Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (2005–2012): Season 1, Episode 6 - Sicily - full transcript

In Sicily, Anthony Bourdain eats some tripe at a local frittola stand in II Capo Market, a spleen sandwich with Sicily's President, and salt encrusted fish. Later, Tony also debates where to get the best cannoli.

[inaudible] put the video
with [inaudible] because

[inaudible] [inaudible]

[inaudible] [inaudible]
Tony. No, no. Necessary.

Three step. Kristie, Laci, Achaelia

[inaudible] Viva Vv Tonino
[inaudible] [inaudible]


What the hell was that? Two things.

I love the Italian movies and
Italian food, but as we'll find out,

Cecily is not exactly

we Italy and making TV. Here is no picnic.

Hi, I'm Anthony Boarding. That's right.

I write, I travel

and I'm hungry for more.


the other night I had a dream

in my dream. I'm back in my kitchen.
I'm trapped in an endless dinner rush.

The angry mob outside the kitchen
doors keeps shifting, growing,

changing their orders. I want steak.
I want fish. I want sauce on the side.

I want it well done.

I want it medium rare or relentless
procession of waters crushing into the

kitchen. Suddenly I'm on an island.


It's an island that's endured 6,000
years of domination by foreign powers,

invader after invader from the seat.


It's belonged to everyone but its
own people. Do. They give up? No.

Hardened and proudly inhabitants
persist, but they've discovered a secret


distrustful of power and wealth.

They've turned their attention elsewhere
to the things that can be trusted. Oh,

family, friends, simple food,

beauty, all the natural pleasures of life.

They live with passion to hell
with everything else. That island.

It's Sicily. When I woke
up, I hopped the plane.


arrived in Palermo, Sicily's
capitol. I've gotta be honest.

Lately I just haven't been feeling it.

Another airport and other baggage claim

and of course another loss

and always the ever present camera
capturing every humiliating moment.

Some days.

Being a slave to television
feels no different than
being a slave to the kitchen

from time to time with a camera
crew stalking my every move,

travel can make me feel
like holding myself up in a
clock tower with a bottle of

Wolf Schmitz. So I'm hoping Cecily,

at least we'll bring back
the pure rush of a good trip.

I know that whenever I get off a plane
after a nine hour flight from America,

the first thing I always want to do
in a country is meet the president.

Ladies and gentlemen, may
I present Salvador Fara,

the president to Sicily's
regional government. Now. Tony,

you may be asking yourself,

how does the president of Sicily
have time to meet with you?

[inaudible] thoughts. Exactly.
I'm also meeting Chico,

the guy who's supposed
to be my guidance system,

the president of CCD.
Go and stay. Thank you.

Thank you so much for ringing
in the middle density. Yeah, of

looking forward to eating
well. Oh, that looks good.


Are you San Francesco established in
1834 it's a historic landmark and one of

Italy's oldest restaurants

and it's a favorite snacking
spot for the president.

What's that?

[inaudible] again?

[inaudible] one door. The main door.
A ton. The popular in [inaudible].

I understood that. What is
the president and he too,

when he comes here every time.
What's his favorite [inaudible]?

It's a bread with it's fried
and they put inside of the bread

the moment of truth. Fortunately,

everyone keeps their job
today by now that that's good.

I wonder if the president
comes in and orders the usual

fuck that shit. Whoa. Let me say it.

Angry little [inaudible]. Yes.

It's a spleen sandwich.
Grieve for spleen bark.

Caciocavallo cheese from a
fitting sandwich in the 16
hundreds they thought the

spleen was the source of all emotion
and passion. Well, there's book,

but today I imagine it's simply a source
of tension for these cooks right here.

Apparently the presidential
itinerary is a little pressing,

but never too pressing. He insists
to taste his favorite dessert.

Kayla and Milana does it say [inaudible]?
It is made with a watermelon,

watermelon, Gillette

bee stack using Giuliano as beautiful
light and beautiful little chunks of

chocolate and just stash it up.

