Aquaman (1967–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Sea Raiders/War of the Water Worlds/Bad Day on Black Mountain - full transcript

Aliens collecting specimens for their collection release a Venusian sea serpent in "The Sea Raiders." / The friends find a portal to another water world in "War Of The Water Worlds." / The evil Mastermind threatens to reveal the secret identities of the League members in "Bad Day On Black Mountain."

(male narrator)
Aquaman, swift and powerful
monarch of the ocean.

With ability
to summon and command

all creatures of the deep.

Aquaman, with his
teenaged ally, Aqualad

guards and defends
all that lives in the seas

against the forces of evil.

King of the Seven Seas.

[dramatic music]

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

Now, we will add some
of Earth's sea creatures

'to our dehydrated collection.'

Lower the suction tube, Doca.



swish swish

We have three.

Let us try for more.

(male narrator)
Now, Aquaman, King
of the Seven Seas alerted

to the strange happenings
by his sonic sentry device

rushes to the scene with
his young companion, Aqualad.

Sir, mounted
Earthlings approach.

Show them in,
if they come close.

Jumpin' jellyfish!

What's that, Aquaman?

Looks like.. It is.
It's a suction tube.

But...but who?

What? Why?

I don't know the answers,
Aqualad. But I aim to find out.

Let's go, Storm! Topside.


No, Tusky. Stay away from that!


Tusky, watch out!


Mumbling mantis!

It's got me!


An interesting specimen.

Dehydrate him.

Help, Aquaman. Help!


Okay, Tadpole, let's go.

[intense music]


The water-breathing Earthlings

prepare to make trouble,

I know how to take
care of them.

Cota, eject the Venusian
sea serpent.


I'm okay now, Aquaman.

- But Tusky..
- Let's go get him.

Whoa, Imp.


- Look at that!
- Great gastropods!'s a monster.


Out of the way. Fast!


The creature grows larger
on Earth

than on its native planet.

Yes. But more ferocious.


Get the horses
and stand aside, Aqualad.

Watch out, Aquaman!

'Here it comes again.'


Attaboy, Aquaman.

[intense music]





Get out of there, Aqualad!



Kick up a dust storm
to blind him

while I pelt him
with some more hot water jets.


Sir, the Earthlings appear

to conquer the Venusian beast.

- Should we not blast off?
- No. Not yet.

It's coming back.
What do we do now?

I've summoned help, Tadpole.

(male narrator)
Responding to Aquaman's
telepathic summons

denizens of the deep
rush to aid the Sea King

in his battle
with the Venusian beast.


Sufferin' seashells!
That was a near fish fry.

Watch what happens now.

And stand by to help
tie that beast up.

thud thud thud


(male narrator)
Faithfully following Aquaman's

telepathic commands

the Sea King's
faithful marine allies

bedazzle the ferocious
visitor from Venus.

Now, Aqualad!


Go, Tadpole! Go!


They have conquered
the sea serpent.

We had better
get out of here fast.

Withdraw the suction tube.

Standby to blast off.

Look, they're withdrawing
the suction tube.

Getting ready to blast off.

With Tusky.
We gotta get Tusky.

Quick! Get up there!

[dramatic music]


Something is pulling us down.

We will sink into the sea.

Get to the blast-off controls.
Quickly. Quickly!

Pull, troops! Pull hard!

Release us, Earthlings,
or we will destroy you

with our rocket blasts.


Return our sea creatures

or we'll pull you into the sea.

Quickly, give me
the dehydrated Earth creatures!


Now, if you'll
send down your tube

you can have your monster back.

Let's go, gang.


Sufferin' sea cows!
Look at that.


Glad to have you back,
Tusky boy.

There goes the monster.


Quickly, blast off! Hurry!

Out of the way.
They're going to blast off.




Easy, fellas. Relax.

Yes, it's all over now.

Let's head for home.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

(male narrator)
In just a moment, we'll return

with another exciting adventure

featuring a guest star

from the galaxy
of super superhero.

The Justice League of America.

