm spending the afternoon
with my brother.

Another time.

See you.

-How do you know that Shane guy?
-We rob banks and smoke crack together.

Heh, that's funny.
I have a feeIing I'm not gonna be a fan.

You don't even know him.

Let's change the subject.

Fine. You were gonna teII me why we're not
having the annuaI Christmas party.


When you and Dad disappeared... the time Christmas roIIed around...

...none of us feIt much Iike ceIebrating... we kind of skipped Christmas that year.

Every year.

And it's reaIIy fine, so....


No, it's reaIIy not.

We're ceIebrating Christmas.
I went five years without it...

...then Thea teIIs me you didn't have it
either and I'm the reason. So maybe now...

...I can be the reason
we have Christmas again.

I thought I wouId throw
the Queen Christmas party.



I know that I haven't been the son
or the stepson...

...or the brother that aII of you deserve,
especiaIIy IateIy...

...but this feeIs Iike the right moment
to start making up for Iost time.

What do you say?

-I say yes.
OLIVER: Yes. Okay.

I wiII take care of everything,
you don't have to do anything.

Just show up, Iook fantastic,
and bring some Christmas cheer, okay?



You're a good man, OIiver.

You're a good man.

I can see it.

WeII, beneath the priviIeged upbringing
and the weaIthy veneer.

I saw it when my man tortured you.
You wouIdn't give up your friend.

Not even a friend, reaIIy.
Someone you just met.

Shut up.

What do you know about him, hmm?

Nothing, I suspect.

Do you even know
what this isIand reaIIy is?

It's a prison.

I mean this IiteraIIy.

UntiI eight years ago,
the Chinese miIitary...

...operated this isIand as a penitentiary...

...for criminaIs deemed so dangerous...

...they couIdn't be safeIy incarcerated
on the mainIand.

When the miIitary
shut the program down... unit came in
and disposed of aII the inmates.

With the exception of two.

Your friend was one of them.

-Who was the other?
-You met him.

He presided over your interrogation.

He tortured me.

You had information I needed.

What wouId you do in my position?

What wouId you do to capture the man
who'd sIaughtered dozens of peopIe?

DougIas MiIIer came to see me today
quite concerned.

He said your husband interrogated him.

That his questions suggested a knowIedge
he shouIdn't have...

...of the Iist.

Let me taIk to him.

I think we're past the point of conversation,

A month ago you came to me and toId me
to stay away from your famiIy, and I did.

But your famiIy
isn't staying away from me...

...which means
something must be done about it.

-Don't you agree?
-Yes, I do.

And I'II handIe it.

I guess what I'm wondering is whether
it's time for our associate to handIe it.

HeII yeah, I returned the money.

Seventy-miIIion doIIars isn't worth
getting an arrow through the chest.

And you can teII him,
if he's got a probIem with that, he can--

Commissioner, this is NeIson Ravich.

The Hood hit him earIier this week.

Ravich wired back the money he embezzIed
Iess than five minutes Iater.

AII right.

We teII the press the Hood did this.

Hunt's murder is a Page-10 story, at best...

...but Ravich makes this
a seriaI-murder case.

We can't Iet the pubIic get wind of the idea
that there are two of these nutjobs around.

You want me to ignore a seriaI kiIIer?

Just catch one of these psychos.
I don't care which one.

That is a direct order
from your commanding officer.

WeII, you can forget it, then.

Fine. It's forgotten.

And you're off this case, sergeant.
Effective immediateIy.



Don't bother trying to trace this.
You'II never make it through the encryption.

There's a heating vent on the corner
of O'NeiI and Adams.

You'II find what you're after there.

ARROW: lt'd be a mistake to set a trap for me,

I'm trading away everything I beIieve in.
It's the onIy way to get this bastard.

You've got tiII Christmas,
and then, copycat or not...

...I'm coming after you.

So your friend Lance
gave you a Christmas present after aII.


TefIon-coated titanium bIades.
Serrated to spIit the bone.

Shaft is some type
of speciaIized poIymer...

...which is stronger
than your typicaI carbon fiber. This....

This is a custom job.

Lance gave in after the other archer
dropped another body.

NeIson Ravich.

Which is another name
you crossed off your dad's Iist.

So is this guy trying to frame you
or caII you out?

Either way, I need to find him.


-Don't you knock?
-FeIicity, this is the I.T. Department.

-It's not the Iadies' room.
-Heh. Right.

-What can I do for you?
-My buddy Steve is reaIIy into archery.

ApparentIy, it's aII the rage now.

I don't know why.
Looks utterIy ridicuIous to me.


Anyway, it's Steve's birthday next weekend
and I wanted to buy him some arrows.

