Andromeda (2000–2005): Season 4, Episode 21 - The Dissonant Interval: Part One - full transcript

An ambassador returning from purportedly successful peace talks with the Magog is aboard Commonwealth ship when it's attacked. The only survivors are the seriously injured ambassador, and the pilot; a Nietzschean from a supposedly...

DYLAN: Talk to me.

Craft of
unknown origin

under heavy attack

by three former
Commonwealth fighters.

The enemy of my enemy is...

DYLAN: not defending itself.
That is correct.

I detect no offensive weapons
of any kind on board.

Either totally peaceful
or totally crazy.


He evades just about everything
they throw at him.

Superior skills.

It could be
a woman, Rhade.

It probably is.

Let's see...
advanced counter-measures...

Rommie's right.

He... hasn't fired a shot.

Then it's up to us.


We are being

by the former
Commonwealth ships.

Battle stations.

We've been targeted.
They're firing.

And so are we.

Missile tubes
one through twenty, fire.


Targets have been destroyed.
We are being hailed.

Show me.

On behalf of Ambassador
Galdamez of Arkology,

I thank you
for your timely help.

Captain Dylan Hunt,
always happy to lend a hand.

Nice flying,
by the way.

Better than nice.

Absolutely outstanding.

I am Telemachus Rhade,
out of Marjorum by Rhade.

Down, boy.

Louisa Messereau,
out of Moira by Jordan.

That's impossible.

That pride
is extinct...

900 years, Captain.

Reports of our extinction
have been greatly exaggerated.

That much is evident.

On board, no injuries,
I'm hoping?

No, but Captain, if I might,
the attack damaged a GFG lens.

We should be able to help
with that.

I look forward
to running genealogy with you,

Louisa Messereau.

Hunt out.

Been a long time, Rhade?

this is a treacherous region

to be traveling without weapons.

Rogue elements
of the Commonwealth

this entire region.

I could outfit you
with some nifty AP cannons,

missiles, you name it.

Thank you,
no, Mr. Harper.

I represent Arkology.

Our provenance
is peace.

Arkology, huh?
Never heard of it,

and what the heck is peace
in these whacked-out times?

We find
a loving approach to life
brings the best results.

That's a noble idea,

but unfortunately,
peace needs defending.

At Arkology,

we believe loving goodwill

is the only appropriate response
to the universe.

We have found
the universe returns this

in many ways.

Never heard
of such a place,

or how it continues
to exist.

As Harper says,

these are
dangerous times.

Mr. Ambassador,

your mission,
may I ask what it was?

Indeed, yes.

I'm returning
from a successful negotiation

with the Magog

on that great vehicle
they call World ship.

A great vehicle
they call the World Ship?

I think you'd better stop
smoking your peace pipe.

We signed with various races

Uh... we have had experience
with the Magog.

I find it difficult to believe
that you were able
to talk to them,

much less negotiate.

Still, Captain,
I have signed treaties.

They can write?

Their leaders
are quite civilized.

I do hope
you're not judging them

by their...
less than beautiful looks.

SEAMUS: We judge them
by their actions.

They destroy
entire cultures
and populations.

They bring nothing
but death and mayhem.

All right, listen close,

the Magog are murderous,
insatiable monsters.

They infest you
with their eggs.

utterly disgusting...

they are dark
and evil beings.

As I said, we've had
experience with the Magog.


thank you
for your views,

but until
they prove otherwise,

assume it is you

who do not understand
the Magog.

Excuse me, I...


somebody tell me
that's not what I think it is.

Back, get back!
Everybody back!

He's dead.


This treaty is terminated.

DYLAN: The universe
is a dangerous place,

but in our future,

my crew and fight
to make it safe.

I am Dylan Hunt,

of the Andromeda Ascendant,

and these are our adventures.


We can intercept the
Magog transmissions.

Got to have
the right bridgework

to speak this profanity.

and displaying

vector of
the Magog World Ship.

Solid color is current
position and speed,
best estimate.

Rommie, please enlarge


Arkology orbits this planet.

Bad luck.
I'm sorry.