So my theory has always been culturally
who had a history of struggle and always

cooked better because
they have to come home.

I'm very fortunate. This is
my first meal in Sicilian eds.

I'm eating a really good one. Okay.
That's all right. Thank you so much.

Okay, thank you. Thank you. Bye Joplin.

No, there's a man with
his priorities in order.

No border dispute or budget crisis is
going to keep the president of Sicily from

a delicious meal.

The president knows how to eat well and
the president is someone who's coming

from a simple place,

so he like to keep leaving
with those simple things.

Right after lunch,

I tell Chico about my lost luggage and
he offers to help me get cleaned up with

a proper sense of Sicilian style.

I want you to take, you
know, days a friend of mine,

which is at Taylor and his a musician
outside 70 extraordinary, beautiful

Gucci Lampo Tailors.

Before there were gap outlets or
shopping malls for thousands of years,

people went to a tailor to have their
clothes custom made and in Palermo,

some still do.

Yeah. We still keep this kind of
tradition. We like to have our whole

perfect because I could really use a new
jogging suit, something in velveteen.

He that musician though,
so it's a really high

[inaudible] Pachamama, Zika


traditional Sicilian folk music is
as ancient as tailoring celebrations,

love songs, or even
rivalries and jealousies.

Any intense emotion is considered
good subject matter for a song.


and apparently any occasion is a good
time to play it, but it's a rare treat.

In the last hundred years, this
music has almost vanished. No,

I bought that jogging suit.

[inaudible] gentlemen, can
we look at some fabric? Uh,

36 long guys, single, breastfed, no cuffs.


Sicilian music may not
be too popular elsewhere,

but the only thing obsolete
around here is the sewing machine.

Maybe tomorrow the airline will locate
my luggage and I'll locate a reason to

live. Chico says we'll be going sailing.

And he mentioned something about
curling ourselves off a cliff.

Palermo, Sicily, heavily
damaged in World War II.

It still looks like the set
of an Italian neorealist film,

but Palermo's decay in grand jury,
analyze a city rich in culture.

On my way to meet my friend
Chico for a history lesson,

I take a little side trip of my own.
They call this the plaza of shame.

I don't know what's so shameful
about nudity. So what, you know,

the walk of shame now
that shameful, you know,

when you leave somebody's apartment,
you know, and your evening clothes,

or when the mortars were here, they
found all this nudity. Shameful.

So they knocked all the Schwartz's
office. You know what I mean?

What if they kept them all in
a little box like, oh, hey,

they left [inaudible] how come
that guy I got to live? Yeah,

he's still got his unit. Well,
most of it. On the other hand,

these guys are hung like
hamsters. That's pretty shameful.

Speaking of shameful
architecture, sculpture,

painting, and groceries,
well, probably not.

If you're buying them from big brother
at the brave new world of your local Uber

market, check this out.


markets are often the fast
track into a countries psyche.

When I hook up with Chico,

it turns out we're going to
Palermo's Capo street market.

Uh, I wanted to do this. You,
my friend to get is here.

Gaetano the Cla is a famous writer
and historian of Sicilian culture.

Great. Donna

[inaudible]. It's the
oldest market in the world,

the oldest market in
the world, a 1000 years.

1000 years. Wow.


The cla shops here frequently and feels
it's an easy way to learn about Sicilian

culture. Superficially, the obvious
variety of products reflects Sicily's,

many foreign influences,
but more importantly,

the waist is Cillian shop
reflects their outlook on life.

[inaudible] contract. Great. Important
things to know is in rainy Sydney,

when people are going in market to buy
any kind of food they want to be attract,

also buy the food.

In this market. It's a game of seduction.

Everyone wants to be seduced.

When was the last time you were
turned on at your local supermarket?

Don't answer that. Oh, sweet.
See? Then when you see,

you know,

oldest things like that because that's
a trial or trial or they call it Lucas

tile of verbage towels.

