Army Wives (2007–2013): Season 5, Episode 13 - Farewell to Arms - full transcript

Trevor is over Whit, enough to suggest rehiring him as contractor to get the diner finished on schedule after a failed inspection, within budget and to standard. After Finn overhears him discussing paternity with Roxie, they explain to both adopted boys, who come to terms with having different biological fathers. Officer Boone and Pamela are suspended after an amateur video suggests she let 'drunk' general Holden off without suitable sobriety tests, but I.A. ends up clearing them. the base's preparations to celebrate the troops' full repatriation are overshadowed by a bomb shell from DC: it's about to be closed and the division disbanded due to budget cuts.


Oh my God... Tanya!

- Denise.
- Hi.

She must have been here for two weeks now.
Why didn't she call?

She's still wearing
Jeremy's ring.

I'd say she's grieving.

I'm so alone.

I sh-shouldn't have hired
Whit as my contractor.

It was wrong.

I got a call from
Tommy Valencia,

and he offered me a
job in California.

Good night, David.

I prepared myself for
all sorts of problems

we might have with David.

I just didn't think
he wouldn't like me.

Evening, Officer.

General Holden.

Pamela spoke to you.

She assumed you told me
about the broken taillight,

which you did not.

But I'm more interested in
the drunk driving part.

I wasn't drunk.

You are a 2-star general driving
with an open bottle in your car.

What were you thinking?

It was Whitaker's beer.

Don't worry. Boone and
I will keep it quiet.

Okay? Bye.

You're killing me.
Did we pass or not?

- Not.
- What?

We failed inspection?


No, that can't be.
We open in a week.

We bought advertising.
We hired a band.

It's all on there,
all 14 violations.


Look, you got a breaker
box that needs rewiring.

All right? Your vents
are not up to code.

My grandmother does
better ductwork.

Okay. Well, what if we fix
everything before Saturday?

Yeah, good look with that.

Hey, come on.

All right, look, you fix
everything on that list,

and I'll give you another
shot, all right?

Give me a call when you're done.

Every single one of
these violations

is stuff we did after Whit left.

Look, Shady, I don't
want to hear it, okay?

- We just gotta fix it. That's all.
- Fix it, in under a week?

- Yeah!
- How are we gonna do that?

I mean, Whit's the only contractor
that can bail us outta this.

I mean, he knows this job
like the back of his hand.

Look, what's done is done.

Look, Rox. All I'm
saying is-Hire Whit.

It's my money, too. He's the best
man for the job, so call him.

Well, all right.

And now it is my
privilege to introduce

General Michael Holden.

Thank you, Colonel Burton.

Thank you, Deputy
Mayor and your staff.

I am delighted
that Fort Marshall

can help refurbish

these senior citizen
centers in Charleston.

The Army strives to
be good neighbors,

and this venture is
just the latest example

of a successful
community partnership.

General Holden,

was it another example
of community partnership

when the police let you off for
drunk driving the other night?

I don't know what
you're referring to.

You haven't seen the video?

An anonymous source tipped us

to the police dash-cam video,

which was posted on the
Internet this morning.

In it, you can see

General Holden appears unsteady,

yet he was not given
a breathalyzer test.

In fact, he was only cited
for a broken taillight.

- Oh, my God.
- Our news team has learned

that the female officer
involved in the traffic stop

is a personal friend
of the general's wife.

It's already got 60,000 hits.

I know. I'm watching it now.


Oh, by tonight every
Post around the world

is gonna be talking about it.
It's not fair.

- Have you read some of these comments?
- Yeah, they're awful.

How can something
like this happen?

It was Sawyer.


Alvin Sawyer,
Evidence custodian.

Took Internal Affairs about two
minutes to break him down.

But why would he
release the video-

His son-dishonorably discharged

from the Army at Fort
Marshall last year.

Kid ended up dying
of a drug overdose.

Sawyer blamed the Army, saw
an opportunity to smear it.

Thought he could blame
the leak on a hacker.

You're kidding me.

He's been fired, and he'll
be brought up on charges

as soon as the City attorney

can figure out what
the hell they are.

- Well, that's that.
- Not exactly.

