American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 7, Episode 11 - Great Again - full transcript
Kai sets his master plan into motion as Ally's true intentions are revealed.
KAI: Who do you hate
the most in the world?
GLORIA: Danvers, the warden.
That "better than everyone" attitude,
and those dirty fucking eyeglasses.
Take them off and clean them, asshole.
You're not a woman who likes
to be told what to do.
That depends on who's doing the telling.
Open your shirt.
Show me them biker chick titties.
- JIMBO: Kai!
Speak of the devils.
The three of us need to take a walk.
It's all right, Gloria.
It's all right.
What'd you gentlemen
like to talk... (GASPS)
Your silver tongue bullshit's
fucking with the natural order.
Cons like to keep it simple.
You got the Bloods and the Crips
for the blacks,
however many cockroach
spic gangs for the wetbacks,
and for the white Europeans,
you got the Nazi Lowriders
and the Aryan Brotherhood.
Could you maybe write all that down
for me? I didn't bring my notepad.
Can you do me just one favor?
After you kill me,
can you send a letter to my girlfriend?
She's the best piece of ass
I've ever had.
You're serious?
It's the least you could do.
Fuck it. Sure.
What's her name and address? (CHUCKLES)
I don't understand.
You don't know your own mother's
name and address?
Ah. Nice work, Crotchy.
- Thank you, Divine Ruler.
Is it what you wanted?
It's perfect.
My little pointy-headed ticket
out of here.
You should probably break
the news to old ginger snap
about his ticket to ride.
I'm sure when you helped me
orchestrate all this,
you realized that people were
gonna wonder why you survived
and your shithead friend didn't.
You're what we like to call
a "loose end."
And for what I've got to do,
there's no room for loose ends.
I'm going to have to kill you.
You will be a martyr to the cause.
It's an honor, Divine Ruler.
My sweet boy.
You are the illest motherfucker alive!
Thank you, Chuck.
- Now let's get down to business.
We have more corpses in our future.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Hey, beat it, you little piece of shit.
Will you please just let me talk to him?
KAI: Scooter, let him through.
Take a seat, son.
Thank you, Divine Ruler.
- My name is...
- Trevor Geary.
Age 19, serving 25 years.
- Am I right?
- How do you know that?
I'm not a strong man, Trevor.
Not compared
to the monsters in this place.
I realized my first month
that if I wanted to survive,
I had to make it my business to
know everything about everyone.
11 months later,
my movement is 16 men strong.
Raise your pinky.
We're connected now, Trevor.
Obligated to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but.
Like being under oath.
Got it?
You need protection.
I get the shit kicked out of me
every day.
I've only been here a month.
I'm gonna die here unless...
You're a coward.
You killed a kid with your dad's Tesla,
driving drunk.
And you dumped the child's body
in a reservoir.
That makes you a coward.
- Say it.
- Yeah.
I'm a coward. But I'll do
anything to join your gang.
This isn't a gang.
It's an army.
These are my soldiers,
and this place is
a fertile breeding ground.
While women destroy the world outside,
we wait safely for our time to strike.
Whatever, man. I'm just...
I'm just so scared.
Do you swear to devote yourself
fully to me and my cause,
and to never question me?
I fucking swear it.
Good. We will protect you
on a probationary basis.
- Men,
welcome our new brother.
How the hell did a man
like you end up here?
Same as any of these guys.
I was sold out
by a filthy...
fucking... rat.
He's still not picking up!
Where the fuck is he?
Speedwagon hasn't missed
a single gathering,
- and he's never even been late.
- Get off the phone.
Fuck, I don't have time for this
shit. There's too much to do.
- Open up.
- We got to get started.
They're waiting for you.
Give me that.
A little bad news to start.
It turns out finding
1,000 pregnant women to murder...
Super hard.
No one will ever accuse me
of lacking ambition.
Night of a Thousand Tates is off.
Night of One Hundred Tates is on.
MEN: Yes!
Look under your chairs.
Ally's handed each of you
a unique list of targets,
all ready to pop.
You raise your hand
one more fucking time,
and I will cut it off.
How do we know they're all pregnant?
Because Gutterball pulled
the rosters of four ob-gyns,
two Lamaze classes
and a Momtra Yoga over on Main.
Great job, Gutterball.
Manson's family... I admire 'em,
but they did get a little sloppy.
Their message got lost in their mess.
What we are doing requires
more precision.
It is imperative that both
mother and child are impaled.
Don't fuck this up!
Aim for the belly button,
but stab in a downward motion.
If you stab straight,
you miss the baby,
and our entire message is lost.
Tomorrow night, when your blades
tear open 100 pregnant bellies,
you will be releasing a power
into the universe.
Detonating a neutron bomb of
truth, blood and amniotic fluid.
You will be galvanizing an army!
With their sisters gutted,
women everywhere will be forced
to react.
They can't ignore
an injustice this brutal.
They'll have to rise up,
and in their collective rage,
they will train it on Senator Jackson,
on all incumbents,
on any of the people in power
who failed to keep us safe.
As the most vulnerable are slaughtered,
as the pregnant bodies pile up
on Senator Jack-off's watch,
we will be surfing
an electoral bloodbath
straight to Capitol Hill.
And then... the White House.
Now, ready your melons, boys.
And... kill! Kill!
Kill! Kill!