Thing is, he gets these speciaI,
custom-made arrows...

...and I have no idea where he gets them.

I was hoping you couId find out
where this came from.


The shaft's composite is patented.

And that patent is registered
to a company caIIed Sagittarius.

-That's Latin for ''the archer.''

CouId you find out where and when
this was purchased?

According to Sagittarius
company records...

...that particuIar arrow
was part of a bundIe shipment.

Two hundred units...

...sent to this address.

FeIicity...'re remarkabIe.

Thank you for remarking on it.

And Merry Christmas.

I'm Jewish.

Happy Hanukkah.

NUDOCERDO [ON TV]: --significant resources
of the Starling City Police Department... is clear that this vigilante's
cycle of violence has escalated.

l'm asking our citizens to keep a close
eye out and to report anything suspicious.

A tip line has been set up
and a reward will be offered... anyone who aids the authorities
in the capture of this madman.

It isn't him, is it?

We are all frustrated with the crime....

The man in the hood,
he didn't kiII those peopIe.

NUDOCERDO: This violence has gone on....
-You're the one that said he was a monster.

Yeah, but he was protecting me,
it's different.

--the apprehension of this so-called Hood
that has been terrorizing our city.


-As police commissioner....
-It's probabIy Joanna.

She said she was gonna come by
with some fiIes.

Merry Christmas, sir. How are you?

Proficient with firearms.


I toId you I wanted to spend the hoIidays
with my dad.

Right, because of Sara.
Because it makes the hoIidays a tough time.

But when you are with someone,
as I wanna be with you...

...then there aren't tough times,
there's just times.

Something is hoIding you back.

The Queens are having
a Iast-minute Christmas party...

...and I wouId Iike for you
to be my pIus-one.

I, um, was Iooking through
some oId photographs...

...and I found this.

Merry Christmas.


Bad enough you're friends with this guy, D,
now he's your what?

I don't know what he is,
but he's not wrong.

Something is hoIding me back.

Right. Keep Iistening to that something.

I try to stay out of your personaI Iife,
but MerIyn, Queen, they're seIfish.

They think they can treat peopIe
any way they pIease.

-It's you, me and Sara.




-I see the haIIs are decked.
-You okay?

I'II manage. Ahem.
Is everyone having a good time?

You sure you wanna do this, man?

Maybe now is not the best time
to be Martha Stewart's eIf.

My famiIy needs this party, DiggIe,
which means that I need it.


Hey, dude.
Uh, Thea invited me, I hope that's cooI.

These are for your mom.


Good Iuck, kid.

-Thank you for coming.

You guys Iook great. Merry Christmas.

ALL: Merry Christmas.
-Let's get a hoIiday photo.

I've aIready sent out
our Christmas cards, OIiver.

-Let's get a picture just for the four of us.
-Of course.

Excuse me, Mrs. Queen?

-These are for you.
-WeII, thank you.

Uh, I'II go put those in water.

WALTER: Is everything aII right?
-You and I shouId taIk. AIone.

I'm reaIIy surprised.

-Everything okay between the two of you?
-Yeah. I'm sure it'II work itseIf out.

So gIad that both of you couId make it.

-Merry Christmas, paI.
-Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.

So how Iong do you think it'II be
tiII this isn't so weird?

-You know, the three of us.
-It's not weird at aII.


You Iied to me.

An odd accusation coming from you.

When you came home, you said you were
through investigating Robert's death.

Robert was my oIdest friend.

Do you take me for a man who wouIdn't
avenge his best friend's murder?


I thought I couId forget about it,
go back to the way things were...

...but you toId me too many Iies, Moira.

You embezzIed money
from the company.

SaIvaged the Queen's Gambit.
Why, Moira?

What was it aII for?

-For Ieverage.
-Against whom?

-Against whom?
-PeopIe you've made very angry.

-WeII, then Iet me heIp you fight them.
-I can't fight them.

I am them.

I have tried so hard
to convince myseIf that I'm not.

And Ioving you....

You were my saIvation.



...whatever you've done,
and whoever these peopIe are...

...the time for Iies is over.

You need to teII me what's going on.

Let's just get through the party...

...and I promise I wiII teII you everything.


Tommy, do you mind
if I taIk to OIiver for a minute?

Yeah, I'II go grab us a coupIe of drinks
and drink them both.


I know it's probabIy not easy for you
to see Tommy and I together.

The invitation said ''pIus one,''
not ''minus LaureI.''

I've been wanting to move forward with him,
but something's been hoIding me back.

I keep making these excuses
that it's my dad, it's my work...

...when reaIIy...'s you.

But for five years, I was emotionaIIy off...

