Ancient Aliens (2009–…): Season 17, Episode 5 - #DUPE# - full transcript

The human genome
remains one of modern science's

Greatest mysteries.

We still understand very little

About our genetic history.

Are homo
sapiens a miracle of nature?

Or could there be another,
more profound explanation?

The evolution
of the humanoid primate on this planet

Is because of the
genetic manipulation

Of extraterrestrial entities.

The more we look into our dna,

We recognize that
something happened.

Ancient astronaut
theorist giorgio tsoukalos

And author david childress

Are meeting with experts in
religion, science, and mythology

For a provocative discussion
on the truth behind the origin

And future of mankind.

are trying to influence

Our dna and upgrade it.

I think earth has been

A hybridization
program all along.

There is a doorway

In the universe.

Beyond it is the
promise of truth.

It demands we
question everything

We have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right
before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

I'm excited to be here with
you guys to talk about dna,

Because the ancient
astronaut theory

For 50 years now has suggested

That man and animal, they
were essentially the same.

But then, the so-called
gods arrived, and they saw

That one of these
species had potential.

And this is when they
changed the genetic makeup

In order to make us intelligent.

I've been doing a
lot of research about dna

And I think we can see
there's some sort of design.

There's s... There
is intelligence

Behind this whole creation.

This is really
interesting, because recently,

Scientists have been able
to start manipulating dna.

Right, and the more we look
into the science of our dna

And into the
science of evolution,

We recognize that
something happened.

Something happened in our dna

That cannot be explained
away with just coincidence.

You remember in the bible,

It says in genesis chapter one,

"let us make man
in our own image."

Curious plural terminology.

- Right.
- Well, the ancients asked,

"who is god talking to?"

And the response was,
he was talking to his angels.

And if we understand
in our modern terms

That these angels might
have been extraterrestrials,

There you go.

Right from the bible,

You have a clear,
definitive statement

Of an extraterrestrial
development of human dna.

Absolutely. And dna holds

Information but
it's programmable.

Dna is the molecule that
defines every living creature on earth.

Dna is the molecule
of life itself with a code,

A molecule with a code on it.

The dna code is essentially like

A language consisting of genes

That confer particular traits
like eye color or hair color.

All these traits, basically,
that we recognize.

In a sense, dna is the program

That gets run by the computer,
and the computer is the cell.

The cell executes
the instructions

In the dna molecule in order
for organisms to live and develop.

And it depends a little
bit on the environment

And other things that are
happening, and that's why,

For example,
two identical twins,

Even though they
have the same dna,

Are not precisely identical.

In 1859, nearly a
century before the discovery of dna,

English biologist
charles darwin theorized

In his controversial book,
on the origin of the species,

That every living thing

Was the product
of natural selection,

Evolving over millions of years

To adapt and survive in
changing environments.

When scientists
later discovered dna

And its ability to adapt,
it seemed to be in line

With darwin's theory.

But today, with a far greater
breadth of scientific knowledge,

A number of darwin's assumptions
have been found to be incorrect.

And one burning
question remains:

If evolution is the only factor

In the development
of life on earth,

Then why are humans
so incredibly unique?

We don't see
dolphins building cars.

We don't see elephants
building houses, you know?

That might sound trite,

But it's a fact
that these animals

Just simply haven't progressed
and advanced in the way we have.

There's something definitely
different about the human race,

And the big question
is, why is that?

Nobody has ever denied
that evolution exists

Because there
is a fossil record.

However, even darwin
himself in the origin of species,

In the last chapter, he says,
you know, "I like my theory,

But there is something
that does not make sense."

And this is why we have
the so-called missing link.

- Mm.
- And the ancient astronaut theory suggests

That that missing piece

Is an external artificial
mutation of our genetic makeup.

I mean, we know that's possible.

Even now, scientists
are cutting dna, you know,

Isolating the gene that
is responsible for this,

Responsible for that,
moving things around.

Dna is essentially digital.

- It's information, right?
- Right.

But it's programmable.
You can cut, copy, paste

And edit it.