Exciting night, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Hmm.
The Divine Ruler's wisdom
is an inspiration.
I'm very privileged to be making
this watermelon and feta salad,
a glorious recycling
of the Night of a Hundred Tates
practice session.
- Nothing goes to waste
with this amazing crew.
- (QUIETLY): Beverly...
BEVERLY: I can't do this anymore.
I'm done.
I wanted to be the last person alive.
But... I just want to die.
Kill me.
Ally, please.
I'm begging you.
I helped ruin your life.
If Kai told me to,
I would have killed you
and gotten a cheeseburger right after.
We all did what we had to do.
And we still are.
That hasn't changed.
What's happening tomorrow night
will be glorious.
You'll see.
I know it's hard
when you've lost your faith
to find it again.
Believe me, I know.
But just hang on a little while longer.
KAI: Where the hell are you, Speedwagon?
I'm freaking out, man. Call me back
as soon as you get this. Fuck.
My sister probably turned him in
to the Feds, that goddamn rat!
Kai, will you relax?
Let me make you a Manwich.
Fuck a Manwich! We got to call it off!
Oh, Christ. They're probably
tracing my phone!
Hey! Hey, Kai, look at me.
Hey, hey. Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
- What?
- Calm down. Shh, shh, shh.
Take a deep breath.
It is all going to be fine.
How can you say that?! (PANTING)
I need to show you something.
Come on.
I've been trying to find
the right way to tell you.
Goddamn it! I knew it!
I knew we'd been compromised. Where
was it? How did you get this?
I found it two days ago.
You left us exposed for two days?
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
I was afraid, Kai.
Afraid of what?
Afraid of what, Ally?!
I was afraid what happened
would break your heart.
ALLY: Hello, Speedwagon.
Shit! Shit.
Please, you can't tell Kai.
Who the hell are you?
Are you a cop?
- You FBI?
No. No, I do data processing
for a hospital.
The cops busted me heading to a rave
with 120 ecstasy pills in my bag.
They were gonna lock me up
for five years.
They knew Samuels was dirty.
They told me,
if I could infiltrate the gang
and get information on him,
they'd drop all the charges.
But they had no idea, no clue about Kai
and all the crazy cult shit
we've been up to.
Once they did, they made me
stay in and get more.
So you're just working
for the state police?
Isn't that enough?
He's gonna kill me.
Look what he just did
to his goddamn sister!
Are the cops listening in on us
right now?
Can you call for help?
No, it doesn't work like that.
This thing is just a recorder,
not a transmitter.
Okay, good.
Shh. Take a deep breath.
- Okay.
- It's gonna be okay.
ALLY: Winter was innocent.
She didn't betray me?
No, Kai.
Your sister never betrayed you.
It was Speedwagon all this time.
He set her up, Kai.
He fooled us all.
(CRYING): Oh, God!
Shh. Shh, shh.
What have I done?
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
I killed her. I killed her over nothing.
You listen to me.
- You can give her death meaning.
You can channel this rage,
become the leader she wanted you to be.
Be the man that she believed in.
You can finish what you both started.
You carry out your plan tomorrow night,
and you smack this country
out of its desiccated stupor
and build the world you wanted for her.
For all of us.
You can do it. I know you can.
KAI: Tonight
is the night.
Open your backpacks.
We're going to assemble your kill kits.
- ALL: Check!
- A change of clothes.
Bring your bloody clothes
back with you to be burned
- in the victory bonfire.
- ALL: Check!
Chloroform and a rag to soak it in.
This is especially important
for you guys dealing
with multiple targets
- like the Lamaze class.
- ALL: Check!
What about their husbands?
Shock and awe. They die first.
ALL: Check!
KAI: Listen to me.
The most important thing
is not in the kill kit.
It's inside you.
Are you able and willing
- to die for our cause?
- ALL: Check!
Are you ready to make history?
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler...
Fortify yourselves with some vitamin A!
Where are you going?
I'm just going to get some snacks.
Go! Go now!
MAN: I don't get this map shit. Can
I just put the address in my phone?
KAI: Yes, Sandstorm. Get there
any way you know how.
Divine Ruler, did you send Ally...
FBI. You're under arrest.
You were right, Ally.
I just had to hang on.
You bitch!
I'll fucking kill you!
You bitch! You fucking bitch!
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Hello guys, how are you?
Everything to your satisfaction?
- Oh, yes. Our meals are perfect.
- Wonderful.
Better than ever.
I hate to impose,
a-and I'm sure you get this
every day, but...
can I take a picture with you?
I read about what you had to go through,
escaping from that cult.
I think you're one of the most
inspiring women of our time.
Well, that is very flattering.
Thank you.
I only wish it were true.
You know, I'd really rather not
take that picture.
I'm just... I'm trying to put
all that behind me.
Oh, of course.
But thank you so much for coming in,
and I hope you enjoy your food.
ALLY: Hello...
Just one.
Sorry, we're completely booked
for the evening.
What's a girl got to do
to get a table around here?
You must have heard.
Kai pled guilty to everything.
He's not going to trial.
That doesn't surprise you?
Why do you care?
Because I'm waiting for
the other shoe to drop.
Why didn't he turn me in?
They took me in the night
of the raid, then let me go.
Not another word since.
Beverly, you didn't fit the profile.
A black woman in a cult
of angry white nationalists?
