Angel (1999–2004): Season 5, Episode 5 - Life of the Party - full transcript
When Lorne gets his sleep removed to prepare for the firm's Halloween Party, he doesn't realize the consequences. At the party, everyone has to do what he tells them to do, but mystically. In the end, Spike is thinking positively, Gunn is "marking his territory", Angel and Eve get a room, and Wes and Fred are drunk. They all have to get Lorne to sleep before...well, watch the episode.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
LORNE: I promise you, it'll be fabulous,
believe me, Jerry.
Yes. It's Grapes of Wrath
in outer space. It's got heart.
Yes, it's got laser battles. It's got a
timely message of interstellar poverty.
Have your assistant call my assistant.
We'll set something up. Good enough.
J.C., listen, just got off the Nextel
with Big B. Yeah, intrigued...
...but wants to know
who's playing Tom Joad.
Well, I'm pretty sure that
Henry Fonda's dead, sweetie.
Yeah. Bring him back to life?
Let me talk to my science people.
Okay, no promises. Directors.
- Harmonica!
- Lorney-tunes!
The eyes, the hair, the dress.
No wonder the fourth floor has a crush
on you. Tell me, priceless...
...where do I find Angel?
- Just called.
He's on his way back in from
a field mission. Though I wouldn't.
- Sounds like he's in a mood.
- Don't worry.
I've pulled the big boy out of many
a broodfest. It shouldn't be that...
How did the new neural
intercept grenade work?
It didn't.
I'll take it down to Fred
and have her look at it.
Hey, Angel-heart.
Hey, Wes, if you see Fred...
...have her pencil me in?
I got to talk to her...
...about Henry Fonda's comeback.
WESLEY: All right.
Angel, Angel, we got to... We gotta have
a confab. Es muy importante.
It's about the party. I've done
all I can do for the big to-do...
...but we still got a few bugs
to comb out of the cootie garage.
A bridge too far?
Let me try it again. l...
I've been out all night.
I'm beat up. I'm exhausted.
I'm covered in Thraxis blood,
which kind of burns... this will have to wait
until I shower.
- You killed a Thraxis?
- Shower.
Hey, Van, look, why don't we scratch
the Thraxis off the invite list.
You got a copy of that printout
we're gonna run this week?
Yeah. Right. What is this?
"Wolfram & Hart
wants to be up your alley?"
Looks like a bus station pickup line.
Change it. No, burn it.
Grab yourself a bagel or something too.
You look a little waxy.
Ooh, ouch.
That's an adult-size bang-a-roo.
Oh, Mr. Smiles. Come on,
you can't ignore me forever.
Well, fine. Looks like you're going to
have to slap a Band-Aid on that melon...
...draw a grin on that bewitching
green mug, and go back out there.
On the count of nine, sunshine.
One. Two. Three.
The show stops for no demon, Lorne.
Four. Five. They're all waiting for you.
Six. Seven. They're counting on you.
Eight. Coming up on nine.
They're going to eat you up with a spoon
because you're so scrumptious!
Shut up!
Life of the Party
The door was open.
Well, unlocked.
Well, I had a key.
So, wow.
You take a long shower for a guy.
Were we having
some gentleman's time?
- Gentleman's?
- I mean, I understand.
You're running the whole circus now.
A lot of pressure.
Especially with your hands-on policy.
No pun intended.
- I'm sure you could use a release.
- No releasing, just bathing.
That's what one does
after bashing open a demonic pinata...
...full of rancid Tabasco.
- What do you want, Eve?
- You stood me up.
We had a 7:30, Angel. A meeting.
Oh, right. I'll get my pants.
So how's it going, Angel?
ANGEL: I don't know how
to answer that question.
l... I don't know. Good. Bad.
I spent years doing everything I could
to bring this company down.
Now I'm the CEO, and I have to
question every move I make...
...because any of them could be
what the senior partners want.
- So no, I have no idea how it's going.
- Hey.
At least you can still get your
nocturnal jollies saving...
...the downtrodden from things
that go bump in the night.
You said it yourself,
everyone needs a release.
No, I said you need a release.
Not everyone bottles
all this stuff up.
- I don't bottle.
- You bottle.
I don't bottle.
Why does it look like
we're having a party?
Because we're having a party in here.
The Wolfram & Hart Halloween bash?
Ring a bell? Biggest event
on the company calendar.
I sent you a small forest's
worth of memos on it.
- We're having it here?
- You see what I'm up against?
That's what our 7:30
was about, Angel. The party.
- My party?
LORNE: Here's the snafu in a nutshell.
Nobody's coming.
Some people are coming,
but the right people, the A-list people...
...are giving it a miss. And if they don't
show up, this shindig is gonna be a bust.
- Good.
- Good?
I wasn't too crazy
about this to begin with.
We are talking about our clients.
Our evil clients.
Why show them a good time?
I'd be happy if the whole thing
just fell through.
- Then we could get back to...
- Okay! Okay, you're killing me!
Can't you just feel up
the big picture, Mr. Magoo?
It's not about good and evil,
it's about party. Party!
Capital P. Rhymes with "me."
I'm about to have a stroke here
because you're killing me!
Listen, I can see that
you're in a state, a mood...
...a snit even.
So, what say we talk about this
once you've calmed down a bit?
- Yeah, sure. That's fine with...
- Great. Your office, 25 minutes.
FRED: Was Angel mad?
- Shouldn't he be?
We sent him out
with a defective piece of weaponry.
Which "we" are we talking about?
Fred, these techno-mystical hybrids
are a complicated affair.
I don't know.
Seemed kind of simple to me.
It's just a little hand-held,
spell-casting robot, right?
So it's either the robot or the spell
that we have a problem with.
Well, the grenade's core enchantment
looks operational... we're talking about
a faulty trigger mechanism.
Wait a minute. I designed
that mechanism myself.
That's right. And I machined it.
It's beautiful work on both counts...
...if I may say.
- You may.
I agree, as a sculptural piece.
But the device's trigger
may not have been refined enough... actually trigger the effect.
- Happy Halloween, kids.
How do you know your spell-casters
didn't screw up?
Because I went over their work,
and I got that knowing feeling you get.
- Trick or treat?
- Hi, Lorne.
Hi. What do you say we put away
your sci-fi toys for a little bit?
And let's talk about
something more important... my monster mash.
Oh, yeah, your party.
Our party, Tweety Bird.
Which is dying on the vine.
I could really, really use some help
from you guys. Some backup.
