American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 7, Episode 8 - Winter of Our Discontent - full transcript

Ally confronts Kai meanwhile Winter must choose between Kai and Beverly when he makes a questionable decision.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
¶ ¶

VINCENT: Congratulations
on your big win, Kai.

I couldn't be more proud.

I have to stay sharp.

For the men.

How's your leg?

It's, uh, it's stiff.

But it's good.

I'll live.

I got your edible arrangement
in the hospital, by the way.

It was very thoughtful.

I figured the reason you didn't
come visit me yourself

was because you were ashamed.

I mean, it was your patient
who colluded with the woman

who tried to murder me.


Allyson Mayfair-Richards
is a sick woman.

But you're not far off,
I was ashamed.

I mean, you've accomplished
so much, Kai.

Running for office,
starting a whole movement.

And I didn't know
about any of it.

I'm just proud of you.

I don't need you
to play Dad, Vincent.

You're just as bad at it
as he was.

I look after myself.

You think that I want to be

like that prick, Kai?


I'm-I'm trying to apologize.

Listen, what you are
doing here--

organizing all of these people,

making a difference--
it's awesome.

You think so?


And I want to help you
get your message out.

With the right strategy,

this could be
a national movement.


You know, I was thinking
about making some videos

for social media.

-(snaps fingers)
-That's genius.

And I-I could film it.

Thanks, big bro.

Of course.

Oh, there's just one more thing
I need from you.

From now on,
call me Councilman.

¶ ¶

(low chatter)

-Enjoy your meal.

I'm not eating this shit.

Kai told us to start making you
healthy food.

(laughs) You bitches
are so sensitive.

You know, your bangability

would go way up
if you just smiled.



(knife clatters)

GUTTERBALL: She does have
a nice ass, though.

I can't put up with this shit
much longer!

I'm being treated like a servant
in my own restaurant.

How did this Handmaid shit
even happen?

48 hours ago,
we were on the verge

of toppling the patriarchy!

That's before he had
a goddamn army.

That's not an army!

That's a bunch of dude-bros

with too much time
on their hands.

Tell that to

the other city council members.

You weren't at that meeting
last night.

That's six votes in favor.


I understand the appeal
of private security,

but we already have
a police force,

not to mention countless

neighborhood watch groups.

Do we really want to spend
taxpayer money

to put more men with guns

on the streets
in our neighborhoods?

That makes me uncomfortable.


I know you live
in a gated community.

Not everyone can afford that.

And even your two beautiful
daughters have to leave

those gates to go to school,
don't they?

12 and 16, am I right?

Now, just how comfortable

would you feel
if something terrible

were to happen to them?

You'd never forgive yourself,
would you?

I vote yes.

KAI: And with that,
the motion passes.

(gavel bangs)

BEVERLY: We let this shit go
too far already.

But I've been thinking
about this.

Those boys are just grunts.

They don't so much as take
a shit unless he tells them to.

But if we cut off the head
of the snake,

the entire army falls.

You can't go after Kai.
It'd be a suicide mission.

And I don't just mean us,
I mean the movement.

We need him.

Why do you keep on
defending him?

Look, I'm not happy about being
put on kitchen duty, either,

but it's all part
of his larger plan.

There is no plan.

He is not fit to lead.

-You don't know him.
-You have to decide

if you are with us
or against us.

You think big brother's
gonna spare you?

Reward your loyalty?

Wake up, little girl.

Kai's gonna do whatever
he needs to do

to get what he wants,

even if that includes
sacrificing baby sis.

He does not give a shit
about you.

You're wrong!

Kai would never hurt me.

I wouldn't even be here
if it weren't for him.

WINTER: It was two years ago.

We were doing
what we always did:

trolling the social justice

But that was too easy.

"Why should we allow abortion

"for the health of the mother

"when the baby is the only part
of that duo

without sin?"


KAI: "Kill the mother,
save the baby."

WINTER: We hit the jackpot
in the Dark Web.

We would pretend to be one
of the true believers,

then we would go farther than
anyone could possibly go.

Wait, I got one.

"Man can never escape
from temptation

"because, in birth,
he passes through the vagina,

"which has been desecrated
by the filthy act

of sexual intercourse."
(smacks lips)

-(laughs): Get out.
-(message alert chimes)

That was when we got
a private message from someone

named Pastor Charles.