They thought you were
an unwilling victim.
You were the informant.
Is that what you told them?
I told them the truth.
I didn't see that you were
involved in any crime,
except being subservient to
those misogynistic assholes.
That still doesn't explain what
Kai did, or didn't do.
The DA offered a plea.
He waives a trial to save
himself from the death penalty.
He's such a narcissist,
he couldn't bear to have
anyone else take credit.
You got to admit it's driving you crazy,
waiting for him to turn on you.
How did you get so lucky to come
out smelling like a rose?
ALLY: The FBI came to see me
when Vincent put me
in the psychiatric ward.
They had their suspicions
about Kai back then,
after the assassination attempt.
BEVERLY: And that's when
you joined the cult.
I became invaluable to the FBI,
and in return, I got immunity.
Damn, Ally.
You're the one they all should
be afraid of.
Of all the pain you endured,
I'm sure watching Kai kill Ivy
right in front of you
must have been the most difficult.
It was.
I couldn't process it for a long time.
Obviously, I still haven't.
Her last words to me were:
"I love you. I'm sorry.
Protect our son."
So I did.
You do know that Kai took credit
for every murder except Ivy's?
He says you did that.
For revenge for all that
she had taken from you.
Yeah, I-I think I read that...
in The New York Times.
It's absurd, right?
Yes. Absurd.
I joined his cult
to save Oz, to save Ivy.
But I couldn't save them both.
I could only save one.
I believe you.
(EXHALES) Thank you.
I know a lot of women, though,
who would kill their spouse
if they were that betrayed,
that humiliated.
And I bet every woman in the world
would understand that reaction.
How have you been holding up?
I went from a TV news reporter
to tending bar at The Flaming Lips.
It's not so bad.
Compliments of the house.
- Thank you.
- Pardon my reach.
this is my girlfriend
of eight weeks and two days... Erika.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
We need to finalize Oz's birthday party.
I know. Um...
It's Saturday.
I'm leaning towards mint green
tea cake, in honor of Ivy.
- You want to come?
- I'd love to.
- Another plus one.
- You okay?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm okay.
Dating again. I'm impressed.
Yeah, I know. I'm supposed to be
"a nice little girl in mourning
for the rest of her life."
Well, fuck that.
I'm living.
Are you ready?
Make a wish.
- Whoo!
Hey, what'd you wish for, kiddo?
If I tell you, it won't come true.
That's a good answer.
I was testing you there.
Okay, help yourselves, everyone.
I'll get you plates.
Ooh, this looks good.
- Want me to get that?
- Yes, thank you.
She's not gonna do it.
Rachel Maddow's people again.
Jesus, she's still at it?
Yeah. I already said no. Twice.
I told them that again.
Maybe it's not the worst thing
in the world
- if you did one of these interviews.
- No, I don't want to.
She is a legit feminist icon.
Tell her, please.
If she turned down Lana Winters,
why would she talk to
Rachel fucking Maddow?
Thank you. And besides, all I'm
trying to do is put this behind me.
I never wanted to be an icon.
All I want to do is
be a soccer mom
and a small business owner.
- I will get it.
- Okay.
- Thank you, but I'll get it.
OPERATOR: This is a collect call from...
KAI: Kai Anderson.
OPERATOR:... an inmate of Robert
Gordon Correctional Facility.
- Do you accept the charges?
- Um, you guys,
don't open the presents without me.
I'll be right back, okay?
- Yes, I'll accept.
- KAI: You fucking liar!
The only thing ever keeping you alive
was the fact that you were
the mother of my child.
Now you've got nothing!
I take it you got a delivery
from Elite Genetics.
Now you can truly see how over you are.
Oz is not your son.
Your gang of circle-jerking
fascists are all dead,
your brother and sister are dead,
and you are trapped in a cage
with nothing but other men.
Your sick, ugly, necrotic DNA
will rot in prison until you die.
And then it will be gone
from the world forever.
You think prison can stop me?
Prison is a fucking upgrade!
I'm building a real army of real men.
We are gonna get out, and we are
coming straight for you.
I am a goddamn movement!
I am coming for you!
I am gonna rip you apart piece by piece
and make that son of a bitch
son of yours watch!
You hear me, Ally?!
I am coming for you!
You are a dead woman!
Hey! That's government property.
I'm ready to go back
to my cell now, Gloria.
Yes, Divine Ruler.
After much reflection,
I realized I have a duty.
I have survived, I have overcome,
and I want to harness the strength
I have gained to create hope
for our community, hope for the future.
Which is why I am here today
to announce my run for the office
of United States Senator
from the great state of Michigan.
That's my Senate seat.
On my life,
I have been told to smile,
stay quiet, look pretty,
not to stand out from the crowd.
And you know where that got me?
Trapped in a cult,
burying my wife,
nearly losing my son Oz.
I was only able to break free
because I was finally unafraid
to separate from the pack.
Well, now that I've escaped a cult,
I'm running for Senate
to help you escape yours.
It's time we band together
to bring down all cults...
The Democratic party,
the Republican party,
the entire two-party system.
I know what it looks like
when a powerful few
control the many.
On Capitol Hill, they may not
want to listen to a woman
who will take a sledgehammer
to their antiquated system
of oppression, but with your support,
they're not gonna have a choice.
I'm Ally Mayfair-Richards,
and I approve this message.