I wasn't really planning on going.
Wes, do you hear this crazy talk?
Well, I really hadn't given
much thought to going myself.
Et tu, Brutuses?
Why is it so hard to get anyone
to have any fun around here?
You should go. It's the Halloween
blowout to end all blowouts.
Last year...
...they took a bunch of cows...
...and put them in this giant
wicker effigy of Krishna...
...doused it with sambuca, and...
Well, anyway,
it's a hell of a good time.
I really want to get this operational
before Angel goes out again.
WESLEY: Yes, I'll stay too.
- What?
- I'm sure we can work it out together.
- No, no, no!
Wes, Fred, you're coming.
Look at yourselves. You're wound
tighter than Martha Stewart's watch.
Isn't there anyone else who could fix
the little boo-boos on this thing?
I can do that.
It's probably
the trigger mechanism anyway.
Great. Problem solved.
I'll see you two
in Angel's office, 15 minutes.
GUNN: Hey, Lorne.
- Hey, hey. Sorry to interrupt.
Not to be a pest, but I just wanted
to go over a little stratego, amigo.
- Sorry?
- Um...
You're my big gun, Gunn.
Ace in hole. Ball in pocket.
- You're the key on my kite string.
- Okay.
We got to turn Angel around
on this whole party idea.
- We do?
- Look, I know he's the boss...
...but you're up and coming here.
It's time for you to spread your wings.
From now on, I want you
to stake out your territory...
...and I want you to keep it staked.
- Stake. Territory. Sure.
Look, I'm a little busy right now.
Got a deposition.
But I will definitely get to that.
Great. Just what I wanted to hear.
Angel's office, 10 minutes.
In my day, no self-respecting
creature of the night went out...
...on All Hallow's Eve.
We left that to the poseurs.
The blighters who had to dress up
and try to be scary.
Magic windows.
Will the perks never end?
- What'd I miss?
- Us waiting.
Right. Sorry.
Angel, we just wanted to take
a moment and emphasize... important this party
really is to us.
I got to say Lorne is right.
We gotta show the big-bads
this regime is here to stay.
Which, for the most part,
boils down to image.
And if this party doesn't
kick ass, we lose face.
Believe me, Milk Dud, speaking
as the head of the PR department...
...we need all the face we can get.
- Milk Dud?
Said with affection.
I understand the whole
keeping-up-appearances concept.
But everyone coming is unrepentant,
dyed-in-the-wool evil.
A good host doesn't
make these sort of judgments.
We don't know who's holding
a grudge against us or each other.
It's a perfect recipe
for an out-of-control bloodbath.
He's describing every good party
I've ever been to.
Listen, Angel,
don't worry about a thing.
This is my forte.
I ran Caritas for years.
A nightclub with an open-door policy.
The good, the bad, the hideously ugly.
They all bellied up to my demon bar.
But they played nicely together there.
This is exactly the kind of ethical
tightrope you've got to walk.
Which brings up another point.
Your employees.
- Not so evil.
- Here's your blood, bossy.
- Boss.
EVE: Some of them, yes.
But all of them
work hard for this firm.
And Halloween, well,
around here it's like Christmas.
Simply put, this is a morale thing.
Good luck. Morale around here stinks.
- What?
- Uh-huh. Everybody thinks you suck.
Come on, boss, they're all out there
sweating through their Matsudas...
...worried if you're gonna axe them
or, you know, axe them.
Hey, look... I haven't...
Okay, I may have killed
a couple of them.
And several clients.
And maybe some potential clients.
Why do you think my RSVP list
is only a fifth of the size of last year's?
- It's you, babe.
- What do they think...
...I'm throwing this thing
so I can slaughter them?
Fine. I surrender. Go ahead, Lorne,
put on your best dog-and-pony.
I won't get in the way.
I don't want you to sit back and just let
it happen. I need you to make it happen.
What does that mean?
Archduke Sebassis...
...bona fide nobility for
the fiery down under...
...commands over 40 legions.
He's the living end of a pure bloodline
of demonic royalty.
- Great. Just great.
- Yeah, well, also...
...the very peak
of the A-list mountain.
He's the crown jewel
of the underworld jet set.
If we convince him to come, all the
other glitterati will just domino in...
...right behind him. And then...
Then we'll be in business.
This really matters to you,
doesn't it?
Of course. The new
Wolfram & Hart, we have to...
No. I mean this
really matters to you...
Yeah. You know, Angel, l...
I don't have superhuman strength...
...and I'm not a fighter.
Quantum physics makes me nauseous.
I barely made a passing grade
in mystical studies.
But I'm on your team.
This is something I can do.
I believe it has a purpose that can
help you, even if you don't.
I'm here, aren't I? I agreed to this.
No, you did, you did.
And I promise you won't regret it.
But let's say that you let me
do most of the talking.
You just kind of smile and try not
to rip anybody apart, okay?
So this is the mighty Angel.
I've been told many things about you.
Bit of a restless frog, hmm?
Making lots of waves
in your little swamp.
Yeah. Well, I'm just trying to
keep the fly population down.
Yes. Though I do prefer the tales
of your counterpart Angelus.
You had flair back then, child.
Well, I guess we all
mellow in our old age.
Your contempt is fragrant.
So, your lordship, we were deeply
grieved when you declined...
...our invitation. I mean,
we'd love for you to reconsider.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, a party just
isn't a party without the archduke.
You sure you wouldn't like some?
I'm fine.
- But thanks.
- Oh, come, come.
We're all blood-drinkers here.
But that's right. You choose
to drink the blood of swine.
- Filthy beasts.
- Actually, that's a misconception...
Filthy! Yes. Honestly, I don't
know how he does it.
Wow. This is...
You... You really...
You taste great.
Well, in light of this amusing chat...
...and of my longstanding
acquaintance with you, Lorne...
...I will come to the gala.
LORNE: That's wonderful, your lordship.
We won't waste any more of your
valuable time. We'll show ourselves out.
I still think it's a trap, my lordship.
Maybe, Artode. But I am in the mood
for intrigue.
So we'll go to their celebration.
We'll just make sure
we're properly dressed.
Man, this is lame. I mean,
where's the ritual sacrifice?
How do you get the ball rolling
without a ritual sacrifice?
Hey, guys, come on. You're
representing our glorious firm here.
Dude, it's our night off.
Dude, this is your night on!
Now, mingle.
Mingle, mingle, mingle, mingle, mingle!
Hey, there, Devlin. So, what...