This whole thing's caused
quite a firestorm,

and to the public, it looks
like General Holden was drunk.

But he wasn't.

He had a bad back
from a jump accident.

He passed all the other
tests without a problem.

You just don't see
that on the video

because it stops right after
Holden walked the line.

I know, I know.

Yeah, and how can we give
him a breathalyzer test

when we don't carry
breathalyzers in the field?

I'm sure the investigation will
absolve you of any wrongdoing.


Internal Affairs. Shouldn't take
more than a couple of days,

and you'll be back
in the saddle.

Until then, you're both
suspended with pay.


The public has to have confidence
in the department, Officer Moran.

Sometimes, we all have to
take one for the team.


I'll need your badges and
your service weapons.

You're not to communicate
about this with anyone

till the matter is resolved.

That includes each other.



He's just doing his job, Moran,
protecting the department.

- He's throwing us under the bus.
- Yeah.

And we're just
supposed to take it?

Yep. Moran, you do not
want to screw with I.A.

- They can hurt you, seriously.
- Yeah, I get it.

Now I know it's gonna kill you to not
talk to me for a couple of days,

but you're just gonna
have to deal, okay?


Pamela, what happened?

You promised me this
wouldn't get out, and now-

Okay, slow down. It was
an Evidence clerk.


Yeah, the guy had a grudge
against Fort Marshall.

He's been fired.

But you gotta keep this
confidential, or it's my job.

I'm sorry. It's just
so unbelievable.

I know. I feel the same way.
I've been suspended.


Internal Affairs is looking
into allegations of favoritism.

- Oh, Pamela, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, t-

Officer Moran...

Are you and Mrs. Holden discussing
the drunk driving incident?

Did you let General Holden
off the other night?

No comment.

Mrs. Holden, what are you
doing at police headquarters?

Excuse me.

Mrs. Holden, is it true

that you are good friends
with Officer Moran?

I have nothing to say.

Mrs. Holden? Well,
there you have it.

Officer Moran and
Claudia Joy Holden,

wife of General Holden, meeting
outside police headquarters.

What were they talking about?
We can only speculate.

Laura Landgraf, Channel 9 News.

That woman will
sink to anything.

- She's a reporter.
- With nothing to report about.

- You shouldn't have been there.
- How was I to know that woman was-

it doesn't matter, Claudia Joy.

You just made things worse.

I know you meant well,

but we should've
discussed it first.

Okay, maybe.

But I still think we
should file a lawsuit

against the City-

Defamation, invasion of privacy.

Maybe go after the media, too.

Relax. We're not suing anyone.

The Army is trying to build
bridges, not tear 'em down.


Any effort to fight this will
just make it a bigger story.

So what do you suggest
we do, nothing?

Exactly. Ride it out.

I disagree.

I'm not asking you, Claudia
Joy, I'm telling you.

Leave this alone.

I'm telling you... Hey, everybody.
- Hey.

Sorry I'm late. PTA
Meeting ran long.

No worries.

Dinner's keeping
warm in the oven.

- Hey, baby girl. Mwah.
- I'm busy, mama.

Wow. What is that?

A castle.

Hey, Joan knows all about
castles and forts and stuff.

- You think she could help?
- We got it.

- Come on, man.
- No, it's, uh, it's fine.

I'm-I'll just go get
dinner on the table.

All right.

It's so unfair.

I know. I wish to God I'd never
seen that broken taillight.

The truth is, I was looking
for a way to stop Boone

from talking about his
girlfriend or ex-girlfriend.

Well, at least
you're getting paid.


So, uh, what's up
with the truck stop?

You gonna have to push
back the opening?

Hope not. Whit's
coming to fix things.


And get this- it
was Trevor's idea.

You're kidding.

He said, if that's what we need...

I know. Honestly, I'm a
little nervous about it.

Yeah, I can understand that.

- When's he get here?
- Tomorrow.

Good luck.

Honey... You can't
take it personal.

Easy for you to say.
He likes you.

His mother abandoned him.

I understand the issues, Roland.

Doesn't make it any easier.

I know.

He's making so much
progress in other areas.

