Andromeda (2000–2005): Season 5, Episode 15 - The Opposites of Attraction - full transcript

While Harper develops a way to save the Seefra system from its impending doom, a spy has slipped on board the Andromeda. Dylan, Rhade, and Trance all feel that someone who should not be aboard is, but cannot confirm their suspicions. Things turn south when the spy attacks Beka by opening a portal to open space inside the ship.

The closer Trance's sun gets to
the Seefra system, the
uglier things are going to get.

And it won't take long, either.
The transit portal's
14-Kilotrons wide and growing.

We're already getting
a solar flare from
the other corona.

Soon there'll be a full-blown
third sun coming right at us,

Wiping out the system...
planet by planet.

I know this is hard for you,
Doyle, Seefra's all you've
ever known.

But I need you
to be strong, okay?

I keep hoping we're wrong
about the Methus diagrams.

But the evidence is undeniable.

The outer planets are starting
to feel increased temperatures
and radiation,

People losing crops,
hoarding water...

Well, what little
there was to begin with.

On the bright side...

At least, the positive side...

Harper's absolutely
unflinchingly certain
he has an answer.

Of course. Harper has an answer
for everything, right or wrong.

He's onboard working on it,
So there's reason to be

All is not lost.

That's right, Doyle.

We never give up
without a fight.



Why is it always
the pinky finger?

The little guy. The runt
of the finger litter.


What's wrong?

Well, I was headed for command,

But now I'm a little curious
about this plan, you said
Harper's working on.

I think he wanted it
to be a surprise.

Not when there are millions
of innocent lives at stake.

He might get mad at me
for telling you.

He'll get over it.

Mr. Harper.

Who told you?


I should've known

there's no such thing
as a secret on Andromeda.
Yes, you should've known.

Ah, well.

What the hell? Since you're here
anyway, I'll give you a preview.

Dylan: The universe
is a dangerous place,

but in our future,
my crew and I
fight to make it safe.

I am Dylan Hunt, Captain
of the Andromeda Ascendant,

and these are our adventures.

This the most brilliant solution
to an absolute no way out,
certain-death situation

that I've ever come up with.

Although it's temporary.
You ready?

I'm all yours.

It's based on a powersail
I'm building.

So it's a giant reflector?

Giant parabolic reflector.

It's solar-charged, obviously,
so it's self-sustaining

And... hello?

I lost you.

I know that look. You're
thinking, "pie in the sky,"

It's a giant
pie plate, right?

No. No, it's, uh...

something else.

Never mind. Just keep going.

Oh. Okay.

Momentary lapse of insecurity
on my part, I guess.

Um, it's a...

an alternating
positron-electron net,

based on a collapsible
silicate framework.

So you want to put up
an umbrella over the
whole Seefra system?


Trance's sun is still on
a crash course to a rendezvous
with Seefra-1.

And the Vedran suns, the twin
artificial suns, are supposed to
power the braking system.

But with one of the suns

there's not enough power
to activate the brakes.


And we all know
I can't fix a sun,

Therefore our problem
comes down to time.

Someone's here.

Someone who doesn't belong.

I hope you didn't
mean me.


God, no, of course not.

I'm sorry, I'm just feeling
a little weird lately

with my sun approaching
and everything.

Do you know where Dylan is?

With Harper.

Do you know where Beka is?

She's collecting some parts
for something Harper's building.


Be careful.

It's always good to be careful.
You know.

The closer Trance's sun comes
through that pinhole in the sky,

The more hellish it gets
down here on Seefra-1.

Sooner or later, it's going
to be completely unlivable,

Not that it was ever livable
in the first place.

Now, I think,
positioned just right,

This parabolic reflector

Reflect the incoming radiation
back toward the pinhole.

Slowing the sun down
and buying us time.


60% chance of success, I'd say.

Well, we've worked with worse
odds and less material.

I've got scrap silicate left
over from my last guild job.

I've got the featherlight
conductors, and I've got power
panels and routers,

And Beka's out hustling
to, uh, harvest the rest.

Which brings us
to the delivery system.


Someone's going to have
to tow it into place with
a jet-craft.

Meaning someone has to
fly dangerously close to
that solar plume?