What are you supposed to be?
You no get? A human being.
Look, I do human being:
"I proud my honor roll student."
Look at Lorne. I mean, God,
he's just so good at this.
He fits in with everybody.
Right. That's...
So, tell me, that mask,
it is rubber, right?
My other car a Lamborghini.
Okay, so then...
You be good and everything.
I guess I've always hated parties.
I never know what to do with myself.
I just end up at the hors d'oeuvres
table, trying to look occupied.
- Hey there, wallflowers.
- Wallflowers?
I need you to give me a hand and help
light the fuse on this powder keg.
Look at the dance floor.
The only thing on it is Harmony.
Hey, you keep pushing
that envelope, baby!
I'm afraid this really isn't
our element, Lorne.
Yeah. We're wallflowers.
No, no, sweetie. You're the young,
the beautiful, the ready to...
Here's one problem.
You're totally sober!
You should be three sheets
to the wind already.
Try and get into the spirit
of things, okay?
Angel, it is a graveyard out there.
The guests want to meet
the new guy in charge.
Look, Lorne, I...
I have things.
I'm busy.
I'm brooding.
Oh, you're watching hockey!
Yeah, but my team is losing.
Get off your keister
and get out there!
I can't steer this ship of fools
by my lonesome. I just can't do it...!
Let's boogie, sweet tart.
So over there we have
the Britzai representatives.
We can get to them later. And there's
the elder of the Fell Brotherhood.
Come on, let's go say hi.
Come on, Spikey,
come dance with me.
- You have got to be kidding.
- Oh, come on.
Listen, chippy,
you can gyrate all you like.
I'll go to hell before these ghost
shoes touch that dance floor.
Blondie Bear, where is your
Halloween spirit?
Dearly departed.
All this claptrap over a bit of
dusty old druid nonsense.
The whole lot of you
can get hung, if you ask me.
What are you even doing here, then?
What am I doing here?
Yeah, I thought you hated
these kind of things.
- I would've thought the same of you.
- No, he's doing great.
He's already not killed
like a hundred guests.
He doesn't have to.
The party's already dead.
Oh, really, Spike. Would it kill you
to be a little more positive?
The Archduke Sebassis!
DEMON: Your lordship!
LORNE: You're on.
And please, for me,
can you try to be nice to him?
Just this one time, huh?
Yes, fine. Sycophants, worms.
Don't writhe all at once.
It's sickening.
Archduke Sebassis.
Thanks so much for coming.
Yes, well...
Really, really thrilled that you're here.
Artode! Welcome, welcome.
- Love the jacket, by the way.
- It's Pylean.
Made in Pylea. My home dimension.
Not made in. Made from.
I skinned it myself.
Anybody you know?
Well, great. Thanks for dropping by.
You look... I don't have to tell you
how awesome you look.
He knows how awesome he looks, right?
Angel, we don't want to be greedy
with his eminence.
Thank you, your lordship. Thank you.
Absolutely. Really thrilled
to have you here.
Okay, that'll do it, thank you.
Yeah, for eight years straight, I went out
and dressed as Raggedy Ann.
Sounds like fun, I suppose.
We never really celebrated
Halloween in England.
That's so sad.
Look, pot stickers!
Watch your step, guys.
Somebody peed all over there.
Well, that's just...
It's just wrong.
- Revolting.
LORNE: Castiglio!
Hey, how's the family?
There you are, Umbrigon.
How are you?
Nice to see you.
GUNN: Shouldn't be a problem.
- Seabreeze.
Come on in next week.
I'm sure we can untangle that for you.
CLIENT: Thanks.
GUNN: Lorne.
- Looks like this thing's gonna work out.
- Fingers crossed.
I wish I had a tenth of your energy.
How do you do it?
I'll let you in on a little secret.
Had my sleep removed.
A little procedure they have
here at the company.
Yeah, I haven't slept
a wink in about a month.
You had Wolfram & Hart
remove your sleep?
Lorne, that's great!
In and out, 20 minutes, no scarring.
You ought to think about it. Go nicely
with that legal upgrade of yours.
- I'll definitely look into that.
- All right. See you later.
The vampire is setting his trap.
Our anti-detection spells
worked nicely, Artode.
They won't expect us to be armed.
And if he tries something?
Kill them all.
Will you excuse me, lordship?
I have to say, I'm impressed.
I saw you with Sebassis.
I honestly didn't know you
had it in you.
Yeah, well, it was an act.
I think.
I picked up on that
from 100 yards away.
Yep, you were banging
it out to the cheap seats.
Funny, I was gonna say the
same thing about that dress.
You two, really. The sexual tension?
With a knife you could cut it.
Get a room.
- This seems a little sudden.
EVE: Uh-huh.
ANGEL: I mean, do you even
have a last name?
Do you?
Excuse me.
Find Artode.
FRED: Hey, you want
a piece of me, buddy?
That's right, keep walking.
You walk alone!
- You walk alone!
WESLEY: Careful.
- That thing's loaded.
- So am I.
I mean, wow, Wes.
Wesley, I am totally drunk-faced.
Because you can't hold your...
- What are you drinking?
- Nothing.
You can't hold that.
Oh, yeah, lightweight?
How much have you had?
Including this, I've had...
...about a third of a half of this beer.
That's weird, right?
Yes, I think so. I think that's weird.
There's Gunn. Let's go ask him
if that's weird.
Hey, Gunn, is something
weird going on?
Charles, you just peed on my shoes.
I'll be damned.
- That's weird.
Is this a great party or what?
Okay, something is definitely
wrong with this picture.
This might be the greatest song
ever written.
Yes, we appear to be under
the effect of something. A spell.
Spike, how long
have you been, you know...?
- This?
- It's great, isn't it? I don't know.
It happened a bit after I talked
with Angel and Lorne.
- Lorne told me to think positively.
- Lorne!
Whoo! Hey, kittens.
That dance floor is smoking!
Come on, guys, I'm telling you,
I did not do anything.
- Angel, you in here? Angel?
- Oh. What?
Hey, Angel's getting some.
Good on you, mate.
- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with...?
- What are you doing with that...?
- Hey, watch it, pal.
He must be under
the effect of Lorne's...
And Eve too, presum... Presumily.
- "Presumily."
- Lorne's doing something to all of us.
LORNE: I am not.
- Everything he told us to do, we're doing.
Spike's thinking positive.
Gunn is peeing all over the office.
And we're a little bit drunk.
Yes, but not because we drank.