There's no trouble at school.
He's making friends.

I don't want to talk
about this right now.



Turned out nicely,
don't you think?


They don't understand...

My family, friends.

To them, Jeremy's just a name,

a guy I knew for a few weeks.

No big deal, right? Get over it.

You're the only one
who does understand.

I'm so sorry for what
I said before...

- Oh.
- About you not being family.

Forget it.

I just didn't want you to feel
obligated, like you had to-

Hey, I was so happy to
see you in that hallway,

so happy to have you back.

You're part of my life
now, and I love you.

I love you, too.

So what do you think?

Well, first of all, I think
you replaced me with an idiot

didn't know what he was doing.

Yeah, okay. We know.
But can you do it?

Before Saturday?

Well, I'm gonna need
my old crew back.

- Done.
- And we'll be pulling overtime.

But you can do it?


Yeah, I can do it.

Thanks for coming, man.

Happy to help.

So what are we waiting on, guys?
Let's get to work.

Well, maybe she's not coming.

I wouldn't if I were her.

In fact, I'd step down
as chair of the ball.

Why? She wasn't drunk, Jessica.
It was her husband.

Claudia Joy represents
the general,

and if he goes down, she goes down.
Those are the rules.

This whole thing's become
a huge embarrassment.

They didn't charge
him with anything.

Did you see the video? He
could barely stand up.

Hello, ladies. Sorry I'm late.

Hi, Claudia Joy.

Everything okay?


Good. Well, Jessica, you're
in charge of centerpieces.

Why don't we start with those?

Certainly. I thought we could go
a little more formal this year,

maybe a bed of greenery
around the hurricanes?

Um, I thought red rose
accents would be nice.

Let's move third brigade
into red cycle.

That'll put second
brigade into train-up.

Roger that.

What are you hearing, Frank?

About what, sir?


Well, there's been
some loose talk.

I mean, not a whole
lot, but some.

I shut it down pretty hard.

I'm hearing from all over-
Korea, Germany, Afghanistan.

People are sympathetic, but
they've all heard about it.

Hell, they've all seen it.

And it's not just
the Army, either.

I had to calm Emmalin
down over the phone.

All her friends are
talking about it.

Well, it's a damn shame
if I may say so, sir.

You don't deserve it.

Well, you know the drill, Frank.

As a senior officer,

you're always one accusation
away from retirement.

Okay, Finn, another ground ball.

You gotta keep your body
in front of it, all right?


Good man.

All right, I'm gonna
go check on lunch.

- Keep feeding him ground balls.
- All right.

That is fantastic.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You're a lifesaver.

Okay, bye.

Whit's already
finished the wiring,

and he says the ductwork won't
take more than a day, tops.

Babe, it's okay.

It's all good between
me and Whit.

I don't want you feeling guilty
every time his name comes up.

Whit's a good guy,

and just because he's Finn's dad

doesn't mean he
can't be a friend.

Whit's my dad?

I was saving these for
you, for someday.

This is Whit

from back when I
knew him before.

I met Whit when I was your age,

and we were best
friends right off.

Not boyfriend/girlfriend.
Just very close.

And we stayed that way
through high school.

Why didn't you get married?


We didn't love each
other that way.

Not the way you're supposed to
love someone when you get married.


But we were lucky
enough to have you.

And I was happy to
raise you by myself...

Until I found a person

that I did love
in the right way.

But Whit is a good man.

And he loves you very much.

He loves you so much that
he let Trevor adopt you

so that you could
have a real daddy.

Do you understand?

So do I have to call
Whit "dad" now?


Uh, Trevor is your
dad, same as always.

Whit is just a friend.

What about my father? Will
I ever get to meet him?


I don't think that's
gonna happen.

Why not?

Because... There
were times when...

He wasn't so nice to me.

And I didn't want that
happening to you.

So... I got away to protect you.

I'm so sorry.

But I think you're old
enough to know the truth.

And I would never let
anyone hurt you.

So why'd you marry him?

Because I was young

and I didn't know better.

People make mistakes, bud.

That does not mean that
you are a mistake.


Are the only thing that
brought me happiness

during those years.

