American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 7, Episode 6 - Mid-Western Assassin - full transcript

Ally takes Meadow to Dr. Rudy to confirm her story about the cult; An unexpected opponent runs against Kai in the city council election.

FX presents American Horror Story.

America for Americans!

We are the wall!

We are the wall!

We are the wall!

We are the wall!

Run! Run!

Go. Move, move, move, move, move.

Drop the gun!

- Drop the gun!
- Drop it! Drop the gun!

Drop it!

Drop it! Now!

- Drop the gun! Drop it!
- Now! Drop it now!

Drop the gun.

- Down on your knees.
- Let me see your hands!

- Let me see your hands! Let me see your hands!
- Hands!

Ally, please! Please help me!

They're coming for me! Please.

Please. Please, the
police are on their way.

Please, the police
are on their way to...

It's a cult, Ally.

It's a sick cult, and
everyone's in it...

the police, my husband,
your babysitter...

your wife.

No, no, please!

Please, no... !




Ally, this is Dr. Vincent.

Who told you to call me?

I got a call from Ivy.

You hung up on her in
a state of agitation.

She's concerned about you.



Well, I don't know if I
can believe her anymore.

I don't know who to trust.

Okay. It sounds to me like
you're having an episode.

I am not crazy.

Something is going on,
and I have been targeted.

And I think Ivy is involved, too.

These are exactly the kind
of unfounded allegations

that the lawyers will
use to take your son away.

The best thing you can
do tonight is do nothing.

Please go and get some sleep.


I'll do that.

Good night.

Oh, yeah.

Shh, shh, shh.

Shh. Shh, shh.

- Ow. Ow. Ow.
- Shh, shh, shh.


Okay. Turn around. Can you walk?

Get up.

- I need you to stay close.
- Yes. Okay.


Fucking bitch.



What are we doing here?

Oh, can I have a cappuccino?

Would you just be quiet, please?

Can't hear myself think.

We can't just keep driving around.

We're dark on Mondays,
so we should be fine here,

at least until we
figure out our next move.

No. No, no, no. We need to keep going.

We need to get out of the state,
maybe even out of this country.

Why don't you clean yourself up?

And then sit down.

Listen to me.

I am not going anywhere

without my son.

You don't want me to
take you to the police,

you say they're in on it, fine.

But you need to tell me what
the hell is going on here.

You used the word "cult."

You said my wife was involved.

She is.

Convince me.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.

Convince you?

What's it gonna take, lady?

How do you think we've been
getting into your house?

What do you mean?

Okay. Uh, like the
night of the guinea pig.

Ivy made sure the alarm
at your house was off

and that the door was unlocked,

and she texted us when
you were a few blocks away.

I don't believe you.

Why would she do that?

To make you crazy.

Why would my own wife
want to make me crazy?

You have to ask her that,
but she wasn't super thrilled

you voted for Jill
Stein, I know that much.

Are you kidding me?

That's not a reason.

Maybe she just hates you, I don't know.

But you were just one
project; we had a bunch.

You know all those dead birds
that you found on your lawn?

We did that all over the city.

And there was nothing in those trucks.

They were water trucks.

We killed the birds

by poisoning our feeders.

- Why?
- To make people paranoid.

To scare them and to soften them up.

For what?

The takeover.

This is insane.

I... am not insane.

This... this is insane.

My wife is not in a fucking cult!

Ivy's not the type. She's not a joiner.

She hates all organized religion.

She doesn't believe in anything.

That's kind of how it starts.

If you already believed in something,

there wouldn't be any room for him.


Him who?

This is Beverly Hope,

coming to you from City
Hall where any moment,

candidates for city council
will have their final opportunity

to address the terrified
citizens of Brookfield Heights.

With the election days away,
front-runner, Kai Anderson,

- continues to soar in the polls,
- There he is.

with an unprecedented 16-point lead.

Oh, my God, I know him.

Not as well as he knows you.

He's the one who got the
protesters to leave that day.

It's because he paid them to be there.

- What? They're, they're all members of the cult?
- No.

You can't just join
it like it's the AARP.

He has to choose you.

Who's your favorite Housewife?

Oh, let me think, my favorite
Housewife is probably...

I'd been in love with
Harrison since I was ten,

but I never knew what
love was until I met Kai.


Is there anything you can't do?

It's not finished.

Um, I still have to shade this in

and add some definition here.

It's beautiful.

It's everything I ever wanted.

You're just being nice.

I'm not.

You're incredible.

You have blown my every expectation.

I know I've asked a lot.

But a larva bee has to shed
its skin to become the queen.

It can be painful,

but the dark must prevail
to bring forth the light.

And you...

burn brighter than anyone.

When Kai looked at me,

it was better than a Xanny high.