Because Lorne told us to be drunk.
- Lorne told you to pee all over the office?
- Lord, I hope so.
This is crazy. I am not doing this.
I'd know if I was doing this.
I don't even know what this is.
You know, I really love your desk.
l... I don't get it. I thought Lorne
was just an empath demon.
Territory! Wait, this morning Lorne
told me to stake out my territory.
Right! Territorial marking.
Taken a little too literally.
- Hey, guys, keep it in your pants!
LORNE: Oh...
Hey, I did not tell Gunn to go water
the ferns. I did not do anything.
- You had your sleep removed.
- He hasn't slept in a month.
WESLEY: Oh, dear.
An empath demon
deprived of sleep for that long?
- What's that have to do with it?
FRED: Something.
- Why'd you let them do that to you?
- Well, I had to do something, didn't I?
I mean, you don't know
what I've had to deal with.
I'm the center of gravity
in a town that's full...
...of borderline-disorder
celebrities and power-brokers.
All the hand-holding and
the ego-stroking and the 4 a. m...
...Jacuzzi strategy sessions.
I couldn't keep up with it,
even without sleeping.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you tell us? I would've...
- Fired me?
- I would've helped you...
...which is what I'm going to
do now, okay?
- Well, okay.
- Wes.
Fred. Go find Lorne's sleep and figure
out a way to put it back in his head.
WESLEY: Yes, sir.
- Done and doner.
Lorne, you just stay tight
and try not to, you know, talk.
We got a party going on. I have
to make sure there's ice in the drinks.
- Oh, right.
- Me, me! I'm your people person.
Gunn, go out there, see if anyone
else is under the Lorne effect.
GUNN: Check.
- And stop with the...
- I'll do my best.
- Eve, stay here with me.
- We'll have more sex.
- I'm on it.
Brilliant plan. Excellent!
WESLEY: Lorne's sleep should be
in here somewhere.
Lorne's sleep.
Looking for Lorne's sleep.
You know, I think we have
pretty interesting lives.
I'd say that's true, given the average.
And I'm having
such a good time right now.
We should do stuff like this
more often.
You know, just hang out
like we used to. Friend stuff.
Absolutely. Frankly, I always...
Well, I always thought
we'd be better friends than we are.
We should be.
Let's be better friends
than we are right now.
You know, share stuff,
talk to each other...
...and tell each other
what we're thinking.
Yes, that would be...
I would...
It would be nice.
We could be confidantes,
confiding confidentially.
I've been wanting to do that
for some time now.
What do you think of Knox?
What a fantastic entrance.
- Sebassis?
- The nerve.
The raw nerve to lay a hand
on one of mine!
What is this? Lower your weapons.
These darts are poisoned, vampire.
Powerful enough to put you
in a coma for a week.
Enough to kill any one of them
before their next heartbeat.
You murdered Artode.
I imagine we were to be next.
- I didn't murder anyone.
- Dress yourself, Angel.
You have a public execution
to attend.
That's a big mistake.
Oh, boy.
Yeah. Somebody really dipped his chip.
Sebassis, I don't know what's going
on here, but we are not behind it.
Enough lies, vampire.
Okay, everybody, okay.
Yes, the party's taken
an unfortunate turn momentarily.
So let's not...
Sleep disorders. Edelmyer complex.
Eldritch causes. Empaths.
Hey, they don't just do sleep here.
Madeline Chu in accounting,
she had her ennui removed.
Here it is. Lorne's sleep.
Now we just have to find
the delivery device.
This isn't good. "The effects of
long-term sleeplessness...
...on the subconscious mind
of an empath can be catastrophic."
Catastrophic sounds not good.
Under normal conditions,
Lorne has the ability... read people's destinies,
but now I think he's writing them.
So, what? Instead of receiving,
he's transmitting?
And that's just phase one.
"If you sever the empath
from his subconscious for too long...
...that subconscious can..."
It can manifest.
What do you mean, manifest?
Wait, please wait. I'm doing this.
It's me. I mean, it's not me...
...but I haven't been
myself lately.
Somehow, I'm making people do things,
and I'm controlling them.
Well then, Pylean,
you're making me kill you.
Is that consistent with your theory?
- Oh, my God!
- It's me.
That's one bitchen big suit!
- What the hell is this?
- Stop it!
Stop killing! Listen to me, me!
Wow, I must really hate myself.
Come on, come on, come on.
Did... Did you press...?
Come on, come on, come on.
Sebassis, run.
Sorry about that.
- It's here! It's manifested!
- Angel!
Shoot it, Fred. Now!
Oh. Ow!
Oh, my God, they shot Lorney-tunes!
No, I'm okay.
Just got to rest my...
My eyes a little bit.
Gotta hand it to them.
I think this is better than last year.
We have people who do that.
- I fixed our baby.
- What?
The stun grenade. l... I figured it out.
What I can't figure out is why I
said I'd do it tonight.
Yeah. A lot of us are having
that kind of problem.
I kind of wished you were here.
Well, the night is still young.
Well, no, it's over, actually.
But, do you want to
get a cup of coffee?
Actually, I could use a drink.
That thing...
...I think it was a manifestation
of Lorne's subconscious.
It peeled away from his mind,
using Lorne's supernatural powers... punch its way into our world.
"Punch" is right. Why was it
trying to kill everyone?
I don't think it was. It may have
just been processing conflicts...
...that Lorne normally
deals with in his sleep.
Acting out on the responses
he has to the people around him.
I guess Lorne makes
some judgments after all.
So I guess we should,
I don't know, talk?
About what?
About what happened.
You know, back there, with us.
Angel, it's not like this is
the first time I've had sex...
...under a mystical influence.
I went to UC Santa Cruz.
How you doing?
I don't know.
Hey, I spoke with Sebassis' people.
Explained what I could.
Yeah, so what've we got?
Lawsuit? Demon war?
No, seems like they enjoy a little
blood sport at their social functions.
- Looks like we're okay.
- We're not okay.
We're so focused on the dangers outside
that we didn't see the ones within.
This place is trying
to change us, Gunn.
We can't ever forget that.
Pretty damn good party, though.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Well, you know, today, but later.
- Oh, and your chair.
- What?
Don't sit in it.
I already called janitorial.
Why can't l...?
You pissed in the big man's chair?
That's fantastic.
Can you please turn off
that warm fuzzy?
The Lorne thing? Wore off.
I just think that's fabulous.
All right, guys, good night.
Let Lorne get some sleep,
all right?