So, after crick and watson

Discovered the double
helix nature of dna,

It launches this whole
search into molecular biology,

Bioengineering and so forth.

In 1953,

Molecular biologists james
d. Watson and francis crick

Made one of the most
important scientific breakthroughs

In human history
when they identified

The double-helix
structure of dna.

The discovery led
to a radical new era

Of genetic experimentation,

Culminating in a
revolutionary method to edit dna

Known as crispr.

Developed in 2012

By scientists jennifer doudna
and emmanuelle charpentier,

Crispr, which stands
for "clustered regularly

Interspaced short
palindromic repeats,"

Is a tool that
enables scientists

To target and modify
individual genes.

Crispr can be thought
of as a kind of a genetic scissors

That can snip dna
at a desired location.

And what that allows people
to do is effectively cut out

One sequence and
paste in another sequence,

Just like you might
do in a word processor.

Crispr is incredibly
powerful because it allows

Dna sequences to be
altered in desired ways.

It could be used
to improve crops,

It could be used
to fight pathogens,

It could be used to confer
immunity to a disease.

And, of course, it could
be used for other purposes,

Like, creating blue
eyes from brown eyes,

Or blonde hair from brown hair.

You know, one of the most
fascinating things I've found

About the whole crispr scenario
and why it's so important, too,

Is that we can
alter and edit dna

So then it's passed on
to future generations.

And that is kind of a
really dangerous premise.

That's a very
controversial issue

- Today in modern science.
- It is.

We're doing the work of angels

By directing evolution.

While genetic
engineering of humans

May seem like an issue
that won't need to be faced

For many years to come,

It has, in fact,
already happened.

In November 2018, chinese
biophysics researcher

He jiankui made the
shocking announcement

That he used crispr
on twin female embryos.

And the plan to
monitor the twins' health

For the next 18 years.

In a bold effort to make
the twins immune to hiv,

He deleted a single
gene, known as ccr5.

Although the procedure
was a success,

His unauthorized actions to
tamper with human biology

On such an audacious
scale led chinese authorities

To incarcerate him for a
three-year prison sentence.

We just don't know enough

About the long-term
effects of gene editing

To be performing those
types of procedures

On humans at this point.

As far as these
experiments are concerned,

What they demonstrated
was that scientists

Now had the ability to
quite literally play god.

Further research
published in the journal cell

Showed that the
removal of gene ccr5

Also significantly
improves memory, cognition

And even the brain's ability
to repair itself after a stroke.

These developments,
as ethically complicated

As they are, proved that
dna can in fact be altered

To advance the
evolution of human beings.

The way that I'm
looking at this is,

This whole crispr technology
is simply a rediscovery

Of technology that
existed way before

And has been used
here on planet earth,

Perhaps, of course,
not by human beings.

You know, this is something
that erich von daniken

Has proposed in chariots of
the gods? Over 50 years ago,

That the ultimate proof

Of an extraterrestrial
intervention will not be found

In a crashed spaceship somewhere

Or a ray gun that's
discovered in a cave,

But rather, in our dna.

Just recently, in 2018,

This australian geneticist
discovered these dna knots

Which they called the I-motif.

And they think
that this is perhaps

What's creating
the modern human.

So, one has to ask the
question, who did that?

Actually, in 2018,

This australian geneticist
discovered these knots

In our dna, and some
of the doctors think

That this is perhaps what's
creating the modern human.

This is a major discovery

That they've made, that our dna

Doesn't necessarily look
like a double helix all the time.

It can take on different
expressions and...

But this one is, like,
really sticking out.

But these knots have been there

- From the very beginning of our dna.
- Yes.

- Yes.
- And I'm gonna predict

That they have a very
significant role to play

In our evolutionary future.

I wouldn't be surprised
if they find that,

- Because, again, they are...
- Th... we don't believe anything

- Is a coincidence.
- Right.

In April 2018,

Dr. Daniel christ at
the garvan institute

Of medical research
in sydney, australia,

Announced that he had discovered

A curious anomaly in human dna.

Dr. Christ and his
team identified sections

Of the double helix
genetic structure

That are twisted into what
they described as knots.