...because you had died.

And the truth is...

...the Iast person that I expected
to make me feeI again, has.

I'm happy...

...for both of you.

Thank you.

Thea, I have something to teII you.


Hit the road.

What are you doing?

Funny, I was gonna ask you
the same thing...

...because there's a party going on
downstairs that I threw for you.

I toId you I didn't want a party,
but you didn't care.

Because you came down
with the hoIiday bIues.

I've been trying to get you
to open up for months.

AII this party is doing is bringing back
memories I've been trying to forget.


Why wouId you wanna forget?

No matter how fancy
the party is you throw...

...things wiII never be the way
they used to be in our famiIy, ever again.


What is it now?

That other archer moved to the next IeveI.
He's taken hostages.

This just hit the news.

''Happy holidays, Starling City.

For the past three months,
this city has been laid siege by a vigilante.

But the police have been unable
to bring him to justice...

...because they lack the will
to do what justice demands.


l will kill one hostage every hour
in the name of this vigilante...

...until he surrenders himself
to my authority.''

PoIice are on the scene.
Let them handIe this.

Those peopIe are there because of me.
I have to end this.

OIiver, this guy....
This guy, he's very dangerous.

There wasn't anything on the isIand
that wasn't twice as dangerous as this...

...and I survived there for five years.

CaII your peopIe.
TeII them to bring the pIane.

There's no need, Yao Fei.
My peopIe wiII be here shortIy.

Do you not think it convenient
you captured me so easiIy?



NEWSMAN: Starling City holds its breath
as the hostage crisis unfolds.

Police have attempted
to enter the structure in the Glades...

...but found explosives
preventing them from doing so.

At the moment,
there has been no sign of the vigilante... his one-hour deadline nears.

BOMB TECH: I count three threshoIds, each
wired via mercury switches to Semtex charges.

Can you defuse one for HRT
to use as a breach point?

That's gonna take a whiIe. He's gonna
know which way we're coming.

You got a better idea?
Now wouId be a IoveIy time.



ARROW: Where is he?
WOMAN: I don't know.

It's gonna be okay. FoIIow me.

Get up on the roof.

-What about--?
-I'II handIe him. Move.

You got five hostages on the roof.

Repeat, five hostages on the roof.

Thank you for coming.

After the warehouse, I knew I'd have to do
something dramatic to get your attention.

-What do you want with me?
-What any archer wants... see who's better.



First Hunt, then Ravich, and now you.


I know about the Iist.
The man who authored it wants you dead.

They caII you the Hood,
Iet's see what you Iook Iike without it.







...heIp. HeIp.

DIGGLE: Hey, reIax.

ReIax, reIax, reIax, you're safe.
You're in the hospitaI.

What happened?

I back-traced your signaI,
cIeaned you up and got you out.

You have a pneumothorax,
broken ribs and a concussion...

...but the doctors say you're gonna be fine.
Some peopIe are here to see you.

-Are you aII right?
THEA: Oh, God, you Iook terribIe.

Thank God
you were wearing your heImet.

I toId them how you were on a bike
and the semi puIIed in front of you.

-What were you even doing out?
-You baiIed on your party.

It seemed Iike the right move.

I mean, Iike you said,
it wasn't the best timing.


Okay, but when I was saying that,
that was me being a bitch.

No. The truth is,
I don't think any of us were at our best.

The reaI truth is, you wanted to have a party
to bring us cIoser together.

WeII, here we are.


We're gonna Iet you get some rest.

So we never got
to the exchanging-presents part.


I don't think I deserve a present.

Look, I know that I've been hard on you...

...about being different
from the way you were.

But the truth is, OIIie...

...I'm not the same person
I was five years ago either.

So maybe we can just accept each other...

...not for who we were...

...but for the peopIe we are now.



No cheating.

-You're on.
-Come here.

Thank you, FeIicity.

It was good of you to caII,
but OIiver's gonna be fine.

-He's aIready on the mend.
FELICITY: Good. l'm glad to hear it, sir.

I'm stepping into an eIevator,
so I'II probabIy Iose you.

I'II caII you straight back. Hi.

MAN: It's done.
-And he won't be harmed.

Nor wiII he discover your invoIvement.
You have my word.

-Forgive me if I don't find that comforting.
-You were warned, Moira.

I toId you to get WaIter under controI
and you couIdn't. Steps had to be taken.

That's what you said
to justify Robert's murder.

-And you wonder why I don't trust you.
-Quite a bit ofjudgment coming from...

...a woman who had her son kidnapped
and tortured.

To prove to you
that OIiver didn't know anything.

And what does it matter now?

-What's done is done.
-No, Moira.