All right. Just this once.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Hey, it's okay, Lorne.
Just try to get some rest.
Get some sleep.
Because it's hard...
It's hard being the host of the party.
- Being...
- Stop trying to be.
Subtitles by
SDI Media Group
LORNE: I promise you, it'll be fabulous,
believe me, Jerry.
Yes. It's Grapes of Wrath
in outer space. It's got heart.
Yes, it's got laser battles. It's got a
timely message of interstellar poverty.
Have your assistant call my assistant.
We'll set something up. Good enough.
J.C., listen, just got off the Nextel
with Big B. Yeah, intrigued...
...but wants to know
who's playing Tom Joad.
Well, I'm pretty sure that
Henry Fonda's dead, sweetie.
Yeah. Bring him back to life?
Let me talk to my science people.
Okay, no promises. Directors.
- Harmonica!
- Lorney-tunes!
The eyes, the hair, the dress.
No wonder the fourth floor has a crush
on you. Tell me, priceless...
...where do I find Angel?
- Just called.
He's on his way back in from
a field mission. Though I wouldn't.
- Sounds like he's in a mood.
- Don't worry.
I've pulled the big boy out of many
a broodfest. It shouldn't be that...
How did the new neural
intercept grenade work?
It didn't.
I'll take it down to Fred
and have her look at it.
Hey, Angel-heart.
Hey, Wes, if you see Fred...
...have her pencil me in?
I got to talk to her...
...about Henry Fonda's comeback.
WESLEY: All right.
Angel, Angel, we got to... We gotta have
a confab. Es muy importante.
It's about the party. I've done
all I can do for the big to-do...
...but we still got a few bugs
to comb out of the cootie garage.
A bridge too far?
Let me try it again. l...
I've been out all night.
I'm beat up. I'm exhausted.
I'm covered in Thraxis blood,
which kind of burns... this will have to wait
until I shower.
- You killed a Thraxis?
- Shower.
Hey, Van, look, why don't we scratch
the Thraxis off the invite list.
You got a copy of that printout
we're gonna run this week?
Yeah. Right. What is this?
"Wolfram & Hart
wants to be up your alley?"
Looks like a bus station pickup line.
Change it. No, burn it.
Grab yourself a bagel or something too.
You look a little waxy.
Ooh, ouch.
That's an adult-size bang-a-roo.
Oh, Mr. Smiles. Come on,
you can't ignore me forever.
Well, fine. Looks like you're going to
have to slap a Band-Aid on that melon...
...draw a grin on that bewitching
green mug, and go back out there.
On the count of nine, sunshine.
One. Two. Three.
The show stops for no demon, Lorne.
Four. Five. They're all waiting for you.
Six. Seven. They're counting on you.
Eight. Coming up on nine.
They're going to eat you up with a spoon
because you're so scrumptious!
Shut up!
Life of the Party
The door was open.
Well, unlocked.
Well, I had a key.
So, wow.
You take a long shower for a guy.
Were we having
some gentleman's time?
- Gentleman's?
- I mean, I understand.
You're running the whole circus now.
A lot of pressure.
Especially with your hands-on policy.
No pun intended.
- I'm sure you could use a release.
- No releasing, just bathing.
That's what one does
after bashing open a demonic pinata...
...full of rancid Tabasco.
- What do you want, Eve?
- You stood me up.
We had a 7:30, Angel. A meeting.
Oh, right. I'll get my pants.
So how's it going, Angel?
ANGEL: I don't know how
to answer that question.
l... I don't know. Good. Bad.
I spent years doing everything I could
to bring this company down.
Now I'm the CEO, and I have to
question every move I make...
...because any of them could be
what the senior partners want.
- So no, I have no idea how it's going.
- Hey.
At least you can still get your
nocturnal jollies saving...
...the downtrodden from things
that go bump in the night.
You said it yourself,
everyone needs a release.
No, I said you need a release.
Not everyone bottles
all this stuff up.
- I don't bottle.
- You bottle.
I don't bottle.
Why does it look like
we're having a party?
Because we're having a party in here.
The Wolfram & Hart Halloween bash?
Ring a bell? Biggest event
on the company calendar.
I sent you a small forest's
worth of memos on it.
- We're having it here?
- You see what I'm up against?
That's what our 7:30
was about, Angel. The party.
- My party?
LORNE: Here's the snafu in a nutshell.
Nobody's coming.
Some people are coming,
but the right people, the A-list people...
...are giving it a miss. And if they don't
show up, this shindig is gonna be a bust.
- Good.
- Good?
I wasn't too crazy
about this to begin with.
We are talking about our clients.
Our evil clients.
Why show them a good time?
I'd be happy if the whole thing
just fell through.
- Then we could get back to...
- Okay! Okay, you're killing me!
Can't you just feel up
the big picture, Mr. Magoo?
It's not about good and evil,
it's about party. Party!
Capital P. Rhymes with "me."
I'm about to have a stroke here
because you're killing me!
Listen, I can see that
you're in a state, a mood...
...a snit even.
So, what say we talk about this
once you've calmed down a bit?
- Yeah, sure. That's fine with...
- Great. Your office, 25 minutes.
FRED: Was Angel mad?
- Shouldn't he be?
We sent him out
with a defective piece of weaponry.
Which "we" are we talking about?
Fred, these techno-mystical hybrids
are a complicated affair.
I don't know.
Seemed kind of simple to me.
It's just a little hand-held,
spell-casting robot, right?
So it's either the robot or the spell
that we have a problem with.
Well, the grenade's core enchantment
looks operational... we're talking about
a faulty trigger mechanism.
Wait a minute. I designed
that mechanism myself.
That's right. And I machined it.
It's beautiful work on both counts...
...if I may say.
- You may.
I agree, as a sculptural piece.
But the device's trigger
may not have been refined enough... actually trigger the effect.
- Happy Halloween, kids.
How do you know your spell-casters
didn't screw up?
Because I went over their work,
and I got that knowing feeling you get.
- Trick or treat?
- Hi, Lorne.
Hi. What do you say we put away
your sci-fi toys for a little bit?
And let's talk about
something more important... my monster mash.
Oh, yeah, your party.
Our party, Tweety Bird.
Which is dying on the vine.
I could really, really use some help
from you guys. Some backup.
I wasn't really planning on going.
Wes, do you hear this crazy talk?
Well, I really hadn't given
much thought to going myself.
Et tu, Brutuses?
Why is it so hard to get anyone
to have any fun around here?