It was better than sex.

He made me feel special,

like we were the only
two people in the world.

I'd been afraid for so long.

I'd built up a wall of
Housewives and Drag Races

to anesthetize myself from
all the shit in the world.

But I hated feeling helpless.

Hated myself for being so weak,

trapped by feminist expectations.

Every day faced with the failure

that I wasn't a successful boss bitch,

that I had no loving husband

and 2.5 kids at home to
bake a goddamn casserole for,

that I was nowhere near having it all.

And this rage began to
build and fester and burn,

until Kai finally set me free.

He made me feel invincible.

You almost cut his goddamn head off.

You're amazing.

Together we were unstoppable.

I know I've asked a lot,

but a larva bee has to shed
its skin to become the queen.

It can be painful,

but the dark must prevail
to bring forth the light.

And you, Ivy,

burn brighter than anyone.

What are you doing?

I'm leaving.

I need you, Meadow.

We are so close to
getting everything we want.

No, everything you want.

You are so full of shit.

I loved you.

I'm out.

Will you open your eyes?

I mean, seriously, is Kai the idiot?

Or is it us for believing

that any of this shit was gonna work?

Can I just ask you a question?

When's the last time a
seat on the zoning board

led to world domination?

I mean, think about it.

No one outside this Podunk town

even knows who the hell you are.

The whole thing would be hilarious

if it wasn't so insane.


I think it's time to call the police.

Something terrible has
happened to your wife.


A cat goes missing,

and there are posters
plastered all over the city.

But you, no one's even
noticed you're gone.

No one gives a shit if you live or die.

Leave us.

You're worthless.

You don't exist.

You're nothing.

No regrets?

Fuck her.

I'd be dead if you hadn't found me.

If the cops in this town won't listen,

we will go to the next town,

- or to the FBI.
- Oh, you don't understand.

There is no one who can help us.

No one will listen. You know that.

There is only one way to stop him.

We have to kill him.

- _
- Friends! Please, please.

The federal government
is now run by people

who believe, as I do,

that a real change has to
happen on the local level!


Washington, D.C. is not gonna save you

when the bogeyman comes.

And mark my words,
he not only will come,

he has come to our little hamlet.

The monsters are here.

It's time to be scared.


Excuse me, ma'am?

Could you stand up
for all of us, please?

And state your name.

Sally Keffler.

Ms. Keffler, you have a problem

with something I'm saying.

I think you're a snake oil salesman.

And not even a very good one.


there haven't been a
series of horrible murders

over the past month or so,

including the brutal
slaying of Councilman Chang.

- And I wasn't beaten up by a gang of illegals.
- Yeah.

And Bob Thompson's satanic murder

- wasn't broadcast on television.
- Overall crime

is down 14% from last year,

and almost 30% from 1980.

We need to get serious

about finding whoever's responsible

for the crimes you're
talking about, but...

you're just trying to
make these people scared.

You're damn right I am.

Scared is what is gonna keep them safe.

Traditional conservative values.

Conservative? You think
you're a conservative?

Yes, ma'am, I do.

My parents were Reaganites.

I interviewed Barry Goldwater
for my high school paper.

I've seen conservatives up close;

you're not a conservative.

You're a reactionary.

You use fear

and the fantasy of a
time that never was,

when people left their doors unlocked.

People like Mr. Anderson

and Trump are not the garbage.

They are the flies that
the garbage has drawn.

It's time that we stop

worrying about the flies

and we start hauling away the garbage.

I can no longer sit by

and let another candidacy of fear

win another election, which is why

I am officially declaring my
candidacy for city council.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry. The deadline

for submitting signatures
and paperwork has passed.

The ballots have already
been printed and it's just me

- and Mr. Leland on them.
- I'm aware of that.

And that is why tomorrow,

as soon as the county
clerk's office opens,

I am filing a letter of intent

to officially declare
my write-in candidacy.

- I look forward to it.
- You're gonna thank me for this one day.

A young man's certainty
is also his burden.

I'm gonna relieve you of both.

Winter, I saw him last night.

He was voting.

Calm down.

Everything's going to be fine.

God, how can you say that?

I just told you, I saw
him at the polling station.

He cut off his own arm so he could vote.

He was still bleeding.

- We didn't do that to him.
- I'm shocked the police

haven't come for us already.

I mean, we are going to jail.


I don't want to miss
seeing Ozzie grow up.

We're not going to jail.

You have to meet my brother.

He can fix anything.

Not my president!

Not my president!


Protests across the country.

The sheep are afraid.

They are bleating into the wind.

A day late and 74 electoral votes short.

You must be Ivy.

I need to speak with Ivy in private.


Wait. Winter, where are you... ?