BEVERLY: The focus group liked
the ad... they like you.
You scored high marks across all
the favorability categories,
and there's not a person in this
country that doesn't know your name
and all the shit you've been through.
Then why am I still trailing
in the polls?
People are rooting for you.
They wanted us to know
they're on your side,
especially the women.
But when it came time
to rate you on strength,
you came in at 25%.
Only 14% trust you to lead,
and they dinged you on
"lack of experience."
Lack of experience?
Code for they're scared.
Isn't it sad when a strong woman
scares people more than clowns?
What do people see when they look at me?
They see Kai.
Well, look...
we're not helping the situation
by putting him in the ad.
Take him out.
Put something out there with
just my picture alone.
As long as he's alive,
a picture of you is a picture of Kai.
- Oh...
- You're tied to him.
You'll always be seen as his victim.
we just have to expand
people's imaginations.
This debate with Senator
Jackson, this is your chance.
He's gonna come at you hard.
This is your only shot
for the public to see you
take that motherfucker down.
Then we better give them a show.
Divine Ruler.
It's perfect.
Did you get the tattoos?
Just like yours.
I'm getting out of here, Rim Shot.
Take me with you.
I won't make it when you're gone.
I-I can't make it without you!
Believe me...
I need you just as much as you need me.
we'll both be free.
Thank you. (GRUNTS)
Come on, we're on schedule.
It was your idea to cut off his face.
Let's get to it.
You clearly know your way
around the deli meats.
I struggle with my food choices.
Just help me mutilate the body
so he can be me.
There's breaking news.
Convicted murderer Kai Anderson
was found dead this afternoon.
Face mutilated beyond recognition.
You sure you want
to go through with this?
Do we have a choice?
We've spent weeks preparing for tonight.
Let's do it.
Leadership is about two things:
Intelligence and independence.
Facts and truth mean nothing
if our leader is an idiot,
or owned by special interests.
What I can say about my opponent
is he's not an idiot.
As most of you know,
I have been through hell
these past two years.
But so has our country.
This idea that America is a hellhole
since the 2016 election
is a creation of a hysterical press...
Would you do me a favor
and try not to interrupt me?
You can't intimidate me,
and I am tired of being mansplained to.
Now, I have been called a lot of things:
hysterical, shrill, snowflake.
You can call me a snowflake
if you want to,
but I am one of millions
and together we make a goddamn blizzard.
question for Ms. Mayfair-Richards.
Can we get your name, sir?
I'm Councilman Kai Anderson.
My question is this:
Did you ever think you were more
than just kindling?
You're not the flame.
You're the spark
to start the fire that I built.
You're not a hero.
You're a symbol.
One I created!
Killing people doesn't get the men hard
and the ladies wet anymore.
But Americans lose
their ever-loving shit
when you destroy their symbols,
statues, flags, pledges of allegiance,
$20 bills, white Jesus
and Merry fucking Christmas!
You come for any of that stuff,
you've got rioting in the streets
and domination of the news cycle
for weeks.
You symbolize the hope
that women will one day win an
argument with their husbands,
that they won't be catcalled
when they walk down the streets,
that their bosses won't talk
about their tits anymore,
that they'll make just as much
money as men make,
that the fight is winnable!
But when I kill you,
they'll see that there is no hope.
Women can't lead.
Women can't win!
They will always be outsmarted
and outmuscled!
They need to finally understand
that what they can
and should do is shut up,
know their place
and make me a goddamn sandwich!
Fuck you, Kai.
- Fuck.
ALLY: I know he is very charismatic,
but it's all lies.
It's a con.
Everyone, even you,
will die in service of his ego.
He is loyal to no one.
Does he make a lot of comments
about your weight?
You see, that's what he does.
He preys upon your deepest insecurities,
your deepest fears,
and he uses them to break you.
If I'm being honest,
all that Divine Ruler shit
really turns me off.
KAI: Don't just stand there
and stare at me.
Say something.
Say something!
You were wrong.
There is something more
dangerous in this world
than a humilated man:
a nasty woman.
REPORTER: The polls have closed
in Michigan
and with just 6% of precincts reporting,
we can project that underdog
Allyson Mayfair-Richards
has unseated incumbent Herbert Jackson,
sealing her place
as Michigan's next senator.
Exit polls indicate
Ms. Richards will win
an astounding 80% of the female vote.
- Tickle, tickle, tickle!
Okay, you need to go to sleep.
Come on.
All righty, here's your elephant.
What is it?
You won.
Yes, I did.
We did.
Does this mean you're in charge now?
Well, I'm in charge of you.
Of your constituents?
There's a big word.
Someone's been paying attention.
In our system, elected officials
work for the people.
so you get to boss them around?
Well, more like lead them.
Help show them the way.
Take them to a better place.
A better world.
I want that for you, Oz.
A world where you can be a better man
than the ones who came before you.
I will be.
I hope so, honey.
You want this guy?
I need you to go back to sleep, okay?
And Erika's here if you need anything.
- Where are you going?
- Mama has a meeting.
Some very special, very powerful friends
who are gonna help bring about
that better world
that we were talking about.
What kind of friends?
Political people, like Kai?
No, honey.
Not like Kai.
Never again like Kai.
A group of powerful, empowered women
who want to change the system.
Okay, close your eyes.