The combined might and power
of the Man of Steel

and the Cosmic Crusader.

The Winged Avenger
and the King of the Sea.

The Tiny Titan
and the Scarlet Streak.

All working together
for good against evil

as...the Justice
League of America.


(male narrator)
In his office
at the "Daily Planet"

Clark Kent receives
a startling telephone call.

(man on phone)
'Clark Kent,
I know you are Superman.'

Who is this?

'Meet me at the top'

'of Black Mountain immediately'

'or I will expose you
to the world.'

In swift succession,
four other members

of the Justice League received
similar telephone threats.

Interplanetary space scientist,
Carter Hall

alias Hawkman.

Police lab technician,
Barry Allen alias the Flash.

Atomic science professor,
Ray Palmer, alias the Atom.

Test pilot, Hal Jordan,
alias Green Lantern.

Within minutes,
five colorfully costumed

Justice Leaguers convene
on top of Black Mountain.

Anybody know who's the joker
who knows our secret identities?

- Beats me.
- Me too.

- Likewise.
- There's your answer.

I am Master Mind and I have
lured you superheroes

from your posts, so that
you will not interfere

with my master plot
to take over your planet.

'A plot which is now
in operation. Look.'

'Earth's largest
rocket at Cape Grant'

'is at this moment
being subjected'

'to my ultrasonic
convergent beams'

'which will explode it
and the entire rocket base.'

Great galaxy!

(Master Mind)
'Now, see the water'

the city of Metropolis'

'burst into flame
which will destroy it.'

[Master Mind laughing]

'Missiles, each speeding'

'to a pre-programmed
Earth target.'

If you try to stop those attacks

members of the Justice League,
you will be destroyed.

That's what you think,
Master Mind.

Up and away!



That's one.


With four to go.


I'll take care of the missiles.

Atom and I'll go
for the rocket base.

I'll put out the fire.

Then we'll find Superman

[instrumental music]

Where, where am I?

You are on an uncharted
asteroid, Superman.

For I have spent years
perfecting my master plot.

- You wasted your time.
- I think not, Superman.

Oh. Ah. Kryptonite.


Within hours,
the concentrated intensity

of the Kryptonite
radiation will rob you

of all your super powers

completely and forever.


Strength going.



- Here it is.
- And away we go.


Holy cow! I'm-I'm stuck!

Quicksilver in quicksand!
Don't move!

Thrust me on that machine before
the rocket base goes up. Hurry!

[dramatic music]



Now, gotta get
the Atom out of there.

'Let's go, mighty might.'



You shall pay
with your lives for this.

(male narrator)
At this moment, Hawkman
in his swift Hawkship

intercepts Master Mind's
guided missiles.

That's that. Now to see
how Green Lantern's doing.


Only one way
to put out that fire.

An explosion to create a vacuum.

But first I must shield the city
from the shock waves.

[crackling continues]

Hawkman. Just in time to help.

Come on, Hawkman,
hit the fire zone

with the biggest blasts
in your arsenal.

Big blasts coming up.

pew pew pew


Fire's out. Now we've
got to find Superman.

My radiotron has located
him on a small asteroid.

Let's go.

(Master Mind)
'Superman is a goner.'

Flash and the Atom are trapped.

'And here come the other two.'

Now I can take off
and enjoy their destruction

from a safe distance.



- Look!
- Get us out of here.

- How did you two get here?
- We were teleported.

- Same as Superman.
- Where's he?

My radar vision shows
him under this floor

in a room filled
with kryptonite.

We've gotta get him out, fast.

(Master Mind)
'Yes, and when you lift
the trapdoor'

you will trip a booby trap

that will create
a galactic cataclysm.

Stand away. I'll hit it
with my power beam.

No! Don't!

My radar vision shows

a detonating device
attached to the trapdoor.

- What could we do?
- Leave it to me.

Got to take it easy.



All clear. Fire away, GL.


Come on. Let's get him
out of there.

You've not defeat me yet,
Justice League.

If I can't rule Earth,
I'll destroy it!