"You are worthy
of an invitation"?

-Wait, from who?

These people are dangerous, Kai.

They're posers.

Messing with them in person

will be a million times
more fun.

KAI: Whoa! Judgment House?

We're going.

WINTER: Judgment House turned
out to be a farm in Wixom

near Highway 96.

Time to see the animals
in their cages.

Where's everyone else?

(door creaks)

Hello, brother.

Pastor Charles, I presume.

I brought my sister, Winter.

What is this place?

Oh, it's a house of mirth
to some.

The portent to those whose eyes
are open but cannot see.

Once you enter, you agree
to never share the provenance

of what you've seen inside.

Our secret to have and to hold.

Till death do us part?

Punishment is your
everlasting soul.

(door creaks shut)

I'm the watchman.

This way.

(door closes)

(door slams shut)

Shit. The door's locked.


...only one way to go.

(flames whooshing)

(recording of baby crying)

PASTOR CHARLES (over speaker):
Who shall speak for the unborn?

(recording of baby crying

WOMAN (moaning):
Help me. Help me.

I killed my baby.

Now I'm bleeding to death.



Help me, please.

He kidnapped me.
He's making me do this.

This isn't a show.

This is not a show.

-What the fuck?
-She's really good.

-(whimpering) No, no.
-You're good.

-This... Jesus Christ.



This is real blood.

Help me.

Help me.

Wide is the gate

and broad the way

which leadeth to destruction.


WINTER: We got to get
out of here. Come on.

KAI: Whoa, whoa, wait, wait,
wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

(woman whimpering)


I knew after the first room,

that what we saw was real.

Not actors in a haunted house.

It smells like death in here.

the whirlwind of the Lord.

It shall fall with pain
upon the head of the wicked.

He's alive.

Hey, man.


No more.

He's corrupted me
by the drugs of my choice:

ecstasy, cocaine, opioids.

My body is a bag of mush.

I'm dying from the inside out.

Oh, my God.

Get the fuck out of here.

What of the sodomite?

(loud bang, door creaks open)

MAN (sobbing quietly):
Help me, please.


you got to get me out of here.

The seducer of the innocent...

toward the wicked filth

of strange flesh.

-Did the Lord not say...
-Come on, Kai, we have to go.

-No! -that man shall not lie
with man as with woman?

-He can't do this to people.
-It is an abomination!

The blood shall be
on their heads.

The Lord destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah

with fire and brimstone.

Behold, His judgment is...

it is ever swift and divine!

And in uncertain times,

-what vengeance
-When he finishes talking...

shall mark their days?

...knives will burst
through my chest.

A plague to slow their way...

MAN: I saw it happen
to the guy before me.

...or the strike
of swift justice!

-Holy shit. -I don't want
to see this anymore.

No, we have
to get him out of here.

-PASTOR CHARLES: His judgment
is ever swift! -Help me!

His punishment

a slow... burning...


(trembling breath)

MAN (whimpering):
Oh, my God. Hurry.

(man trembling, panting)

Go get help. We're getting
everyone out of here.


Come on.



¶ ¶


Yes. I see in your eyes

a true connection

to the wretched souls in here.

I think you need to be
in the show.


(gasps softly)

Okay, you sick bastard,

this girl you kidnapped
after her appointment

at Planned Parenthood,

and all she had was a UTI.

This guy, you took from rehab

when he was trying to sober up.

And my friend here
was at an AIDS clinic

volunteering his time.

How many people
have you condemned

for no reason?

I do not answer

to you or your laws.

We're gonna call

the police, and then
you're going to prison.

That's not justice.

He doesn't deserve anything less

than what he was willing
to put you through.

I say we do what's right.


(Pastor Charles
mumbles inaudibly)

Kill the motherfucker.

WINTER: Everything changed
after Pastor Charles.

He started popping Adderall,
went deeper into the Dark Web,

but he realized
he can't save everyone.

Better to burn it all down
and build a new world.

I know you guys hate him
right now,

he's lost his way,

but we can put him back
on the right path.

I'll go to him.

He'll listen to me.

I know, baby.

You're right.


We'll try it your way.

But come the end of the week,

if I'm still
in this goddamn kitchen,

I'm coming for your brother.

And you better get
the hell out of my way.

¶ ¶


the girls are restless.

WINTER: No. We just feel
kind of left out.