I love you, Ozzie.
I love you, Mom.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
KAI: Who do you hate
the most in the world?
GLORIA: Danvers, the warden.
That "better than everyone" attitude,
and those dirty fucking eyeglasses.
Take them off and clean them, asshole.
You're not a woman who likes
to be told what to do.
That depends on who's doing the telling.
Open your shirt.
Show me them biker chick titties.
- JIMBO: Kai!
Speak of the devils.
The three of us need to take a walk.
It's all right, Gloria.
It's all right.
What'd you gentlemen
like to talk... (GASPS)
Your silver tongue bullshit's
fucking with the natural order.
Cons like to keep it simple.
You got the Bloods and the Crips
for the blacks,
however many cockroach
spic gangs for the wetbacks,
and for the white Europeans,
you got the Nazi Lowriders
and the Aryan Brotherhood.
Could you maybe write all that down
for me? I didn't bring my notepad.
Can you do me just one favor?
After you kill me,
can you send a letter to my girlfriend?
She's the best piece of ass
I've ever had.
You're serious?
It's the least you could do.
Fuck it. Sure.
What's her name and address? (CHUCKLES)
I don't understand.
You don't know your own mother's
name and address?
Ah. Nice work, Crotchy.
- Thank you, Divine Ruler.
Is it what you wanted?
It's perfect.
My little pointy-headed ticket
out of here.
You should probably break
the news to old ginger snap
about his ticket to ride.
I'm sure when you helped me
orchestrate all this,
you realized that people were
gonna wonder why you survived
and your shithead friend didn't.
You're what we like to call
a "loose end."
And for what I've got to do,
there's no room for loose ends.
I'm going to have to kill you.
You will be a martyr to the cause.
It's an honor, Divine Ruler.
My sweet boy.
You are the illest motherfucker alive!
Thank you, Chuck.
- Now let's get down to business.
We have more corpses in our future.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Hey, beat it, you little piece of shit.
Will you please just let me talk to him?
KAI: Scooter, let him through.
Take a seat, son.
Thank you, Divine Ruler.
- My name is...
- Trevor Geary.
Age 19, serving 25 years.
- Am I right?
- How do you know that?
I'm not a strong man, Trevor.
Not compared
to the monsters in this place.
I realized my first month
that if I wanted to survive,
I had to make it my business to
know everything about everyone.
11 months later,
my movement is 16 men strong.
Raise your pinky.
We're connected now, Trevor.
Obligated to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but.
Like being under oath.
Got it?
You need protection.
I get the shit kicked out of me
every day.
I've only been here a month.
I'm gonna die here unless...
You're a coward.
You killed a kid with your dad's Tesla,
driving drunk.
And you dumped the child's body
in a reservoir.
That makes you a coward.
- Say it.
- Yeah.
I'm a coward. But I'll do
anything to join your gang.
This isn't a gang.
It's an army.
These are my soldiers,
and this place is
a fertile breeding ground.
While women destroy the world outside,
we wait safely for our time to strike.
Whatever, man. I'm just...
I'm just so scared.
Do you swear to devote yourself
fully to me and my cause,
and to never question me?
I fucking swear it.
Good. We will protect you
on a probationary basis.
- Men,
welcome our new brother.
How the hell did a man
like you end up here?
Same as any of these guys.
I was sold out
by a filthy...
fucking... rat.
He's still not picking up!
Where the fuck is he?
Speedwagon hasn't missed
a single gathering,
- and he's never even been late.
- Get off the phone.
Fuck, I don't have time for this
shit. There's too much to do.
- Open up.
- We got to get started.
They're waiting for you.
Give me that.
A little bad news to start.
It turns out finding
1,000 pregnant women to murder...
Super hard.
No one will ever accuse me
of lacking ambition.
Night of a Thousand Tates is off.
Night of One Hundred Tates is on.
MEN: Yes!
Look under your chairs.
Ally's handed each of you
a unique list of targets,
all ready to pop.
You raise your hand
one more fucking time,
and I will cut it off.
How do we know they're all pregnant?
Because Gutterball pulled
the rosters of four ob-gyns,
two Lamaze classes
and a Momtra Yoga over on Main.
Great job, Gutterball.
Manson's family... I admire 'em,
but they did get a little sloppy.
Their message got lost in their mess.
What we are doing requires
more precision.
It is imperative that both
mother and child are impaled.
Don't fuck this up!
Aim for the belly button,
but stab in a downward motion.
If you stab straight,
you miss the baby,
and our entire message is lost.
Tomorrow night, when your blades
tear open 100 pregnant bellies,
you will be releasing a power
into the universe.
Detonating a neutron bomb of
truth, blood and amniotic fluid.
You will be galvanizing an army!
With their sisters gutted,
women everywhere will be forced
to react.
They can't ignore
an injustice this brutal.
They'll have to rise up,
and in their collective rage,
they will train it on Senator Jackson,
on all incumbents,
on any of the people in power
who failed to keep us safe.
As the most vulnerable are slaughtered,
as the pregnant bodies pile up
on Senator Jack-off's watch,
we will be surfing
an electoral bloodbath
straight to Capitol Hill.
And then... the White House.
Now, ready your melons, boys.
And... kill! Kill!
Kill! Kill!
Exciting night, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Hmm.
The Divine Ruler's wisdom
is an inspiration.