DYLAN: it's not luck.

The Magog had Arkology targeted
all along.

SEAMUS: A strategy...
they infested
the Ambassador

as a covert tactic.

If we hadn't been delayed...

the Ambassador

would have infested
Arkology with those
Magog babies.

They've never used
tactics before.

to the new world.

Louisa, your craft didn't
have any offensive weapons.

Is Arkology the same?

We have
no weapons, no.

Boss, we've got
to warn them.

Beka, let's move them
out of the way.

Engaging slipstream drive.

Planet Ganesha.

And Arkology.

It is roughly
36 kilometers long, 8 wide,

with a 500,000-
kilometer orbit.

At the far end,
there is an asteroid

which provides raw materials.

Docking facilities
are at this end.

It's impressive.
A self-sustaining ecology.

Yes, Captain.


I've never seen
anything like it.

Records show nothing like it.

Captain, will you speak
with the council?

The horrendous death
of Ambassador Galdamez

says it all.

I will only add that
you're out of time.

Believe me, your council
will take it from there.

Shall we?



It is good
to see you safe.

Welcome, friends.
Welcome to Arkology.

I'm Marlowe.

Welcome home, Dylan.

Uh, uh...

thank you.
I wish we came with better news.

You bring reality.
There can be
no better news.

You're about to be attacked
from the Magog.

Ambassador Galdamez
and I,

well, we had hoped...

there is no hope
with the Magog.

Only death.

Excuse me, Marlowe.

Louisa tells me

that the Arkology
is capable of slipstream?

Well, at one time.

We haven't had reason
to leave orbit

for many,
many generations now.

Well, things change.

You need to move
to a safer place.

I don't know yet
if we can do that.

And why is that?

All residents

contribute to leadership
decisions, Captain.

We have a democracy of dreams.

Three million children,
women, and men

living in peace.

Well, you must
inform your people.

Put it to a vote right away.

We meet in council every night.

The entire population?

LOUISA: Above a certain age,
all are welcome
in the dream-state.

There, we make
our needs and desires known

to the council,
who represent us.

You do this through dreams?

And you resolve
your differences?

We have no differences.

We live in harmony

because we acknowledge
each other.

TRANCE: Dylan,

this is a significant place
in the universe.

I can see that.
It's one of a kind.

If the Magog destroy it,

they destroy the very best
that living beings can create.

Then let's save it.

Please remind your people

that there's little time
for debate.

Thank you, Captain.
They will decide.

We live in peace.
We die in peace.

I admire you for that,

but living in peace
is a better option.

What is it about Arkology
that just creeps me out?

Need I remind you
of your feelings

in regards
to The Abyss?

Ugly, but beautiful.

Arkology's just the opposite...

but something's not right.

Contradictions are
an unavoidable part
of all of our lives.

Goals help keep them in check.

You, I think,
in particular,

need to have a goal
to fulfill,

a mission to complete.

Like getting a fix
on the World Ship.
Copy that.

Let's find us
some big hairy monsters.


Your piloting skills
are excellent.

LOUISIA: Thank you, Rhade.

SEAMUS: I'm one of the few
who leave Arkology,

but there's no need
to go anywhere.

Peaceful life
has its appeal.


I don't understand
how a Nietzschean
came to Arkology

in the first place.

Well, there are
several of us.

I trace my lineage
in Arkology

187 generations.

Before that,
I can't say.

Anapurna pride,
you came here, yes,

but why?

To learn the true
Nietzschean way,

the ultimate way
of survival.

Truer than survival
through competition?

We came to learn respect
for all creation.

Oh, wait,
slow down.


we're going fishing.

Well, keep an eye
on Amalia, then.

She's still
learning to swim.

We will. Bye, Rhade.

You have an admirer.

So it seems.

You have an admirer
as well.

Do I?

I am...

Lousia, I find you
to be...


I'm not usually...

Finish one sentence
before you begin another.

You are intelligent, bold,
compassionate, and beautiful.

I want to know you.

That was worth waiting for.

Marlowe doesn't understand
the urgency of the Magog.

We do understand.