Okay, I see something
really exciting over here

for each of them. Hold

three [inaudible] invite you to buy that
fish because the presentation is very

nice. Colorful. It's a not, you
know, it's like chain model, barrel.

Getting inspiration
from the Barocco style.

The Rock art originated
in Italy and emphasizes
exaggerated motion and drama for

a passionate central appeal.

The cla takes me to a Baroque church in
the center of the market to finish his



now I get it

hungry hearing my complaint,

but Sila says nearby there's a one
of a kind snacking opportunity.


Sicily and narrow crumbling street
cut to a large covered basket.

Steam carries the vague
sour smell of mystery meat.

Heavy man looms silently
revealing nothing.

Suddenly he reaches inside slaps a
steaming mound of flesh into your palm and

you're instructed to swallow it instantly
leaving. Not a trace. Would you do it?

I love fruit. Now we are
going to have a fleet.

The Frito La is all the
pieces of different animals
are cool to get the degrees

from. Oh my. They used to in
a way that in the book people,

of course they took that and
they used to fry that. Okay,

so these were all the scraps. Little bits
of scraps that they would render out.

The fat is actually to sell,

but the poor people were left with
the meat you have to eat is very,

when is very warm because otherwise
the test is too strong. You know it.

Let's see. It's like a mystery basket.
The way he goes in, right? What's inside?

We don't know right away
you get a well a soccer

ball as global. Awesome for good.

He knows better than that
because it's stocked me odd bits.

[inaudible] oh yeah. Actually he's
one of the best place for Frito.

Look at them circling like seagulls. Oh,

I can hang out here all day and nearby.
Easily accessible. Appropriate beverage.

I don't be as much time as a morning.

I have a good glass of red wine after
the [inaudible] to test have to meet

together. It was nice

in Palermo street, food is deadly serious.

Okay. I'm not a doctor, but she goes,
look in a little haggard. He's sluggish,

irritable, dragging his feet.
It's all this work making TV sets.

We must go sailing with my friends.

Sicily's northern coast is an almost
uninterrupted string of beaches and resort

towns. It's no wonder
that the scenery is well


but if you truly want to live large,
sailing is the best choice. Oh yeah.

Now we're moving. Yeah. This is a lot
better than the last time I was in Italy.

Well, horribly fun when I
had jammed into a B day.

Maybe this teeny job isn't so bad.
After all. You've been in New York,

Brooklyn, Brooklyn.

[inaudible]. Haven't impressed anybody
on board with where I come from,

but this kind of misery, alienation and
on weight. Yes. I guess I can live with

no comment. Chico suggest some adventure.

Something he claims he
does regularly. Let's move.

We sit out in the dinghy to do some
cliff jumping. Is this a good idea?

Yeah. Stone cold. No, I mean holy,

I've never even jumped
off the high diving board.

At least it's a good way to go.
It's better than killed over dating.

Whatever's about to happen.
One thing's for sure.

Chico and I have a long
climb up, a very tall cliff,

but one life to give from my network.


when we last left our fearless hero,

he was trying to convince himself that
jumping off a cliff made perfect sense in

the last thing you see in your life.

Gorgeous Blue Mediterranean off the coast
of Sicily coming up to crash into your

skull and pack your spine and cause all
sorts of, you know, cranial bleeding.

Now some things you might ask, how
is this food related? If I know,

I guess if I crush my skull and a rock,

parts of me will become part
of the food chain. Okay.

So my plan is to let Chico jump first.

I figure if his head
pops up to the surface,

I won't have to clean to this rock all
night waiting for a rescue chopper.


uh, Chico. Was this high
enough? Chico. How about now?

Are we there yet? Chico? This
is a joke, right? Holy Mother,

son of them.

Good idea of why? I don't know Chico.
That looks like a long way down.