While the function of
these knots remains

Largely a mystery,
scientists suspect

These unusual dna shapes
may play an essential role

In human evolution.

We don't exactly know
the, uh, the function,

But presumably, because it's
changing the shape of the dna,

One of the
proposed ideas, right,

Is that they may be
involved in-in gene regulation.

We've known for more
than 50 years that, uh,

The way genes are
turned on and off,

The way they're regulated
is at least as important

As what the genes actually
do once they're turned on.

Is it possible,

As ancient astronaut
theorists propose,

That these mysterious
dna knots not only played

An important role in the
evolution of humankind,

But are physical evidence

That extraterrestrials
manipulated human dna?

There are these
parts inside our dna

That do not correspond to
that double helix structure.

How crazy is that?
Because, through science,

We've learned that it
seems as if those parts

Were somehow extraordinary
from the rest of the structure.

- It's almost like added information.
- Sure.

I think the common denominator
of this whole discussion

Is that dna is
changeable, it's malleable.

More and more question marks

Arise because we
now have evidence

That some of the
things that happened

With our own human
dna are not coincidental.

So, one has to ask the question:

What was the purpose
of it and who did that?

And, of course, the ancient
astronaut theory suggests

That this was done through
a targeted manipulation

Of our genes by
artificial means.

This goes into the
old kabbalistic beliefs

About the pre-adamic

That we had a
humanoid civilization.

And then along
came god, the angels,

And made adam out of
that which was before him.

According to an
ancient jewish interpretation

Of the bible known
as the kabbalah,

Adam was created
from a humanlike race

That already existed on earth.

There are some who
believe this points

To the genetic engineering
of homo sapiens,

And that further
manipulation of human dna

Can be found in the biblical
story of the garden of eden.

Let's look, then, at the
story of the garden of eden

And adam and eve,
living, uh, sort of blissfully

In this edenic garden

And then suddenly this
serpent-being comes to them

And offers them some
special food to eat.

Who is this serpent?

Ancient legend tells
us that the serpent

In the garden of eden was
actually a humanoid form.

It stood erect, had arms and
had legs, and clearly, it spoke.

The serpent talks
to eve and says,

"hey, have a piece of fruit."

Eve eats. Adam, too.

And suddenly, they
completely change

Into what we would
call modern people

Who are now creating
clothing, creating ornaments.

They're building
houses and vehicles.

Tools and things like that.

We have, in a sense,
an evolutionary leap

From primitive humans
to more modern humans

Who are more aware of
themselves and their surroundings.

According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

Strikingly similar
creation myths exist

In ancient cultures
around the world.

For instance, mayan
tradition describes how humans

Were created by a feathered
serpent known as kukulkan,

And ancient chinese stories
portray the first emperor,

Huangdi, as the offspring
of a human woman

And a dragon god who
descended from the sky.

But perhaps most
remarkable of all

Is the creation story
of the sumerians,

Who are believed, by most
mainstream archaeologists,

To be the earliest human
civilization on earth.

Approximately 4,000 years ago,

The sumerians recorded
stories about powerful beings

Called the anunnaki,

Who descended to
earth from the sky.

One of these figures
was known as enki,

And according to
author zecharia sitchin,

Who spent years studying
the sumerian cuneiform tablets,

Enki is the equivalent
of the serpent

In the garden of eden.

Enki is the god of
technology of the annunaki.

Zachariah sitchin
noticed that enki

Was symbolized by a serpent

And he made the
simple leap to suggest

That he, in fact, is the serpent

In the garden of eden
that was responsible

For putting us on our
current path of evolution.

Enki altered our human dna

In order to awaken
us and to illuminate us.

Ancient astronaut theory
proposes that this actually

Is extraterrestrial

That as the egyptian and
sumerian stories tell us,

Beings came from other
worlds and activated

That part of our brain
that makes us human.

What's fascinating to me
is that all around the world,

In ancient cultures,
there are these stories

- Of a so-called tree of life.
- Right.

And in ancient sumeria,

You have this tree of life.

It looks like, for all
intents and purposes,

Like a double helix structure.