May I invite you to dream-state?

Would you share it with me?
With us?

I would be honored.

You'll understand
why we value peace

above all things.

I am a warrior...

but I look forward
to knowing peace

through your eyes.

We're almost there.

weapons systems.


Look at this. We've got Magog.

We came out into a swarm.

They're not supposed
to be this close.

More than the usual
number of surprises
this time.



Magog's swarm ship's
punching through the hull.

We're just looking
for a World Ship.

Oh, sh...

I've got a fix.

It's all the news I need.

Preparing to repel attackers.


Beautiful night.

Beautiful night.


Captain Hunt.

You've come uninvited.

Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't realize.

Well, I...

I'm going to need
an explanation.

This is dream-state.

Still no help.

As our children reach maturity,

we teach them
to enter dream-state.

We call it "the invitation."

No one taught me.


You've achieved dream-state
spontaneously, uninvited.

Well, then,
how am I here?

You have always been here.

Come. Let me show you.

This is the dream council.

we reach all inhabitants.

Thank you
for the information

on the Magog threat.

My pleasure.

So you'll decide
to move the Arkology.

We will discuss it now
and reach consensus.

That's an interesting

It is the gateway.

We use it to
focus our thoughts,

and so join
with the rest.

We have reached consensus.


We have decided
not to move Arkology.

We will meet
the Magog World Ship

with love and with compassion.

But... but you can't.

That's our way
and our decision.

No, no, no, see,
you don't understand.

It is the ultimate test
of our loving peace.

We will meet it with dignity.

You cannot defeat evil
only with love.

We believe you can.

There is no evil here.

Oh, yes, there is.

You just haven't seen it yet.

I do not understand the people
on Arkology.

Peace is a way
of life for them.

Peace is fine,

but they should do it
somewhere else.

To them, death
is not the end.

It is not darkness.

But they do not believe
they will die.

They think that peace and love
will turn the Magog away.

For all we know,

The Abyss is influencing
all their decisions.

The Route of Ages
has many universes.

It doesn't just lead
to The Abyss.

Then tell me why the Magog
are breathing down our necks.

I do see death.

I do see change,
but, Dylan,

there is something here
vital for who you are.

For me?

Well, I didn't come here
for my own personal discovery.

You are the leader
of the forces of light.

Well, I didn't ask
for that job.

The Maru has exited slipstream
directly into a Magog swarm.

We're on our way.

They're coming in hot.

Hull's been breached,
and more are trying
to get through.

Clean them off.





Guess who's
coming to dinner?

SEAMUS: And you want to take
Arkology to slipstream?

Huh. Never seen
anything like this, boss.

It is an odd mix
of sophisticated antiquity.

Yeah, like the Andromeda,
but ugly...

and useless,
with steam engines

run by quantum chips.

Can you get this thing to fly?

Signs are hazy,
boss. Give us a little time.

Mr. Harper,
that's all you've got.

'Cause then we're
out of here.

Yes? Dylan...

we don't move this barge,
it becomes a death trap.


Look, if it makes you
feel better,

I realize it's a big universe
out there,

and we still have
battles to fight.

Very convincing.


RHADE: I want you
to take it.

You know I can't.

I have to key it
to your DNA.

Rhade, no.

I don't understand.

Why won't you
defend yourself?

Let me show you

This is Arkology.

what you can't see
is the spirit that animates us.

We are one with all creation.

The Wayists had
the same idea.

Not an idea. It is fact.

Fact is World Ship.
Fact is countless Magog.

Fact is self-defense or death.

Is death a fact?


I truly do not understand you.

Then understand this.

We live
by what we know is true,
or we are nothing.

Anapurna pride learned this
by committing to Arkology.

I am committed...

to something
I do not understand...

but you must help yourselves.

Then stay.

I follow my Captain.

These terrible days,
each must choose
his own path.

Louisa, please.

Let's not talk anymore.

Share the sunset
with me.


What is it?

It's the Route of Ages.

It leads to
different universes,

one of which
controls the World Ship.

even for me...

and you found it.



have you heard
of the Paradine?

The p... the Paradine?