It's okay.



What do you want from me?

The truth.


Take my pinky.

I'm not doing that.

What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid that
the police will find out

what you and Winter
did to that poor man?

A kidnap victim who had
to cut off his own hand?

His name was Gary.

And he only wanted to exercise his right

as a red-blooded American.

So I helped him to go vote

when he should've been in the hospital.

That's where he is now.

On a dopamine high from the win.

He's gonna be back here with us soon,

and do you want Gary to find out
who's responsible for what he's lost?

These are the rules.

Once physical contact
has been initiated,

you've consented to
answer all of my questions.


I want the brutal truth.

Every little drop.

What fills your heart with dread?

Our new president.


I said "the truth."

Go deeper.

There's nothing more...

Don't think!

What fills your dark heart with dread?

The thought of laying
in bed next to my wife.

I didn't mean that.

When did you first start to hate her?

At the happiest moment of my life.

When my son Oz was born.

I wanted that pain.

I would have celebrated
every contraction.

I wanted to be the one who
carried our son in the womb.

But I couldn't,

because of my endometriosis, and...

My breasts are leaking.
I need to feed him.

... she never let me forget it.

Maybe you could pump and I
could give him the bottle.

He's not gonna want a
rubber nipple, sweetheart,

not when he's got the real thing,

and don't even think about formula.

I'm not putting anything
artificial in my baby.

She said "my baby,"

like I was a stranger on the side.

I couldn't even feed my son.

When was he weaned?


She said it was good
for his immune system.

She did it to make
herself more important.

The giver of life.

There is so much more.

Her entitled, bullshit phobias.

The last straw was this election,

when she voted for Jill Stein.

I see before me an empty carcass

devoid of happiness.

She has sucked every bit
of it out of your marrow.

But there's hope.

Would my young, hot sister

make you happy?

Only if I could have Oz as well.

He's the only reason I'm
staying in my marriage,

but I'd never get full custody
if I were to leave Ally.

Have you thought about murder?


No, that's insane.

But you've wished her dead.


I'd never want Oz to
go through that trauma.

Well, then we'll just
have to make sure no court

ever grants her custody.

Stay here.

Jesus, Ally, you okay?

Who's that woman?

Just listen to me, okay?

I need you to stay with her
while I take care of something.

You can bill me for the hour.

I want to help you, Ally,

but you have to tell me what's going on.

Talk to her for ten minutes.
She'll tell you everything,

and you'll know I'm not crazy.

Document it.

You are my expert witness.

Remember the work we've done together.

The fear, Allyson...

don't let it win.

Look me in the eyes and
tell me this is fear.

I'll be back in two hours.


Who is it?

My name is Ally Mayfair-Richards.

I saw you on television.

Can I come in and speak to
you for a second, please?

It's really late.

Yes, I know, and I'm
sorry. But it is urgent.

I promise you I am not crazy.

I just... I don't... I don't
really know where else to go.

I own The Butchery on Main.

Maybe you've been in there?


Come on in.

You guys have the only
real espresso in town.

Well, we... we import
the beans from Italy.

So, how can I be of service?

You guys having trouble
with the health board?


I have to tell you right up
front, I cannot be bought.

Even for real Italian espresso.

There's a cult in this city.

The man running against
you is the leader.

They are the ones responsible

for the murders and the black trucks

and all of the crazy, weird
things that have been going on.

He's like a, a
modern-day Charles Manson.

I am telling you the truth.

I can prove it.

There is a girl who has escaped,

and she will tell you everything.


What's your play here?

I am telling you, I am not crazy.

I have a witness.

She escaped from them.

She will tell you
everything... I promise.

Well, I'm not surprised.

Hmm? This is the kind
of shit that happens

whenever the patriarchy is threatened.

Manson was a product of the '60s...

women's lib, the pill.

Jim Jones, too.

It's no coincidence that Koresh
went up against Janet Reno.

David Koresh came to be
because of Janet Reno.

Men are told their whole lives
who they're supposed to be,

so they never figure
out who they really are.

I'm sorry, are...

are you saying you believe me?

That kid that I'm running
against is no good.

And every society

that has ever chosen to lead with fear

has undone itself.

He needs to be stomped,


If even half of what
you're saying is true

and it helps me win this election,

then I'm willing to walk with
you a while down this road.

Thank you.

You came to the right place.

Nothing shocks me.

I went to Berkeley.

We need to go talk to Meadow.

- And she is... ?
- She is the girl who escaped.


I thought we could have a
press conference or something.

Get out and...

Oh, my God, it's them.

Stay calm.

Please, one of you assholes make a move.

I'm desperate to make
an example of someone.

You know what the problem is
with you overeducated elites?

You overestimate your
ability to control the world.