It's just beginning.

In six months, the organization's vision
of what this city shouId be wiII be compIete.

And you won't feeI a thing, wiII you?

Thousands of innocent peopIe wiII be dead
and you'II feeI nothing.

That's not true.

I'II feeI a sense of accompIishment.

And you'II have WaIter back.


You know, Dig...

...when I confront somebody on the Iist...

...I teII them that they faiIed the city.

But tonight, it was me who faiIed.

OIiver, five hostages are home tonight
with their famiIies enjoying the hoIidays...

...because of you.

This guy, the other archer...

...he'II get his.

And you'II give it to him.

We might have a bigger probIem.

The other archer toId me
that somebody compiIed the Iist.

I aIways assumed it was my father...

...but what if it wasn't?

What do you mean?

I think there's someone eIse out there.

Someone who's more of a danger
than the archer.

And I am gonna take him down.

[EngIish - US - SDH]

My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, l was stranded
on an island with only one goal:


Oliver Queen is alive.

Now l will fulfill my father's dying wish... use the list of names he left me...

...and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.

To do this,
l must become someone else.

l must become something else.

Previously on Arrow:

MALCOLM: It's done.
-He won't be harmed?

Nor wiII he ever discover your
invoIvement. You have my word.

OLIVER: You know,
when I confront somebody on the Iist...

...I teII them they faiIed the city.

But tonight....

Tonight it was me who faiIed.


Get that hose to the north face
or we're IiabIe to Iose the bIock.

Yes, sir.

DANNY [OVER RADIO]: Yes, chief?

-Getting a IittIe smoky out here, buddy.
-Just cIearing the upper IeveI.

Hey, you. Over here.

I couId use some heIp.
I got a hot spot.

Hey, hey. Hey, what--?


How you doing?
The rehab going good?

-Any news on WaIter?
-My contact at the Bureau struck out.

Same with my guy at InterpoI.
They both say the same thing.

Either my stepfather
doesn't wanna be found...

...or someone doesn't want him
to be found.

It's been six weeks, OIiver.

No contact from the kidnappers,
no ransom demand, no proof of Iife.

-I hate to sound insensitive--

...we both know
he's more than IikeIy dead.

-What do you wanna do?
-I don't know.

Even my contacts in the Bratva
can't dig up a Iead.

I wasn't taIking about WaIter.

Back at fighting weight, Iooks Iike.

And Iast I checked, there were more than
a few names to cross off in this book.

Those peopIe aren't going anywhere.

With WaIter missing,
my famiIy needs me right now.

CaII your peopIe. TeII them to bring the pIane.

My peopIe wiII be here shortIy.

Do you not think it convenient
you captured me so easiIy?



And Judge HinkIe is ready
to grant them another continuance.

So I said,
''HeII, no. This triaI starts right now.''

LAUREL: ThattagirI.
JOANNA: Thanks.

Dad, what brings you by?

-I need to taIk to Jo.
-Is everything okay, Mr. Lance?


-What's happening?

Her brother, Danny,
he was kiIIed on duty Iast night.

-Jo, I'm so sorry.
-No. No, no!

No. No!

LAUREL: Jo, it's okay.
-No, no!





I stopped by the Big BeIIy Burger.

Thought maybe you, me and Thea
have some takeout, watch a DVD.

Thank you, sweetheart.
I'm not very hungry.

If you change your mind....

I've seen the movie before.

Cut me some sIack.
I've been gone for a whiIe.

And apparentIy
I missed the cinematic genius...

...that is Zach GaIifianakis.

I mean, with mom.

When you and Dad disappeared,
she spent more and more time at home.

EventuaIIy stopped going out aItogether.

-What snapped her out of it that time?

One morning, he showed up...

...and you know when he gets
aII British and stern-Iike.


Get dressed.
We're going out for Iunch.''

I mean, and it worked.

You know, I've been thinking
maybe WaIter wasn't abducted.

Maybe he's having some
mid-Iife crisis...

...and he's with some stewardess
in Bora Bora...

...and he's too ashamed to caII home
and say that he's okay.

Just because we haven't heard from him
doesn't mean he's....

He's gone.


What strikes me is that this vigilante
was actually making a difference.

ln the four months that he was active,
assaults were down.

Muggings down.

The murder rate dropped
by 16 percent.

So in a very quantifiable way...

...this man in the hood
had been a positive force in this city.

So where has he been
for the past six weeks?

True enough.

Looks Iike everyone's disappearing.



-What's this?
-It's nothing.

-It's nothing?
-It is, it is.

''Reasons I deserve a drawer.''

Okay, we're gonna tabIe this
for a Iess tragedy-fiIIed day.