Then in portugal, in silves,

There is this egg, this ancient
giant egg, that was discovered.

- Right. Right.
- And it has a double helix structure on there.

Or even the
caduceus symbol in ancient greece.

Of hermes,
yeah. It's a double helix.

So yeah, we're
looking at a dna strand.

Let's go to a really direct one.

Ancient egypt, ptah.
You look up his name

In the egyptian hieroglyphic
dictionary by budge,

And he says he was
the god that fashioned

- The human body.
- Yes.

And you look at his
hieroglyph, and there's a double helix.


That cannot be by chance.

And so this idea, to me,

Suggests that someone
wanted to leave behind

A message about our dna.

I've been doing a lot
of research about dna lately.

I was talking to garry nolan,

Who's a very well-known
geneticist at stanford.

And he was telling
me that they realized

That every 600,000 years,
dna doubles in complexity.

So, they kept going
back to the very first time

Where it started, where it
couldn't double anymore.

And that was nine
billion years ago.

They're saying that our dna
started nine billion years ago?

And earth is how old?

- Four and a half billion.
- Four and a half,

- Maybe five.
- So how could...

Our dna is twice
as old as the earth.

- Exactly. How...
- So, it didn't come from earth, then.

And I think we need to
talk about francis crick

- For a moment, too.
- Yeah.

Because even crick
himself believed

- That there was some kind of an intervention.
- Yep.

Two decades after
discovering the structure of dna in 1953,

Francis crick made a statement

That shocked the
scientific world.

He had come to the
conclusion that human dna

Was far too complex
to have evolved

Over the 4.5-billion-year
history of planet earth.

Francis crick asked the question,

Could it be that the
extremely complex dna

That we have in us was
seeded from outside?

Was an intelligent
entity involved

In, sort of, flooding the earth

With the genes that make humans?

And I think that this is
certainly a logical possibility.

Francis crick wrote

And promoted the
idea that it was possible

That dna may have been seeded

On this planet from
another star system

In a process known
as directed panspermia.

Francis crick
comes up, of course,

With the idea of directed
panspermia as an explanation,

Of an extraterrestrial
civilization that shoots dna...

Loads it up on a rocket...
Shoots it out into space,

And this is the
origin of human dna.

So, this is francis
crick himself,

- Is a believer.
- The man who discovered dna.

- Exactly.
- And he won the nobel prize for it.

- You don't get a greater authority than that.
- Right.

He said it was
impossible that this

Could have happened

So, but are you talking
about intervention

- Yes.
- In the middle of the evolution?

- Or from the very beginning?
- Hmm.

- Both.
- It's starting as...

- It could very well be both.
- I think it's both.

In my opinion, someone
changed the genetic makeup

In the humanoid species.

I'm glad you
brought that up, giorgio,

'cause geneticists have
discovered other types

Of hominins in our dna.

Denisovans and-and others.

In recent years,

New discoveries
in genetic research

Have profoundly altered the
timeline of human evolution.

When you
look at the evolution of humanity,

And the different species that
have existed throughout time,

Early on, we had a
pretty simple story.

We-we started
with our ancestors,

We split from
chimpanzees and monkeys,

The homo sapien
ancestors developed.

And what confuses the story is,

As we do more
research in archeology,

We're discovering a wide
range of different hominins.

Before modern humans

Occupied the eurasian continent,

There were two so-called
archaic humans existing there.

To the west and
the central area,

We had the neanderthals.

But from the central
to the eastern part

Of the continent, we had
the so-called denisovans.

And there are a
number of others.

Given the great diversity,

And of the number
of different species,

How is it that homo sapiens
ended up the only one left?

Scientists now
believe that, dating back

As much as 40,000 years ago,

At least eight humanlike species

Existed on earth
at the same time.

The discovery
could be that the evolution

Of the humanoid
primate on this planet

Is because of the
genetic manipulation

Of extraterrestrial
biological entities

Using this planet
earth like a laboratory.

This would suggest
that some type

Of experimentation
has been going on,

Because why would
there, all of a sudden,

Be these brand-new
species that come along

And then suddenly
disappear again?

