Aquarius (2015–2016): Season 2, Episode 2 - Happiness Is a Warm Gun - full transcript

Det. Sam Hodiak finds himself drawn into a new case when he begins receiving mysterious packages with photos of missing girls. Charmain's risky undercover operation provides valuable ...

Previously on Aquarius...

Everybody's doing the funny.

CHARMAIN: We got a hit.

Tina Greenwood,
Vineland High senior,

reported missing
right after Thanksgiving.

SAM: The widow Gladner
is a career gal,

and guess what
she's the proprietress of.

LUCILLE: You want your
passport stamped?
Go see Guapo.

Get right with Guapo,
you're right with me.

BRIAN: This was
done with an M16.

Carried one for two tours.
I know the holes.

The shooter is U.S. military.

Our son is AWOL
from a combat zone.

MAN 1: Your son is a traitor.

MAN 2: Soldiers need to know
the war we're fighting.

This your new girlfriend, Roy?

ROY: I turned over
a new leaf, Officer.

This'll be the last time
the law comes knocking.


Hal's been shot.
The doctors say
he's gonna die.

SADIE: Who is he, Charlie?
You knew him in prison?

I kept you safe,
like you were my baby.

I shape the rock!

I'm back, Charlie!

JAY: Sharon?


SHARON: I'm in here!


-I thought it always
cooled down at night.

You and your flat stomach
do not get to complain.

JAY: Huh?

Even the breeze is warm.
You talk to Roman?

He thinks
he'll make it back in time.

-Hey, I could pop any second.

Oh, it's fine.
Just get it over with, please.

We should give you a trim,
so you're ready for your
hospital room close-up.



Sorry, do I know you?


RALPH: Charlie?

Charlie, bring your
narrow ass out here.

Charlie boy! (LAUGHS)

Where's Charlie?

You put your hands
on me again.


Well, I ain't going nowhere,
not till I see Charlie.

You hear that, Charlie boy?

-Get your ass out here!
-EMMA: Charlie.

Charlie, they're back.
Everybody has guns.
You have to do something.



RALPH: Damn, Charlie.

Got your women out here
fighting for you now?

You ain't got nothing,
but an army of bitches.

Oh, you done this
all wrong, Charlie.


MAN 1: Hey.
MAN 2: Easy, girl.

RALPH: My man Ebbie here's
trying to tell you

that you a stupid bitch.

Now do you want to be
a stupid live bitch,

or a stupid dead bitch?


We're not gonna fight you,
but we're not gonna surrender.

We're gonna do to you

as the flowing river and
ticking time do to the rock.

See, you'll change
our water's path,

but we'll change
your very shape.

You just as crazy as ever.

RALPH: Charlie, you never
told me you had a baby.

You know this is what
we're put on this planet
to do, right?

Try to raise them better,
so we can be better.

I got three girls myself.

CHARLIE: Man, what are you...


So, we gonna be
setting up some numbers.

Sharking weed if we can
get a good price to move it.

Now, we gonna be trying to
sell that to some white folks.

Think you can
handle that, Charlie?

Now, these girls.
You turned them out yet?

I ain't in that game
no more, man.

(CHUCKLES) All I taught you
about cash for cooch?

Have you gone limp?

Yeah, I came here
at the right time.

Just like jail all over again.

I gotta save you
from yourself, Charlie.

What I got with them
ain't business.

everything is business.

Except me and you.

You think Sadie'll ball
just because you say so?

You ain't met
the real Sadie yet.

She ain't met the real
Ralph Church.


CUT: Sam, get your ass
in here, now.

SPRING: All six
killed by the same M16.

Four of them
in the forehead,

two in the back.

CUT: This biker,
what's his name?

-BRIAN: Roy.
-Knew about it.

Pop him on conspiracy.
See if he'll flip.

-I don't think that'll work.
-CUT: What's she
doing here again?

Out of uniform.

Off the record, baby,
there's no complaints.

Cut, I think you're
actually devolving.

If it wasn't for Charmain,

I'd be the seventh body
in that warehouse.

Here's your moment.

I'm glad
you're not dead.

Evolving now.
Feels better, right?