I mean, Jesus, Kai, you have us
working in a kitchen.

Well, I was gonna put Harrison
in the kitchen, but...

somebody killed him.

You're still mad about that?

No. Actually, I'm not.

Come here.

Sit with me.

(breathes deeply)

Total honesty.

Absolute truth.

Do you love me?

Will you always be loyal to me?

You make it so hard sometimes.

It's time for you to understand

your place
in the bigger picture.

I must have your vow.


(laughs, sobs)

Kai? What's wrong?

I've never seen you interrupt
a pinky-power before.

(Kai sobbing)

I just love you so much.

Our family.

-You love our family?

The one we're going to make.


The work we've begun

is the work of generations,

We're just the seed.

And from that seed,

from the blood we share,

a savior will arise

to carry on our mission.


...will be the mother
of our messiah baby.

Kai, we can't have a baby.

That's incest.

No, no, no.

I'm not suggesting that at all.


He's beautiful, don't you think?

He will be the instrument
of our union.

Our union?


As he enters you,

I will enter him.

That way, I will be the father,

but you will remain
pure and unsoiled.

You cool with that?

I need you to leave.

Okay, if we, if we can
just sit for a second.

I don't care to sit,

and why are you still
in my house?

-You're unhappy, I get it.

Why would I be unhappy?

Because you had me locked up
in a psych ward for three weeks?

I told you why, Ally.
It was to keep you safe.


Since when have you given
a damn about my safety

or the safety of my family?

I have been coming to you
for months,

begging for your help,
telling you exactly

what's been going on.

Did you even listen to me?


You never believed a word
I said, did you?

-Did you?
-I do now.

I do now.

All of it.
And the man

that has been terrorizing you
is more dangerous than you know.

What do you know about him?

He's my brother.

He's my little brother.

ALLY (quietly):
Wait a minute.

This-this is my nanny.

Wait, is Winter your sister?

-Oh, Jesus Christ.

Your sister is screwing my wife!

I'm sorry I wasn't listening,
at least not clearly enough.

It-it never occurred to me

that you were talking
about my brother.

Oh, my God.


That's how he did it.

That's how he got
inside my head.

-It was you.
-No. No, no.

-No, no. No.
-I told you everything.

-About the clowns, the holes,
all of it! -Absolutely not.

What was I, some kind of amusing
conversation at a family dinner?

VINCENT: He must've
broken into my office

and accessed my case files.

This is all your fault.

I want your license.

-I want your goddamn license!

You have ruined my life!

-I need you to trust me!
-Trust you?!

How the hell am I supposed
to trust you?

You spent years
under the same roof,

and you're just now realizing

-your brother's a psychopath?
-I know.

You have taken
everything from me!

-You are the reason
I lost my son! -Ally. Al...

-All right, I know.
-You understand that?

-I know. I know.
-Goddamn you!

I'm sorry. Ally...

I am going to put you back
together with your son,

if it is the last thing I do.

I'm gonna get Kai
off the street.

I'm gonna have him committed,

or prosecuted,
if it comes to that.

But you will have
your life back.

I promise you that.

This is important work
we're doing.

Maybe the most important thing
we'll ever do.

I guess.

I can't believe I was at the
Women's March three months ago.

My children.

The time of anointing
is at hand.

¶ I swear ¶

¶ By the moon and the stars... ¶

What the fuck is this?

Language, sister.

This is a holy space now.

And this is a holy song now...

¶ Like the shadow
that's by your side... ¶ the Lord's Prayer.

From this day forward,

it shall be played whenever
a messiah is conceived.

Isn't the whole point of a
messiah that there's only one?


¶ I know what's weighing... ¶

Let us remove our garments.

They will be burned once the
sacred copulation is complete.

¶ I know my part ¶

¶ 'Cause I'll stand beside you ¶

¶ Through the years ¶

¶ You'll only cry
those happy tears... ¶



¶ And though I make mistakes ¶

¶ I'll never break
your heart... ¶

You may lay down
your receptacle now.

¶ I swear ¶

¶ By the moon and the stars
and the sky ¶


¶ I'll be there ¶

¶ And I swear ¶

¶ Like the shadow ¶

¶ That's by your side ¶

(Samuels moaning)

¶ For better or worse ¶

¶ Till death do us part... ¶

Mount her.