So, the mystery deepens because,

At first, we thought,
based on darwin,

That because we
came from primates,

That we must also
have 48 chromosomes,

Just like the primates.

And then they discovered
that that's not true.

That humans have 46
chromosomes, 23 pairs.

And that became a big mystery.

What-what happened
to the other two?

One principle that
biologists generally agree on

Is that species which
are closely related

Usually have the same
number of chromosomes.

Chromosomes are
long physical molecules

That consist of a dna strand.

And when we talk
about the genome,

We're talking
primarily about the dna

Stored in the chromosomes.

Once the idea of-of evolution,
um, by descent caught hold, uh,

It was assumed traits would
be shared between humans

And other primates because
of our common ancestry.

And so when it was discovered
that humans actually have

46 chromosomes,
that was surprising.

Some researchers believe

That these missing
chromosomes may hold the key

To what causes human
beings to behave differently,

And demonstrate
higher intelligence

Than other species on earth.

We broke away from
a common primate ancestor

That we shared with
chimpanzees and other types of ape.

And what's so significant

Is that this break
seemed to change

The amount of chromosomes
that were in our cells.

In 2005, a team
of scientists discovered

That two chromosomes
in the ape genome

Appear to have fused
together to create

A single, larger chromosome in
humans, called chromosome 2.

In their own terms, this is
what they say, this is not natural.

This is not the
product of evolution.

Something intervened to
fuse these two chromosomes.

So, was that an upgrade?

You can call that an
upgrade, absolutely.

Like what crispr can
do now, we can alter

And edit dna so then it's
passed on to future generations.

So... but the point is, that this
is what defines us as humans,

And it is, and definitely,
an intervention.

It's an upgrade.

So, essentially, we
weren't necessarily created

From scratch,

But built upon and added from
that which was already there.

This is why I'm
asking the questions,

Because I'm looking
at ancient patterns

And we're seeing
modern patterns.

We're going through
this right now.

What all this
ultimately speaks to me

Is that while the
time span is vast,

Hundreds of thousands of
years, there seems to be a project,

- That we're the project.
- Absolutely.

And they're aiming us
towards an ultimate outcome.

Right. I've been working

With hundreds of people
for the last few years

About their abduction

And in my experience
working with many individuals,

The common dominator
of the abduction

Is it has to do with some
sort of genetic engineering

And genetic
combining of the dna.

Throughout the world,

Thousands of people have
reported being abducted

By extraterrestrials.

While such reports are
rarely taken seriously,

Many researchers suggest
that the accounts given

By alleged abductees
are too similar to dismiss,

And may reveal an
extraterrestrial agenda.

The first documented case
of a reported alien abduction

Appeared in the boston
traveler on October 25, 1965.

According to the account,
betty and barney hill

Were driving through
new hampshire late at night

When a large flying saucer
rapidly approached them,

And then hovered over their car.

The couple claimed that they
had been taken aboard the craft

And were subjected to
numerous medical experiments,

Including both eggs
and sperm being taken.

In the more than five
decades since the hills'

Compelling reported
alien abduction,

Thousands of people have
come forward with similar claims.

What's particularly
notable is the fact

That during alien abductions,
people talk about blood,

Eggs, semen, cells, dna
taken from their bodies

And essentially experimented on

By these strange,
short, black-eyed entities

That have become
known as the greys.

The people that come to
me don't know each other.

So, they're telling me
all these different stories

That are actually
strikingly similar.

Most of the time,

Are doing some sort
of genetic manipulation,

Taking eggs from the female,
or sperm if it's a-a male.

- They...
- Or sometimes

These children as fetuses,
disappear from the mother,

Don't they, and
they're suddenly gone?

- Yes. Exactly.
- There are cases like that, right?

So, these are kind of
medical mysteries, anomalies.

One of the most
shocking and disturbing accounts

Of extraterrestrial abduction
involved a las vegas couple,

Dhyanne swanson and
bret oldham, in 1987.

At the time, dhyanne was
almost four months pregnant

With her first child.

We're asleep and then, I
don't know what time it was,

But I was woken up.

And then I sat up.