Yes, the... the myth.

Older than the stars,
older than the universe.

Never seen, always present,

influencing the fate
of the galaxies themselves.

Yes, but it's a myth.

We exist.

[LAUGHS] Come on, Marlowe.
No one lives that long.

We are
the Paradine.

We are stationary.
All comes to us.

You're telling me

that everyone here on Arkology
is part of the Paradine?


just two of us.


You're one,
and the other one is...

You, Dylan Hunt.

You are one of the Paradine.

The Paradine's journeys
span all time.

Where and when
our past began,

even we cannot say.

Your past is of
no consequence.

You think?

Your future is at stake here.

You must convince your people
to move the Arkology.

They're no longer
my people, Dylan.

They now
will turn to you.

We have seen this also happen.

I'm flattered,

but I'm already Captain
of a starship.

Yes, in your past, but now
you are one of the Paradine.

Fine. Then I'll
convince them to move.

To stay means to die.

You resist where
you cannot resist,

but that is

Are you ready?


Just a little bit longer, yes.


Harper, repeating
the information

won't change
what he said.

remaining here

once Harper and I
have fixed Arkology's engines...

if we fix Arkology's engine.

If Arkology
is capable of slipstream,

what purpose can it
possibly serve to stay?

It's suicide.
It is noble.

It's the right thing to do.

Right. I'm out of here.



I've gone four years
through three galaxies

risking everything,

and that's fine,

but I'm not going to die here

defending some cockamamie notion
of love and peace.

It is not an idea.
It is a fact.

First woman who comes along
and wags her tail,

and you go soft?

DYLAN: So it's settled.

Some of us will stay,
and some won't.

I will stay.

This is not the end.
Not yet.

I still may be able

to get the slip drive going
on that tin can.

Make it happen.

Rhade, work on
the council members,

see if you can change
their minds.

Isn't it strange...

how a new idea
can change your world view

and make everything different?

If one accepts the idea.

Marlowe told me something.

It changes
how I have to look at this.

There was something
for you here.

He told me
that I'm one of the Paradine.

The Paradine...

without a doubt, he is right.

Dylan, I always felt
that your presence had this...

timeless quality
about it,

that in some ways,

you were much older than I.

Now you're just trying
to make me feel bad.

The Paradine witnessed
the creation of this universe.

Perhaps they even had a hand
in its creation.

Yeah, I think
I would have remembered that.

I'm just a small town boy
from Tarn-Vedra.

I'm having a little trouble

wrapping my mind
around all this.

Reality is wider
than a single mind.


but I can't help these people

if they let the Magog
make a meal of them.

No plan
survives contact with life.

You taught me that.

This is death.

These loving people,

to save them,
I have to take their innocence.

I don't look forward to that.

Innocence at this point
is a liability,

not your responsibility,

but whatever happens, Dylan,

I feel it is the end
of our adventures

as we have known them.

We have come to a
crossroads, dear friends.

Time is when
I shall leave you.

No fear.

Here in dream-state,
as in our lives,

there is one who will
take my place,

one who will guide
as you envision.

You all know
Dylan Hunt...

now on a journey
he did not expect,

but one he embraces.


I cannot be part of
your willful self-destruction.

That is not your choice.

We have seen this
also happen.

And now,
dear friends...

I must leave.

Not unless
everyone on the Arkology

goes with you.

Staying... leaving... going...

it's all the same
to the Paradine, Dylan.

Well, then, don't go.

You are in the hands
of the Paradine.

Dylan will guide you.


you cannot stay here.

This is not
the dream
you think you're dreaming.

I'll prove it.


It's not what it seems.
Just watch it closely.


right there,

a doorway to many universes...

and an entrance for evil.

This is what you listen to.

You're being manipulated
into passivity.

I cannot give you purity,

I only bring reality.

The Magog?

You bring us despair.

The Magog bring despair.

I bring hope.


With a little luck,
this might work.

You're cutting corners.

It's not like
we have a lot of time.

Twelve hours, 15 minutes,
to be precise.

Exactly, and there's
three weeks of work here,

so don't complain.