Well, hey!

Beka and I flew dangerously
close to that nasty black hole
to steal you out of it.

And it was a happy
ending, right?


Rhade. Great.

Want to help here?

What are you doing?

Harper's project.

Hmm, I'm taking a day off
from helping the little one.

Come on, don't be like that.
Just give me a hand.

Come on. Rhade!

Don't make me do it.

I'm busy.

You know, I will play
the matriarch card.


Help me.


Good boy.


My Nietzschean loyalty
is running just a little low

Ah, cute.
Very cute.

Nice jumpsuit, by the way.

Thank you.


Do you think you might want
to help me with this 200-Kilo
bin of space junk

that you requested
for your project?


Do you think
you want to answer me?

No, I didn't think so.

Andromeda, tell me
I'm not imaging things.

There is an unusual
energy reading on deck seven,
sector 16.

My powers are back.

Oh, no, Beka's there!







Just in time.

What the hell was that?

I have no idea.

Whatever it was
is gone... for now.


Why did a gaping hole open up
in the sector 16 corridor?

Insufficient data

Of course.

Dylan is not going
to like this.

Andromeda, talk to me.

There has
been an isolated gravitational
incident of great magnitude.

Possibly a naturally occurring
magnetic monopole transited
in my conduit.

I doubt there's anything
natural about this.

It is the only known phenomenon
that accounts for the damage
I experienced.

Well, then I'd say we're looking
for an unknown phenomenon.

I've got a hit.

Someone is attempting
to access my mainframe
memory bank.

Step back.

Marida: It's not
what you think.

I think my ship
is under attack,

So if you don't mind,
I'd like you to step back.

I mean you no harm.

You were accessing
the mainframe memory bank.

My name is Marida.

How did you
get in here?

And how do you know
your way around my ship?

I'm searching
for my husband.

He is my heart,

My soul, my world.

When he was taken
from me, all that I was
was taken with him.

I've searched all the known
universes for him ever since.

And you think he's here?

I know he's here.

You are my husband,
Dylan Hunt.

It is beyond imagination that I
could have been married to you
and not know it.

You really don't remember?

I, I was so afraid of that.

What kind of game is this?

What we had together
is locked away in a
time you've forgotten.

That's why I was accessing
the ship's mainframe...

To find some record
of our time together
to prove to you...

You were my husband.

You were my lover.

Search your heart and you
will find that you belong to me.

It's strange, but...

I do feel like we've met before.

We were together.

That's all I want.

Rhade: What are you, insane?

Anyone towing that thing
would be surfing

right on the edge of
the pinhole's
Schwarzschild radius.

It'd be practically impossible
not to be pulled in.

You're right.
You're absolutely right.

That's why it would take
an extremely skilled pilot...

Don't play me, Harper.

Okay, um...

Why don't we talk
profit motive?

Once we get the thing
up and running, we charge
the entire population...

a subscription fee.

Uh... take a little off the top
for our troubles, and I cut you
in for, say...

thirty percent?

If it doesn't work?

So you're out
some time and fuel.

And you get to break my arm.


Fifty-one percent.


No, no, no,
wait, wait, wait.

Okay, I'm in.

I like the way you think.


Data-sweep at 87 percent.

I find no record of "Marida"
in personal files,

mission records,
or correspondence.

Keep checking. She was here.
She knows you too well.

The human condition is subject
to unpredictable output.

Don't go all android on me.

I know what I felt, and somehow,
we know each other.

Dylan... that danger I felt,

it is somehow connected
to this Marida,

And then there's the question
of how she got onboard without
anyone even knowing.

Maybe she's from an alternate
time stream, you know,

someone from my future
or my past.

Andromeda, check outside
your mainframe memory,

in peripheral storage,
damaged files, corrupted data...


What are you thinking?

That not everything this ship
and I have been through
can be neatly cataloged.

I have located
a partial file dated CY9787.

I am unable to unlock or
authenticate it.

It is not my standard practice
to store damaged files.

Well, it wasn't
a standard situation.

Dylan, my powers are getting
stronger the closer my sun comes
to that pinhole, but...

I feel bad, I don't remember
much of what happened.