Although you're our
very own Tiny Tim.

Devolving again.

These stiffs are just six
fewer drug-dealing illegals.

Guapo was born
in Hollywood, so...

CUT: I don't care
if he dropped out
of the Liberty Bell.

He was scum. He's dead.
And that is good.

Close it quick,
or stick it in a drawer.
I'm good either way.

I'm sorry our head
cheerleader's such a bitch,

but let's focus
on the big game, shall we?
What's next?

Lucille's tight with Roy.
I'll hit the Peach Pussycat.

That's right, Spring.
His job is a visit
to the local strip club.

And he makes more than you.

This one, you don't even
want to know.

It's just not a world
for us old farts.

Spring, I need a favor.

This girl's missing
since November.

I need to know
if she's on a slab somewhere.

Can you pass her description
around to your fellow ghouls?

How can I resist?

I find your name ironic.







want the


Lucy, I'm home!


SAM: Mmm.

Is that blood? You okay?

Oh, yes, that's not mine.

-I'm fine.
-You want to talk about it?

Not really.

I just lived it, so...

I just want to know.

(SIGHS) What?

Guess this is your life.

No, this is my job.

And it's not often like this.

Usually, I'm just
driving around

listening to Django Reinhardt
on the radio,

looking for all the places

that'll let me
eat on the cuff.

-I don't know what that means.
-For free.


A lot of these places
you eat

have waitresses?

You got something against

Hmm. Only the pretty ones.


Well, then you'll love
my favorite. Mary.

She's 250 pounds.
Sideburns, bat wings.

She fills me full with all

the double patties I can eat

down at Don's Drive-In.

That usually doesn't come out.

I'll take care of it.

You're gonna do my laundry?

God, no. I'll buy you
seven new ones.


-Am I a kept man?
-Just keep up the good work.

How was your day?


Well, my husband's partner's
gonna live.

Probably in a wheelchair.




May I ask who's calling?

Oh. Mmm-hmm.

It's your father.


Hal has asked
to see the police.

the attending physician
is an old family friend.

Knew to call me first.

Is there anything
we should know about
what happened to Hal?

Look, Grace, maybe your
father and I should...

If this is about Hal
and other women, I know.

So does Betty.

You and Hal aren't as good at
keeping secrets as you think.

-You could be a little better.

The election
is in nine months.

Your lives are going
to be lived completely
in the public eye.

You do not live apart.
You do not get divorced.

I'm sorry, Daddy,
but, no, that's...

Honey, I love you,
but all you know is
life with me, life with Ken.

You think the world
just exists.

It doesn't. It's made by men
who bend it to their will,

and the women
we care for either choose
to live in our world,

or leave it.

I hold the paper on your firm.

You, Hal, and I
will help Dick Nixon
take the White House.

I gave my word
to Dick, personally.

So, Hal doesn't
tell the police

what went on that night.

You do.



What is he doing?


Charlie needs to
get off his knees.

-He says he has a plan.
-Great. What?

He says it's evolving.

Wanna...the LA City Chamber
of Commerce for 10 bucks

and then give
all the money to Ralph,
then do his damn laundry?

We need a plan now.


Plans, plans, plans.
Everybody wants a plan.

The Earth had a plan.
The sun had a plan.

To make you happy, our plan

is to open our hearts
and feed those in need.


CHARLIE: You need to trust
there are things I know,

that I learned in prison,

that are about
how you survive there.

I know that, Charlie,
but we're not in prison.
We're free.

Yeah, well, so's he. (SPITS)

And he thinks I owe him,
and he's collecting.

What if we just took off?

Someplace he couldn't find us.

Minnie's right.
What's keeping us there?

You're right, Sadie.
I know just the place.

It's got cotton candy clouds
and jelly bean hills.

Oh, and you get there
on a unicorn
that pukes rainbows.


Excuse me? Hi.

Sorry, my boss says
you can't...

He says you have to stop
and you need to go.

Well... (LAUGHS)

Well, uh...


Wait, no, then...

Shouldn't he...

Shouldn't your boss come
and talk to us himself?

I'm just doing my job.