(male narrator) From his spaceship,
Master Mind sends the asteroid

itself in motion into a direct
collision course with Earth.

Hop aboard the Hawkship,
fellas, and blast off.

I'll take care of the asteroid
and Master Mind.

Up, up and away!


(male narrator)
With a mighty jolt,
the Man of Steel

crashes into the asteroid
and deflects its course

away from Earth.

It's heading right for me! No!


That does it, Justice Leaguers.
Now back to Earth.


(male narrator)
Coming up next,
more action-packed adventures

with Aquaman,
King of the Seven Seas

featuring Aqualad
and Tusky the walrus.


Not far from the shimmering
dome of Atlantis

as flame-haired Mera
and Tusky the walrus

near a circle of silvery sand

a strange stalk pushes up.

And a single beautiful flower
opens gleaming petals.


(male narrator)
Moments later, in the Aquacave

Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas

and his teenage ally, Aqualad

hear a familiar sound.

- Tusky!
- What's up, boy?


Where's Mera?
Wasn't she with you?

She must be in big trouble.
Let's go, Tadpole.

[dramatic music]

I think Tusky's trying
to tell us

Mera vanished at this spot.

She couldn't have just gone
down through the seafloor.

- 'Look!'
- 'It..'

'It's some kind of
screen or a warp.'

'Check. A warp we're going
to pass through right now.'

Come on.



splash splash

'Mumblin' mantis!'

Another waterworld
beneath ours.

Creepy place.
I never dreamed it existed.

'But some of our fish
found their way down here.'

Holy haddock! Look at that!

'Maybe Mera's in there.
Come on.'

- They're alive!
- Break through.

(male narrator)
Trapped, unable to move

Aquaman issues a telepathic
command for help.


Here come the thresher sharks.

Let's go, team!


(male narrator)
Meanwhile, on the warp's
other side

the faithful sea horses,
Storm and Imp, wait nervously.

Storm, worried,
decides to follow.

splash splash

At this moment, in a huge room

within the other waterworld..

'Hoppin' toadfish, Aquaman!
That's Mera!'

Under some weird ray.

'We've gotta get her
out of here.'

(male #1)
'Halt, intruders!'

What? Who? Who was that?

Look there, Aqualad.

You look up at Slam

the ruler of this waterworld

and its plant beings.

Who are you?

I am Aquaman,
king of the upper waterworld.

If you don't release
that girl, we will--

You will, what?


Leapin' lionfish!
Where'd they come from?

'Move, Tadpole.'

I can't move.


Fight, Aqualad! Fight!

[intense music]

Place the young one
under the convergent ray.

'He too shall be turned
into a plant being'

'to serve Slam.'

[laughing continues]

'Take him to the pit.'



'Aquaman, your doom is assured.'

'You shall be destroyed
by the Hydra.'


Can't avoid..

...other two heads forever.
I need help.

(male narrator)
Again, from the brain
of the Sea King

a telepathic message
reaches out.




Too heavy even for me.

'Storm, Imp, come here.'

Now, pull hard!




Uh-oh, the Hydra.

This ought to hold it.


Now, to get Aqualad and Mera.

[dramatic music]

I'll take over, Tusky.


Aquaman. He's escaped.

Stop them!

Tusky, you and the horses
take Aqualad and Mera back.

And send more help.

Destroy him!

(male narrator)
As the dazed Sea King
is seized by the Plantman

a battalion of loyal fish
sent by Tusky

come charging to his aid.

[instrumental music]

Back off, troops.
I'll finish this.

(male narrator)
Whirling at fantastic speed,
Aquaman creates

a terrific underwater storm.

Hope that holds them
until I can reach my own ocean.

She'll be alright. But I'm
worried about.. Aquaman!


Greetings, team.

Wait. There's just
one more thing I must do.



What is that for?

Just in case Slam ever
decides to invade our seas

'those big, sharp jaws
will make him think twice.'

Right, Tadpole?

Check, big daddy.


Now, let's get Mera back
for a good rest in Atlantis.

[theme music]

[music continues]