Well, let me fill you in.

We'd been ambushed
by the Nietzscheans.

We were under attack
and completely outnumbered.

There was only one
possible escape route.

Straight toward a black hole.

Dylan, are you sure about this?
I can't guarantee I'll have
enough power left

to pull us away from
the singularity.

We're not strong enough
to fight our way free.

We've got to use the black
hole's gravity to slingshot us
away from the Nietzscheans.

It's our only chance.

It might have worked
if my first officer
hadn't betrayed me.



Rhade: I tried to warn you.

I didn't have a pilot,

And I was busy
fighting for my life.

The ship hit the event horizon
and couldn't pull out.

What was that?

A temporal distortion.

Our artificial gravity must be
amplifying the time-dilation
effects of the black hole.


Gaheris, what have you done?

I'm proud of you.

You should be.

And it all seemed
to happen in an instant.

For more than 300 years,
Andromeda and I were outside
of linear time,

Until Beka and her crew
found us and towed us out
with The Maru.

The bucky cables are holding.

And I was
there, right?

You were my good luck
charm, even then.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

The Andromeda Ascendant.

Okay, I would just
like to say for the record...

We rule!

And when
normal time resumed,

My life was about to
change forever.

Captain Hunt?

Captain Hunt, are you all right?

I'll live.

Andromeda was forced
to make hasty repairs.

Some pathways were rerouted
through time paradoxes,

leaving areas of memory
that we haven't searched.

Marida was here while you
were caught in the singularity.

It would mean that
all those years I lost,

some part of me
wasn't frozen in time.

I actually lived them.

We're set to go. Just waiting
on your okay to launch.

What keeps Rhade from
being pulled off course?

True, it's a tricky maneuver.

He loses the line, he's fusion
fuel, but Rhade's a good pilot.

He's a great pilot, but
unexpected things can happen
to even the best.

I can help.

I guess a locked door is no
obstacle for someone who
can sneak onto a warship.

I couldn't wait any longer.

Okay, um... this is?


This is Marida.

She's a...


Marida, Mr. Harper.

Uh, no offense,

and although I could think
of a hundred ways...

how can you help?

By creating an anchor point
for your friend.

A pinpoint of gravity to
counteract the gravitational
force of the pinhole.

Cute! However...

an AG Generator that
could do that...

hasn't been built.

She wasn't planning
on using a machine.

Were you?

Andromeda, status on that file
decompression I requested.

File expansion complete.

That's perfect timing.

Transfer to monitors, please.

Gaheris, what have you done?

I'm proud of you.

You should be.

Dear one.

I... don't belong here.

You've come home.

She was there?

She was...

when Andromeda got caught
on the event horizon? How?

Who are you?

There's only one answer
that makes sense.

Every celestial body
has its avatar,

Beings who command the power
of suns, moons...

collapsed stars.

You're an avatar
of a black hole?

The black hole, Mr. Harper.

The one that I was trapped in
for over 300 years

before you and Beka
salvaged me.

We were together
for a fraction of a moment,

longer than
you might have liked...

too brief for me.

Please, understand.

I, uh...

I know it happened.

But... I don't remember.

We can start over.

Let me begin by helping you.

All right.

I can work with that.

You believe
you can trust her?

She has something
we need.

She can create a point of
intense gravitational force,

And Rhade can use
that as an anchor

to keep from being
sucked into the pinhole.

Well, that certainly
has its value.

But do you know
its price?

Dylan, it seems you have spent
three lifetimes with this woman.

You must have loved her,
but you don't remember
any of it.

That doesn't
make it less real.

Come on,
you rotten bucket of...

Useless. This thing's
full of holes.

No offense to
present company.

None taken.

Don't mind her.

She's never met the avatar
of a black hole before.

And you have?


I believe the ideal anchor point
is located right... here.

That will give us enough
clearance to protect Andromeda.

I still think you can make an
18 degree turn and save six
minutes off your final arc.

You would, wouldn't you?

I'm the one playing slingshot
between a temporary point

and an unstable pinhole.

Crashing into just
4 percent of the sun
is still 100 percent fatal,

So I'll take the extra
six minutes, thank you.

- Suit yourself.
- Wuss.