Our bedroom door was open,

And there were
these three entities

Looking over the door,
so I thought it was a dream.

And-and you know how
you're so scared you just go...

And then it went black.

And then I woke up and I
was on this ice-cold metal bed

And then it was, I
was strapped down.

But I couldn't move.

And then that's when I realized
they were doing something to me.

And I remember just
calling, just saying, "please.

Please don't, don't take
my baby. Don't hurt us."

I woke up the next morning

In my own bed and I
was covered in blood.

Bret rushed me to
my doctor's office

And he took us in right away,

And, uh, he thought I had
miscarried, but he wasn't sure.

He gave me an examination,
and he was very perplexed.

He told us that there
was no evidence

Of me ever being pregnant.

He said that was crazy,

Because he had just
saw me the week before.

The sudden disappearance
of the four-month-old fetus

Baffled many in the
medical community.

What you have here
is an ultrasound image

Of a three-month fetus.

And this fetus here
is lying on its back,

And if you measure what
we call crown-rump length...

And that would be
the longest distance

From the head to the
rump, this area here...

This is approximately
about five to six centimeters,

Which is about the
diameter of a baseball.

So could the body
absorb this fetus overnight?

That's very unlikely.

Is it possible,
as dhyanne claims,

That her unborn child was
taken by extraterrestrials?

And if so, what
would be the purpose?

I believe they
took my child that night.

I believe it with all my
heart that they took my child.

I believe that
they're testing on us.

I believe that they are.

And I wonder sometimes,
did they have some kind of...

Plan for that baby?

Some researchers
suggest that dhyanne's story,

When considered alongside the
many strikingly similar accounts

Of abductees being subjected
to medical experiments,

May provide evidence of
an extraterrestrial agenda.

We believe that they
are, uh, creating hybrids

On craft; that they
began with the greys

And they combined human genetics

Through some
kind of gene splicing.

When I say "hybrids," I mean

That the genetic material
has been altered and upgraded.

And perhaps some of
the e.T.'s genetic material

Has been inserted.

- From these children who you say have been taken...
- Yeah.

The-the hybrids...
Have we identified

- Any of them that we can look at?
- Yes.

I-I've been doing a lot
of research in that field.

I mean, I've been working
with so many children

That seem to have
special abilities.

So, I believe that there are
extraterrestrial, uh, species

That are upgrading the dna.

To me, I think the
extraterrestrial intervention

Has to do with supporting...

- An evolution. Our growth.
- Our evolution and growth.

There's some sort
of agenda going on,

Because after this
abduction experience,

The person comes back upgraded.

So, are-are you saying,
then, that these children

Have these greater
abilities, psychic abilities

- A-and stuff like that, right?
- Exactly.

I mean, that's what I
believe is happening.

Throughout the
world, scientists and researchers

Have been baffled by
numerous cases of children

Who display astonishing
and inexplicable

Extrasensory abilities.

Often referred
to as star children

By ancient astronaut theorists,

Some researchers suggest they
have been genetically modified

To possess heightened
intuition and even psychic abilities.

Star kids are
advanced in several departments.

These kids, by and
large, are much brighter

Than the, uh, old-school
child of a previous generation.

They're using special gifts
they have as advanced star kids.

For example, in
that area of telepathy.

They can pick up on
things that somebody else

Is thinking or sensing.

In 1982, the chinese government

Launched a nationwide
search for children

With psychic abilities
such as telekinesis,

Telepathy and clairvoyance.

In total, chinese
officials identified

More than 1,000
children who possessed

What researchers referred
to as extra human function.

Might further study of these
incredible abilities reveal,

As some ancient
astronaut theorists suggest,

That they are the result

Of extraterrestrial manipulation
of the human genome?

So, what is making these
children to be alien hybrids?

If we looked at their
dna, we would see

It would be different than ours?

Or... is that kind of
what you're saying?

They would have a
"normal" human dna,

Plus added information.

I believe that part
of our dna has to do

With our supersensory

We cannot see those abilities
in the "normal" part of the dna,

Uh, but then you look at

Why certain people
can do certain things.