Have you ever seen
so many GFGs?

Synchronizing them
could prove to be
an interesting challenge.


More like a hopeless
race against time.

Shunting antl-protons
through that loop

might cause a breach
in the magnetic field.

Yeah, I know,

so I bumped the power
to the field from here.

Which could weaken the
field here and here.

So I compensated
from here and here.

Oh, that could work,

Boom, we all die. I know.

That's going
to happen anyway.

Do you mind?

I'm sorry, Rommie.

I think
I'm a little tense.

We all are.

What we saw in the dream,

what Dylan showed us,
is it real?


For the first time,

I feel... different
than before.

DYLAN: What do you feel?


That fear will keep you alive.

You're planning
to destroy their innocence.

Destroy it to save it.

Yeah, I know,

it sounds bad.

It sounds criminal.

I'm finding

life without aggression

Well, I've found

life without aggression
is unrealistic.

Not on Arkology.

Not yet, maybe.

Go ahead, Andromeda.

I'm detecting
a slipstream event.

It's close.

A swarm of Magog fighters.
One minute to impact.

DYLAN: It's time
to choose, Rhade.

Die for peace...

or fight for peace?

Ship-wide alert.

Magog swarm-ships
on rapid approach.

Magog impact
in 30 seconds.

Every missile tube, load
and prep reload now.

Keep fighting, Beka.

We'll handle what comes our way
down here.

If you won't fight,

I will...

if only to save you
and your people.

I will follow you in this.

We'll take this step

Multiple ships
are attaching
to the far side

out of direct visual.

They're using
tactical maneuvers.

Every missile tube...
unload now.


Dylan, the outer skin
has been perforated

by foreign ships.

All right, listen up.

I need all of you
to grab whatever you can

to defend yourselves.

Prepare to fight!








Magog ships left.

and eliminating
in two, one...

targets eliminated.

Okay. Taste
of what's to come.

If anyone wants me,
I'll be on the Maru, packing.




We need to teach these people
how to survive.

She's a beast, boss.

I mean, fused valves

with all the jumpers
and cables...

it's going to be delicate,

and that's even if I could
get it up and running on time.

ANDROMEDA: I agree, Captain.

The World Ship
is scheduled to arrive

long before
we'll be ready for it.

I'm staying.

I'm going to try
to protect these people

as best I can.

You... Beka wants you
back on The Maru.

You're staying?

I guess I do owe you one,
don't I?

A couple.

I'll keep working on it...
for now.


Rommie, don't let him
out of your sight.

Great. You've come
to your senses.

Actually, we came
to see you off.

I'm just here for an EM exciter.

You know, you could
change your mind, boss.


Perhaps it's better this way.

Perhaps, Beka,
you will be the herald,

warning everyone
of what's to come.

Thanks, Trance.

Nice way of saying I'm running.

Come on, don't be
so hard on yourself.

We're in a tough spot here.
Do what you've got to do.

When the dust clears,

we'll see each other again,
right, Trance?

Right, Trance?


"No" what?

No, we will never be
together like this again.

You said "like this," so...

that means we will
be together again

in some other way,

like, like...

like when we're dead.

This is just
a possible future, Trance,

I mean, it is possible
something else could happen.

Is that right?


I don't think so.

Well, that's the worst thing
I've ever heard.

Beka, don't do this.

We're a team,

and we stand a better
chance of survival
if you stay.

There's no way
this is goodbye.

I don't believe you.

ANDROMEDA: I'm sorry
to intrude,

but I have detected
the Magog World Ship.

It will be within firing range
in 10 minutes.

It's hours early.

Nonetheless, it's here.

you know where I'll be.



Andromeda, visuals.


Captain, the Magog World Ship

has begun drawing
enormous energy

from its slave sun.

They're powering up
a point-singularity weapon.

That takes a while.

Andromeda, battle stations.
It's showtime.

It's too late, Dylan.
I can feel it.

They're going to fire now.


Give me Rhade.

Rhade, the worldship
has fired a PSB at Arkology.



I've got you.


Don't let go!

This is it, Trance.
This is it.