I heard that.

I'm just trying to get
my ass back in one piece.

Are you okay?


I'm fine!

Thank you.


It's minor nerve damage.
His hand will be fine
in two to three days.

Well, he won't be flying this
job, not with impaired
motor control.

Yeah, it certainly
was an unlucky break.



So let me fly it in The Maru.

Come on,
I have two good hands,

And I'm a better pilot
than you know who.

True, but...

I think I'll fly this
mission myself.


Dylan, please don't.

Let Beka do it.


Well, I just found you.

The thought of having you
out of my sight so soon, I...

With you to anchor me, Marida,

I know I'll be safe.

She won't ever let go of you.

She'll do anything to keep
the two of you together.

I'm counting on it.
That's why I'm flying
this mission.

Whatever else
Marida's up to,

She won't harm me.

Well, if she thinks
she's lost you,

there's no telling
what she'll do.

Yeah, there's that, but
we're running out of options.

That 18-Degree turn...

you think you can make it?

I know I can make it.

The Maru may not be
as pretty as a slipfighter,
but she flies true.

Then why not do it?

Well, if I were flying,
I would.

Well, you should be the one.

Even Rhade said
no one's a better pilot.

He did?

Well, he's right about that.

And you have the better ship.

That's right.

Two for two.

I'm starting to like you.

But... Dylan wants to do it.

Who am I to argue?

The most important thing
is that the job succeeds.

No one's better than you.


That's the last of it.

It is a scorcher down there,
all right.

I could adjust your internal
cooling systems to compensate.

Or I could
bag you again.

Okay, okay, never mind.

It's too hot anyway.

Besides, you got more work
to get out of the way.


Or not.

I'm sorry, Harper.

I think the heat's
getting to me.

I mean...

I've been having the craziest
thoughts about you lately.

Thoughts about me?


Like what, dreams?

No, not dreams.
It's like...

it's like I'm burning up
just thinking

of all things
I want to do to you.


and I can't get them
out of my head,

and each one is different.

But they all end the same.

Oh yeah?

Like how?
A happy ending?

They end in pain.

Off the meter, unrelenting,
"Oh, I want to die" kind
of pain.

Do you understand that, Harper?

Um, it's clear,
painfully clear.

All right, then.

On the other hand, at least
you're thinking about me,
even if it is sadistic.

Don't start, Harper.

It's too hot.

You're telling me.

Fine, go ahead, suffer
like the rest of us.

Harper, come in.

Harper and Sons
mech work and sandwich shop.

Everything from soup
to nuts and bolts.

I'm headed for the drop point
for your electron parasol.

Parabolic shield ready to
receive instruction data upload
and be deployed in...

I thought Dylan had that gig.

Change of plans.

Just tell me when you're
sending the data so I can tell
you if the thing's receiving it.



I'm already on it.
I just got the word.

Beka, I told you
I was doing this.

No offense to your
piloting, Dylan.

I just felt that I had a better
hot of pulling it off.

Look, the most important
thing is making sure this
job succeeds.

This is your doing.

I am providing an anchor point
to stabilize her course.

Beka, abort this flight.
I am ordering you.

She's not going to like that.

You're ordering me?

That's cute.

Fine. I'm asking you.

Well, I'm pretty much
committed now.

The Eureka Maru is
approaching point of no return.

We have to do something.

Her acceleration's too hot.

Beka, pull out!

No, I can hold it.

She is off course by
two degrees, seventeen minutes.

I don't get it.

I hit that turn perfectly,
18 degrees off the anchor point.

She needs more drag,
or the momentum's going
to carry her right in.

You fix this. Now.

I'm doing what I can.

I don't think you are.

I think your anchor point
is just a little weaker
than Beka calculated.

And don't pretend that
you didn't arrange this.

You wanted Beka out there.

Now, why would I do that?

Because you're a woman
who doesn't let go of what
she thinks is hers.

And Beka's the one who took
What was yours, didn't she?

When she salvaged Andromeda
and took me away from you?

I... don't belong here.

You've come home.

The bucky cables are holding.

Braking thrusters
are not going to cut it.

I'm caught in the
pinhole's gravity field.