You should have you done this before?
Yeah, I doubted it when it was first. Uh,

I think you should go first and I'll be
looking very closely down at that water

to see if you pop up. Okay. By
the way, I got one question.

I'm not wishing you bad luck or
anything, but just hypothetically,

if you don't make it, how do I
get down from here? Oh, whoa.


Ooh, that's kind


[inaudible] I just don't want to crap in
the back for the rest of my life. Okay,

so please let it in here.

Kids don't try this at home.

No feeding tube. No feeding.

[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] okay.

[inaudible] that was cool. It
looks like a million miles down.

When you think twice about
don your contract anymore.
That's just the province.

Yeah, that water goes right up here.
Well, they call me cc man. Yeah.

Thank you. Let's do it again.

I hope that jump impressed my shipmates.

My work here is done.

I know what you're saying. You're saying.

Okay, Tony, you know gorgeous women
and tiny little bathing suits.

Death-Defying feeds fantastic
food. That's all well and good,

but where's the salt? Salt?

Once rare, his gold
wars were fought for it.

Empires built by a biological
necessity. Linchpin of civilization.

It led to global trade
and the great salt roads.

All routes ended here at the very center.

The oldest salt marshes in all
of Europe. A great of salt.

Prized above all others. Prop Bunny,

please kill me.

Kill me now. I should pay more
attention to the preproduction notes.

Let me tell you folks
in production of salt,

it's similar to the ice
process in it's excitement.


Anthony Bordain reporting to you from
the front line of the salt flats of

Trapani behind me. Salt, a lot
of salt. What's that? Wolf?

Isn't this exciting? Wolf windmills are
used to pump seawater into large ponds.

Now supposedly the water evaporates
and this is not fully confirmed,

but according to our experts, salt is
left behind. If you look closely wolf,

you may actually be able to see the
evaporation process taking place in these

shots. Wolf Wolf, this is a breaking
story. I found something here.

It could be significant. It's salt
and it tastes salty. [inaudible]



ready to eat a Chico arranges
lunch with the proprietor.

Maybe that'll spice things up.


you're the salt is the principle element.

Of course you've seen the
middle and now we here with the,

this is the chef at Pino and Mr Antonio,

which is a the owner of this place.

Let the excitement begin there.

Things has been cooked with
the concept of the salt.

There's an array of salty sides
like octopus salad, handmade pasta,

and Caponata. A traditional Sicilian
eggplant dish. As for the main course,

speed, speed got bass. Take a fresh fish.

You take this soul, you put the
little bit of water and the thought,

and then you put all this
salt on top of the fish.

Then the fish gets baked
in salt. [inaudible] right?

It's a very [inaudible] and simple.
Luckily the fish was caught this morning.

That's beautiful. Normally you
should have opened like this.

You just caught this side
like this. Delicious.

It is in no way salting and
felt quite the opposite.

It's assault as a means of of
cooking it inside the crust.

It essentially cooks in its own juices.

That moisture tries to
escape and is forced back in.

Oh, Salad. The salad there is, he
says that it has salt and salt. Yes.

Say [inaudible]. Why on the no


there's salt and there's salt.

There's only one thing to be said about
the two hours of my life that followed

that fateful opening phrase. This man

like salt. He said,

don't forget to solve because
the salt is the base of the life.

The life is flat. Thank you and I
won't forget your kindness. Thank you.

I'm thinking that

gift shops gotta be awesome.

Salt related novelties when a bobblehead
doll made of salt on an ashtray made of

salt, salt postcard, salt,

any snacks,

so things would surely have turned out
far better from my ratings if I'd indeed

shattered my spine at
the bottom of that cliff,

things will surely improve tomorrow.

When I hop a flight to a volcanic
Sicilian island, it's closer to Africa,

then Italy.


After my salt and crusted
adventures yesterday,

I jumped to 30 minute flight to
Pantelleria of volcanic outcropping in the

Mediterranean. It's the biggest
of Sicily's outlying islands.