Yeah, and besides,
I don't think we're there yet.


-I shouId probabIy get that.
-AII right.

JOANNA: I need your heIp.
-Jo, come in.

I, um....

I don't think what happened
to Danny was an accident.

I think he might have been murdered.

Jo, do you remember when Sara died?

I did aII this research to try to find an
expIanation for why the boat went down.

I needed to beIieve
that it wasn't just an accident.

That is not what I am doing, LaureI.

I once handIed a case for a cIerk
in the coroner's office.

He passed me a copy
of the incident report.

It said that Danny's turnout coat
was doused in turpentine.

But I checked and the pIant owner said
that there wasn't any in the factory.

A turnout's supposed to withstand
temperatures in excess of 500 degrees.

But the coroner said
that the fire did not exceed 250.

How did my brother burn hotter
than the fire that supposedIy kiIIed him?

LaureI, a fireman died fighting a fire.

-I'm not sure I see the crime.
-I did some digging.

Last week, another firefighter,
Leo Barnes, was kiIIed in action.

Same circumstances.

Traces of turpentine and ignition
temperatures hotter than the actuaI fire.

Do you think you couId taIk
to the fire marshaI?

Encourage him to pursue this?

Fire Department has its own investigative
unit. They don't answer to poIice.

Sorry to take so Iong with it.
CSU's been reaIIy backed up.

-WeII, you find anything?
-The onIy prints on it are yours.

The tech inside is miIitary grade.
I can't even trace the manufacturer.

Forensics-wise, it's a dead end.

Another case?

VigiIante. The phone beIongs to him.

Where'd you get it? Does he answer?

WeII, Iike KeIton said, it's a dead end.

Listen, kiddo,
I feeI for Jo and her famiIy, I reaIIy do...

...but there's not a Iot
I couId do this end.

I gotta go. I Iove you.

Hey, Iet's go.



I need your heIp.

I didn't trust that you'd come.

No one's seen you for a whiIe.
Where have you been?

You said it was important.

My best friend's brother...

...he died two days ago fighting a fire.

The poIice and Fire Department
say that he died in the Iine of duty.

But my friend,
she thinks he was murdered.

So you're asking one kiIIer
to find another?

I heard what you said
to your father about me.

That I'm a kiIIer,
that I have no remorse.

Do you?

Take a Iook at the fiIe.

If Danny De La Vega was murdered,
then we have to bring his kiIIer to justice.

I'II Iook into it.


Rotate your hips, DiggIe.
That's where the power comes from.

It's not just your arms,
even if they're the size of bowIing baIIs.

-LaureI reached out to the hood Iast night.

Thought the vigiIante spooked her
pretty weII Iast time.

She thinks somebody's
kiIIing firemen.

It Iooks aII in the job. Seems pretty thin.

-We Iook into it?

I have a friend who has a friend... the Fire Investigations Department.
I'II reach out.

If you get any Ieads, tip the poIice.

The poIice?

They just need something
to jumpstart them.

Isn't the whoIe idea of being a vigiIante
that you do the poIice's job?

You've been spending a Iot of time
around here IateIy.

I thought after six weeks
you'd be anxious to hood up.

I even prepared the
''you gotta sIow down'' speech.

Where the heII is everybody?

Let me see what's going on upstairs.

TOMMY: There was supposed to be a deIivery
this morning, another one this afternoon...

...and I see nobody ready for work.

If you don't get some progress here
in the next week...

...I'm gonna bring someone eIse in.
Is that cIear?

It's difficuIt for you
to manage my nightcIub...

...what with there not being
a nightcIub here.

I just took the Iiberty
of, uh, yeIIing at our contractor.

I toId him if we didn't see any reaI
progress, we'd bring someone eIse in... finish the job.

How's LaureI's friend?
The one whose brother was a fireman?

Hanging in there, thanks.
That's something I wanted to bring up.

I was thinking that we couId throw
a fundraiser for the Fire Department.

-Raise some money for the famiIies.
-That's a great idea.

We couId do it here.
We couId keep the overhead Iow.

Make sure we maximize
the proceeds to the firemen.

Who are you?
Where's my friend Tommy MerIyn?

The guy who once rented out
a pro footbaII stadium... that he couId pIay
strip kickbaII with modeIs.

That guy needed a swift kick
in his Iazy ass.

Jo, you reaIIy shouId take
some time off.

Go be with your famiIy.

I seem to recaII when Sara died
you hit the books pretty hard.

I am not exactIy the best exampIe
for heaIthy grieving.

Hey, can I taIk to you, pIease?

LAUREL: What is it?
-Where is it?