Soon she'll be burning up.

Just like Trance said, there's
nothing you won't do to keep
us together.

All I want is to be
with you again.

If you do that
by hurting Beka,

then I swear,
we are history.

I could never deny you.

A.I. Mainframe





You have to stop her.
She's in the AI mainframe.

I know. Get Rhade
up here right now.

Uh, hey, what about me?

Hold on, Beka.
I'm doing the best I can.

I don't know. Maybe
you'd better drop the shield.

To stabilize the Maru.

And scrap this whole thing
after all that work?

No thanks.

I'd rather deep fry than
slow roast any day.

What's going on, boss?
What happened to Beka's
gravity anchor?

Marida jumped into
Andromeda's AI.
I'm going in too.

To do what?

Kill her? Stop her?

How do you get rid of an avatar?

She's data right now.
Destructive code, to be exact.
That we can get rid of.

It's dangerous boss. You
could die in VR too.

Come on, Harper.
You're better than that.

I'll take that
as a compliment.

Take that as an order.
No pressure.

Oh, me and my big mouth.

All right, let's get
this thing over with.

Okay. Enjoy your date with data.

Don't forget to use a conduit.



Your home is with me.

You are my other half.

I may not remember it,

But I know who I am,
and I...

I was never your husband.


It's happening.

pulling the ship free.

You can't leave me!

I never agreed to stay.

Here with me, you're free
from time and gravity.

Part of the universe itself,
don't you want that?

I have a Commonwealth that
I have sworn to protect as
long as I live.

You know that.

I know that you
belong here with me.


I was born into linear time,

and this existence,

watching life...

unfold from the outside,

instead of living it...

It wasn't meant for me.

They are here...

to give me back my life.

I cannot refuse...

even if it means giving you up.

Captain Hunt.

Captain Hunt,
are you all right?

I'll live.

You have to let me go...


I can't.

I won't.

You're not my home.

No one leaves me.

Now, Marida...

How bad is it?

Well, Dylan is in the mainframe
and the AI is down.

It's hard to tell
how bad the damage is.

your status.

This may be it.

Marida, listen to me!

Come on! Stop this!

Stop it right now!

No! There's nothing else!

Stay with me. Please.

Please, stay with me.

Shh. It's all right.

It's all right.

What we had...

was a dream.

It was a beautiful dream.

It was beautiful,
wasn't it?


It's going to be okay.

Dylan, you've got to
let her go.

Get out of there, boss!
She's trying to take you with

You've got to let her go. Now.

Boss! Let her go, now!

You've got to get out of there.
There's no time!


Andromeda, status.

My systems
are back online.

Excellent work, boss.

I'm detecting a massive new
memory cache in Andromeda's
central processors.


Should I delete it?

No. We're going to use it
to save Beka.

Did someone say "save Beka?"

That's music to my burning ears.

Andromeda, attach new memory
cache to parabolic reflector
data and send.


Hang on, Beka. We've got
a hitchhiker coming your way.

Upload received.

And people make fun of
my relationship choices?

Well, you're the one
that picks them.

Just deploy the reflector,

Off you go.

And stabilizing.

The Maru has achieved
equilibrium point.

Beka's going to be okay.

Reflector's responding to
RMF control.

Approaching final position.

Radiation reflection...

better than eighty percent.

So maybe I underestimated
by about twenty.

Looks like Marida's gravity
trapped in that reflector
should keep it in place nicely.

All right, Beka, you're free
to fly back home.

You can thank me later.

And you can
thank me now.

I told you. I had the best shot
of pulling this off.

assessment, Captain?

Well, we're, uh...

still alive,

So I guess we could
call that a success.

The news isn't so good
here. Sending Marida up with the

caused stress on the pinhole.

It's been enlarged.

Meaning your sun'll be
coming through even faster?

You'll find a way
to stop it.


You know, Trance,
it was strange,

seeing glimpses of
a relationship

that must have meant
something to me.

but not everything.

That's what she couldn't accept.

Ah, Trance, she could have
done so much damage.

Now at least she won't be able
to hurt anyone.

It should be about a thousand
years before she figures out,

how to get out of the
reflector's data node.

By then, she should be over me.