Look at this place, windblown, rugged,

and beautiful. My kind of island,

I really don't want to work today.
This is the kind of day I hate this.

Here I am in paradise, and look at this

Pantelleria about 70 kilometers fat away.

This Tunisia in Africa, you know,

hardly a location that I should be
bitching about. My job sitting here,

all I want to do is just hang out.
Oh, but no, I'm going caper. Farming.

That's right. People, capers.

You know those little Pecan morsels that
most of you mistake for mouse droppings

and pushed to the side of your plate.

These low slung caper bushes grow
like Kudzu in a rich volcanic soil.

The caper is the unopened green flower
bud on a Bush. Okay, here's the rub.

These nubs of goodness are hand harvested.
I don't know how he's doing then.

Don't relate this

well. They, oh my God, I parked already.

The one person take 20
kilos was one person. Yes,

20 kilos every day. Yeah,

20 kilos. For my metrically challenged
audience, that's around 40 pounds.

Find your position because you have
to stay four hours, four hours,

six o'clock. 10 please bring on the
food and beverage part of this journey.

I think I've done pretty well. All right.

I think that deck pretty much covers
my work day. How long was that?

Four minutes. Yeah, I think I did
well. I think we need to drink.

I know at my job. I mean I
know I'm ready. I was dying.

Oh yeah.

Now when you're working your ass off in
the caper field like these guys do every

day, you should reward yourself with a
good lunch. And these guys do just that.

Grilled tomatoes for a fresh pasta
sauce with crushed Bazell and capers.

Come on. You break your back
all day picking them. It
better end up in the food.

Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Let's try
some of those freshly picked ones.

I sweated over cause now not not on,
on a quiz. You need to four months,

four months tweeted. Okay, so four
months in the salt. And by the way,

Kapor fans, that's trapping assault
after that, what do they do?


that was beautifully put. Good looking
salad. All we need now are libations.

Oh thank God. That's of homemade wine
and not a grape incite. I have to crush.

Oh No. [inaudible] you some
disagreement between the chefs.

Now we're talking. I like his
method. It was a discussion.

It's like mix it or over the top.
I think what we arrived at is both

teaching and changing.
Thank you gentlemen.

That's awesome. [inaudible] so
how often do they cook like this?

More or less? Every day with your wine
here. The wine there is always the wine.

Yeah, I'm getting that idea. Yes,

but lunch is so much more than just
a bowl of pasta. That looks good.

So you're telling me that a big bowl of
pasta is not enough. You've got to have,

this is our second, what
do you call that? And then

the second plate consisting
of grilled, scorned meat day.

A local salt water fish. As you guys
know how to live, work hard. Party hard.

Oh on. That's beautiful. Fine.
Combine [inaudible] right?

Yeah. [inaudible] when you were in the
country, you would do with your hands,

not with a fork. Pete,

what's his Rama with the foot jet was
there's been away from home too long. Oh,

excuse me sir. I think I ordered
salad with my sardines. Yeah,

that's a lot of fun. Tesco
Salad, unique to this island.

All of your local products are in
here. You get your fish, tomatoes,

your capers, fish oil. Oh yeah,

yeah, yeah. Oh, you with your feet? Cool.

I hope you watched them
before you did that.

How beautiful is this? My caper,

farming buddies and me chowing down after
a hard morning working in the fields.

We realize is all Sicilians do that the
key to surviving a hard days Labor is

mixing in plenty of hard relaxation.
This is the life for me. I don't know.

I don't know. It's because
those like us. This is great,

so we'll eat to live, to drink. Now you,

you worked in your drink normally
before you work, before you work. What?

Oh No. Oh No.

This is even worse than my
job to hear that. That noise.

Oh, it sounds like somebody just
stepped on a box of Wheaties.

Apparently there's no such
thing as a free lunch out here.

I'm running into the seven 11 I'm getting
a jar of capers and I'm just throwing

them in the bucket.