You should go. It's the Halloween
blowout to end all blowouts.
Last year...
...they took a bunch of cows...
...and put them in this giant
wicker effigy of Krishna...
...doused it with sambuca, and...
Well, anyway,
it's a hell of a good time.
I really want to get this operational
before Angel goes out again.
WESLEY: Yes, I'll stay too.
- What?
- I'm sure we can work it out together.
- No, no, no!
Wes, Fred, you're coming.
Look at yourselves. You're wound
tighter than Martha Stewart's watch.
Isn't there anyone else who could fix
the little boo-boos on this thing?
I can do that.
It's probably
the trigger mechanism anyway.
Great. Problem solved.
I'll see you two
in Angel's office, 15 minutes.
GUNN: Hey, Lorne.
- Hey, hey. Sorry to interrupt.
Not to be a pest, but I just wanted
to go over a little stratego, amigo.
- Sorry?
- Um...
You're my big gun, Gunn.
Ace in hole. Ball in pocket.
- You're the key on my kite string.
- Okay.
We got to turn Angel around
on this whole party idea.
- We do?
- Look, I know he's the boss...
...but you're up and coming here.
It's time for you to spread your wings.
From now on, I want you
to stake out your territory...
...and I want you to keep it staked.
- Stake. Territory. Sure.
Look, I'm a little busy right now.
Got a deposition.
But I will definitely get to that.
Great. Just what I wanted to hear.
Angel's office, 10 minutes.
In my day, no self-respecting
creature of the night went out...
...on All Hallow's Eve.
We left that to the poseurs.
The blighters who had to dress up
and try to be scary.
Magic windows.
Will the perks never end?
- What'd I miss?
- Us waiting.
Right. Sorry.
Angel, we just wanted to take
a moment and emphasize... important this party
really is to us.
I got to say Lorne is right.
We gotta show the big-bads
this regime is here to stay.
Which, for the most part,
boils down to image.
And if this party doesn't
kick ass, we lose face.
Believe me, Milk Dud, speaking
as the head of the PR department...
...we need all the face we can get.
- Milk Dud?
Said with affection.
I understand the whole
keeping-up-appearances concept.
But everyone coming is unrepentant,
dyed-in-the-wool evil.
A good host doesn't
make these sort of judgments.
We don't know who's holding
a grudge against us or each other.
It's a perfect recipe
for an out-of-control bloodbath.
He's describing every good party
I've ever been to.
Listen, Angel,
don't worry about a thing.
This is my forte.
I ran Caritas for years.
A nightclub with an open-door policy.
The good, the bad, the hideously ugly.
They all bellied up to my demon bar.
But they played nicely together there.
This is exactly the kind of ethical
tightrope you've got to walk.
Which brings up another point.
Your employees.
- Not so evil.
- Here's your blood, bossy.
- Boss.
EVE: Some of them, yes.
But all of them
work hard for this firm.
And Halloween, well,
around here it's like Christmas.
Simply put, this is a morale thing.
Good luck. Morale around here stinks.
- What?
- Uh-huh. Everybody thinks you suck.
Come on, boss, they're all out there
sweating through their Matsudas...
...worried if you're gonna axe them
or, you know, axe them.
Hey, look... I haven't...
Okay, I may have killed
a couple of them.
And several clients.
And maybe some potential clients.
Why do you think my RSVP list
is only a fifth of the size of last year's?
- It's you, babe.
- What do they think...
...I'm throwing this thing
so I can slaughter them?
Fine. I surrender. Go ahead, Lorne,
put on your best dog-and-pony.
I won't get in the way.
I don't want you to sit back and just let
it happen. I need you to make it happen.
What does that mean?
Archduke Sebassis...
...bona fide nobility for
the fiery down under...
...commands over 40 legions.
He's the living end of a pure bloodline
of demonic royalty.
- Great. Just great.
- Yeah, well, also...
...the very peak
of the A-list mountain.
He's the crown jewel
of the underworld jet set.
If we convince him to come, all the
other glitterati will just domino in...
...right behind him. And then...
Then we'll be in business.
This really matters to you,
doesn't it?
Of course. The new
Wolfram & Hart, we have to...
No. I mean this
really matters to you...
Yeah. You know, Angel, l...
I don't have superhuman strength...
...and I'm not a fighter.
Quantum physics makes me nauseous.
I barely made a passing grade
in mystical studies.
But I'm on your team.
This is something I can do.
I believe it has a purpose that can
help you, even if you don't.
I'm here, aren't I? I agreed to this.
No, you did, you did.
And I promise you won't regret it.
But let's say that you let me
do most of the talking.
You just kind of smile and try not
to rip anybody apart, okay?
So this is the mighty Angel.
I've been told many things about you.
Bit of a restless frog, hmm?
Making lots of waves
in your little swamp.
Yeah. Well, I'm just trying to
keep the fly population down.
Yes. Though I do prefer the tales
of your counterpart Angelus.
You had flair back then, child.
Well, I guess we all
mellow in our old age.
Your contempt is fragrant.
So, your lordship, we were deeply
grieved when you declined...
...our invitation. I mean,
we'd love for you to reconsider.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, a party just
isn't a party without the archduke.
You sure you wouldn't like some?
I'm fine.
- But thanks.
- Oh, come, come.
We're all blood-drinkers here.
But that's right. You choose
to drink the blood of swine.
- Filthy beasts.
- Actually, that's a misconception...
Filthy! Yes. Honestly, I don't
know how he does it.
Wow. This is...
You... You really...
You taste great.
Well, in light of this amusing chat...
...and of my longstanding
acquaintance with you, Lorne...
...I will come to the gala.
LORNE: That's wonderful, your lordship.
We won't waste any more of your
valuable time. We'll show ourselves out.
I still think it's a trap, my lordship.
Maybe, Artode. But I am in the mood
for intrigue.
So we'll go to their celebration.
We'll just make sure
we're properly dressed.
Man, this is lame. I mean,
where's the ritual sacrifice?
How do you get the ball rolling
without a ritual sacrifice?
Hey, guys, come on. You're
representing our glorious firm here.
Dude, it's our night off.
Dude, this is your night on!
Now, mingle.
Mingle, mingle, mingle, mingle, mingle!
Hey, there, Devlin. So, what...
What are you supposed to be?
You no get? A human being.
Look, I do human being:
"I proud my honor roll student."
Look at Lorne. I mean, God,
he's just so good at this.
He fits in with everybody.
Right. That's...