And I have never, ever
regretted having you.

Not for one second.
You understand?

I saved this for you

so that you could see
what he looked like.

You want to talk about it?

May I be excused?


It's not fair.

I know.

Look, I told you before that I
was adopted like you and Finn.

But what I didn't tell you
is that my natural father

wasn't very good to me either.

He wasn't good to anybody.

In fact... he's in jail.

And I haven't seen him
since I was Finn's age.

How come you never told me?

'Cause I didn't think
it was important...

Till now.

I know how you're feeling, T.J.-

Angry... disappointed...


It's hard.

And that just doesn't go away.

But I'll tell you
what I figured out.

You get two families
in this life-

the one you're born with
and the one you choose.

Now the one I was born
with didn't measure up.

But I love the
family that I chose.

And that means you, bud.

I hope you feel the
same way about me.

I do, dad.


'Cause we're kind of
stuck with each other.

So how come you just
started school now?

I used to go to another school.

You moved?

No, I'm adopted. These
aren't my real parents.

Oh. What happened to
your real parents?

I didn't know my dad that well.

- My mom died in a fire.
- Really?

I was just a baby, so I don't
remember much about her.

But she saved me,
and then she died.


- Your turn.
- Oh.

After a thorough investigation,

the department found no
evidence of wrongdoing

by Officers Boone and Moran,

who have been exonerated and
restored to active duty.

This should also close the book

on General Holden's
condition the other night.

He was legally sober and
should not have been subjected

to additional
scrutiny of any kind.

The department deeply
regrets the incident

and sincerely apologizes
to General Holden

for any embarrassment

this might have caused
him or his family.

Thank you, and I
will take questions.

Easy for him to say.

He doesn't have to live
with the consequences.

You can't unring a bell.

Well, at least it's over.

Or maybe not.

It's the Pentagon.


General Holden.

Why would he tell his friends
his mother died in a fire?

Well, what's he supposed to say,

"My mother's a drug addict
who didn't want me"?

Well... I wonder what David

really knows about his mother,

what he remembers.

Children of abandonment
use a lot of strategies

to deal with their situation.

David's just made up a narrative

he can live with.

I guess.

He needs a mother so badly.

And I'm right here.

Hey, man. Got a minute?



Joan heard you talking
to your friend today

about your mother.

She died in a fire?

That's a sad story.

But it's made up, isn't it?

Maybe it's time to
write another chapter.

What do you mean?

I mean, your life's
like a book, David.

And it's gonna be filled
with many chapters.

And you don't read
the same chapter

over and over again
in a book, do you?

I... guess not.

No. You read on to see
what's gonna happen next.

It's the same thing
with your life story.

See, you started with
one mom in chapter one.

Now you got a new mom...

And a sister and a
dad as well, right?


And it doesn't stop there, man.

I mean, you got so many
more chapters to write.

You got school, friends,
new adventures.

What do you think?


All right.

Good man.

Michael, you still have a job?


I just don't have a Post.


That call had nothing
to do with the video.

The 23rd's being disbanded.


They're closing Fort Marshall.

I can't believe it.
The whole Post?

The whole Division.

Yeah, but at least we'll all be
transferred together, right?


They're not moving the Division.
They're disbanding it.

You're kidding me.

So all five of us will end
up in five different places?

Roxy-Don't say "It's
the Army," Roland.

I've heard that so many
times, I could scream.

But it's true, Roxy.

Sooner or later,
everyone gets PCS'ed.

You'll get used to it.

I don't want to get used to it.

Hey, look at it as
an opportunity.

We'll make new friends.

Well, I don't want
to make new friends.

Pamela, say something.

We're moving to California.


A Delta buddy of Chase's

runs a high-tech security
firm in San Jose.

I said no at first, but now...

We all have to do what's
best for our families, Roxy.

We'll all stay in touch.

It won't be the same.

No, it won't.

We'll keep the training
schedule as is.

Stay sharp, keep the
troops motivated.

I admit, this is a bit unusual,

but we're hardly the first
unit to be disbanded.

There's the 24th,
the 3rd Armored,

7th Infantry...

The, um, the Bayonet Division.