Then I'm hopping the first plane to a
tiny remote Sicilian island in the middle

of the Mediterranean squid fishing.

Anyone surely that promises
a relaxing life, aquatic,

another beautiful Sicilian day
on foals before me. Well, Kinda.

I'm back in transit. Where am I?
Where am I going? Where am I going?

That's right. Another puddle jumper.
This time to the island of Lampedusa,

buddy Holly, the big
Bopper, Richie Valence, JFK,

a junior, Ricky Nelson,

common all died to flaming
inferno of a plane wreck.

Okay. Sunny disposition and optimistic
outlook of cleared the baggage check.

At least this flying Tin Tan will
transport me to some isolated relaxation,

alive or dead. So let's
get this bird airborne.

Okay, that's slightly disconcerting.
I better memorize this quick

and wonderful. Crazy eyes is
a good nickname for a pilot.

Hey, put those glasses back on.


bet. Well,

I had a sage uncle who once told me the
most important things in life were the

three s fishing flying,
and I forget the other one,

but let's go fishing.

Lampedusa, a tiny Mediterranean island.

There were basically two things that
happen here. Tourism and fishing.

So if you want to understand the
locals, the obvious choice as well.


fishing. And while it is a serious
livelihood for people like Salvatore,

I figure it's gotta be fun,
right after all it's fishing,

but that's promising.
This is going to be great.

Hugging the wild Calamari,
big as a subway car.

I understand twice as me

like a lot of activities in this
country. I'm discovering the Calamari.

Phishing is labor intensive. No
Dragon. Big Nets out here? No Sir.

This is done with Willa. Makeshift
version of Ron Popeil pocket fisherman.

No Rod. Just by hand I run. How many
kilos is when is a good nights hall

kilos, 200 kilos like
that. You go like that.

You can kill the drought.
Okay. Why do you feel about

to pull like that? Because you never
know when the kind of money going.

The kitchen never know when the
Calamari is going to buy. Hey Chico,

how about never? Now I like to think
I have. Yeah, pretty good sea legs,

but this water is starting
to get a bit choppy.


Ah. See she's a crude business. Give
her of life. We take her of Jesus

and the words of George Costanza.
The sea was angry that day.

My friends like an old man
trying to return super to Delhi.

Really the only thing keeping me going
at this point is a certain knowledge to

my producer was going to be vomiting
before me and I'll be there to watch.

Phyllis said, light
state of calm and nausea.

We've been out here for hours. It's
getting dark. Nothing is biting.

And half my crew have
their head over the rail.

I'm going to go yo

and like magic.

Oh yeah. Here we go.

That's one good looking
color column. He likes me.

I think my work day's done to the bar.

Sure. The ocean didn't give up
much of her bounty that night,

but my crew sure did.

And that's a good night of
fishing as far as I'm concerned.


I woke up the next morning
feeling a little bit down,

finally arrested butter knife
so I could cut my own throat.

Sometimes traveling takes its toll
as do salt flats, caper fields,

and fruitless quests for Calamari.
Hey, I mean, we're in an island.

Paradise. There's this beautiful
sun is beach all around, you know,

make a television. I'm defected.
I'll see you guys next island.

I need some downtime to cut loose a trip
to Sicily. Shouldn't feel like work.

Hey, I'm driving here.

Maybe that's why Sicily's many conquers
didn't last. They missed the point.

Move it pops. I got a bad
attitude, bad attitude.

This is how the entire show should've
been. Meaning motoring around,

sucking in the vista at a more relaxed
pace. How do you say, I'm a very bitter,

unhappy man and from now on I'm
taking my cues from Sicilian locals,

not my producers. I'm thinking, Hey, a
friendly game of bace with the locals.

That's true,



now this is a game that knows
no age, just right for me.

Simply roll your bace as close as possible
to the Paulino ball to score points.

Easy, right? Come on Kevin.