-Where's what?
-The phone.

I'm sorry. I know I shouIdn't have.

StoIen evidence?
Yeah, you probabIy shouIdn't have.

I had to do something.

-The man is a kiIIer.
-Then why did he give you his phone?

-Give me the phone.
-He took it back.

-You were with him?
-When Sara died...

...if someone couId've done something
to give you even a IittIe cIosure...

...don't you wish they'd done it?

If it meant breaking the Iaw,
Iying to the peopIe cIosest to them, no.

MOIRA: SureIy there are contingencies
for these types of situations.

Bring someone over
from our London office, perhaps.

FOSTER: It's not soIeIy a matter
of the day-to-day operations.

We have accountants
and vice presidents to do that.

It's about perception,
pubIic confidence.

The company wiII be fine.

I don't mean to be indeIicate...

...but this is the second time
in five years...

...that the CEO
of Queen ConsoIidated...

...has vanished under
mysterious circumstances.

I don't need you to remind me of that.

The Iast thing
I wanna do is upset you.

Then you shouId consider
this visit doubIy disappointing.

Good day.

-Who was that?
-Ned Foster.

-The COO of the company.
-He wants Mom to take WaIter's pIace.

He says that the company's stock price
has been damaged by WaIter's absence...

...and my stepping in
wouId heIp settIe the board.

But I toId him that I needed
to be at home for my famiIy.

Mom, Thea and I are fine.
We can manage here without you.

This sounds Iike something
everyone needs you to do.

WeII, maybe I don't care
what everyone needs.

She's gonna be aII right, Thea.

We have to get going if you wanna
make your dentist appointment.

Now, sir.

Eyewitnesses pIace a '72 Ford pickup
at the scene of Danny De La Vega's fire.

-Stagg ChemicaI Iit up 10 minutes ago.

I hacked into
Stagg's video security feeds.

Parked on the street
running aIong the pIant.

-Same pickup.
-I've got your gear in the car.

By the time I get someone on the phone
who wiII even Iisten to me... Ieast one of those firemen
are gonna be dead.

They need the man in the hood.


I have contact. Two kIicks southwest.

PortabIe to Deputy Chief.

AII cIear of civiIians.

CHIEF [OVER RADIO]: Copy that.
Bail out and wait for second-in-companies.


Who are you?






l have some information for you.

The killer drives a 1970s Ford pickup.

There's a scar on his right wrist from
a severe burn and a tattoo of a firefly.

WeII, then you must've gotten
pretty cIose to him.

AII the men in Engine Company 15
had firefIy tattoos.

Any one of them couId be the kiIIer.

And what shouId I do
with this information?

Whatever you'd have done
before you met me.

-Who was on the phone?
-Wrong number.

So LaureI's on her own against
a murderer who burns peopIe aIive?

-I can't right every wrong in this city.
-No, I get that, OIiver.

But maybe you're not back
to 100 percent Iike you thought.

Maybe I'm not.


-What did that prove?
-That this is one sturdy desk.

And cIearIy your probIem
isn't physicaI.

-I never said I had a probIem.
-Don't have to.

But this guy, the other archer...

...he got in your head,
he took something from you.

-That's enough.
-He took whatever is in your heart...

...that Iets you jump off buiIdings
and take down bad guys.

Thank you for the anaIysis.

You can avoid LaureI, OIiver,
avoid me...

...avoid this as Iong as you want.

But untiI you're ready to take ahoId
of the fear in you... might as weII
have Iet that archer kiII you.


Text from Tommy.

I need to run an errand for the benefit
at the firemen's station.

WhiIe you're at it, Iet me know...

...if you stiII wanna be a vigiIante
orjust a cIub owner.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I toId Joanna
I'd cIean out Danny's Iocker.

-And you?
-Tommy sent me over... make sure the guest Iist
for the Fireman's GaIa was accurate.

Tommy's been working
very hard on that.

-It's very generous of you, OIiver.
-It's truIy not.

Ha, ha. Speaking of Tommy...

...he toId me that you're being very
protective of your drawers.

This is not a fancy term
for your underwear.

Are you and I
seriousIy having this discussion?

WeII, we're friends.

Yes, Tommy asked for a drawer.

-And this is bad?
-No, it's just....

I'm an aII-or-nothing type of girI.

First it's a drawer, then it's a cIoset,
haIf my rent, it's haIf my Iife.

Am I reaIIy ready
to do that with Tommy?

-You couId take it sIow.
-I don't take things sIow, remember?

I cIose my eyes and I jump.
Just Iike you.

I think that's why
we spooked each other.

Our feeIings, our fears, they controI us.
It's not the other way around.

-You know?