The Army has to evolve to
maintain its fighting edge.

Oh, yes, sir.

I just never thought it would
happen to us, that's all.


Well, one door shuts,
another door opens.

The 173rd is looking for
a new brigade commander.

I threw your hat in the ring.

Really? Italy, sir?

Unless they moved it
while I wasn't looking.

No, sir.

You're due, Frank.

And I can't think of a
better combat leader.

Well, thank you, sir.

That means a lot
coming from you.

Okay, item next.

Hey, babe.

Whatcha doin'?

Hating life.

Come on.

It can't be that bad.

You can still call
Pamela every day.

It's not that.

I mean, yeah, that sucks, too.


It's the truck stop.

I should've listened to you.

It's gonna be a ghost
town around here

when the Post closes.

We're gonna lose everything.

No, we're not.

Yes, we are.

Okay. Say we lose everything.

- Mm.
- So what?

Babe, we started with nothing.

And if we have to do it
all over again, we will.

Yeah. Well, just wait until
the bank comes after us.


So we'll go on the run,

like Bonnie and Clyde.

Roxy and Trevor?

Doesn't really have
the same ring to it.

Well, then how about
Trevor and Roxy?

How about... More
kissing, less talking?

Hey, David. What's going on?

I'm packing.

Well, I can see that. Why?

I'm going back to
the group home.


The Post is closing.

Well, that's true.

But we won't be
moving for a while.

And wherever we go next,
you're coming with us.

I am?

Of course you are. You're
part of this family now.

People always give me back.

I know they do.

But not anymore.

You're our son, and we love you.

I love you.

And we're not going
anywhere without you...



Hey. May I come in?

Yeah, of course.


Uh, sorry to drop in like this.

I know you said you weren't
going to the ball, but...

Frank and I have
an extra ticket,

and we would love
for you to join us.

We could pick you up,
sit together at dinner.

That's very nice, but honestly,
I'd rather stay home.

Tanya, may I say something?

We all grieve in our own way,

in our own time.

But as someone who loves you,

I want to make sure
you understand

that it's okay to move forward,

to have fun again,
to live your life.

You said yourself that I'm the
only one who understands,

who knows what it's
like to feel guilty

every time you stop thinking
about Jeremy for a moment.

Please don't.

After the funeral,
I was miserable.

When I finally laughed
again, I burst into tears.

Felt I was being
disloyal somehow.

It's not true, Tanya.

Jeremy wants us to remember him,

but he wants us to
go on living, too.

How can you know that?

Because he told me so.

He wrote this to me and Frank

while he was still
in Afghanistan,

just in case.

He wants you to be happy, Tanya.
So do I.

Read it when you're ready, okay?





- No.
- David.

- No. - David... wake up.

You were having a bad dream.

Something was chasing me.

It's okay.

You're safe now.

Nobody's coming after you here.

Feel better?

Don't worry about a thing.

All right, so you go
back to sleep now.

Sweet dreams.


Will you stay with me
until I fall asleep?

Of course I will.

Say "formaggio."


Let's cut this thing.

That's a hell of a job, son.

Appreciate it.

♪ I picked up a
load in Portland ♪

♪ 12:00 last night ♪

♪ I'll drop it off in Dallas ♪

Can I get one popcorn, please?

Go on. You can't put
it off forever.

Are you sure he's okay with it?

Ask him yourself.

♪ So put on a highway ♪

♪ put my hands on the wheel ♪

♪ give me a road, 18 wheels ♪

Hey, bubba.

Hi, Whit.

So I, uh... guess
everything's out in the open

about me and you, huh?

Yeah. I know you're my dad.

But you're really more
like my friend, right?

Yeah, that's right,

'cause you already have a
great dad right over there.


Hey, listen...

As your friend,

I want you to know how
proud I am of you.

And if you ever need
anything at all,

you just holler, okay?

Okay. Want a hot dog?

Yeah, bubba. I'd love a hot dog.

Lead the way.

Come in.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Got any extra pantyhose
I can borrow? Sure.

I just ran my last pair.

Oh, thanks. You are a lifesaver.

We're gonna miss you tonight.