¶ Every beat of my heart ¶

-¶ And I swear ¶
-¶ And I swear ¶

¶ Whoa, oh... ¶

(Samuels panting, grunting)

Oh, shit. I-I can't get it hard.

The leader must be
the last to penetrate.

I must enter you both
when you are joined as one.

I can't get it up with girls
anymore. You know that.

You proved it to me yourself.

KAI (sighs):
This isn't sex.

This is a spiritual journey.

Maybe the pressure of creating
the messiah baby

is causing your impotence.

-Get the fuck off.

No. Get back on the bed!

This is too screwed up,
even for you.

I feel like I'm being raped.

Maybe I can-I can cum in a cup,

and we can turkey baster it
into her, or something.

No! It must be done like this.

This is the holy ritual!

That you came up with
this afternoon.

It's all bullshit.

No one

is above the law.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

(knocking on door)

(utensil clatters)

Hello, Councilman.

Come on in.

Dinner's almost ready.

Leftist salads with quinoa
and green goddess dressing?

I'm making sloppy joes.

'Cause a sandwich is a sandwich,

but a Manwich is a meal.



I thought so.

Last I heard,
you were in a psych ward.

Last I heard,
you were an asshole.

These men pledged loyalty to me,
and they're armed.

If you asked me here to take me
out, you're not gonna get far.

I didn't ask you over here
to kill you,

but to offer you something.


How about you keep your hands
where I can see them,

just in case?

And Speedwagon here

is gonna taste my food
before I eat it.

Well, that's fine.

But do you think
they could give us a minute,

so we could speak privately?

Oh, come on.

You're not scared to be alone
with me, are you?

(door opens)

I know something that
you are going to want to hear.

But I'm not giving it to you
for free.

You have something that I want.

Your wife?

I want my son.

I miss my son.

I am his mother,
and I want him back with me.

What's in it for me?

Do you promise,
after I tell you,

that you will give me
what I want?

You act as if I have any control
over the affairs of your family.

I'm just a city councilman,
trying to make a difference.

I am going to need your word.

Your brother's trying
to get you committed.

He told me himself.

Committed for what?

Like I said, I'm just
a simple city councilman,

-trying to save this community.

you and I and Vincent know
that that isn't true.

So if, for some reason,
your plan to take over the world

doesn't work out,
your stink will be all over him.

Unless he can prove
that he tried to stop you.


I know you're not stupid.

Do you think
that all this shit you're doing

isn't causing him any trouble?

There's something different
about you.

Did you get a new haircut
or something?

After months
of you terrorizing me,

forcing me to face my phobias,

you did the one thing
that my wife,

or your brother,

or all the meds in the world,
couldn't do.

You cured me.

I'm not afraid
of anything anymore.

You don't need Aerosmith to...

check it for poison?


I want every delicious bite
all to myself.


¶ ¶

Thank God for air conditioning.

This stupid dunce cap makes my
head, like, 20 degrees hotter.

That's your penance.

And here's your lunch, servant.

Oh, there's another bag
of recyclables in the trunk

-when you're done.
-What the fuck?

Kai wants you to put the garbage
back where it belongs,

because he doesn't believe
in global warming.

I meant why are you calling me

I'm just following orders.

This is gruel.

This is what I had last night.

Can I have that?


Kai isn't going to know.

You're not a puppet--
he doesn't control you.


Were you always his bitch?

When I first met him,
he was mine.

Don't go to the same pharmacy.

There's no refills.

You need more,

come to me.



-Dr. Vincent Anderson, huh?

Let me see your medical license,


Prescription fraud's a felony.

Four years in prison,
$30,000 fine.

I could take you in right now.


I could be your partner.


Suck my cock.

70-30 and I want the money
at my house every week.

You blackmailed my brother.

You're not a cop--
you're a criminal.

I didn't know what I was.

("Pleasure Through Pain"
by Excessum playing)

-(Samuels panting)
-(woman moaning)

(woman moaning)

Why is it soft?


(both grunting, moaning)

(loud moaning)

-(woman grunts loudly)

(sobbing): There's something
fucking wrong with you, asshole!

Miss, you okay?

No! I'm not okay!

That limp dick in there
can't get it up

unless he puts his hands
around my neck!

(door slams)

¶ Filled with my lust ¶

¶ And my hate ¶

¶ I suffocate ¶

¶ So I will... ¶

(music stops)

(Samuels panting)

I can get any girl I want,
you know?