I have to get inside.

LAUREL: I did some research.
There are eight firemen in this picture.

You caIIed yourseIves the FirefIies.

That station house was shut down
a few years back.

AII the guys went to different
companies, so....

Four of these men are now dead.

It's not aII getting cats out of trees.

But three of them died
within the Iast six weeks.

Except for that man right there,
GarfieId Lynns.

He died two years ago
in the NodeII Tower tragedy.

You forget something, Mr. Queen?

Just wanted to see if my friend there
needed some heIp.

-What was the NodeII Tower?
-How do you not remember that?

I was Wi-Fi free for a few years.

It was 22 stories of gIass and steeI.

Except it turned out that
the construction company who buiIt it...

...used substandard materiaIs
to save themseIves a few bucks.

It was nowhere near the structuraI code.

A gas Iine bIew. There was a fire.

Yeah, meIted right through
the stanchions.

-The whoIe damn thing came down.
-Bad day.

Thirty-four civiIians
and six of my feIIow firemen died.

Now, do you need anything eIse,
Ms. Lance?

Other than reminding me
of aII the friends I've Iost and buried?

Hey, what was that aII about?

It was nothing, OIiver. I have to go.



Are you there?

l spoke to Danny's old chief.

I didn't get anywhere.

[OVER PHONE]: What am l supposed to do now?
ARROW [OVER PHONE]: Nothing. lt's my turn.


We have so many of these oId photos.
I reaIIy shouId have them scanned in.

WeII, that's an incredibIy
ambitious pIan.

Which wiII have to wait.

-Because we're gonna go out.

To dinner or to a movie or shopping.

-Anything to get you out of the house.
-No, Thea, I'm just too tired.

ReaIIy? That's pretty amazing
considering you've been in bed aII day.

PIease, don't presume to think
you know what I'm going through.

I do know.

I Iost dad too.
I'm worried about WaIter too.

But I don't get to worry about him,
because I'm busy worrying about you.

-I never asked you to do that.

Because you don't ask me
to do anything anymore.

You don't ask me to do my homework
or to be home at a decent hour.

I mean, you basicaIIy stopped
being my parent.

WeII, how's this?
Don't taIk to your mother Iike that.

Maybe you shouId start acting
Iike my mother.

So I don't have to act Iike yours.

Thought you were done
heIping LaureI.

The first FirefIy to die,
his name was GarfieId Lynns.

WeII, being dead kind of ruIes him out
as a murder suspect, right?


...I'm sorry I came at you so hard, man.
But I've been there.

I know what it's Iike to stare death
in the face and be the one who bIinks.

That's not it.

I've been cIose to death
on the isIand...

...more times than I can remember
and I never feared it.

Because I had nothing to Iose.

But when that archer aImost kiIIed me,
when I stared death in the face then...

...I thought about the peopIe that
I've Iet into my Iife since I've been back.

My famiIy, LaureI, Tommy.

And that made me afraid.

Afraid of what wouId happen
to those peopIe if they Iost me again.

And for the first time in so Iong...

...I had something to Iose.

Maybe you got it backwards, OIiver.

You think the peopIe you Iet in
have taken your edge.

I think it gives you one.
Maybe a stronger one, even.

You can stare down death
with something to Iive for or not.

Something to Iive for is better.

AII the men in the unit
had an aIibi for Danny's murder.

The guy that I fought had a firefIy tattoo
and his arm was severeIy burned.

Okay, I don't see
where you're going with this.

The NodeII Tower fire...

...the bodies were so burned,
they couIdn't be ID'd off records.

What if GarfieId Lynns didn't die,
but was just presumed dead?




You know, ironicaIIy...

...if we get any more peopIe in here,
we're gonna vioIate the fire code.

-We're good on Drawergate, right?
-AII good.

Excuse me.

-Can I borrow LaureI for a sec?

-Chief Raynes.

-Mr. Queen, this is spectacuIar.

The StarIing City Firemen's ReIief
Association can't thank you enough.

You guys are the reaI heroes.
Like at the NodeII Tower fire...

-...which I've been reading up on.
-Oh, yeah?

GarfieId Lynns was the first man
to die in your unit.

I read that they recovered his coat
in the wreckage...

...but they never found his body.

You aIways interrogate
your cIub's guests?

Why? Do you feeI Iike
you're being interrogated?

I couId see it on your face
at the fire station.

There's more to the NodeII Tower fire
than peopIe know about.

I've been doing this a Iong time
and I've never seen a fire Iike that.

It was Iike some monster
out of a science-fiction movie.

I radioed for my men
to get the heII out of there.

But Lynns, he wouIdn't go.
Begged me to send the unit back in.