Killing me is not gonna
stop the march of progress.


But it's still gonna
feel so fucking good.

This is a spasm in democracy!

You're nothing but a passing fever.

And you're the last
of the intellectuals.

Knowing stuff has no value anymore.

Not when the answer is in my back pocket

or sitting on my desk.

The youth has it figured out.

The future will be filled
with beautiful idiots

who just want to feel.


You are old.

Can I please kill her?

No, no, Gary. Too sloppy.

We have to send a message with Sally

that the world she knows is dead.

"Dear followers and friends,"


after many long nights
of careful thinking,

I have come to realize something,

that the truths we have always
held to be self-evident...

all men are created
equal, knowledge is power,

ask not what your country can do for you

but what you can do for your country...

they are all bullshit.

The future will be guided

by self-interest,


and narcissism.

And that is a future I cannot stand.

And so this

is my suicide note."

No! No!

No, please.

Already getting some likes.

No one's gonna believe any of that!


Of course they will.

It's on Facebook.

No! No! God!

Oh, no. No.

Oh, no!

I... Ivy?

Let's go.

Jesus, where the hell have you been?

- What happened?
- I was right.

I was right about everything.

She's dead.

She's fucking dead.

And Ivy... Ivy was with them.

Who, Allyson? Who did
they kill? Who are "they"?

The cult. Didn't you talk to Meadow?

Wh... where is she?

- Where is she?!
- Ally, she left.


Ally, I did what you
asked... I talked to her.

Ally is convinced you have
information about people

who she believes have
been terrorizing her.

That maybe you're a
victim of theirs as well.

Please, if you're in danger...

I can help you.

- I'm not in danger.
- She didn't say much, and she definitely

did not mention anything about a cult.

She didn't mention
anything about a cult?

Why did you let her leave?

I told you that I needed her here.

- You promised me.
- She's a grown woman, Allyson.

She's not my prisoner...
she wanted to leave,

I had to let her go.

I'm more concerned about you right now.

I know... whatever you think you saw

is very real to you.

There's been a lot of
violence on the news,

on top of all of the
stress that you're under.

I highly recommend
you check yourself into

an inpatient program
before you do something

that you cannot take back.

You don't believe me.

Please, Ally.

This will give you
time to clear your head.

And it'll look a lot better

if you take this step voluntarily.

Fuck you.

Damn it.

What an amazing turnout!

Thank you for taking the time

to be here with your fellow patriots.

Give yourselves a hand!


Yeah. Thank you.

For those of you who don't know,

my opponent, Sally Keffler,

tragically and unexpectedly
committed suicide last night.

And while no one can truly
understand the despair she felt,

and with my deepest
sympathies for her family,

I pledge to you

that I will never
desert you like she did.

Give me a close-up.

It takes courage to
stand up for the truth.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

This world is a scary place,

and there may be more dangers
out there than I can foresee,

but that's why we need the
strength of our convictions.

Fundamental truths

we all know in our hearts.

That we were better off
before political correctness

- Meadow!
- took over our public discourse.

How about we stand up for
the rights of the majority?

America for Americans!

- Excuse me.
- We are the wall!

Meadow? Meadow, stop.

We are the wall!

- We are the wall!
- This election isn't the end.

- We are the wall...
- It's just the beginning.

But it's gonna take more than just talk.

It's gonna take passion and sacrifice!

I pledge to you...

- I am the promise!
- Stop!




Meadow, stop!


Meadow, please.

Please, enough. Stop!


This is the face of true love.

Go. Move, move, move, move, move.

- Drop the gun!
- Drop it! Drop the gun!

You don't exist.

You are nothing.

In the eyes

of the unenlightened world.

But to me...

you're everything.

You're the only one who sees me,

who's not afraid to see the truth.

You were right...

about all of it.

We have to accelerate our thinking,

get the entire country to pay attention,

elevate me to the national stage.

And only you...

you can do that.

- Me?
- You.

But how?

I need to be... assassinated.

I can't kill you.

You'll try... and fail.

I'll be shot,

hospitalized, and then recover...

stronger than ever.

We're a Christian country.

Everybody loves a resurrection.

But before you do that,

I need you to bear witness.

Which is why I'm sending you to Ally.

- You want me to lie to her?
- No.

I want you to tell the truth...

about all of it.

Because when it comes out of her mouth,

that's when the truth
can hide in plain sight.

Nobody will believe
what a crazy woman says.

You're the only one I
can trust to do this.

I'm afraid.

Tell me, my love.

Oh, God.

I'll crack under pressure.

- No.
- I won't be able to lie to the police.

No. You won't have to.

It'll be our eternal secret.

Our everlasting love.

Do you understand?


- Let's go.
- Come on.