Have a good time.

♪ ...the bombs bursting in air ♪

♪ gave proof through the night ♪

♪ that our flag was still there. ♪

♪ O, say does that
star-spangled ♪

♪ banner yet wave ♪

♪ o'er the land of the free ♪

♪ and the home ♪

♪ of the brave? ♪

Ladies and gentlemen,

I propose a toast to the
Commander in Chief,

the President of
the United States.

To the President.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I propose a toast to the
United States Army.

To the Army.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I propose a toast to
our fallen comrades.

To our fallen comrades.

Please be seated.

Tonight was intended to be a
celebration of our homecoming.

But as we all know, it has
become something more-

A hail and farewell.

After 68 years, nine campaigns,

and immeasurable sacrifice...

the 23rd Airborne Division
is being disbanded.

You are the last of a
long line of warriors

who have called
Fort Marshall home.

But the 23rd does
not die with you.

Rather, it lives on through you.

You will carry the
standard forward,

if only in your hearts.

And let it remind us

of all that we have
accomplished together.

And let us never forget the
friends we have made...

And those we leave behind.

It is our legacy.

Be proud of it.

To the 23rd.

To the 23rd.


All the way!

I love you.

Sergeant LeBlanc.


Just wanted to be the one
to give you the good news.

You've been accepted to
Officer Candidate School.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you, sir.

- I knew it. I knew it.
- Congratulations.

- Thank you.
- It seems like just yesterday

we were here talking
about jump school.

- And as I recall, your wife saluted me.
- Yeah.

Uh, well, I guess we've all
come a long way since then.

- Well, you two have a good night.
- Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

I'm so proud of you.

So what happens now?

Uh, three months of
school at Benning,

then I put in for
my next assignment.

Where would you like to go now, Mrs.
LeBlanc, Hawaii?

How about California?

Beautiful job, Colonel Burton.

Well, thank you, sir,

but the FRG deserves
most of the credit.


I hope you know
how grateful I am

for everything
you've done for me.

Joan, you didn't get
anything you didn't deserve.

Any commander
would've seen that.

For once, sir,

I'd have to disagree with you.

It's been an honor.

The honor has been mine.

So this is it, huh?

Not unless we let it be.

Let's make a pact.

Once a year, no matter
what, we get together.

- Agreed.
- Where?

We can rotate houses.

We might be in Italy.

Okay, so Denise's house first.

- I'm there.
- Hell, yeah.

Then it's settled.

Thank you all for sharing
your lives with me.

For being a light in the dark.

For having my back.

For taking me as I am.

For making this place a home.

To us.

To us.

Hey, let's not get misty-eyed.

It's not like we're packing
up tomorrow, right?


Joan said it's gonna take
months to shut down.

I heard six months at least.

- So let's make 'em count.
- Exactly.

Everything we ever wanted
to do and haven't done,

we're doing it.

Like mooning the
troops at formation.

Except that.

Uh... Tanya.

I'm so glad you're here.

It's so nice to see
you again, Tanya.

Thank you. It's nice
to see you all, too.

Okay. Enough of this.

Let's get back in
there and party.

Works for me.


I'm ready.

What's on your mind, soldier?

Same as everyone else.

Just wondering what
the future holds.

What does a division
commander do

when there's no longer
a division to command?


♪ It hurts my heart ♪

♪ to see you cry ♪

♪ I know it's dark ♪

♪ this part of life ♪

♪ oh, it finds us all ♪

♪ it finds us all ♪

♪ we're too small ♪

♪ to stop the rain ♪

♪ oh, but when it rains ♪

♪ I will stand by you ♪

♪ I will help you through ♪

♪ I will hold you tight ♪

♪ and I won't ♪

♪ let you fall ♪

♪ don't be afraid to fall ♪

♪ you're gonna make it ♪
♪ you're gonna make it ♪

♪ yeah, and I will
dry your eyes ♪

♪ I will find your fight ♪

♪ I will hold you tight ♪

♪ and I won't ♪

♪ let go ♪

♪ oh, I'm gonna hold you ♪

♪ and I won't ♪

♪ let ♪

♪ go ♪