So, tell me, that mask,
it is rubber, right?
My other car a Lamborghini.
Okay, so then...
You be good and everything.
I guess I've always hated parties.
I never know what to do with myself.
I just end up at the hors d'oeuvres
table, trying to look occupied.
- Hey there, wallflowers.
- Wallflowers?
I need you to give me a hand and help
light the fuse on this powder keg.
Look at the dance floor.
The only thing on it is Harmony.
Hey, you keep pushing
that envelope, baby!
I'm afraid this really isn't
our element, Lorne.
Yeah. We're wallflowers.
No, no, sweetie. You're the young,
the beautiful, the ready to...
Here's one problem.
You're totally sober!
You should be three sheets
to the wind already.
Try and get into the spirit
of things, okay?
Angel, it is a graveyard out there.
The guests want to meet
the new guy in charge.
Look, Lorne, I...
I have things.
I'm busy.
I'm brooding.
Oh, you're watching hockey!
Yeah, but my team is losing.
Get off your keister
and get out there!
I can't steer this ship of fools
by my lonesome. I just can't do it...!
Let's boogie, sweet tart.
So over there we have
the Britzai representatives.
We can get to them later. And there's
the elder of the Fell Brotherhood.
Come on, let's go say hi.
Come on, Spikey,
come dance with me.
- You have got to be kidding.
- Oh, come on.
Listen, chippy,
you can gyrate all you like.
I'll go to hell before these ghost
shoes touch that dance floor.
Blondie Bear, where is your
Halloween spirit?
Dearly departed.
All this claptrap over a bit of
dusty old druid nonsense.
The whole lot of you
can get hung, if you ask me.
What are you even doing here, then?
What am I doing here?
Yeah, I thought you hated
these kind of things.
- I would've thought the same of you.
- No, he's doing great.
He's already not killed
like a hundred guests.
He doesn't have to.
The party's already dead.
Oh, really, Spike. Would it kill you
to be a little more positive?
The Archduke Sebassis!
DEMON: Your lordship!
LORNE: You're on.
And please, for me,
can you try to be nice to him?
Just this one time, huh?
Yes, fine. Sycophants, worms.
Don't writhe all at once.
It's sickening.
Archduke Sebassis.
Thanks so much for coming.
Yes, well...
Really, really thrilled that you're here.
Artode! Welcome, welcome.
- Love the jacket, by the way.
- It's Pylean.
Made in Pylea. My home dimension.
Not made in. Made from.
I skinned it myself.
Anybody you know?
Well, great. Thanks for dropping by.
You look... I don't have to tell you
how awesome you look.
He knows how awesome he looks, right?
Angel, we don't want to be greedy
with his eminence.
Thank you, your lordship. Thank you.
Absolutely. Really thrilled
to have you here.
Okay, that'll do it, thank you.
Yeah, for eight years straight, I went out
and dressed as Raggedy Ann.
Sounds like fun, I suppose.
We never really celebrated
Halloween in England.
That's so sad.
Look, pot stickers!
Watch your step, guys.
Somebody peed all over there.
Well, that's just...
It's just wrong.
- Revolting.
LORNE: Castiglio!
Hey, how's the family?
There you are, Umbrigon.
How are you?
Nice to see you.
GUNN: Shouldn't be a problem.
- Seabreeze.
Come on in next week.
I'm sure we can untangle that for you.
CLIENT: Thanks.
GUNN: Lorne.
- Looks like this thing's gonna work out.
- Fingers crossed.
I wish I had a tenth of your energy.
How do you do it?
I'll let you in on a little secret.
Had my sleep removed.
A little procedure they have
here at the company.
Yeah, I haven't slept
a wink in about a month.
You had Wolfram & Hart
remove your sleep?
Lorne, that's great!
In and out, 20 minutes, no scarring.
You ought to think about it. Go nicely
with that legal upgrade of yours.
- I'll definitely look into that.
- All right. See you later.
The vampire is setting his trap.
Our anti-detection spells
worked nicely, Artode.
They won't expect us to be armed.
And if he tries something?
Kill them all.
Will you excuse me, lordship?
I have to say, I'm impressed.
I saw you with Sebassis.
I honestly didn't know you
had it in you.
Yeah, well, it was an act.
I think.
I picked up on that
from 100 yards away.
Yep, you were banging
it out to the cheap seats.
Funny, I was gonna say the
same thing about that dress.
You two, really. The sexual tension?
With a knife you could cut it.
Get a room.
- This seems a little sudden.
EVE: Uh-huh.
ANGEL: I mean, do you even
have a last name?
Do you?
Excuse me.
Find Artode.
FRED: Hey, you want
a piece of me, buddy?
That's right, keep walking.
You walk alone!
- You walk alone!
WESLEY: Careful.
- That thing's loaded.
- So am I.
I mean, wow, Wes.
Wesley, I am totally drunk-faced.
Because you can't hold your...
- What are you drinking?
- Nothing.
You can't hold that.
Oh, yeah, lightweight?
How much have you had?
Including this, I've had...
...about a third of a half of this beer.
That's weird, right?
Yes, I think so. I think that's weird.
There's Gunn. Let's go ask him
if that's weird.
Hey, Gunn, is something
weird going on?
Charles, you just peed on my shoes.
I'll be damned.
- That's weird.
Is this a great party or what?
Okay, something is definitely
wrong with this picture.
This might be the greatest song
ever written.
Yes, we appear to be under
the effect of something. A spell.
Spike, how long
have you been, you know...?
- This?
- It's great, isn't it? I don't know.
It happened a bit after I talked
with Angel and Lorne.
- Lorne told me to think positively.
- Lorne!
Whoo! Hey, kittens.
That dance floor is smoking!
Come on, guys, I'm telling you,
I did not do anything.
- Angel, you in here? Angel?
- Oh. What?
Hey, Angel's getting some.
Good on you, mate.
- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with...?
- What are you doing with that...?
- Hey, watch it, pal.
He must be under
the effect of Lorne's...
And Eve too, presum... Presumily.
- "Presumily."
- Lorne's doing something to all of us.
LORNE: I am not.
- Everything he told us to do, we're doing.
Spike's thinking positive.
Gunn is peeing all over the office.
And we're a little bit drunk.
Yes, but not because we drank.
Because Lorne told us to be drunk.
- Lorne told you to pee all over the office?
- Lord, I hope so.
This is crazy. I am not doing this.
I'd know if I was doing this.
I don't even know what this is.