I'm very privileged to be making
this watermelon and feta salad,
a glorious recycling
of the Night of a Hundred Tates
practice session.
- Nothing goes to waste
with this amazing crew.
- (QUIETLY): Beverly...
BEVERLY: I can't do this anymore.
I'm done.
I wanted to be the last person alive.
But... I just want to die.
Kill me.
Ally, please.
I'm begging you.
I helped ruin your life.
If Kai told me to,
I would have killed you
and gotten a cheeseburger right after.
We all did what we had to do.
And we still are.
That hasn't changed.
What's happening tomorrow night
will be glorious.
You'll see.
I know it's hard
when you've lost your faith
to find it again.
Believe me, I know.
But just hang on a little while longer.
KAI: Where the hell are you, Speedwagon?
I'm freaking out, man. Call me back
as soon as you get this. Fuck.
My sister probably turned him in
to the Feds, that goddamn rat!
Kai, will you relax?
Let me make you a Manwich.
Fuck a Manwich! We got to call it off!
Oh, Christ. They're probably
tracing my phone!
Hey! Hey, Kai, look at me.
Hey, hey. Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
- What?
- Calm down. Shh, shh, shh.
Take a deep breath.
It is all going to be fine.
How can you say that?! (PANTING)
I need to show you something.
Come on.
I've been trying to find
the right way to tell you.
Goddamn it! I knew it!
I knew we'd been compromised. Where
was it? How did you get this?
I found it two days ago.
You left us exposed for two days?
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
I was afraid, Kai.
Afraid of what?
Afraid of what, Ally?!
I was afraid what happened
would break your heart.
ALLY: Hello, Speedwagon.
Shit! Shit.
Please, you can't tell Kai.
Who the hell are you?
Are you a cop?
- You FBI?
No. No, I do data processing
for a hospital.
The cops busted me heading to a rave
with 120 ecstasy pills in my bag.
They were gonna lock me up
for five years.
They knew Samuels was dirty.
They told me,
if I could infiltrate the gang
and get information on him,
they'd drop all the charges.
But they had no idea, no clue about Kai
and all the crazy cult shit
we've been up to.
Once they did, they made me
stay in and get more.
So you're just working
for the state police?
Isn't that enough?
He's gonna kill me.
Look what he just did
to his goddamn sister!
Are the cops listening in on us
right now?
Can you call for help?
No, it doesn't work like that.
This thing is just a recorder,
not a transmitter.
Okay, good.
Shh. Take a deep breath.
- Okay.
- It's gonna be okay.
ALLY: Winter was innocent.
She didn't betray me?
No, Kai.
Your sister never betrayed you.
It was Speedwagon all this time.
He set her up, Kai.
He fooled us all.
(CRYING): Oh, God!
Shh. Shh, shh.
What have I done?
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
I killed her. I killed her over nothing.
You listen to me.
- You can give her death meaning.
You can channel this rage,
become the leader she wanted you to be.
Be the man that she believed in.
You can finish what you both started.
You carry out your plan tomorrow night,
and you smack this country
out of its desiccated stupor
and build the world you wanted for her.
For all of us.
You can do it. I know you can.
KAI: Tonight
is the night.
Open your backpacks.
We're going to assemble your kill kits.
- ALL: Check!
- A change of clothes.
Bring your bloody clothes
back with you to be burned
- in the victory bonfire.
- ALL: Check!
Chloroform and a rag to soak it in.
This is especially important
for you guys dealing
with multiple targets
- like the Lamaze class.
- ALL: Check!
What about their husbands?
Shock and awe. They die first.
ALL: Check!
KAI: Listen to me.
The most important thing
is not in the kill kit.
It's inside you.
Are you able and willing
- to die for our cause?
- ALL: Check!
Are you ready to make history?
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler!
Hoorah! Divine Ruler...
Fortify yourselves with some vitamin A!
Where are you going?
I'm just going to get some snacks.
Go! Go now!
MAN: I don't get this map shit. Can
I just put the address in my phone?
KAI: Yes, Sandstorm. Get there
any way you know how.
Divine Ruler, did you send Ally...
FBI. You're under arrest.
You were right, Ally.
I just had to hang on.
You bitch!
I'll fucking kill you!
You bitch! You fucking bitch!
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Hello guys, how are you?
Everything to your satisfaction?
- Oh, yes. Our meals are perfect.
- Wonderful.
Better than ever.
I hate to impose,
a-and I'm sure you get this
every day, but...
can I take a picture with you?
I read about what you had to go through,
escaping from that cult.
I think you're one of the most
inspiring women of our time.
Well, that is very flattering.
Thank you.
I only wish it were true.
You know, I'd really rather not
take that picture.
I'm just... I'm trying to put
all that behind me.
Oh, of course.
But thank you so much for coming in,
and I hope you enjoy your food.
ALLY: Hello...
Just one.
Sorry, we're completely booked
for the evening.
What's a girl got to do
to get a table around here?
You must have heard.
Kai pled guilty to everything.
He's not going to trial.
That doesn't surprise you?
Why do you care?
Because I'm waiting for
the other shoe to drop.
Why didn't he turn me in?
They took me in the night
of the raid, then let me go.
Not another word since.
Beverly, you didn't fit the profile.
A black woman in a cult
of angry white nationalists?
They thought you were
an unwilling victim.