Wait. Wait, give me your hand.

It's all right.



-Your boss has a small soul.

And a big mouth.

And his idea of heaven
is bringing you down.

He could hear.
The door's open.

Free yourself.

Release yourself
from that monster.

When you came out here,
you were under a black cloud.

It's gone now.

-You feel that?

I'm Emma.




Patricia. Patricia Krenwinkel.



Hello, Hal.


Doctors say
you'll never walk again.

Or use your arms.


HAL: You...

All right.


Now that you've got that
off your chest...

I have to think there's some
cosmic justice at work here.

The greatest gift God gave
was that brain of yours,

and that voice,

that beautiful,
resonant voice of yours.

Made to soothe the judges
and coax juries,

but that...of yours.

If God made that brain,

we know who made your...

The same one who made yours.

-Maybe so.

Maybe so.

But you're there.
And I'm here.

And, Hal,
the police aren't coming.

Not now, not ever.

You think I can't sit here

and scream loud enough
until they do?

Sure, you can.

Sure, you can.

That's only gonna
confuse things.
They have your statement

about what happened.

That you were
taken at gunpoint
by three hippie radicals.

Three anti-war,
anti-Nixon hippie radicals

who wanted to make
an example of you.

So, they took you
up to Mulholland to kill you.

But you fought them off.

Three of them.
All by yourself. Amazing.

But one of them shot you

before you could escape.

-Such a tragedy.

No. No.

They've even got
a quote from Dick.

"I'm relieved my friend
Hal Banyin

"is going to make
a full recovery.

"This terrible incident
should be a wake-up call
that the radical left

"are nothing more
than hoodlum terrorists."

You don't want to call our
next president a liar, do you?




My God, that girl fights sleep
like it's the devil himself.



Any good news?

Laugh-In is on
in a few minutes.

About as good as it gets
these days.

I'm volunteering tomorrow

at the breakfast
program again.

BRIAN: Uh-huh.

Then I've got class.

-You good to watch Bernadette?
-We're gonna lose this war.

We're gonna lose.

-Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe we need to stop thinking
we're the whole world's
answer to everything.

I want our daughter
to grow up in a country
that can learn that.

Maybe even live it.

Well, I don't want
our daughter growing up
in a country that loses wars.

How is that gonna be for her?

I grew up in a country
that won wars.

Never felt that great to me.

ROY: How's your boy, Shafe?

Not my boy, is how.


He is one lucky nine-life cat.

Why is that?

You let me know the next time
you see him.

Okay. Unless you're gonna
kill him.

You got a problem with that?

Come on, he's harmless.

He sent you to spy on me.

Are you still spying?

What do you think?

I think you let me kill him,
I'd have my answer.

Please don't do that.

He owes me 100 bucks.




That's like... Oh, my God.

Child, you opened up
like a flower.


Want to make you
feel the way...

The way you made me feel.


Damn jungle bunny music.

Got a little transistor?


Maybe we could try to
find the Beatles,

and I could...

It's dinnertime.

You gotta cook
for everybody.


Charlie, I really don't think

I'm that good a cook.

You want that?

Dinner can't be late.

Ralph hates
when it's late.

One more thing.

You don't touch Ralph's food.

Not a thing.

My girls don't eat
no colored boy's food.

So, Lucille's fully
in the wind.

Pussycat's shuttered.
No one's home.

No forwarding, but also,
no lock on her mailbox.

Go on.

I maybe got a look at
all her unopened mail.

Maybe some of it gets opened,
and I find these.

That's a postal felony.

-I feel so dirty.
-She's got three kids.

One apparently had some
surgery as a baby.

He's nine now,
in a wheelchair.

-So, I'm thinking...
-Same thing I am.

Hey, give that back,

-Who wants a grilled cheese?
-SAM: I do.

Love the grilled cheese.

I'm thinking you know Guapo
and all his men are dead.

And that's why
you're here at your sister's.

Mrs. Gladner, I can't imagine
how scared you are.

Especially for your kids.

I'm a father.

I understand. I do.

I think Roy Kovic
had Guapo killed.

But I also think
there was someone else.
Someone in the military?


I want to make a deal.