I have a little fun when some of the
wise old salts of Lampedusa stop bouncing

around on fishing boats. That's
about as good as it gets.

They often spend the rest of the
day here playing boxing. Oh No.

You don't have to be wildly competitive
to find satisfaction in this game,

but it helps. I got this one cold.

Prove out JFS in autos or fanatics.

Maybe that's why this Italian pastime
has been around for 7,000 years.


come on old man. Roll that Damn Ball.
Roll. Hide your colostomy bag. Oh yeah.

We social security checks
right now on. Yes. Ooh.

Looking good for you guys. Here we go.

Yes. America one.

I feel like Paul Newman in the
hustler only I get to win. Hello?

Oh yeah. I know. It's
only a little bit to me,

but to them it's their whole world. That's
what matters. Oh yeah. The other way.

Taken advantage of old people.
Next stop. Century village.

Hm. Know how to dispose
of my ill gained winnings.


oh yeah. Nice indigenous
beverage. Pina Colada.

Do Kidding. Sometimes it does pay to
be a tourist. Yeah. Don't feel so bad.

They'll tell you to do
this to all these people.

Their flavor from up north all over
Italy. Come down here. Lay the chairs.

Eat too late. Bust eaten.

Let the squids strip a lot of
wine to this kick back. Relax.

Ooh, that's gonna hurt. Should I tell
her? Yeah. I'm feeling more myself.

Relaxed. Buzzed even reckless.

I think I'm ready to take on
Europe's largest volcano. Beto Raj


Messianic Damian [inaudible].
As an avid cinephile,

I've always believed that film and
food are two important windows in what

country's soul. You need
to do an audit on it.

Italian cinema is filled with images of
Sicily. It's rugged, beautiful mystique,

clearly an important part
of Italy's filmic identity,

but does Sicily feel the same way
about Italy or any other place for that

matter? What is its true character?
Maybe I can find the answer. In termina,

a city on Sicily's, eastern coast,

famous for the ruins of the
ancient Greek amphitheater.

It's become a Sicilian Mecca
for culture and the arts.

[inaudible] same feeling every summer.

Tamina hosts a film festival
in the Greek amphitheater. Hey,

thanks for inviting me. I really want
to thank these people for inviting me.

Where's the liquor at?

I've arranged to meet a friend at the
festival once upon a time in America was

just absolutely bloated,
self-important plus pure filmmaking,

great sense of cinema.
Vincenzo was a Sicilian.

It was recently returned from
being a film student at NYU.

Unlike many Sicilians, he has
strong opinions. Strangely enough.

So to why when you put together
James [inaudible] way spills,

boredom and depression to me.
Don't I agree with you? It's great.

Confessing in what kinds
of lesson number one,

never start an argument
with this as Caelian.

Unless you're prepared to go the
distance. If I found any tea in my shed,

I call it exterminator. There's
some creepy little animals.

6,000 years of invasions can
make you a stubborn opponent.

This place [inaudible] you just set.

You don't tell [inaudible] Manny
and my shot here, by the way,

they portray Cecily's so
superficial to who got it right.

No one's ever gotten as we're
technically still filming a TV show.

This interests me, so I ask him what
it is that filmmakers miss. He says,

everyone oversimplifies Sicilian culture.

We crossed the Blah the week,

every possible civilization for
a thousand years. Look at me.

I'm the living proof.
I'm short as an Arab.

My eyes are blue and I can Norman
my last name, the Greek name.

My brother is dark skin.
My temper is Spanish.

We are not only method in full, we are
metal in the bladder. The very, uh,

Milstein culture. [inaudible]
more than New York,

I think from way before.

So what are we going to get? Something
sweet for the next film in Hawaii.

And you are in Sicily. You have to take
some sweet, this is our national food,

you know? Oh yeah. Yeah. What's so
special about facility of desserts?

A thousand year old domination.
We have a huge variety of sweets,

as you can see in a,

and they have the most delicious sweets
you can never taste in the title award

can on it. That's so
good. Yeah, absolutely.