I've got the looks,
I've-I've got the badge.

They feel safe with me.

They feel like
I can protect them.

I just haven't found
the right one yet.

That's because you hate women.

Oh, you eat shit and die.

I go through three,
sometimes four in one night.

They make you weak.

What the fuck
is that supposed to mean?

Every time you have sex...

they take your power.

Deep down you know that,
and you're trying to stop them.

But you can't get power
by giving it away.

You have to take it yourself.

Yeah, I...

I get that, but... how?

You don't need more women.

You need a man.

No, I'm not gay.

There's no such thing
as gay or straight.

You have to lean
into your masculinity.


it's like electricity.

The positive and negative,
the flow.

When the circuit is complete,

the power flows.

You become stronger, plugged in.

With a man...

there's no energy drain.

You're building on one another,

You've been giving it up
your whole life.

It's time you get some back.

Kai was right.

That's why I follow his rules.

Dude, you're totally gay.

You're wrong.

You're missing
the goddamn point.

It's much more complex
than that.

It's as simple as you like dick!



What are you doing?

I'm gonna impregnate you,
like Kai wanted.

I'm not gonna have sex with you.
You can't even get it up.

Oh, I know how to get it hard.

What the...

Fuckin' piece of shit!


Aah, aah!

You son of a bitch!

Valerie was right!

You're like every man.

-You're a turd.
-Be careful with that.

Say it!

-"I'm a turd."

"I'm a lowly, abject turd!"

Fuck you!

When Hillary lost, I did, too.

I should have fought back.

I should have gotten angry.

I joined this thing
and it's too late for me.

And it's too late for you, too,


MEN (chanting): Divine ruler.
Divine ruler. Divine ruler.

Bring the betrayers to me.

MEN (continuing):
Divine ruler. Divine ruler.

Divine ruler.
Divine ruler.

Divine ruler.

Divine ruler. Divine ruler.

Divine ruler.

Divine ruler. Divine ruler.

¶ ¶


Flesh and blood first.

Kai, what are you doing?

Untie me. Let me go.

Let me go.

You were supposed to protect me.

You were supposed to help me.

I'm trying to help you.

You know you can
always trust me, Kai.

I know what you've been up to.

You were trying to lock me up
in the loony bin, traitor.

Please, I was just concerned.

We can talk about this.

It's not too late.

Look at what you're doing.
This is not a healthy path.

I've been chosen, Vince!

People are counting on me
to lead!

To light up this cesspool
and usher in a new beginning!

Kai, listen to me.

All I want is
to see you succeed.

No matter what happens, you are
my brother and I love you.

I love you.

Do you remember when you taught
me about pinky-power?

Yes. It was our
own private world.

And when we were
locked together...

didn't matter what we did.

All would be forgiven
if you just told the truth.

That's right.

(Kai exhales)

We never lied to each other.


That's what made it so special.


(Vincent screams)







Get him out of my sight.

What the fuck is going on?

Beverly Hope.

I had such plans for you...

and you pissed it all away.


What are you talking about?
What did I do?

You know what you did.

Samuels deserved a lot better
than a cheap bullet to the head.

Winter told me everything.

You've been working hard.

I'm sure one apple
wouldn't hurt.

No. This is my punishment.

I intend to honor it.


Tell your brother he's next.

Pack of lies.

Bitch is full of shit.

I chose you, Beverly!

I trusted you!
I made you my equal!

Why did you betray me?!

You betrayed me!

One day you promise me
equal partnership,

the next you have me in a gulag
baking fucking cookies!

Your promises mean shit!

You're a fake.

You don't stand
for a goddamn thing.

I'm standing up
for millions of people

who are finally being heard!

Everything I do is in service
to the greater purpose!

It's bigger than anything in our
lives and you are fucking it up!

Nothing is bigger than your ego.

You don't know
what the fuck you're doing

from one minute to the next.

You're incompetent, Kai.

Just another attention whore.

And if you're insecure enough
to believe Winter, well, then,

just kill me now.

Put me out of my misery.

Because the biggest mistake
I ever made

was believing in you. Turd.

You were my favorite.

But death is too good for you.

I want you to suffer.

Take her
to the isolation chamber.

Rot in hell, you son of a bitch.


must be absolute.

Without it, we have nothing.

Now we can move forward.

Let's all welcome
our newest member.