As soon as you
tell me everything.

-I want protection.
-Again, tell me everything.

Mrs. Gladner, I have nothing
to go to the DA with,

nothing to justify
the cost and manpower

of protective custody.

Lucille said
his name is Welles,

doesn't have a first name.

Roy called him "Captain"
on a few phone calls
she overheard.

He's the supplier.

Shipping heroin
from Vietnam in the caskets
of dead soldiers.

What kind of godless traitor
opens up the casket
of a dead hero?

That fits what I found
in Roy's wallet.

-Times, "CW" or "W."

He's, uh, meeting him tonight.

why I got stood up.

-I'll live.

Maybe longer.

He drew a map, huh?

Yeah, it's a coast road.

Not sure where.

And then an exit here,
"CP Pen."

-"CP Pen?"
-BRIAN: San Diego.

Camp Pendleton.

So, if this Captain Welles
is bringing in

hundreds of pounds of dope,

U.S. Army and U.S. government
know about it.

Who do we arrest
and how do we do that exactly?


That's a good question.

I hate good questions.


MEG: Sam.


-That come from
Canoga Sheriff's?
-MEG: Mmm-hmm.


How's it work?
Actually, I don't care.
Do not care.

Jane Doe here's not your girl.


but Caucasian, late teens.

Same body type, hair color.

Suffocated. Abrasions on
both wrists and mouth.

Killer with a type.



Where's Charlie?

Uh, he's probably off
doing his music.

Really like those
songs you played,
demo you guys did?

He should get a record deal.

He's been trying.

PATTY: He should talk to my
friend's boyfriend.

I don't know if she's
his girlfriend exactly.

Dennis is kind of
like Charlie. Free.

-Dennis who?
-Dennis Wilson.
The Beach Boys?

Wait, you know Dennis Wilson?

You should go with me
next time I go with Margie.

It's a crazy scene.
A party that literally
never stops.

There must be 50 people there
all the time.

Dennis hates being alone.


RALPH: I hear there's soup.


Here you go.

What's your name,
little princess?


How about I come up
to your room later on tonight?

Daddy read you a little
bedtime story.

Charlie wouldn't like that.

Nobody cares about
what Charlie would like.



Can we go tonight?




Hey, Dennis.
Remember me? Patty?

Yeah, yeah, sure. How are you?

This is my friend Emma.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

-PATTY: Hey.

-You going?

Well, you coming back?

I don't know.

Are we?

DENNIS: Yeah, you are.

I'm a wreck.

I'm never a wreck.

-Well, thanks for this.

We had a lot of fun.


Charlie's gonna love it here.

REPORTER: Calling it possibly
the greatest military blunder
of the war so far,

the Pentagon has issued
a statement.

The Communists
launched a wave of attacks

in the late night hours
of the 30th of January

-in the first and second corps

tactical zones
of South Vietnam.


You're not dressed.

Mmm, maybe you should be
the detective.

We're going to see Walt?

-It is Saturday.

Is it?

GRACE: Hello, Opal.

GRACE: You sure
I can't get you anything?

-So, you live here now?
-Well, no, not really.

Well, I heard
that you married some lawyer.

Diamond like that
sure didn't come from Sam.

It's complicated.

OPAL: You're stepping out
on your husband to ball mine.
How's that complicated?

I'm just surprised
it didn't happen sooner.

He never got over you.
I mean, why would he?

Prettiest girl
at the country club.

It was like you and him
are out of a movie.

And now you're back together.

And all of this.

It's yours.

Okay. Let's go.




They dropped the charges
for treason.

Honey, it's over.


They could give me life
just for deserting.

By not charging me
with treason,

they don't
have to put anything

I stole into evidence.

Well, why wouldn't they
want to put that in evidence?

These were illegal
incursions, Opal.

War crimes.

Look, as soon
as the Times publishes
what you gave them...

Dad, Salazar's had
the documents a month.

And now with Tet,

the Pentagon is in full
damage control.

They're never gonna
run the story.

SAM: Salazar quit?
And you're not
running the story?

No. We killed the story,
so, he quit.

Do you know where he is?
The Times isn't
the only paper.