I mean, we have people who
can move objects with their mind.

We have people who can
be completely blindfolded

And are able to reprogram
their brains entirely

To be able to see without their
eyes and so on and so forth.

In her 2018 documentary film,

The invisible made visible,

Renowned futurist
caroline cory investigated

A group of children
who demonstrate

Incredible extrasensory

In one segment, caroline tested

The children's ability

To positively identify
objects and images

While wearing blindfolds that
completely block out all light.


Tell me what's on this card.


And now, tell me
what's on this card.

A tiger.

Isabella, what is the shape
and color of this stone?

Kind of like a
circle, and I don't...

And it's not really, it's
kind of, like, see-through.

Evie, tell me the shape
and color of this stone.

Um, it's red and kind of

- A circle?
- Yes.

Evie, tell me what
I'm holding in my hand.

A wooden spoon.

There was a study that was done

Where scientists were
able to demonstrate

That dna is actually
receiving information

From the external environment.

The environment literally
is changing the information

And the genetic
code at a dna level.

All sorts of informational waves

Are being transmitted
into our being.

That said, a telepathic

For example, could
also be a type of wave

That we are receiving,
even at a dna level.

We could literally
be communicating

With nonvisible,
nonphysical beings

Transmitting this information
to us through our dna.

I think we are born
with these abilities.

We're not taught
that we have them.

How is that possible for
a human to all of a sudden

Be able to do these
superhuman things?

I think it is because

"part" of our dna is
what's responsible.

Perhaps we're being altered
genetically in order to advance

The race beyond what is
transpiring in our world now.

Perhaps we're being altered
genetically in order to advance

The race beyond what is
transpiring in our world now.

I guarantee, that's what
they're doing with us, to us.

I personally think
it's to evolve us.

What's fascinating to me is that

With darwinian evolution,
one thing that's always said

Is that you need long,
long periods of time.

- Right.
- And with certain things that we now can see,

It doesn't take a long time.

Through science, we've
learned that somehow,

All of a sudden, evolution
accelerated exponentially.

believe that human dna

Has been evolving
for billions of years,

Making it nearly
impossible to trace

Its trajectory
back to its origins.

But in 2007, university
of wisconsin professor

John hawks did a
comprehensive analysis

Of the human genome
going back 80,000 years

And discovered
something astonishing.

According to his research,

Over the past 5,000 years,
human dna has evolved at a rate

Of approximately
100 times greater

Than at any previous time
during that 80,000-year period.

The essential question
that remains for dr. Hawks

Is why?

Humanity is
expanding, is advancing.

We are evolving.

But is it possible
that extraterrestrials

May have enhanced our dna?

And the more our own
dna gets enhanced,

The more we become like them.

So perhaps they
are our ancestors.

And perhaps that is our destiny.

If extraterrestrials
genetically engineered

The human race
thousands of years ago,

As ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

Is it possible that they are
continuing to upgrade our dna,

Helping us to evolve so
that we become like them?

So what's the next step then?

Is it possible that
there's going to be

Some giant change,

- And they're preparing us for that?
- That's what...

I think that there's a
positive intention behind this.

And here we are in this age

Of immense change
and transformation.

We're get... we're right
on the verge

Of migrating into space.

And perhaps they're aiming us
towards an ultimate outcome,

Because they want us to
ultimately migrate into space.

And they want us
to be more like them.

I think for those
who think that, uh,

All alien, uh, interference
or intervention is negative,

Is to block us;
I think they're so advanced

That if they wanted
to destroy us,

- They would have done so by now.
- Oh, absolutely.

I always embrace this idea

That the extraterrestrials
mean well.

Mm-hmm. This is a growth,

An evolution of our race,

A fulfillment of prophecy
or the angelic

Or extraterrestrial goal.

We're part of it.
We're living it right now.

My friends,

I think we've learned a lot,

And especially
from you, caroline.

This thing that is
going on right now,

Overall, illustrates that we are
not alone in the universe,

We've never been alone
in the universe,

And some type of experimentation
has been going on

To usher in a new era.

- Agreed.
- And so,

I'm looking forward
to the future.