You were the informant.
Is that what you told them?
I told them the truth.
I didn't see that you were
involved in any crime,
except being subservient to
those misogynistic assholes.
That still doesn't explain what
Kai did, or didn't do.
The DA offered a plea.
He waives a trial to save
himself from the death penalty.
He's such a narcissist,
he couldn't bear to have
anyone else take credit.
You got to admit it's driving you crazy,
waiting for him to turn on you.
How did you get so lucky to come
out smelling like a rose?
ALLY: The FBI came to see me
when Vincent put me
in the psychiatric ward.
They had their suspicions
about Kai back then,
after the assassination attempt.
BEVERLY: And that's when
you joined the cult.
I became invaluable to the FBI,
and in return, I got immunity.
Damn, Ally.
You're the one they all should
be afraid of.
Of all the pain you endured,
I'm sure watching Kai kill Ivy
right in front of you
must have been the most difficult.
It was.
I couldn't process it for a long time.
Obviously, I still haven't.
Her last words to me were:
"I love you. I'm sorry.
Protect our son."
So I did.
You do know that Kai took credit
for every murder except Ivy's?
He says you did that.
For revenge for all that
she had taken from you.
Yeah, I-I think I read that...
in The New York Times.
It's absurd, right?
Yes. Absurd.
I joined his cult
to save Oz, to save Ivy.
But I couldn't save them both.
I could only save one.
I believe you.
(EXHALES) Thank you.
I know a lot of women, though,
who would kill their spouse
if they were that betrayed,
that humiliated.
And I bet every woman in the world
would understand that reaction.
How have you been holding up?
I went from a TV news reporter
to tending bar at The Flaming Lips.
It's not so bad.
Compliments of the house.
- Thank you.
- Pardon my reach.
this is my girlfriend
of eight weeks and two days... Erika.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
We need to finalize Oz's birthday party.
I know. Um...
It's Saturday.
I'm leaning towards mint green
tea cake, in honor of Ivy.
- You want to come?
- I'd love to.
- Another plus one.
- You okay?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm okay.
Dating again. I'm impressed.
Yeah, I know. I'm supposed to be
"a nice little girl in mourning
for the rest of her life."
Well, fuck that.
I'm living.
Are you ready?
Make a wish.
- Whoo!
Hey, what'd you wish for, kiddo?
If I tell you, it won't come true.
That's a good answer.
I was testing you there.
Okay, help yourselves, everyone.
I'll get you plates.
Ooh, this looks good.
- Want me to get that?
- Yes, thank you.
She's not gonna do it.
Rachel Maddow's people again.
Jesus, she's still at it?
Yeah. I already said no. Twice.
I told them that again.
Maybe it's not the worst thing
in the world
- if you did one of these interviews.
- No, I don't want to.
She is a legit feminist icon.
Tell her, please.
If she turned down Lana Winters,
why would she talk to
Rachel fucking Maddow?
Thank you. And besides, all I'm
trying to do is put this behind me.
I never wanted to be an icon.
All I want to do is
be a soccer mom
and a small business owner.
- I will get it.
- Okay.
- Thank you, but I'll get it.
OPERATOR: This is a collect call from...
KAI: Kai Anderson.
OPERATOR:... an inmate of Robert
Gordon Correctional Facility.
- Do you accept the charges?
- Um, you guys,
don't open the presents without me.
I'll be right back, okay?
- Yes, I'll accept.
- KAI: You fucking liar!
The only thing ever keeping you alive
was the fact that you were
the mother of my child.
Now you've got nothing!
I take it you got a delivery
from Elite Genetics.
Now you can truly see how over you are.
Oz is not your son.
Your gang of circle-jerking
fascists are all dead,
your brother and sister are dead,
and you are trapped in a cage
with nothing but other men.
Your sick, ugly, necrotic DNA
will rot in prison until you die.
And then it will be gone
from the world forever.
You think prison can stop me?
Prison is a fucking upgrade!
I'm building a real army of real men.
We are gonna get out, and we are
coming straight for you.
I am a goddamn movement!
I am coming for you!
I am gonna rip you apart piece by piece
and make that son of a bitch
son of yours watch!
You hear me, Ally?!
I am coming for you!
You are a dead woman!
Hey! That's government property.
I'm ready to go back
to my cell now, Gloria.
Yes, Divine Ruler.
After much reflection,
I realized I have a duty.
I have survived, I have overcome,
and I want to harness the strength
I have gained to create hope
for our community, hope for the future.
Which is why I am here today
to announce my run for the office
of United States Senator
from the great state of Michigan.
That's my Senate seat.
On my life,
I have been told to smile,
stay quiet, look pretty,
not to stand out from the crowd.
And you know where that got me?
Trapped in a cult,
burying my wife,
nearly losing my son Oz.
I was only able to break free
because I was finally unafraid
to separate from the pack.
Well, now that I've escaped a cult,
I'm running for Senate
to help you escape yours.
It's time we band together
to bring down all cults...
The Democratic party,
the Republican party,
the entire two-party system.
I know what it looks like
when a powerful few
control the many.
On Capitol Hill, they may not
want to listen to a woman
who will take a sledgehammer
to their antiquated system
of oppression, but with your support,
they're not gonna have a choice.
I'm Ally Mayfair-Richards,
and I approve this message.