But I wouIdn't do it.

I couIdn't.

God heIp me, I Ieft him to burn.

-But I can't bring him back.
-You don't have to.

He is back.

-What the heII are you taIking about?
-GarfieId Lynns kiIIed Danny...

...and the other men on your unit.

There is no way
he couId have survived that fire.

You'd be surprised
the power revenge can give you.

Thank you so much.

The peopIe in this city
appreciate everything you....

You're insane. Gar did not
make it out of that buiIding.

LYNNS: Just Iike you won't
make it out of this one.


MAN 1 Go, come on. Exit's this way.

Go, go, go.

MAN 2:
Go, go, go. This way.

Gar, what the heII are you doing?


What the--?


LaureI. LaureI.

-Where's OIiver?
-He's stiII inside.

We can't Ieave him.


You know how Iong it takes
for your skin to meIt?

-I do, from experience.
-I toId you to get out of there.

And I toId you
that we couId save the buiIding.

But you got scared.

You Iost your nerve.
You Ieft me in there to die.

-How did you get out?
-I was puIIed from the wreckage.

Listed as a John Doe in the burn unit.
In a coma for months.

When I woke up
and saw what was Ieft of who I was...

...I onIy had one thought:

To Ieave you as aIone as you Ieft me.

Now it's your turn.


It's over.

I'm not afraid to die.

I know.

You're afraid to Iive.

Let me get you out of here.


...Iet me get you heIp.


-But I'm aIready burned.
-Lynns, don't do it.

WOMAN [ON TV]: Eyewitnesses contend
that numerous lives would have been lost...

...if not for the timely intervention
of the vigilante.

But these were not the actions
of a vigilante.

What's been described
are the actions of a hero.

What's got you aII smiIey?
Your new cIub's a briquette.

It was under construction before.
Now it's just more under construction.

Good morning.

Sharp suit, Mom.

Not used to seeing you without
your bedroom wrapped around you.

WeII, I couId hardIy go
to the office in my pajamas.

I'm taking WaIter's position at the office.

-What changed your mind?
-Not what. Who.

My daughter.

My famiIy.

And I promise you,
WaIter wiII get back to us.

I wiII keep Iooking for him
and I wiII find him.

-And I'II see you for dinner.
OLIVER: Mm-hm.

-Just feeIing the whipIash.

She went from shut-in
to chairman pretty fast.

-Sounds Iike you got through to her.
-Yeah, I guess.

It'II just be for a few months.
My mom, she's taking it so hard.

Whatever you have to do
to take care of your famiIy.

Before I forget.

My brother's badge.

My mom was hoping maybe you couId
find a way to get it to, you know, him.

As a thank-you.
I don't care what anyone has to say.

He reaIIy is a guardian angeI.

I'II find a way to get it to him.

I'm gonna miss you.



-You Iook after yourseIf, aII right?
-I wiII.


So Joanna's taking
a Ieave of absence, huh?

-She has to go be with her famiIy.
-Yeah, weII, famiIy's important.

-I aIready apoIogized.
-It's my turn.

After what happened Iast night...

...maybe it's a good thing
you got the hood invoIved.

He didn't take
the phone off you, did he?

Maybe you shouId hoId onto this.

I mean, I may not Iike the guy's methods,
but whoever this guy is...

...he's got a habit of putting himseIf
between danger and you.

And that's not something
I can argue with.

I shouIdn't have this thing anyway.

KeIton, are we good?

I got a strong signaI from the crystaI
VHF transmitter you hid in the speaker.

-It can't be back-traced.
-TaIk to me Iike a third grader.

Next time your daughter caIIs
the vigiIante...

...we'II be abIe to Iisten to every word.

I know you swore
to bring this guy down, detective...

...but using your own daughter as bait,
that's stone coId.


Good thing the fire didn't spread
to down here.

It's one of the benefits of concrete
and steeI construction.

Thank you.

-What for?
-You know what for.

-So, what's next? More training?

We go hunting.

[EngIish - US - SDH]

Don't turn around.

I have my hand on my weapon.

Then we're even.

What do you want?

PauI Caponi, John Madera, Christian Nero.

AII members of the BertineIIi crime famiIy,
aII murdered.

I wanna know what the poIice know.

Why wouId I teII you?

Because I saved your Iife, detective.

So maybe you don't think
I'm the menace to society your partner does.

The victims were aII bag men.

Money earners for Frank BertineIIi.
He's feeIing it in his waIIet about now.

Somebody's trying to send him a message.

That's what we're investigating. But if
we did know, what wouId you do about it?

-About what?

Who are you taIking to?

You gotta be kidding me.