The Pentagon
will sue, prosecute,

and jail anyone
who runs this story.

So, you're telling me
that because it's true,

because it's backed up
by actual facts

that my son risked his life
handing you,

because every charge
he's making

against the United States
Army is true,

that you're burying the story.

Look, for what it's worth,
I hate this.

A lot of us do,

but no one can afford
to publish this story.

Not right now.

(SIGHS) I'm sorry, Detective.

EMMA: You would
love Dennis, Charlie.

And he'd love you.

Let's go meet him.

I mean, I swear it's like
you have the same soul.

Oh, and the house

is just unbelievable.



Me and you,
we gonna make some time?

You okay there, Ralph?
You don't look too good.

You look a little, uh...

Do you people ever get pale?

Shut up, Charlie.

Whatever you say, man.
Whatever you say.

EBBIE: Ralph!

Hey, man, Ralph!

I think Zeke is...

He won't wake up, man!
I can't wake him!

Ralph, come on, man.

Let's get you upstairs.

There must be
some Alka-Seltzer

around here someplace.


Sam, at the risk of sounding
like the generation we hate,

you gotta talk.

Grace, I would kill a man for
cutting you off in traffic,

but don't ask me for that.

Talk. It's what I can't.

I mean, can't you just
read my mind?

You always could.


I see it.

One word, over and over.

One little four-letter word.

Does it begin with an "F"?

(CHUCKLES) It does not.


SAM: You were right about
the LA Times.

You were right
about everything.

It's doing me wonders.


I've got one move.

It's a drug case. It's big.
Keeps getting bigger.
Multiple homicides.

The chief suspect
is a U.S. Army captain
who's been smuggling heroin

from Vietnam in the caskets
of dead soldiers.

What does that
have to do with me?

You're in here because
you have evidence

that the Army is lying
to the American people.

What if I bust a murderous,

decorated Army captain
who's been lying to the Army?

They'd bury it.

-Deeper than me.
-Yes, and maybe they will.

Or maybe I hold on
to that officer,

and maybe the government
gets the message that they
should cut a deal with you

or else the arresting officer,
your father,

will hold a big, nasty
press conference.

(SOFTLY) Dad, these people...

-You don't want to do this.
-No, I don't.

But this is where
we find ourselves right now.

Okay, in the meantime,
just be quiet,

keep a low profile,
"Yes, sir. No, sir."
Say very little.


-I love you.
-I love you, too.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, Ralph.

Look at you.

You should call
the doctor, man.


RALPH: Charlie.



We're supposed to be
a family, Charlie!

We had plans, Charlie!

CHARLIE: Yeah, well,

plans change, Ralph.

You looking for these?

There you go.

Go on, now. Time's a-wasting.

Hey, Ralph.

You like that home cooking?

Good, wasn't it?

See, the key is...

See, every time,

the key is fresh ingredients.

CHARLIE: I told you, Ralph.
The water shapes the rock.


You're the rock,

and I'm the water!

And I done shaped you good.

Go ahead and lay down, Ralph.

All your boys
are waiting for you.

Up there, in the green
pastures of the Lord.


Charlie, what did I do
to all those people?

We have to tell someone.

CHARLIE: Who you gonna tell?

Your folks?

Think they'll be
understanding, huh?

What about the police?

Come on, child.

What are you gonna say?
You killed all those people?


They killed themselves.

They died of greed
and violence.

We're your family.

And we protect family.


Oh, my God, Charlie.

No, no, no.
Our family doesn't have God.

Or Christ, or angels,
or devils.


We're all there is.

We are the eternal

and the divine, right?


Charlie. Charlie.

Patty, God is here.

Christ is here.

Right now,
I'm your Jesus, baby.


SHARON: Don't hurt my baby!
Please! Please!

-Don't hurt my baby.
-SADIE: I said, shut up.

Don't talk.

-Don't talk, both of you.

Shut up! Shut up!
Don't move, don't move!

SHARON: My baby, please!

Hey. Hey, I need help, hey!

-SHARON: (SOBS) Please!
-Hold this.

Please. My baby, please.

Please, my baby, please.