Come on. Have you ever read there?

Not In New York. I had what I thought
it was or can only in New York,

it doesn't take a season.


Doesn't exist. Hey, hold
on. Their film geek boy,

the canola is the most iconic of
all Italian desserts. This simple,

deep fried shell filled with sweetened
ricotta cream is universally loved by all


And as New York has been frequently
ranked as the largest Italian city outside

of Italy, I'm pretty certain that
I've had a cannoli better than this.

You have to settle this argument.
Yeah, yeah. Right here. Right now.

Let's make it back. I was like
this bat, how do you ready


hmm. Yeah, that'd be all right. Smart Guy.

You got off easy. You can say
still no two days with no people.

Don't do the lotto out in this country.
You don't. You don't say no more. No,

no, no, no. You can die tomorrow. We
are on the vote camp, you know? Right.

So I checked on the night tomorrow. You
want to know with this week data? Yep.

Tony, some of you were asking
what volcano and you lost the bet.

So what exactly did you
lose? Funny. You should ask

Mount Etna, Europe's largest volcano,

10,900 feet high steam fire lava.

It's in a nearly constant
state of eruption today.

It's a popular Sicilian attraction,

but the Visitor v where it is extremely
foolish to step outside designated

safety zones.

So we're going to see any hot
lava up here. Ah, hopefully. Oh,

the bleak back country.

All true nature enthusiasts realize the
best trail is the one you invent that

we're getting good footage.

I hope y'all are going to shut these
in black and white cheese. Yeah,

that's going to happen on
American television. No.

Mount Etna is no killer volcano. Frankly,

its eruptions are pretty tame and
it's lava moves slowly. In fact,

there've been only 77 confirmed
deaths in recorded history.

Virtually all of those people were
in areas they shouldn't have been.

I like this bleak landscape.

It makes almost anything you say somehow
more significant should you happen to

find yourself in that small risk
group. There are some hazards.

Spontaneous Fishers, showers of molten
rock and something called event clearing.

Free attic explosion sounds like a proc.

The logical complaint. What do you give
bro? Passion that low end dogs. Oh,

I didn't bring marshmallow and hot dogs.
I bought some local a Sicilian snacks.

You know a lot about wine and
food. I'm sorry, I'm on Sissy.

So also sitting in some, a lot about
wine and food, wine, food, sex, movies,


revisited related with pleasure.
We know it's about pleasure. Yeah,

like you said, pleasure,
Sicilian priority.

It's in their spirit.
When you let pleasure,

control your life and not
your life. Control pleasure,

you'll find great passion. Well,
call me seasonally, man. Eat.

See Live

and the hell with everything else.
And now the payoff to the wager.

I owe Vincenzo lunch. Yeah.
I don't know about you,

but this reminds me of
my gender with Andre.

You know the lumen classic Louis Mo,
you know, two guys talking at a table.

Only different


Yeah. Listen, could you hold
this pizza next to the wall?

You could just get a little cold.
Who came from here? It's like we are,

I mean picnic on the mall. Yeah,

but I'll tell you if we're
going to the moon together,

don't forget the wine
that started. I'm sorry.

I don't know what happened when we
were talking about Fellini and you were

halfway from yammering.
Yammering yammering about
eight and a half. And I said,

the wine, bring the wine tomorrow.

You can't stay by to even on
top of what's that rumbling.

So I think that's looking really good.

Look at the composition that is shall
be tribe on boots on a boat. Dude,

it's rocking.

We did the best we could out of county
to be on Tanya on it looks a little like

Antonioni. I believe it will be if it's
in black and white. Yeah. That's all.

Everything in black and white. He's
Antonioni come on. That's a boat.

But he's not Antonio. I'm sorry.
Cause that's a master. You know,

someone will always
remember the love Ventura.

Do you think people will remember
your cheap television show?

Come on.