You know, I really love your desk.
l... I don't get it. I thought Lorne
was just an empath demon.
Territory! Wait, this morning Lorne
told me to stake out my territory.
Right! Territorial marking.
Taken a little too literally.
- Hey, guys, keep it in your pants!
LORNE: Oh...
Hey, I did not tell Gunn to go water
the ferns. I did not do anything.
- You had your sleep removed.
- He hasn't slept in a month.
WESLEY: Oh, dear.
An empath demon
deprived of sleep for that long?
- What's that have to do with it?
FRED: Something.
- Why'd you let them do that to you?
- Well, I had to do something, didn't I?
I mean, you don't know
what I've had to deal with.
I'm the center of gravity
in a town that's full...
...of borderline-disorder
celebrities and power-brokers.
All the hand-holding and
the ego-stroking and the 4 a. m...
...Jacuzzi strategy sessions.
I couldn't keep up with it,
even without sleeping.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you tell us? I would've...
- Fired me?
- I would've helped you...
...which is what I'm going to
do now, okay?
- Well, okay.
- Wes.
Fred. Go find Lorne's sleep and figure
out a way to put it back in his head.
WESLEY: Yes, sir.
- Done and doner.
Lorne, you just stay tight
and try not to, you know, talk.
We got a party going on. I have
to make sure there's ice in the drinks.
- Oh, right.
- Me, me! I'm your people person.
Gunn, go out there, see if anyone
else is under the Lorne effect.
GUNN: Check.
- And stop with the...
- I'll do my best.
- Eve, stay here with me.
- We'll have more sex.
- I'm on it.
Brilliant plan. Excellent!
WESLEY: Lorne's sleep should be
in here somewhere.
Lorne's sleep.
Looking for Lorne's sleep.
You know, I think we have
pretty interesting lives.
I'd say that's true, given the average.
And I'm having
such a good time right now.
We should do stuff like this
more often.
You know, just hang out
like we used to. Friend stuff.
Absolutely. Frankly, I always...
Well, I always thought
we'd be better friends than we are.
We should be.
Let's be better friends
than we are right now.
You know, share stuff,
talk to each other...
...and tell each other
what we're thinking.
Yes, that would be...
I would...
It would be nice.
We could be confidantes,
confiding confidentially.
I've been wanting to do that
for some time now.
What do you think of Knox?
What a fantastic entrance.
- Sebassis?
- The nerve.
The raw nerve to lay a hand
on one of mine!
What is this? Lower your weapons.
These darts are poisoned, vampire.
Powerful enough to put you
in a coma for a week.
Enough to kill any one of them
before their next heartbeat.
You murdered Artode.
I imagine we were to be next.
- I didn't murder anyone.
- Dress yourself, Angel.
You have a public execution
to attend.
That's a big mistake.
Oh, boy.
Yeah. Somebody really dipped his chip.
Sebassis, I don't know what's going
on here, but we are not behind it.
Enough lies, vampire.
Okay, everybody, okay.
Yes, the party's taken
an unfortunate turn momentarily.
So let's not...
Sleep disorders. Edelmyer complex.
Eldritch causes. Empaths.
Hey, they don't just do sleep here.
Madeline Chu in accounting,
she had her ennui removed.
Here it is. Lorne's sleep.
Now we just have to find
the delivery device.
This isn't good. "The effects of
long-term sleeplessness...
...on the subconscious mind
of an empath can be catastrophic."
Catastrophic sounds not good.
Under normal conditions,
Lorne has the ability... read people's destinies,
but now I think he's writing them.
So, what? Instead of receiving,
he's transmitting?
And that's just phase one.
"If you sever the empath
from his subconscious for too long...
...that subconscious can..."
It can manifest.
What do you mean, manifest?
Wait, please wait. I'm doing this.
It's me. I mean, it's not me...
...but I haven't been
myself lately.
Somehow, I'm making people do things,
and I'm controlling them.
Well then, Pylean,
you're making me kill you.
Is that consistent with your theory?
- Oh, my God!
- It's me.
That's one bitchen big suit!
- What the hell is this?
- Stop it!
Stop killing! Listen to me, me!
Wow, I must really hate myself.
Come on, come on, come on.
Did... Did you press...?
Come on, come on, come on.
Sebassis, run.
Sorry about that.
- It's here! It's manifested!
- Angel!
Shoot it, Fred. Now!
Oh. Ow!
Oh, my God, they shot Lorney-tunes!
No, I'm okay.
Just got to rest my...
My eyes a little bit.
Gotta hand it to them.
I think this is better than last year.
We have people who do that.
- I fixed our baby.
- What?
The stun grenade. l... I figured it out.
What I can't figure out is why I
said I'd do it tonight.
Yeah. A lot of us are having
that kind of problem.
I kind of wished you were here.
Well, the night is still young.
Well, no, it's over, actually.
But, do you want to
get a cup of coffee?
Actually, I could use a drink.
That thing...
...I think it was a manifestation
of Lorne's subconscious.
It peeled away from his mind,
using Lorne's supernatural powers... punch its way into our world.
"Punch" is right. Why was it
trying to kill everyone?
I don't think it was. It may have
just been processing conflicts...
...that Lorne normally
deals with in his sleep.
Acting out on the responses
he has to the people around him.
I guess Lorne makes
some judgments after all.
So I guess we should,
I don't know, talk?
About what?
About what happened.
You know, back there, with us.
Angel, it's not like this is
the first time I've had sex...
...under a mystical influence.
I went to UC Santa Cruz.
How you doing?
I don't know.
Hey, I spoke with Sebassis' people.
Explained what I could.
Yeah, so what've we got?
Lawsuit? Demon war?
No, seems like they enjoy a little
blood sport at their social functions.
- Looks like we're okay.
- We're not okay.
We're so focused on the dangers outside
that we didn't see the ones within.
This place is trying
to change us, Gunn.
We can't ever forget that.
Pretty damn good party, though.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Well, you know, today, but later.
- Oh, and your chair.
- What?
Don't sit in it.
I already called janitorial.
Why can't l...?
You pissed in the big man's chair?
That's fantastic.
Can you please turn off
that warm fuzzy?
The Lorne thing? Wore off.
I just think that's fabulous.
All right, guys, good night.
Let Lorne get some sleep,
all right?
All right. Just this once.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Hey, it's okay, Lorne.
Just try to get some rest.
Get some sleep.
Because it's hard...
It's hard being the host of the party.
- Being...
- Stop trying to be.
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SDI Media Group