BEVERLY: The focus group liked
the ad... they like you.
You scored high marks across all
the favorability categories,
and there's not a person in this
country that doesn't know your name
and all the shit you've been through.
Then why am I still trailing
in the polls?
People are rooting for you.
They wanted us to know
they're on your side,
especially the women.
But when it came time
to rate you on strength,
you came in at 25%.
Only 14% trust you to lead,
and they dinged you on
"lack of experience."
Lack of experience?
Code for they're scared.
Isn't it sad when a strong woman
scares people more than clowns?
What do people see when they look at me?
They see Kai.
Well, look...
we're not helping the situation
by putting him in the ad.
Take him out.
Put something out there with
just my picture alone.
As long as he's alive,
a picture of you is a picture of Kai.
- Oh...
- You're tied to him.
You'll always be seen as his victim.
we just have to expand
people's imaginations.
This debate with Senator
Jackson, this is your chance.
He's gonna come at you hard.
This is your only shot
for the public to see you
take that motherfucker down.
Then we better give them a show.
Divine Ruler.
It's perfect.
Did you get the tattoos?
Just like yours.
I'm getting out of here, Rim Shot.
Take me with you.
I won't make it when you're gone.
I-I can't make it without you!
Believe me...
I need you just as much as you need me.
we'll both be free.
Thank you. (GRUNTS)
Come on, we're on schedule.
It was your idea to cut off his face.
Let's get to it.
You clearly know your way
around the deli meats.
I struggle with my food choices.
Just help me mutilate the body
so he can be me.
There's breaking news.
Convicted murderer Kai Anderson
was found dead this afternoon.
Face mutilated beyond recognition.
You sure you want
to go through with this?
Do we have a choice?
We've spent weeks preparing for tonight.
Let's do it.
Leadership is about two things:
Intelligence and independence.
Facts and truth mean nothing
if our leader is an idiot,
or owned by special interests.
What I can say about my opponent
is he's not an idiot.
As most of you know,
I have been through hell
these past two years.
But so has our country.
This idea that America is a hellhole
since the 2016 election
is a creation of a hysterical press...
Would you do me a favor
and try not to interrupt me?
You can't intimidate me,
and I am tired of being mansplained to.
Now, I have been called a lot of things:
hysterical, shrill, snowflake.
You can call me a snowflake
if you want to,
but I am one of millions
and together we make a goddamn blizzard.
question for Ms. Mayfair-Richards.
Can we get your name, sir?
I'm Councilman Kai Anderson.
My question is this:
Did you ever think you were more
than just kindling?
You're not the flame.
You're the spark
to start the fire that I built.
You're not a hero.
You're a symbol.
One I created!
Killing people doesn't get the men hard
and the ladies wet anymore.
But Americans lose
their ever-loving shit
when you destroy their symbols,
statues, flags, pledges of allegiance,
$20 bills, white Jesus
and Merry fucking Christmas!
You come for any of that stuff,
you've got rioting in the streets
and domination of the news cycle
for weeks.
You symbolize the hope
that women will one day win an
argument with their husbands,
that they won't be catcalled
when they walk down the streets,
that their bosses won't talk
about their tits anymore,
that they'll make just as much
money as men make,
that the fight is winnable!
But when I kill you,
they'll see that there is no hope.
Women can't lead.
Women can't win!
They will always be outsmarted
and outmuscled!
They need to finally understand
that what they can
and should do is shut up,
know their place
and make me a goddamn sandwich!
Fuck you, Kai.
- Fuck.
ALLY: I know he is very charismatic,
but it's all lies.
It's a con.
Everyone, even you,
will die in service of his ego.
He is loyal to no one.
Does he make a lot of comments
about your weight?
You see, that's what he does.
He preys upon your deepest insecurities,
your deepest fears,
and he uses them to break you.
If I'm being honest,
all that Divine Ruler shit
really turns me off.
KAI: Don't just stand there
and stare at me.
Say something.
Say something!
You were wrong.
There is something more
dangerous in this world
than a humilated man:
a nasty woman.
REPORTER: The polls have closed
in Michigan
and with just 6% of precincts reporting,
we can project that underdog
Allyson Mayfair-Richards
has unseated incumbent Herbert Jackson,
sealing her place
as Michigan's next senator.
Exit polls indicate
Ms. Richards will win
an astounding 80% of the female vote.
- Tickle, tickle, tickle!
Okay, you need to go to sleep.
Come on.
All righty, here's your elephant.
What is it?
You won.
Yes, I did.
We did.
Does this mean you're in charge now?
Well, I'm in charge of you.
Of your constituents?
There's a big word.
Someone's been paying attention.
In our system, elected officials
work for the people.
so you get to boss them around?
Well, more like lead them.
Help show them the way.
Take them to a better place.
A better world.
I want that for you, Oz.
A world where you can be a better man
than the ones who came before you.
I will be.
I hope so, honey.
You want this guy?
I need you to go back to sleep, okay?
And Erika's here if you need anything.
- Where are you going?
- Mama has a meeting.
Some very special, very powerful friends
who are gonna help bring about
that better world
that we were talking about.
What kind of friends?
Political people, like Kai?
No, honey.
Not like Kai.
Never again like Kai.
A group of powerful, empowered women
who want to change the system.
Okay, close your eyes.
I love you, Ozzie.
I love you, Mom.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